
by The Gunny

First published

A ninja finally achieves Wu, the state of total neutrality that is dreamed of by mediators and martial artists everywhere, as a reward he is given a challenge. Bring harmony to the Tribes of Griffos and Equis. Can this shadow warrior complete this?

A ninja finally achieves Wu, the state of total neutrality that is dreamed of by mediators and martial artists everywhere, as a reward he is given a challenge. Bring harmony to the Tribes of Griffos and Equis. Can this shadow warrior complete his task? Along the way he will face many trials and triumphs and may take a certain certain young, boisterous Pegasus under his own wing as well as one that is as peaceful as they come.

[Note: I know little about the true lore of Ninja's so I may mess somethings up but I am trying. If you notice somethng wrong. Tell me and I will see if I can fix it when I have the time. Enjoy it even if it's a little wrong. Thank you."

Achieving Wu

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Ling sat in meditation, the wind blowing softly helped to clear his mind to the point where it felt as if he were sitting in a void. The tranquility was interrupted by a twig snapping and the sound of a blade being drawn. Ling opened one of his eyes and used his peripheral to scan the area. Another twig snapped this one was closer and to his left, the glint of a samurai's armor caught his attention, without so much as a word he grabbed one of his shurikens and gripped it tightly.

“Zhè shì bù míngzhì de zhōngduàn zhī yī, ér tā de chénsī...(It is unwise to interrupt one while he is meditating)” Ling said, the movement stopped for a moment but continued after that. Without a word Ling threw the shuriken at the samurai and heard a loud groan of pain before heavily armored corpse fell to the jungle floor. Ling sighed before getting up from his medetating stance and went over to the body and pulled the shuriken from the body. “Guāngróng de nǔlì, dàn bùshì zuì hǎo de lùjìng. (An Honorable Effort, But not the best path to follow.)”

“Líng shīfu, wǒ tīng dàole yīzhèn sāodòng. Nǐ hái hǎo ma? (Master Ling, I heard a commotion. Are you alright?)” An initiate called out from the clearing where Ling had been meditating. Ling stepped out of the jungle in his black robes, his eyes the only thing visible through the garo mask he wore. He shook his head at the initiate who bowed and then left without a second question. Ling returned to his stance and resumed his meditation. He sat for what could’ve been eternity or for a second but it would not have made any difference, his concentration had been broken and he felt out of sync with the world. He concentrated deeply on the most peaceful thing he could think of, the most nuetral and serene landscape. Suddenly he felt as if he was falling through the ground, as if it were made of water, he opened his eyes to see he was in a dark void with a single light. As the light drew nearer he felt his sync with the world begin to increase.

With his inner spirit beginning to mingle with the spirit of the earth and its elements, earth, wind, fire and air, he felt as if he was close to achieving Wu. Total nuetrality, such a feat had not been achieved in the history of man. He began to see images of his past, calming and distressing, like viewing his subconsciousness. His silent footsteps only added to his belief that he was the closest he could be to Wu, it felt as if he was walking on a calm pond. The Dark Void gave way to a calm clearing where an elder man sat in meditation.

“Forgive my intrusion on your meditation....” Ling said, his language had changed without him knowing. How he had no idea but he bowed the deepest respect to the elder.

“Ah, I have been waiting many a year to see you, Ling.” The voice was that of his grandfather, he had disappeared years ago. How he was here in Ling's mind was another mystery Ling dare not ponder. “Come and sit at my side Yong Ling.” His Grandfather said, it had been years since he had heard his full name.

“Yes Master” Ling said with a bow before calmly walking to his grandfathers side and sitting beside him, they sat atop a mountain now, staring at the sea and the setting sun. His grandfather chuckled at the sight of two seagulls fighting for a fish they had both caught at the same time.

“Yong Ling, I am no longer your master. Nor am I your grandfather, no Yong Ling I am with you in your spirit. You have achieved Wu, something only I have done once and the spirits have decided to reward you.” Lings Grandfather said with a grin, he put an old hand on Lings shoulder. “A world other than what we know has fallen into disharmony, despite what the inhabitants believe they are not at peace. One of the tribes that inhabits this world, The Griffos, is militaristic, there weakness is there brutality. The other, equis, is pacifist, their weakness is lack of resolve. You are to bring balance to these two tribes, and with that balance you will achieve true peace.”

“I will help them than Master, Be at peace.” Ling said getting up and bowing. The wind began to blow softly and the world seemed to shimmer, soon Ling found himself standing in a strange forest. The trees were not what he knew, they bristled with needles rather than leaves. The animals were also strange, bears that were not like the Panda’s of home and so on. Before he could question this strange new world he heard a noise that he disliked more than anything else.

“HHHEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLPPPPPPP!” These voices sounded young, like young children. Ling took off at lightning speeds towards the noise, his feet barely making contact with the ground.

“RUN APPLEBLOOM! AH’LL HOLD IT OFF!” Another voice called out, a loud roar soon drowned out everything else. Ling unsheathed his blade and made haste to enter the canopy of the forest, he ran on the tops of the trees as if it was a solid floor. A clearing ahead drew his attention as the roar grew louder, he narrowed his eyes before leaping into the air and landing gracefully as a crane in the clearing. A monster with a lions body, scorion tale and bat wings was growling at an orange creature. It was four legged, much like a horse from spain he had seen only once. What struck him hard though was the hat that sat atop its head, he had to save this creature before the monstrosity could harm it. His inner monologue only took a milisecond, he shouted at the Monster and it turned its attention towards him before roaring.

“YOU WILL NOT HURT ANY MORE!” Ling shouted at the monster, its maw was salivating out of hunger. “Leave!” It stared at Ling’s blade before grunting. “Your last warning has come and gone! Leave!” As if it could understand him turned to the forest and ran off, Lings attention turned to the small equine that was staring at him. He bowed deeply. “My apologies If I scare you.”

“T-Thats alright.” It replied, Lings eyes twitched. This Creature was Sentient, it was speaking his language. To any initiate this would be a shock but Ling had learned all animals could talk, all one had to do was listen. “What are y’all?”

“I am Yong Ling, You may refer to me as Ling.” Ling said taking another bow. “May we save the greetings for later, I want to go before our big friends changes his mind. I do not think I could stave off a starving creature like that for much longer using only my words.”

“Okay lets go before- wait did you say it was starving?” The equine asked, Ling nodded. She pulled a strange fruit from beneath her hat and left it on the ground. “Lets go then pardner.”

“I do not understand, how can we be partners if we have just met?” Ling asked with a philosophically, the orange Equine muttered something and then motioned for Ling to follow her. With much haste the pair exited the forest with barely a word spoken. When they were met by three small Equines Ling knew they were safe. “Are you of Tribe Equis?” Ling asked suddenly.

“You mean Equestria?” The Orange Equine asked as if it was obvious. Ling nodded slowly, the equine nodded in return. “Ah’m applejack strange creature. These are the CMC.” Applejack said pointing to the young Equines. “Applebloom, Mah sister, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Applebloom and ehr friends have a habit of running off after we tell them not to.”

“Younglings, One must never question your elders.” Ling said to the CMC. “They know what is best for you, Only question them when it does not feel right in your soul.” The CMC looked genuinely upset and said their apologies to Applejack. Then they took off for the small town in the distance. “Younglings are cute, but dumb at times.”

“Eeyup.” Applejack replied “Mister Ling is it? Maybe you should come and see my friend twilight. She runs the library and likes to see new things such as yourself.”

“I would be honored, tell me what this Library looks like.” Ling said with a smile under his garo mask.

“Well first you should know....she’s kind of a princess. Can you be civil?” Applejack asked, Ling laughed loudly before looking at her and nodding.

“Do not worry, Applejack. I respect my leaders and my elders, I will show the same courtesy I would show my Master.” Ling said happily.

“Wait, y’all are a slave?” Applejack sounded shocked, again Ling Laughed.

“No, My master is my teacher, my mentor.” Ling explained, Applejack sighed with relief before pointing a hoof at a massive tree similar to a banzai from japan. “Is that where this Princess Twilight resides?”

“Yes, Why?” Applejack asked.

“Care to see who is faster, I with two legs or you with four?” Ling said with another grin under his mask.

“You have a deal, first to the Library is the fastest. ready set go!” Ling was off like a shot leaving a shocked Applejack behind, she quickly shook off her stupor and tried in vain to catch up to the Ninja that was now halfway to the library. Ling left a streak of black behind him as he ran, again his feet barely touching the ground. He lept into the air and landed on a roof before looking for the large tree, easily spotting it he turned around to see Applejack trying desperately to catch up. He stood up and bowed to his adversary before taking off towards the tree. With a final leap he landed on the balcony where several armored ponies stood, without a word he bowed to them. They drew blades but he raised a finger as if to tell them to wait a moment then he pointed to Applejack.

“Applejack said she knew your Princess, I have traveled here to meet with her.” Ling said calmly, the guards snorted and continued to raise their swords, one stepped forwards. “An unwise mood my friend, please. I mean you no harm.”

“Grab this thing!” One of the guards shouted before lunging at Ling, he quickly dodged to the left and jumped up onto the railing of the balcony. “What the buck!?”

“For a pacifist tribe you are very aggressive.” Ling stated. “I can understand why I was sent here now. You truly do lack harmony.” Ling dodged another attack and looked at Applejack who was now a few yards away. She was huffing and puffing like a large bull after pulling a plow, Ling bowed to the guards one last time before leaping off the railing backwards and landing on his feet.

“I.....ain’ ….fast …!” Applejack exclaimed as she ran up to Ling, the guards looked down from the balcony at the guards guarding the door. before all of them encircled Ling, it was now he saw that some of them had wings or horns. “what are y’all doing!?”

“Step away from the creature! It tried to enter the building without permission and must be detained!” One of the guards shouted, Ling looked his adversary in the eye.

“In point of fact, I tried never to enter without permission. I stated my intentions to your guards on the balcony, they werer the ones who instigated hostility between us.” Ling explained, he saw no change in the Guards eyes.

“WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!” A somewhat regal voice called out, Ling immediately turned his attention to the horned pegasus now standing in the door. The guards bowed which would ahve allowed for Ling to attack if he had wanted to. he simply looked at Applejack.

“Is this....” he asked, She nodded. Ling then bowed deeply to the Princess known as Twilight. “Forgive my somewhat awkward entrance to your presence princess.” Twilight looked at Applejack who trotted over and whispered into her ear.

“This thing calls himself, Yong Ling. He saved me and The CMC from a manticore earlier today and asked if I was part of ‘Tribe Equis’ as he put it.” She said to her friend, Twilight looked at Applejack.

“Did he use a sword?” She asked, Applejack shook her head. “his barehands?”

“He talked to it, Like fluttershy did that time.” Applejack responded.

“Princess, forgive my intrusion but I can hear what you are saying.” Ling interrupted.

“let him inside, I wish to speak with him. I was just finishing my reshelving of the library anyway.” Twilight said with a smile. Ling Bowed again to the princess and then to the guards.

“Worthy adversaries.” he said before entering the tree library.....