> Fashion Pains > by BSting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Fashion Pains: A 4chan Fanfiction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Vunderbar!", says the ecstatic diva known as Photo Finish. "Zis perfume ad vill make you vamouz in many fashion magazines." The sultry super model, holding the newest perfume bottle, scoffed and proclaimed, "The scent of this is not my taste. It smells too sweet. A scent not fitting for a pony such as myself." "Of courze, it iz zweet. Zhat perfume is called 'Lavender und Honey Zuprise' after all. Now zen, ve are going to take a picture of your zpraying the perfume on your mane. My photo crew VILL get ze perfect shot." Ready? On ze count of three, you spray and you shoot. Vone, two... With a spray and a flash, the picture develops and Photo Finish gazes at it. She throws the picture at the camera crew. "Dizgusting, vat vere you zhinking shooting zat late." She turns to super model pony. "I'm zorry, Ms. Fleur. We need anozer take." "My time is valuable. Do NOT keep me for long." says Fleur as she straightens her mane. She thinks to herself, "This perfume is TOO sweet. I do not like to spray myself with it, but fame and bits await me." Fluer and Photo are shooting in an open field outside. Photo believe that it captures that nature theme of the perfume. To really sell it (because sex sells so much), Fleur is directed to put her rump in the air while facing the camera and act sultry while spray herself with the advertised product. Unfortunately, 10 meters away, there is a yellow jacket's nest that is burrowed underground. One of the worker's smell the sweet scent and pursue after it. Soon, the wasp finds the thin pony and buzzes around her mane, perplexed that there is no food but pony hair instead. Aware of the wasp around her, Fleur starts to panic and swats at the wasp. "Eek, shoo! Go away you devilish insect." Her hoof makes contact and it smacks the wasp to the grass. The wasp is dazed, but it soon regains its senses. Its mind was not on food. It wanted revenge. It flew around Fleur, undetected, and searched for a suitable target. At last, its eyes laid on Fleur's shapely ass and decides to dive in. It flies up a bit and then it flings itself towards her, stinger first. "Ok, let'z try zis again." Vone. The wasp gets close. Two. Fleur poses with her ass in the air. Three! The wasp makes contact as it burrows its sharpened stinger into one of her soft butt mounds. Fleur reacts with a yelp and the camera snaps a picture. As Fleur dances around in pain, the photo develops. The crew gather around the photo to behold a funny snapshot of Fleur's shocked face. At first, they tried to stifle their laughter, but they quickly started laughing out loud. Fleur, with the combined emotions of pain and aggravation, storm towards the crew. "What do you think is so amusing?! My perfect bottom has...a blemish. An imperfection... and you find this to be a laughing matter?!" Unprofessionally, she lifts the camera with her magic and throw the camera. Unfortunately, the camera lands next to the wasp's nest. Yellow Jackets are very aggressive. Any disturbance near their nest makes them go into a frenzy. They buzz around the camera, almost stupidly trying to sting it. But the worker that poked Fleur buzzed a signal to his comrades as he starts to fly towards the pony again. The swarm instinctively follows. "...And zanother zing. Ve do not zrow expenzive equipment. I expect compensation vrom you." "I refuse. It's the price you pay for pairing me with these know-nothing photographers." "Zis is outrageous! If this is how you treat my followers of fashion zhen you are fi-" "What's that sound?" "Don't change ze subject, I- I- Sweet Celeztia! Everybody run!" The swarm approaches the ponies with an angry buzz. Photo Finish makes a mad dash towards the fancy horse carriage and makes it inside. The camera crew quickly attach themselves to the cart and gallop away, leaving Fleur de Lis behind. "Ah! You incompetent fools! Wait for -oh!" Not looking where she is going, Fleur trips over a trunk holding a massive amount of clothing. She rolls down the hillside with it. The trunk opens up with clothes flying everywhere, as well as a piece of measuring tape. The tape, somehow, finds its way around Fleur's legs, as shirts topple on her head. Finally, she stops rolling as she lands face first on the ground. What a predicament! She views in horror the state of her condition. From her neck to the base of her back, she is covered in a heavy pile of clothes. She tries to move, but she can't. The measuring tape ties her legs together. Face down and butt up, she makes herself a prime target for the incoming swarm. She steels herself preparing for the stings. But the swarm stops just above her butt. They see the predicament she is in and decide to take advantage of it. Fleur looks over to see the swarm lining up, one by one, behind her cushy buttocks. Soon after, the hornet first in line stings Fleur in her untouched cheek. She yelps in pain. Quickly, she feels another sting inserted into her luscious backside. Then another, then another. Then, Fleur realizes what they are doing. They are taking turns to make sure every wasp takes a shot at her backside. She screams as they continue to go down the line. One hornet thought it would be fun to take the middle road, and plants a stinger into her vulva. She cries in pain, it's almost unbearable. Seeing the kick that one wasp got, the other digs its dagger on the rim of her puckered tailhole. Fleur struggles, but she can't move. Soon, the entire swarm gets their fill, leaving Fleur to wallow in pain with her swollen, puffy, and sore butt. In the next day at Canterlot, Fancy Pants visits the humble mansion of Fleur de Lis. He knocks on door and the butler opens the door to greet him. "Ah, Master Pants. How good of you to visit." Fancy smiles and asks, "Is Ms. De Lis available? I plan to take her around the city so she may go shopping." The butler, stone cold, replies that Ms. de Lis is experiencing a headache and is in no state to grace everyone with her presence. "Ah, a shame. I'll come back tomorrow, then. Good day." The butler then shuts the door and steps into the kitchen. He gets a plastic bag and fills it to the brim with ice. He then takes it to Fleur's room, where she is sitting on a soft pillow. Her butt is still very red. "Ah, about time. Who was at the door?" "Mr. Pants, madam." "Fancy? And you used the excuse, yes?" He nods. "Good. I don't want him to see me in such a sta- Ooh! Cold! Cold!" "Apologies, Madam. However, this will reduce the swell." "Brr...Well, at least it's starting to feel good. Did you get the mail?" "Yes, Madam. Here you are." With her magic, she sorts out the mail. But then, her eye catches a magazine amongst the mail pile. She gazes at the cover, almost unable to catch her breath. The embarrassing snapshot of her being stung was used in the tabloids as a joke. Opening the magazine, she finds a note taped to it. "Now, we are even." ~Photo Finish A scream is heard around Canterlot. The end.