> Sunlight and Moonbeams > by Azreale > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Kingdom Prospers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sweetie Belle sat down on her haunches in Twilight’s library. The Princess of Friendship turned to the younger sister of the Element of Generosity and smiled. ”So, you really want to learn about this, huh? What for? You don’t strike me as the type of filly who would be interested in history.” Sweetie Belle rolled her sea foam green eyes at the thought. “Miss Cheerilee gave us an assignment to learn the most interesting thing we can about Equestria’s history and make a presentation about it. The history of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna’s parents sounded pretty cool, so I chose that, and I figured you of all people would be the pony to ask about it.” Twilight winked at her. “Right you are, Sweetie. Celestia has told me a lot of her past, even some information not even released to the public ear.” Sweetie gasped. “If you want,” Twilight asked, teasingly, “I can share them all with you.” “Oh, please, please, PLEASE, Twilight?! That sounds like it would make for a fantastic presentation! I know I could get an A+ from Miss Cheerilee if I could reveal some secrets told by Ponyville’s own Princess!” Sweetie Belle begged. Twilight smiled, glad that there were young fillies still taking an interest in their lands history. “Of course, Sweetie. Give me a moment to settle in though. This story is quite long; it will take a while to tell. Get comfortable, and have a notebook and quill handy. You’re in for the long haul.” ~~~~~~~~~~ If one were to look at Queen Solaria, one would think of calm sereneness. Her motherly gaze would always look lovingly on her subjects, her eyes as bright gold as the sun she commanded, her mane a glorious ebb and flow of red, orange, yellow and rose. Slow to anger, quick to cool down, she would defend her subjects down to her dying breath. She was patient, loving and welcoming, and the denizens of Equestria could always count on their Queen to listen to their pleas. If one looked at her husband, however, one could scarcely believe the two could stand each other. King Astras was stark, imposing and unforgiving. While Queen Solaria already towered over most normal ponies, King Astras was even taller. With a neatly trimmed mane of blue and purple, dotted with stars, he glowered and stalked everywhere he went, never seeming to smile. The King of the Moon was not known for his unending patience as his Queen was. And right now, the King’s patience was growing very, very thin. “Why have the griffons not returned our missives yet? It’s been two weeks. That’s plenty of time to think about this.” Astras paced around the table, banging his hoof on the ground every time he turned. His Queen smiled serenely. “Give it time, my sweet. The griffons realize the threat of the draconequus as well as we do. They threaten their kingdom as well. Do not fret. Time will tell what will become of this situation.” Solaria stood and walked to her husband’s side, rubbing her face against his, her left wing nestling him close. Astras sighed and calmed down; an ability he could only demonstrate when in her presence. He smiled at his wife’s touch and nuzzled her affectionately back. “I just don’t think they realize the severity of the draconequus. They are the harbingers of chaos. Their very name inspires fear into the hearts of our citizens.” “Yet they have not chosen to strike yet, and may not choose to strike at all. That is a battle for another time, my sweet. Come, it is coming time for your moon to rise and bathe Equestria in its mysteriousness. This is a conversation for another day.” Solaria motioned for Astras to follow suit. He did, visibly more calm. “I thank the Gods I have you here with me, my dearest. I don’t know how I could rule without you.” “You would have a lot of angry nations with you, that’s for sure!” Solaria laughed, her face brightening as much as her sun, her eyes shimmering. Astras marvelled every time he saw her. “Should we bring the girls along? They would hate to miss it. You know how they get about missing the Risings.” “Right you are, my sweet. Go on ahead – I’ll grab our daughters and head on out to meet you.” He gave her a curt nod and said no more, the two walking their separate directions, soon to meet up for the daily Raising of the Moon. It was Astras’ favorite time of the day. ~~~~~~~~~~ “Why do you always go out to play with that weird noble colt rather than me?” Luna screamed in frustration at her elder sister. Celestia just turned up her nose and huffed. “He has a name, you know, sister.” “I know that! You just go play with him because you have a crush on him!” “What?! I do not! That’s a lie! He’s just really smart, and you’re not, so nyeh!” Luna scowled at her. “Whatever, like I even care if you have a crush on some would-be royal. If you like him so much, why don’t you go marry him?” “MAYBE I WILL!” “FINE!” “FINE!” The two fillies were fighting and hitting each other with things levitated with their magic when their mother walked in on them, a stern look on her face. “What’s going on in here?” She asked, an unimpressed tone leaking through her normally sweet demeanor. “Celestia won’t play with me.” “Luna’s saying that I’m in love with a boy.” “I did not, I said you have a crush on a boy.” “Same diff!” “Is not!” “Is too! Celestia also called me dumb!” Luna stomped on the ground. At that, Celestia immediately shrank away from her sister and mother’s gazes with wide eyes. Her mother raised an imploring eyebrow. “Is that true, my sunlight?” When Celestia didn’t respond for a moment, Solaria took the hint. “Say you’re sorry, both of you.” Both fillies had an exasperated look on their face. “But Mooooooooom!” “Now!” Solaria dared them to defy. Luna looked to the floor and faced her older sister. “I’m sorry,” she started, kicking her right hoof back and forth, “that I said you had a crush on a boy.” “I’m sorry that I called you dumb. I promise I’ll spend more time with you, if you still want to be my friend.” Luna piqued up. “Of course I’ll still be your friend!” Celestia ran into Luna’s arms and the two heiresses of the kingdom hugged it out. Solaria found herself reminiscing of her childhood days before remembering the task she came in for. “My daughters, your father will be doing his Raising in a few moments and wanted to know if you wished to watch.” She namely looked at Luna, whose eyes went bright at the thought. “OF COURSE!” The dark sapphire blue filly screeched as she made a beeline out of the playroom door and turned right, sprinting down the long hallways of the Equestria Palace to where her father was. “And what of you, my sunlight? Do you wish to attend?” Celestia pondered for a moment before shaking her head. “Sorry mom. I know Luna loves to watch the moon being raised, but it just doesn’t strike me as interesting. That’ll be her job in the future, not mine.” Solaria smiled gently at her daughter. “Right you are, my sunlight. Very well. I shall leave you in peace. You know where to find us, should you change your mind.” Solaria nodded and walked out of the room smiling, yet as she turned to close the door behind her, Celestia could have sworn she saw the briefest shadow of a frown on her mother’s face. ~~~~~~~~~~ The fact that Astras was kept waiting for so long didn’t deter him, even though he always hated waiting. For his beloved daughter, he would wait a lifetime for. The sheer look of joy that was on her face when she saw him raise his moon – no, he mused to himself with a smirk, their moon – was far too precious to miss. A flurry of hoofsteps was heard running frantically through the halls. “DAD! DAD! WAIT! DAD, I’M COMING, WAIT!” For such a small size, Luna bellied a voice that could rival a stallion’s. Astras turned and watched his youngest sprinting in, almost tripping over her own hooves, before jumping into his arms. Astras hugged her tightly and nuzzled her face. “How was playing with Tia today, my moonbeam?” He asked, setting her down gently. She beamed back at him. “Fine. She promised that she’s gonna play with me more!” The King smirked. “That’s great to hear, sweetheart. Shall we begin?” He motioned to the platform where Luna so longed to stand on her own. She nodded and trotted forward, climbing the steps. Astras followed suit, glancing behind him only to gaze lovingly at his Queen who had come to join them. Solaria’s eyes were calm as she gazed back at him, a gentle expression set upon her features. Luna took her place at Astras’ side as she waited for their moon to be risen. The platform was large enough to fit four ponies comfortably, and had the inscription of the sun on one side, and the moon on the other. Astras positioned himself in the middle of it and took a deep breath, flapping his wings once to take to the air. Luna watched, breath taken as always. The King’s horn glowed with dark blue magic as his wings continued pushing him up, up, up into the sky, the moon in the horizon rising ever so slightly as he did so. Solaria beamed proudly at him, her heart full of love. The stars begun to pull across the sky and the moon climbed higher and higher until it was completely set. Astras fluttered down gently. Luna gaped at the sky, now filled with carefully crafted stars, each one hoof made by Astras himself. Solaria joined her husband on the platform and leaned against him, the two rulers admiring their land. “You know, my sweet, our life is truly perfect, isn’t it?” Solaria whispered. Astras gently shut his eyes against her. His heart overflowing with love for his soulmare, he rested against her. “It truly is, my dearest. It truly is.” Luna made a disgusted sounded ick and ran off the platform and back inside, presumably back to the playroom. Solaria lifted her head and gave Astras a peck on the cheek. Their three thousand years together had always been blissful, and only made more so by the arrival of their daughters just one hundred years ago. She could rest her body against his for a lifetime and never get tired. Yet a cough behind them interrupted their thoughts. Astras turned. A messenger Pegasus stood waiting, awkwardly. “Your Highness, a letter just arrived bearing the royal seal of Griffonia. It’s marked as urgent. You should come read it when you have the chance.” The Pegasus bowed to the monarchs and backed away slowly, turned around and trotting away once he reached the door. Solaria turned to Astras and smiled. “See, my sweet. I told you they would reply. Come, let us read it together.” She walked down the platform and motioned for her husband to follow with a tilt of her head. And even though Astras knew he should have been eager to read the missive, all he could think about was his perfect world. ~~~~~~~~~~ “So King Astras was super scary, and Queen Solaria was all nice and regal… kind of like how Princess Luna and Princess Celestia are now!” Sweetie Belle chimed in. Twilight stopped her story and took a deep breath. “Now Sweetie, Luna is not scary. She’s just not used to our ways. She’s been gone a very, very long time. And Astras had to take on the military operations, because Solaria wouldn’t. She was too loving, too gentle. If both of them were soft, the kingdom couldn’t prosper. One of them had to be harsh.” Sweetie Belle thought of this for a moment. “Yeah Twilight, I suppose you’re right! That makes sense. So even though the two were so different, they just kind of… worked?” Twilight smiled at her. “Right. They worked. You know what they say, opposites attract, and that couldn’t be truer when it came to Solaria and Astras. They were two sides of the same coin, and yet they just… worked.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Solaria winced before the coming storm. She knew she should raise her mouth to speak, but it would only make things worse. Astras needed a few moments to vent his anger before she could calm him down. The letter disintegrated before her eyes in a cloud of smoke. Astras took a deep breath, his eyes ablaze with pure, unbidden fury. “THEY REFUSE THEIR AID?” Astras reared back and kicked the chair he was sitting in. It fell over with a loud crack, the wood splintering ever-so-slightly. Solaria winced as if she’d just been struck. The rest of the eight ponies that made up their Royal Council sitting around the room frowned and shuffled ever so slightly. The tension and awkwardness hung in the room. Astras stood and resumed his pacing that he halted earlier. Solaria could swear there were grooves being made in the floor. The King shook his head as he walked, mumbling something to himself that no one else could hear. Solaria stood, too, and took her place beside her King’s side. “My sweet… are you alright? Please, calm yourself. Let us talk this over rationally with one another. I’m sure the griffons could be persuaded to lend their assistance… they must know that if Equestria falls, they’ll be soon to follow.” Astras huffed and pulled his chair back into position with his magic. “Hmph. The griffons are too stubborn. They think they could conquer the world with just their puny forces. They probably think that they could conquer Equestria single hoofed.” He spit on the ground in disgust. Solaria sighed at the poison laced into his words. “Please, my sweet. The griffons are not monsters. They can be reasoned with, unlike the draconequus. Why don’t we travel to their kingdom? Talk it over with them. Make them see the dangers of not allying. They may not understand that there may not even be a war. We just need to secure their aid in case there is.” She put a gentle hoof on Astras’ shoulder, making him visibly relax all of his muscles. “As always, my dearest, you think more rationally than I. That is an excellent plan. We shall send a missive ahead and warn the griffons of our impending arrival, and make them see they need us.” The two rulers looked at their Council. “Well, our friends?” Solaria addressed them, “Do you believe this to be the best course of action?” The Council glanced around at each other, nodding in agreement. The elder unicorn noble that spoke for the group raised his head. “Yes, your Ladyship, we believe this to be the best course of action possible. An excellent idea, as always, your Highness. I’m sure the griffons will be able to see reason if they meet their allies face to face.” Solaria smiled brightly at her friend. “Thank you, Starry Night. Your word is always valued highly amongst our ranks. Astras and I will take off in three days’ time. We will send a letter to them and head off. They will see we are reasonable ponies, won’t they, my sweet?” Astras nodded gruffly. Solaria smiled and continued. “Excellent. It is decided then – in three days, Astras and I will fly to Griffonia and convince them to join us!” Solaria raised her head high, a bright light seeming to emanate off of her body. Astras grinned and nodded his head in agreement and the Council went up in applause. Yet Starry Night stared at the door with wide, sad eyes. Solaria took notice and walked over to the elder unicorn. “Starry, my friend, whatever is the matter?” Starry Night shook his head and put it down. Solaria heard a small sniffle. “Take off to where?” Luna mumbled, her head peeking out of the curtain in the corner of the room, lower lip quivering. Solaria took a cautious step forward. Astras sighed and walked to his youngest, resting his head on hers. A few tears escaped Luna’s eyes and darkened Astras’ coat. “Now, now, moonbeam, it won’t be for that long. It’s only going to be for a few weeks at the most, nothing too bad…” Luna looked up at him, her eyes wide and wet. Solaria heard an awkward shuffle around the room. She turned and gave them all a meek smile. The Queen saw Celestia stick her head through the door frame as well in a panic. “Mom, you aren't seriously leaving, are you? You can’t leave us here!” Solaria hurried to her daughter’s side. “Now, now, my sunlight. Calm down. We aren't leaving forever. Your father and I need to go on this trip. If we don’t convince the griffons to become our allies, our kingdom may weaken under the forces of the draconequus. You know that, don’t you?” Celestia nodded sadly and hung her head in silence, but Luna still roared on in defiance. “NO! I WON’T LET YOU LEAVE! WHO WILL TAKE CARE OF US?!” She yelled to her dad in between sobs. “Moonbeam, we wouldn't leave you alone – we would have one of the nobles to care for you. You know all the members of the Council. You know they all love and care for you.” Astras grinned at the other ponies in the room. In turn, each of them smiled, even stuffy old Tuxedo Top Hat, who never did anything but complain. Luna still wasn’t satisfied. “No! I don’t wanna be left alone with a bunch of your old friends! I wanna be with you, dad! Who will raise the moon if you’re gone?” Astras stroked her mane gently. “Now moonbeam, I can still raise the moon from Griffonia, and after all, your mo-“ “NO!”, Luna interrupted. “If you’re going away, you’re taking me and Tia with you.” The Princess looked up at her father, daring him to object. Astras turned to Solaria with a gaping mouth, silently begging her to jump in at any time, but she just smiled and laughed. Looking down at her eldest daughter, Celestia nodded in agreement to Luna’s statement, and all three ponies glanced at their mother, waiting for approval. “Well,” started Solaria, pausing for a moment, “I suppose we have no choice, do we Astras?” Astras sighed and shook his head, already turning to leave the room. “We leave in three days’ time, daughters,” Solaria smiled at each of them, “So pack your things and be on your best behaviour. The sake of our Kingdom is at stake." > A Foreign Kingdom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It wasn’t surprising to Astras and Solaria in the least that Luna and Celestia were already up at the crack of dawn, before even Solaria was up to raise her sun. The two excited fillies bounced on their parent’s bed, chanting the same thing over and over again. “Wake up! Wake up! WAKE UP! It’s time to go meet the griffons!” Both girls hollered as the jumped. Celestia once bounced on Astras, who made a loud grunt of disapproval. She immediately quieted down and jumped off the bed. Luna got on top of her dad and got right in his face, sticking her lower lip out in an angry pout. “WAKE UP! It’s time to go! We don’t wanna be late, do we?” Solaria sat up in the bed and rubbed absently at her left eye with one hoof. “Luna, we don’t have to start heading off for another five hours. It’s only four in the morning. Go back to bed, my princesses. Do you want me to take you back to your rooms?” Luna jumped off the bed and joined Celestia on the floor, huffing in anger. “Why can’t we go now?” The younger princess asked. “Well, first off,” Astras muttered, sitting up, “The griffons will all still be asleep by the time we get there.” Celestia looked at her sister and shrugged. Solaria nodded in agreement with her husband. “We can set off in a few hours, my daughters. For now, we should all get some sleep. You two will be exhausted five minutes into our journey there! It will be a long trip.” Luna hung her head in defeat. “But I’m too tired to sleep!” “You can still lie in bed. Hopefully you’ll drift off on your own, hmm?” Solaria raised an eyebrow at her youngest. Luna sighed and nodded, turning and following after Celestia, who had already departed back to her own chambers. “Do you want me to put you back to bed, Luna?” “Yes please.” Luna mumbled quietly through a yawn. Solaria climbed out of bed, graceful as ever, even at four in the morning, and followed Luna through the twisting hallways of their castle to her bedroom door. Luna’s name, written in childish font, was sprawled across the wood, located directly to the right of Celestia’s. Luna swung open the door and took a running start to the bed. The filly took a quick look over the side of the king sized mattress once she landed and breathed a quiet sigh of relief. Luna saw Solaria raise an eyebrow in question. “The monsters will grab me if I get too close to the bottom of the bed.” She murmured as Solaria laid her down gently and tugged the covers up over her. Luna grabbed her favorite stuffed animal, a timberwolf plushy, and rubbed her eyes. “Mom?” “Yes, Luna?” Luna didn’t respond for a few moments. “You won’t ever leave Celestia and me, will you?” Luna’s eyes were closed. “Why would I ever leave you?” Solaria leaned forward and nuzzled her youngest. “What if the griffons try to do something bad to me and Celestia while we’re visiting? What if they don’t like us?” Luna’s words were slowly fading out as she spoke. Solaria frowned slightly. “You let me and your father worry about that, my princess. We won’t let anything harm you.” Solaria turned and walked to the door. Luna was already asleep, completely passed out from fatigue. The Queen shut the door quietly behind her and went to Celestia’s room, glancing in quickly. Her heiress was sprawled out across her bed, not even under the covers, with her bedroom door still half open. Solaria smiled to herself and shut the door before turning and walking back to her bedroom. Astras opened one eye and peeked at her as she crawled back into her bed, the royal guards in front of their room closing the door for her. “Did they get to sleep alright?” He mumbled. “Yes. Celestia was already asleep by the time I got there. Yet Luna…” Solaria paused as she pulled the covers over herself. She pursed her lips as she thought about what Luna had said. “Luna what?” “Luna seemed… worried, that something might happen when we get there.” Solaria flipped over to face her husband. Astras’ eyes were both open, and he stared hard at his wife. “What do you mean, ‘worried something might happen’? What would happen?” “Well,” Solaria thought before she continued, “she thought that the griffons might… hurt them.” Astras sat up. “Hurt them how?” Solaria sighed and shrugged. “I don’t know, my sweet. All I know is that I’m tired and I wish to rest before our journey. It was already going to be stressful enough without the girls coming.” Solaria closed her eyes. Astras lay back down. “Did you tell them that we would protect them?” Solaria might have murmured a reply, but Astras didn’t hear it. He, too, was exhausted. The two of them fell asleep almost at the exact same time, with her lying away from him wrapped in his arms. And the two slept soundly. ~~~~~~~~~~ Starry Night was present in the room as Solaria went over their things. He, as the Royal Advisor, made a check-and-double-check checklist of their belongings. Solaria stayed behind to assist him as Astras ran off to check on their daughters. Poking his head in the room, he saw Luna yelling and kicking her saddle bag. He pulled the stuffy that she was levitating with her magic out of her hooves. She gasped in surprise as he did so. “DAD! You scared me! You can’t sneak up on me like that!” She charged against his leg and banged against him. He let out an exaggerated oof and stumbled backwards, dropping her timberwolf on the ground. She giggled in delight at her strength. “Sorry, moonbeam. You sure are strong. I always forget that about you.” Luna beamed with pride. “I came to see how your packing was doing. Do you need any help?” He levitated her saddle bag up and opened the pouch. The entire bag was full to bursting point with her stuffed animals. She held her timberwolf in her hooves and pouted. “I can’t get Wolfy to fit. I can’t leave him behind!” She wailed. Astras grinned to himself and knelt down to her height. “Moonbeam, you can’t bring all these animals along. They’ll get too scared on the journey. Why don’t you bring one animal along? You should make room for your books and whatnot.” Luna looked at him, exasperated. “But what will my animals do when I’m gone?” Astras stuttered after a few moments, thinking about what to say. “They’ll have a gigantic party here while we’re away. And when we’re back, they’ll tell you all about it!” Luna gasped and looked down at all the animals that were stuffed carelessly into her bag. “Is that true, guys?” She asked her toys. After a moment, she glanced up at her father happily. “They said that they would love to stay behind and have a party!” Astras smiled at her and put his hoof on her head, ruffling her mane ever so slightly. She scowled at him and stood up, straightening her hair and pulling all of her animals out of her pack. Astras walked to the door. “Will you need any more help, moonbeam?” Luna shook her head gleefully as she set her animals along her bed in their usual places, at the same time tossing her mane brush into her pack. Astras shook his head and trotted to Celestia’s room. “Hey princess, how are things going in here?” Celestia looked up from her bed. Her saddle bag was lying on the floor near the door, not overflowing in the slightest. The sun clasp that held it shut wasn’t near-bursting and Celestia looked as calm and collected as ever. “Yes dad. Why?” She was in the middle of reading ‘The Noble History of Griffonia. She tossed a bookmark in the page she was on and put the book to her side. “Just double checking. Luna was having some troubles deciding what to bring. I just came to see if you needed help, but I see you have the whole situation under control.” He grinned at her. Celestia beamed in pride. “I did it all by myself dad, see!” She jumped off of her bed and ran to her dad, unclipping her saddle bag, and throwing it open, revealing a perfectly sorted array of items. Celestia had two books placed neatly beside each other on their spines, a mane brush lying on top of them, and a few other things that Astras couldn’t recognize in his fleeting glance. “That’s great princess. What were you reading?” Astras walked over to her bed and levitated the book that she was occupied in when he entered. She skipped merrily after him. “I was learning about the history of the griffons! I want to know all about them when we go to visit! After all, I wouldn’t want to offend them or anything – they have a very noble and proud history, from what I’ve read so far.” She smiled up at her dad, her face looking so much like her mother’s. Astras paused for a moment, her face lighting up and illuminating the room just like Solaria’s did when she smiled. Astras was filled with pride. “I’m glad to hear that you’re learning more about other cultures, princess. That shows promise that you’ll be a wonderful ruler someday.” She blushed slightly at her father’s compliment. “Oh dad, I don’t think that I would make a good ruler. I wouldn’t know who to talk to, what to say, what to do if some evil army invaded our lands… it would all be too much for me to handle.” “Well you aren’t taking over the kingdom just yet, are you Tia?” Astras laughed; his voice hearty and deep. “There’s hopefully still quite a bit of time before that happens.” He looked at his daughter, mock seriousness clouding his face. She giggled along with him. “Hopefully, dad. Luna would make a better Queen than I would, I think. I hope we don’t have to rule for a long time.” Astras’ face went dark and sad for a split second. “I hope so too, sweetie.” ~~~~~~~~~~ “Are we ready to go, my daughters?” Solaria called to Celestia and Luna. The two fillies came running out of their rooms at full speed, Celestia with her griffon book in her mouth and Luna trying to tighten the straps on her saddle bag. Solaria caught her eldest as she almost tripped and fell. “Careful there, my sunlight. We can’t have to hurting yourself before our trip even starts, now can we? What do you have here?” She levitated Celestia’s book up and read the cover as Astras adjusted Luna’s straps for her quickly. “’The Noble History of Griffonia’. You’ve been studying up, I see.” Solaria smirked in amusement. Astras tapped his hoof impatiently at the doorway, discussing something inaudible with Starry Night. Solaria let Celestia take the book back as the two walked to the door to join the King. “Are you sure you have everything, Your Highnesses? We wouldn’t want you to get halfway there and realize you forgot something!” Starry Night exclaimed. Solaria giggled and glanced behind her. “Well, we have Celestia and Luna, so I think we’re all set!” The three elder ponies all laughed together, but the two young princesses didn’t look as amused. “Let’s go, mom! We’re taking so long! It’ll be tomorrow by the time we get there!” Solaria raised an eyebrow at Luna, who stuck out her lower lip in a pout. “Ever impatient, my daughter. Just like your father.” Solaria smiled at Astras, who smirked at both his wife and youngest. The King turned and walked out the door into Solaria’s mid-morning sunshine. He breathed in the smell of fresh air, and the palace guards bowed before the presence of their rulers. Celestia smiled bashfully at the guards as she passed, but Luna seemed to always enjoy being treated as royalty. Astras mumbled one last thing to Starry Night before he took up to the sky, beating his large wings majestically. Solaria followed suit, as well as Celestia and Luna. The four royals glanced down at Starry Night. “Have a safe and enjoyable trip, Your Highnesses. I hope you have a fantastic time.” Starry Night bowed low to them as they took higher to the sky. “Thank you, my friend!,” Solaria called down to him as she beat higher, “We’ll be sure to inform you when we reach Griffonia! We should be there by evening tonight!” If Starry Night yelled something in response, the family of four didn’t hear it. Amidst Celestia and Luna’s excited chattering, and Astras and Solaria’s diplomatic discussions on their course of action, any and all noise from the outside world fell on deaf ears. They didn’t even notice the citizens of their kingdom kneeling to them far below on the ground. ~~~~~~~~~~ “Are we almost there?” “Can you carry me dad?” The young princesses’ incessant questions to their parents pestered the two regal rulers for the entire duration of the trip. More than once, they had to stop their journey so that Luna could hop on and off her father’s back because she was either ‘too tired’ or ‘too bored’. Astras sighed, slightly annoyed, as Luna jumped on him for the eleventh time, and he took to the skies again to catch up to Solaria and Celestia. “Are we almost there, dad? This flight is so boring! We’ve been flying for hours!” Astras sighed in frustration and replied through gritted teeth. “We’ve almost arrived moonbeam. Look over there;” he gestured ahead with his hoof, “Griffonia should be appearing right over these mountains here.” The young girls stared intently ahead, with Celestia starting to fly slightly faster and Luna urging her father to catch up with her. Surely enough, after only a few more minutes, the mighty kingdom of Griffonia appeared slowly in the distance, foggy at first, but becoming clearer and larger as they drew closer. Griffonia’s high spires poked above most of the other buildings, and their foreign architecture was not unlike back at home, except for a few minor details here and there. Luna marvelled at the sheer height of everything, while Celestia had taken a seat on her mother’s back and was frantically flipping through her book trying to search for the chapter of griffon architecture. The four nobles landed gracefully. They were met by two large, imposing griffons wearing royal armor, who gave them a quick, curt nod of their heads. Solaria and Astras nodded diplomatically back at them. “Welcome to Griffonia, King Astras and Queen Solaria. We hope your flight went smoothly. Please, follow us to the castle.” Astras nodded gruffly and motioned for their daughters to follow. Celestia kept her nose pressed in her book. One of the guards took notice. “You are Princess Celestia, heiress of the sun, are you not?” The guard to the left asked her without looking down. She started, glancing at him briefly. “Yes, I am. It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.” She smiled at him kindly. The guard’s cold demeanor vanished for a brief moment. A smile from Celestia could make anyone happy. “I see you’re reading the history of Griffonia. I didn’t know ponies took interest in griffon culture.” “I sure do! Your culture is so rich and fascinating. I’ve been reading about it ever since I heard that we were coming to visit here! I’ve learned so much in the past few days.” The guard grinned at her. “I’m glad to hear it. You’re known around the lands as being very smart and quick-witted. It doesn’t surprise me that you’re busy reading, even when you’re surrounded in the very culture that you’re trying to learn about!” Celestia flushed and lowered her book. “I just don’t want to come off as uncultured, or closed minded!” The guard laughed, earning a disapproving glare from the other. “Trust me, Princess Celestia, you don’t. I’m sure our King and Queen will be thrilled to hear about how knowledgeable you are.” Solaria inwardly beamed with pride for her daughter. She’s so smart, Solaria mused. You’ll make a fine ruler someday, my sunlight. The six walked in silence the rest of the way to the castle. When they arrived at the giant door, Luna broke the silence. “OH MY GOSH! It’s so gigantic! Look mom!” Luna fluttered her wings and took to the sky, flying over towards a nearby pillar that was shaped like a griffon holding spear guarding the doorway. Solaria gasped and Astras used his levitation to tug Luna back down to the ground and hold her there. “Luna!,” Astras grunted in anger, causing her to flinch, “This is neither the time nor the place to behave like a child!” If their escorts were displeased, they showed nothing. They swung open the doors and Astras and Solaria marched forward, with their daughters close behind at their heels. The doors swung shut behind them, and the four royal ponies were in the throne room, with two large, regally dressed griffons staring down at them disapprovingly. Solaria was the first to bow. “King Penneth, Queen Gildana, it is a pleasure to finally meet face to face.” She said, clear as day. The two griffons raised their heads higher and waited for Astras to bow as well. He, Celestia and Luna all did shortly after. Only then, did Penneth and Gildana rise from their thrones and, without a word, walked out of the room. The escort that was talking with Celestia motioned for them to follow. “In there is the Meeting Hall. I hope everything goes smoothly for you, Your Highnesses. Have a fine day.” The two escorts bowed their heads and left without another word. Astras shrugged at his wife and took the lead, stomping after the two griffon leaders into the Hall. Luna fell behind to Celestia and started whispering to her. “They sure weren’t too kind, were they sister? Some royals they are.” Luna sneered. Celestia glared at her, but deep down, Luna could tell she agreed. “Luna, this isn’t the time nor the place to act like a child.” Celestia mimicked their father’s earlier words. Luna raised her nose and trotted ahead to her father’s side. The four entered the Hall. Penneth and Gildana were sitting in their thrones on one end of the table, a map of the world laid out before them. Astras took note that there were no other thrones present in the room – the griffons wanted the ponies to realize that they were guests in Griffonia and not above Penneth and Gildana in the slightest. Their hosts wanted to assert their dominance, as per usual, and while Solaria expected it, the young princesses obviously did not. Luna looked around the room, confused. “Where do we sit?” Penneth raised a furred eyebrow at the young filly. Solaria’s eyes jolted open wide and Astras tugged her behind him. “I apologize, King Penneth, Queen Gildana. She meant no harm. She’s not used to being a visitor, is all.” Solaria bowed her head in respect and apology to the griffons. Gildana snorted and turned up her nose. “Apology accepted, Solaria, but please, keep your offspring in line when they are in our presence, why don’t you?” Solaria nodded her head, keeping a diplomatic look to her, but her husband and daughters knew her well enough to know that she wasn’t pleased. Gildana motioned a clawed hand to some wooden chairs sitting around the table. “If you will, Solaria, take a seat. We haven’t got all day, you know. There is a kingdom to be run.” Astras and Solaria took their seats wordlessly. Celestia and Luna followed suit, but Luna grunted in obvious discomfort as she sat down. Astras gave her a subtle glare. “Now then,” Penneth muttered impatiently, “What is so urgent that you felt the need to waste our precious time with?” Astras cleared him throat. “King Penneth, as you know, our kingdom is in danger of being attacked by the draconequus. Our enemy has not made it a big secret that they are threatening us, and Equestria has need of allies in case the situation arises. We implore you to accept our offer and become our allies, so that our two nations may become stronger and prevail against this common enemy that we share.” Gildana rolled her eyes and stared out the window, bored. Celestia furrowed her brow in disappointment. ‘This isn’t at all what the book told me griffons were like.’ “Astras, Griffonia needs no allies to defend itself. We griffons are a strong race, unlike you ponies, and we need no help to protect our people.” It took all of Luna’s strength not to burst out and berate the griffons for being so mean. Solaria cleared her throat. “Please, your majesties, know that we, in no way, mean any offense to your kingdom or your people, but we have seen the draconequus fight before, and they are a deadly force not to be underestimated. The army of Griffonia is but a fraction of the numbers that they can brag. If they chose to strike here, you would have a difficult time defending your borders. Please, think of your people,” Solaria implored, “And know that allying with us is the correct decision to make.” The griffons were silent for a few long moments. It was the Queen who broke the silence. “Solaria, are you implying that we are weak?” “No!,” Solaria shook her head, astounded, “That’s not it at all. But take it from us, ponies that have seen the might of the draconequus first hoofed, that all the nations of the land need as much help as they can muster in order to beat them.” Gildana sighed and looked out the window again, just as bored as before and now slightly angry. “Penneth, these ponies are insulting us. I don’t quite like that.” Penneth placed his arm around his wife. “I agree. Astras,” he turned to the King of the Moon, “Do you have anything to add onto your wife’s remarkably inconsiderate remarks?” Astras’ mouth tightened and Solaria bowed her head in shame and frustration. “King Penneth, my wife meant no insult by her words. Please, listen to reason. The griffons are a mighty fighting force, are they not?” Penneth nodded, as if the words Astras had just spoken were obvious. “The army of Equestria is not insignificant either. Yet even we would splinter under the imposing force. What can we do to convince you to join us, so that both our kingdoms will continue to live on for generations to come?” Penneth turned to Gildana and the two muttered something to each other in a different language. Celestia recognized a few words here and there, but nothing she could make into a full sentence. The ponies waited patiently for their hosts. Penneth turned back to them after a short few minutes. “Astras, while we appreciate the compliment that you’re in dire need of our help, but we simply cannot be bothered to aid your kingdom. The fighting force of Griffonia can hold itself up. We don’t need your help. Though it’s touching to think that you need ours.” Penneth smirked as the king breathed in and out hard, trying his best not to explode. Solaria shook her head and stood up. “Well,” The Queen of the Sun sighed, “We’re sorry to hear that that is your decision. We will take our leave tomorrow morning. If you wish to further discuss this, please come find us. I truly think that allying is the correct decision, but if your mind is set against it, we cannot convince you otherwise.” Penneth closed his eyes. “Finally Solaria, you’re seeing clearly. Now please, we are very busy griffons, and we run a very busy kingdom. If there’s nothing else, I trust that you can show yourselves out?” Astras, who was still seated, stood and turned around, storming out of the Hall without another word. Solaria took one last fleeting look at the griffons before trotting out after her husband, both daughters trailing behind their mother closely behind. Astras slammed the door shut behind them once they left. Alone in the hallway of Castle Griffonia, the four walked in silence to the guest chambers. The silence was awkward and painful. Once they reached their room, Solaria shut the door quietly after the four had entered and leaned against the door, letting out a deep sigh. Astras snarled. “How dare they insult us like this? Those griffons are too haughty and proud to look past their own beaks and see the threats around them!” Celestia and Luna laid down on their bed, Luna groaning into the pillow. Celestia looked at her book sadly and put it to the side. “I had no idea that griffons were so mean.” She mumbled to her sister. Luna nodded in agreement. Solaria joined her husband and sat down on the bed, resting her head on the pillow. “If this is their decision, we cannot change that. We can only hope that our current allies are enough to defend the lands.” Astras snorted. “The Crystals are a small army. The few donkeys around the land have pledged allegiance to us, yes, but they too are few in number. The dragons have rejected our pleas, as have the diamond dogs. The only true fighting force we have is our army and the minotaurs of Creighton.” Astras put his head in his hoofs. “That’s still better than nothing, my sweet. We can still defend ourselves with just that. While our numbers may be fewer, we have love and honor, something that our enemy does not possess.” She beamed at her husband, and Astras’ heart instantly felt lighter. “I suppose you’re right, my sun, as always.” The two hugged. “We mustn’t let this discourage us, alright?” Astras breathed out slowly and nodded, smiling at his wife. Luna gaped at the two. “Mom, dad, how can you be so calm about this?!,” Luna spit, “They were so demeaning to us. They didn’t give us thrones to sit in; they didn’t even refer to you two as King and Queen! Even though you outrank them!” The two parents blinked a few times at their youngest daughter. Solaria laughed and put her hoof on her daughter’s head, stroking her mane. “Oh Luna, you have so much to learn. Your father and I never once expected to be treated with respect while we were here. This is the way of the griffons.” Solaria shrugged. Luna sat down again and stuck out her lower lip in a pout. “The griffons are stupid.” She muttered. Celestia nodded once in agreement. Astras tugged Luna over towards him with his magic and hugged her. “Now moonbeam, I know it’s stressful to deal with them – trust me, I know – but this is what being a ruler is. Even when someone is being mean to you, you have to deal with it and not get angry. This is the way of the world.” Luna hugged her dad back. “I guess so, dad.” The four ponies sat in silence for a few minutes, catching their tempers and calming down. Solaria broke the silence by looking out the window. “My sweet, it’s almost time to raise the moon.” Astras sat up and looked over his shoulder. “You’re right. Do you wanna come along, moonbeam?” He looked at Luna. She yawned and rubbed her eyes. “No thanks dad. I’m really tired. I think I would rather just go to sleep.” Solaria and Astras smiled at her and looked at Celestia. The elder princess nodded in agreement with her younger sister. The trip had tired both young fillies out completely. Astras levitated Luna over to her own bed and tucked her under the covers. The King and Queen of Equestria walked to the door, gave one last loving glance at their daughters who were already starting to drift off, and closed the door behind them. ~~~~~~~~~~ Luna opened her eyes. The moon was high in the sky and the castle was quiet. The Princess of the Moon couldn’t hear any noise anywhere. Glancing over, her parents weren’t in their bed. Celestia slept peacefully beside her. “Tia, wake up!” Luna nudged her sister, who scowled at her before opening her eyes. “What do you want?” “Where are mom and dad?” Celestia rolled her eyes. “In their bed, Luna. If you’re homesick, go sleep with them.” “I’m not homesick!,” Luna hissed. “They aren’t there.” Celestia sat up. “What do you mean they aren’t there? Where are they then?” Sure enough, when Celestia looked over, the large bed where their parents should have been was empty. The two pony princesses trotted over to the vacant bed. Celestia started speaking, but a noise from the outside caught Luna’s attention instead. The younger filly walked over to the window and placed her hooves on the sill, glancing outside. “What are you looking at, Luna?” Celestia went to join her at the window, but Luna didn’t respond. She was too shocked to speak. She was too frightened to do anything but stare. Because far in the distance, thousands of griffons had taken to the sky. Far in the distance, their mother and father were hovering alongside Penneth and Gildana, all four bracing themselves for impact. Because far in the distance, the draconequus army was flying towards Griffonia. > A Kingdom in Danger > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two fillies stared out the window for a good long time, neither of them saying anything. Thousands of griffons filled the sky, each one of them adorned in elaborate battle armor. They all held spears – the favored weapon of the griffons – and each one had its pointed tip poised towards the enemy. Solaria and Astras were at the lead of the army, directly behind a tall and gruff griffon that the princesses didn’t recognize. Even the king and queen of Griffonia were dressed in armor bearing the royal seal of their nation on the breastplate. Any and all anger towards the griffons had faded from Astras and Solaria’s faces, and was instead replaced with hard, determined expressions. Celestia pulled back from the window and collapsed onto their parents bed, her mind reeling. “Luna, what are we gonna?” She cried. Luna just stared. Every filly in the land had heard of the draconequus – tall, terribly deformed creatures with the head of a pony, bat and Pegasus wings and a snaked tongue that slithered out of their mouths constantly, just to name a few of their characteristics. But Luna had obviously never seen one, let alone an army of them that was bent on destroying Griffonia. Yet here they were, the monsters out of a storybook that everypony hoped would never come true. “Tia… mom and dad are out there.” Was the only thing she could manage to say. Celestia was shaking, despite the beads of sweat that came from her forehead, matting her coat together. “What are we gonna do?” The Princess of the Sun repeated. “What can we do?” “Nothing, that’s what.” Celestia answered her own question. Luna turned to her sister. “Tia, there’s always something we can do. We’re alicorns too. We can help fight.” Celestia gave her a look of shocked horror. “What are you talking about? Being an alicorn means that we’re princesses. We have no experience in fighting at all. We can’t do anything. If we were out there, mom and dad would just worry about us.” “And they’re not gonna worry about us being in here?” “Of course they will, but at least we’re safer here.” The two fillies were silent. Luna looked back out at the night sky. Spear clashed with claw as the draconequus launched their attack. Luna winced as she saw specks of red go flying from griffon and draconequus bodies alike. “So what do we do, go back to sleep and hope everything is right by morning? If there will even be a morning…” Luna muttered sadly. Celestia didn’t respond. Instead, she grabbed her book and started flipping through the pages. “What are you looking for?” “A place to hide, obviously.” Celestia muttered without looking up. “We have to stay safe. Mom and dad will take care of things. They always do.” Luna watched as a griffon body fell to the ground. “Tia… one of the griffons just fell out of the sky.” Celestia threw her book on the bed and rubbed her face with her hooves, letting out a single, loud wail of despair. “There’s nothing, nothing at all that could help us. We’re stuck here.” “I’m telling you, sister, we should go fight!” “NO!” Celestia screamed at Luna. Luna immediately quieted. The younger princess opened her mouth, but no sound came out. “We’re not fighting,” Celestia glared at her, “Because we’ll die. When mom and dad are gone, I’m in charge. I’m your older sister, so you have to listen to me. So we’re going to leave this room, and we’re going to go hide somewhere in the castle.” “But-“ “There has to be some servants around here that aren’t participating in the battle. They have to have someplace to hide.” Celestia pondered to herself. Luna had to admit that it was a clever idea, one that she herself didn’t consider. The younger princess was glad that it was Celestia in charge and not her. “Leave all your stuff here, Luna. We’re gonna go find some servants.” ~~~~~~~~~~ Sweetie Belle stared intently at Twilight, who was smirking on the inside. “Are you enjoying the story so far, Sweetie?” Sweetie leaned forward gaping at the Princess of Friendship. “Am I? This is only the coolest story ever! I never would have guessed that Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had such an awesome history! Can you imagine what it would be like to see an army of Discord’s marching towards your city?!” Twilight laughed, but internally shuddered at the thought. “Do you want me to continue?” She asked. Sweetie Belle nodded vigorously. Twilight took a swig of water from her cup and sighed, leaning back in her chair. “Well, eventually the princesses started roaming the castle, looking for help…” ~~~~~~~~~~ “Hello?” Celestia called out to the deserted hallway. Luna followed closely behind, keeping on a brave face. “Is anyone out there? Hello? We need help!” Celestia and Luna exchanged glances. “I don’t think there’s anyone left around here, sister.” Luna whispered. Celestia nodded in agreement. “Let’s check down here, just in case.” The elder pointed her hoof to a closed doorway. Luna nodded in agreement. The two fillies stepped forward and pushed on the door – which didn’t budge one bit. “That’s weird… it’s locked.” The two fillies pushed again, to no avail. Celestia took a deep breath and knocked her hoof on the door twice. “Umm… excuse me? Is anyone in there? Please, we need help. We’re visitors.” The two fillies heard a slight rustle behind the door. The princesses exchanged excited glances at each other. “My name,” Celestia spoke, a bit louder now, “Is Princess Celestia, heiress of the sun and daughter of King Astras and Queen Solaria. We’re visiting from our home, and we need help. Our mother and father are fighting the draconequus and we need a place to hide.” Silence greeted them, but only for a few long moments. A feminine sounding, shaky voice spoke. “Princess Celestia of Equestria?” “Yes, that’s me. My sister, Princess Luna, heiress of the moon, is here as well. Please, let us in. We’re all alone.” Another pause of silence, before hearing a slow click. The door opened, just a crack, and darkness greeted the girls. “Come in, your Highnesses. You’ll be safe in here.” The two fillies pushed the door open a bit wider and slipped into the darkness. “Why’s it so dark in here?” Luna asked as the female griffon closed the door behind them, re-locking it. “If we keep the candles lit for too long, the draconequus will know we’re here. Rest assured, princesses, you’re safe here. My name is Nalen. There are three others here with me – Prynn, Marne and Merryl. Marne, light a candle. These little fillies must be so frightened. Let them see what we look like, so they aren’t scared of us.” The princesses heard a match being struck, and the candle was lit. Sure enough, four griffons, two females and two males, sat around the room – which was now, as they could see, a pantry. Luna’s stomach grumbled at the sight of the delicious looking food presented all around her. One of the male griffons laughed heartily. “Are you hungry, Miss Luna? We have lots of food here. I’m Marne, one of the chefs here at the castle.” Luna nodded eagerly at Marne, who smiled, beat his wings and grabbed a box, which he proceeded to tear open with his talons and pour into a bowl. The griffon that had let them in, Nalen, stood leaning against the door, eyes closed. She had a kind, gentle feel to her, kind of like the one that Solaria gave off. Nalen walked over to the other female griffon, Merryl, and hugged her tightly, bringing her to the table in the center of the room where the final griffon sat with a gruff expression on his face. “Miss Luna, Miss Celestia, you said your mom and dad were out there fighting for our kingdom?” Nalen asked as Marne brought over a bowl filled with food that couldn’t be identified by Luna. As she took a cautious bite however, she found that it was just as good as the food back at home. “Yes, our mom and dad are out there, at the front along with your king and queen. We didn’t know what else to do, so we decided to wander the hallways and hopefully find someone who could keep us safe.” Two griffons smiled, but Merryl and Prynn did not. “Well princesses, there’s no need to worry – us four might just be simple chefs, but we still know how to pick up a weapon and fight if we have to.” Luna looked up from her bowl. “Why aren’t you out there right now, then?” She questioned. At a glance from Celestia, she added, “Not that we mind or anything. If it wasn’t for you guys, we would still be wandering the halls, lost.” Nalen smiled meekly. “Just because we can fight, young one, doesn’t mean we want to. We figured we would stay here and guard the food supplies, and hopefully help anyone who was wandering the halls like you were.” Luna nodded thoughtfully, seemingly satisfied with the answer, and went back to eating her food. Celestia looked at Merryl, who had her eyes closed. She seemed to be breathing heavily. “Is she alright?” Celestia mumbled quietly. Nalen tried to fake a smile but had worry clouding her eyes. “Probably. She just needs some rest. Her two sons – my nephews – are out there fighting right now. She’s just worried. Isn’t that right, sister?” Nalen shook Merryl’s shoulders. The griffon didn’t respond. Celestia fidgeted in her seat. “Let me take a look at her. She doesn’t look too good. If she’s ill, we need to get her help.” Nalen released Merryl and stepped aside, but looked surprised. “You have medical knowledge, Miss Celestia?” Celestia smiled at her brightly, earning a grin from even grumpy old Prynn. “Yep! I read about medicine almost every day! I can name over one hundred different diseases and ailments just by looking at a pony – or a griffon – and can diagnose them almost as quick!” The griffons looked impressed. “My my, princess, aren’t you well read? A fine ruler you’ll make someday, that’s for sure.” Celestia flushed under the compliment, her normally white coat turning a light shade of pink. Nalen cooed something about her being so lady-like and beautiful, while ignoring Luna, who still sat in the corner stuffing her face like a young colt. The younger princess rolled her eyes and suppressed a surge of unwelcomed jealousy over her sister. Celestia glanced over Merryl, who sighed deeply. Luna was glad that the room held no windows. She truly wanted to know what was going on outside. The faint clatter and clank of steel could still be heard. “Well,” Celestia exclaimed as she stood back up, “I see nothing wrong with your sister, Nalen. I guess she really just is worried about her sons.” The two exchanged a smile as Celestia sat back down next to her sister. Luna had finished eating and had placed the bowl on the counter. Prynn was still as a statue, as he had been the entire time, and Marne was busy dampening a rag at the sink. He placed the wet cloth on Merryl’s forehead with a worried expression. “Merryl, they’re going to be fine. Please, calm down. Our sons are brave fighters – as they all are. They will be fine.” He emphasized the last word. Luna and Celestia looked at each other, sad. “I wonder if mom and dad are fine too.” Luna whispered. Celestia tugged her sister under her arm and hugged her tightly. “They will be, sister. They will be.” Celestia rubbed her temples with her free hoof as both fillies let out a loud yawn at the same time. Even amidst all of the turmoil that raged outside, the fact remained that they were still young girls, and got tired pretty quickly. Marne smiled at them. “If you two want, you can sleep in the back,” he motioned to a pile of straw that lay on the floor. “That’s usually where I sleep, but I don’t mind if you take it tonight.” The two fillies got up and inspected the pile. “This is where they make you sleep?” Luna sneered; disgusted at the way that Penneth and Gildana took care of their staff. Marne shrugged and went back to attending Merryl. “Yeppers. That’s the way it’s gotta be sometime. Beats sleeping out on the streets. At least I have a roof over my head, my wife beside me, and plenty of midnight snacks!” He grinned brightly at Luna, who lightened up at seeing his optimism. Celestia bowed her head to the griffon. “Thank you, Marne, for giving us this bed. We are truly in your debt. I don’t know what I would have done if something had happened to Luna while we were out there.” Marne flicked his wrist up and down a few times. “Pfft, please Miss Celestia, we couldn’t just leave you out there all by your lonesome selves, now could we? You two lie down and get some rest. Being awake won’t do you any good, and you’ll feel much better tomorrow. We’ll wake you up if anything happens while you’re asleep, alright?” The two fillies nodded and laid down. Celestia seemed to not mind it, but Luna struggled to find a comfortable position. “Lay still!” Celestia hissed into her sister’s ear. “I’m trying! It’s so uncomfortable here though!” Celestia rolled her eyes. “Well of course it is, but we have to make due. Just go to sleep Luna.” The elder princess rolled over onto her side, facing away from Luna, and started to drift off. Luna settled down, but sleep never took her. Her mind was too clouded with worry for her parents. How can Tia be asleep right now, when our parents might be dying out there? After a long while of not saying anything, the griffons started to talk again. “Merryl, are you alright? Can you hear me?” “Mmm…” The griffon responded weakly. Marne sighed and the other two were silent. “Please, sweetie, don’t be like this. How is Griffonia ever gonna prosper if its people don’t believe in it?” “Marne has a point, sister.” “Nalen, those two little fillies are asleep, right?” Marne whispered. “Yeah, they haven’t made a peep in over an hour. They have to be.” “Gosh, they must be so scared. I can’t believe that they were just wandering the halls by themselves. What were they thinking?” “I know, right? I’m glad we found them.” Anything else that the griffons were saying was drowned out by Luna’s own thoughts. What could Tia be dreaming about? She looks so peaceful, even when our parents are fighting for their lives outside. We should be out there too, helping. What are you dreaming about, sister? Luna closed her eyes for what felt like a long time, her mind racing with all sorts of questions. After a while, she opened her eyes again. But Luna didn’t see the brown walls of the pantry surrounding her. She didn’t hear the voices of the griffons behind her. She didn’t even see her sister’s pink mane gently rising and falling as she slumbered. All Luna saw was fire and darkness blazing all around her, and the sound of Celestia frantically screaming her name over and over again. > A Kingdom of Dreaming (filler) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All around the princess, fire blazed. Terrified screams of griffons – wait, not griffons… ponies – assaulted her ears from all angles. The ponies ran around frantically, their homes on fire, the cobbled streets upturned, the – wait, the streets are upturned? “What’s going on here? Celestia! Where are you?!” Luna yelled, but just the screams of ponies answered her. She still heard her name being called out, but nowhere Celestia could be seen. Luna glanced hard at her surroundings. Upon closer examination, the princess of the moon realized that she was no longer even in Griffonia, but in their home, Equestria. Luna looked on in horror as she realized that the ponies screaming were their own subjects – the ones that the royal family was sworn to protect and serve until their dying days. “Tia, please, where are you!?” Luna cried out in despair, seeing one dark green unicorn trip on the ground. The unicorn laid there for a moment, not moving, and then started slowly hoisting herself her to her feet, yet she looked frightened. Luna kept watching, and realized that the unicorn was not lifting herself up – but was starting to hover ever-so-slightly in the air. The unicorn shrieked in terror and batted her hooves uselessly against the air. The princess ran over to her and tries to pull her back down. “Princess!,” the unicorn’s eyes went wide at seeing her, “Please, you have to help us! You have to save us! Please, do something!” “Save you from who?!” Luna begged as she pulled the unicorn back down to the ground finally. The mare’s face calmed for just a brief second, fear replaced by confusion. “Them, of course!” She raised her hoof high in the sky and pointed. Luna glanced upwards. And there, flying, rubbing their ugly, terrible hands together, a legion of draconequus hovered. Luna could only stare as one of them snapped his two fingers, and two other ponies that were running down the street suddenly had the street pulled right out from underneath them, like one could do to a rug. They fell down with a loud oof, but quickly regained their footing and kept on running. “LUNA! WHERE ARE YOU? PLEASE!” Luna still heard Celestia screaming. The filly couldn’t find the strength to move her muscles. Fear rippled through her, holding onto her heart, preventing any possible action. “Tia…” Was all the princess could manage to squeak. Luna still stared at the enemy so far up. The draconequus were terrible, terrifying monsters, and here they were, in her kingdom. Where were her mom and dad? Why weren’t they here, fighting these enemies? A small flash of white caught her eye. Luna turned to see Celestia standing at the end of the street. Luna found her voice. “TIA! I’M HERE!” Luna cried out, regaining muscle movement. She started sprinting towards her sister. Celestia saw her and a big smile grew on her face. Even amidst all the chaos surrounding them, Celestia’s smile still shone brightly. “Luna! I’m so glad I found you! Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m fine. What’s going on here?” Luna asked. Celestia shook her head, her eyes wet, dirt smearing her coat. “The draconequus are here, and… and…” Celestia could get no further. She bit her lower lip, tears pricking her eyes. Luna moved forward and put her hoof on her sister’s shoulder in concern. “Tia, what’s the matter? What’s happened?” Celestia was quiet for a moment before she let out a wail. Tears flowed freely down from her eyes. Luna started, pulling her sister into a tight embrace. Both fillies shook, Celestia from sobbing, Luna from worry. “Mom and dad… they’re gone, Luna.” Celestia wailed through her gasps of air. Luna stopped and pushed her sister back. “Tia, what do you mean?” “They’re gone, Luna. They’re dead.” ~~~~~~~~~~ “Is this a good stopping point?” Twilight smirked at Sweetie Belle. “NO!” Sweetie looked at her hooves in despair. “They can’t be dead. It’s impossible. How did Luna and Celestia end up in Equestria? Weren’t they in Griffonia?” “They were, yes.” “Then how did they get back home? And why were the draconequus there? And why were Solaria and Astras dead? And how did they die? And why was Luna there all alone? Why didn’t she have any memory of anything?” Sweetie Belle listed question after question, more to herself than Twilight. The Princess of Friendship laughed. “Woah there, I think you’re getting ahead of yourself. Do you want me to continue?” Twilight took another sip of water. “Yes please, Twilight! This is getting so good! I really wanna know what happens!” “Alright,” Twilight leaned back again. “Luna couldn’t believe what she had just heard coming from her sister’s mouth…” ~~~~~~~~~~ “What are you talking about Tia? They can’t be dead!” Luna shook her sister hard, angry. What was she saying? Was she delusional? But Celestia kept shaking uncontrollably, gasping for air. “They’re dead, and we’re here alone. We have to drive the draconequus away. I’m the only one who can do it.” “Are you insane?! What about me?” “No, Luna. I can’t let you be harmed. That would be too much for me to bear. I couldn’t live with myself if I let you die.” Celestia rested her head on Luna’s shoulder. “Please, just stay here. I’ll be fine. Just get to safety.” Luna pushed Celestia away again. “I don’t know what you’re saying, and I don’t know what’s going on here. Mom and dad aren’t dead; they’re in Griffonia. What are we doing back here?” Luna’s head was spinning. It was all too much for her to bear. “Luna, I don’t know what you’re talking about anymore. Just please, run to the castle and hide in your room.” “No.” Luna’s face was solemn and serious. “I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’m not leaving you.” Celestia shook with anxiety. “You might die, sister. I couldn’t bear to face the world without you here.” “Then that’s a risk that I’m willing to take. We can run to the castle together.” “I can’t…” The elder princess whispered. “Our people need me. Their king and queen are dead. Mom and dad are dead. And I’m the only one that can drive the draconequus away.” Luna just stared at her sister, words lost in her mouth. There was nothing that she could say that would make sense. “Well, well, well… what do we have here?” A deep, rolling voice cooed. Both princesses snapped their heads to the direction of the noise. A draconequus hovered close by, sitting in a floating throne, smiling coyly. Celestia took a step forward, protectively placing herself between the monster and her sister. “What do you want, draconequus?” The elder princess shouted at him. He laughed slowly, a gentle expression on his features. “My, my, princess. Such a temper. I just came to see what the two of you were discussing over here? No need to react with such vigor.” The draconequus still smiled at the two. Celestia gave him an angry glare. “You monsters killed my parents, but you won’t kill my sister!” Celestia cried out. The princess’s horn glowed lightly with magic. Luna stared in wonder at her. The draconequus feigned shock. “Kill Princess? Why, you wound me! I would never kill your sweet, little sister!” The draconequus snapped his fingers, and in an instant, appeared behind Luna. He reached out his hand and stroked her mane softly. “She’s so adorable; I would never think to do something like that!” “GET AWAY FROM HER!” Celestia screamed as Luna batted his hand away and dashed behind her again. Her horn glowed fiercely now, the golden aura lighting up her face. Luna shrank away slowly, fearing her sister’s wrath. When Celestia was angry, she was angry. The draconequus rolled his eyes in boredom. “Now that’s quite enough out of you, princess. I don’t need to deal with your sass today, if you please.” He didn’t even seem to notice the golden glow off Celestia’s horn. Luna’s voice cracked as she spoke. “Get him, sister. Kill him.” Celestia nodded grimly. The draconequus frowned. “If you try to kill me, you’ll regret it deeply, princess. Why bother?” The draconequus leaned back, reclining. “But if you will, then please, fire when ready.” A glass of apple juice appeared in his hands and sunglasses popped onto his face. The monster didn’t look frightened or worried in the slightest. Celestia let out a wail and sent the golden beam off from her horn and it flew towards him – and went right through a big hole in his chest that suddenly appeared. Both fillies gaped as the draconequus laughed, and the hole closed up. “Please princess, do you honestly think that you could defeat me with your pathetic little magic? Ponies could never triumph over the might of the draconequus! Your kingdom will fall, and your sister killed right in front of you, Celestia.” He leaned forward to her, sneering in contempt. The elder princess cowed beneath him, still guarding her sister, but the white alicorn’s legs quaked. “You could never hope to save anyone, Celestia. You’re a useless little pony who can’t do a thing. It would be better for you to just give up.” Celestia slumped to the ground, tears flowing from her eyes. “No… no, please, no.” She moaned in despair. The draconequus just grinned at her, overjoyed at her dismay. “I’ll do anything, just please, spare my sister. Don’t let anything hurt my sister.” Luna’s own tears threatened to leak out of her eyes. “Tia, don’t do this.” Luna put one hoof forward, gasping for air. Celestia turned and looked at Luna over her shoulder. “Run, Luna. Please, run away.” Luna looked up to the draconequus, who still gazed smugly at Celestia. Luna squeezed her eyes shut in disgust. “There we go, princess. Finally using your little tiny brain, I see. Finally seeing sense.” Luna watched as the monster snaked around her older sister, who had her eyes shut, trying not to cry. He stroked her mane lovingly as he did so. “There there, princess. Calm down. It will all be over soon.” The draconequus lifted his hands and a glint of mania glimmered in his eyes. Luna opened her mouth to scream, but she was too late – the creature snapped his fingers, and a bright light enveloped Celestia. The monster shrieked in delight and laughed at Luna’s screams. All around the filly, fire still blazed. Luna shrunk away from the light, calling out Celestia’s name. And then the noises subsided. The bright lights faded. And Luna was awoken by Celestia, sitting up in their straw bed, screaming her sister’s name fanatically. All four griffons snapped their heads towards the two fillies. Marne ran over to the bed. “Miss Celestia, what’s the matter? Are you alright?” Celestia stared at Marne, then at Luna, and dove at her, tackling her in a tight hug. Luna was still too stunned to move, or do anything at all. “LUNA! Thank God you’re alright! I thought…” Celestia bit her lower lip and bit back tears. “I thought I was never gonna see you again.” The two sisters hugged. Luna found her voice. “Tia… what just happened?” Without raising her head, Celestia shook her head frantically. “I had a dream that you were in trouble... I had a dream that mom and dad were dead. I had a dream that the draconequus were here.” > A Kingdom Triumphant > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna stared in wonder as her sister hugged her. Dreaming? How was she dreaming? I was there… “Luna, I was so worried! I thought that you were gonna be hurt, and I told you to run, and the draconequus came and he was gonna take you away and… and…” She breathed through ragged gasps for air. “I’m just so happy you’re okay!” “I’m happy you’re okay too, sister. Don’t worry. We’re together now.” And the two fillies hugged for a good long time. Luna gazed at Marne as they did so and struggled to pull herself away from her older sister. “How long were we asleep for?” “I’d say about four hours, if I had to wager a guess. No clock in here, you see.” Marne answered and shrugged. Luna nodded. Silence filled the room, and the six present listened hard to the outside world. No noise was heard. Nalen cleared her throat. “Maybe the battle’s over?” She speculated hopefully. Merryl shot her head up at her and stared with a hopeful expression. Prynn and Marne exchanged glances. “Perhaps, but we shouldn’t get our hopes up. Who knows what’s going on out there, after all?” Marne mumbled quietly. Everyone nodded solemnly. Luna looked at each of the four griffons, and finally to her sister. Celestia was quiet, staring at the ground with an unreadable expression on her face. “I’m going out.” Luna declared. Everyone gasped in surprise. “No, Miss Luna, you can’t. We couldn’t let you do that.” Marne moved towards her, shrugging. “It’s too dangerous. We don’t know what’s out there.” “Too bad. You can’t keep me here. I’m going to go see what’s happening out there. Maybe it really is all over. Maybe the draconequus gave up and ran away.” While Marne still looked genuinely opposed to the idea, Nalen, Prynn and Merryl hung their heads down, pondering the idea. Luna turned to Celestia. “Tia, I’m going outside. And I’m gonna see what’s happening. And you’re going to stay here, and guard our hosts.” Before Celestia could speak, she added, “I’m too weak to defend them if something bad has happened. For the sake of them, you have to stay.” Luna knew she had won the argument that wasn’t really an argument by the look on her older sister’s face. She did make sense, Celestia thought to herself. Luna nodded in defiance at the others. “Right then. If that’s decided, then please, Nalen, unlock the door for me. I’ll return back when I know what’s happened… or happening.” Celestia still looked distraught, but Nalen still moved to the door, placing her hand on the lock. “Are you sure you want to do this, Princess Luna?” The female griffon asked. Luna nodded once more. “I’m sure.” “Very well.” Nalen breathed in hard. Marne snuffed out the candle, and Luna heard Celestia let out a small whimper as he did so. They heard the click of the lock, and the door slowly creak open just enough for a small filly to sneak through. They all waited, but no noise came from the outside. Luna walked over to the door and slowly peered out. The hallway was empty, but the first beams of sunlight were starting to appear through the window. Luna’s heart jumped with joy. If there’s sun, that means that mom is still alive! She ran out into the hallway and Nalen shut the door behind her. Luna heard the click of the lock again, and the young princess set off down the hall, slowly approaching the first window on the left. She ducked down, put her hooves on the windowsill, and slowly pulled herself upwards to peek through it – and what she saw made her heart race. In the distance, griffons were still hovering in the sky – but holding stretchers and helping others. The draconequus were nowhere to be seen. Luna squealed with delight and ran back to the pantry. “TIA! NALEN, MARNE, PRYNN, MERRYL, IT’S OVER! THE DRACONEQUUS ARE GONE!” Luna jumped up and down, a large smile threatening to break her face. The door unlocked and the five inhabitants came rushing out. All six ran to the window and gazed out. Merryl broke out into tears as she saw a younger male griffon fly past in the distance. “Marne! That’s Dane! There’s our son! He’s alive!” The griffon turned to her husband and collapsed into his arms, sobbing with joy. Nalen clapped her hands together and even Prynn let out a big sigh of relief, a grin crossing his features. Celestia and Luna exchanged glances, and without a word to each other, both jumped out the window and extended their wings, taking flight. The four griffons followed suit. They flew across the castle and the gardens until they reached the courtyard where the battle had taken place. Both princesses scanned the area, looking for their parents. Their attention was caught by a handsome sounding voice. “Mom? Dad? What are you doing here?” Both fillies turned, and Merryl broke out into even bigger sobs. The younger male griffon – Dane, the two supposed – looked shocked as his mother and father hugged him, relieved that he was still alive. Celestia stared for a moment longer than Luna did, smiling brightly at the three. Even now, there was joy to be found here, the older princess mused. Her thoughts were broken by Luna screeching. “TIA! THERE THEY ARE!” Celestia snapped around and looked to where Luna was pointing – and sure enough, in the distance, standing out amongst all the other brown and white griffons, was tall, regal, beautiful Queen Solaria, and the imposing, dark, menacing King Astras, discussing something inaudible with Penneth and Gildana. All four were covered in dirt, blood and dust, but none seemed to mind – not even Gildana, who always seemed so haughty and proud. “MOM! DAD! WE’RE HERE! WE’RE OVER HERE!” Both fillies screamed as they ran towards their parents at full speed. Both adult ponies turned to them, confusion clouding their expressions at first, but it was quickly replaced with relief and love. Astras and Solaria ran towards them, and the four royal ponies collided in a group hug. All four sobbed uncontrollably. “MOM! We thought you had died. We thought we’d be left alone!” Celestia bawled into her mother’s white coat, making it clump together. Solaria smiled through her tears. “Oh sunlight, we would never leave you alone. Never. We’re so glad that you’re alright. We worried so much about you.” The Queen nuzzled Celestia’s mane, smoothing it down with her free hoof. Astras, who always seemed so frightening, didn’t seem as menacing as he levitated his youngest daughter with his magic and twirled her around in the air. She giggled with delight. “Dad! Why did you and mom run off so quickly! Why didn’t you tell us what was going on?” She managed to get out through laughs. Astras stopped spinning her and set her on his back. She hugged his neck. “We would have, moonbeam, but it all happened so fast. You remember when your mom and I went out to raise the moon, correct?” Luna and Celestia both nodded. “Well, we did raise the moon, but when we were outside, we saw something in the distance – the draconequus. The two of us ran back as fast as we could to tell Penneth and Gildana, and we quickly gathered the army and all who could fight.” Astras smiled at her. “I’m so happy that you’re okay, moonbeam. Where did you and Tia go to?” Astras looked at his oldest daughter, who blushed. Luna surged with pride for her sister and spoke for her. “Mom, dad, you would have been so proud of Celestia! She was so brave! She was the one who decided that we would go find help somewhere in the castle, and she convinced the griffons who found us to let us in the room, and she protected me and everything!” Luna grinned happily at her older sister, whose coat went even pinker. Solaria beamed with pride at her daughter as well. “I’m so happy for you, sunlight.” Solaria nuzzled her eldest. The Queen turned to Luna. “Did you say that griffons found you?” Luna nodded. “Yeah! I wanted to come outside and help fight, but Tia said that we should go find some servants that were hiding and stay with them. So she took the lead and we walked down the hallways and searched for someone – and we found Nalen and the rest in the pantry!” Luna told the entire story to their parents, who listened carefully. Astras looked at Celestia. “Is that true, Tia?” She nodded, still pink with embarrassment. The King and Queen exchanged glances. They looked back at their daughters. “Would you say that it’s about time to go home, daughters?” Solaria asked, laughing. Both fillies nodded frantically. “YES PLEASE!” ~~~~~~~~~~ Sweetie Belle let out a loud Awwww!, interrupting Twilight’s story telling. The Princess beamed, proud that she was making a young filly interested in history. “How are you feeling, Sweetie?” Twilight asked her friend’s younger sister. Sweetie Belle rocked back and forth in her seat, excited. “Really awesome, Twilight! This is so interesting! I wish Scootaloo and Apple Bloom were here to listen to this! I bet they would be super interested in listening!” “Do you want me to keep going, or skip straight to the end?” “Keep going!” Sweetie Belle replied without a second thought. Twilight yawned once and stretched her arms, wondering where she should start the next part of their story at. “After all the wounded had been tended to, the six royals, once again, met in the meeting hall…” ~~~~~~~~~~ And this time, all six had thrones to sit in. Penneth and Gildana didn’t look so hostile towards the outsiders, and the ponies finally felt welcomed as equals in the kingdom of Griffonia. Everywhere outside, griffons bustled about trying to sort everything out and find their families. More than once, Solaria heard a griffon sobbing hard from receiving news that their loved ones were injured or deceased. It cooled her heart, but it warmed up again when she heard a griffon crying out in joy, presumably from seeing a loved one still alive. Penneth cleared his throat, smiling at his guests. “King Astras, Queen Solaria, let me be the first to thank for fighting with our forces so vehemently. Griffonia would have truly lost many more great griffons, had you two not been there.” Penneth outstretched his arms, and everypony in the room could see the look of gratitude in his eyes. While Penneth may be a pompous prick most of the time, he knew when to be grateful. Astras and Solaria bowed their heads. “Please, King Penneth. We couldn’t stand idly by and watch innocent lives go to waste. We had to do something.” “If it had not been for you,” Penneth interrupted, raising a claw at them, “We would not have even noticed the draconequus for some time. Who knows how many griffons we would have lost? Our entire kingdom might have fallen, had it not been for your timely warning!” Penneth and Gildana exchanged a worried glance coupled with an awkward chuckle. Being light hearted obviously wasn’t their strong suit. Solaria beamed. “Please, King Penneth, it’s not necessary. We did what any good neighbor would do for another.” The Queen mused. She went to say something else, but was cut off. “What kind of thanks do you require from us in return?” Penneth asked bluntly. Solaria and Astras stared blankly at the griffon. Thanks? “Whatever do you mean?” Astras questioned. Penneth cocked his head and looked at the ponies as if they were stupid. “We have to thank you somehow, don’t we? What would you have us give you in return?” Gildana answered for him, speaking for the first time the entire meeting. Solaria and Astras shook their heads at each other. “We need nothing, King Penneth. Like my wife said, we need no payment for helping a neighbor out in his time of need…” “Nonsense! As King of Griffonia, I insist that you allow us to properly thank you! To not do so would shame us greatly!” Penneth leaned forward and put his face in his claws, smiling coyly at the two ponies. Astras shrugged at his wife and leaned in towards her, whispering to her quietly so no one else could hear. “Solaria, I don’t think they’re going to listen to us.” “Well convince them to! We can’t accept any payment from them – that would be extorting them! They need all their gold they can get in order to pay for the damages done to the kingdom.” Solaria bit her lower lip and the two ponies thought for a few moments. Penneth and Gildana waited patiently. Suddenly, Solaria’s face lit up, and she turned to Celestia and Luna, who sat in their thrones discussing something inaudible, both looking incredibly bored. “Daughters!” Solaria called out to them. Both turned towards their mother. “What, mom?” “Come here for a moment!” Solaria motioned with her hoof for them to come over to them. Both fillies stood and trotted over to their parents. “What’s wrong?” Celestia asked, cocking her head to one side. “What were the names of the four griffons that took care of you when you were hiding?” Solaria whispered to them. Luna and Celestia exchanged glances. “Merryl, Prynn, Marne and Nalen. Why?” Luna told her. Astras grinned at his wife, realizing what she intended to do. Solaria motioned for the girls to go back to their seats. “Thank you, Luna, Tia. That’s all we needed.” Celestia nodded and went back to her throne, but Luna gave one last confused glare at her mom before following her sister. The two ponies turned back to the griffons, who still waited patiently. “Well,” Penneth leaned forward, eagerly, “Have you two made up your mind on what you would like as payment?” Both ponies nodded, and Gildana clapped her hands with delight. “Excellent! What will it be? Food? Gold? Heroic statues that look like you placed in the town square?” Penneth waited for them to respond. Both ponies were silent for a moment, smiling to them. “Are you familiar with the names of Merryl, Prynn, Nalen and Marne?” Solaria asked the griffons. Both King and Queen exchanged glances. Gildana furrowed her brow at the ponies. “Of course we are. They are our servants, our chefs here at the castle. Why do you ask?” “These four kept our daughters safe when we were outside. However, we were told that they were made to sleep in their pantry, on beds of hay.” Solaria raised an eyebrow at the griffons, who immediately flushed under her gaze. “We ask that, as payment, these four are given proper living quarters. These kinds of living conditions are for rats and mice – not noble griffons, who serve you unwittingly. Would you not agree?” Both griffons nodded slowly. They turned to each other and discussed something quietly amongst themselves for a few moments. Then, they turned back to their guests. “Queen Solaria, we see the reason in your kind words. Truly, it is a testament of your unending kindness that you would give up your rewards to some lowly castle servants.” Both griffons bowed their heads to the ponies. “We will abide by your wishes. These four griffons will each be given a room of their own, and proper furnishings for said room. This is truly what you want?” “Yes.” Solaria smiled at them, nodding as she did so. Penneth slapped his hand on the table. “Then it’s settled! Is there anything else? I know the two of you will probably want to take your daughters home today, am I correct?” Solaria and Astras thought to themselves for a moment. Solaria was about to speak and say that there was nothing else, but Astras piped up. “I have one last request before we leave.” He rumbled. Gildana leaned forward, interested. “What will it be, King Astras? Do you want gold or food?” “I want your word.” He said, plain as day. The Griffon Queen sat back in her throne, raising at eyebrow. “What do you mean?” “I want your word, that when the time comes, Equestria will have Griffonia as its allies.” Both Penneth and Gildana’s faces lighted up with clarity when he said the words. They nodded as one. “That goes without saying, King Astras. Do not worry. When the time comes, Equestria will have our aid. We swear on our kingdom’s health, Griffonia will not leave Equestria out in the cold. Just as you helped us, we shall help you, should the need arise.” Penneth stuck out his hand, extending it to the ponies. Astras reached his hoof out too, and Penneth wrapped his claws around it, shaking it up and down. “Then it’s settled,” Astras commanded, “Griffonia and Equestria are now allies.” ~~~~~~~~~~ The flight home was a long one, once again. The entire griffon kingdom had come to see the ponies off. Solaria flew a little slower than normal with one wing wrapped in a bandage. Penneth and Gildana had bowed and thanked the ponies once again, and assured them that the four chef griffons would get their living quarters as promised. Penneth leaned to Astras before they took off and whispered to him that an envoy would be sent with messages for Equestria regarding their ally-ship. For the first time since their departure from home, the four ponies were in utter silence. Griffonia had disappeared into the horizon long ago, and the only noises they could hear was the wind whistling by them. All four sighed – everything was finally peaceful again. Yet as Celestia looked to her father, a small cloud of worry hung over him. “Dad?” She broke the silence. Astras started, his eyes jolting open for a moment. “Gosh Tia, you startled me. Yes?” “What’s the matter?” “What do you mean?” Astras cocked his head at her as they flew. Solaria and Luna both turned to look at the conversation as well. Celestia raised her eyebrows at him as if it were obvious. “Well, you look all worried and stuff. What’s the matter?” The elder princess asked. Astras looked at his wife, and for the first time, Celestia noticed that Solaria had the same cloud over her. Solaria shook her head at her husband. “It’s nothing, sunlight,” She answered for Astras, smiling at her daughter. “Your father and I were just discussing something before we left. It’s nothing that you have to worry yourself with.” “But I wish to know.” Celestia pouted. “Me too!” Luna chimed in happily. “Why can’t we know?” The King and Queen exchanged dubious glances again. Astras sighed. “When the draconequus attacked, it felt… off.” The King said sadly. Luna rolled her eyes at her father. “Well duh, dad. It was an attacking army. It’s obviously gonna feel off.” “No no, moonbeam, not like that… but we have ponies in our kingdom that have seen the draconequus army first hand, and from the stories that we have been told… it was much larger than what we saw the other day.” The princesses exchanged confused looks. “So,” Luna said slowly, “You think that that wasn’t the entire army or something?” “Precisely, moonbeam. That’s what your mother and I have been discussing. That couldn’t have been the entire army there. It was too small, and too easily defeated. We drove off the enemy far too quickly, especially when you take into consideration all of the other kingdoms that the draconequus have defeated.” Astras’ mouth was set in a grim line. Solaria’s eyes drooped with sadness. And for the entire rest of the duration home, the trip wasn’t so peaceful after all. ~~~~~~~~~~ All four pony hearts sailed once they saw their beautiful home in the distance. Pegasus ponies dotted the skies, some pulling carts behind them. Everypony who saw the royal family coming dropped what they were doing and bowed down respectfully. Instead of flying straight to the palace, the four opted to drop down near the front gates and walk through their city. One of the gate guards trotted up to them and bowed low to them. “King Astras, Queen Solaria, would you like an escort through the city?” “No thank you,” Solaria smiled, extending her hoof to help him stand, “We can manage fine. Please, stand.” The guard looked up, shocked, and gingerly took his Queen’s hoof. She pulled him up, and everypony around could see his face flush with blood. He bowed his head and quickly trotted back to his post. The royals resumed their walk to their palace, greeting all of their citizens. A few young fillies around Celestia and Luna’s age waved to them, and the two princesses waved back, happy to be home once again. When they finally reached their palace, it was Starry Night, with a large smile across his features, that greeted them. He bowed his head quickly. “Your Majesties, how was your trip? I trust everything went smoothly? Did you manage to convince the griffons to join our cause?” Astras and Solaria laughed heartily at the advisor, who maintained his grin, despite his confusion. “Yes, my friend,” Solaria rested her left hoof on his shoulder, “The griffons will be here in our time of need.” She motioned to the corridor, which held the door to the meeting hall at the very end. “Come, let us walk. Call the Council as well. We have many stories to share with you.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even stuffy old Tuxedo Top Hat had his mouth open, gaping at the royals. Starry Night quickly adjusted his glasses on his face and swallow hard. The Royal Council was deathly silent. “So now, because of our deeds, Griffonia has pledged it’s allegiance to us, and has promised to come to our aid when and if the time arises.” Solaria finished her story, glancing around expectantly at the other ponies. They all just stared. She blinked at them awkwardly. “What’s wrong? Aren’t you glad that we got them to ally with us?” “Of course, my Queen, but…” One of the council members, Monkey Wrench, the leader of the engineer and builder ponies in Equestria, piped up, but he hesitated, waiting for someone else to speak. Astras looked from him to the others. “What of any of you? Do you not have anything to say, Lady Candelabra? Gingersnaps? Glass Slipper? Peacock Feathers? Burgundy Finish? Do you not have anything to add on?” The King dared them to speak to him. His patience was drawing to an end. For over two hours, he and his wife had sat around the Council room table, telling their stories to long-time friends, and here they stood, being gaped at like children who had just broken a family antique. Astras was already irritated from the long trip home, and not having any peace to himself for over a week. He wanted this meeting to be over with. Peacock Feathers stood up with her sister, Glass Slipper. The two unicorns were extremely beautiful. Peacock had a dark blue coat and dark green hair with streaks of gold in her mane. Glass Slipper was the opposite of her sister, with a light, icy blue coat and a platinum mane. The two carried themselves regally and respectfully, and ran all of Equestria’s fashion lines. The two designed clothing for the King and Queen themselves, and were no strangers to the limelight. Though most of the kingdom thought of the two sisters as simple fashionistas with no hoof in politics whatsoever, Peacock Feathers and Glass Slipper were brilliant tacticians, and had been valued assets over the many years. “King Astras, you do realize how dangerous that was for you two, correct?” Peacock leaned forward, eyeing Astras carefully. The King grunted gruffly and nodded. “Then do you understand our concern and our displeasure?” “Of course we do, but we survived, and got an extremely powerful ally out of it. Is that not worth the risk?” Astras argued back. Peacock opened her mouth to speak, but Glass Slipper beat her to it. “Yet what if you had died? Not only would none of us know about it, but you had the princesses with you – rightfully so, of course, they are your daughters after all – but even then, Equestria would have no heirs to take over! What would we do then?” Glass Slipper pursed her lips and flicked her mane over her shoulder. The rest of the Royal Council leaned forward in their seats, eager to hear the King’s response. Instead, he shook his head and slumped down in his throne, defeated. “I suppose I see your reasoning, my friends. But we still did what we had to do, and if given the chance to change my actions, I would not. Celestia and Luna are smart little fillies. They would figure out a way to escape and relay the message to you, had we fallen – which we didn’t.” The King put emphasis on the last word. Solaria glanced around at the rest of the room. Monkey Wrench was busy staring at his hooves, trying to wipe off the ever-permanent grease and grime that marred his orange coat. Tuxedo Top Hat looked ready to fall asleep in his seat. Lady Candelabra stared bored out the window, with her face in one hoof. Gingersnaps and Burgundy Finish whispered something inaudible to each other, and even Starry Night looked exhausted. The Queen broke the silence that filled the room. “My friends, we thank you for your input, and my husband and I will sleep on the information. We will adjourn for the day, however, and reconvene tomorrow afternoon. It is getting late, and we are all very tired.” The entire room collectively nodded. Astras sighed, relieved, under his breath. As the Council ponies filed out of the room one by one to head off to their respective rooms here in the castle, Astras turned to Solaria before the followed suit. “Thank you, my wife. It was getting too stuffy in there, I think.” “Nonsense, Astras,” Solaria laughed, nuzzling his face quickly. “Do not thank me for such trivial things. We are all tired, and we all need a good night’s rest. Come, let us raise your moon and put our daughters to bed. We’ll all feel better in the morning.” Solaria motioned forward to the hallway, and the two rulers walked, slowly, beside each other. And for the first time in a while, Astras could enjoy Solaria’s company without anypony else around. All in Equestria was peaceful at the moment. And the rulers wouldn’t have had it any other way.