> Fiery Relationship > by TwilightTK > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Spitfire's Day Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fiery Relationship Chapter 1: Spitfire's Day Off Finally, after working for an entire year nonstop, Spitfire, one of the female Wonderbolts, had her week off. "Huh," she thought to herself, "Now that I don't need to work for another week, what should I do?" Her mind went into the past, wondering if she can meet up with anypony, or do anything else. "Oh wait! Rainbow Dash! I should pay her a visit, especially since I didn't get to talk to her at the Grand Galloping Gala!" She thought as she flew off to Ponyville. "Sweet! Can ya show me another trick, Rainbow Dash?" asked an excited Scootaloo. "Sure thing, squirt!" said the cyan pegasus, about to take off at a high speed and attempt a sonic rainboom... Only to be stopped by "Yo, Rainbow Dash?!" "Huh?" said the rainbow maned mare, who just crashed into a tree. "Ow! Who the he- Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, SPITFIRE?!" "Yeah! Wassup, Rainbow?" the fiery maned pegasus asked. "Just teachin' my protegee, Scootaloo, a few flying lessons. Whaddya been up to?" Dash questioned. "You know, Wonderbolts." she bluntly answered, now taking off her WB suit. That... mane. Rainbow Dash thought. Ever since she was a filly, she loved Spitfire, both as a role model, and more. She was the reason why Rainbow Dash always felt more comfortable around mares. The reason she made out with Applejack once was because she also had an orange and yellow color scheme. She tried to fill the hole that wanted Spitfire. Spitfire started to see the look of lust in Rainbow's eyes, and changed the subject, "Yo, Scoot, ya wanna learn from both me and Dash?" "Sure!" said the excited filly. "Oh that feels sooo good!" said Rainbow. "Uhn!~ Yeah..." said Spitfire. "This spa does wonderful messages. Been goin' here since I joined the Wonderbolts." said the fire maned pegasus. Now done with the massage, the two pegasi went into a hot bathtub. "Ah! Oh... this is lovely. Man, spending time with the Spitfire, makes me..." Rainbow Dash trailed off. Immediately the water parted to show off Dash's now fully erect wings. She blushes immediately and tries to hide herself under the water before the Wonderbolt can see. Too late. "Oh! So you roll like that, huh?" The multicolored pony arose to the surface, nearly crying, "Sorry Spitfire, I just, like, love you! You're awesome, I want to be with you... AH, I'm sorry i didn't mean to-" "Rainbow. It's fine." "I just lov- wait what?" "It's fine, I feel the same. I mean, you saved me from plummeting five miles... and you're not the baddest looking pony around." Joy filled through Dash. "Uh... y-you're saying, you l-love me back?" "Yes." "Well this is my home, nothing much. Made it all by myself." said Rainbow showing off her cloud home to the Wonderbolt. "Nothing but clouds, seems comfy." Spitfire said, now sitting on Rainbow's bed. Rainbow's wings had erected once again. "I'm guessing this is your first time?" "Uh, well, um, does kissing Applejack count?" "No." "Than yeah..." Spitfire pulled Rainbow closer to the bed, and kissed her. Rainbow went limp onto Spitfire, feeling her warmth. Rainbow not only felt warmth, but she felt her soft mane. The spa had made both their coats very soft and nice, and this made Dash even more wanting. "I need to get this out," said Dash, almost crying in Spitfire's ear, "I've been saving myself for you. Please, uh... can we start?" Spitfire chuckled. "No need to cry, Dash, it's not like I think your weird, I want this." And with that, Spitfire used her hoof and parted Rainbow's curling hair, revealing her magenta eyes looking up at her, filling with tears of joy. Their magenta and orange eyes looked at each other for several seconds until Spitfire kissed her again on her light cheek. Rainbow was relieved and returned the kiss, now both lip locked. The kiss was broken by Spitfire, "Mmm. Flying isn't the only thing you're good at." Spitfire started moving her hoof down Rainbow's chest, to her belly, finally reaching Dash's pussy. "Unh!~ Ah yeeah.. Spitfire!" Rainbow was getting wet from the action, and she quickly came. "Seriously, Rainbow Dash? That was like, ten seconds flat." "Uh... I'm sorry, Spitfire, this is totally new to me, I don't know..." "But that's good for your first time," said the Wonderbolt with a big grin. The grin locked into perched lips and the two mares kissed once again, this time while stroking each others beautiful manes. This time Spitfire pulled Rainbow Dash onto her. Rainbow figured that this time it was her turn to give the enjoyment. She copied her friends earlier moves, and Spitfire felt like she was in heaven. Only Spitfire held out for much longer. After several minutes of hoofing, licking, and kissing, the fire maned pegasus reached a powerful orgasm. The two mares were sweating and exhausted; soon the both of them fell asleep in Rainbow's bed, their faces buried deep in each others soft fur, smelling the others wonderful aroma. "U-uh.. ah yeah... Spitfire, oh, ah, yes!" the rainbow maned mare mumbled in her sleep. Hearing her name, the racer woke up slowly, "Huh? Where am I?" Spitfire questions. When she looks to her right she sees her friend, who is now sweating. This image brings back last nights... activities... and she hugs Rainbow Dash. Feeling the immediate movement, awakes Dash, seeing her idol in her bed also reminding her. The pegasi share a moment of peace as they hug. After a minute or two, the mares decide to get out of bed. Rainbow heads to her kitchen to get breakfast for the two of them while Spitfire starts Dash's coffee maker. In a few minutes the two sit down at the kitchen table. While chewing on her cereal, Rainbow Dash pipes up, "So, Spitfire... since we're... close... together, does this mean we're like... marefriends?" she asked while trying to keep most of her excitement hidden. Spitfire chuckles. "Of course, Rainbow Dash! I already told you that I loved you, that I wanted you, and I'm a mare by my word!" Rainbow is over excited and immediately kisses the Wonderbolt. "I'll always love you Spitfire..." "Same here, Dash..." The two hugged once more. > Telling Friends > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2: Telling Friends After the two mares finished their breakfast, they decided to fly into town. "I never really did get to meet your friends," said Spitfire over the wind, "Other than that unicorn that kicked me in the face, what was her name again?" she asked. "Rarity, she's a fashion pony, sorry about that, she's really generous and nice." Soon the two landed at Twilight's library, and Dash knocked on the door. Soon the purple unicorn opened it up and saw Rainbow. "Oh, hello, Rainbow Dash!" she said, seeing her friend. "Who's this pony?" Twilight asked seeing Spitfire. "It's me, Spitfire, I look different without my suit, don't I?" she answered. Twilight nodded, "So what are you doing in town?" "I just got my week off. Thought I could stop by and meet up with Rainbow." Spitfire said, staring at Rainbow, who stared back. Twilight could sense something was up between the two. Knowing Rainbow's feelings for the Wonderbolts, she started wondering what might have happened. The unicorn tried to push away that thought and asked the mares if they would like to come in. "Sure." They both say, still staring at each other. Twilight could of sworn it sounded like they didn't even pay attention. The pegasi stopped looking at each other when Spike walked in the room and saw the two. "'Sup, Rainbow? 'Sup... Spitfire?" the dragon asked. Spitfire once again mentioned how different she looked without her suit, and what she was doing in Ponyville. Right before she can finish her last sentence, a certain pink party pony slammed open the front door and started talking. "Hey Twilight and Spike! I'm throwing a party, wanna come?! Oh hey Rainbow! Ooh, who's your friend! Do you wanna come to my party? It's gonna be so fun, we have a huge cake and streamers!" "Pinkie Pie! Calm down! This is Spitfire, she has the week off and-" said Dash. "Wow! Spitfire? I hear about you all the time! How you doing? Wanna come to my party-" Pinkie started up again. "PINKIE PIE!" Yelled Rainbow Dash. "Uh, I'm doing good, I would love to come..." Spitfire pointed her eyes at Dash, asking silently if this was a good idea. Spike and Twilight also agreed to the invite. Pinkie Pie bounced up and down, "Sweet, be there soon, I already told Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rarity!" and with that the party pony frolicked out of the library. "Is she always like that?!" asked the shocked Wonderbolt. "Yes..." replied Dash, Twilight, and Spike. Over the music, Rainbow Dash asked Pinkie what the occasion was for. "Just for fun!" She replied. "Everyday I'm Shufflin'" The now, even more hyper Pinkie Pie went into a shuffling storm, which told Dash to get out of there. She walked over to Spitfire, who was drinking what she thought was punch. When Rainbow sat down next to her at a table, Spitfire immediately kissed her. Tasting the inside of her mouth, Dash knew it wasn't punch at all. It was pure liquor. "Spitfire? Have you been drinking?" Rainbow questioned as she broke away from the kiss. Of course she didn't mind a few drinks but she never liked getting intoxicated. "Uh, I thought it was *belch* ...just punch?" "Someone probably spiked it..." the blue mare accused, 'Pinkie...' she thought, looking over at her, who now was passed out on a chair from 'Shufflin' excessively. Rainbow's thought process was interrupted from another kiss. This one lasted much longer, Rainbow getting used to the smell of liquor, and she returned it. The two got the attention of a certain earth pony... "Rainbow?!" Dash turned around and saw Applejack, "Uh, hey, AJ..." Rainbow awkwardly greeted, remembering that one night with her. Applejack hadn't forgotten that night either. She knew it was one little kiss, and they were both drunk that night, but as Applejack had also just drank some spiked punch, she thought it was a lot more than that. She thought it was more romantic, and that it was not just something that meant nothing. "I thought... *belch*... we were together?" "AJ, you're drunk..., you know it was just a little kiss, we were drunk." The three ponies there talking about kissing and romance got the attention of everypony else. Spitfire talked to AJ, "Me and Dash... sorta *belch* are... friends..." "Oh, my..." whimpered Fluttershy. The three mares looked around and saw their friends. 'Oh no... this is just like flight school all over again...' Rainbow didn't want that feeling to come back to her. She came out up front about it. She held Spitfire's hoof and stood up with her. "Ahem...," Dash cleared her throat. "Yes, it is true... Spitfire and I... are marefriends. We love each other." As if on que, Spitfire hugged Dash again, becoming less drunk. "I love you, Rainbow..." she said, barely stumbling her words. Rainbow was expecting some laughter, like from flight school, but she only received hugs. "Huh?" She asked. Twilight explained, "We're your friends, Dash, we don't care what your sexual orientation is!" "Sexual Orienwhat?" asked Dash. "We don't care if you're straight, gay, or bi." Twilight simplified the definition. "Ah, uh, thanks, you guys, you are so good friends." thanked Rainbow. Spitfire and Dash kissed again. > Marriage > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 3: Marriage Today was the last day of Spitfire's break, and because she enjoyed spending time with her new marefriend, she was depressed that she had to get back to work tomorrow: "I hate how I can't stay here, with you, Dash! Ugh..." the Wonderbolt complained. "Well, they have to have some kinda exclusive for Wonderbolts in relationships?" Dash wondered. "Yeah... but for married couples." Spitfire replied, glumly. "Well... why don't we get married?" Rainbow asked. "Huh?" "Yeah, they legalized gay marriage years ago, and we do love each other, right?" Dash explained, saying the last part seductively. Spitfire was game. "Dash you're a genius! Now I can work only half the time!" "Yeah... coughheycanijointhewonderboltscoughcough!" 'coughed' the rainbow maned pony. Spitfire read her straight and clear. "Ha, I'll see what I can do." The next day, Rainbow and Spitfire had told the rest of the Mane 6. Applejack, now sober, said she felt happy for Dash that she was finally sure on a relationship. So did the others, remembering Twilight's little speech a few days ago. Rarity wanted to take immediate action on planning a wedding for the two. She decided to work with Pinkie, as the two are great with decorations. Rarity had two bridal gowns and dresses crafted by the following two days. By this time, Spitfire and Rainbow Dash were talking to Princess Celestia about her new schedule. It didn't take long for the princess to figure out the situation and she was quick to say yes. Rainbow Dash also threw in how bad she also wanted to be part of the Wonderbolts, and again, yes. The two happy pegasi left with Celestia wishing them a good wedding. After another week of the two mares working at Wonderbolts passed, their wedding had arrived. Pinkie Pie and Rarity both did amazing jobs on the decorations and cake, which had all the colors of the rainbow and fire simulated edge-frosting. Of course, the mares invited their friends, which were the Mane 6, including Spike and Big Macintosh, and the entire team of the Wonderbolts, including Soarin'. The wedding officiant was none other than Doctor Whooves. The Doctor didn't hesitate to start the marriage after Dash had walked onto the podium. "Dear mares and gentlecolts, we have came here today to witness the marriage of Rainbow Dash and Spitfire. True marriage is the uniting of two souls attuned to each other. It is fitting that an outer acknowledgement is made. We are here to bear witness to the entry into a closer relationship of..." the Doctor had to make sure not to mess up here, "wife and wife between these friends who are already one in spirit. Rainbow Dash and Spitfire, you are now taking into your care and keeping the happiness of the one person in all Equestria you love best. You are adding to you lives and you are agreeing to share strength, responsibilities, and love. At the end of this ceremony you will legally be wife and wife but you still must decide each and every day that stretches before you that you want to be married. Make that decision and keep making it, for the most important thing in life is to love and be loved. May you always need one another, but not encircle each other. May you succeed in all important ways with each other, and not fail in the little graces. Look for things to praise, often say, 'I love you,' and take no notice of small faults. May you have happiness and may you find it in making each other happy. May you have love, and may you find it in loving one another. Rainbow Dash, I ask you today, will you stand by Spitfire, care for her, hold her in the highest regard and die with this love you have for her untarnished in her heart?" "I will," answered Rainbow Dash. "And to you, Spitfire, will you stand by Rainbow Dash, care for her, hold her in the highest regard and die with this love you have for her untarnished in her heart?" "I will," replied Spitfire. Whooves started up again, "To marry your best friend is a joy, but to marry the pony your heart has set upon is a joy unparalleled to pony life. On this day, I would like to present to you Mrs. and Mrs... uh..." he went on, trying to think of what the new couple will be known as. "FireDash?" the couple asked in unison. "Mrs. and Mrs. FireDash!" the Doctor finished. "You may now kiss the other bride." Rainbow and Spitfire FireDash shared a long, passionate kiss. The now married couple took a look at their friends, most crying, some trying to keep their composure. Heck, even Big Mac was a little teary eyed. Pinkie Pie and Rarity got out of their seats and rolled over the couple's decorated cake. With remodeling, the couple made Rainbow's cloud home much larger. A home more comfortable to two ponies rather than just one. They both loved it. Rainbow and Spitfire have been married for a year so far. The two, for their anniversary gifts, decided to share one. A great one. They had decided to adopt a child. When they went to the adoption home, the couple met Lightning Streak. Just like the two moms, Lightning was a pegasus, and a tomcolt. Add on to that, her room at the adoption home was covered with several Wonderbolt posters, including one that even featured the couple in it. Streak also had a light yellow coat, like Fluttershy's, and a dark yellow mane. They were friends. They were married. They were family.