> Party With Pinkie > by FlashBreath > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was sitting in my room, like any other night, watching My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. I had to watch at night, my parents and brother were, lets say, unimpressed that I liked a show made for little girls. I didn't care what they thought, the show was entertaining, and I enjoyed it. My favorite pony was Pinkie Pie, she was so happy all the time, no matter what happened she could find a silver lining. It made my heart warm when she tried to cheer up a sad pony. I dreamed of going to one of her famous parties every night. If only it could happen. The first episode I saw was Party of One, and from that moment on I was in love. It may seem weird, or even disgusting, but I loved that pink mare. Pinkie was beautiful, energetic, happy, what more could I guy want, except for her to be real. Even though I knew it was impossible, I still sat up at night imagining what we would do together. I would help her set up for parties, bake, and just be there to talk with her. Even after all the stories where she was a psychopath, I still loved her, nothing could stop that. I'm not sure when I first noticed it, but when I did it was pretty discouraging. I was never happy, for some reason I could never smile. Even though I enjoyed life, I was angry. There wasn't a reason for me to be depressed, I just couldn't smile. I would put on a plastic grin when I saw my friends, and would tell my parents nothing was bothering me, but it was a lie. I guess that's why Pinkie stood out to me so much. She was the one thing that could make me smile. But still, I wasn't happy, the animated pink pony wasn't enough. I have everything I could want, why aren't I happy with it? No, that's not true, I don't have everything. There is one thing.. but how could I have her? She isn't real. My dreams that night were, for the first time in months, not about Pinkie. Instead I dreamed a dark room, beautiful artwork hanging on the walls and a simple wooden table in the middle. There were no discernible windows or doors, just the pictures and the table. I walked up to the table and saw another picture laying on it. It was my house, with my family posing in front of it. We were all smiling, all happy, except for me. I was frowning and looking away from the camera. I don't remember this picture.. I thought, raking my mind for a memory of the framed photo. Is that how I really look? It was a depressing thought. I was sure that no one could see how I really felt, but if this picture was real.. Suddenly a light flared from the picture, causing me to stumble backwards from the intensity. When my vision cleared I was in a brightly colored, and very pink, bedroom. I stood in the open doorway, mouth hanging open. Laying on the bed was Pinkie Pie, humming away while drawing a picture. She hadn't noticed me until I gasped, this caused her to jolt slightly. "Oh! Hey there! Whats your name? Mines Pinkie!" Her rambling continued, but I didn't hear it. She's real... Finally I can be with her. "Hey," I said, looking straight at her, smiling widely, "I'm Isaac. I, uh, I don't know how to say this really, but I've really been looking forward to meeting you." She beamed with glee and bounced towards me. "Well, duh! Everypony looks forward to meeting knew friends, I know I do!" Oh, you have no idea how true that is. I thought. "So.. what are you doing?" I asked, I was to nervous to ask anything else. "I'm writing up a poster for my party tomorrow, OH! You should come! I can introduce you to all my friends and-" CRASH I sat up in my bed, heart racing. "Oh." My heart sank and shoulders drooped. It wasn't real, she wasn't real. "Why did I have to wake up right after meeting her? This sucks!" I shouted at my pillow, which only responded by flopping over. This dream shouldn't have disappointed me so much, I had dreams like it every night. What was so special about being in her room? Maybe it was that I could talk with her? Whatever, I'm going back to sleep. Just as I was dozing off, a blinding purple light flashed throughout my room. "AUGH!" I screamed, but no noise came out, it was overshadowed by the hum that was pulsing. It wasn't very loud, but it was engulfing, absorbing all other sound. I recognized the light, it was purple, and kind of a wavy aura. No.. But my thought was interrupted. The light moved around my room, searching for something. It moved around, almost sniffing the things strewn everywhere. It went around the parimiter of my room stopping to check anything in its path. Then it came to me, it stopped again, sniffing me. Then it moved closer, and closer, until it had engulfed me, surrounding me in its light. I tried to scream, but I couldn't move. I couldn't think. The humming started to get louder, and the light brighter. I just sat there, unable to do anything more than sit. Then, in the blink of an eye, I was in darkness. My room gone, the light, the hum, everything stopped. I looked around, startled to find that I was in an open field. The grass was lush, and there were trees lining for as far as I could see, if I could see, that is. I could only make out a foot, at most. I stood up and braced myself against a tree, getting a hold of my barrings. I felt, different, it was a strange feeling, like I was, changed or something. I just couldn't put my finger on it, until I looked down to see I had no fingers. I had hooves, four hooves. It felt like a dream, but at the same time I knew it wasn't. I was in Equestria, or, at least in the Pony universe. But the magic was Twilight's, right? Of course it was! I know her magic anywhere. So I guess this is.. Sweet Apple Acres! How could I not see it? Oh, this is great! No, this is incredible! I'm in Ponyville, I can meet Pinkie, and I'm even a pony myself! How this could get any better is beyond me. I jumped around yelling praises to Celestia like a madpony. I felt something right then, it was true happiness, for the first time, I was happy. I was ecstatic. My dreams came true, well, half of them, but winning Pinkie's heart would be the easy part. For now, I was just to happy to contain myself. This must be how Pinkie feels everyday. I think I could get used to this. Celestia's sun began to rise, slowly, over the horizon, pushing the night away. I was able to see now, and what a sight it was. Miles and miles of apple trees, spreading further than you could see, fields of them going forever. It was so much better than the show. So much more intense. "Sugarcube Corner, her I come." I was getting really excited now, I started to worry about my heart, but quickly dismissed it. To many important things to think about, don't have to for health concerns. Maybe not the safest thought, but Pinkie was more important to me. I hadn't made it halfway to the outskirts of town before I had to stop. "Maybe," I paused to pant heavily, "I should have spent less time on the computer back home." Hmm, did that even affect this body? Who knows, who cares? Whatever remnants of my old self were a part of this one I didn't care. I still had the same brain, and that meant the same love for Pinkie. It was ten in the morning before I made it to town square. I was tired, I had ran until I couldn't run anymore, and then I jogged. I was also really hungry, but I had no bits, or even dollars. Well, buc- wait a minute.. I just remembered how I got there in the first place. Twilight. I made my way to Golden Oaks Library, house and place of work of Twilight Sparkle, unicorn extraordinaire. If anypony can get me some food, its her. After all, who brings someone from one universe to another without giving them lunch? When I got there I was surprised to the voices of all the mane six, plus Spike. Well duh their all here, Twilight did just bring a human to Equestria and turn him into a pony. That's not a thing you do alone on a Sunday night. I thought of something right before I knocked on the door, What do I even look like? I guess being in Ponyville had been enough to keep that off my mind until then. I looked myself over, I was a tan, earth pony stallion, with a dark brown mane. My cutie mark was , to my great surprise and relief, confetti and balloons. YES! Another excuse to be with her! Thank you Twilight! I knocked three times, a new confidence beaming through me. The voices in the library stopped, and light steps began to sound closer and closer to the door. A magic purple aura surrounded the door and it opened quickly, revealing a lavender unicorn, smiling at the ground. "Hello, sorry but we're cl- wait a minute, whats your name?" "Uh, this may sound strange, but I don't really know. I guess you can call me Isaac, but I know that's not my real name." I hadn't even thought of what my name was until then. Man, Pinkie kept my mind busy. "Did you just say, Isaac?" Twilight gulped, her eyes widened. So she was expecting me. "Yes. I did. And before you say anything else, Twilight, thank you. You have no Idea what being here means to me." Twilight looked like she was going to explode, her smile had grown to the point where she looked insane. She started to mutter gibberish and squeal. "Girls! Girls, come here! I did it! It worked!" Her voice was higher than I thought possible, and was painful to hear. I could tell this was important, I guess I didn't really think about how much magic this takes, thanks Pinkie. Five mares and a baby dragon ran out the front door, excited at their friends accomplishment. Then I saw her. Pinkie. She was so much more beautiful than the show led on. Her mane was more puffy, her eyes sparkled more. My heart leaped into my throat. I froze completely, the voices of the six ponies and dragon were too muffled to make out. I just stood there, unable to react properly to seeing her. "Oh my goodness, Twilight you did it!" "Bravo, Twilight!" "You really did do it, didn'cha? Ah didn't know that was possible!" "Nice work, for an egghead- aw, who am I kiddin' this is awesome!" "Wow! A new friend, this is so great Twilight! I knew you could do it!" Those sentences were all I could manage to make out before I passed out. Seeing her, knowing it was all real, hearing her voice, it was too much. "Is he okay Twilight? I don't think that's normal.." "He'll be fine, I think we just overwhelmed him. I hope." My eyes opened slowly, my head hurt, and the bright light shinning in my eyes didn't help. "Uhh, where am I?" "Your in the Golden Oaks Library, in Ponyville. You passed out outside, so we brought you in here until you came to." I could hear worry in Twilight's voice. I sat up slowly, holding my head in my hooves. "Are you okay?" Fluttershy asked, though I couldn't hear her very well, whether that's because my head hurt, or because of her shyness. "I'm fine, my head just hurts." I stood up off the couch and stretched, "How long was I out?" Twilight blinked, not expecting me to ask about my bout in Lala Land instead of my sudden appearance in a new universe. "Only a minute or two, just long enough for us to bring you in here. But that doesn't matter! You said your name is Isaac?" "Yeah, but I don't think I'll be using it here, it's not very.. pony." I responded. "Well, we can think of a new name later, for now, I want to know everything about you, and where you came from." "Um, okay. You know my name is Isaac, I have a brother named Adam, a mother and father, we live in a house kind of like yours Applejack," I pointed at the work pony and she grew a look of confusion, along with everypony else. "I went to school like all of you, excluding magic and flying training. I have, or had, friends like you guys. Not much is different to be honest. We just have hands instead of hooves." The six ponies looked very confused. I couldn't blame them, seeing a human that was turned into a pony and brought to Equestria probably wasn't an everyday occurrence. Applejack was the first to speak up. "H-how did you know about my house? Didn't Twilight jus' bring you t'day?" Damn, now I have to tell them about the show. Hope Rainbow takes this well. "Well," I began, "In my world, which you can call earth, we have a Television, you have TV right," A nod from Rainbow confirmed, "We have a show, and uh, you're all in it." I waited for the inevitable gasps before continuing, "I've seen you fight Nightmare Moon, King Sombra, even Trixie. I know how you all got your Cutie Marks, I know about the Cutie Mark Crusaders, all of it." Twilight seemed to accept pretty well, but still was shocked to know that others had seen her life playing out. Pinkie, however, wasn't fazed at all, she looked happier than before to know that I knew all about her. I guess it didn't surprise me though, she only reacted poorly to ponies hating her parties. "So what your saying is that," Rainbow swallowed hard before continuing, "Poni, er, people, in your world know that I like reading?" She trembled at the last word like it could hurt her just by saying it. "Don't worry, no one there thinks any less of you. In fact, you're widely considered the coolest pony. Although there are some assumptions about your, ahem, lets say, how you pick dates? That might not be true.." I trailed off, waiting for a response. "Oh, well, I.." She mumbled incoherently. "There's nothing wrong with that, I just thought you should know." She sighed a sigh of relief, looked at Fluttershy and blushed. No way.. "Well," Started Twilight, "I guess I should tell you why you're here." "Before you do I need to know, is this permanent?" Please, please say yes. "Yes." "YES! Oh, thank Celestia!" I screamed with joy, and brought on looks from everypony there. A slight blush adorned my cheeks as I slumped back down. "With that out of the way," Twilight chuckled, "I brought you here as an experiment, of course. But I didn't pick you out of random. When I was looking for the perfect pony, I mean person, I found a huge amount of energy radiating from you. I figured that you must have been special, as no one else had that effect." "Yeah, about that 'energy'," I trailed off, looking at Pinkie. She stared at me with the same smile she had all day, oblivious to what I meant. Twilight seemed to have picked up on it, and nudged Applejack to inform her. Applejack gave her an 'Oh, gotcha!' look and whispered something to Fluttershy and Rainbow. I have to give them credit, they really know how to sneak around. "Um, guys, I think we should let Isaac and Pinkie talk for a little." Twilight said, she blushed slightly as she said it. "Yeah, we'll be in the kitchen if you need us." Fluttershy agreed. "Okie Dokie Lokie. But, what we need to talk about?" "Just trust us, Pinkie, you'll need some privacy." Dash said laughingly. "Really, Dash? Really? I'm sure you want just the same privacy with Fluttershy." I jeered, with all the information I had on Dash, speculated or not, I was not going to go easy on her. "I don't know what you're talking about, but I'm leaving right now." And with that Dash bolted to the kitchen, face bright red. "So, what did you want to talk about?" Pinkie asked, her voice was just as cheery as ever, still oblivious to why the others left. "It's about why Twilight decided to choose me over everyone else in my world. I have to tell you, I..I.." I was starting to lose my nerve. I had dreamed about this moment for so long, but now I was letting it slip. "I love you." The words came out more forced than I would have liked, but I still said them. "Aww, I love you too, I love all my friends!" I sighed, while sometimes cute, her inability to pick up on romantic cues was getting annoying. "I don't mean it like that, well I do, but I.. Dammit Pinkie!" I moved forward and kissed her. It was, magical. Fireworks exploded in the sky, it was more than I could have dreamed. The fact that I was here to begin with was beyond belief, but now, lips locked with the mare of my dreams, everything I ever wanted was here for the taking. I felt pure joy, absolute ecstasy. She broke the kiss what felt like years later, but realistically it was more along the lines of twelve seconds. "Oh. So that's what you meant. Well, I don't really know you that well," My heart sank, this was the only thing I had ever feared; rejection. "But that doesn't mean I don't want to." Instantly I felt joy purge the doubt and disappointment. She wants to get to know me? Whatever this means I don't care! "Oh wow, I didn't think he'd have the guts." "Rainbow, when are you going to stop?" "Come on Rarity, you know as well as I do that Pinkie cant keep a coltfriend. This guy'll be gone in a week." "That's not a very nice thing to say Rainbow, what if you had coltfriend and we were making jokes like that?" "Not possible 'Shy, I don't even like stallions. Wait! I mean I, Celestia dammit!" Rainbow cussed. "Oh, well that's nothing to be ashamed of, I like mares myself." Fluttershy said, her voice was calm, obviously not realizing what that statement meant to Rainbow. "Hey guys," Twilight interjected, "Where'd they go?" _______________________ "I'm really glad you decided to give me a chance, sorry again for kissing you." I wasn't really sorry for that, but Pinkie didn't need to know that. "No problemo! Next time just ask. Where are we going?" I had been walking with Pinkie for quite some time, taking her somewhere special. It was the perfect place to watch the sunset, right at the edge of Ponyville, bordering the endless fields where I first arrived. There was a large hill with a lone tree on the peak, perfect for sitting after a long walk. "It's a hill at the edge of Sweet Apple Acres, the view is really great. I wanted to watch the sunset with you. If that's okay, if you want to head home I understand, its been a long day, and a weird one too." I sighed, not really sure how my stay in Equestria was going to turn out. "Nope, I'd rather be here, with you." Pinkie reassured, same cheery attitude as always. Whether she meant it like that or not, that's how I took it. "O-oh, okay," I managed to fumble out, "The hill's right over here." Celestias sun was on the verge of setting when we got to the top. The view was breathtaking, fields and fields of apple trees, the sky painted yellow, orange, and red, and my little pink mare sitting at my side. Perfect. I sighed contently. Everything I ever wanted was here, and there was nothing that could take it away. "You were right, this view is awesome!" Pinkie said, overwhelmed by the scenery. "I wish I had known about it earlier." "I just saw it walking into town this morning, it looked like a good spot to sit and relax, I didn't realize how right I was until now." Pinkie was staring off into oblivion, deep in thought. I didn't know she could stay still for this long. I hope I didn't break her.. "I was thinking," I started, trying to get Pinkie back to reality, "Maybe you could help me pick out a name, if you want, that is." Please say yes.. "Absolutely!" She cheered, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. "Now," She pointed to my flank, "Your Cutie Mark is confetti and balloons, so you're obviously a party pony like me. So your name should be something hip and cool, like mine." I laughed a little, just her voice could dispel all my doubt. "You're right. Hmm.. What about.. Festive Bash?" I asked. "No, that's too cheesy. You need something subtle, something like.. Oh! I got it! You can be Party Planner! It's perfect!" I cocked an eyebrow, Didn't she just say 'subtle'? Oh well, it's better than my idea. "That sounds great, thanks Pinkie." She smiled warmly at my acceptance, then gasped and shot away towards Ponyville. "Wait! Where are you going?" "I have to throw you a party!" Her voice echoed through the fields as she ran off. "She couldn't just throw one later? Man this is going to be harder than I thought." With a defeated sigh I made my way towards Ponyville.