Shining in the Darkness


First published

Shining Armor tells the story of what happened that fateful day at the Crystal Empire.

Shining Armor remembers the day he went face-to-face with King Sombra.

Tags: [First Person] [Mind Control] [Rape]

Another M/M idea by this weird swedish guy I know


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Alright... are we alone? Good. There’s something that I've never told anypony, something that I hoped I could take with me to the grave. But... I just can’t live with myself if I didn’t tell somepony what happened the day I greeted my sister at the Crystal Empire.

Twily often asked what happened to me when King Sombra caught me on our way to the Empire. I always told her that I don’t remember. As the Prince of the Crystal Empire, I had no trouble with lying to some of my subjects, especially when it was for the greater good. However, when I had to turn my dishonesty to my sister, I couldn’t simply do it. The guilt lingered in the back of my mind for the longest time, but I had to do it.

One might call it foolish to stand up against a being like Sombra, to try to face him alone. Maybe it was... I don’t know, but any big brother worth their salt would have done the same. I told my sister and her friends to run, get safely under the shield protecting the Empire before something terrible happened to them.

Given the choice, I would have done it all over again in a heartbeat... especially now that I know what awaits those who dare to defy him. I could never let Twily endure what I have, nor could I in good conscience let any of her friends do it... better me than them. I stood there bravely, the knight and proud protector of Equestria that I was.

Do you want to know what the pony... no... the monster called Sombra was capable of?

Let me ask you... have you ever experienced true darkness? Not the slightest speck of light, your eyes becoming useless as the sensations of nothing and emptiness surrounds you? Then you might know what I saw after Sombra reached me in his desperate dive toward the Empire.

Everywhere I turned... all I could see was impregnable darkness; I couldn’t even see the snow beneath my hooves... or even my hooves for that matter. There was nothing up, down, right, or left... my surroundings had disappeared into the shadows. Even the cold temperature had disappeared, replaced by a strange sort of... comforting warmth.

It wasn’t like the regular darkness you see when you shut your eyes, either. No, I could feel it. It was no longer “nothing,” it was everything. All over me, as if it were alive.

That’s when I heard it. A voice, if I could even call it that. It was a guttural sound, like a manticore that had somehow learned to speak broken English.

“CRySTaL! yOU aRe nOT CrYStAl!”

Then, a sharp pain struck me right in the chest. The darkness around me twisted and constricted my body into an unbreakable vice. It became harder and harder for me to breathe, like a python crushing its prey. I could feel my magic trying to resist, but even my assaulted horn refused to glow.

Slowly, the pain began to alleviate, and soon enough the intimidating voice rang out from all directions once more.

“YoU NOT CRySTaL pOnY! PoNy wiThOut crYstaL... cAN StiLL bE sLavE!”

As soon as that last, cursed word was uttered, I felt the crushing darkness lose its grip on me, dropping me onto what felt like a hard surface. My muscles ached, but at least I was free. I steeled my resolve and stood tall, like a brave stallion should. I lit up my horn, illuminating the darkness surrounding me.

What happened next is something that I’ll never forget, no matter how much I wish I could.

A pair of green eyes, each the size of Her Majesty Celestia herself, stared back at me, their blood red irises regarding me with an ever-growing hunger. For what, I wasn’t sure of yet.

“YeSsss... YOu Will dO nICeLY... A woRThY sLaVe...”

I almost shouted in terror. Though I’d like to believe myself a brave pony, at that moment, I was afraid, terrified even. I feel no shame in admitting that my body lost control of itself. I was shaking, my horn losing its glow and leaving only that haunting gaze in front of me, glowing a crimson red as lavender flames crackled beside them.

I tried to look away, but it didn’t matter which way I turned. Those cursed eyes were always there, staring deep into my soul. The surrounding darkness rippled around me as a face emerged from behind the eyes, completing the image of the dark king himself.

His cape flowed over his coal-colored fur in its warm, soft material. His legs were covered in strong armbands to protect him, and from his regal crown burst forth a mane of darkness, the shape akin to a lion’s.

He stepped forward, ever closer to me, but all I did was back away, too frightened by his visage until I tripped in my haste and fall onto my haunches. Sombra merely smiled down at me, baring his unnatural canines as he spoke, that earlier guttural growl replaced with a smooth, silken voice.

“Good... be afraid. Cling to that emotion... it’s the last one you’ll ever experience.”

I understood him fully now, but that voice was just so... powerful. I felt so small underneath a king like him; I began to think that I needed him as my liege... my lord.

The more he stared at me with that predatory grin, the more I found myself admiring him as a true king. And there I was, dressed in nothing but my scarf, carelessly tied in a haste to meet my sister.

I suddenly remembered my sister and her friends, they were waiting for me! I had gotten lost in Sombra’s eyes, and this field of darkness covering my vision was holding me back from my escape. I tried to get up from my vulnerable position, but then I felt something I never would have expected.

A stirring in my loins, an odd sensation of warmth and pleasure came from below before I could even move. Looking down, I tried to see what it was but my body was completely concealed in the darkness. All I knew was that something was touching me, caressing my sensitive stallion flesh, which caused me to lightly groan out.

My eyes automatically shifted to the only thing visible in the darkness, King Sombra. He stood tall in front of me, his deep scarlet irises holding their gaze on me while he spoke.

“You are my slave now... your body is mine to do with as I please...”

As much as I tried to resist his words and look away once more, there was only him in this darkness. My head could only think of what I knew at the time... Sombra was my King... and as a slave, my body is his to use...

I felt weak, confused, utterly useless as my body refused to listen to my commands anymore. My hind legs parted to allow him easier access to my then-hardening shaft. Why was I giving into it like this? Why couldn’t I fight back?

My horn finally seemed to listen, glowing its bright light as a sign of resistance. The sensations at my groin finally halted. Sombra hissed at me, clearly despising the bright light of my magic. I was finally snapping out of his intimidation. I thought I finally found his weakness; I could use light to defeat his darkness...

My King did not like his slaves resisting.

With a low growl, his own horn burst into a fiery, red glow. All at once, I felt the darkness strangle my horn, dousing my natural glow in one of pure black. With a grunt, I tried to fight it off, only for the darkness to swirl around it, cutting off my magical flow and trapping my horn in a harsh, unrelenting grip.

Then, I felt something truly frightening. I couldn’t feel my horn at all. My horn wasn’t just covered in darkness, it was being trapped and imprisoned. As if it were made out of stone, hardness and a rough texture engulfed the entirety of my horn.

I finally stood up, trying to force any amount of magic out of my horn. A simple flare of light would have worked... but no, nothing. My one source of magical power was completely blocked off, which brought me face-to-face with the king I tried to defy.

“No more resisting, Slave... you will welcome the darkness...”

In a flash, he was gone from my sight. I could still feel his presence, looming over me. What did he mean by “welcome the darkness?” Even amongst all this, my member was still hard, refusing to go down until it felt that same stimulation that seized it before.

Just as I thought of it, a new, even more pleasurable sensation returned to my stallionhood. But this time, it was far stronger. I felt something moist and hot draw me in, pumping my member as if I was some cow to be milked. The sudden and intense burst of pleasure almost knocked me over again, but I attempted to stand strong, enduring the hefty assault of pleasure.

The darkness around me started to dissipate, revealing the field of snow ahead. I still couldn’t see too far ahead of me, but as I looked down to watch the darkness recede, it seemed to move of its own accord, stopping at my forelegs and keeping me in place. This was bad, very bad. I thought I could get away... but then I realized how pointless that would be.

I heard a swirling sound, as if the shadows were combining to form something. Then, there was nothing... no sound, no sensations on my body, just... nothing.

“Assume the position, Slave.”

He was still there, the closeness of his voice sent a chill down my spine. His words, thick with lust, seeped into my mind. Complying with his order, my body didn’t struggle, despite my shouts into the cool air surrounding me.

My forelegs bent down and my hind legs raised up, my tail instinctively flicking to the side as if I had done this a thousand times. I didn’t want to let him do it, I didn’t want to let the darkness overcome me, but...

I could feel it. All over my body, embracing me in its warmth as I rejected the cold air of the outside world. I could feel his own hot, thick hardness pressing against my raised flanks, my cutie marks caressed under his strong underbelly. I could feel his forelegs at my sides, his body hovering over me to show me my place under my King.

I welcomed the darkness.

Heat, I felt so hot. I had been reduced to a cock sheath, and yet all I could do was moan out like a mare in heat. My face flushed and I bit my lip as Sombra thrust his rigid length into me, his domineering nature showing as he began to use my body for his pleasure.

A maniacal laugh rang through my ears as he stood over my hunched body and continued to roughly pump in and out. He taunted me, mocked me for my resistance, and there I was, lying on the cold floor as I could feel the heat and pleasure of King Sombra lording over me.

“Yeeeeesssss... good Slave...”

He praised me as my body began to sweat, drool oozing out of my open mouth as the ecstasy continued to overwhelm me. In that moment, he meant everything to me, and I had to please him.

I had no choice. My hips bucked on their own, forcing more of his hot, hard flesh inside me. He bore his grin and stood powerfully, reminding me that I was weak; I could do nothing against a powerful figure like him.

I craved the darkness; his warmth provided nourishment for my desperate body. I felt my own hardened flesh twitch and tingle as pre-cum dripped onto the ground beneath me. In truth, I wanted this. Every time he would thrust into me, I would moan out and thrust back, eager to feel that thickness fill me.

I needed more, I couldn’t go on if I didn’t feel him cum inside me. Marking me as his property was a great pleasure for a slave like me, so I bucked faster... and harder... The seed of my King... I needed it...

“I will reclaim the Crystal Empire... and you will be my Slave... Never forget...”

I mumbled the words “never forget,” as I finally felt the pressure build to a breaking point inside me. Without warning, his stallionhood surged and released wave after wave of hot cum into my body. His following laughter triggered my own orgasm, and I meekly groaned out as my hard flesh shot seed onto the ground.

King Sombra blessed me with his seed; I couldn’t let a drop of that go to waste. My body milked him for all I could, as I clenched my muscles and gave him pause as I wrung out what I believed was the last of it. But I was mistaken... he had more planned for me.

In my haze, I could only feel him pulling out, allowing the thick semen to spill out of my tail hole. My body was obviously not big enough to contain it all. My eyes shut tight in bliss; I understood that I let my guard down enough to allow such a powerful being to use me for himself.

But then, I looked up and saw that thick, perfect black member staring back at my face, a few drops of cum leaking from his flared tip. I couldn’t bring my eyes away from the sight, as a blush never left my face.

“Remember my taste, Slave... You are mine, forever...”

I slowly brought my parted lips to his hardness and sucked the tip into my mouth, eagerly lapping at the bitter taste of my King’s semen as if it was the most delicious thing in Equestria. My eyes seemed to close of their own accord, focused on pleasure and nothing else.

Then... nothing. He was gone. The warmth was gone. I passed out.

And now you know what happened that fateful day. My Master, though he may have been destroyed, made me his slave... forever.

I can still feel him... I can still taste him... I will never forget my King...