> Equestria's Finest Academy > by Alicorn Forever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sleepless in Sesaddle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Now pack up your things and go!" My things get thrown down to the ground of Sesaddle as I stare up in disbelief. "You're not really kicking me down here because of a little injury, are you?" "You lost your wings, Flame Runner, there for you are an earth pony, not a Pegasus," Bellhop hovers away slowly. "I'm sorry." He says continuing on back to Cloudsdale castle. "No, I'm sorry for YOU! You have to stick around those show-offs." I gallop away faster than you can say excuse. At least he didn't comment back in time. Now as if you didn't know already, I'm Flame Runner. One of the fastest flyers in Cloudsdale! Well, was... but, I guess I can learn a lot about being an earth pony, like how to garden... OH WHO AM I KIDDING! I wish I had never landed on that jagged rock and dislocated my wing so bad I had to get rid of it! Oh, of course the doctor thought it was logical to get rid of the other wing too, just for evenness. He didn't realize he ruined the awesome life of me, one of the best flyers in Equestria! I was training to be a Wonder bolt for Celestia's sake! Now that will never, ever EVER happen, at least not to me. I have a little sister, Fire Ring, who is a pretty good flyer too, not as good as me of course, but not far off. She even won this contest to spend a day with the Wonder bolts. I guess it was pretty cool... for her at least. The best day I've actually had in Cloudsdale was- "Oof!" I tripped over someone... no wait, someTHING. "What the heck is this?" I pick up the piece of cardboard paper material thing and read what's on it. "Equestria's Finest Academy, where all the ponies go to fulfill their dreams," I mumble out loud. I almost drop it to the floor again for some other wondering mare to trip on. Almost. I look through my bag, and find 25 bits. I walk about a mile to the nearest train station. I would be saving my bits by flying, but I'm not going to think about that. I got a ticket to Manehatten and there, I looked above to the sky and waved goodbye to the only life I ever knew. > T-T-Test? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I soundly fall asleep on my bag while riding the train, it is going to take 2 more hours. Sleep is my only entertainment right at this point in my life. Of course you know how all those cheesy movies or books go where the main character gets a dream of something he or she wishes they had or know they did wrong. That's exactly what happened to me. Of course I dreamed of when i was a Pegasus, of course I woke up to no wings and I seriously just wanted to fall asleep again. Finally I hear the conductor say that we are one stop til Manehatten. I wondered what my life would turn into as a city earth pony. Would I live at the academy? I almost forgot! I go into the train station bathroom and lock myself in the handicap pony stall. I pull the brochure out of my bag and open to the first page, Mares and Stallions everywhere! Welcome to Equestria's Finest! Where the rich and fancy come to learn. Want to learn how to be fancy? We will teach that too! Come to our mane office and register an appointment to take our class test. We will be waiting. What the Heck? I have to take a test to get into an academy. That was an unexpected turn of events. Well, even though I'm a little bit afraid of tests, I can suck it up and be a tough pony. I walk out of the restroom with my saddle bag over me and head off north to go find that academy. > Prim and Proper Ponies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Are you ready for your test miss Runner?" The Hay mistress asked me. "Yes Miss Rosy Cheeks, and you can call me Flame." I reply as I sit down from sharpening my pencil. I tap my hoof anxiously, did I mention how scared I am of test? Well, I am very, very and very afraid of them. Once in foul school, I got a zero on a test. I get shivers just from thinking about it. She hands me the paper as for the next 10 minutes... I don't think you want to hear details of how I was sweating buckets just staring at the name slot. Are you kidding me? I just told Miss Rosy Cheeks my name! I write it down, and for the next hour write in the best dress I've worn in the past year. When I'm done Miss Rosy Cheeks is asleep, and snoring. "Should I wake her?" I wondered out loud. "No I can do it." Some pony gallops in and puts her hoof over Miss Cheeks chest. "Miss Cheeks?" The mare says softly. "Are you her assistance or something?" I ask. "No her daughter." The mare replies. Oh. I never would call my mom Miss anything. "huh-HUH! Dandelion! You're suppose to make sure I don't fall asleep during a test!" Miss Cheeks yelled and then Shooed Dandelion away before she could say sorry. I got up ad handed my test to Miss Rosy Cheeks and sat there for a while waiting to get my result. "Okay Miss Flame." She says as I sit up still tapping my hoof. "The bad news is, you did terrible on the test. The good news is I will accept you anyway." She crosses her legs and lays her head on her hoof. She stares at me waiting for a reaction, but I am silent. I just got into an academy by failing test.... How easy was that?!?! Finally, I show the proper side of me. "Thank you." and then I prance out. > Keep your Hoof up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- This morning I just got all my books and scrolls from Miss Rosy Cheeks. Let me tell you, there was at least 15 scrolls. First I have cooking, then I have art, next math, Ew math, I've always hated math, since when do we need to learn numbers? After that is pony history and you get the drill. I gallop to my next class, because who wants to be late on their first day? I accidentally drop my scroll. Twice. Finally I make it upstairs to the cooking room. I grabbed a seat by a light green pony with a white mane. "Hi, I'm Flame Runner-" I start until she says, "This seat is saved, sorry." Then she looks back down on her worksheet she was working on. "Sorry." I say as I get up and go to the back of the class. I sit next to this smallish pony with a snip hole in his bangs and glasses. "Hi." I start t say as I pick up my cooking book. "Oh, uh hi." He says back as he's writing down the assignment on a letter. "Is the teacher always late for class?" I try to strike up a conversation. "Yeah, for the most part." He replies not looking up from his paper. "You're not very talkative are you?" I say as I write down the notes to. "Oh, my apologies, I've just never talked to a pretty mare before." He finally looks up from his paper and into my eyes. "So, What's your name." I ask trying to ignore the fact he just fancy flirted with me. "Chimes." He replies. Softly though, like he doesn't want anyone to know. Finally the teacher walks in, "Okay class, pick up your cake mixtures from the back room and we'll get started." She says. "I'm Flame Runner by the way." I tell Chimes. "Here, I'll show you the back room." He says as class continues on. "Now class, when whisking, you must keep your hoof up!" She explains as she holds her hoof high for all the class to see. The green pony that didn't let me sit next to her raised her hand. "Yes, Fallen Leaf?" Our teacher, who's name I learned was Miss Pie Crust, asked. "What happens when the batter is too thick?" Fallen asks so matter-of-factually that she might as well know the answer. "Well class, you have to thin your batter or else it will explode in the oven." Miss Pie Crust explains. I grab a clomp of my batter and it feels pretty thick. I turn on my whisker and turn my batter for another minute. It still feels thick so I turn it on high power. Bad idea. It starts to spill batter on me, then Chimes then the whole class! One big chunk of batter fly's across the room and directly hits Miss Pie Crust right between the eyes. "Class Dismissed." She said slowly as every pony ran away. > Dormies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a hard day of classwork, and I do mean hard. We had to design half a dress in 45 minutes. I barely got the sleeves done. Then, in Domain Society I had to learn the proper way to put silverware on a place mat. Math is hard for me as it is. I finally go to the secretary in the Dormitory. She hands me a key for my room and a piece of paper with a room number on it and a name. "Who's name is this?" I ask. "That's your roommate." She explains as I put it in my blue saddle bag. The name was Essence. Hopefully she isn't as mean to newbies as Fallen Leaf. That little pony tripped me in Art which made me get blue paint on me. Now, I'm holding a grudge. I trot up two flights of stairs til I get to room # 47. I knock on the door as I hear a high pitch squeal. "EEEEEE! My roomie's here!" she gallops to the door and opens it. "Hi, I'm Essence! You must be Flame Runner, I've been wanting a roomie the whole year I was here, I've never had a roomie before! It's so exciting!" Essence said it so fast all I heard was her name, mine and the word roomie. "Why don't you come in?" She finally calms down and opens the door wider. I put my saddlebag o the bunk that isn't unmade and that doesn't have a dress and a sewing needle on it. "Are you in my art class?" I ask as I unpack my things and put them in my dresser. "Yep, I even saw you when Fallen Leaf tripped you into blue paint. That was kind of funny, but I don't like her." She was starting to talk fast again. "So...," I try to get off the Fallen Leaf subject. "Do you have any friends here?" I ask her, she reminds me of someone with her pinkish red color and light purple and pink mane. "Well, everyone's my friend here! But I really like Table Cloth, she's my bestest, bestest friend here!" She throws her arms up in the air so excited. I lay down on my bed. "I'm going to take a nap." I say as I start to drift off. > Pulling on Bullying > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Left, right, wrap 5 times and weave." I repeat over and over to myself as I finish the train on my art assignment. Essence is grabbing at least 7 different color threads to make her rainbow dress. Our assignment is to make a prototype dress for Princess Luna's wedding. Miss Splatter Paint is hoping Princess Luna will respond to her invitation to come and look at the dresses. The material I'm working with took me 4 days just to get the sleeves done, it is a special Midnight Blue fabric with a picture of the moon sewn on it. "Left, right, wrap 5 times and weave." I continue until I see Fallen Leaf and two other ponies right behind her come near me. "What are you working on, Flame Runner?" Fallen Leaf says taking a seat next to me while her two goons still stand. "Why do you care?" I ask not looking toward her and I just continue the sewing cycle. "Oh, it just looks so good- Oh, whoops!" She "accidentally" trips over the train of the dress ripping the whole thing down with her and ruining my whole project. I just stare, and don't say anything, I take a glance at Miss Splatter Paint who has her head hung. I get up and gallop out of the room in a second. > Princess Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day in art, I try to make what was left of the Fallen Leaf attack work, although it wasn't easy. Suddenly, Miss Splatter Paint comes running in so excited I almost smile. Almost. "You'll never believe what happen, Class!!" She starts jumping up and down with excitement. Essence, of course so joins in asking, "What, What, What???" Miss Splatter Paint finally calms down and announces, "Princess Luna is coming to look at the dresses you've made in 5 minutes, and she might chose one!" She starts cheering and eventually so does the whole class. I actually do smile until I realize that I have 5 minutes to finish the hem and the train. I hurry as fast as I can hurry and I look over at Fallen Leaf who is smiling, not a happy smile, but a grim smile that makes you look mischievous. In this case, it isn't a look, she is evil and mischievous. I hear something outside the window as soon as I finish everything I needed to do! Of course, by this timing Princess Luna comes through and Miss Splatter Paint faints and two students have to take her to the school nurse. Princess Luna walks by each dress saying very loud compliments and some constructed criticism. Finally she comes over to me and in the royal Canterlot voice says, "I love the whole thing!" then she changes her answer... "I mean, This is really beautiful." she says in a much more settle voice. She inspects the whole thing which seems like forever when she finally says, "I like this one Miss Splatter Paint." Miss Splatter Paint hugs me and gallops over to Princess Luna to talk, but all Princess Luna says is, "How can I repay you for this beautiful dress?" I stop thinking. She just asked me to tell her if I wanted something. YES! my wings back! Before I can answer Princess Luna says, "I know how!" she starts waving her unicorn horn and a big pink puff of cloud surrounds it as poof! It zaps my head and... and... I have a unicorn horn!! I've never been a unicorn before. "Here you go, thank you for the dress Miss..." Princess Luna starts as I answer, "Flame Runner." I use to think my name had no meaning, now, I kind of like it. "Thank you, Flame Runner." Princess Luna says as she flys away with the wings I wanted. I think I got something much better though, much better The End