Just another Pony.

by SgtLollery

First published

Me, Tybalt Was a brave soldier in the royal army. Knocked out and woke in a strange land.

My pony (Name is thunder bolt, story name is Tybalt) was a Soldier in the 22nd swordsmen regiment. During a battle, he was knocked unconscious and woke up in a very strange land full of horses... Will he finally find love? Will he ever get back home? Will THIS be his new home? Let's find out!

Prologue- Battle of Dead Man's ridge. / Just another soldier.

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Authors note: This is set in a medieval setting, but they talk like modern people. Confusing I know. This is my short story Just another Soldier, hence where the name of the story comes from. I just decided to turn it in into Just another Pony.

Just another soldier.

Just another soldier in this pointless war. It began just as it always does. Someone pisses off someone else, and the nation pays for it with gold and the lives of young men. I checked my armour and weapons before heading out to my regiment. We were the 22nd swordsmen regiment. We were assigned to assist and protect the 15th archer regiment from cavalry and other soldiers. I just wonder how many people think that they will be the lucky ones to "survive this". I know I sure as hell didn't. It was 5:00 in the morning, and the regiment started marching right in front the 25th archer regiment. I approached the Captain, Sadon the third, asking him about the mission.

"Excuse me Captain, but where are we going?"

The Captain was a well respected man, always down to earth with soldiers he had in his regiment. he took every soldier seriously, and when one of his men died, he felt it personally.

"Well son, we are going to the plains of France. we must stop the french on their homeland to prevent them from destroying ours."

"Sir? Permission to speak freely?"


"You know that saying, 'It is better to die for your country than to run away'? I believe it is more of a matter of making the other poor dumb bastard die for his, not ours."

"Well said Tybalt, we will see that soon enough. We will be arriving by tomorrow. Please, back to your post."

"Yes sir."

As we finished marching for the day to give the men a rest, I was one of the unlucky ones given guard duty. As our camp made fires in order to cook the meat for dinner, I met my guard mate, who I will have to trust my life with.

"Hello, my name is Boris. the captain already has told me about you, Tybalt. I just want to say you watch my back I watch yours."

"Well said."

The first few hours went uneventfull except for the fires in the backround. At around 11:00 PM, the Generals made the soldiers put the campfires out and prepare for the night. As everyone went to bed, Boris, I, and 5 other groups of watchmen stood guard. I saw Boris in his steel chainmail and bright scimitar and shield start to doze off.

"Boris, You gotta stay awake, what if someone happened to come up behind me and stabbed me in the back while you were sleeping?"

"well Tybalt, I just hope that they did it quietly so that I could keep sleeping."

"Come on Boris, We're all in this together and have to stand by each other."

"well, I guess you're right. Sorry 'bout that."

At around dawn (5:00 by my guess) I saw some movement in the bushes near the front of the camp.

"Boris, Look!"

"Ugh, what is it? Oh shit, are you talking 'bout the movement in those bushes?"


"Hold on, we don't know anything yet, lets just go talk to the guardsmen over there and make sure everything is allright."

Around 5 minutes we arrived at the front of the camp only to find both guards... Dead.

"Shit! Tybalt, warn the other guards!"


Was the last thing I heard from one of the generals before I heard the unsheathing of steel from leather.

I quickly drew my sword, A 22 inch Longsword, made custom for me. I also took out my shield, an 18 inch diameter steel one.

The french were clad in leather armour and shortswords. A couple also had a dagger and chainmail, but it wasn't well made by the looks of it. I heard a shout come from behind me...

"Tybalt, look out!"

I saw Boris parry a sword strike that went straight for my intestines.

"Thanks Boris! I owe you one."

"I might just have to take you up on that."

I saw a group of three french that thought they had the jump on me.

I whispered to Boris, "I got the two on the middle and left, you got the one on the right, On three."

"Got it."


I lunged at one of the french, impaling him through his weak leather armour and spilling his intestines on the grass.

The other french soldier seemed hesitant to attack me, but soon got over it and attemped a stab of his own. I quickly parried it with my sword and returned the favor with a swipe at his arm. He tried striking again, and this one I blocked with my shield and bashed him in the same thrusting motion, catching him off guard. I quickly took this opprotunity to make a surprise swing at his face. The sudden attack ripped his face nearly in half, cutting through one of his eyes and severely damaging the other. His blood quickly spilled into the grass and my armour, quickly making my chainmail red with blood. As he stumbled from blood loss, He tried mumbling something. With the blow I gave him, I'm surprised he could
even talk!

From his mouth, I heard the phrase,"Vous porcine britannique! J'espère que toute votre famille est mangée par les chupacabres!"

I quickly shut him up by thrusting my weapon through his mouth, quickly severing his head from his shoulders. He quickly fell to his knees and landed at my feet. His blood soaking through my shoes as I watched him die in a pool of his own blood and his buddy laying down next to him with his small intestines laying 2 feet away from him. I quickly looked over at Boris to see how he was faring. Even though I barely knew him, my blood still went cold as I saw the French soldier ram his hilt across Boris's helm.

"Shit! Boris!"

I rushed over as quick as I could and tackled the French to the ground. It wasn't easy, considering I was wearing full chainmail, But I still managed it. I struggled with him as I got my sword, ready to plunge it through my enemy.

The soldier must have saw the murder in my eyes for he got desperate and trying to low blow me. He succedded because I was not prepared for it, and I found the odds turned when he got on top of me and got his dagger out, ready to end my life.

As he reared back to plunge the dagger into me, I closed my eyes waiting for the inevitable. The sensation never came. I opened my eyes to see the the french soldier... But with a sword plunged though his back. I quickly shoved him off of me to find Boris rubbing his read, He seemed to have a concussion, but it wasn't too serious, thank god.

"God damn it, Boris, That's two I owe you!"

"Actually, only one. I would have died if you hadn't tackled him."

"well come on, who knows how many more are out there? We gotta check on the camp!"

As we walked into the camp, I noticed most of the soldiers at alert, especially the snobby nobles in their shining full plate armour. Now THERE's something you don't see everyday. They're treated like fuckin' kings. We saw the Captain, Sadon heading our way.

"Tybalt! Boris! Did you see that shit? French got that damn close to us."

"Sir! We just killed three of the bastards, They only have leather armour, not even shields."

Boris spoke up,"Yes, It even looked as if they knew they weren't supposed to come back. It looks like this was a scuicide mission to kill at least some of us."

Then there was a messenger. "Sir! There...is a problem... General Ulfric's tent... Now!" The messenger was clearly out of breath.

"Tybalt! Follow me, Boris, you stay here and accompany the party in preparations of the last leg of out march."

"Yes SIR!"

Sadon and I walked to general Ulfric's tent. It was pretty fancy... Well, for a tent anyways. As we went in, we saw what we would last expect. Ulfric, A good friend of many of the soldiers and Captains, Especially Sadon's, had his head on a pike and his body in a pool of blood with his intestines ripped out and 5 French dead within 3 feet of him.

Sadon spoke up, even though he wouldn't look away from the ground. "Damn it Ulfric, even though you knew you were going to die, you still chose to fight back, and even managed to take 5 of the bastards with you."

"Captain, permission to speak freely?"

"Granted Tybalt." I got scared at this point. He always called me son, or Private, Never Tybalt.

"Something here just doesn't add up. Where are the guards? why was he alone? It all seems just too... Convienent."

"what do you mean Tybalt?"

"Someone knew he would be alone at this time, and took some of his buddies to kill Ulfric. They must have had... Someone on the inside."

"You're not suggesting that..."

"Yes. Somone in camp is a traitor."

"Well fuck me sideways. I thought I knew everyone here."

"All it takes to corrupt a man is money, power, or love."

We immediately hailed a messenger and Sadon was the first to speak.

"You there! Gather up the regiment, I must have a speech with them."

"U-uh, Y-yes sir! R-right away sir!"

"Huh, He must be new." I replied.

"Y-yes sir, Transferred f-from the 52nd regiment to this one. P-Please forgive me."

"52nd? Shit son, they're downright famous here."

As the messenger jogged away to warn the soldiers, Sadon turned to me with a sad expression.

"Shit Tybalt. I never thought Ulfric would die. He was always the strongest of us. Now the strongest of us has his head on a pike. I don't know If I will survive the battle today."

Later, around noon, Sadon had gathered the soldiers and was preparing his speech.

"Attention everyone! There was a great tragedy this morning, yes, but we musn't grieve to it!"

The soldiers all had their eyes on him for they did not know of Ulfric's death yet.

"This morning, after the ambush, We found Ulfric dead in his tent, his head on a pike and his entrails spread on the floor.

he paused to let it all sink in with the soldiers. There were mixed feelings about it all, but Boris took it harder than most of the men because he wasn't told yet.

"Yes, A sad day in this Regiment. We must press on though and attack France in their homeland! Their land, their blood!"

The soldiers let out simultanious cheers, "Hoo Rah! Their land! Their blood! Ul-Fric! Ul-Fric!"

This went on for a good 10 minutes. As the soldiers disbanded waiting for the march to start.

Sadon came up to me and said, "Well Tybalt, I was Ulfric's second in command. So that means I'm the new general and YOU'RE the new Captain.
Congratulations, CAPTAIN Tybalt!"

"Heh, Thanks a lot Sadon."

"Well? Your squad is over here. Since you're newly promoted, you start off with command of 50 Men. 20 Spearmen and 30 Swordsmen. We are putting their lives in your hands.

Sadon leaded me to a group of 50 men. As he said, 20 spears and 30 swords. When they saw me they quickly stood up and saluted.

"Sir! Captain Tybalt! This is my group. My name is Terrowin. I am your second in command."

"Well met Terrowin. I am happy to see you, Now, where will our group be in the formation?"

"Sir! We will be mainly in the right flank on the army, riiiiight next to the all-important 15th archer regiment. It is your decision on how we position the troops. I suggest a Pincer Formation."

As Terrowin was talking, I noticed my "Friend" Boris in the group. I have to talk to him after I finish planning the formation.

"You see Terrowin, If we do a Pincer, then our right flank will be exposed to cavalry and archer fire Here..." I gesture towards the map.

"Also, We have to PROTECT the archer regiment, not attack the enemy. If we charged with a pincer then we will leave the archers completely unprotected!"

"Yes sir, how could I have been so foolish..."

"Don't worry Terrowin, as long as the archer regiment is safe, then we will have this battle."

Boris came up to the table and started, "so, 'Captain' Tybalt, where will the swordsmen and spearmen be to repel cavalry and other swordsmen?"

"You see Boris, The spearmen will tightly group on the otside of the flank to repel any cavalry."

"And if swordsmen come? Spearmen are ill equipped to handle them."

"Simple, If we see swordsmen, the spearmen will spread out and allow out swordsmen to repel the new attackers."

"Huh, You're smarter than I thought you were Tybalt. One more question? What if archers open fire on us?"

"Then we have our swordsmen hold their shields up to repel their arrows. Their shields are large enough to shield the spearmen as well."

---------------------------Cleaned up camp, 2:00 PM-----------------------------------

My men took their formation on the march out. I was one of the many people walking, But I was leading my men. They offered me a horse, but I refused. I told them that it would be better for me to walk with my men just how I would die by them too.

General Sadon spoke up, "Men! Today we cripple the large part of the France army! When we meet on the plains, You all know what to do! Captain Tybalt will be controlling our right flank and Captain Boris will be protecting our left flank. Move.. out!"

After 4 hours of gueling marching we met up with the 15th archer division who took up there spot in the middle of Captain Boris and My squad.

After we arrived at the plain, we saw the french army peek over the ridge that we dubbed "Dead Man's ridge". We faintly heard it at that moment. The horns of war. The enemy started charging at us and their cavalry tried to charge our right flank. Bad mistake.

"Spearmen! Take up positions on the left and right side! Repel them! Give quarter to none!"

The brunt of the horses hit the spearmen hard. I saw two of the spearmen fall and realized how sad Sadon got when one of us fell.

"Repel! Hold firm! Repel! Don't let them touch the archers! Hold!"

I gotta say, those were damn fine spearmen. They easily repelled the cavalry.

Now in come the swordsmen.

"Spearmen! Fan out and allow the swordsmen through! We must repel these new attackers!"

I went out with the swordsmen to stop these new attackers.

We made our famous "Shield wall" and we held firm when they crashed into us. With the initial strike, we were able to fight back effectively. I noticed something; The french seemed... Unorginized. I parried one thrust with my shield as I jabbed at another of the french, impaling him even through his chainmail.
These soldiers were definetely better trained and armed than the ambush squad, but still weren't the elite forces. We fought back as hard as we could.

A thrust here.

A slash there.

A block here.

I parried yet another jab that I did not see coming as he got his friend to try to get me while I was preoccupied. I blocked one hit with my shield, While I tried to stop his friend from attacking me while I was killing his buddy.

Before I even knew it, His friend slashed my across the waist with his broadsword.

I felt my side. I didn't feel any blood... yet. I may still be alive.

Thankfully my Chainmail was well made and blocked most of the hit.
I DID feel the shockwave wash over me and I fell on my ass. The new attacker wound up for another strike.

A lot happened in the few seconds.

First off, I grabbed my emergency dagger to attempt a last chance thrust.

Second, The French soldier tried to strike with his sword.

Lastly, Another soldier jumped in front of me trying to parry the strike.

Unfortunately, the Broadsword was too much for a longsword and shield, and went straight through the soldiers block, piercing him deeply. I saw his blood splatter over me and the french soldier. It started into his shoulder. The soldier's screams were almost too much to bear. The broadsword kept going deeper. Deeper. Into the Breastplate. Into the waistbelt. I saw one of my men cleaved straight in half by this french soldier.

I lost it.

I grabbed my fallen friend's sword and used to to slash the French man's arms off. As I did that he dropped his sword and I struck again.
This time his eyes went. Blood was spilling everywhere. The normally green grass was red. I saw the last pleading face of my (Would be) killer. That was before I stabbed him right through his stomach spilling his intestines and showing me what he had for lunch. His buddy from before saw what I did to his friend. He turned and ran with hit tail in between his legs.

"Coward." Was all I could say before I turned back to the battle.

The pain in my thigh was growing, and I was just hoping I could made it through this battle. I struck clean through another French soldier, His blood helping to avenge my fallen savior.

The french Regiment fled, but not before taking 10 of my swordsmen with them. As I returned one of the men saw I was hurt, and tried to get me to fall back. I wouldn't have any of it.

No sooner that had happened than I got on my horse again.

"Men! We must win this battle. For all of the soldiers that have fallen today! We shall bathe in their blood!

Then the archers started firing from the 15th.

They had amazing accuracy. 60 Bowmen fired, and I saw at least 40 of the enemy swordsmen go down. I shivered as I thought of my men being in their place.

Another volley. At least 30 more casualties. Damn these archers are good. The enemy started bringing out the big guns now. I saw at least 20 swordsmen with full plate armour come from the french battle line and head straight for my flank.

"Men! Plate Armour! Remember to Half-Sword!"

In training, all men were taught to "Half-Sword" you you put your hand on the middle of your swords blade and used the extra precision in order to drive it in the little spot in between the armour in the plate. We had about 20 swordsmen left, so we had absolutely no margin of error here. Even though I was hurt, I still had to help my men. The 15th let of a volley at the Plate Swordsmen. It took out 8 of them. Well, at least it helped. As our forces clashed, I quickly half sworded my Longsword to stab One of the swordsmen in the chest. He fell and didn't get up. But then a smart one faced off against me. He made more sure to protect the weakness in his armor.

I tried to glance him with my sword to daze him, But he quickly parried it with his sword in one expert motion.

Shit, This won't be easy.

One of my men saw I was having trouble and came up behind the warrior and tried to half sword him from there.

No. I am NOT losing another man. I have to distract this guy.

I quickly launched myself at the enemy warrior so that he wouldn't see my swordsmen coming up. He was able to strike a glancing blow at me before My soldier come to my rescue.

"Are you OK Captain Tybalt?"

"Yeah, Thanks soldier."

after we killed 8 more of their men, the soldiers got smart and ran...again.

At this time we only had 13 swordsmen left. God, these casualties.

The french looked like they were about to go on a straight out rush. The 15th were firing on them this entire time, and completely decimated their first AND second line. The french army looked like it got bulldozed by the 15th's arrows. It looked damn fine from here.

The french looked desperate at this point. They began to launch an all out attack on our line. I looked over to the left flank to see how Boris's squad looked... and saw nothing.

"Sadon! Sadon!" I shouted hoping he could hear me.

"Yes, Tybalt?"

"The left flank is gone!"


"Look for yourself!"

Indeed, the left flank totally disapeared, leaving the 15th open to attacks from that side.

"God damn it Boris! Fucking traitor!"

The French archers saw their chance, and begun firing on what was left of my regiment. Nearly all of us were struck down. I felt an arrow go right through my shoulder. I felt it then looked at my hand. Blood. I fell down, watching the rest of my regiment go with me. The last thing I saw was my friend Terrowin, with an arrow right through his knee.

------------------------Equestria, 5:00 PM----------------------------------

I woke up in a start, the last thing I remembered was Terrowin taking that arrow in his knee. I then remembered the song I was humming. Die with Honour, a damn good song. I remember taking an arrow in my shoulder, and carefully moved my hand to investigate. It wasn't a hand, it was a... a hoof? The hell is going on here? First I take an arrow in the shoulder, now I have hoofs? I just noticed I was laying in the field, strangely it looked like the same landscape from the battlefield. Just without the bodies, you know. I managed to stand up, only to find that it was natural when I had to use ALL four of my legs.

“God damn it, how am I supposed to hold my sword now?” I quietly stated to no one in particular.

I managed to get a good look of myself in a pond nearby. I noticed I was a horse, just smaller. A pony maybe. I remember the myths of the Pegasus, and saw that I had two wings by my side. I was a sort of brownish color, with moderately spiky hair. My mane had green and turquoise in it, and I personally thought it looked pretty awesome.

“So, let's break this down, I am a damn Pegasus. I thought those were only myths! I am in a forest by the looks of it, and there looks to be a town over there. First order of business, see if my regiment is still alive. Hell, I don't know if I'm still alive yet.”

On the way to town I slipped on a rock, banging my head. Blacking out AGAIN.

Chapter 1- A new land...

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“Yep, definitely alive alright.”

I neared a sign pointing towards the strange town. It said ~0.5 miles to... Ponyville? What the hell? Judging by the name I guess I'm not the only pony around. That's good at least right? I decided to test my wings, because I did NOT feel like walking that far. I tried to unfurl my wings, but to no avail.

“Since it's a part of me, I guess I should treat it as a body part now.”

With that, my wings came unfurled. I have to say, it was a pretty impressive wingspan considering how tall I was at 5 feet 4 inches. I don't know if that's normal or not. I leaped up into the air, enjoying the rush of the wind across my face. I LOVED flying! After flying for a couple minutes, I spotted a cottage off to the side, which looks like a good place to start.

“I hope someone sane lives there, considering how far it's away from the town.”

As I walked up, I noticed a lot of animals. When I say a lot of animals, I mean A LOT of animals. This isn't looking good for the person (Or pony)'s sanity. I knocked on the door, only to find a yellow Pegasus with a Pink mane and tail walk out. I try to talk to her, and then noticed that HEY, I CAN TALK? What wizardry is this? Oh well, just go with it.

“Hello, would you mind telling me where I am?”

The yellow Pegasus jumped, even though my voice was just above a whisper.

“Eep! Oh, sorry, you s-scared me.”

“Terribly sorry Ma’am (acting Fancy fancy for shit's and giggles), It was not my intention to scare you, I was just ...new and wanted to know where I was.”

“Oh. Well, this is my cottage, and over there (She motioned to the town) is Ponyville. I was actually headed there now to pick up some feed for my animals. W-would you mind coming along?”

“It would be my pleasure.”

“Oh. Thanks um....”


“Thanks Tybalt. While we're there, I can even introduce you to my friends! Oh, I'm so excited!”

Even though her voice was just above a whisper I could tell she was still excited.

“Terribly sorry to ask, but what was your name? I forgot to ask you when I met you.”

“Oh, It's Fluttershy.”

We started walking towards the town quietly. She was too shy to say anything and I didn't want to drag her into a conversation. After a while she spoke up while looking at my ass, what the fuck?

“Ooh! What does your cutie mark mean?”

“Uhh, excuse me?”

“Your cutie mark! I've never seen that round thing before, or that long stick.” (GOD DAMN IT, DIRTY THOUGHTS)

“Cute mark?”

“Yes, all ponies get one when they discover their special talent, didn’t you know?”

The hell was on my ass? I craned my neck to see...

“Oh! A sword and a shield! I wonder how I got that. Maybe it's because I like protecting people no matter what the cost.”

“That's wonderful!”

On the rest of that way to town, we hardly talked after she asked about my cutie mark. She did try to strike up one conversation though.

“I have five friends in this town, 1 of them is a Pegasus like us, two of them are unicorns, and two of them are Earth ponies. I can't wait for you to meet them!”

“Sounds very... interesting. What are their names?”

“Well, the other Pegasus is called Rainbow Dash. She is a very athletic one at that. The two unicorns are named Rarity and Twilight Sparkle. The two Earth ponies are Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie.

“I can't wait to meet them.”

I saw a blue blur zoom past us like one of the prototype catapaults that I saw at the battle. MAN those things were fast!

“Oh! That’s my friend that I told you about, Rainbow Dash. Let’s go meet her!”

I could see how she could have gotten that name. Her mane and tail was rainbow coloured. I don’t mean the creepy rainbows, I mean the ROYGBIV rainbows. Daaaaaaaamn. Fluttershy called her down from the cloud, and I could already see that she was one of the boastful ones. This should be fun, I wonder if I can scare them with my stories of battles. Actually, she looks like she could kick my ass so I better not. Scratch that, here she comes.

“Oh hey Shy! Ooh, who’s your friend here?”

“Just someone I just met, I’m taking him around town to see everypony. Want to come?”

I decided to speak up because Fluttershy forgot to say my name, “My name is Tybalt Ma’am. Nice to meet you.” I hope I can stop this fancy act soon.

“Ew, you really talk like that? I hate fancy people.”

“Oh thank GOOOOOOOOOOD. So I can drop the act now?”

They both spoke in unison, “Who’s god?”

“Long story, can’t tell right now. Let’s just go meet your other friends”

“Alright. Nice to see you Rainbow, thanks for stopping by!”

“No, thank YOU for showing me Tybalt. See you around Shy! See you around Tybalt.” The hell was that look she gave me? Guess I just better leave it alone.

“All right Fluttershy, where to now?”

“Oh, just my friend Rarity’s. She is classy, so I suggest you put back on your fancy impression before we get there.”

“Ohh, do I have to?”

“Yes, you do.”


We neared a very fancy looking boutique which I presumed to be Rarity’s. Fluttershy knocked on the door, which was accompanied by a voice and a shuffling of hooves.

“Please, just leave me alone! I have 20 orders to fill out TODA- Oh hello there darling!”

“Are you busy? B-because it sounded like you were, we can always just come back later.”

“Oh nonsense darling! I could never turn you away! Come inside, and show me your friend too.”

“Hello Ma’am, my name is Tybalt. It is a pleasure to meet you.” I reach out a hoof to shake.

“Oh! I find your etiquette… refreshing. Make yourself at home! Finally, a stallion who knows how to treat a lady.”

After me and Fluttershy had situated ourselves, Rarity came in with some tea. Now that I look at her, I notice she is well groomed. She had a pure white body with a purple mane and tail. Like Fluttershy said, she looked very regal. This should be fun too. I hope she has a friend who likes books; I was always a nerd when off the battlefield.

“So what brings you to my boutique? I see you have a new friend here. Tybalt, isn’t it?”

“Yes Ma’am. When I was walking here I saw Fluttershy’s cottage. I know it may have been rude, but I knocked and she welcomed me to a tour around Ponyville.”

“I already introduced him to Rainbow; you’re the second person I’ve showed him to. Next we’re going to see Twilight at her library.”

Did she say a library? Hell yeah.

Rarity spoke up after she took a sip of tea, “Well, it is fabulous to meet you Tybalt, but I REALLY have to get on these orders. I hope you don’t mind, we will be able to talk another time.”

“I sure hope so, see you around Rarity!”

“Where did you say we were going next Fluttershy?”

“Twilight’s I believe. Also, you c-can call me S-shy if you want.” She started to get nervous for no reason. Why? I’m no one special.

“Oh. Thanks S-shy.”

She blushed a little when I said Shy. Oh hells no, please don’t tell me she likes me like that.

After another 5 minutes of walking, Shy being too shy to say anything, we saw a tree turned into a library.

Damn, ponies like to be green, don’t they?

“This is my friend Twilight Sparkle’s house. It is also Ponyville’s library.”

“She lives here?”


“Sweet, let’s go meet her.”

----------------Inside the Library-----------------------

“Spike? Take a note please.” Twilight was talking to her baby assistant.

“Sure thing Twi.”

They both heard a knock at the door.

“Ooh! Is that my new shipment of books? I can’t wait!”

“I guess I’ll get it th-“

Spike was cut short by Twilight’s mad dash for the door. When she opened it to find that it wasn’t her delivery, she was disappointed but brightened when she say it was her friend Fluttershy and a new… stallion?

“Hey Twilight, mind if we come in? Oh, you look sad did I do anything wrong?”

“Oh no no! I was just expecting a new shipment of books, sorry.”

I suddenly spoke up, “New books? WHERE WHERE WHERE? I made a mad dash into the library, accidently shoving aside Shy and Twilight. I quickly recomposed myself though.

“Ahem. Sorry about that, I just got excited.”

“I know right! I got just as excited when I heard about it!” Thank god that went well.

Twilight invited us inside. She was a purple unicorn with a purple mane with a pink stripe going through it. I *accidently* looked at her cutie mark. It looked like it had something to do with magic.

“Twilight, you really live in a library?”



“So Fluttershy, can you tell me about your new friend? It seems that he REALLY likes books!” She said then smiling ear to ear.

Did I just hear a fucking squeak when she smiled?

“Yes, I met him earlier today. I still have to introduce him to Apple Jack and Pinkie Pie, but it’s getting late and I only came here to get feed for my animals.”

“Don’t worry Fluttershy; I can take him off of your hooves for a while! It would be my pleasure.”

God damn it, not again.

“It wouldn’t be any trouble, would it?”

“Oh not at all, I’m sure. In the morning you could show him to Apple Jack and Pinkie. Well, maybe not Pinkie, because she would just throw a party for him.

After about 10 more minutes of idle chit chat between the girls, Shy left to get to the market to get her animal feed, leaving me with Twilight. God damn it, she’s looking at me.

“Hello Tybalt, you said you like books?”


“Mind if I suggest a few? You may like them.”

“Actually could you hold off until the morning? I feel beat. I’m going to see if I can find a comfortable cloud to sleep on.” Those things look SOFT AS FUCK.

“Well… I have a big bed if you want to sleep here for tonight…”

Was she really asking me to sleep here? In HER bed? Most importantly, was she asking me to sleep in her bed with HER IN IT? FUCK.

“Umm, do you have a guest bed or something?” She started to look a little disappointed. Well shit, if she wanted me to sleep in her bed with her so much, I would just have to oblige her. I am a gentleman after all. *smirk*

“You sure? I do have a guest room but it isn’t heated and it can get really cold in there…”

“Really? I guess that I’ll have to take up your offer then.”

“REALLY? Oh, I mean, really? Well then, just let me make some dinner. My assistant is upstairs, go introduce yourself!”

She has an assistant? I wander if it’s a baby pony or something. I walk upstairs only to see…


“Uh, excuse me?”


“Dude, you’re starting to creep me out.”

“Oh, sorry about that. I just LOVE dragons! You can like, breathe fire can’t you?”

“Well not yet, but soon I will be able to!”

“That is going to be awesome.”

“So, what’s your name? Mine’s sp-“

“Yes, Spike. Twilight already told me about you. Sorry to cut you off like that, but my name’s Tybalt.”

“Way cool name.”

“Thanks little bro. Uhh, this is probably going to be awkward, but let me tell you the sleeping arrangement…”

---------------------20 minutes later-----------------------

“Ha, haha WHAT? Twi’s never shown interest in any stallions before, and I mean, ANY.”

“Woah woah, not like that man. We’re only sleeping like that because she said the heat was broken in the guest room.”

“Since when? It was working just fine an hour ag-“

“SPIKE! Uhh, time for dinner!” Twilight made sure to stop him, but why?

“Sweet! What’re we having Twi?”

“For you, some blue gemstones, and for me and Tybalt a daisy sandwich.”

Excuse me, a WHAT?

Spike got a wicked smirk on his face, “What, just one sandwich for both of you?”

“What? NO!” Twilight was blushing a new kind of red right now. I couldn’t help but think of my waist when the broadsword glanced it. I winced automatically.

“You OK Ty’?”

“Ty? Is that my new nickname or something?”

“Well apparently. Come on Twi, I want to dig in to those gemstones!”

We all sat down at the table enjoying our meals. I have to say, for one that eats meat this is pretty damn good. Maybe it’s because I have new taste buds, but I’m not complaining. If I told them I (used) to eat meat, it may freak them out. After dinner we went to our beds but I decided to stay up and take a shower. I have to tell you, those showers are COMPLICATED. I couldn’t get the damn thing to work! I finally got it working but it was at a bad time so I slipped and fell on my back with my ass facing the shower and my sheath for my dong facing the door. FUCK this is an awkward position to be in. Twilight quickly came in to make sure I was all right but she blushed as she did.

I shouted at the top of my lungs, “DON’T LOOK I’M NOT READY!”

“She quickly closed the door with her magic and said, “Sorry Ty! I really didn’t mean to!”

Alright, back the fuck up. 2 things.

• She called me TY.
• You could almost HEAR her blush through the door.

Well god damn it.

As I gently showered and got out to dry myself off, I quickly exited the shower, but not before I heard Spike say, “Niiiiiiiice.”

“Quiet you.”

“Did you see Twi blushing?”

“I heard it through the door.”

This got a chuckle and a playful hit to my arm from Spike.

I walked into Twilight’s room and noticed it WAS cold in here. Even with the heat working. I climbed into her bed under the covers only to find (to my embarrassment) an already blushing Twilight Sparkle. Damn this is going to be an uncomfortable night. I’m not complaining though. She leaned up to me and started to say.

“You know, it IS really cold in here, and if you huddle together you get warmer…”

“Calm down you two, I’m still down here.”

At least that got a chuckle out of us, breaking the tension in the room.

“Uhh, I guess so…”

She squeaked (again) and put a hoof around me. I have to tell you I never blush. Even when she saw me in the shower, but I turned a whole NEW shade of red when she did that. I just hope this doesn’t lead to anything that I’ll regret in the morning.

She already seemed to fall asleep and in her sleep she unexpectedly scooted closer to me.

“Come on Tybalt, keep yourself in control. Deep breaths, deep breaths…”

You can do it Tybalt, thing unsexy thoughts

Think unsexy thoughts

Think unsexy thoughts…

SON OF A BITCH. I quietly thought to myself when my wings shot straight out. Well thank god I didn’t get a boner. She’s THAT close to me. I finally got myself to sleep, but not after staring at her sleeping. (I’m not a pervert. I just wanted to see! Honest!) She looked pretty damn cute while sleeping. She yawned and opened her eyes to just see my orange-reddish eyes staring back into them. She got a slight blush and hugged me tighter. Alright, this might not be so bad, I got a cute girl hugging me in her sleep. What’s not to like? With that thought I quickly drifted off to sleep…

Chapter 2- It isn't what it looks like!

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Just another pony – Chapter 2 – It isn’t what it looks like!
Authors note: not sure on what to do now, I’ll probably just wing it.

There WILL be awkwardness in this chapter. I was surprised even when i wrote it. Anyways, I have chap 1-8 pre wriiten, so expect an update a day until 7 or 8; then 1 every other day. Cheers!

I slowly opened my eyes to the bright light of Twilight’s window. I flipped over and saw Twilight sleeping next to me. She slowly yawned and opened her eyes. Cute. When she saw me she immediately opened her eyes wide and sat up. What the hell?

She slowly spoke, “Oh no, what did we do last night?” THAT’S what she thought? Oh god.

“Whoa, calm down. Nothing happened last night. At least none that I was aware of. Why?”

“Oh, no reason. Just remembered the bathroom scene though.” She looked away blushing.

“Oh. I just wanted to forget that, that was REALLY embarrassing to me.”

“Don’t be! I mean, we can look past it right?”

“I guess so…”

“Spike, you up little bro?”

“Yup. Been up all night.”

“Why is that?”

“You were moaning too loud.”


“Kidding! Can’t you take a joke Ty?”

Thank god...

“All things aside Twilight, shouldn’t you be getting me to Apple Jack’s?

“That’s right! Just let me make some breakfast and we’ll get going!”

We had a light breakfast of a bowl of hay (where do they come up with these things?), but not before Spike gave me a playful punch and a wink.

“Come on Ty, don’t keep her out TOO long.”

“Come on Spike, you know I wouldn’t try anything like that.”

“Come on guys, it’s time to meet Applejack Ty.”

I still can’t believe she is calling me Ty. I’m not complaining though.

We started walking down a dirt road. I wonder if Apple Jack works at a farm.

Speak of the devil. After another 5 minutes of walking Twilight said, “Well Ty we're at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“So she works at a farm? I should have guessed it.”

“She’s probably out bucking trees.”

I snorted, trying to hold in a laugh. “Bucking trees?”

“Yep. Bucking trees. What’s so funny about bucking a tree?”

I was full out laughing at this time which for some reason made her blush and mad at the same time. “Stop it! Stop it! You’re killing me!” I was literally rolling on the dirt holding my sides.

Then for some reason I thought of last night before I fell asleep. Wouldn’t you believe it, my wings shot STRAIGHT OUT. RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER. You’re going to pay for that body.

“Uhh, Ty?”

“Yes? WHUP. S-sorry about that!”

“D-don’t worry about it.”

“Our little secret?”

“Deal.” Her blush only grew brighter at this. I think I’m really starting to like this girl. Err, mare.

“Soo, should we see Apple Jack?”

“What? Oh yes, she’s this way.”

We walked down a LOT of apple trees before seeing an orange earth pony bucking (lol) trees. I saw something standing next to her, and mentally screamed HOLY SHIT.

“Well howdy Twilight. Ah didn’t expect to see ya today, not that ahm disappointed that is. I was just out bucking trees (LOL) with John here. Ah wish Ah had known that yah had a new friend, Ah’m not sure if he’ll take John so well.”

I saw another FUCKING HUMAN. Standing nearly twice as tall as Twilight, he was the only human I’ve ever seen here!

“Sup uhh…”

“Tybalt. Though Spike and Twilight call me Ty. Sort of a nickname Spike gave me.”

“I see. Good to see another male here on the farm. I only have Big mac to talk to.”

“Nice to meet you John.” I was excited to find a human! I extended my hoof and did an awkward hoof-hand shake.

“Hey girls, mind if I talk to John in private?”

“Nah.” “Not at all.” “I don’t mind.” Apple Jack, Twilight, and John said respectively.

Me and John walked into the apple trees, not knowing the girls had followed us, out of sight.

“So John. I see you are… Different.”

“Yes, I hope it doesn’t bother you though.”

“Oh! On the contrary…”


“Where are you from?”

Both the girls gasped, no one dared ask John that question. They both knew he came from a violent world.

“Does it matter?”

“Yes. It does more than you know.”

“I come… I come from a really violent world. One filled with death, disease, and poverty.”

The girls looked over to Tybalt, expecting to see a pained face. Instead, they saw only determination.

“Tell me something I don’t know.”


“You’re from Earth, aren’t you?”


“Don’t worry. That’s something we both have in common.”


“I came from Earth too. Like you wouldn’t believe.”

“I don’t believe you. I’m the only human here.”

“You want me to prove it?”

“Yes, tell me an example of war in ‘our’ world.”

“I was in the 22nd swordsmen regiment of the royal army. Marching towards the French for a battle on a massive scale. I was out in charge of my regiment. In charge of 50 young men ready to give their lives to me without a second doubt. We met on the battle field. Steel was everywhere. I saw my men cleaved in half right in front of me. Their blood and guts were spilled on my body as I sliced through the enemy ranks. I Was shot with an arrow, blacked out, and ended up here where I met Fluttershy.”

John didn’t know what to say. He just silently stared at the ground. He knew Earth was bad, but not that bad.

“Are you a brony too Ty?”

“The hell’s a brony?”

“So, that’s a no then?”


“Damn. I was looking forward to meeting another one.”

“Oh well. Let’s get back to the girls. They might start to worry.”

The girls quickly gasped and quickly went back to the tree Apple Jack was bucking.

“Hey Twilight!”

“Y-yes Tybalt?”

THAT one hurt. She was used to calling me Ty. This can’t be good.

“I think it’s time to go home, I just got done talking with John.”

“A-alright then.”

On the way back to the library I had to find out what Twilight had on her mind.


“Y-yes Ty?” Thank god, she was back to calling me Ty.

“Would you mind it if I called you Twi like Spike does? Or is that just an assistant thing?”

She seemed to perk up at this. “Oh, I wouldn’t mind at all! I’m surprised you haven’t already.”

“Thanks. Now what is bothering you? I can see it in your eyes.”


“You sure? It would help a lot if you told me, but I won’t force you to.”

“Thanks Ty.”

We had arrived at the library now.

“Ladies first, Twi.”

“Thank you, my gentlecolt. Let me get dinner ready and I’ll call you down. Spike! I’m going to make some Pizza topped with Grass, for ALL of us, Ok?”


“Well Ty, talk to Spike, read a book, or get comfortable and I’ll make dinner.”

“Thanks Twi.” Damn it, another blush. She’s so cute when she does that.

“Hey Twi?”

“Yes Ty?” (Damn rhymes.)

“Tomorrow I’m going to see Rainbow to see if she can help me get a job as a weather pegasus. Is that alright?”

“Only on one condition.” Ok, now I’m scared.

“What’s that?”

“Only if you use your first paycheck to take me out on a nice date.”

“So we’re dating now? YES!” Whup. Said that out loud.

“If you don’t I’ll have to keep you in bed all day.”

“Can I have both?”

“Only if you’re good.”

I think I just squeaked.

Spike spoke up from upstairs, “Well, Somepony’s happy.”

I then said, “Not happy, in love.”


“All right you two, dinners ready!”

“I can’t wait!” Me and Spike said in unison.

“We made small talk while eating the pizza that Twilight made. Delicious!

“So Twi.” I said, only to be interrupted by Spike.

“Woah, you call her that too? Should have guessed. Nice bro.”

“So Twi, tomorrow I was thinking of visiting Rainbow and asking her that favor. How much does a weather pony pay anyway?”

“The last time Rainbow told me, it was 30 bits an hour.” Bits? Must be like money here.

“I really hope I get that job now.”

“You remember our deal, right?”

“Wouldn’t forget it for the world Twi.” God I love calling her that.

After I showered All 3 of us went to bed, Spike curled up. Twi and me in our usual position. I still felt awkward putting my hoof around her, but I still managed it. She still managed to scoot closer still to me, my hot breath in her mane thanks to the way we were cuddling. Please let this moment last. That was when Twilight unexpectedly said, “Oh!”

“What is it Twi?” I knew the answer almost as soon as I said it. FUCK. Forgot self-control. I am NEVER going to live this down. Yep, I was ‘poking’ her. So many fucks were going on in my head.

“SHIT!” She jumped at this language. “Really sorry Twi, first the bathroom incident then this! I’m really sorry, I don’t care how cold it is, I’m going to sleep in the guest bed tonight. Really sorry.”

She tried to stop him but he was too blinded by his embarrassment to listen.

She nearly followed him into the guest room, intent to listen on what he had to say about her behind her back. She was flattered about what happened, but also thought it was too soon. They hadn’t even gone on a date yet! Then again, he isn’t like most stallions. He didn’t pressure her into trying to do it like so many other stallions did before. He was… very different to say the least.

“Son of a BITCH Tybalt, you just messed up royally in front of the only girl you’ve ever liked. She was smart, pretty, and LOVED books. You just HAD to mess it up, didn’t you? At least enjoy your last day here. She will definitely be kicking you out tomorrow for this. You better hope Rainbow can get you a job, because you’ll most likely be on the streets tomorrow. I just hope she can still be my friend. Even if it isn’t my mare-friend.

“Uhh, Tybalt?” Oh god please don’t have let her heard that speech. Just kill me now before she does.

“Oh, Hi Twilight.” I turned to face her. “I’m REALLY sorry about what just happened, my body lost control there. I really hope that we can still be fri-“

My speech was interrupted by her pushing her lips up against mine.

“Twi? What are you doing? I thought you would be furious!”

“I sort of was, but then I felt flattered that you would think of my like… that. Also, you exhibited a certain trait – Self-control. Instead of pressuring me to do something I didn’t want to, you controlled yourself and ran out of the room. I don’t know what you told yourself about that, but to me it showed a lot of control.”

“T-thank you Twi. Can I still go find a job tomorrow?”

“Is our deal still on?”


“Then you can.”

“Thank you!” I gave her another peck on the cheek where she quickly blushed and looked away from me.

“Now, let’s go back to bed my prince.” Oh god. She’s giving me the ‘bedroom eyes’.

When we got to her room I gently pulled her into my embrace so that we were effectively cuddling. She buried her head into my chest, gently nuzzling me all the way. The situation was WAY too cute for me to get a boner this time. Thank god.

I was pulled into a restful sleep, with images of Twilight Sparkle all in my head all night. (NOT LIKE THAT PERVERTS.)

Chapter 3- Aww yeah!

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Author's note: A lot of dialogue in this chapter. Also expect Twilight to get a little frisky.

Just another pony – Chapter 3 – Aww Yeah!

I woke up with Twilight in my arms again. Last night was awkward, but amazing. I’m dating her! I decided to gently wake her up because she was sleeping on my arm (Like I was suffering.). She was so cute when she was sleeping. She even had a little smile which melted my heart.

“Hey Twi?”

“Oh, five more minutes pleaaaaase~”

“You’re sort of sleeping on my arm.”

“Oh! Sorry about that Ty.” She is so cute when she blushes.

“Don’t worry about it; I’m just going to go see Rainbow Dash for a possible job.”

“All right, have fun! Come back soon~”

“I will Twi.”

“Hey! Did anyone forget about me? I was here too last night :( “

“Oh! Sorry little Spike bro, well that’s awkward.”

“You’re telling me.”

I looked for Rainbow’s cloud house; which wasn’t hard because it was the biggest one in the sky. I gently knocked on the door, expecting Rainbow when in fact Shy came to the door. What?

“Oh, good morning Tybalt, Rainbow is sick right now.”

“I’m really sorry to hear. Would you mind if I asked how?”

“Um, she, s-she crashed into a cloud and is sick now…”

What? Crashing into a cloud makes you SICK?

“Just let me see her.”

“All-allright. Sorry to be in your way.”

I saw Rainbow on the couch facing away from me. I spoke up, “Hey Rainbow? I have a question to ask you.”

“Eep! Oh, it’s just you Tybalt. What brings you h-here?”

Dash never seemed like the nervous type. Strange.

“Actually, I wanted to ask if you could help me get a job at the weather station, could you help me out?”

“All right, but only on one… condition~” Damn it, I hope this isn’t going where I think it is…

“I saw you yesterday walking with Twilight. Do you like her?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Just answer the question Tybalt.”

“Yes I do, why?”

As soon as I said that she pounced on me. You know how I said it looks like she could kick my ass? She was just reinforcing it because of how strong she was.

“I’ll help you get a job… if you do me.”

“Heh, hehe WHAT?” The FUCK? I just started dating and have NO intention of getting raped.

“You heard me.” Those damn bedroom eyes again.

“I-I can’t.”

“Well why not?”

“Because my heart belongs to Twi.”

“B-But I’m all she’s not! I’m like, 20 times better than her! I’m cool, fast, and most importantly HOT AND A PAGASUS, LIKE YOU.” Ok Dash, not cool to pull the pegasus card.

“I want your help, but I can go without it if I have to cheat on Twi to get it.”

“Well then, we’re just going to have to do this the hard way, aren’t we now~” Her tail started rubbing my sheathe. FUCK.

“Don’t do this Dash!”

“And why not?”

“If you do you’ll be losing a friend!”

“What? How would I be LOSING a friend? You know you would like it.”

If you pulled the pegasus card, I’ll pull the guilt card.

“If you do this, I’ll never speak to you again. You know I love Twilight.”

“But I’m so much beeeeeeterrrrrrr”

“That right there is my I didn’t choose you.”


“You know What I’m talking about. Your boasting. The rest of your personality is great, but it’s ‘Rainbow dash this, Rainbow dash that’. You never give credit to anyone else.”

“I see.”

“I will try to be your friend, and I will never try to change who you are, so don’t forget that. Just let me go, and we can go on as friends.”

“All right Ty. Sorry to come on to you like that. It was wrong of me. Please forgive me?”

She was still on top of me, with our muzzles just inches away from each other.



“You can get off of me now.”


“I’m serious. Get off now.”

“Heh, sorry about that.”

“Sooo, can you help me get that job or not?”

“I’m pretty sure I can. Thanks for forgiving me.”

“Can we just forget that ever happened?”


10 minutes later we were standing at Mayor Mare’s office (Where do they come up with these names?) and she let us in.

“Hello there Rainbow Dash, how can I help?”

“I wanted to see if I could get my friend a job here, nothing too fancy just something to help him.”

“I think I have the perfect job for him as a weather pegasus. Good hours; 9 AM to 6 PM. Pays 25 bits an hour too. I also guarantee you won’t go bored.”

I decided to speak up “Thanks mayor! When can I start?”

“You can start today. You won’t get a full paycheck, but you will still be able to earn a gold bit (I think that’s 100 bits)


“All right, start by going over to the town hall and prepare for the downpour in a couple days’ time.. We missed last week’s so we have to have a really heavy rain to make up for it.”

“On it mayor!”

After 4 hours of work, it was quitting time. With a golden bit in my pouch (Lended to me by Rainbow) I returned to Twilight’s Library.

“Honey I’m hooooome!”

“Did you get the job?”

“Heck yes! Even worked enough today to earn a golden bit!”

“Did you forget our deal?”


“Spike! Ty and I are going out tonight! There are some gemstones in the fridge if you get hungry!”

“See ya Twi! Take good care of her Ty!”

“Will do Spike bro!”

Twi showed me her favorite restaurant in Ponyville where everything was fantastic. Great food and not too fancy décor.

A waiter came up to our table wanting to take our order. Twi ordered a martini (WHAT?) and a daisy sandwich. I ordered a water and another daisy sandwich. Those things really grew on me! Twi is an awesome cook!

Twilight decided to strike up a conversation with me.

“So Ty, how was Rainbow’s house? How were you able to convince her to help you with a job? She’s usually pretty stubborn with those types of things.”

“I would rather not talk about that Twi, If that’s alright with you.”

“Oh. Here comes our food!”

“Your food and drinks, Ma’am and sir.”

“Thank you good sir.”

“That will be 8 silver bits and 6 copper bits.”

I handed him my golden bit.

“I will be right back with change sir.”

“No need, keep the rest as a tip for yourself. The service was excellent.”

“Thank you Sir.”

After dinner Twi was a little tispy (Women can’t hold their booze, AMIRITE?) and I had to nearly carry her home on my back. She was wildly talking in her drunk state.

“Haha, hey Ty?”


“Want to see my cutie mark?”

“I think I already have.”

“Not like that you haven’ttttttt~” Oh hells no. Please no.

“Come on Twi, we need to get you into bed before you do something that both of us will regret.”

Come on body, don't fail me now.

After a long 10 minutes of walking (With a -very- friendly Twi) we finally arrived at the library. I called in, hoping Spike would be asleep.

“Yo Spike! You there little bro?”

“Yeah, why?”

“Twi's a little drunk right now.”

“Really? I GOTTA see that!”

Spike quickly raced down to see a drunk Twilight swaying around.

“Ha! I GOT to get this on tape!”

“Come on Spike, don't be mean.”

“Come on! It'll make her laugh when this is over.”

“All right, but I had nothing to do with it.” I knew that I would regret this.


Spike came down with a tape recorder (They had those?) and started recording a drunk Twilight. I got to admit, I'll probably pay for it in the morning because of how hilarious this is.

“Haha, hey Ty?” God, she's blushing again.


“Want to have some fun?” FUCK.

“Uhh, little help here Spike?”

Spike couldn't respond because he was laughing too hard. Good to know it doesn't traumatize him.

I did NOT want this to happen. Mostly because of the fact that we just had our first date. I did NOT get her drunk, she ordered the martini by herself. I had to put that on the record.

“Twi, that's alright, I'm actually pretty tired from my day at work. I'm going to take a shower then head to bed.”

“All right, see you when you get out~.” She's really tempting me right now.

I had to take a (Very) cold shower thanks to what just transpired. I really hope that when she takes a shower that it will sober her up enough to not try and rape me.

“Hey Ty?” Oh no, she's in the bathroom. Thank god I have the curtain closed.

SON OF A BITCH, she opened the curtain.

“Hey Ty, I see your taking a shower~”

“Yes, and I would like some privacy Twi.”

“Oh, that's no fun. Let me join you!” When I said I hope she takes a shower, I didn't mean with me!

“Guess there's no getting out of this, huh?”


“Ugh. Fine, but don't try anything.”

“No promises~” Damn it.

~5 minutes later Spike opened the door only to find us in the shower together. I never thought a dragon could blush like that. As soon as I saw him my heart started beating...FAST.

“Spike! It isn't what it looks like! I swear!”

“Suuuuuuure. Good thing I have this camera.”

“Are you ever going to let me hear the end of this?”


“Didn't think so.” Son of a bitch. I'm here not a week, and I'm already in a shower with a drunken girl. How the hell?

Spike left after making sure he got us in the shower. He is going to PAY for that later.



“The water's getting cold, would you mind drying me off?”

“Not at all.”

After we were both dried off, I saw Spike standing outside of the door, his video camera in hand. He must not have expected me to CARRY her into the bedroom, because that's what I had to do. On the way in, Spike made a comment.

“Come on guys! It was only the first date!”

“Well Spike, just remember you're in the same room as us at night. If I wanted to, I could do something to you in your sleep.”

“Eep! I'm going to have to pay for the bathroom thing, aren't I?”

“Big time.”

“Totally worth it.”

Twi sobered up a bit in bed so that we were able to cuddle without it getting TOO serious.

“Hey Ty?”

“Yes Twi?”

“Would you mind warming me up a bit?”

“Not at all.”

With this she buried her head into my chest (Don't ask me how she did it with the horn, I will never know) and she cuddles up to me. I could lay here forever. Thanks to this moment, I almost forgave Spike. ALMOST being the key word here. Oh, he WILL pay. My head was her perfectly combed mane and I was breathing in her smell, one of lavender (Who would have guessed?). I know it sounds perverted, but the position we were in was really comfortable for me. She was nearly in the fetal position with her head buried in my chest (where the hell is her horn?) and her hooves around my waist. I also had my hooves around her head and was holding her close.

“Hey Ty?” Oh, I hope I didn't wake her by thinking out loud.


“Sorry about last night. I was really drunk. I hope you can forgive me for trying that.”

“I already have.”

She sounded like she sobered up. If she did, then that means... Wait! She said last night?

HOLY SHIT IT'S 7:00! I either daydreamed all night or accidentally fell asleep! Shit, I'm going to be late for work!

Chapter 4- Meeting Derpy (Or Ditzy Doo)

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Just another pony- Chapter 4 – Meeting Derpy (Or Ditzy Doo.)

“It's 7:00! I only have two hours until I have to be at work!”

“Calm down Ty, that's enough time to eat, shower, and get to work. All right?”

“I hope. I don't want to be late on my first real day.”

“Don't worry, I'll make you some breakfast while you take a shower, Ok?”

“Yeah, thanks Twi,”

I tried to take a warm shower as quick as I could in order to make it to work in time. I was NOT going to be late on my first day.

After I got done with my shower, Twi called me down to eat breakfast. It was my first day of work so she made me an apple pie with apples straight from Sweet Apple Acres. (Apple pie for Breakfast? Hell yeah!)

After eating my breakfast I tried to fly to the weather base; only to not know where it is! I had to go back and ask mayor mare.

“Excuse me, Mayor? Where is the weather pony base?”

“Right other there, to the north. You can't miss it.”

“All right, thanks a lot!”

After finding the base, I realized what she meant when she said we couldn't miss it. It was BIG AS HELL. I found the manager and asked him where I was supposed to go.

“Hello sir, My name is Tybalt. Where am I assigned to today?”

“Hello Tybalt, my name is Thunder Dash. (His cute mark was a lightning bolt. Hooray for generic names!) Today, you will be over the Town library to help clear out some clouds. You will be working with Ditzy 'Derpy Hooves' Doo.”

“Sounds nice.”

“Be careful though, sometimes she can be a... handful.”

What does he mean by that? Oh well. I flew to the library to find my partner Ditzy. She was a greyish (I'm horrible at colours.) colour and had 3 bubbles as her Cute mark. I wonder what the bubbles mean... Anyways, she had a yellow mane and tail, and looked really eager. Her eyes were sort of... weird though. Like, one was looking at the clouds and the other was looking at me. Hey, I don't care what she looks like as long as she's a good partner.

Hello Ditzy, my name's Tybalt.”

“HI Tybalt! You already know my name, and I prefer it if you would call me Derpy. Everypony does it anyway...” She looks sad now. Why? I didn't do anything?

“Well come on, Derpy. We have to clear these clouds out.”

After about 2 hours of clearing clouds out (All you gotta do is buck 'em.) I noticed that it hardly looked like I made a dent to the number of clouds. I then saw why....”

“Oh come on Derpy! We have to clear these clouds out, not PUSH THEM IN!”

“That's what we were doing? Whoops!”

“Yeah, whoops.”


Now I see what he had meant by a 'handful'. This is going to be a long day.

---------------Sweet Apple Acres, same time as this^ is happening. ----------------------------

“Heya John!”

“Yes AJ?”

“Are ya ok? Yah havn't been talking at all ever since yah met Tybalt.”

“It’s... it's nothing AJ. Nothing you need to worry about. It's a long story, and I don't want Tybalt to interrupt us.

“Well, Ah see him clearing clouds with Ditzy above the library. So ah say that we got time.”

“Fine. Remember when Tybalt came over and we privately talked?”

“Y-yes, Ah do. What does he had ta do with anythin'?”

“It's what we talked about. I have to tell you.”

5 minutes later John and Apple Jack was sitting in the farm so they wouldn't bother Apple Bloom or Big Mac.

“Sa tells me John, what did y'all talk about?” As if she didn't already know when she spied on them.”

“Well, Tybalt is from.... my world.” AJ managed a fake gasp at this, trying not to sound suspicious.

“He is? That's why Y'all are not talkin'?

“Well, that's part of it. Here, take a seat. I'll tell you what he told me.

-------Skip this is you don't want to read that part where I and John met. I kept it in optional to make this chapter longer. Enjoy! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

“You see AJ, when Tybalt pulled me aside, he told me he was from my world, and naturally I didn't believe him. I asked him to prove it, and he told me a story.” AJ winced at this,remembering the bloody story Tybalt had told John.

“I really shouldn't have asked him. He told me that before he got here, he was a swordsman in an army. He said the 22nd swordsmen regiment I believe. Remember how I told you my world had weapons of war?”

AJ could only nod.

“He described some of them perfectly. He described a battle. A very bloody one. One where he lost all of his loyal men. 50 lives, dashed away like nothing. When he described that, I knew we were from the same world because of how he described it with emotion. He said he was blacked out by an arrow, and he just woke up here. I don't know how, but he did.”

When he seemed to finish, AJ held her head down in defeat. She guessed that she hadn't heard it all when she spied on him.

------------------------------------------------End of story-------------------------------------------------------------

“I know you did it AJ.” John said, pointing his finger at the orange pony.

“What did ah do?”

“I know that you spied on me.”

She looked at him in horror.

“You know, Tybalt is a lot more sensitive to motion and sound than you thought he was. He told me only part of the story while he knew you were listening. He then pulled me aside again to tell me the rest of the story without you eavesdropping. I don't know why you didn't tell me.”

“Ahm... Ahm sorry John! I just couldn't bear ta tell yah, after what he said, I thought you would tell us! I just had to!”

“That still doesn't excuse it. If you had told me right away I would have forgave you. But you held it away from me for so long... I don't know if I can trust you now.”

AJ's ears drooped at this.

“I'm sorry, but I have to leave. I have to go see Tybalt.”

So John walked to the library and waited for Tybalt to get off of work.

--------------In front of Library, 6:05-----------------------------------------------------

“John?” I said as I walked up to the library.

“Tybalt? I need to tell you something.” He sounds sorrowful. This won't end well. Did he confront Applejack on our first meeting?

“Sure, what's wrong John?”

“It's AJ.”

“What happened? Did she finally tell you she spied on us?”

“She had to confront me; she lied and asked what was wrong.” Well, fuck.

“Will everything be all right?”

“I-I don't know Tybalt.”

“You're going to leave her for THAT?”

“What do you mean?”

“I've seen you two, you're really close. You have something special. Don't let me destroy that. Go apologize to her, don't let her go.”


“Yes. Now GO! Don't stay here talking to me! Make up with her!”

“Thanks Tybalt.”

10 minutes later John appeared at Sweet Apple Acres, ready to apologize for the way that he had been acting.

“AJ, you there?”

He was then pounced on. He was ready to fight, but quickly stopped as he realized the thing that had pounced him was crying and holding him close.

“Ah'm so sorry John! Please forgive me!”

“Normally I wouldn't, but Tybalt talked me back into you.”

“Really? He did? Ah'm going to have to thank him for that one.”

“You and me both AJ.”


“Yes AJ?”

“Just hold me ya fool.”

And so he did, holding the pony in his embrace for what he wished was hours. Soon, they had to break the embrace in order to go to bed.

John and AJ were in the bed together, albeit uncomfortably. John decided to speak up.

“Hey AJ?”

“Yeah John?”

“Promise me something?”

“Shucks, what is it?”

“If this situation ever happens again, please just tell me right away, ok?”

“Yeah. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

------------------------------Front of Library, 7:45 PM-----------------------------------

I was so excited! First this night started bad because of the thing with John, but when Twi gets here I have to tell her something wonderful! Thanks to my pay today, I was able to get her a necklace that Rarity defined as ‘fabulous, darling’. I can’t wait! To pass the time I grabbed a book and hummed a song to myself.

If should return,

With my body on my shield,

Tell my son I chose to die

Than to yield.

Though my life, be soon be gone

I hope, you’ll carry on

Remember me, as one

Who would not yield.

Fight with blood

Fight with steel

Die with honour

Never yield!

Fearless hearts

Filled with pride

Into glory,

We shall ride!

After singing to myself for another 15 minutes and reading the adventures of Daring Do, the door to the library opened to reveal a certain purple unicorn! Yay!

“Twi! I got great news!”

“What is it?”

I slowly pulled out a box, showing her a necklace.

“Ty, is this…?”

“If you’re about to say a proposal, I’d say no. This is just a gift from me to you.”

“Oh.” Her ears drooped a little at this. Was I supposed to propose? We only had one date so far.

“I love it Ty!”

I’m glad she likes it at least; maybe this won’t be so bad!

“Thanks Twi, I’m really glad that you like it.”

“Where did you ever find this? It’s beautiful!”

“Rarity sort of picked it out for me at a really cheap price too!”

“That’s wonderful! I love it!” She was nearly bouncing up and down. She was REALLY happy. Hopefully not ‘excited’ though. Only on the third date and later. Not before.

“Hey Twi?”


“Tomorrow when I get off of work, can we go on another date? I was thinking of going to Ponyville’s movie house.”

“Oh really? What will we be watching?”

“I was thinking something along of the lines of The Mare and the Colt.”

“You like movies like that? I thought that we would go see Daring Do IV: The adventures of the Platinum Plate.” She started pouting.

“We can so go there too! Mine was just a suggestion…”

“Wonderful! So, tomorrow at 7:00?”

“That. Sounds. Perfect.”

“Want to join me in a shower, big boy~?” Oh come on, don’t talk to me like that.

“You really want to? The last time we did was when you were… well, drunk.”

“Well, I’m sober now, and that necklace really softens things up for you~” COME ON, she’s giving me those ‘bedroom eyes’, she knows that I can’t say no to those.

“If you pull those eyes on me, I don’t think I can say no.”

“That’s the plan. Come on~” This was going to be a good night.

We walked into the bathroom and I was a bit nervous at this. She was really going to shower with me while she was sober? I really hope that she doesn’t regret this in the morning.

“What are you waiting for? Get in here!” She already had the water going.

We enjoyed the water going through our coats for a few minutes, and she looked pretty damn sexy with wet hair and a wet coat.

“Mind brushing me?”

“Why would I?”

I nearly scrubbed her down across her entire body. I even washed some of her stomach. She tried teasing me by lifting her tail gently, only to pull it back right before I could see anything. Just as a joke I REALLY scrubbed on her ass. Err I mean Flanks.

“Ooh! Be a little gentler there please?”

“Only if you promise to stop teasing me.”

“No deal. It’s too fun!”

“Then so is this!”

“Fine, be like that.” She said playfully.

She then craned her neck in order to peck my cheek as a sign of affection, but I quickly turned my head to get a full on kiss. First she seemed surprised but then she quickly melted into my embrace. I was holding her while the water was running on us. Well, on her mostly, because she was literally on top of me the way we were hugging. SO AWESOME.

Damn this girl loves teasing me. She lightly rubbed against my sheathe with her tail. Where has this happened before? Oh fuck. The only time that happened was at the cloud house, and I was nearly raped there.

“Having fun Ty?”

“How can you tell?”

“You’ve started to come out a little.”

“Damn you and your tail. You know that’s the reason.”

“Oh, I know.” She then giggled her cute as hell giggle.

“Twi? The water’s starting to get cold; I think that we should start finishing up.”


We stayed in each other’s embrace, still kissing until the water was really getting cold. We soon had to get out and dry each other off. We were kissing the entire time.

“Come on you two lovebirds, I’ve been inside the library this entire time, hearing you two eat each other’s faces.” Trust me; you don’t know half of the shit that went on in there.

Twi could just blush the entire time.

“Sorry Spike, I guess I’ll go make dinner now. How does daisy sandwiches and cider for me and Ty and some gemstones for you Spike?”

“Sounds awesome Twi.” We both said in unison.

We had a very pleasant dinner. Twi and I decided to strike up a conversation with each other.

“Hey Twi; You know how we’re going to go to the movies tomorrow after I get done from work?”

“Yes, why?”

“We’re going to see Daring Do right? Isn’t that supposed to be scary?”

“Don’t worry about me. If I get scared, you can just hold me until I get better.”


“Come on you too, still here ya know.”

“We know little bro. You’ll understand it when you’re older and have a female to love.” Now THAT’S a blush.

After dinner me and Twi went up to bed to cuddle again before I had to get up and go back to work. She nuzzled up to me like last night, and gave me a long passionate kiss on the lips. She pushed on my lips with her tongue, forcing me to let her inside. Damn I didn’t know this girl was THIS forceful. I managed to push her tongue back into her mouth, and I got to experiment with her for a while. I moved my tongue all around her mouth, and she fought with back with renewed vigor. Our tongues danced around for a good 10 minutes before she broke the kiss (Aw) and nuzzled up even closer to me. She had her hoof around me again, and I was holding her right back. She always gently buries her face in my chest, and I always love every second of it. I can’t get enough of this girl.

Chapter 5- Best day ever!

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Just another Pony chapter 5- Best day ever!

Author’s note / warning: Sex scene near the end of the chapter. I will mark it if you want to skip it. With that out of the way, let’s get started! Also, I LOVE WRITING.

I woke up at the usual time. 6:00 Am. Gives me enough time to get ready for work. Today is Friday, so tomorrow and Sunday I will be able to stay home. Sweet! This is going to be AWESOME. I took note of the posistion that Twi was sleeping in, and found a way to get up without her waking up. I wanted to let her sleep in so that she wouldn’t fall asleep during the movie. I make my way down the hallway to the shower and washed my face before I got in. I hadn’t combed my mane, and I have to say it was still looking pretty much like the day I got here. I have no idea why this world is so different from Earth, but I’m not complaining. I LOVE It here. I already have a girlfriend and a comfortable job. Not to mention I can fly!

After taking a shower and drying myself off, I saw Twi standing in the doorway of our room. Heh, it seems weird to say ‘our’ room now.

“Morning Ty, get enough sleep?”

“Thanks to your cuddling, yes I was.”

“Oh, sorry about that. I just wanted to thank you for the necklace.” There she goes teasing me again.

“I’m serious, when you’re in my arms, I fall asleep quicker than I want.”

“Am I really that boring to you?” Don’t try to put this back on me.

“Come on Twi, you know what I meant.”

“Why don’t you show me then~” Oh hell yeah.

“Come over here then beautiful.”


With that talk we embraced, and she was the first one to initiate the kiss. She can kiss ROUGH when she wants to, I gotta say that. I pushed my tongue into her lips to let me in this time, and she happily obliged. I explored nearly every space of her mouth, which is an achievment because of how much she was fighting with her tongue. She was able to get into my mouth (Because I let her, hehe) and she played around a bit while exploring my mouth. Keep in mind, none of this was done forcefully. We both willed it to happen. Also I don’t know how but I ended on top of her (how the hell?). Just then Spike came in and saw us in the hallway.

“Ugh! Come on guys! PG!”

“Ha, sorry Spike bro.”

“Uh, yeah. Sorry Spike! Can you get the oven started? I need to get breakfast ready. Also be ready to take a note to the Princess when Ty leaves.”

“You know the Princess?” I stood gawking at her. If this world was anything like mine, the queen (errr, princess) was a very big deal.

“Why yes I do, I’m her personal apprentice.”

“Dayum. I mean, dang.”


Twi made a Lillys and gravy (Seriously, where do they come up with this shit?) and we had a pleasant conversation all the while.

“Hey Ty?”


“Are we still going to the movie tonight?”

“I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” I said, I nearly meant that literally.

“Good. Daring Do and the Platinum plate, correct?”


“I can’t wait! I don’t know what I’ll do here without you though. At least you have work.”

“Don’t worry Twi, I’m sure today will go fast enough.” Yeah right. I can’t wait to get back home.

After breakfast, I said goodbye to Spike and Twi (A fist bump (Well, Hoof bump) for Spike and a hug for Twi.).

“See ya when I get off of work Twi!”

“Come back soon~” There’s that sexy voice again. God damn.

When I got to the air base today they said that they had to reassign me. Where though?

“Tybalt, today you have to clear the clouds over Sweet Apple Acres. The ponies there personally asked us to clear those clouds so that their apples could keep growing.”

“On it chief!”

After a brief flight, I arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, only to find it with a SHIT TON of clouds. I’m surprised I was the only Pegasus that they asked to do this. This was going to be an interesting day.

After a couple minutes of uneventful and otherwise uninteresting cloud bucking (lol) I saw a familiar blur of blue zoom past me. Rainbow Dash. In her words, “How did I deserve to work with her?” I know I may be mean, but remember when she tried to rape me? I think that justifies it. I just hope that she decides to not talk to me, and we can get this job done.

“Hey Ty?” I knew it was too good to be true.

“Call me Tybalt. Only Twi and Spike gets to call me that.” Am I a bitch or what? This seemed to really hurt her feelings, because her ears drooped and she decided to not talk. Maybe I was a Little meaner than I should have been there.

“Sorry Rainbow, I’m just still on edge about what happened the last time I saw you.”

“I’m the one who should be sorry. I just need you to forgive me Ty- Tybalt.”

“As long as you promise not to do it again.”

“Promise. Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” The hell was that?


“Can I make it up to you? Maybe I can take you out for a movie tonight, something like the new Daring Do movie Quest for the Platinum plate.” FUCK. This is going to be an awkward night.

“Actually, I was already planning to go with Twi tonight.”

“Oh. Sorry to ask…” I was genuinely surprised that she wasn’t boasting like she normally does.

“Anything wrong Rainbow?”

“Let’s just go back to working Tybalt.” Now I feel bad, and this pegasus nearly raped me.

“You sure you don’t want to talk? We’ve already nearly got this sky clear (We had been working for 4 hours) and I still have a few hours until the movie starts.”

“I’m just still confused to why you chose Twilight over ME. I know she’s alright and everything, but she is a BOOKWORM! I’m the fastest flyer in Equestria!” There she goes. At least we don’t have pouty Dash anymore. “How could you refuse me? I am smoking HOT, and Twilight is just a librarian!”

“We’ve already went over this Rainbow…”

“Don’t tell me that! I boast yeah, but it isn’t like I have nothing to back it up!”

“I love Twi like how I could never love you.”

“W-what do you mean?”

“Be honest, what would be the first thing you would do after we went on a date?”

“Get you into bed of course!”



“Twi and I haven’t had… relations like that yet. Yet she still loves me, and I love her like nothing before. Relationships aren’t just for sex Rainbow. You need to remember that, and never try to ‘force’ a stallion into a relationship because some out there aren’t as forgiving as me and may try to… return the favor later.” She shuddered at the last statement.

“Let’s just get back to this job.” Even though we had finished half an hour ago.

I had a lot on my mind on my fly home. Not only was I going on a date with a girl I love, but it will also be very awkward thank’s to Rainbow’s being there. Before heading to the library, I should stop by to see how John and Apple Jack are doing.

I arrived at the farm in… about 5 seconds considering we were clearing clouds RIGHT ABOVE IT.

“Hey John! You here?”

“Yup.” He was behind me, how did I not see him?

“How are you doing John? I just thought to see you before I headed back to Twi’s. We were going on another date tonight.”

“Me and AJ too! We were actually going to see the new Daring Do movie!” What the hell….


“You okay Ty?”

“Yeah, it’s just that was where me and Twi were going, and to make matters worse Rainbow was going to be there too.”


“You’re telling me.” Ok, this night just got whole new WORLDS of awkward. This was going to be bad.

“So, see you at the movie John?”

“See ya.”

At the library, I came home to a Twilight ready to go. She looked wonderful! I always wondered why we never wore clothes though.

“Hey Twi, I didn’t know Daring Do was so famous.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well, this is going to be sort of indirect double date.”


“John and Apple Jack are going to. Not to mention Rainbow is going also. She REALLY likes Daring Do I presume?”

“Yes she does, she got hooked on it when she was in the hospital with nothing to do. She’s read all the books and goes to see the movies when they come out.”

And Rainbow calls Twi a book worm.

“So we ready to go?”

“Yep, already told Spike where dinner is, and after that He’ll go to Rarity’s. He’s going to spend the night over there to help her with the orders. We’ll have the entire night to ourselves~” Well… shit. Even though I have my 3rd date sex rule, I just hope that 2nd will have to do. Come on body, don’t fail me now.

On the way to the movie house Twi and me met John and Applejack and tried to strike up a conversation.

“So John, what is this Daring Do about?”

“Well Tybalt, this movie leaves where Daring Do and the Golden Goblett leaves off. Daring Do is off on another cave with new traps and new scares. Should be fun, especially if it’s scary enough to make are marefriends cuddle up on us for being ‘scared’”. Mare friends? I’m going to use that word from now on, it has a nice ring to it.

So us and our ‘mare-friends’ went to see the movie. Daring Do was in a cave with all new traps. All in all, it was a pretty good movie. I’ll have to ask Twi for the books later.

We got to a part where Daring Do was facing off against a minotaur. The movie directors were REALLY detailed. So detailed that Twi had to bury her face into my chest in order to not look at it (Not complaining AT ALL). I looked over to John and Apple Jack had done the same thing. I also saw something that nearly ruined my entire day. I say nearly because Twi gave out a little cry which melted my heart when she looked up to see the minotaur. I saw Rainbow, studying us intently. My response to this was just to nuzzle Twi more deeply, which caused a very red face on a certain blue pegasus. I just know that this will backfire on me.

After the movie, Twi and I went back to the library… only to find it empty. Gulp.

“So Ty, want to go upstairs and have some… Fun?” Oh my lord, she is tempting me.

“Uhh, are you sure? That was only our second date.”

“Come on, you really got me excited though!”

“I’ll only be in it if you want to be.”

“Yay! Let’s go!” She literally pulled my into her bedroom and pushed me onto her bed, and layed on top of me stomach to stomach. I was already starting to feel warmth in my groin.

“Having fun?~” What is it with girls and rubbing my sheathe with their tails?
----------------------SEX STARTS HERE-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


“Well then, should we get this train going?” She said as she flashed a playful look at my manhood.

“I’m as ready as I’ll be right now.” She took that as an OK to start teasing me with her hooves. She was now on her knees in front of the bed gently stroking me. I don’t know why I haven’t said this yet, but hooves are SOFT. I mean, just wow. It feels AMAZING to feel her hooves stroking my manhood. She then started teasing me even more because she was licking the tip of my dick with her tongue. She then wrapped her mouth around it and started bobbing up and down. Gently at first, but she started to get faster and faster with time. She took all of my 18 inch manhood with one straight gulp. Damn. She tried to keep herself down as long as she could, and let me enjoy the feeling of her being all the way down. She eventually had to come up for air though. With that, she got off of her knees and put her flank to my face. I knew what she wanted, but she was blushing too much to say it. I caught on to this and gently leaned up, easing my tongue into her love. This easily got a redder blush and a soft moan. I used this as a reference and decided to try different things like plunging all the way into her, and licking her clit and all the way back. I think that she was enjoying as much as she was because of the way she was shuddering at my touch.

After a couple of minutes of uninterrupted bliss, she started nearly screaming out and arching her back. I took this as a sign that she was close and plunged all the way in, trying to get her to finish off as hard as she could. She full out screamed as I felt her juiced pour out. The bed sheets were getting messy, but neither of us cared right now.

She crawled off of me and climbed under me this time. I prepared myself to enter her. I could see it in her eyes that she wanted me from our first date. I slowly pushed myself into her, this was where I realized that- she wasn’t a virgin! At least that means I don’t have to be her first. I started off slow inside her, only to be encouraged by her deep moans and cry’s. Even considering our position, it was still pretty cute. I never loved her more than I do now, even while deep inside her. I couldn’t help myself. I leaned down and gently gave her a long and passionate kiss. She returned my advanced tenfold being as forceful as she could, she pushed her tongue into my mouth taking as much as she could. I was loving it the entire time, I might add. After another 10 minutes of thrusting in and out of her while kissing, I could tell she was getting close and so was I. She caught on to this and help me close with her hind hooves. We both screamed when I finished into her, my orgasm filling her vagina. We both finished at the same time while kissing. There was nothing like it. I was a little scared that I came inside of her, but before we went to sleep she told me,

“Don’t worry, It’s a safe time for me right now. I took something so I couldn't pregnant. I love you."

“I love you too.”

Authors note: Next chapter will be Dash’s point of view of this day. I’ll be throwing you a real curve ball at you. See ya!

Chapter 6- Best Idea ever!

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Just another pony – Chapter 6 – Best idea ever!

Authors note: This chapter is just chapter 5 from RD's POV. This will also be 1st person, so bear with me. I will do this more often, write one chapter/day then the next chapter will be the previous day from another person's POV. REALLY Sorry about the short chapter! I just couldn't do much with this and I couldn't leave this detail out. Once again, really sorry!

I woke up in my normal position. On the couch after a long night of flying and being awesome, because that's just how I roll. I can't believe I'm getting up this early in the morning. Its... 9:00. Aww man, usually I'm out until noon, but this is a special day. I personally asked the weather manager to let me work with Ty (I call him Ty when I'm alone, hehe) and I'll invite him to watch the new Daring Do movie with me! It's a borderline perfect plan to get him on my side! I know that it'll be mean to Twilight, but I WANT Ty to myself. I'll steal him then just apologize to her. I mean, how can she not forgive me? I'm the one and only Rainbow Dash! I'll be sure to get my way this time. I won't let him go so easily like I did when he asked me for a job.

I got up to the cloud base, ready for a fun day today. I WILL have Ty in my arms by the end of today. Mark my words; I'm coming for you Ty.

“Good morning Rainbow. I already sent Tybalt to your location for today, above Sweet Apple Acres.

“Thanks chief, I owe you one.”

“Don't worry about it, they asked for some cloud clearing duties anyway. Their apples can hardly grow with all of the clouds there.”

I flew all the way to Sweet Apple Acres in 10. Seconds. Flat. I already saw Ty clearing the clouds, but he clearly got uncomfortable when I got here. What, is he afraid of all this? Or is he just scared at the thought I might not like him anymore? Oh well, I better put on my 'pathetic' act, where I act all sad. If he fell for Twilight, he'll definitely be all over me.

“Hey Ty?”

“Call me Tybalt. Only Twi and Spike can call me Ty.” Ooh, now that was harsh. I decided to not speak to him after that, which was really hard. I had succeeded because it looked like Ty fell bad for me and came over to talk to me again.

“Sorry Rainbow, I’m just still on edge about what happened the last time I saw you.” He pulled that card again? Get over it! I ALMOST raped you, it's not like it actually happened!

“I’m the one who should be sorry. I just need you to forgive me Ty- Tybalt.” Dang that was hard to say. He had better be all over me after this, because I NEVER say sorry. To ANYPONY.

“As long as you promise to not do it again.”

“Promise. Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” Pinkie Pie is going to be all over me when I break that promise. I can already hear her saying FOREEEEEEEEEEVER.


He isn't all over me? Well, I was hoping to go alone, but I have to pull out all of the stops.

“Can I make it up to you? Maybe I can take you out for a movie tonight, something like the new Daring Do movie Quest for the Platinum plate.” Those tickets were right in the front. Expensive as hay, but there was no way he could turn it down. Especially when it's a chance to cuddle with ME.

“Actually, I was already planning to go with Twi tonight.”

Celestia COME ON! Seriously? Ugh, I can't believe that! Already going on another date with your precious Twi? Oh well, I'll have to play this cool. I'll get him at the movie.

“Oh. Sorry to ask…” THAT was hard to say too. I can't believe I'm doing all of this just for a stallion! What a stallion I have to say. Playing hardball, just how I like it. Here he comes again! Time to get him eating out the bottom of my hooves...

“Anything wrong Rainbow?”

“Let’s just go back to working Tybalt.” Time to bring the hammer down on him. It should make him feel bad, and maybe. Just maybe, he'll go to the movie with ME, not some boring bookworm.

“You sure you don’t want to talk? We’ve already nearly got this sky clear and I still have a few hours until the movie starts.”

“I’m just still confused to why you chose Twilight over ME. I know she’s alright and everything, but she is a BOOKWORM! I’m the fastest flyer in Equestria!” Whoops, lost my cool. Oh well, I guess it's time to finally come out with it.

“How could you refuse me? I am smoking HOT, and Twilight is just a librarian!” Tybalt and me BOTH knew how hot I was. How was he not all over me by now?

“We’ve already went over this Rainbow…”

I am sick and TIRED of him saying that!

“Don’t tell me that! I boast yeah, but it isn’t like I have nothing to back it up!”

“I love Twi like how I could never love you.” What in the hay does he mean by that? What can Twilight give him that I can't???

“W-what do you mean?”

“Be honest, what would be the first thing you would do after we went on a date?” Oh, I think he knows the answer to THAT.

“Get you into bed of course!” I would show him things that many a Pegasus didn't even know was POSSIBLE.

“Exactly.” What?


“Twi and I haven’t had… relations like that yet. Yet she still loves me, and I love her like nothing before. Relationships aren’t just for sex Rainbow. You need to remember that, and never try to ‘force’ a stallion into a relationship because some out there aren’t as forgiving as me and may try to… return the favor later.”

Is THAT what he's hung up about? Relationships are about sex! What's he talking about? Then again, a stallion... 'repaying' my favor does sound a little bad. Maybe this is what he felt like when he asked for a job.

“Let’s just get back to this job.” Even though I had seen him finish half an hour ago.

I left to the sight of Ty flying towards Sweet Apple Acres. I wonder what he wanted there? No matter, I have to begin my plan to get back at Ty, whether at the movie or after it.

I flew to my cloud house, ready for the MONSTER of all pranks. One that would make Pinkie Pie jealous. How about throwing pie? No, too generic. Bucket of spiders? No, too mean. Water bucket above the library door? No, too messy. Hey! I got it! The best idea ever!

I got to the library early to find a nice cloud. I saw Ty and Twilight (I gotta admit, my wings twitched a bit at the thought of them together... like that.) walk out together, presumably to the movie house. Ty was to caught up in talking to even notice me, and Twilight never looked up to see if she was being followed. I don't think that Ty noticed because he was talking too much, but it looked like Twilight was... teasing him. She kept bumping up against him with her flank. Lucky mare. That should be ME teasing Ty. As we all walked into the movie, I saw John and AJ too. A double date perhaps? Guess not, because they sat in separate parts of the theater. The movie starts like all Daring Do movies do, it shows a summary of the last one and fades into the new one. I was hardly watching though. As much as I loved Daring Do, I was focused on Twilight and Ty. I think something scary popped up, because Twilight buried her face into Ty's coat. Celestia that made me mad! Like before, that should be ME. Not that I would be scared or anything.

Ty met eyes with me, and I wonder what he was about to do. His only response was to bury his head into Twilight's mane. Man he's good. Wait, did that just make me blush? I can't believe that! Just not fair man.

This went on for another good hour, before Daring finally got her Platinum plate and escaped a giant boulder. My eyes were locked on Ty the entire time. Just watching him walk made me... Antsy.

I saw Ty and Twilight walk into the library. I gotta see this. I disguised myself with leaves in the tree (FlutterShy approves!) and waited outside their bedroom window. I saw them come in and start kissing. Whoa, this might get good. I better go get my camera.

I got back in about 5 minutes, with my camera rolling... to see Ty going down on Twilight. Come on! That should be me! Oh well, might as well get this to enjoy this later. When I'm at home, I may have a bit of fun with this...

Whoa! I did not know Twilight was so flexible! I can't believe that she just took ALL of it into her mouth at once! I can learn a few things from this girl. Now, down to the main course. I saw Ty get on top of Twilight, and promptly enter her. They both looked like they were in heaven, and a good 10 minutes later (camera rolling) I saw both of them arch their backs. Will he do it inside? Whoa! He did! I cannot believe Twilight would try that. Now this got me all worked up, time to go home and enjoy this tape.

Chapter 7- Singing in the rain.

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Just another Pony – chapter 7 – singing in the rain.

Oh my god. Last night was amazing. I can't believe we already did that on our second date. I can't believe myself, because I have to leave before Twi gets up. It's not that I don't want to be with her (Actually, it took all of my will to get out of bed), it's just that we HAVE to get those storm clouds into position TODAY. By 6:00 it has to start storming. They said that we missed last week's, so we have to make up this time with a hell of a storm. I kissed Twi goodbye and left a note on the fridge for her. The note said, “Dear Twi: Sorry I couldn't wake up with you, the storm Pegasus really needs me to get the storm clouds into position. I hope you're not too mad.” Short and sweet, as I always say.

I started heading out, but then I heard a yawn from the doorway. I looked and saw a tired unicorn looking at me.

“Going somewhere?”

“Uhh, yeah. Sorry about leaving, you know I love you; but the weather Pegasus said that I have to be at work early to make all of the clouds into the right pos-“

She stopped me with a quick kiss to the lips.

“Thanks, I needed that.”

“I love you. Thanks for last night.”

“I love you too. Thanks to you too.”

After a quick bowl of hay for breakfast I headed over to the air over Rarity’s boutique to get those clouds in order. It was fun work because I was flying, but got repetitive sometimes. I do love the money though, so I’m not complaining!

“Tybalt? Could you be a darling and come down here?” I haven’t talked to Rarity in a while, and the clouds are almost done over here. So, why not?

“Yes Rarity? Sorry I haven’t talked to you much; I just have a lot going on.”

“Don’t worry about a thing darling! I just need to get some measurements for you. As you know, the Grand Galloping Gala (What?) is coming up next month and I have to get all of our suits. Last year was absolutely dreadful!”

“Are you sure Rarity? I don’t have to go to the Grand Gallop-“

“Nonsense! Princess Celestia lets Twilight bring all of her friends! Also, I think Celestia would like to meet her star pupil’s new coltfriend…” I’m going to meet the Princess? AWESOME. Wait; I’m going to meet her after I had sex with her star pupil. NOT AWESOME. Fuck.

“That sounds lovely Rarity! I can’t wait to get started!”

As we went inside, Rarity started taking my measurements to make my suit. Taking extra-long at my (Gulp) flanks. Needless to say, it got really uncomfortable for me while she was working. I was just really glad when she finished up with my measurements.

“Come on Rarity, was it really necessary to measure my sheathe?”

“Why yes! What if you get ‘excited’? Would you want your suit to rip?”

“I guess not…” she REALLY seemed to enjoy measuring that part.

“Well Rarity, the storm is about to start in about an hour. I got to go, see you!” It was already starting to drizzle now.

“Come back anytime you want Tybalt.” SONOFABITCH, why can’t just one mare like me here? Let’s see, that’s Rainbow, Twilight, and Rarity that seems to like me. I haven’t even met Pinkie yet, and Apple Jack already has John. I’m sure she wouldn’t cheat on him. That just leaves… Fluttershy. Oh god please don’t let her like me too. She already blushes when I call her Shy. Why are so many girls attracted to me now? It’s just too much.

On the way to the library, I heard a familiar voice: Rainbow’s.

“Hey Ty!”

“Tybalt. I told you to call me Tybalt.”

“Heh, whatever. Follow me to my house, I gotta show you something?”

“Do I have to?”

“Yes, you do.”

I flew with Rainbow to her cloud house… again. When I got in she closed the door behind her. Must be just manners I guess.

“So Ty, have you reconsidered me yet?”

God Damn it Rainbow!” She flinched at the language. “Is this why you dragged me here again? You’re STILL trying to get me?” I was hardly containing my anger at this point. I was already in a relationship, had sex, and this pegasus still wants me after she tried to rape me and stared at us in the movie. NOTHING will make me date her now.

“Let me make this clear to you Rainbow. I DO NOT want to date you. You will stop dragging me here trying to make a relationship.”

“Oh, I think I have something that can change your mind…” She held up a tape. So what?

“It’s a tape. So what?”

“It’s not just a tape. It’s what’s on the tape that counts. Come on, you have to see it!”

“I told you. NOTHING will make me date you now.”

“Well then this is nothing. Come watch!”

Fuck. The storm was about to start and I have to watch a tape. What could be on it that important anyway?

We were both in her living room watching a tape. Even before she put it in I knew something was wrong. It just showed her walking though…

“Oops! Wrong tape.” That doesn’t sound good. At all.

“This is just a little tape called, ‘last night’.” What did she mean by that?

Then I knew. It showed me and Twilight in bed. I watched in horror the entire time. I would have liked it had the circumstances been different.


“How about now? Come to see me differently? Like to give me a second chance? Because this tape would be really embarrassing to get out…”

Was she really blackmailing me? Well she has another thing coming. I would have normally never hit a girl, but I was really close to bucking this girl in her arrogant face. I couldn’t believe her! She can’t have me so she would go as far to ruin my life. I could deal with that, but I would NOT let her ruin Twi’s.

“I DO see you different now.”

“You do? So you will give me a chance?”

“I see you as a monster.”


“Face it. You couldn’t have me, so you would ruin mine and your best friend’s life. My life ruined I could deal with. But I will NOT let you ruin Twilight’s. You would blackmail me.”

She looked like she was ready to cry. Served her right. Without warning though, she pounced on me! I may have thought that she could kick my ass, but now I see that was an act. She was nearly shaking and giving me a death glare.

“I WILL have you! With your consent or not!”

“Oh no you won’t!”

Alright everyone, hold the fuck up. Author here and all of this happened in 5 seconds. Here we go:

I completely lost it here. I bucked her off of me (being none too gentle). I then grabbed the tape, flying as quickly as I could and darted outside. I went as fast as I could straight to the ground to dispose of the tape. I felt resistance. A LOT of resistance; but I wouldn’t stop. I just had to destroy the tape. This was the last straw for her. No more chances; no more chances at retribution. I threw the tape down as hard as I could toward the ground and saw it shatter. That was the end of that.

“Tybalt wait!” I was NOT waiting.

I started flying through the storm when it was full blast. I don’t care how soaked I got. I just needed to go somewhere. Anywhere. Anywhere except that sky house. I got near the market, and saw a strange sight. It was Shy, hiding underneath one of the rain covers. She must not like rain I’m guessing.

“Hey Shy, what are you doing out here in the rain?

“Oh, I just had to get some more feed for my animals. I forgot about the storm today, and well, I really really really really really dislike the rain. I hope that’s ok…”

“Don’t worry about it Shy, let’s just get you home. You can’t just stay in the market. Let me walk you home.”

“A-are you sure? I don’t want to be a bother…”

“It doesn’t bother me at all! I would love to! Just get under my wing to keep yourself dry.” When I said ‘under my wing’ she blushed. Not like that! I outstretched my wing and Shy got comfortable with it (Like, really comfortable). I have to say, even though I was soaked Shy still stayed pretty dry. Finally my HUGE wings compared to my body paid off.

After another 10 minutes of walking (I think I got a cold) we arrived at Shy’s cottage.

“Thank you Tybalt. This really means a lot to me.”

“No problem Shy, anytime you need help just give me a call. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to get back to Twi’s.” Right after I ended that sentence I sneezed. Uh oh. I hope that didn’t give her any ideas.

“There must be some way I can repay you. Stay here for tonight please; it’s too dangerous to walk home in this rain alone.” Called it!

“Shy, really sorry but I have to get back to Twi’s. She might get worr-“

I was cut short by a quick (and rough) hug tackle by Shy.

“The hell?” I can’t believe I just accidently cussed in front of her!

“I-I’m really sorry Tybalt, but you HAVE to stay here tonight! I won’t let you go back out into this rain!”

“What do you mean you won’t ‘let’ me?” FUCK, Twi already told me about her encounter with the fully grown dragon. I should have NOT asked that.

The next thing I knew I was frozen in place. Shy was staring at me. THE STARE. I was frozen, slowly losing my sanity. I SAW SOUND. There were evil things everywhere, all wanting me to lose my sanity. If this didn’t let up then they would get their wish. I don’t know how long I was there, 5 seconds or 5 eternities but she finally stopped using the stare.

“Oh, are you alright Tybalt? Tybalt? I’m really sorry! I had to do that! Please don’t be mad at me!”

I couldn’t respond. Well, I did, but it was in the form of bawling in the fetal position for 3 minutes. I couldn’t BELIEVE that stare! I thought Twi was just messing with me! Right about that time I blacked out.

And somewhere in Canterlot, two princesses were discussing.

“I can hardly wait for this year’s Gala sister. I heard that my star pupil finally got a coltfriend. This will be so fu-“ Celestia stopped so suddenly it made her sister jump.

“What’s wrong sister?”

“I detect a disturbance in the force. It seems Fluttershy just used her famous ‘the stare’ once again on an unsuspecting stallion. May I have mercy on him…

I, Tybalt woke up in a start (again) to find myself in the same bed with Shy… OH HELL NO. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. May god have mercy on me if I ‘did it’ with her. Because I know Twi won’t.

“M-morning Tybalt. What happened last night?”

“What do you MEAN what happened? You gave me the stare and I blacked out! Why would you do that?”

“Because I couldn’t let you go out in rain that heavy! I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you had gotten hurt…” How the hell did she manage to make me feel bad after what she did? Damn this girl is good. I just had to give her a hug, if anything just to quiet her down.

“What are you doing Tybalt?”

“Don’t take this hug the wrong way; it just looked like you needed some cheering up. How did I get up here anyway? The last thing I remember is you giving me the stare then me blacking out.”

“W-well, I brought you up here so that you could sleep the storm out. You look really c-cute when you sleep…” Did she… Did she WATCH me sleep? Well this just got awkward.

“Well, thanks for letting me stay here… I guess. I really have to get back to Twi now. See you later?”

“A-alright. Goodbye Tybalt!”

I can’t believe what just happened! Let’s see… First off it starts like any other day. Wonderful. Then shit gets serious all over again. I nearly get raped AGAIN, and I get ‘the stare’ from Shy and wake up in bed with her! God I hope Twi never finds this out. I hope to god I didn’t do anything.

At this time I was at the library, I knocked only to be answered by a purple unicorn. She seemed…. Furious? Uh oh. I am going to have to explain this one. I literally ran home and was out of breath.

“And where have YOU been?” Uh oh. This will not end well.

Author here again! Remember when I did the Rainbow Dash POV? Now I’m doing it again except it’s this chapter from Twilight’s POV. See y’all later!

Chapter 8- I can't believe him!

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Just another pony – Chapter 8 – I can’t believe him!

Hey guys. Author here; Thanks for all of the feedback! Anyways, this is chapter 7 from Twilight’s POV. Drama incoming!

Last night was amazing! I can’t help but think that I rushed it though. It was only on our second date, yet it felt right somehow. I’ve never met a stallion like him before. So… caring. I think he may be the one. I woke up expecting to be looking at him… only to find my bed empty save myself. Must be in the kitchen getting ready for work. I have to see him! He has such a cuuuuuuuuute bedhead!

I got into the kitchen to see Ty writing a note. I couldn’t help but yawn at this. It wasn’t boring, I was just tired!

“Going somewhere?” He wasn’t going anywhere without saying goodbye to me first.

“Uhh, yeah. Sorry about leaving, you know I love you; but the weather Pegasus said that I have to be at work early to make all of the clouds into the right pos-“ He is so cute when he talks! I just had to give him a kiss right then and there.

“Thanks, I needed that.”

“I love you. Thanks for last night.”

“I love you too. Thanks to you too.”

I quickly make Ty a bowl of hay for breakfast (You should see him when he eats, it’s so messy it’s cute!) I nearly squeed just by watching him!

I waved goodbye to him as I watched him take to the skies. I always wondered what it would be like to fly… Hmm, I may ask him to fly me one day!

“Spike? Are you awake?”

“Yep. Why?”

“I would like you to take a letter to Celestia please!”

“On it, is it about Ty?”

“Yes it is.”

“Dear Princess Celestia:

I met this wonderful stallion! His name is Tybalt, he is the most wonderful thing ever! He was really enthusiastic about books too! I would like you to meet him as soon as you can. Mostly because he said that he was from where John was from too. I still haven’t told him, but I spied on him when he first met John. I learned that everyone has some inner good, no matter what backround they came from.

Your faithful student: Twilight Sparkle.”

“Thank you Spike. Send it now if you will.”

“Sure thing Twi.” With that Spike threw the scroll up and engulfed it in flames, Instantly teleporting it to the princesses.

“Spike, tomorrow I think that Ty should meet the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I think that he would get along with them pretty well considering all of his energy.”

“Especially Scootaloo! That is going to be hilarious. Maybe Ty will finally meet his match.”

“Even if she isn’t his match, we still haven’t introduced him to Pinkie Pie. You know exactly what she would do first…”


“Exactly. That’s why I’m going to her today!”

“Care to explain Twi?”

“She would throw a party, correct?”

“I’m not following…”

“She’ll be able to throw a party for Ty! He’s been here for almost a week! I can’t wait to see what Pinkie thinks up!”

“Good luck with that Twi. Just make sure she doesn’t react like she did the first time she met you.”

“Ha, I think that I can avoid that problem now.”

I waved goodbye to Spike on my way to Sugar Cube Corner. This was going to be so exciting! Pinkie always has the best parties! I came up to Sugar Cube Corner to find no line. Perfect.

“Hello Mr. and Mrs. Cake! Have you seen Pinkie Pie anywhere? I want to ask her something.”

Mrs. Cake was the one to answer that, “Of course Dearie, she’s up in her room doing Celestia knows what.”

“Thanks Mrs. Cake!” Time to find Pinkie Pie.

I walked up to find Pinkie Pie in her room playing with her pet alligator Gummy. I have to admit, she looked really cute when she was playing with Gummy. Especially when he tries to chew a rubber ball.

“Hello Pinkie!” The sudden interruption made her jump, hehe.


“Do you mean that new pegasus with the brown coat?”

“Mmmhmmm.” Was all she could get out.

“Yes, his name is Ty-Tybalt.”




“That’s what I actually came to you about. He’s been here nearly a week and I want to give him a surprise party!”

“I would love to Twilight! I just wished that you would give me more time! Oh well, it will just have to do!” She gets really serious when the words ‘Pinkie Pie’ and ‘Party’ are involved.

“Thanks a lot Pinkie! I just have to go pickup some supplies from the market. See you soon!”

“I hope I can meet Tybalt soon! He looks so cute!”

“Keep your hooves off Pinkie. I already got him.”

“Wha…?” For the first time in a long time, Pinkie was speechless. Ha!

“See you later Pinkie!” Her hair deflated when I had said I had him. I don’t know why that was so funny!

I walked to the market while waving to some of the ponies. She was well respected in the town, and was soon stopped by one of the most annoying stallions she ever met… Cloud chaser. He was a green Pegasus (You could guess by his name) with a blue and black mane. Had he not been a jerk, I might have fallen for him. Oh well Cloud, THIS treasure is already taken.

“Oh, fancy meeting you here Twi.”

“I told you to call me Twilight. Only two people call me Twi.”

“Who? That little dragon thing and me?”

“Oh, not you. Just my new coltfriend.”

“Excuse me? So you’ve come crawling back have you?”

“You’re not who I’m talking about.”

“Then who are you talking about?”

“The new pony in town, Tybalt.”

“Oh, I’ve seen him around. A big wuss if you ask me.”

“Have you met him yet?”

“No, but when I do, it will be with a buck to the face.”

“You wouldn’t dare. He’s seen things that would make you curl up into the fetal position.”

“Oh really? I might just ask him then.”

“Go ahead, I’ve always wanted to see you in the hospital.”

“Oh, you did see me in the hospital. I was there trying to get you up after I-“

“Don’t you DARE talk about that again.”

“Fine fine, but you know that you had wanted it.” The last time I had saw cloud was in the hospital when he raped me violently and left me in an alley to die. I would love to see him hurt for a change, and I know that Tybalt could do it.

Thankfully I didn’t meet anyone else until I got into the market. Then I saw another person who used to be a coltfriend. I didn’t know both of them were still here. This one was just the opposite of Cloud chaser, not to mention that he was a unicorn. His name was Emerald Thunder. Where Cloud was outgoing, Emerald was shy. Where Cloud was a jerk, Emerald was nice. I hate to say it, but if Emerald wasn’t so scared of everything I probably would have stayed with him too. Best just avoid that minefield.

The storm looked like it was about to start, so I should hurry up and get home. I see Tybalt coming out of Rarity’s and flying up to Rainbow’s. I just hope that he gets home before the rain really gets heavy. I walked up to the market stalls, pointing out what I needed. After 20 minutes and a golden bit later, I was on my way home. I saw Fluttershy stay back for some reason. I don’t know why, she was never afraid of the rain. Also there was nothing to stop her from getting back to her animals. If there was, she wouldn’t let them stop her either. I better go talk to her.

“Hey Fluttershy!” She yelped at the suddenness.

“Oh, hello Twilight. I just came down here to get some feed for my animals.”

“Aren’t you going to walk back home now before the rain gets too heavy?”

“Oh, I will. I’m just waiting for somepony to walk me home before I go.”

“I can Fluttershy! It wouldn’t be any trouble.”

“NO! I mean, that’s alright. I think that I’ll just stay here for a bit longer.” Why did she yell (At Fluttershy volume is a regular voice)? I better get home, hopefully Ty will be there waiting for me.

As I was walking in the library the rain started getting heavier. I called out for Ty, only to get a response from Spike. I hope that he doesn’t get stuck in this rain.

I watched out of my window waiting for any sign of Tybalt. Then I saw him, but my blood went cold. He was walking Fluttershy- While she was under his wing? What? He never puts his wings around ME. What is he thinking? Fluttershy is perfectly capable of walking herself home in this rain! Tybalt had better have a good explanation for this. If not… I don’t know what I’ll do! The other two stallions didn’t get as far with me as Ty did! Oh no, their heading for her cottage. I really hope that he just ‘forgot’ to come at least say hi. I just hope that he isn’t cheating on me and that he stays safe. I guess I might as well try to sleep. I just hope to Celestia that when I wake up it will be to Tybalt. If not, he’ll start answering to Luna, not Celestia.

I woke up in a start (How many starts will there be in this story? I will never know). Tybalt still isn’t back? Jeez, am I going to have to drag him home?

I ran as fast as I could through the rain. I slipped once or twice but that wouldn’t stop me. The only things I could feel was the rain beating down on my coat and my hooves on the muddy ground. I don’t care how much rain I had to go through, I had to see if Tybalt was alright. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if he had gotten hurt in this rain! Ok, here comes Fluttershy’s cottage. I have to see if he was alright. If I knew Fluttershy well (Which I did) then if something had happened to him, she would have given him her bed. So best to check there first.

I nearly froze in place when I saw the scene before me. Tybalt was in her bed alright… With Fluttershy in it! Excuse me? I can’t believe Tybalt would do something like that! I thought Fluttershy was my friend. After I gave my heart to Tybalt. How could he do this??? Stupid stallions, they’re all the same. I can’t believe I trusted him!

I had to get home. I ran as fast as I could towards the library. The only thing I could feel right now was the rain beating on me. I couldn’t even feel my heart now. It was like it had been ripped in half. When Cloud had broken up with me… See ya! When I broke up with Emerald… Was nothing like this. It was a really good thing it was raining so hard. Now Spike won’t see my tears. I got into the library, and went straight into the bed. Not even bothering to wash myself off. What were the use of Stallions? I just hope that Spike doesn’t turn into one of them.

In the morning, I felt no better than I did last night. I quickly got a shower and when I got out, I heard a knock at the door. Who was it and why couldn’t they leave me alone?

I opened the door to see an out of breath Tybalt. How dare he come here? Why isn’t he with his NEW marefriend? How does he get the guts to show his face around me again? Well, I have just one question to ask him. And his explanation and answer decides if I should stay with him or not.

“And where have YOU been?”

Author’s note: Sorry about that last part guys! I just had to fit in some drama!

Chapter 9- meeting the CMC / making up

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Just another Pony- Chapter 9- Making up with Twi / meeting the CMC

Sorry for the really short chapter! My schedule has been sort of hectic, I will keep writing though!

“Oh, Uhh, hey Twi!”

“Don't 'hey Twi' to me!”


“Answer my question. Where were you last night and why didn't you come back home?”

“Just let me explain. I was at Shy's-”

“I knew it!”

“Excuse me Twi?”

“I saw you walking her home. She is perfectly capable of walking herself home. Cheating on me already Tybalt?”

“What? NO! Nononononononononononono let me explain!”

“Save it for your -new- mare friend. I'm going to Rarity's.”

With that Twi left before I could stop her and explain. Why would she think I cheated on her? I got THE STARE. How was I supposed to help that?

---------------Rarity's boutique; Twilight's POV----------------

Twilight had to get to Rarity's. She was crying thanks to where she left Tybalt.

“Rarity? Are you in there?”

“Come in darling?”

“Thank you Rarity.”

“Any time dear- Oh, why are you crying?” Rarity couldn't help but wonder if it had anything do to with Tybalt, but how could he make her cry? Surely he wouldn't do anything bad. He's just so sweet!

“Tybalt cheated on me.”

“WHAT? Explain to me darling. Spare no detail, none at all.”

With that Twilight recapped Rarity on what happened last night, and there fight this morning. She told her about watching Tybalt walk Fluttershy home, and where she saw him in their window sleeping in Fluttershy's bed.

“Twilight, don't you think you overreacted?”

“What do you mean?”

“Did you give Tybalt a chance to explain himself?”

“N-no, I just charged off. Why?”

“Every one of those things can have an explanation. One where he DOESN'T cheat on you. When he walked her home, maybe she didn't want to get her feed for her animals wet! Maybe he got a cold and passed out where Fluttershy carried him up to her bed, where she tried to keep him warm! Honestly darling, I thought you would have given a chance to explain himself. Let's go to Fluttershy's and get her side of the story before we make assumptions.”

“*sniff* T-thanks Rarity.”

With that the two girls walked outside of town towards the familiar cottage. They were greeted by the sight of a yellow Pegasus feeding her animals.

“Good morning Fluttershy.” As always, she yelps and gives a jump back, although this time is was a bit distant.

“G-good morning girls. What brings you here?”

“Well darling, we wanted to ask you about what happened last night when the storm started.”

“Eep!” With a little yelp she dashed into her cottage, leaving two unicorns outside to wonder.

“What was that?”

“Hmm, well Twilight, it seems as if she is hiding something.”

Just then Spike came running up from the road. He had a scroll in his hand with the official seal of the Princess herself.

“Twi! Twi! I just got a letter! While eating gemstones no less.”

“What does it say Spike?”


Dear Twilight Sparkle:

To my faithful student, there isn't much time. I felt a disturbance yesterday which could only mean one thing. Your friend Fluttershy has recently used 'the stare'. Please make sure the soul affected is alright and not in disrepair. A fully grown dragon could hardly stand it; I'm not sure what it would do to a normal pony.”

“What does this mean Rarity?” Twilight thought Rarity had the answer to this.

“if I'm not mistaken, I think 'the stare' is the thing that Fluttershy used on that poor dragon after he hurt us. I dread to think what it would do to a pony... You said you saw Tybalt in bed with Fluttershy?”

“Y-yes, why?”

“Was he... moving at all?”

“Not that I saw, why?”

“Uhh, see ya girls. Imma go now.” With that Spike left.

“Don't you think it's weird? First you see Tybalt walking Fluttershy home, then he doesn't come back. Next, the Princess feels a stare, and you find Tybalt in Fluttershy's bed not moving? Don't you think that's suspicious? Especially how Fluttershy hid inside her cottage when we asked her about it.”

“By Celestia, I think you're right! I can’t believe myself now. Come on Rarity, we have to make sure he is alright!”

“Right behind you darling!”

With that the two friends quickly raced back to the library, to find Spike by himself.

Twilight came in to ask Spike a few questions because they couldn’t find Tybalt anywhere.

“Spike, do you know where Tybalt is?”

“No, why? After you charged out he flew off into some clouds. That’s all I know though. Why, is he in trouble? I gotta see this then.”

“No, you don’t. Also no, he isn’t. Thanks Spike!”

--------------------Tybalt’s POV, walking the streets of Ponyville. --------------------------

She thinks I’m cheating on her? What happened after Shy gave me that stare? More importantly, why was I hardly affected? I know it was bad at first, with the fetal position and everything; but now I’m fine. What’s going on? Oh look, there’s what Twi told me were the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I believe the unicorn is Sweetie Belle, the Pegasus is Scootaloo, and the earth pony is Apple Bloom. I have to admit, they were CUTE! Scootaloo came up to me, anxious to finally meet me. I think Twi told her how energetic I was.

“Hello! Are you Tybalt? Twilight told me ALL about you? Are you as energetic as she says you are? I can’t wait to play with you!” Wow, she really is energetic.

“Calm down little one. One question at a time please.”

“Little one? Come on! I can almost fly, see?” She flapped her tiny wings making a tiny buzzing sound.

“Yes, I am Tybalt. Why are you so excited to meet me, I’m no one special.”

“Are you kidding? You’re like, the second coolest pony I know! Come on, we’re the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Will you help us get our Cutie Marks?”

“Sure why not?”

“Yay!” All three girls yelled in unison.

After a few hours of ‘crusading’ two new fillies came up to the CMC.

“Hey Scootaloo? Are there 5 or 3 fillies in your group? Because 2 more are coming up this way.”

“Eew, that’s just Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. They hate us because we’re just ‘blank flanks’.”

Silver Spoon was the grey one. She had a grey/white mane and what else? A spoon as a cutie mark. Diamond Tiara looked like the leader. She was Pink coated with a purple/white mane and a (What else?) Diamond Tiara as a cutie mark. Their cutie marks are the exact same as their name. I don’t believe that’s something to brag about.

“Oh, hey loser mark crusaders!” Wow, that insult sucked. It sucked a lot of ass. Try harder next time kid.

“Just leave us alone Diamond Tiara. We’re not in the mood to deal with you.” Scootaloo seemed to take up for her friends.

“Why? Still trying to get your Cutie Marks? Who is that stallion there? Your new father? I swear, your ‘mother’ switches stallions faster than she takes a ba-“

“You take that back!” Scootaloo was getting loud now. What was that about?

“Take what back? You know it’s the truth blank flank.” Ok, this filly made Scootaloo nearly cry, and I can’t believe how stuck up she is.

“Excuse me Diamond?” I had to speak up now. It was just too much.

“And who are you? Scootaloo’s… let’s see… 15th father? Or did her mom switch again?”

Apple Bloom decided to speak up now.

“Now you leave him alone! Ya don’t even know who he is! He’s got 10 times more cutie mark in his left hoof than both of ya do together!”

“Please Apple Bloom. Let me handle this.”

“Who are you to talk? You’re just a nopony.”

“Take that back. Tybalt IS somepony.” Scootaloo had stopped crying by now. I hardly knew her, and she was taking up for me? Apple Bloom did too, why though?

“Shut up you orphan.” With that she bucked Scootaloo right in the face! That… was just too much. I didn’t even know these girls yet, but I nearly bucked Diamond right in her stuck up face.

“Now what in the HELL did you do that for?” I can’t believe these girls.

“Because their just blank flanks.”

“We’ll see who is a blank flank after this is over.”

“You wouldn’t dare touch me.” With that she spat on my face. I can’t believe how close I came to bucking her.

This fucking girl kept testing my patience.

“Maybe not. But I can’t guarantee your parents won’t.”

“What do you mean by tha- NO! Pleasepleasepleaseplease don’t!”

“Get out of here right now and I may think about it.”

With that the two fillies ran as fast as they could out. Probably going to grow up to be whores.

“Th-thank you Tybalt. They are always mean to us.” Scootaloo decided to speak. I was just worried about the buck that Diamond had given her.

“Are you alright Scootaloo? You’re bleeding from that buck she gave you. Just give me the word, and I’ll get to them fast and be out before anyone sees that it was me.”

“No, it’s alright Tybalt…” She seemed sad now. I swear to god someone is going to pay if Diamond permanently hurt Scootaloo.

“We should get you home Scootaloo, you seem really hurt.”

“I’m alright Tybalt, I told you.”

“I’m not going to take no for an answer. I’m not going to take you home; I’m going to take you to a hospital.”

“I SAID THA-“ She was cut off by me sweeping her onto my back. I didn’t know where the hospital was but I knew that I would know when I see it. What do you know, it WAS pretty obvious.

I walked in much to the surprise of the nurse ponies. One of them came up to me quickly because Scootaloo had passed out on my back.

“Hello, my name is Nurse Redheart. We should get that filly into a room. Follow me please.”

With that she led us into an empty room, and I layed Scootaloo on the bed. It nearly broke my heart to see such a cute little filly in a hospital bed. Someone will pay.

“Tybalt? Is that you?” It was Twi! She had come into the room, and was trying to get my attention. I was too focused on Scootaloo to listen though. To snap me out of it, she struck her hoof across my face.

“What the hell was that for? First you leave me, and then you hit me for no reason! What did I do this time Twilight?” She visually flinched at ‘Twilight’.

“Just come here! I’m so sorry!”

“What do you mean you’re sorry? I thought everything was my fault for what I didn’t do.” I had a right to be an ass right now because she didn’t even give me a chance to explain myself this morning.

“I talked to Fluttershy, and she admitted it all! I’m so sorry I ever doubted you! How did you get out of the stare though? You seem unaffected.”

“Oh, I’m affected. I’m going home now, whether it is your library or a random cloud in the sky. See you tomorrow Twilight.”

With that I left, but not before I got stopped by Redheart.

“Excuse me, but how did she get this way?”

“Diamond Tiara gave her a buck straight to the face.” With that I walked out, leaving a gawking Redheart behind me.

With that I left towards the library, only to find a waiting Spike on the couch.

“I heard what happened. Smooth. Cheat on Twi again and I will have your head. You’re lucky she is so forgiving.”

“Did she even tell you the truth of what happened? Because that crap you just spilled out wasn’t even close.” He jumped back at the language too.

“Twi told me that you cheated on her with Fluttershy. Don’t try it again.”

“How about you ask her what REALLY happened when she comes home? I’m going to bed- in the guest room.” I left a wondering dragon at the door when I climbed into bed. I don’t really care how hungry I was right now; I just wanted this day to be over. It may have taken a couple of minutes, but I finally drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 10- Meeting Thunder Bolt

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Just another pony- Chapter 10- Meeting Thunder Bolt.

Author’s note: CREDIT FOR THE 2 MINDS ONE BODY GOES ALL TO KILLJOY. I got the idea from him. I did not come up with it, Killjoy did and he is simply letting me use it. Also, When I and Thunder bolt talk, his text will be Italic, and mine will be bold. Enjoy! Also, an extra note. I’m naturally prideful when it comes to things like this, and ***SPOILER ALERT*** I almost chose to not make up with Twilight for that reason.*** Also, sorry for the really short chapter, I just couldn't think of what to write with Thunder on his own. If we both talk at the same time, it will be both Italic AND bold. Cheers!

I woke up from my cold night in the guest room only to find myself strangely warm. I looked over to find a sleeping Twlight. God damn it! She accused me of cheating not 24 hours ago, and she is already sleeping with me again?



“Get off please.”

“5 more minutes please~”

“It isn’t cute anymore. Get off please.”

With that she quickly got off of me and stood up.

“Why the hell were you in the bed? You said I was cheating so I thought you didn’t want to see me again, not to mention how you hit me at the hospital.”

“I said I was sorry! Fluttershy explained to me what happened! Also, you’re not yourself. It was probably the stare. I called for the Princess herself and she told me to cast a certain spell on you.”

“What do you mean ‘a certain spell’?”

“One that gives you a second voice in your head.” Now she’s going to make me able to talk to myself? Greaaaaaaat, now I’ll have someone to talk to in the insane asylum.

“It embodies your bad parts that invaded you while under the stare. Think of it as a second you.”

“Greaaaaaaat. When can we start? I just want to get this over.”

“We can start it right now. It would only take a few minutes at most.”

“Go ahead. I just hope that I don’t go insane from a tiny voice in my head.”

“Don’t worry, I’m sure you can take it.” With that, her horn started to glow and I felt my body vibrate. I was slightly levitated and it felt like my head was about to explode. It literally felt like she was invading my head to embody all of my bad thoughts into another ‘person’. After another minute (or eternity) I was finally let down. Then all of a sudden I heard,

Yo buddy, you up yet?

Who the hell are you?

I’m your new pal, Thunder bolt. Thanks to Twi, I’m living inside your head.

Are you… bad? I know I’m still myself, but what about you?

I’m bearable enough so that you don’t have to worry.

Thanks, I guess…

“Ty, are you alright? You’ve not been talking for the last 5 minutes.”

“Huh? Oh, just talking to Thunder Bolt here.”


“Thunder Bolt. The new buddy that you gave me.”

“Oh, that seems like a good name.”

Yeah, I’m you if you had lived here you’re entire life. Nice to meet you Tybalt.

Nice to meet you too Thunder.

“Well Twi, want to go get some breakfast?”

“So, you’re not mad at me anymore?”

Come on, how could you be mad at that face?

Good point.

“A little, but I can see through it.”

She squealed and threw her arms around me.

“Ooh! Let’s go out to eat today! You don’t need work today because they gave you the day off. They messaged me about it today."

Lucky bastard.

Don’t I know it. Now, let's take this pretty little unicorn on a date. I swear to god Thunder if you try anything, I will mentally fuck you for a month.


So, where should we go?”

Son of a bitch Thunder! What did I tell you? She doesn't know the difference between our voices.

Fine, fine. You can talk now, I just wanted to have a little fun at your expense.

“Bastard.” Whoops, said that out loud.

“Excuse me?”

“That was for thunder, not you Twi. Let's just say... he is definitely like me. Be careful sometimes though, you might now know the differences in our voices when we speak out loud.”

“I'll keep that in mind. So, where SHOULD we go? There are a couple of places, but their all different. I was thinking of making a picnic. All we have to do is buy a basket from the store, and we're ready to go!”

“That sounds great Twi.”

Calm down, calm down, I'm still here. Don't get... excited. Yeah, I can control some of your emotions too.

I swear, if you do what I think you're about to do, I will fucking murder you.

Hey, it's your body. You need to... control it.



“Your wings...” I swear to god Thunder.

“IT WAS THUNDER'S FAULT.” I had struck a massive wingboner thanks to Thunder.

So, shall we continue?

That's when I mentally sucker punched him.

“So Twi, picnic it is then?

“Sure, I'll go buy the basket and we'll be off.”

All right Thunder, don't you dare mess this date up for me. She's left for the basket, so I just have to cope with you for a while.

At least you have somepony to talk to. Better than all of those books I expect?

Somepony? Oh well, guess that's the word for someone here. I don't care what you do; I'm reading a book.

You're no fun.

I'm still angry at you for the wingboner.

Ooh boo waa. Get over it you big baby. You know that you've gotten wingboners in front of her before.

You have all my memories? Of course, considering you're a part of me.

Yeah. Nice going in the bathroom.

You be quiet. I'm not going to let you ruin Twi for me.

After coping with Thunder for a good half hour (He can actually be a pretty cool and funny guy. Who knew?) Twi came back with the picnic basket and... Shy, Apple Jack, and John? Uh oh, this may not end well.

Don't tell me that you're going to hide under the couch after 'the stare'.

If she hadn't given me 'the stare', then you wouldn't even be here Thunder. Keep that in mind.

“So Twi, why is Fluttershy, Apple Jack, and John here too? I thought this was going to be a private picnic.”

“Well they wanted to come with us, so I picked up an extra-large basket. I hope that you don't mind.”

Aha. Well that's a twist.

I feel sorry for you buddy. You got to deal with Apple Jack now that she knows that you heard her spying. Good luck on that.

You're helping me deal with her, you know that right?


Son of a bitch Thunder.

After greeting everyone warmly (Apple Jack refusing to look me in the eyes) we all started to look for a good place for a picnic.

“Hey! I know...” John looked like he had an idea.

“I can show you this one Hill, it's where me and AJ had our first picnic! It was a real night to remember....”

“Oh come on John. That's a little personal.” Apple Jack started to blush. I can guess why.

Yo! I'm supposed to be the bad one here and yet you're thinking of all crazy shit! I didn't even know ponies could do that!

You're the sadistic one? Ok, what is my head like?

A bunch of doors, each one with a specific memory though. I hadn't bothered opening anyone of them yet.

Doors you say? Let's see.... Do you see a door entitled 'Dead Man's ridge'?

Yeah, why?

Take a look inside.
--------------------------------------5 minutes later-------------------

….I'll be good now.

Smart boy, Thunder.

Oh god, what's this? 'Ulfric's tent?'

Open it if you want to.

...I'm good.

Smart, once again.

Our little group found the hill that John was talking about and quickly started to set up.

“Hey John?” I wanted to ask him a question.

“Yeah Tybalt?”

“When was your first picnic with Apple Jack anyways? I just wanted to know how long ago you two started dating.”

“Well, it was about one year ago next week. Although we had been dating long before that.”

“How long have you been here, anyway?”

“Nearly three years.”


“Yeah, time flies fast here. It seems like just yesterday I got here and started helping on the farm. That’s also where I met AJ. She is a wonderful mare to me.”

Heads up Tybalt, you got Shy incoming.

Oh no.


“H-hello Tybalt…”

Help me out here dude, I don’t know what to say to her!

This is your problem, I’m going to hide in the nightmares section.

Can’t wait to see you again. Have fun with my nightmares.

“Hello Fluttershy.”

Nice going Tybalt, now she’s sad because you said Fluttershy instead of Shy.

You can’t exactly talk to yourself now Tybalt.

Quiet you, this is my time. You been in my nightmares yet?

Yep. Saw one and ran out.

That’s what I thought would have happened.

Don’t blame me; you got some fucked up nightmares.

And I could envision you in them if I wanted to.

You wouldn’t dare.

Oh, just try me. Give me a reason to do it.

This is going to be a wonderful friendship.

“Yes Fluttershy?”

“I just wanted to say sorry about the night with the storm.”

“Just forget about it; I’ve already forgiven you.”

With that, she left because the picnic was almost ready. I chose to sit by a tree near the picnic just watching the sun.

The sun is beautiful.

Heads up again; Twi’s coming. Why haven’t you eaten yet? I’m starving.

Don’t think about your stomach for just a minute please, I got to talk to Twilight now.

“Hey Tybalt; what are you doing over here? The picnic is over there, there is still plenty left for you.”

Hint hint Tybalt? As in, GET THE HELL OVER THERE.

Calm down Thunder. I got this.

“Just out here enjoying the sun. What brings you over here?”

“Just came over here to cuddle with you.”

“You’re too sweet.”

“I know.”

D’awww, look at the two lovebirds. More like ugly ducklings I say.

Don’t be a douche. You do realize that you have my body too, right?

Speaking of that…


“It was Thunder, not me again.”


That’s it; you’re going straight into Dead man’s ridge for that wingboner.

….You know I was only kidding, right?

Too late.

---------------5 minutes later. ---------------------------

You bastard.

----------------Library, 9:00 PM. -------------

After a shower, Twi and I got into bed together. We were both tired from today’s picnic. We got into our usual cuddling position while I was having a conversation in my head.

Hehe, don’t get too excited Tybalt…

I have worse memories than Dead Man’s ridge. Do you really want to see the interrogation room?

Fine, I’ll be good.

With that I fell asleep, ready for whatever tomorrow brings.

Chapter 11- Picnicking with Twi / checking up on Scootaloo

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Just another Pony- Chapter 11- Picnicking alone with Twi / checking on Scootaloo

Author's note: It took me a while to get this chapter written; my word program decided to stop working on me. I have since found a good alternative. I love all of my readers. No homo.

Hey Tybalt, get up.


Twi told me to wake you up. Apparently since I'm essentially you, she can talk to me using her head too.


Tell me about it.

Give me five more minutes, last night made me really tired.

You want to know the real reason she wants you up?

Sure, why not?

You're laying right on top of her.


Yeah, whoops. You might want to get off now.

“Oh, sorry Twi. Didn't mean to be on you like that.”

“How did you even manage to get up there Ty? We fell asleep cuddling.”

“I think I have a good Idea...” Seriously Thunder? Why? You can control me while I'm sleeping?

Oh, and more...

“Oh well Twi, what's on the agenda today?”

“After you eat, you have to go to work today.”

“Damn, I totally forgot! I'll just eat when I get home, I'm going to be late!” I had half an hour to be there!

Nice going, slow ass.

You're the person who made me tired by crawling on Twi when I was SLEEPING.

Just get going you big baby.

I quickly got to the airbase. The chief told me that there had to be some routine cloud cleanup over the town hall. When I got there, I saw my two partners. Derpy (Pretty cool mare, once you get to know her) and some new mare I hadn't seen yet. Strange enough, it wasn't even a Pegasus? How the hell did an earth pony get up here?

Watch out Tybalt, that's Pinkie Pie. She is probably throwing you a party. Keep clear and make sure the library is empty before you go home tonight.


Just trust me.

All right, but I still have to bring some clouds in.

“Hello Derpy, nice to meet you again.”

“Hey Tybalt! So, are we pushing clouds in or bucking them out? I'm confused.”

“We got to bring them in. Apparently there already planning another storm. Thankfully it won't be as heavy as the last one, but still.”

“All right. Thanks Tybalt! See you around!”

I don't know why, but she has a certain charm around her. She once came in with her unicorn daughter, Dinky hooves. Nearly everyone there loved Dinky, she was that damn cute. Really nice too. When I have a kid, I want it to be like Dinky.

Thinking about foals already Tybalt?

I don't even want to talk to you right now.

Come on, we got to work something out for tonight.

What do you mean?

You know, you. Twi. Picnic. ALONE. What else do you think will happen?

Come on, this will be a romantic setting, not sexual.

Yeah. Romanticly sexual! Oh, I'm good.

Don't get too full of yourself.

Anyways, tonight you're going out for a 'romantic' picnic. Also, when trying to wake you up, Twi admitted to me that she got jealous the night you walked Shy home.

Why would that be?

Remember? You put your wing around her to shelter her?



She's jealous because I haven't wrapped my wings around her?


Well, tonight that is going to change.

And to help, I'll even give you a free wingboner to wrap her in.

Don't you dare.

We're wonderful friends, aren't we?

Quiet you, we're almost done.

Well would you look at that? Time DOES fly when you're having fun.

I'm the one working, you're the one having the 'fun.'

Tonight, you'll be having the fun though. Lucky, you're the one with the body.

Come on, we're done here. Let's get home to Twi.

With that, I left the clouds, still seeing a pink earth pony on top of the town hall. Seriously, what? I also saw Derpy finishing up her side of the clouds. She's really nice, considering all that she's going through. Not to mention the fact that she is a single mother.

Come on Tybalt, don't get sappy on me. You've already got a mare friend.

You know I wouldn't cheat on Twi. It just makes me sad to see Derpy's situation. I may have to pay her a visit later on. I also really want to see Dinky again. You have to admit, Dinky was really cute in a baby kind of way. Not to be a.... What's the name for it here?

Filly Fooler.

Filly Fooler. That's a weird word.

Just make sure that Derpy knows that this will be a friendly visit; not anything special. You already have a mare friend.

“Hey Derpy?”

“Yes Tybalt?”

“Sometime this week, would you mind if I came to visit? I like working with you, and I want to see Dinky again.”

“That would be great! Usually I'm home after work, and my house is over there (she pointed to a cloud house). I can't wait to see you!”

Alright Tybalt, what are we doing next?

I was thinking of going to the hospital to see how Scootaloo was doing.

Ooh, how heroic.

Quiet you, she's just a little filly. I have to make sure she's alright.

Yeah yeah, code of honour and everything. I understand.


I flew down to the hospital, the first nurse I saw was Red Heart.

“Excuse me nurse Red Heart?”

“Yes? Oh, hello Tybalt. Did you come to check up on Scootaloo?”

“Yes. How did you know?”

“Well, you look pretty healthy, and I can see why you would want to see if she's alright. With her being a filly and all.”

“Thank you. Can I see her?”

“Yes you can. She is in the second hall, 4th room on your left.”

“Thank you.”

I walked into the room to see Scootaloo on the bed, with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle at her side, talking to her. It was a sweet moment.

“Hello girls, is Scootaloo fine for talking?”

Scootaloo was the one to answer for that, “Yes I am. Thank you for standing up for me when Diamond did that.”

“Don't mention it. I just wish that she wasn't a filly so I could...”

Calm down Tybalt, you're scaring them.

Look who's talking!

All right, you proved that you're the sadistic one. Just stop thinking of... whatever you're thinking of. I mean, using her head as a mask? What the fuck?

I've seen worse in battles.

“Sorry about that girls, just thinking...”

“No worries. Thank you again Tybalt. It was nice to meet you.”

“Sorry that I can't stay that long girls, I have to be somewhere.”

“Oh... see you around then Tybalt.”

“See you. Get well kid.”

Seriously Tybalt? That's all you can think of to get out of there?

Hey, it worked; also, it's the truth. I think. Yesterday Twi said we were going to have a private picnic, so she owes me.

Whatever you say Tybalt. Whatever you say.

After getting to the library, I noticed Twi looked like she was going to leave.

“Hey Ty, are we going to a private picnic today? Sorry yesterday was a public one. I want to make it up to you, want to go?

Totally. Called. It. Check mate Thunder Bolt.

Yeah yeah, just go on.

“So, shall we get going Twi?”

“After you, my gentlecolt~”

We found the same hill that we used yesterday when John, Shy, and Apple Jack came along. We both layed down on the quilt that Twi had gotten us. It was pretty dark at this time, so me and Twi were watching the stars together. I love this moment. I wish that it would end forever, just watching the stars with the mare I love.

Awh, you're getting all ooie pooie on me. Where's the tough soldier that you used to be? Now look at you, looking at stars with a girl.

Hush you, I'm loving this. You just crawl back into my nightmares.

I'm good.


At this time, we had hardly touched the food, and were now cuddling. Thunder had told me how she was jealous that I never put my wings around her; so I did.


“Please don't tell me I have a wing boner right now.”

“No, it's just.... this is nice. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

You got lucky Thunder.

I was essentially enveloping her thanks to the huge size of my wings. I believe the loved it, because she nearly fell asleep. I mean, wings are SOFT. I wouldn't be surprised if she used my wings as a pillow from now on, they're just that soft.

“Look Ty! There's Aryan's belt! Also, I think I see star swirl the bearded somewhere...”

She pulled out a huge book out of no where. It looked like a star gazing book, and I wasn't going to stop her. You should see me when I read, almost nothing stops me. Twi is the only person I can think of who can put a halt to my reading.

What the hell man? There's a whole basket of food there and you're ignoring it! How am I even you if we're so different! Get your priorities in order!

Maybe some day you can get a body of your own.

“Look Ty! There's Star Swirl the bearded!”

“I see him. Heh, he looks pretty laid back.”

“I'm starting to get hungry, shall we get the food?”

Hell yes, Twi's speaking to me now.

“After you Twi.”

We both pulled out some sandwiches and cider (Shit's good man). It was a really peaceful moment to be eating sandwiches while staring at each other and the stars. This is going to be a wonderful night. I always loved looking at the stars when I had nothing else to do, it it was a hundred times better when it was with someone that I love. Nearly this entire time I had my wings around her (Huge wings are AWESOME, did I mention that?), and I couldn't be happier. She seemed to get sleepy thanks to my wings. Damn those things are soft.

“Hey Ty?”


“I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

With that she used my wings to pull me into an embrace. Also giving me a long and passionate kiss on the lips. I wondered how flexible these wings were, so I wrapped them around her while we were kissing. A snug fit, if I do say so myself. It was really late, and a lot of ponies had work tomorrow; so we were pretty much alone. I say pretty much alone because a filly brought two of his friends, giggling at us like little girls.

Ah fuck 'em.

Calm down Thunder.

Just look at them! Getting their jollies out of watching us kiss Twi.

You're watching me kiss her, and you're enjoying it thoroughly.

That's different, I'm a part of you, so it's alright.

Soon enough the little colts had gotten their eye fill and let us get our peace. We weren't doing anything 'that' passionate, so we couldn't really get in trouble.

“So Ty, want to finish up in the library?”

“We can't do much because of Spike except cuddle, but alright.” That's when she started cleaning up the picnic.

With that we went into the library straight upstairs (After 'we' had taken a shower) and lied down. We both cuddled up as close as we could without waking Spike. We went back to our usual position, with her head in my chest and my head in her mane. I couldn't care less about Thunder right now, whatever the hell he was doing. I was cuddling with the mare I love. Nothing could spoil this moment except for...

There goes any plan for tonight. Nearly as soon as I said that, a blur zoomed into the window. Throwing glass everywhere. I quickly put my wing in front of Twi to protect her. A couple of pieces of glass hit my wing, causing it to bleed but nothing serious. The blur was Rainbow... again. What does she have to say for herself now?

“H-hey Tybalt.”

“What do you want.” It was more of a statement than a question. I really wasn't in the mood for it right now. I was as happy as I could be a minute prior.

“I wanted to apologize for yesterday.”

Yo Thunder.


Do you think she is just acting or being truthful?

Looks to me like she's actually trying to apologize now.

Should I go with it? As in, forgive her?

Hell I don't know, go ahead. There's no point in dragging out a fight with her. She's Twi's friend, and you of all people should respect that.

Wow, you can be smart sometimes.

Nah I'm just shitting you, I have no idea what I just said.

Well thanks... I guess.

“Did you really have to knock the window out?” I said that extending my wing to show her the cuts. Nothing serious, but it still drew blood. I just dread to think of what would have happened had I not had my wings in front of Twi.

“Oh! I'm so sorry!”

“Since when did you start caring? I still haven't told Twi about 'the tape'.”

“I started caring once I realized I wouldn't get you. Also, what do you mean you haven't told her?”

“I mean just that. As in I haven't told her yet. I totally forgot about it when I got home. Now, I'm going to find a cloud to sleep on for tonight, and I want you to have told her by morning. The entire thing, not just part of it.”

“A-all right. See you tomorrow.”

“See you. I hope that we can put this behind us and be friends again. See you Twi, I love you.”

“Love you too Ty.”

I left Rainbow and Twi in the library, looking to find a cloud. Most of the reason I did that was because I REALLY wanted to sleep on a cloud. During work when I buck them, they are so damn soft you wouldn't believe.

I found a pretty good sized cloud to sleep on, and I got to tell you. I nearly fell asleep as soon as I touched it. I can see why Pegasi loved their cloud houses, especially is their bed is made up of clouds! I could really get used to this....

Author's note: When 'the tape' business is over, I will seriously try to make me and Rainbow friends. IRL she is one of my favourite ponies, and I don't even know how the relationship with Twilight happened. Honestly, The original plan was to date Rainbow. See you all!

Chapter 12- Making up with Rainbow

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Just another Pony chapter 12- making up with Rainbow.

Author's note: 'Nother sex scene near the end, my friend suggested it. That's also the reason this chapter is short; also, I had writer's block. That's why this chapter may feel rushed. Also, I'm horrible at writing clop.

I woke up rather peacefully. The cloud was so soft that I just didn't want to get up today. In fact, I would have stayed there a lot longer had there not been another voice in my head.

Tybalt, you need to wake up.


Remember? When you left you told Rainbow to tell Twi about 'the tape'.

Shit! I hate to agree with you, but you're right. We have to get down there.

After arguing with myself for another 5 minutes, we decided it was best for me to get down to the library. I just knew that this was going to be awkward. Ok, I have to prepare myself mentally for this.

Let's see. One of two things will happen. Either Twi will be alright with it and still love me, or she will hate Rainbow for that. I honestly hope they stay friends. I'm new here, not even here 2 weeks; and I already break up a friendship? I won't have that. Hmm, I have to go to work anyway today, so I should make enough for a stay at an inn for a while... I'll have to think about that. I decided to have a look around town before going to the library. Did I tell you how early Thunder woke me up? The sun isn't even up yet, so I have a lot of time. I saw this one inn called the Prancing Pony. Ironic name.

As I went in I was barraged by a variety of smells. Mostly pleasant ones like freshly bakes cinnamon rolls or some fancy air freshener. I saw a pony behind the counter (Owner, I presume.). She had a brown mane with a greenish-brown coat. I saw a name tag on her that said butter scotch (probably suited to this profession.). She looked nice enough so I walked up to her.

“Hello miss Butter Scotch.”

“Oh! Hello there dear. We're just about to open, nopony is usually out at this time of day. It's only 4:00!”

I will fucking kill you Thunder.

“Anyways Butter Scotch, how much does a room cost here? I was thinking of getting a room.”

“Well, rooms start at 25 bits a day, includes a free breakfast, and after a week drops to 20 bits a day as a thank you for staying here!”

All right, this may not be as bad as I thought it would be. I made 25 bits an hour, so that will work out pretty well.

“Thank you, I may drop off later today for a room. See you then.”

“Come back soon dear!”

At least she's nice.

All right, we killed about 10 minutes. Also I'll be able to get that room once I get payed today. I hope I'm just overreacting at Twi's reaction to the tape. I quickly got to the library (I just wanted to get this over with.) and opened the door with a spare key Twi gave me. When I got in I saw a scene that pretty much melted my heart. Twilight was sleeping on the couch with a slight smile on her face, and Rainbow was (knowing Twi) probably in Twi's bed. She probably gave her bed to Rainbow when I didn't come home last night. Considering last night, I made a pretty bold move to wake her up. I gave her a quick kiss to the lips which made her slowly get up.

“Good morning sunshine.”

“I-is that you Tybalt?”

“Yeah, sorry for not coming back last night. You know how much I wanted to sleep on a cloud ever since I got here.”

“Oh yeah... I love you. I don't care who sees us.”

“I love you too Twi.”

With that I pulled her into an embrace, enjoying the feel of her unbrushed mane (She really wanted me back that much? I'm touched.) and her coat. After a good 15 minutes (Seemed like seconds) we both heard a yawn come from upstairs. We both looked to see a scared Spike standing with a blanket in his hand.

“W-why is Rainbow in your b-be-”

“Don't worry about Spike, me and Twi just made up. Long story. We'll tell you when you're older.”

“Humph! I'm old enough for anything.”

Come on Tybalt, time for me to be the civil one. Don't you dare tell him about Dead man's ridge.

Don't worry. I'm not that stupid.

“Spike, could you please call Rainbow down here? Ty and me have something to talk to her about.”

“Uh oh.”

“Just go Spike.”

“Yes Sir! I mean... Ma'am! I mean, Sir and Madam! I mean....”

“Just go Spike.”

“...All right.” With that he left back to upstairs where he woke up Rainbow.

“Ugh, what time is it? 4:30? Why did you wake me up Spike? I don't got to be up for another 5 hours!” She was complaining the entire time while Spike pushed her into the room.

“Come on Spike, let me go! Oh.... It's you Tybalt.”

This was a lot less awkward in my head.

It always is, Tybalt.

She could hardly look me in the eye. She must have thought I hated her. I thought I did, until I saw Twi this morning. I could never 'hate' one of her best friends. Maybe frustrated, but never hate.

“It's alright Rainbow. If Twi is alright with it, so am I.”

“Really? Oh thank you thank you thank you!” She rushed up to hug me. Ok, little too soon there Rainbow. Out of politeness, I gave her a small hug to not make her feel bad.

“Little too soon for hugs, don't you think Rainbow Dash?” Twi spoke up. Ahaha, awkward.

“Uhh, I just wanted to thank him, sorry.” She really is saying sorry a lot now.

“For the record, I only hugged her to make her feel better.” This made her ears droop and I tried to make her smile by sticking my tongue out playfully at her. At least she chuckled at that.

“You're pretty funny Tybalt, see you around.”

“All of my friends can call me Ty now, that includes you Rainbow.”

Awww, that was a sweet moment.

Don't spoil this for me Thunder. I sense the sarcasm in your voice.

Too late.

Just be quiet.

You know you love me.

“Th-thanks Ty. See you around!”

“See you Rainbow.”


“That was really nice of you Ty.” She gave me a quick hug.

“How about I make you some breakfast before you get to work? Also 'both' of us need to take a shower before either of us do anything.”

“That's fine with me Twi.” I said Playfully.

After an hour (Both of us had taken a shower, heh) we both got ourselves something to eat. I was really glad to be friends with Rainbow again. Even if it was a little awkward at first.

After breakfast, I went to work. Another boring day at work. At least until Rainbow came to see me.

“Hey Tybalt!”

“I thought you wanted to call me Ty?”

“Right, Ty.”

“What are you doing out here?”

“Clearing out some clouds, just like you.”

“Right, any particular reason you're out here?”

“Yeah, just wanted to thank you again for forgiving me.”

“No worries Rainbow.”

After that, Rainbow flew off to her side of the sky.

After work (pretty boring, except for Rainbow's visit.) I flew back to the library. I opened the door to find... Gulp... a Twi in sexy lingerie.

Why hello there.

Quiet you, she's mine.

Wouldn't dream of taking her considering she's OURS.

Nope, just mine.


Hello Hello there Twi. What did I do to deserve this?”

“Well, you've been a very good boy~” I am going to enjoy this night.

“Should we at least get into your room fir-”

She silenced me with a long, passionate kiss to the lips.

“Should we get this started?” Why was she so frisky tonight? No foreplay?

She knew exactly how to get me going, and in under a minute I was ready for her.

Ha, already hard for her? Damn you're easy.

Like you'd say no to her?

Good point.

She immediately sat on me, still kissing me deeply. She started to slide down.... right onto my manhood. We both let out an audible gasp when she got all the way down. Our first time didn't feel nearly this good. Probably because how she felt more experienced this time. I put my hooves on her flanks and slowly started bouncing her up and down. We were both in complete heaven at this point. I was loving every second of it, and so was she. Her eyes were rolling to the top her head, her tongue was lolling out of her mouth, and she looked close to finshing after another 10 minutes of this. I kept pushing up, and she matched my movements. She slammed as hard as she could into me, and I slammed as hard as I could into her, and we both finished at the same time. I filled her up with my seed, while she kissed me on the lips passionately.

After that, we both cleaned and got into bed. Tonight seemed to go really fast because of how good it was.

Chapter 13- Party!

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Chapter 13- Meeting Pinkie Pie- PARTY!

I woke up rather peacefully in Twi's bed. Last night was amazing, just like our first time. I looked over to her to find her sleeping peacefully too. She had a really cute sleeping face. She had her eyes closed, her mane disheveled, and a slight smile on her face. I just had to give her a quick kiss.


“Sorry Twi, couldn't take the cuteness anymore.”

Getting Ooie Pooie on me again?

“Thanks Ty, the plan for today is that when you get off of work, we can go some where for the night.

“Cool, so where are we going?”

“You'll find out when we get there.”

She got you there. Maybe she doesn't know yet and she had to do a last minute thing.

I hope not.

Say, Tybalt?


Have you had a 'Pinkie Party' yet?

I don't think so, why?



You'll see...

After that, I went to the weather base to get my new assignment.

“Good morning Tybalt.” The chief was always a nice and polite man, I like his personality.

“Morning Chief.”

“Today you will be clearing out the clouds above Ponyville. Rainbow Dash and Berry Blitz will be helping you.”

With that, Rainbow and a new pegasus (I presume to be Berry Blitz) came up to me. Berry Blitz was purple with pink wings (looked pretty weird, what with the shades of colour.). She had a pair of wings (maybe she is a good flyer?) as a cutie mark.

She's hot.



Remember about Twi. I personally don't think of Berry that way, we don't even know her yet!

I wasn't talking about Berry....

Oh hell no.

Oh hell yes.

You better keep those thoughts to yourself Thunder.

Whatever. When I get my own body, I'm going after that.


Yeah, I'll be able to have a body of my own soon. Don't worry, we'll still be mentally connected.

I can't wait.

Anyways, when I get out, I am TAPPING THAT. Gonna ride that horse like there is no tomorrow.


Oh yeah, teach her things she never were thought possible.


Gonna stretch her like ne-



God damn. Wait till you have your own body before you think about that.

Whatever, you know you liked what I thought.

Be that as it may, I won't cheat on Twi.

I'm not you though, just someone in your head. You also know what that means, when I get it on with her...

HELL NO. FUCK. THAT. I will not be in bed with Twi and you start something with Rainbow. You'll keep me up all night.

If she can last that long.

You're too full of yourself.

And you need more confidence.

This entire time Berry and Rainbow had been watching 'us' have a mental conversation. We got settled that he can only date Rainbow when he has a body of his OWN. Also, he won't forcibly make me listen to him when he 'gets it on'.

You know she loves you. That means she'll love me to!

She doesn't want someone who boasts.

But she boasts!


Like I care. After you turned her down, she probably turned to mares.

I hardly think that.

It's still a possibility.

You really think she would turn lesbian? She seemed to really enjoy my 'company' even just yesterday.

Just think it over. Come on, we look crazy; we just spent 10 minutes talking to each other.

“Hello Berry Blitz, my name is Tybalt. It is very good to meet you.”

“Oh! Rainbow Dash told me all about you! I can't believe I'm finally meeting you!”

“Come on, I'm nothing special. What has she told you?”

Rainbow decided to speak, “Remember Berry, he's more modest than most ponies.”

“Why? He's a LOT cooler than anypony I know! How is he modest with all that he's done! He is SO AWESOME!”

Well then, you got a fan.

I hope it isn't the kind that wants a relationship.

“What do you mean he's THE coolest?” Rainbow said, glaring at Berry.

“Uhh, coolest STALLION I know!”

“Nice save.”

“Come on Rainbow, be nice.”

“I just wanted to have a little fun before work.”

I stuck out my tongue at her jokingly. God it feels good to joke with her again.

On the way to the sky, Rainbow asked me a question I totally forgot to answer.

“Hey Ty?”

“Yeah Rainbow?”

“2 things. Would you mind calling me Dashie? You're like my best friend now right?”

“Sure thing 'Dashie'. What's on your mind?”

“When you first came here, you said 'God'. Can you explain him/her to me?”

Berry Blitz was listening intently to our conversation. Probably didn't want to disturb her idol (I'm an Idol? I think I just mentally squeaked!).

“Well, in my world, God was an omnipotent being. He controlled everything, and made everyone. He actually started many wars indirectly. You see, a lot of different people had different beliefs. Mainly it was just a different god, and a lot of people fought over it. Just the battle that sent me here actually, it was just a little conflict with the French. Their religion differentiated just a little from ours, and a war started.”



“So, in a way, he created everything and destroyed everything?”

“Sometimes. He created everyone in his image, it's just that organic beings aren't perfect. We had one little differentiation and fought over it. If God had his way, there would be no hunger, no poverty, and most importantly, no war. Except we had a different plan.”

“That's deep. So, the world you came from (I'm guessing Twi told her about that.), it had a lot of war? We've only had one war here, and that was just a week long fight with the griffons. Other than that, we've been pretty peaceful.”

“How I envy you.”


“I had to leave my family to go to war. I had to leave everything I know and love and had to don a metal suit so that I wasn't killed so easily out there. Men had no meaning where I was from. Where I was from, you were just another soldier (Que Peter Griffin laugh. “He said it!”). Unless you were a ruler, it didn't matter what happened to you. One last thing, in my world, men are easily corrupted. Be it power, money, or love, people get corrupted and easily betray the countries they lived their whole lives in. It's a horrible feeling to have someone who you knew. Who you protected. Who you FOUGHT FOR. Turn around and stab you in the back.”

“What do you mean?”

“*sigh* Let me tell you a story about my 'friend' (or who I thought was my friend) Boris. One who I saved.”

-------------------------------5 Minutes Later. ------------------------------------------

“Wow.” Was all she could say.

“Yeah, things like that always happens. Save one, he kills many others. In this world, I have never been in a fight save one. It wasn't even a fight either, I didn't throw a punch.”

“Why not?”

“It was a filly.”


“Just ask Scootaloo, I'm sure you know her. She's in the hospital.” (That did not sound good on my part.)

“You BUCKED her?”

“Didn't I JUST say I didn't throw a punch?”

“Alright, who did then?”

“Diamond Tiara, that little stuck up brat.”


“Let's just get to work Dashie.”

After that we hardly talked. Berry Blitz seemed to take a liking to me though. As long as she didn't get TOO close, I was alright with it.

“Tybalt?” Berry decided to talk to me, she seemed nice.

“Yes Berry?”

“What is like knowing Rainbow Dash on a nickname basis? I mean, you two are my idols! How are you not even dating?” Dashie quickly stiffened at this.

“It... just didn't work out Berry.”

“...Oh. You're still one of the coolest people I know! Rainbow Dash told me all about you! I bet, it you would wear a golden chain watch, the universe would freeze from the coolness!” (What?)

“Like I said, I'm nothing special.”

That's when Dashie came up to me.

“What do you mean 'nothing special'? You have a great personality, and are really cute, if you don't mind me saying.”

“I don't mind anymore. Trust me, in a war where you can die in a second, you learn humility really quick. If anything so that you won't just charge out thinking that you can't die.”

“So, you're telling me that if the princess told you that you were the best flier in Equestria, you would still act like it's nothing?

“That is correct.”


“I just wished that I could have the innocence that everypony around here has. I've seen things the like of which you've never thought humanity could do to something else living.”

“...Come on Ty, the sky's almost finished.”

It seems your conversations are always cut short by the sky being finished.

Pretty much.

Come on Tybalt, let's get home.

On the way to the library, I noticed no one was walking around. Strange. Also the library was dark...

Hmm. Tybalt, this doesn't look good.

What do you mean?



“SURPRIIIIIIIIISE!” A mass saying in the library. What?

“Surprise! Oh shoot, I missed it again!” the earth pony I had seen on the town hall said, late.

Pinkie Pie, as always.

You knew this was happening?

Not until the walk home. Don't worry, you'll have fun. No pony parties like Pinkie parties!


Just go in there and get some god damn cake Tybalt.

Twi came up to me with a gleam in her eye.

“Hey Ty! Surprised?”

“Actually, yes.”


How the FUCK did she not take a breath?

Pinkie fucks physics like she is a stallion.

Seriously, how do you know so much about her?

Like I said, I'm you if you were here your entire life.

Wait, what did she mean by 'bake a boove'?

I think she said 'make a move.'

Yeah. Typical Pinkie for you. Let's just enjoy the party.

“Well Ty? Let's get some cake.” Twi said to me.

She is really speaking to me now Tybalt.

“I hope that you'll enjoy this party Ty. Pinkie always throws a party when someone new comes into town. Also, there was a reason we didn't introduce you to her so soon, because we wanted your first party to be after you settled in.”

“Twi, look it's John!”

“ 'Sup Tybalt.”

“Nothing much as of right now. How have you been?”

“Sort of Ehh. AJ and me went on another date, nothing special though.”

“Did you go see Scootaloo yet John?”

“No, why?”

“Oh! Here she is now.” I saw Scootaloo on a pony crutch walking towards me. It completely broke my heart to see her with a crutch.

“H-hello Tybalt.”

“Hello again Scootaloo. Are you feeling better? I don't want you to have gotten up and hurt yourself just to come to my late welcoming party.”

“It was no trouble at all! You should see Pinkie when someone does miss her parties though... She feels so bad that she throws them a separate party to apologize to them.”

“That's awful nice of her.”

“I'll say! She's one of the most generous ponies I know!”

John decided to speak up, “Wait, why in fresh hell does she have a crutch and why didn't anypony tell me?”

“Well, I thought you would have known. Let's just say that her and Diamond Tiara had a confrontation.”

“And you didn't help her? What the FUCK man???” Everypony in ear shot stopped partying in order to watch the spectacle as John picked me up by my chest.

This got bad FAST.

“What are you doing John?” I was not in the mood for this. Not to mention he was twice as tall as me thanks to him being a human. I wasn't afraid of him though, I stabbed tougher people in the chest.

“John! Stop!” Scootaloo tried to buzz her wings to get him to stop, but to no avail.

“Tybalt LET Diamond Tiara hit you and you expect me to STOP?” With that he let a mean right hook right into my stomach.

“That all you got John? I got worse in basic training.”

“I will NOT let you get Scootaloo hurt!”

“How about you get all the details before hurting someone.” With that, I delivered a (relatively) gentle buck to get out of his grip. I actually went through worse on my first day of basic training.


Dude, is he PMSing?

Doesn't matter, he's out for blood. Well, let him come get it.

He charged towards me like a bull. Perfect. I was going to let him get blood, just not without it making me seem weak. I jumped over his head, also delivering a (Actually being careful to be gentle-ish.) buck to his head. Quickly sending him head over heels.

“I felt you holding back on that one. You could have easily killed me right there, why not?”

“Ignorance usually goes without punishment.”

“What do you mean ignorance?” He quickly kicked me in my face. I had a black eye but that was about it.

“You're seriously that weak John? Let me show you real strength.”

I bucked him STRAIGHT in the stomach, not holding back. He toppled over, quickly spilling his lunch (cupcakes) all over the floor.

“Hey! I baked those!” Came a response from a certain Pink earth pony.

“You want to keep going with this John? Or do you want to ask Scootaloo what actually happened?”

“...I'll ask her what happened.”

He walked over to Scootaloo, asking her what happened. He came back to me, serious regret in his face.

“I-I'm sorry...”

“You attack me out of nowhere, assaulting me for nothing. And you expect a 'sorry' to cut it? No. I'm leaving. Goodbye John. Just try not to attack anyone else on your way out.”

Author here! You know when I said that I was naturally stubborn and prideful to forgive someone? Well, it comes into play with John just like it did with Twi. I'm not that easy to set off, but when you do, it's really hard to get my trust again.

I don't care if I was bleeding, albeit mildly. Twi followed me to make sure I was all right.

“I didn't know John was the violent type.”

“Everyone from Earth is. It's just that some can control it better than others.”

THERE'S the tough soldier I know and love. Kicking ass and taking names.

I don't want this to be an everyday thing. When you said you are me if I lived here my entire life... that means you were never in a war and you never had training to be a soldier. So I don't want you to pick fights, especially ones that you can't finish.

Yeah yeah, don't worry about it. Not all of us can be as kickass as you.

I don't want to be 'kickass'. I like being able to defend myself and people I love, but I don't want to be one of those stuck up narcissists.


Sigh. Narcissist is someone who loves themselves, you dodo.

Don't call me things that I don't know what they are.

A dodo is a bird, you dodo.

Scootaloo would be proud.


Oh, nothing.

“Sorry about that Twi, I should have controlled myself better.”

“What do you mean sorry? He attacked you, and if it was the other way around, he probably wouldn't have given you a chance to apologize.”

“You really look after me, don't you?”

“Only when I need to. You can defend yourself most of the time.

Just then Dashie flew up to us from the party.

“Whoa! Ty, that was pretty... awesome! You just kicked the flank of someone who beat a manticore with one of his legs broken!”

“I just don't want it to happen again.”

“Yeah, yeah. Just wanted you.... to know... that was pretty.... awesome.” She was yawning every few words.

“You tired Dashie? I've never seen you tired before.”

“Just a little. Pinkie's parties always drain me. Not to mention all of the work today. I'm just gonna go up to be-” She was cut short by passing out and landing right on top of me.

“Ty, are you alright? She hit you pretty hard. Not to mention you got thrown by John.”

“I-I'm alright. I'll take her up to her house now. See you at home Twi. I love you.”

“I love you too Ty.”

I flew up to Dashie's house, ready to get her to bed. I opened the door and flew into her bedroom. It was really decorated with that 'Wonderbolts' group she is fascinated with. I lied her down on her bed, and decided to leave. But not before I saw her sleeping. Just like Twi, she had a really cute sleeping face. I found myself... Kissing her forehead!

“What the hell are you thinking Thunder? I was just tucking her in and you had to take control of me and did that? What the fuck?” Yeah, I said that out loud.

Just had to, she looked REALLY hot sleeping.

“I can't believe you right now Thunder.” Said that out loud too.

Calm down, you know she was awake that entire time, right?

What? Yeah, back to thinking now.

It seems your senses went with me. She was awake the entire time and got a little happier when I kissed her forehead.

Anyways, I'm really sore from flying her back up here. I don't think I'll be able to make it back to the library.

Don't worry, I don't think that she'll mind you sleeping here once.

“Hey Dashie?”

“Hmm? Oh, hey Ty. Sorry about passing out, heh.”

“No worries. I was just wondering if I could stay here tonight, I'm too sore to fly back home.”

“Sure! I mean, that's alright with me. You can sleep in here, cloud houses get really cold thanks to their elevation.”

Huh, same excuse as the night I slept in Twi's bed. Heat.

Yeah, and less than a week later, you fucked her.

Don't get any ideas.

Just get into the god damn bed Tybalt.

“Well, this is a little awkward...” I said as I crawled into bed with Dashie... Gulp.

“Don't worry about it; I won't try anything to you tonight.”

“Thanks... Eep!”

“Come on, when I said I wouldn't try anything, that didn't include getting close. Like I said, it gets REALLY cold up here.”

“Oh. I guess that makes sense....”

Another fucking squeak! After she squeaked, she scooted up closer to me and buried her head into my chest. I have to say, it's pretty hard to fall asleep when you have vibrant has FUCK rainbow hair in front of you. I still managed it though, being really toasty I may add.

Author's note: I got a little carried away in this chapter, so it's a bit longer. I hope it makes up for previous short chapters!

Chapter 14- Pony got knocked da FUCK out

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Just another pony- Chapter 14- Pony got knocked da FUCK out.

I woke up to a mane of rainbow. I then remembered where I was at, and tried to wake up Dashie.

“Hey Dashie?”


“Can you get up? I can hardly move like this.”

“Are you complaining?”

“It may be the other conscience in me, but no. I just really got to get back to Twi so that she knows I'm alright.”

“Oh, alright. See you later Ty!”

“See you Dashie.”

I flew to the library to see a Twi sleeping on the couch again. I hate making this mare worry about me.

“Hey Twi, you awake?”

“Now I am, where were you last night?”

“I was too sore to fly back, I'm really sorry, but I had to stay at Dashie's for a night.”

“It's alright, I just got worried about you is all.” She came up to give me a hug.

“You don't need to worry about me, why didn't you just ask Thunder?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I thought you could talk to him mentally or something.”

“Oh no!”

You lied Thunder.

Yeah, it's called perception. It was pretty obvious a lot of the time.

“Well then. Thunder told me you could, it would have been pretty cool if you could.”

“Oh well. Today is one of your days off. A lot of weather ponies got tired thanks to the party and the sky can take a day off for now. I was going to go to the market when I got up. Care to come with me?”

“Not at all.”

“I was going to get some feed for Fluttershy, and some supplies for the library. I was also going to the market to get a little gift for Rainbow. I'm going to get her the new Daring Do novel today. She'll probably not have it yet because it hits the market today.

I'll have to get one too. I've taken a liking to this Daring Do character. Don't get any funny ideas; I'm not like that. I worry about Thunder though....

Anyways, the walk to the market was pretty pleasant. Although this one stallion did come up and be a complete and utter dick.

“Sup Twi. Who's the bastard here? That little filly I saw running from the party yesterday? I saw him come out while I was waiting outside, too cool to be at the party.”

Twi decided to speak to him, “You weren't there because Pinkie didn't invite you Cloud. I was walking to the market with Tybalt here.”

“So this is the wuss Tybalt? Or is he your little Ty? Babying him. Just why I left you. Remember how you said he would put me in the hospital after I-”


“Whatever. What do you got to say, little man? Being a little quiet, hmm?”

“Who are you?”

“Oh just Cloud Chaser. I left your whore because she was too uptight.” When he said 'Whore' I stopped dead in my tracks. No one talks to her like that.

“What did you just call her?” I was still mildly hurt thanks to John from yesterday, but I could still fight albeit half-heartedly.

“You heard me CRYbalt. I said WHORE.” Oh my god, that pun hurt it was so bad.

“Hey whorelight sparkle, remember how I said I was going to greet him?”

“Y-yes, why?”

“Well, here it is.” He turned around and met my face with his back hooves.

“Y-you don't want to do that Cloud.”

“Hm? What are you gonna do about it, bitch?” Oh hell no. I was not going to let him call Twi that.

Come on Tybalt, let your inner fire out. I am ready for some ACTION.

“Stop right there you fucker.”

“Oh? Does Crybalt have something to say? Cause if he doesn't, he better keep his muzzle shut before somepony bucks him again.”

“I fucking dare you to try it you bitch.”

“Hmph. You asked for it.” He reared back for another buck....

As soon as he launched out, I jumped up; dazing him. I then proceeded to clonk him in the back of his head with my front hoof. Also I decided to land on his leg, probably breaking it. I heard a satisfying 'snap' from his leg. He grimaced and reared to face me.

“You son of a bitch! I'll kill you for that.” I decided to back up, giving him room to charge.

“Yeah, come charge at me like the dumb bull you are.”

He charged, I flared my wings to get a good angle. Only then did he realize how fucked he was. I launched myself straight at him, my shoulder in front of me. I shoulder bashed him GOOD. It made me a bit uncomfortable, but he was hurting. Bad. I had worse in training, so I was good for the most part.

He was literally knocked onto his ass thanks to his charge. I jumped on top of him, beating him mercilessly. He brought this upon himself, and I was still a little mad from John attacking me. I needed a way to vent out, and that way was Cloud Chaser. I kept hitting him, not stopping once. Even though Twi was trying to pull me away for Cloud, who was bleeding profusely. I decided to let up, but not before spitting in his face. Paramedics had already arrived at the scene. They were loading Cloud onto a stretcher to get him to the hospital.

“Ty, what was that?”

“I wasn't just going to sit there and let him insult you like that.”

On the outside, Twilight was scared. On the inside though, she was glad Tybalt had did that. After all, she did tell Cloud that Tybalt would put him in the hospital. Ponies were desperately trying to get Cloud into the hospital. Almost nopony paid attention to me. I'm guessing that they all knew he was a jerk and he had what was coming to him. I don't know what made me, but I had to follow the ambulance. I don't know if it was that I cared, or if I just wanted to see him in pain; I just had to follow. I followed them throughout the streets all the way to the hospital. The rushed him into the Emergency Room. They told me that they had to perform urgent surgery on him. There was NO WAY I hurt him that bad, not to mention I was still a little sore thanks to John. Either I got stronger when I got here, or he was just particularly weak for a stallion. Either way, there's a good chance that he's going to die, and I want him to see the face of his killer so that he knows that he brought this upon himself.

I walked into the ER to find that Cloud could still talk. Yeah, emergency surgery and they leave you conscience. How wonderful that must feel.

“Y-you... Bastard. If I get out of here, I-Ill.... fucking.... Kill you.” With that, he passed out. I'd like to see him try to kill me again. It got him here, so let's see where it gets him next time. I would love to see this guy's grave. With me, first impression is nearly everything. If you come off like he did, it will be nearly impossible for me to like you. Just like if you come off as cool, I'm likely to be your friend.

“Come on Twi, we still need to get to the market.” I said, trying to forget what just transpired.

“A-all right, let's go Ty.” We were then quiet nearly the entire trip.

I say nearly because we had one awkward conversation, “Hey Twi?”

“Yes Ty?”

“I noticed... When was the last time there was a fight like that in town?”

“A-actually.... that was the first one.”

“I thought so.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, humans probably bring violence wherever they go. No matter where humans are, violence is one step behind. Answer me one more question, please.”

“A-all right.”

“When John first came here, did he get in any fights and why?”

“Actually, he did because he was protecting his friends; just like you did.”

“I wonder what his 'cutie mark' would have been.”

“Is that why your cutie mark a word ans shield?”


“Because you like to fight?”

“What? No! It stands for me protecting those who I love. I only fight when I have to, but I just couldn't control myself when he called you all of those names.”

“I-I know. And I love you for it. Please don't ever stop being who you are.”

“I love you too Twi. Here comes the market; let's just get what we need and get out.”


After me and Twi had gotten all that we needed from the market, we headed home. She would give everything that she got for her friends tomorrow.

“Hey Twi, I'm going to over to Apple Jack's farm, see you later!”

“See you Ty... Be safe.”

“I will, don't worry. I've seen worse than Cloud.”

I walked to the farm, with just me and Thunder to keep me company.

Hey Tybalt?

Yeah Thunder?

I just got to say... That was AWESOME.

Thanks. I was serious when I said I only fight when I need to though.

I don't know why you're so reserved with that awesome soldier body of yours.

You think being a soldier is awesome?

Hell yeah!

You think war is 'cool'?


War is only enjoyable to those who haven't experienced it.

Yeah? I don't think so. You fighting was AWESOME.

Sigh... Remember Dead man's ridge?

Yeah, why?

That was a typical day of mine. I had to fight every day just to survive. I would gladly have given it up to live with my family. I was forced into the army. As in, I had no choice but to fight. If I didn't bring violence where I went, this place would have been perfect for me. Where everyone knows everyone and there is no plague. No death. No fighting. No crimes against humanity.

...You made me sad. I hope you're happy.

I'm never happy.

On the path to the farm, I saw some rustling in the bushes. Oh god, I hope it isn't another thing that wants nothing more than to rip my guts out.

Out of nowhere, Cloud Chaser jumped out! Seems that was an amazingly quick surgery. Must have something to do with the unicorns.

“Hey Crybalt! Nopony around to save you now... You're mine!”

I'm guessing he didn't learn his lesson. Sigh. Well I'm not going to let him beat me. He charged at me again. Foolish boy, he doesn't even learn from his actions. There was a slight rumbling in the distance, but neither of us payed no mind to it.

I knew exactly how to react to one of his charges. I jumped up, bucking him in the back of the head as I did. It sent him right into the field with his momentum.

That's when it all changed.

I didn't see the combine harvesting the field. Neither did Cloud. It was just so close, there was nothing I could do. He didn't even have time to scream. Before I even knew it, the combine swallowed him up, turning his screams into bloodcurdling gurgles as his throat was ripped out. The last thing I heard was the rumbling of the combine as his body was ripped apart. I saw blood spewing out of the back of the combine. A lifetime, gone. Dashed in the blink of an eye. I always hate seeing death. Most of the time, there's nothing you can do. Death is never fun, even when it's your worst enemy. Seeing someone get ripped apart piece by piece really can change you.


Yeah Thunder. Seeing death in a memory is nothing like seeing it as it is happening.

I take back whatever I said about killing people, that was just too much....

Let's go home. I'm tired.

You're not even phased by this?

I've seen worse.

Like when????

You'll see if you ever open the interrogation room memory. Come on, let's get back to Twi. I just want this night over.

The walk back was a silent one. Deadly silence. Thunder usually always talks, but not now. Not now that he witnessed death right in front of him. I opened the door to the library to an embrace from Twi.

“Why are you back so soon? I started to worry because they had told me Cloud got out of the hospital...”

“He's dead.”

“W-what? What do you mean he's d-dead?”

“He tried fighting me again...”

“And you k-killed him?”

“Indirectly. He charged at me and I accidentally bucked him into a combine.”


“Come on, let's just go to bed. I want this day to be over.”

Chapter 15- Work is hard on the body.

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Just another Pony chapter 15- Work is hard on the body.

Author's note: I'm starting to write chapters a bit differently now. When you see ***** it means a change of view AKA a change of character. Cheers! Also, here's some bad news for you readers. After chapter 16; I will be taking a break from writing for a couple days, a week AT MOST. I'm sorry, but my schedule is getting very hectic. I WILL be writing during the break, and will post a chapter when I get one done. Don't worry, I have up to chapter 26 planned, so Tybalt's story is NOT ending anytime soon!

I woke up with last night in mind. Thank god I was used to death; I was in a war after all. I just worry about Thunder. He was really changed when it happened. I hope this won't depress him. If I can take it, then so can he. I was exposed to death even as a small child; my town was raided when I was but 10 winters old. My dad was killed while defending my mother and I. My mother was killed along with my father, and I was a healthy male so they took me to their town. Later that same town was raided when I was 15 by British soldiers. I was finally taken back home. Then just 3 short years later I was drafted into the army. I must have been thinking to myself for a long time because the next thing I knew was the fact I was being hugged from behind. Even after what transpired, she still made me happy when she did that. I don't think a time will ever come where she can't cheer me up.

“Good morning Ty.”

“Good morning sunshine.”

“I love it when you say that.”


Good to see you aren't traumatized.

You're going to need more than that to keep me down.

With that out of the way, we should really visit John and Apple Jack. I want to make sure he doesn't feel bad after the party.

Why would he feel bad? After he hit you, you just walked away. I'm sure he feels greeeeeaaat.

Aha. I'm sure. He's probably thrilled.

Now you're getting it!

I'm serious, we should get down there.


“Hey Twi?”


“I think that I should head down to Sweet Apple Acres in a few. Probably after work though. I need to make sure John doesn't feel bad.

“Alright, just be careful. I don't want a repeat of last night.”

“Don't worry, I'll be extra careful.”

I flew off to work.


That stallion makes me worry too much. My life used to be carefree, then he got here. I could never be happier, but still. I'm also really worried about when he told me that humans bring violence wherever they go. Maybe I should visit Rarity. When Ty sets his mind to something he never stops, so I should probably be up all night again waiting for him. I just hope nopony else gets hurt....


I flew off to work, ready for yet another day of flying. I can't believe how fun flying is! I really lucked out in getting a job as a weather Pegasus. Wait! SHIT! Forgot to see Butter Scotch! I got to get over to the Prancing Pony!

I arrived at the Prancing Pony to find Butter Scotch at the counter. I feel really bad because I said I would probably be back, but I got really sidetracked.

“Hello miss Scotch!”

“Oh! Hello there Tybalt!”

“S-Sorry I haven't been by. I got sidetracked on the day I said I would come. I hope you can forgive me.”

“I already had dear! Just come by whenever you need to! I'll always be here.”

She really IS nice. Now I'm going to work.


After I had told Spike to write a letter, I decided to go to Rarity's for something to do. So far I was ahead in my studies (Like always!) so I always have some free time.

I arrived at the boutique in around 10 minutes of walking. To entertain myself, I had just looked around taking in all of the sights and sounds. I knocked on the door to which Rarity quickly answered.

“Oh hello darling! What brings you out here? Don't tell me its Tybalt related.”

“What? No, not at all! He's going to the farm today, and I'm ahead in my studies so I thought we could hang out?” It ended as more of a question than a statement.

“Terribly sorry darling, but I have 5 orders to fill out today. They're all extravagant dresses! Sorry darling, but my hooves are full today.”

“Oh. Don't worry about it Rarity. I guess that I'll just see you around then.”

“Bye! Tell Tybalt that I said hi! I haven't seen him in a while.” Yes, I remember. Ever since the party; which was just last night.


Work is pretty boring so far. It seems I'm working with Dashie more and more right now, so that's a plus. It makes the day go by faster. At least I get to work with a friend. She came up to me and tried to strike up a conversation. I'm guessing she gets bored sometimes by the work too. Can't say I blame her. I don't know how long she's had this job. Don't get me wrong; it's a good job. It just gets repetitive at time like most jobs do.

“Hey Ty?”

“Yeah Dashie?”

“You know Apple Jack and John, right?”

“...Yeah, why?”

“You know that he isn't normally a violent pony -err- person, right?”

“Right. Humans have a way getting violent around other humans though.”


“I said, humans can easily get violent with other humans around. I'm guessing he tried to assert his dominance. Maybe that's why he attacked me.”

“But still, you managed to kick his flank even after he hit you in the stomach and kicked you in the face! If you don't mind me asking; how did you get so tough?”

“Tough? No; I adapted. Conditions where I came from were rough. Before battle they put every soldier through something called 'training'. What I received in the first form of training was way more than what John could dish out.”

“What do you mean?”

“They taught us to be the best that we could be. They taught us how we could survive in almost any situation. I could easily lift things three times my size. To be honest, I've killed things that could snap John's neck with one hand.”


“I'm sorry that I always depress you with stories of my old world. Earth was just that; my OLD world. I need to leave that behind and focus on my new life here.”

“Alright. Promise me something though?”

“Yes Dashie?”

“Don't stop being a bad flank anytime soon.”

“I'll try to not forget my training.”

We still had a good few hours (For once my conversation wasn't interrupted!) until we both got off work. I set off to the clouds again when I heard Dashie calling my name.

“Ty!” Uh oh, that sounded bad. Like, really bad.


“Shut up you cunt! Who are you trying to call, your coltfriend?”

Dash was surrounded by the 3 jerks from the young fliers competition. It seemed that they were here for revenge. But why?

One of them had already grabbed Dash from behind, pinning her arms behind her back. It was not looking good for her.

“If he catches you guys.... It's over for you!”

“Yeah, that's a big IF Rainbow Crash!”

“I thought that nickname died at the best fliers competition!”

“Only for that day. We were just trying to get on your good side.”

“You're just lucky Tybalt isn't here....”

“Yeah? Just lucky, huh? Well, I bet if Cloud Chaser was here, He could beat your little 'Tybalt' with one hoof!”

“Cloud Chaser?”

“Yeah. You know 'im?”

“Yeah. That jerk is dead now.”

“And what the hell do you mean by that?”

“I mean what I said; He's dead. Tybalt just killed him yesterday.” It's a good thing Twilight told me.

“Oh really? We'll see about THAT.” He emphasized with a punch to her face and a kick to her stomach.

“So, what...were....you....saying....about....Cloud Chaser?” He emphasized nearly every word with a punch or kick. He even went as far to bite her on one occasion. Dash had a black eye and a bruised coat, the purple showing up easily against her blue coat. She was not going to cry though; she would not give them the satisfaction. She just hoped that Tybalt had heard her. She may have been tough, but not tough enough to take out 3 stallions. She knew that Tybalt could do it. He could probably do anything...

“Heh... You're in for it now.... Here he.... comes...” Dash was barely holding onto consciousness at this time.

“Here who comes?”



I was boiling over once again. I could not stand it to see one of my best friends get hurt. Especially if it was Dashie. She was one pony I would not let anyone hurt and get away. I was NOT going to let these guys get away. Not to mention I saw one hit her without any mercy. He was probably going to die right here.

I stopped not 10 feet away from the lead one.

“And who the hell are you?”

“Tybalt. You get one chance. Explain yourself; either to me or to my hoof.” I held up my hoof to emphasize it.”

“Us? We're just beating up this whore” My eye twitched. “Who said that you killed Cloud Chaser. Is that true?”

“Yes. And I would do it ten times over. Now get away from her before somepony gets hurt.”

“You talking about yourself, little man?”

“Try me.”

“You asked for it. Get him boys.”

They were obviously scared. They were visually sweating and panting. They believed it when Dashie had told them I killed Cloud. These guys look weak; probably not much younger than Dashie was herself. The first two seemed hesitant to attack me, but quickly made up their minds when their leader yelled at them a little more.

The first two dashed at me. I had the perfect plan; one that these imbecile’s would easily fall for.

One of them grabbed me. The leader came up to me and said with a smug smile on his face, “Aww, is little Tybalt going to cry? I thought you were all big and bad!”

I nodded at Dashie. One she knew that said, 'Go, I got these idiots.' When she dashed off, the leader said, “Hey! Get her!”

“Oh no you won't.”

I burst out of the grip; making sure to knock the pony who had grabbed me out. He plummeted to the ground. With my luck, he probably will survive. The remaining two made a charge for me. I could feel every moment of the attack. Their energy; I knew how to fight these guys. I bucked one in the face; knocking him out cold too. The other one kept charging at me.

The buck had left me in an awkward position. It had me open to a full on punch from the brute. It hurt more than I had anticipated, but nothing major. I recovered quickly enough to get a hit on him. It was direct; but this guy was tougher than he looked. He took the blow and returned with vigor. I felt one of my ribs crack. It was NOT a good feeling. He also got me upside the face with a right hook which knocked the wind out of me. My wings involuntarily locked and and I found myself spiraling straight down.

I was 50 feet from the ground by my guess. Time seemed to slow down for me; to let me feel every second of my discomfort. I was falling...

40 feet from the ground....

25 feet....

20 feet....

I started to think to myself, how has my life changed? I now have a mare friend, and many friends who love me. All in 2 weeks. It was all about to end, in one fell swoop.



Yes it's me. Now you get off your sorry ass and beat that pony's ass! I thought you were a tough soldier, now act like it! Besides, it would get pretty lonely without you...

I found my second wind thanks to my second being. The other Pegasus was watching me with a smug smile. That smile quickly turned to a face of fear as my wings unfurled. I flapped for all I was worth, trying to get out of my stall.

I dashed towards my target, hitting him square in the chest with my head. It looked like he was at the end of his line, because he fell as soon as I made contact. I heard several satisfying cracks from his chest. I hope that hurt asshole. Now that that was done...

I saw Dashie flying off towards the tree house. I decided to go there to make sure that she was all right.

I (almost) literally crashed through the door. I saw Twi tending to Dashie. Apparently Dashie had too much pride to go to the hospital for this.

“Twi! Is she...”

“Don't worry; she's alright. Just some bruises and one of her nose was hurt pretty badly. She did pass out though. How did this happen?”

“I'm not really sure myself. Three stallions were punching on her, and I got them.”

“Where are they now?”

“Hell if I know, probably on the ground by now.”

“I take it you got them then?”


“Thanks Ty.”

“For what?”

“Who knows what those stallions would have done if you weren't there. I just wanted to thank you for saving Rainbow.”

“Any time. I would die for any of my friends.”

“I just hope that it doesn't come to that.”

“Well, I'm going to go to the farm now. I'll be back before sundown if everything goes my way.”

“Be really careful. OK Ty? I don't want to see another fight break out. You know what happened to John the last time you spoke to him.”

“Don't worry, I won't set him off if I can help it. I love you.”

“I love you too. Hurry back.”

“Aww, why can't I get any love?” It seems Dashie came to.

“Hey Dashie. Are you alright?”

“I am now thanks to you and Twi.”

“Oh, well you're a good friend Dashie.”

“Yaaaay~” She blacked out again after weakly saying yay.

“I'll be back soon Twi.”

“See you.”

I closed the door behind me and started my walk down the streets to the farm. We still had a fair few hours of sunlight yet, so I was in no hurry. I walked to the farm, taking in the sight of all the trees. Apple Jack and her family runs this entire farm? Damn. I remember Twi telling me it was just Apple Jack, John, Big Mac, and Granny Smith. I had a sense of foreboding as I was walking. I disregarded it though. No need to dwell on what happened today.

“Help!” I think that was Apple Jack's voice!

I galloped as quickly as I could to the farm. Near the farm in some trees I saw Apple Jack. She looked fine, thank goodness.

“Apple Jack, what's wrong?”

“It's John! He overworked hisself and collapsed! Ahm too weak to help him up...” She was really beating herself up. All that mattered was John right now though.

“Come on Apple Jack, you're really tough. Now show me where John is.”

“*sniff* He's thisaway!”

We ran for a good 5 minutes before coming up to a tree. She was right; John DID collapse. Uh oh, he doesn't look too good.

“Apple Jack!”


“Help me get him onto my back?”

“W-wha? How in tarnation... Are ya gonna carry him?”

“That's the plan.”

“B-but there's no way in Celestia you could...”

“Just try me.”

Apple Jack and I loaded John onto my back. Apple Jack was really worrying that I was straining myself, I'm just glad she didn't know about today. She might have not let me try to carry him. I carried him (Hard to, considering how bulky he was.) all the way to the hospital. Apple Jack even offered to try to carry him her self. I was not letting that happen. Outside the hospital nurse Red Heart brought out a stretcher to help John inside.

“Ah have no idea how yah carried him.”

“Hard work.”

“Ah thought ya hated him though?”

“What made you say that?” I was not being sarcastic; I was genuinely surprised to hear this. Like I said, I could never 'hate' one of Twi's friends. John seemed like one of her friends too.

“Well, the party and all... Yah made it seem like ya hated him.”

“I could never 'hate' one of Twi's friends. Let's get inside to see how he is. May I ask how this happened?”

“Ah don't mind. He had been really tired all day, and ah tried to make him take the day off, but he wouldn't budge. He was really sore, not only from the party; but also because of a fight into he got over me.”

“That's one thing we both have in common.”

“What do ya mean?”

“We both fight for mares that we love.”


“Come on, let's see how he's doing.”

Chapter 16- Meeting the entity of the omnipotent beings.

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Just another pony chapter 16- Meeting the entity of the omnipotent beings.

Author's note: This is another one of those previous chapter POV things. This is chapter 15 from John's POV.

Ugh! It's been a day since I attacked Tybalt, and I am feeling guilty as hell for it. Normally, I would have been too mad at him to think straight, but AJ has kept me company throughout the entire thing. She had been comforting me the entire time, even though I knew that she was forcing herself too. On the inside she was on Tybalt's side. She knew that I attacked him for no reason, and I feel bad as hell for it. I really should have asked the details before I flipped out. I never was one for anger management; and I always kept it down when I got here. Right now we are laying in our bed and AJ is loving on me from behind. Normally this girl would make me happy to no end, but now I royally messed up. Not just with Tybalt's friendship. He also did a number on me, even with just two hits. My stomach still hurt, and my head didn't feel great either. I hope that I can smooth things out soon. Twilight told me how stubborn he had been she she falsely accused him, and he hardly forgave her! I'm guessing he only forgave her because of how much he loved her.

I can't let these injuries stop me from working. I got to go to the market to pick up some supplies, then I'll be back to harvesting the apples.

“hey AJ?”

“Yeah John?”

“I have to go to the market; you said we needed supplies, right?”

“Yeah, that's right. Are yah sure yah should be going to the market so soon? Ah know that yer still hurt from the party, and Ah could go to the market while yah take it easy here.”

“I won't have that. I'm going to the market, I'll be back in an hour or two. Bye, I love you AJ.”

“Yer a darn foal, but ah love ya too.”

I decided to take my time in the shower, mentally bracing myself to go into the market. Nearly everypony in town was at the party, and they all saw me start a fight and get my ass kicked.... Yeah, this won't be fun. I just hope that they forgot about it. Wait, it's the first fight EVER. And it stars the only two humans in Equestria. Even if one of them is in pony form, I'm sure that that fight will be remembered for a long time.

I started my (relatively) short walk to the market. As I got into the streets (I had slept in, so most ponies were out and about.) ponies kept giving me strange looks. No doubt they were either at the party, or the word got around. If either of those things happened, then my reputation here is probably ruined. Tybalt hasn't even been here a few weeks! I wish he had died in that war of his. Then I wouldn't be having the problem I was having right now. Everything was going great for me, and then he comes and ruins it. I can't believe this! He didn't even want to come here; he didn't even know anything about Equestria. I have dreamed of coming to this place. I tried everything I knew to try to be friendly. I just hardly get my foot inside the door and some bastard comes in and ruins it! I wish that he never came here.

“Is that what you think?”

Who the hell are you? That's one deep ass voice.

“Depends. Who do you think I am?”

Let's see... You can read my mind and talk to me through it too. Are you Celestia?

“I am not the princess dear child. I control everything. If I will it, it becomes reality.”

What the fuck? You control everything and everyone?

“And more. Don't believe me? Tell me to do something and it will be done.”

All right. I want to see... Princess Celestia riding Princess Luna on a blimp.

“It will be done.”

This is going to be AWESOME.

Just then, a blimp came out of Canterlot. There was a single guard piloting it, and the two princesses were on top of the balloon. Celestia was riding Luna just like a human would a horse! What the hell am I smoking?

Do you believe me now, Johnathon?”

How the hell do you know my name?

“I know everything and everyone. Now, down to your question.”

What question?

“The one where you wished Tybalt never came to this world.”

How the hell are you going to do that?

“I will alter time to where Tybalt DOES die in his battle instead of coming here.”

I would love to see that.”

“Come to me John, and I will show you all.”

Where are you?

“I take on the form of whatever you will me to. I am actually standing right behind you.”

I turned around, hoping to find.... AJ! She just nodded, so I knew that she was that being that just talked to me. I'm guessing he (I'm guessing it was a he, it had a deep ass voice.) took the form of her to make this easier for me. I went up to AJ and pulled her into my embrace. The world faded from around us. It faded to black and white, then just solid black.

I woke up. I woke up in a hallway. I found AJ next to me, waiting until I woke. The being talked to me again:

“Good, you're awake.”

“What do you mean 'awake?'”

“I've been waiting for you to awaken. This room you're in now; it's the timeline. I will what happens in each one. Go to a door, and it will show the scene without Tybalt.”

“So, just open a door and it will show life without Tybalt?”


“All right. First off, let's see how the party would have gone....” I slowly opened the door, wary.

It worked! I was at the party, yes. Now to see everypony again! There was Dash, AJ, Twilight, Pinkie, Rarity, and Fluttershy! The CMC was here too! There's Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and... where's Scootaloo? I know she was here in the memory with Tybalt.

Hey Spirit, what gives?

The entity took on the form of AJ again and spoke to me.

“You wanted a party without Tybalt. Here it is.”

B-but where's Scootaloo?

“Remember why you fought Tybalt here?”

Yes, he got Scootaloo hurt.

“No, he stopped her from getting hurt.”

What do you mean?

“Tybalt wasn't there to stop Diamond Tiara from hurting Scootaloo anymore.”

So, nothing stopped Diamond from...


So, is she alright?

“Let's just say... the funeral is next week.”

Exfuckinscuse me?

“You heard me. Diamond didn't stop hurting Scootaloo this time. She went too far... and Scootaloo didn't make it.”

Oh my god.

“Yes. Tybalt was there to save her, this time he wasn't.”


“Let me take you to something just happened just today.”

Do I want to know?

“It will help in your decision to take Tybalt out of this world.”

Wait... You're giving me the decision to get Tybalt out of here? Why?

“Everyone gets one. You were so livid about him coming here, I had to give you a choice.”

All right. So take me to whatever happened today.

With that, the party faded into black and I was in the same hallway again. I saw a door pictured 'Rainbow Dash's last day at work'. That did not sound good.

“Ahh yes, this happened just today in your time.”

What do you mean, 'my time'?

“I control everything; and that includes time. That means a year for you can pass as a second for me.”

You said you controlled everything, right?


Does that mean... you could take AJ from me?


I better not piss this guy off.

“That would be smart.”

Alright. I know I'm going to regret this, but let's go through this door.

I carefully opened the door carefully. I found myself... flying? Hey look! It's Dash! Tybalt isn't around, so she's going a little slow... so what? Oh shit, it's those guys from the fliers competition! They can only mean trouble.

“Just watch Jonathon. Watch and see what Tybalt PREVENTED happening.”

What do you mean? Dash is tough enough to beat these three losers.

I watched in anticipation. I couldn't wait to see Dash beat these guys! Wait... something is wrong here... What the fuck! One of them got the jump on her and grabbed her from behind! Wait... This happened TODAY? Oh my god, when I get out of here I have to check up on her!

I watched in horror as they beat up Dash. Every punch, every kick; it felt like it was me there, not her. What the hell was wrong with these ponies?

I can't believe this, these three jerks come out from nowhere and start hurting Dash. What the hell?

“Shall we continue watching, or will you tell me your decision?”

...Let's leave. I don't think I can watch this anymore.

“Just remember; this is my world. I do with it as I please. I know I may not seem nice because I control all the bad, but remember the fact that I also control all of the good and happiness in this world. If I will the world to fall into chaos, it will. If I will the world to become a utopia, It will.”

Then why don't you make everything happy where everyone gets what they want?

“Because that holds no entertainment.”


“Think about it. If everything was flowers and lollipops and everyday was pure happiness over and over again, would you have fun? Or would you get tired of it? Where nothing happens. Then you would get so used to the happiness it would feel normal. The bad days make the good ones seem so much better.”

What do you mean?

“Think of it; do you love it when you cuddle up with your lover?”

Yes, why? If I could, I would spend every day with her.

“That's the problem. If you DID spend everyday with her, would it feel special?”

No, I would love every second of it.

“Typical. Think of your current life; a house, a family who loves you, and many friends. That's what most people would think of as a utopia.”

What do you mean? It isn't that great, I love living it everyday, but it isn't fantastic.

“Listen to yourself! Many people would consider this heaven and since you actually live it, you take it for granted. four years ago, what was your biggest dream?”

To live in Equestria. That was back on Earth.

“Exactly. Now that you live here, everyday seems normal.”

I think I get what you're saying now.

“You don't know what you have until it's gone.”

Oh no, please don't tell me you're going to take all of this away from me!

“No. That would be cruel, even for me. You have a family and a good life, no matter what you think. No matter who shitty you think it is, it can always get worse. I don't want you to forget that. I will not take away what you have attained by yourself.... yet. When I said I control the universe, that is not always the case. Sometimes beings can... act by themselves. You and Tybalt are two such exceptions. I have never experienced anything like you two. A strange duo you two would make. While I still control everything around you, I can not directly control either of you.”

He (still in the form of AJ) stood straight up, all the while flashing pure white. His body deformed, revealing hands, a human head, and other characteristics. He was a human in this form! He had a walking staff (generic one, I may add) and a long white beard. He looked old. Really old.

“This is my form... this is my form before I became light and darkness.”

What do you mean by that? A lot of stuff you say doesn't make any sense.

“I mean, I am light and darkness. Think of what I told you before. I control the bad and the good.”

So, you're like God and Satan?

“In a way. I am whatever you think I am. I can be neither God nor Satan if I wanted to. I am the gate keeper. I guard the gates of all of the worlds. I chose this existence. I liberated the last one from having to look over the worlds. I have been here for three thousand years, no one daring to take my place. I live forever until someone challenges me. Usually the gate keeper willingly gives up his place without a fight, to end his torment. Except the order of the gate keepers never met someone like you OR Tybalt. You are a very... strange case. I have never met an organic being that was able to break the gate in between worlds and yet... you did it. Accidentally I might add. With you came Tybalt, albeit three years later. You two are the only ones that can think of their own free will... and you seem to affect people around you too. The longer you stay around people, the more resistant they come. I was forced to shut the gates. I can not risk more people resisting my influence.”

You aren't... mad are you?

“On the contrary. I will not remove you from this world. Tybalt is another matter though. You broke the gates first; so I have tremendous respect for you. I share this with Tybalt. I have taken an interest in you two. I will watch over your adventures. While I can't guarantee you no harm, I will do my best to look after you. I also have to look after all of the worlds too, after all. Like I said before, you broke the gates of the worlds. The first organic being to travel between worlds.”

What do you mean, 'the first ORGANIC being?'

“There was one other race. They did it many years ago. It was when I was first gate keeper. I was young and naïve. I was but two hundred years old. I did not know how to handle them. They broke the world barrier. All I remember of them was that they weren't living. They were machines left over from a race that died out many years ago. After they broke the barrier, they crippled world after world, leaving them to nothing but dust. I couldn't do anything about it, I was too weak and didn't know what to do. I did the last resort; I called the gate keepers. The elders of the gate keepers. They themselves had to come down to meet this threat. They were able to stop the machines, but not before losing half their number, and sixety three worlds destroyed. Those worlds were under my watch, so I will not forget that number. Another drawback of a gate keeper; you remember everything. I even remember how excited I was on my first day. When I say the 'gate', it also means the gate to heaven or hell. When people die, they have a choice if they lived full lives. Either to serve in heaven, reign in hell, or go to another world of their choice. I remember my excitement when the old gate keeper told me that I would play death; defying all rules of physics and time. I never died, even when I wanted to. In my first year, it happened. The trial that all gate keepers must go through to prove themselves. I had to kill all of those I loved.”


“I mean what I said. People live until I meet them. Say, if a deadly even occurred, everyone involved would be alive until I got there. Most people in pain welcome me. That's is what they mean by 'welcoming death's embrace.' They welcome me with open arms. They beg me to take them. It is then up to me to judge them. In order to stay a gate keeper you have to kill all of those you love. You watch them die in your arms which is the only comfort. It makes you... immune to death. It seals the deal. It makes you immortal, and you do not feel death. You see it everyday as a gate keeper. It doesn't hurt anymore.”

So, you saw Tybalt in his war then?

“Yes. It was bloodier than I have seen in a long time. A good thousand years maybe.”

Can you show me one battle?

“What? What is this that you ask me? To show you something that happened in another world; in another person's history?”

That is correct Gate keeper.

“Please don't call me gate keeper. It reminds me too much of my job. I usually never get to know mortals; they always die in a blink of an eye to me. You are different though. Please, call me my name when I lived on earth, Chad. (FUN FACT: That is my actual name. Uncommon I know, but I like it. Also, Chad means Battle!) I have a feeling that I will see you a lot more.”

Alright then. So, Chad, can you show me? Also, by 'seeing me', does that mean I will be hurt severely in the future?

“Maybe so. But I will watch over you. When I say that I will see you soon, it means that you now have the power to talk to me willingly.”


“Here, take this (He tossed to me a chain. It had a strange marking on it, it looked pretty cool to me too.), it will let you talk to me at anytime. Just talk to it and I will be there. I can do nearly anything. I take friendship very seriously, and if you name it, it will be done. The one thing I will not do: Take someone before their time. Tybalt is an exception, that is only if you want him to leave. I will not kill someone before their time comes, and I will not let someone live beyond their time either. I am sorry, but that will include you and your loved ones. I can not make exceptions, save Tybalt. Besides, living forever stinks. You watch as everyone you love passes away. I meant it when I said that I will look after you. Tybalt too if you so choose as to make him stay. Just promise me one thing: you will only tell of me if you have to. I always have time in case you want to summon me. If you MUST tell people about me, please let it only be people you know and trust. There are people out there who would stop at nothing to get that chain of yours. It is a direct line to death. Do not take that chain lightly, lest it be your worst downfall. I only know of you and Tybalt who acts of their own free will. I am positive that you are not the only ones though. When I say 'free will', it means the only way I can touch them is if it is their time to go. I can contact them indirectly, but I can do nothing to harm them. Which is why I say that you must be careful. The first person you must tell of this is Tybalt. Mostly because he is the only other unique being I know of. Just remember; you are special. You and Tybalt have unknowingly formed a bond that is known to only one other pair in this world. One that I know you are familiar to. You may not be able to sense them, but they knew of Tybalt's appearance even though no one has told them.”

What pair are you talking about?

“Celestia and Luna.”

….What did you mean by bond? I know they're special by being Alicorns, but does that have to do with the fact that they are royalty?

“More than you know. Celestia and Luna both came to this world. They were it's first inhabitants. They controlled it. HOW they came to be here is what makes them so special. Celestia was in one of the most horrible wars ever: one on another distant planet. She is much older than anyone of Equestia knows. Celestia met Luna and became best friends ever since. When Equestria was made, they made me choose two beings to transport here to start a new world. I chose Celestia and Luna. They both fell in a battle and I gave them a choice. Heaven, Hell, or Equestria. They both chose the new land. Their bodies formed to match this world. From them, the Equestria you know today was made.”

So, how did all the ponies come to be?

“I created them. I made the first one thousand after the two Princesses talked to me. They asked for a town to start their world. Canterlot. I gave them one thousand loyal followers. The rest of the population was left to nature.”


“You have been gone long enough.”

As in?

“You must be getting home. I have filled in for you while you were here. I went to the market and got whatever you needed. Now, you are walking back to your farm. Your lover has been trying to get you to try to take a day off. That is all you must know. When you get back, you will still have the chain of a friend. I am not only death; I am also the angel of mercy. Don't forget that. When you get back, you will be in the field. I must warn you though, you were not in peak condition when I brought you into the gate keeper's hall. For that I am sorry, and this journey will take a lot on your body when you get out. You will probably black out to be honest. I am sorry for taking a day away from you.”

But we weren't in here for more than two hours!

“Time has no meaning here. One hour could have been one year back on your world if I didn't forcibly control it. The most I could limit our journey was to eight hours. For that, I am sorry too. Just remember, if you ever need anything done, just call me. You're my first friend, so do not take it lightly. Have a good day. You have a life to live; so go live it. Next time I see you, you must have your answer ready. Have a wonderful life, Jonathon. Never take it for granted....”

I found myself falling. Falling through time and space. I saw Sweet Apple Acres as a blur. There was AJ! Oh, my sweet AJ. I can't wait to hold her again. Knowing Chad though, I have to ask him a favor.

“...hn? John? Come on John! Yah got ta take ah day off! Yer putting too much stress on yer body! Ah know that yer a foal, but Ah won't let you keep working today!”

“Don't worry AJ, I'm fine. I can keep going.”

“Why do yah have ta keep doin' this to me?” She worries way too much about me.

“Don't worry! I'm fin-” Oh damn! I must have been going on pure adrenaline! Now, I can hardly stand up. So this is what Chad meant when he said 'it did a lot on my body.'

“John!” I had collapsed at this point. I was leaning up against a tree, I could see AJ going for help.


“Apple Jack, what's wrong?” Huh? It sounds like Tybalt's voice.

“It's John! He overworked hisself and collapsed! Ahm too weak to help him up...” Why does she have to be so hard on her self?

“Come on Apple Jack, you're really tough. Now show me where John is.”

“*sniff* He's thisaway!”

I say AJ and Tybalt gallop up to me. It seemed to me like Tybalt was going to carry me!

“Apple Jack!”


“Help me get him onto my back?”

“W-wha? How in tarnation... Are ya gonna carry him?”

“That's the plan.”

“B-but there's no way in Celestia you could...”

“Just try me.”

Uh oh...

That's when I passed out. I found myself in a hallway again. I saw Chad sitting in a chair 10 feet away from me.

“Terribly sorry about this night. You have gone through a lot since Tybalt came here. I await your answer: Do you want Tybalt gone?”

I thought about the good and bad that Tybalt had done for me. He had saved Scootaloo, Dash, and now, he had saved me! I can't believe this.


“Yes, my child?”

I want him to stay.

It will be done. Now go; live your life.”

One more thing, Chad?


Please, let AJ and Tybalt sleep peacefully. I don't want them to worry about me.

“It is done.”

Whoo! I got REALLY carried away in this chapter! I will be writing in my off time, so this break techinically won't be on hiatus, as I will still be posting chapters when I get them. I love you all!

Bonus Chapter 16.5- Behind death

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Just another pony- Chapter 16.5- Bonus chapter: Behind the view of death.

Author's Note: This starts before Chapter 16 and ends after chapter 16. It isn't Death's POV of chapter 15/16, just a bonus chapter summarizing how Death first saw our two 'heroes'. Also a little more in depth of the first race to break world gates. Also, that's why it's pretty short.

Three thousand years. Three thousand years of loneliness. Three thousand years since I have lived. Three thousand years since I have felt emotion. Three thousand years since I had a loved one. That is the life of the gate keeper. I will guard the worlds for as long as I am the gate keeper. I guard life, I guard death, I guard the gates. The gates of life and death. The gates of good and evil. Through these years, I've only had the company of death. I didn't dare make a friend, lest I be crushed when they finally die. I will even have to be the one to do it. They always die. Even the former gate keepers. I am one of the only true immortals. I know of one or two others, but other than that, I am the only one immune to death. Or at least until someone releases me from this torment. The gate keepers still live, only it's in heaven or hell. I stay in contact with the order's elders, in case I need help. Just like the war of the gates. Machines crippled worlds and the gates protecting them. My greatest shame.

When I was but 200 years old as a gate keeper, I was informed of multiple world gates being broken. When I was first initiated, they had told me that world gates were things of majesty; Huge invisible portals that only gate keepers could see. They were also nearly indestructible, the only way to 'break' one was a great feat of magic or of strength. And 5 of them had already been broken by some weird race. World gates would normally shred any organic being that tried to destroy it. It would take a lot more than what anything could make up to destroy one. I couldn't believe my ears! These massive gates; impenetrable, immovable, unbreakable. Broken. I was called by the council for an emergency meeting. An emergency meeting has not been called since the universes were just a few thousand years old.

I was brought before the elders in the hall of time. It was a massive building, one with huge white pillars and was generously garnered with beautiful paintings of time and space. I remember that conversation like it was yesterday...

The eldest was the first to talk to me. He wore an all white robe to signify his position.

“Gate Keeper! Have we told you of what has happened?”

“N-no...” I can't believe how weak I felt in their presence. I was vulnerable to them, all mighty powers in the universe. Control over life and death. One snap of his fingers and I would be placed in the darkest depths of hell, and it was probably better than I deserved. It seemed that whenever I took charge something went wrong. It always did, even if it took time.

“Must we explain this again? World gates have broken and you, as the gate keeper was assigned to protect them. What has gone wrong?”

“I- I don't know, wise master of the gates.” We were forbidden to speak of his name, he was the real creator of everything.

“We know little of these... machines.”

“Machines? Is that why they were able to break the gates?”

“Correct. They come from a planet who's name forgets me. They were remnant of contraptions that a race of anthropomorphic creatures. Their technology was advanced beyond all thought was possible in a thousand short years. They were able to develop self thinking robots, teleportation, and intergalactic travel. They ended up being wiped out thanks to their own ignorance. The machines fought back and killed every single speck of life on the planet. They then proceeded to build. Build until they could attack a space gate.”

The space gates were heavily defended by Gate keeper forces. World gates are so powerful that, if broken, release a massive energy wave that can obliterate life within three light years. The magic that keeps the gates locked to prevent intruders into peaceful worlds was formed by the strongest minds when the universe was first formed. The information on how to destroy (and recreate) the magic has been lost for centuries. It died with the last of 'the bearers'. Taking one space gate is huge, and has not been done before. These guys took 5!

A messenger came into the court carrying a disk.

“Excuse me keepers, but I have an urgent data disk from one of the world gates. It is a distress signal; another gate has fallen.”

“Well? What are you waiting for? Put it in!” The messenger quickly put in the disk. On the massive screen behind the council, a picture came to life.

“...orting in from Gate 1-1-9! I repeat! Reporting in from Gate 1-1-9! We are under attack! Alien forces have starting shooting at us! Requesting backup! I repeat, requesting backu-” The message was cut short by a blinding light and a devastating silence. The entire court was silent.

“Current Gate Keeper. We must deal with this threat. We must stop this race from invading worlds they have no right in.”

With that, the court was dismissed. The plan was going into action. The elders were going into battle.


50 years later, 63 more worlds and gates destroyed, and 20 elders dead. We finally stopped the machines.


2,750 years later. I felt a disturbance in a gate. One leading from... Earth to Equestria? It seems the gate was used... yet locked? How can this be? It looked like a human. I have never once seen a being cross the gate unscathed. It must be nothing.

3 years later. Another disturbance. Another portal from Earth to Equestria. What is going on? This... this shouldn't be possible! I have to see this. It looked to be another human, except this one took on the form of a pony.

Hmm, this particular human is Tybalt. The other one is Johnathon. It seems there are multiple versions of all the worlds. Strange. Tybalt came from a medieval Earth while Johnathon came from an Earth in 2011. There are more to these worlds than meets the eyes. I have been watching these two for only a few weeks. Tybalt really sparked my interest.

I came to focus on Johnathon. He was walking back to his farm. He was thinking very vividly. He was thinking if Tybalt never came to be.

“Is that what you think?”


Chapter 17- Meeting Dinky (in detail) and Caloo

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Here is a picture of my friend Caloo.

Just another Pony- Chapter 17- meeting Dinky (in detail) and Caloo

Authors note: My friend appears in this chapter. Cheers!

I was able to sleep peacefully last night. I don't know how, but I was. I just hope that John will be alright. I know that Apple Jack will take care of him, so I have to get home then to work. Apple Jack and I slept in the waiting room at the hospital. She was wide awake when I came to.

“ 'Mornin Tybalt.”

“Good morning Apple Jack. Can you take it from here? I have to let Twi know I am alright.”

“Sure. Ah got it from here.”

“Thanks. Please, will you tell me how John is doing later?”

“No problem. See ya later Tybalt!” We waved me off. That mare always has energy to spare.

I flew off to the library house. Another Pegasus came up to me. It was Derpy! I was always ready to meet her. She is always really nice, and frankly, a good friend.

“Good morning Tybalt!”

“Good morning Derpy. What's new with you?”

“Oh, not much. I was wondering... Today after work could you come over to my cloud house? I had told Dinky about you coming over, and she's been energetic all week about it.”

OH FUCK. I feel like such an ass right now, I TOTALLY forgot about it.

“Oh, I am really sorry Derpy! I totally forgot! I will definitely be over after work. Once again, really sorry I forgot! I keep getting sidetracked!”

“Don't worry about it, Tybalt. Dinky and me can't wait to see you!”

“Thanks again for reminding me!”

I can't believe I forgot about that! I'm just really glad that she isn't mad at me. She really is a nice mare. She loves her daughter more than anything too.

Yeah, I can't believe you forgot either!

Don't be a douche. You could have reminded me.

Yeah, I could have, but I didn't.

I opened the door to the library to find Twi sleeping on the couch AGAIN. I hate making this mare worry.

“Good morning Twi.”

“Hmm? Oh, good morning Ty. Why didn't you come home last night?”

“An emergency at the farm yesterday. John collapsed and I had to get him to the hospital. I'm sorry I couldn't come home, I had to make sure he was alright.”

“Then why are you sorry?”

“Because I always make you wait for me. I hate myself for it, how I make you worry nearly daily.”

“Come on Ty! I only worry about you because I love you.”

“I love you too Twi. I have to be at work today though, so I can't stay long. By the way, where's Dashie? I hope she's alright.”

“Don't worry about her, she's feeling fine and went up to work about half an hour ago.”

“Then I guess that I'll go meet her up there. Also, I may be home a little bit later tonight.”

“Why this time?”

“I'm going to go visit a co worker of mine.”

“Oh, alright. See you tonight, I love you.”

“I love you too. See you tonight!” I didn't even have time to eat, but I didn't really care at this point. I just wanted to see if Dashie was alright for myself.

I flew up to the base, going to see the chief. He was in his usual office, waiting patiently.

“Excuse me, chief?”

“Ah! Tybalt, just the pony I wanted to see. Miss Dash asked me if she could work with you today. I received word of what happened yesterday, and I personally thank you for looking after her.”

“It was nothing sir.”

“Even if it was nothing, you have my thanks nonetheless. Here comes miss Dash now!”

“Thanks chief.”

I walked into the cloud hallway to see Dashie walking towards me. She looked a little bruised, but nothing serious.

“Good morning Ty.”

“Morning Dashie, are you feeling any better today?”

“Thanks to you, I am. Thanks for getting those three jerks.”

“What's done is done. Where are we working today?”

“We'll be working with Derpy above the boutique. We have to put a few clouds over it again.”

“That sounds fine by me. I was actually going to see Derpy after work today.”

“That's good, look; here's Derpy now, let's go.”

“Good morning Tybalt, good morning Rainbow Dash!”

“Morning Derpy.” We both said in unison.

“Where are we going? The other chief told me I was working with you two!”

“We're going to Rarity's boutique. We're going to be piling some clouds over it, it shouldn't take too long with the three of us.”

“All right! Tybalt, are you still going to come over today?”

“I was definitely planning on it, I'm still sorry for forgetting last week.”

“No need to be sorry!”

“Heh, thanks. Let's go girls, let's get these clouds.”

We all flew over to the boutique. I still can't believe how... colourful this place is. It looks beautiful, but hand drawn for some reason. I never thought that I would have a job controlling the weather! I always thought that I would be in that war until I died. This is probably heaven.

Apparently I wasn't watching where I was going, because the next thing I knew...

“Tybalt, look out!”

What? Oh look a po-

AHAHAHAHA, you dumbass, you just ran into a pole.

Why didn't you warn me?

Well I didn't know you were actually going too run into it! Funny as hell!

You felt it too, so I don't know why you're laughing.

What do you me- Oof! You bastard.

Yeah, apparently you can mentally punch people.

After the incident (Dashie and Derpy couldn't stop giggling at my expense), we got to the boutique. We got to work on the clouds. It really didn't take long with the three of us, and the day went fast because I was working with two of my friends (Thunder groaned at the sappy moment. How is he a part of me if we're so different from each other? I'm guessing it's because he got here thanks to 'the stare'. Strangely enough, it really didn't affect me as much as they thought it would.). We were able to finish up (relatively) quickly.

“See you later Dashie!”

“See you Ty! See you around, Derpy!”

Derpy and I flew over to her cloud house after the day was over. When we got in; her house was a LOT nicer than Dashie's! Maybe just because it's cleaned up, but still. I may have to get me a cloud house some day.

“Dinky! Tybalt from work is here!”

“He is? Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy!” Whoa, she must have really wanted to see me! Wait, how does a unicorn live on a cloud?

“Hey Derpy?”


“Dinky is a unicorn, correct?”

“Yes, why?”

“How does she live on a cloud?”

“Actually, she rides in my bag, that's how I take her home.”

I mentally D'awwed at the imagination of the sight of Dinky riding in Derpy's mail bag.

“Dinky? Where are you?”

“I'll be down there in a second mom! I just have to finish cleaning this up!”

“Should I help her? It sounds like she is having a lot of trouble.”

“Maybe. She's always trying to do things that she saw ponies thrice her size do. She tried to be the best that she can be, and it makes me so proud.”

I walked up the stairs to see Dinky- Trying to move her dresser? Why? That thing was four times her size!

“Hey Dinky?”

“Huh? Oh, hey Tybalt! I just have to finish moving this, if I do, I'll be stronger! I want to be as strong as mommy!” This girl is just too cute!

“Do you want any help? I'm sure that you're strong enough as is right now. If you're ever feeling unsure of yourself, just call me! Either I can help you get stronger (I wouldn't dare try anything tough with her) or help you out!”

“Really? Thank you thank you thank you!”

“No problem. Now, let me help you...”

I walked up to the dresser, putting it on my back.

“Now, where do you want the dresser to be at?”

“Wow! How are you strong? I want to be as strong as you!”

“I'll tell you later, now, where do you want this?”

“Over there in the corner, please.”

“Can do.”

I walked over to the corner, gently setting the dresser down. Dinky was really interested in my strength for some reason. She said that she wanted to be as strong as Derpy. Derpy is a really good mother, I'm surprised she doesn't have a... what's the name for it?

Colt friend.

Coltfriend. That's it. I'm surprised that she doesn't have a colt friend.

You never know, she may have gotten one in between the time she showed Dinky at work and now.

I hope she does, she's really nice.

“Come on Dinky, want me to give you a ride downstairs?”

“Would I!”

She tried to jump on to my back, but she just fell short. She got up and blushed at her failure. She was just so cute! I gave a slight chuckle, then bent down so that she could get on.



I raced down the stairs while carrying a squealing filly on my back. I think I was enjoying this just as much as she was!

Derpy was downstairs... talking to a stallion? What do you know, maybe Thunder was right when he said she might have found a colt friend.

“Hey Tybalt, hey Dinky! It seems like you two are having fun.” She giggled at this. The other stallion flashed a knowing smile at Dinky.

“Hi dad! This is the stallion I was telling you about! He's so strong! He just moved my dresser like it was nothing!”

Hold the buck (Thunder told me to say 'buck' instead of fuck) up, did she just say Dad? That's wonderful! Now Derpy isn't a single mother and Dinky has a father!


“Oh! Yes, Tybalt, this is my colt friend Caloo!”

Hmm, Caloo. He had a black and blue mane with short hair. He didn't look like a normal pony, though.

“Hello there Tybalt.”

“Hello Caloo, nice to meet you.”

“While you two get to know each other, I'm going to put Dinky into bed. She has an important test in school tomorrow.”

“All right, see you later honey!” Just like me and Twi.

“So Tybalt, what should we do? Derpy's tucking in Dinky, so should we go somewhere?”

“Sure, let's go to the library.”

“Why? Do you know Twilight there?”

“Know her? Hell, I'm dating her.”


“Yeah, why does it seem so bad?”


“Should we go?”

“Sure. I have a question Tybalt.”


“You seem... weird. Where did you grow up? When did you come here?”

“Why do you ask?”

“Well, I just wanted to know, I only came to Ponyville yesterday.”

“I'd rather not talk about it.” I started mumbling “I don't want to relive Dead man's ridge.” I think that he couldn't hear me.

Or not.

“Did you just say DEAD MAN'S RIDGE???” He got all excited! The hell is going on?

“Yes, Dead Man's Ridge. I was in that battle.”

“You were IN it? That's ancient history.”

“History? It happened less than a month ago!”

“A month ago? Oh no, it's the year 2012, what are you talking about?”

“2012? Are we both talking about Earth?”


“Oh no, it was 1543 when I got here. NOT 2012!”

“1543? Are you serious?”

“Dead serious.”

“Wow! So you were in the hundred year war! The turning point was the battle of Dead man's ridge!”

“So, you're from the 'future'?”


“Tell me, how did the battle end?”

“Well, wait, you said your name was Tybalt?”


“CAPTAIN Tybalt??”


“Well, after your squad went down, your general was captured. I'm sorry to say, but that battle ended in a massive defeat.”

“Bucking Boris.”


“Doesn't matter. How did you get here?”

“I have no idea. I'm guessing that I died from a reason that I can't remember. Then I came to a cross roads. A figure showed up out of nowhere and told me:

===== FLASHBACK===========

“You have led a full life. Now, you must choose a path. To the left is heaven. You will serve immortally there. To the right is Hell. You will reign in it. Or, to the middle, is a world of your choice.”

“Any world I want? Ooh! I want to go to Equestria! I want to be a Pegasus named Caloo!”

“It shall be done. It seems that many humans choose Equestria. But, before you go there, I must make sure that your intentions are pure. I must make sure that you won't cause havok.”

He stared deep into my eyes. His eyes pierced me deeper than I have ever felt. I felt my brain getting invaded, this man checking to make sure my intentions are 'pure'. After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled back and said,

“Your intentions are pure. Enjoy your life.”

“Hells to the yeah! Can I make a request?”

“Go right ahead. I live but to serve.”

“I would like to be in a relationship with the Pegasus Derpy Hooves.”

“While I can not guarantee that, I will give you a fair chance.”

“Thank you thank you thank you!” With that I raced down the middle hall to be welcomed by a blinding green; the green of Equestria.

========FLASHBACK END===========

“At least you had a choice.”


“I just found myself here. I had a choice of neither Heaven nor Hell. I just woke up in the fields near Fluttershy's cottage.”

“You know Fluttershy too?”

“Yes. All of her friends too.”

“Can I meet them? Please?”

“Sure, here comes the library now.”

Hey Tybalt?

Yes Thunder?

If humans came to Equestria, does that mean that Cloud Chaser could have been a...


But, that figure said to make sure his intentions are good!

Maybe they started out good, and he just turned bad.


Also, that would explain John.

Well, we're in the library, get back out there.

“All right, so what do you want to do first?”

“I wanted to check this library out.”

“Well we're here, and there's something you don't see everyday; somepony actually trying to check a book out.”

“Uh oh, look out Tybalt; that's Harmony Charmer.”

Spike came up to the pony (a unicorn) and politely asked,

“Excuse me, how may I help you?”

“SHADDAP” Well then, Harmony seems nice.

Hey Thunder?


Kinda antisocial, isn't she?

It's pronounced, 'asshole'.

“Excuse me, what's the problem here?” I went up to the unicorn.

“I was looking at books and this little dragon thing came up to me! I just wanted some privacy to look for my books in peace!”

“He's the librarian’s assistant. He can help you get anything you need. No need to be brash to him, man.”

“I don't care if he's the princess's assistant, he has no right coming up to me!”

“Seriously? He works here, and he just wanted to help your sorry ass.”

“Excuse me, bitch?”

“You heard me, you're not going to treat Spike like that.”

“Oh really then? Who's going to stop me?” To emphasize the point, Harmony pushed me not too gently.

“Come on then! You think I'm afraid of you?”

Caloo spoke up, “Dude! You wouldn't hit a mare!”

“...That's a mare?”

“You thought I was a stallion?”



Then the residents of Ponyville saw a very unusual sight. A Pegasus, too scared to use his wings, running at full speed away from a unicorn, who was chasing him like her life depended on it.. Why this happened, nopony knew, and nopony asked. Somewhere in Canterlot, two princesses were congregating again.


"Yes, Luna?"

"Your subject that you're so interested in is in trouble again."

"He'll be alright."

Chapter 18- Meeting Celestia (Awkwardness)

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Just another pony Chapter 18- Meeting Celestia.

Author here: I have a poll that can change the story drastically. Should I give Tybalt his human body back or should he stay as a Pegasus? Vote in the comments!

I am tired as buck! I ran nearly all night from that crazy unicorn! Thunder purposely locked my wings until I finally outran her. The bastard.

Oh come on, it isn't my fault that little Tybalt is too chivalrous to hit a mare!

But it IS your fault my wings locked up.

Excuses, excuses. Now, where are we?

I have no idea, but I see Ponyville, and it's probably time for work.

Well then fly, before Harmony gets back.

Ironic name, don't you think?

Yeah, weird. Now hurry, before you're late.

I flew over Ponyville until I came up to the hospital. I saw John walking out! Damn, he heals fast. He was all cut up when I carried him. I flew down to him because he was waving to me.

“Good morning Tybalt.”

“Morning John. Are you feeling any better?”

“A little bit. Oh yeah! There's something that I have to tell you!”

“What is it?”

“Come on, it has to be private.”

“Oh, alright then... I guess.”

John and I walked to an alleyway. I just wanted to be safe so I stretched my wings out, and Apple Jack was right outside the alley.

“All right, what is it that you want?”

“I have to tell you about someone I met before I passed out.”

“Oh really? Who is it?”

“An omnipotent being, one that you crossed on your way here.”

“What do you mean, 'crossed'?”

“I mean exactly that. You went right past him on your way here, when I say that, I mean both on the way to Equestria and on the way to the hospital.”

“Ha! That's really funny John. Some omnipotent being. What, does he control everything?”

“Actually, yes except for two people. Two who crossed 'world gates'. Me and you, Tybalt. We're one of the only ones not directly controlled by him.”

“Oh really? What are the chances of the only two beings not controlled by the universe coming to the same place?”

“Ask him yourself. Chad, present yourself.”

“What in the hell was th-” I was cut short by a blinding light. I threw up my hoof to shield my eyes. The light lasted only for a second, then I took my hoof away to see a remarkably tall figure in blood red robes.

“Hello, my child.”

“W-w-w-what?” Normally, I was never afraid of anything, but that was in my world. This didn't make any sense whatsoever.

“I am the gate keeper. You crossed two world gates to get here. You went out of your world, and ended up in this one. Any other person would have died in the situation that you were in inside your battle. But you somehow survived. You survived and persevered. You crossed world gates, massive things of beauty, to get where you are today. John was much like you, he was nearly killed. He saw me, and I saved him. He chose to come to Equestria. Same for your other friend, Caloo. But John, he is the only one of his kind here. There are few humans yes, but they all took the form of the species here. John was very special, he was the only being left to be a human.

But alas, your friend Caloo had a choice to come here, but neither of you did. You were forced here against your own will. For John it was a good thing; he always dreamed of coming here. But for you Tybalt, you never wanted to come here. You left behind your family, even if you would have died if you had stayed in that battle. You were one in a trillion to survive. I can only think of one other being in that battle that survived...”

“Who? Please tell me! If it's someone from my battalion I have to meet them!”

“Ahh, yes. Only one can I think of. Your comrade... Boris.”

“Bucking Boris! When I find him, I'm going to bucking kill him!”

“While I can not condone that, I will not have any power to stop you in your current state. Right now, I hardly control anything around you; I can only control the environment around you. You are more powerful than you think that you are. One day, that power will be released.”


“You will know when the time comes. For now, you will live your life. I have taken an hour of your day so far, and you will be late for work. I am sorry, so I will set time back one hour so that you can get to work on time.”

“Thanks, I guess.”

“Before you go, here (He tossed me a chain, it looked AWESOME), this is a chain to where you can talk to me whenever you want. I have already given one to John, so you need not worry about that.”


Well, he seems nice.

You got that right, Thunder.

I continued my journey to the air base. The first thing I saw was a lot of bustling Pegasus'. The chief came up to me, all worried and stuff. But what could make him so nervous?


“Yes, chief?”

“The Princess will be visiting Ponyville today! We have to make ready for her! We have to make sure the sky is absolutely perfect! She hasn't visited in a month, so we have to make sure she doesn't see how disheveled the sky is! I've sent all weather Pegasuses to clear the skies! I don't mean to be mean, but get going!” I could understand the urgency in his voice, the princess must have been a big deal!

I met up with Dashie and Derpy (Both heard of the incident yesterday and couldn't stop giggling, just like the pole thing.) and we all got to work on the clouds.

We were clearing the skies for hours before we all saw a sight that made us stop in our tracks – A marvelous carriage. Being pulled by two Pegasus who were (what I presume) guards in steel armour. The carriage itself was beautifully decored, and I was in awe when I saw what stepped out of it when it landed. We had myths of the alicorns, but they were even rarer than Pegasus and Unicorns! They were a mix of the two! She had a horn AND wings! She stood taller than anypony here! She was probably John's height when she was walking and he was standing! Wow, so this must be the princess Twi was talking about, and she's her personal student? It doesn't surprise me, with how powerful Twi is in her magic. She even told me about the Ursa Minor that she got rid of single-handedly!

The princess had a flowing mane of colours, and it looked awesome! She didn't look stuck up, as she was waving to all the ponies. Her stare lingered on me for a second, and it sent a chill down my spine. I wonder why? Probably since I'm dating her protegee. That makes sense.

Watch out dude, that's the princess.

What gave you the idea?



She's heading your way! Stay calm, we all know you're a nervous wreck.

I'm not the nervous one.

“So you're outgoing, then?” Wait, she can read our minds?

Fool, bow! Bow!

I bowed as low as I could to the princess. Why was she talking to me, of all ponies?

“I talk to you because of the relationship between you and my student. Come; let's walk. I will leave my guards here.”

With a wave of her hoof, the guards waited at her carriage.

I hope that she isn't mad at it.

“Mad? Why would I be mad? You gave my student the gift of love, and she has written me several remarkable letters concerning you.”

Gulp. I hope she doesn't know about Cloud Chaser and his goons...

Here's an Idea Tybalt; DON'T THINK!

“Cloud Chaser? Yes, I know about him. I have to thank you for protecting my little ponies from brutes like that.”

I don't know why she is thanking me, I'm just like those brutes.

“On the contrary, you defended your friends when the brutes sought only to hurt.”

Hey Tybalt, she can't detect the differences between our voices, right?

Yeah, why?

What he said next made my blood run cold.


“Excuse me?”

“Now HOLD ON! THAT WAS NOT ME! I SWEAR ON EVERYTHING THAT IS HOLY!” I curled up into the fetal position, ready to die at any second.

“Don't worry, I know about Thunder and his nature.”

If I live Thunder, you're going to die.

“Oh, thank you! But, are you mad at me?”

“I have no reason to be mad at you, Thunder Bolt was just rude.”

What she said next made me want to die right there on the concrete. She mumbled, almost inaudible,

“2500 bits an hour”

I hope to god she was joking.


Who's Trollestia?

Don't worry about it.

Oh my god, that was bucking embarrassing. I swear, one of these days Thunder will get me killed, then I'll finally meet 'Chad' at those gates. Anyways, we were walking (she wouldn't stop smiling, god damn it Thunder.) to the library. I wonder why though.

“We are going to the library because Twilight asked me if I could come to Ponyville to personally meet you, Tybalt.”

I am feeling so god damn important right now.

“Just an idea; you might want to replace 'god' with 'Celestia' around here. Most ponies think of me as a god. Trust me, when your well known, you get used to it. I highly respect how modest you are though. You are one of the bravest ponies I know. Even braver than some of my guards!”

All right, the princess just said I was one of the bravest ponies that she knows, and yet I cowered under her when Thunder decided to be rude. Yeah, that sure is brave. Being scared of a girl. Don't get me wrong, I know some damn tough girls, and I fought with many in my war, it's just that I'm SCARED of her, even if she is a massive princess.



“Ha! You two are very entertaining together!”

She could snap our necks in an instant, I'm going to gag you if you don't stop doing that.

“Like I said Tybalt, Thunder Bolt is just being rude. Heed him no mind, I know I don't...”

Aha, ahahahaha BUCK THAT. She had better not be teasing me! I'm dating the best mare in the world, and I do NOT need her teacher/ruler to be trying to get me into a relationship.

“Don't worry Tybalt, I know Twilight already has you.” Did she just wink at me?

Maybe I should stop thinking now.

“That might be best. Though I can't say I won't miss Thunder bolt's outbursts. Your reactions are priceless!” Great, now I have a princess laughing at me.

“Lighten up Tybalt! I'm just messing with you!” She was really enjoying this, I can't help it, but I cracked a smile too.

“There you go! Twilight told me how cute (she poked me with her hoof and winked) you are when you smile! If only you smiled more.”

I think I'm starting to like this princess in a friend way. I know; friends with the princess? Way too good to be true, but hey. It could happen.

“Don't worry Tybalt, I always have time for friends. But since you're Twilight's new coltfriend, you must now write letters periodically whenever you learn something important about friendship.”

“Can do, Princess.”

“Please, call me Celestia. 'Princess' sounds too royal for my tastes.”

“Can do, Celestia.”

Twilight came out of the upstairs hallway, she stood wide eyed at the scene before her; her mentor and coltfriend talking like they have known each other for years!

“Hello Twilight.”

“Hello my student.”

“Hello Princess.” She bowed just like I had. She was right when she said she was dubbed 'God' here.

“I have met your new coltfriend, Tybalt. He is a wonderful stallion. Now tell me, why did you ask me to come here?”

“I wanted you to personally meet him, I didn't think you would approve.”

“I approve of him, all he's done is protect you and your friends, why would I be mad?”

“I just didn't think that you would approve of him.”

“You do not need to worry that, the only pony I would worry about here is his little friend 'Thunder Bolt'.”

“Oh Celestia... what did he do?”

“Oh, nothing much.” Aaaaand I just blushed, that did not look good.

“Oh... That's good of him... I guess.”

“I loved meeting your new coltfriend today. I hope that you don't lose him though.”

“Don't worry! He isn't like Cloud or Emerald! I swear!”

“I'll have to take your word on that. Before I go, I have to cast one spell on him.”

This got me interested. “What spell?”

“You will find out soon enough.”

I knew better than to resist the spell. Her horn glowed white and my vision was turned black. The only thing I could hear was Celestia struggling with the spell. Whatever it was, it must have taken a lot!

The spell dissipated in a second, and I was still in the library. I only saw Twi, and Celestia was nowhere to be found.

“Ty! You're awake!”

“What? I was out?”

“Yes! You've been out for 2 hours! We were starting to get worried.”


“Yes, we. The Princess had to get back to Canterlot after the first hour. She said sorry before she left, she never says sorry, so I was worried.”

“You don't need to be. But I didn't know I got knocked out! I saw white, then black for a few seconds, and here I am!”

“Strange. Well, I'm tired, so I'm going to go to bed, see you in a few minutes. I love you.”

“I love you too Twi. I'll be up in a minute.”

I got myself a little snack (an apple, those were good!) and went up to bed. I cuddled up into Twi like our usual position with her head resting on top of my chest. I had my hooves around her waist, and I was essentially hold her up. I held her for a few minutes before quickly going to sleep.

My dreams were really weird right now, I only had images of myself as what would have happened if something was different. Say, if I was a mare instead of a stallion (Oh shit), how different that would have made this.

Chapter 19- Thunder Runner

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Just another Pony- Chapter 19- Thunder Runner

Author's note: Really sorry about the long break! I have started working on a second fiction, so look for that in the future. I have the prologue and first chapter done; the prologue is ~3000 words and the first chapter is ~4000 - ~4500 words. Sorry about the break in the story though! I also have 20 done.

I woke up, thanks to a loss of heat. I could even feel a breeze, what was going on?

HOLD UP. Why the buck am I on a cloud and where's Twi?

“H-hello?” T-that wasn't my damn voice... what the hell is going o-


Hey Tybalt, you up?

Thunder! Where are you?

Apparently, in your hea- whoa hold on, I'm actually in the library.

Excuse me?

You heard me, I'm in the library, in bed with Twi. Where are you?

On a cloud.

What? So, I have your body?

It seems so.

Well, it's morning, and I have pent up energy, and I have your body. Hey Twi....


What are YOU going to do? I just got to act like you and I could get some.


What do you mean?

I took off from the cloud, I was still a fair way from Ponyville, but that didn't stop me. I flapped my wings for all that they were worth. I couldn't hear Thunder, which made me fly all the much harder. I had to get there before he did something that would make me kill him, and trust me, I would NOT miss him. He almost got me killed yesterday for Celestia's sake! Ponyville was coming up fast, I could see the library. I was going to do exactly what Twi told me Dashie does to get in...

CRASH BITCH. Surprise Thunder!

What the hell man? I was just about to wake her up!

That was my plan.

Twi was wide awake by now.

“Huh? Rainbow, is that you?”

“No, just someone who is about to kill this imposter.” That didn't sound menacing AT ALL with this voice.

“Ahaha! You're a bucking mare! What are you going to do as a MARE? Ahahaha -Oof!” I shut him up by tackling him to the ground.

“Hey! What are you doing to Tybalt?”

“That's not bucking Tybalt! I am!”

“What? You crash through my window and tackle him to the ground!” Aw shit, she's getting her magic ready.

“I won't let you hurt him!” Aw double shit, she pinned me to the wall.

“Ahaha! Take that you dumb mare.”


“Yeah? Eer, I mean, terribly sorry madam, pip pip, cheerio and all that.”

“Drop the bucking act Thunder.”

“How do you know about Thunder Bolt? That's Tybalt!”

“I'M TYBALT. Just look at me Twi! That's Thunder! Now think; what was that spell Celestia casted on me yesterday?”

“An advanced transformation spell... It must have gone wrong.” She released her magic on me and I immediately tackled Thunder to the ground.

“What are you doing?”

“This bucker tried to 'get some' as he called it, from you while I wasn't in control of my body.”

“He... What?”

“That's bucking Thunder for you.”

“Say what you want cutie, but you're the one on top of me.” True, Mare me DID look like Stallion me.

“I still proved I was stronger than you.”

“Oh really? I just wasn't ready.”

I got off of him, giving him time to regain his composure.

“Ready now?”

“Yeah, why- Oof!” Boom, again.

“All right, all right, you're still the stronger one. Now get off.”

“I'm going to make sure you don't try to take advantage of anypony else. Twi, can you make like a 24 hour length holding spell? We can deal with him tomorrow.”

“Celestia said it should wear off tomorrow, so I thought ahead and looked it up.” She charged her horn, pinning Thunder against the wall even when she stopped channeling her magic.

“That should do it, thanks Twi.”

“'Ey! I'm still here! Get me the hell down!”

“No Thunder, you haven't had a body for an hour and you already earned a 24 hour timeout.”

“That's not fair!”

“Oh, yes it is.”

“Come on! I'll be good! I've never been able to walk around!”


“I think we should let him out. He's been in your mind for Celestia knows how long, and he never gets to walk around. Mostly because he doesn't have a body.”

“Fine. On two conditions though.”

“Fine! Anything! I just want to see how damn fun flying is!”

“That's one of the conditions. ONE: You don't leave my sight. TWO: I MUST be able to speak to you at ANY time. You will regret it if you block me, even for a second.”

“Yeah yeah, just get me down!”

“Alright, please release the spell Twi.”

In an instant, the purple aura dissipated from around Thunder, leaving him able to walk.

“Thanks Twi. Now Thunder, you have to remember your conditions. If I have to, I will put a leash on you. Literally.”

“Yeah yeah, don't worry, I got this.”

“You better. So Twi, what do we do now?”

“I think that I should introduce you to the girls. They would probably wonder if I was walking around with a mare that looks like Tybalt all day.”

“True. So, who should we visit first?”

“Maybe Fluttershy. I'm sure that she would want to know if something happened. She IS the element of kindness after all.”

“True, so, should we go?”

“I'll be ready when you and Thunder Bolt are ready.”

“Well then, I'm sure that Thunder is ready.”

“What? I'm hungr- Okay, I'm ready.” He quickly stiffened after the pause.

We left the library (and a confused Spike) and walked on the road. I looked exactly like my old self, except I was gender flipped. Thank god I kept some of my muscles. My body type looked a bit like Apple Jack's. Of course I couldn't be as muscular as my male counterpart because it's natural, but I know how to use muscles.

“Hey Tybalt, I'm getting Tired. Can I ride yo-”

Don't even think about it Thunder.

“Come on! I'm a part of you!”

“Not a chance.”

“It wouldn't be sex, only masturbation!”

That was when Twi burst out laughing.

“Ahaha! You two are just too funny!”

After that she didn't say anything (more like, couldn't) because she was laughing too hard. After she had recomposed herself, we continued walking. I forced Thunder not to say anything, I did NOT want a repeat of what just happened. Dashie flew down from the clouds (I was surprised that she was already up.)

“*Yawn* Morning Tybalt, morning Twilight. Ooh, who's your friend here? She looks exactly like Tybalt, only as a... female.”

“I AM Tybalt.”

“What? Bwahahahaha!” She raised her hoof and fell over laughing to the point of tears.

“I'm serious Dashie, it was some spell Celestia tried on me, and now Thunder has my body JUST FOR TODAY.”

“Are you serious?”

“100 percent. Just ask me a question that only I would know.”

“Hmm. All right, what was 'the tape'?”

“Ugh, can we please not relive that?”

“You thought it was awesome!” It seems like she's trying to trick me. Clever.

“Are you kidding me? I still haven't forgotten that.”

“So you ARE Tybalt.”

“Yeah, we were just on the way to Fluttershy's cottage. I'm going to have to take the day off thanks to the spell and Thunder is NOT going to work by himself. I have him on a short leash, and if he does something, it will literally be a short leash.”

“Ha! All right, see you around then Tybalt.” Her eyes lingered on me. She must have been trying her hardest to not laugh uncontrollably.

The second she thought that she was out of earshot, she started to laugh again.


Ha! That was too funny! I wonder what Celestia tried to cast on him, and why it made him a mare? Oh well, I guess that I may as well tell the chief that Ty won't be in today.

I flew up to the base, relishing the wind lashing across my face. Today was really peaceful, too bad that I can't spend it with Ty. I went into the airbase and saw the chief.

“Good morning Miss Dash, you're in here quite early.”

“Yeah, just didn't think to sleep in today.”

“That seems good. Anyway, you will be working with our new recruit today. I assume you're familiar with him?”

“Depends, who is he?”

“The new stallion, Caloo.”

“Yeah, I think I remember him warning Ty to run from that crazy unicorn.”

“Yes, that was a night to remember for all of Ponyville. Anyways, he's right back here, waiting for you to be ready. He seemed excited to work with you.”

he chief led me to the waiting room. The first pony I saw was that stallion Caloo. I haven't met him one on one yet, and today may be a good time to. Ty seems to like him, so he must be cool. Anyways, I heard one thing when I entered the room.

“This is going to be SO AWESOME.” Well, it seems that he's already my fan!


“Yes Rainbow?”

“Let's get going. Hey Chief, where are we going to be working?”

“Right above Fluttershy's cottage miss Dash. She requested us to clear the clouds because her snakes and other cold blooded pets need the sunshine.”

“Can do Chief!” Caloo seemed eager to work today, I'm not sure if that is just his work ethic, or just naturally happy like Pinkie. If he is as fun as her, then this might be an interesting day even without Ty.


Our little group of three had arrived at the cottage by now. Thunder was just about to knock on the door. He gave it three (not so) gentle knocks and a minute later Fluttershy came out.

“Yes? Oh, hello Tybalt! I need your help with something, please come with me!”

“Shy? That's not Tybalt, I am.”

“Not Tybalt? Wha- who are you?”

“The result of a spell from Celestia. Apparently I'm a mare today.

“Oh, well I need you with something.”

“All right. Thunder, Twi, please wait out here for a minute.”

“Can do boss.” “All right.” Thunder and Twi said respectively.

“All right Shy, what do you need?”

“Oh, it's Angel! He won't eat anything! I don't have time to make a meal exactly how he wants! I need him to eat, I don't want him to starve...”

“Don't worry, he won't starve. Where is the little bugger?”

“In the kitchen. Please, don't do anything violent!”

“Don't worry, I don't hurt harmless things.

“Oh Thank you Tybalt!”

I went into the kitchen to find a defiant rabbit with his arms crossed.

“What has you so stubborn?”

He answered by glaring at me.

“Hey Shy! Where is his food?”

“...Out the window.”


“I was missing something, so he threw it!”

“How long did it take to make?”

“Oh, only three hours.”

At this I dropped my voice to a whisper and moved close to Angel.

“Now you listen and you listen good you little rabbit. You will stop giving Fluttershy shit and you will accept what she makes you. Got it?”

He kept his arms crossed.

“Don't remember me, huh? I think that you do; from the night that Fluttershy gave me the 'stare'” he stiffened at that. “So I have nothing left to lose, and if you think I'm above hurting a rabbit, you've got another thing coming. Now, do you got THAT?”

Angel gulped and nodded. I wouldn't hurt him, and what I'm saying now is as far as I'll go, but he doesn't need to know that. I don't mean to be harsh a lot of the time, but I don't want anyone (I mean ANYONE) to treat Shy like that. She's too compassionate and caring to fight back.

“Okay Shy, I think he's ready for you!”

“Oh, I hope so!” She brought in a marvelous tray of vegetables. The first thing Angel did was look at me and eat the salad with gusto.

“How did you do it?” She seemed surprised.

“I have my... ways.”

“Well, thank you! I just don't want my little baby wabie to starve!” Why does baby talk fit her? I have no idea.

“Any time Shy. We should be getting back to Thunder and Twi though.”

“Oh yes! I-I forgot about that, sorry.”

“You don't need to be sorry!”

“Oh, sorry for saying sorry too much.” This mare is just too much.

“Anyways, let's get back out there.”

Shy followed me out to the front yard of her cottage, and Thunder was talking to Twi. With any luck, she immobilized his wings for the day.

“Ty! You're back!” She seemed happy to see me again.

“Why so eager?”

“Nothing, it's just that Thunder Bolt is sometimes... inappropriate.” She blushed as she said that. I looked past her onto Thunder.

“Just because you have my body doesn't mean that you can do that. Why couldn't I hear you in there?”

“Now hold on! She was laughing at my 'jokes', and YOU blocked ME for whatever reason.”

“Oh, right.”

“Okay you two, we should introduce Thunder to the rest of the girls. We can introduce you to them later Ty. Would you mind staying here for a while? It will take nearly all day to introduce him, and Fluttershy told me that she needed help.”

“Oh, don't worry Twilight, I can do it myself. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to bother you.”

I spoke up, “It's no bother at all Shy! I'll be glad to help. I'm just sorry that you can't accept my help sooner, it's like you don't think I'm capable!”

“No! It's not like that! Okay, fine, you can help.” She knew that I had her cornered.

“Thanks. What do you have to do?”

“I just needed to head into the market. I could have gone alone!”

“I can help, like I said. What will you need to get?”

“Feed for my animals.”

“Should have guessed. You care a lot about them. Come on, let's go.”

Twi and Thunder (He better watch himself) left for the town while Shy and me left for the market. I remember my first day here, where Shy showed me around Ponville. I can't believe how much has happened in... not even three weeks! Things happen fast here. I've also never been this happy. I was happy at home, I loved my wife except she never made me feel like Twi does now.

“Are you Okay, Tybalt?”

“What? Oh, yeah I am. Just reflecting on what's been happening since I got here.” She still could hardly look at me as a mare. I never thought what I would look like as a mare, but I got to say, I looked pretty hot.

Anyway, the walk to the market was largely uneventful. I was hardly concentrating on much on the way there. I was just deep in thought. The only thing worth mentioning is the fact that a mare accidentally ran into Fluttershy.

We were walking along the path, I was enjoying the scenery, when I suddenly heard Shy Squeak. She accidentally bumped into (more like the other mare bumped into her) a mare with a blue coat. She also had a cape and a hat. She seems familiar for some reason.

“Eep! Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run into you.”

“Hey! Watch where you're going!”

“I'm sorry, I was just going to the market to get some feed for my animals.”

“You do not just walk into the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

Ohhhh my Celestia, THAT'S where I remember her from. The only pony who talks in third person and it is ANNOYING AS HELL.

“I'm s-sorry...”

“You're sorry? How does 'sorry' excuse the fact that you bumped into Trixie?” I can not believe that she is talking to Shy like that.


“And who might you be?”

“Somepony who doesn't appreciate how you're picking on Fluttershy.”

“Picking on her? Oh on the contrary, she bumped into Trixie! The great and powerful Trixie does not tolerate arrogance!”

“It's not arrogance, it's called 'being nice and apologizing' for something she didn't even mean to do!”

“Why are you protecting her? Trixie did not see you in the audience at my show.”

“Because I just got here.”

“Nonetheless, she did not have the right nor privilege to touch Trixie!”

“You ran into her.”

Shy spoke up, “Uhh, excuse me? I-I don't want to be rude, but I-I don't want to make you two have a confrontation...”

“Humph! The great and powerful Trixie is too royal to let this mare stir us up. Trixie is leaving now.”

“Go on then, get out of here.”

What a priss.

Aha! Did Tybalt get in a little trouble with Trixie?

It doesn't matter, she's gone now.

Yeah, yeah.

The rest of the walk was uneventful. I didn't feel like making a conversation and neither did Shy.

We arrived at the feed market. I can't believe how much feed she has to pick up! One bag for each and every species of animal! She has to do this WEEKLY and by HERSELF? Well, now I feel like a jerk. I could have been helping her.

30 bags. 30. Bucking. Bags. We would have had to make a second trip had I not seen Caloo.

“Hey Caloo!”

“Yeah Tybalt? Wait, Tybalt? Whoa, you're a mare! Ahaha!”

“ Yeah, yeah. Mind helping me and Shy carry some bags? She had to pick up some food, and it amounted to 30 bags.”

“Holy buck.”

“That's what I said.”

I gave Shy 5 bags (I wanted to give her less, but she insisted on 'carrying her own weight'), Caloo 7 bags, and I got the rest (I have no bucking clue how I managed it.).

“Wow! How are you carrying all of those bags? That's pretty bucking impressive.”

“A lot of hard work. Let's get back to the cottage, these are heavy.”

I struggled my way all the way back to the cottage. With a massive sigh, I let down the bags.

“Wow, I'm tired.”

“Oh, I can't thank you enough Tybalt! You too Caloo.”

“Not a problem.” “Hell yeah, anytime!” Me and Caloo said, respectively.

I was as ready as ever to hit the hay tonight. I couldn't wait to be inside the library with Twi... OH yeah, that reminds me! I'm going to have to ask Butter Scotch about that room. I can't live in the library forever.

I walked home, relishing in the peace and quiet of the landscape. Ponyville was very beautiful at night when all of the lights were turned off. I can't believe how much I lucked out in being able to come here; all by accident!

I opened the door to find Spike rearranging books.

“Good evening Spike. Where's Twi?”

“Upstairs, touring around Thunder Bolt really did a number on her.”

“Please don't tell me he's-”

“Don't worry, he's in the guest bed. Twi is smart.”

“Thanks. Good night Spike.”

“See ya (he snickered), I still can't believe that you're a mare!”

“It was just for today, okay?”

“Sure, sure.”

“See you tomorrow AS A GUY.”

“Hopefully, see you tomorrow Ty.”

I walked up the stairs to find Twi in her bed and Thunder in the guest bed. I woke up Twi (after an inner conflict) to tell her that I was going to sleep downstairs.

“Hey Twi?”

“Huh? Oh, hey Ty. It got really awkward sometimes introducing Thunder Bolt around today.”

“I figured. I spent all day helping Shy get some feed for her animals.”

“That was nice of you.”

“Thanks. Anyways, I'm going to sleep downstairs, if I slept in either bed, it would get awkward.”

“Don't worry about that. Here, come sleep with me. I don't care if you're a mare or not; you're my Ty. Now come here.”

Whelp, can't argue with that.

I climbed into bed with Twi, taking our usual position. Granted, it was awkward with my mare body, but we still managed it.

Sleep didn't come quickly, but at least it did.

Again, sorry to make you wait so long!

Chapter 20- Well Celestia Damn it.

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Just another Pony- Chapter 20- Well Celestia damn it.

Author's note: I took my time writing my chapter, I honestly didn't want to write it. You'll know what I mean by the very end. But then again, I'm really sorry for making you wait! It's just my schedule, not to mention my cold and a weekend away which prevented me from writing.

Ugh. Yesterday was really weird. I hope that Twi was right when she said that it was an only one day spell.

So far so good, I'm still in the library. Now, looking down....

Hell yeah! Back to being a stallion!

'Ey! Where the hell did my body go?

I got it back Thunder.

That's bullshit and you know it.

You knew that I would probably have it back today.

Then why is there still a pony in the guest bed?


Yeah, better go check it out.

I slowly got out of bed, making sure not to wake Twi. I slowly walked through the hall, making sure not to make a sound. I never noticed it, but it's a hell of a lot easier to walk when you're not wearing full chainmail. It's weird how light I've felt since I got here. Anyways, it was easy to sneak into the guest room. What I saw stunned me- I say myself. Just in MARE form.

Hey Thunder, are you sure that we just didn't switch bodies?

I'm sure, I can't move. That means I don't have a body.

Then who is that?

Who are you?



H-how do you know my name?


What? N-no, it's Thunder Runner....


Calm down Bolt.

Why is mare me in the guest bed and why is she talking to me through my head? She was wide awake at this point, and she was cowering in the corner. I don't think that she was scared, I think that she was just surprised at where she was.

Thunder Runner?


Do you remember anything?

I just remember going to sleep and waking up to you in here.



Her spell. She did some spell to me yesterday, and it turned me into a mare version of me AKA you. I don't know how or why, but for some reason you're still here.


She never asked for it, calm down Bolt.

S-so, you're saying... I'm you?

Probably. This other guy's name is Thunder Bolt. Since your name is Thunder Runner, I'll call you Runner and I'll call Thunder Bolt Bolt.

That makes sense.... I guess.

Now to deal with you.


Don't worry, it isn't bad. I'll get Twi to get you some place to stay.


Yeah, Twilight Sparkle.


Tell me about your personality.


Tell me what you're like. As in, Bolt is innapropriate at times and doesn't care for other pony's feelings.

Oh. Well I'm....


She has the exact same personality as somepony I know! I hope that she won't mind though...

It was hardly light, so Twi was still sleeping. I had Runner wait outside the door while I woke her. I gently nuzzled Twi until she woke up.

"Huh? ...five more minutes please~ Oh, hello Thunder Bolt. Where is Ty?"

"I am Tybalt, not Thunder."

"Ty!" She threw her hooves around me. It was a feeling that I miss whenever it isn't happening.

"I have something to show you... well, more like sompony to show you."


"Yeah. It seems that the mare version of me is here to stay and she has a mind just like me. We're connected mentally too."


"Yeah. Her name is Thunder Runner apparently. She's standing in the hall. I wanted you to see is her personality. It's almost the complete opposite of mine. She's going to have to stay with somepony, and tomorrow I'll be able to buy a room at the inn for her. I think that she should stay with Shy, maybe for just one night."

"That's wonderful! Where is she?"

"Standing outside of the door."

"Can I meet her?"

"I was planning on it."

I led Twi to the door. She stopped when she saw Runner standing out here. She wasn't surprised at how she looked, considering how I was in her body yesterday. Still pretty awkward, though.

"Hello Thunder Runner."

"Hello Twilight."

"What can we do?" Twi was back to talking to me.

"I thought that hopefully Shy could give her a place to sleep for just one night, then I could put her in the inn."

"I... think that would work."

Damn, I already miss having a body.

You had your time.

And it was AWESOME.

I still haven't forgotten how you tried to 'get some' with Twi. You better lay low.


Yeah. Don't ever try that again.

Message recieved.

Why are you two so mean to each other?

If you knew Bolt, you would know.

That's not fair!

Yes it is and you know it.

Alright, it's fair.

Don't worry Runner, you'll get used to it.

I'm sure if that's a good thing....

Even so, you don't have to listen to us all of the time.

"So, when will she be able to meet Shy and the girls?"

"Probably soon, but we all have to eat breakfast first."

"All right. After breakfast I'll have to head off to work though. Could you introduce her please? I know you had your hooves full with Bolt yesterday, but I think that Runner would be a little easier."

"So do I. Fine, after breakfast, you go to work and I'll go introduce Thunder Runner. See you when you get off! I love you Ty!"

"I love you too."

I gave her a quick hug before we went down to breakfast. She cooked some milk and oats, so we had a pleasant breakfast.

"So, Thunder Runner?"

"Yes Twilight?"

"If you don't mind my asking, how did you get here?"

"I know just as much as you do. I just woke up in that guest bed."

"Oh. It's nice to meet you! I have to say though, your personality is a lot different from Ty's..."

"I still don't know about that either Twilight. I just have always been shy!"

"Then I think our friend Fluttershy would be perfect!"

"Why? Is she like me?"

"Yes, very much alike. You two almost have identical personalities."

"I'm sure that this will be fun then!"

I spoke up, "Well, you two girls have fun. Twi, say hello to Spike for me, I'm off for work."

"I will, I love you Ty."

"I love you too."

I walked (trotted?) outside. Everything was still fairly quiet, and I just recently learned that weather Pegasi make their OWN hours, so I hardly have to worry about waking up late now. I shouldn't be surprised, with how late Dashie ususally wakes up.

I arched my back, with my wings folding out with an audible *pop*. I started my natural warming up before flying routine. At first, I slowly flapped, then I increased in intensity and speed. It was a great feeling, the wind resisting the air lift of your wings. I slowly lifted up at first, slowly gaining altitude. When I was hovering a good ten feet from the ground, I started to move. I was in no rush, so I could take all the time that I wanted.

Hey! Can we please get this show on the road?

Fine, I was just enjoying the peacefulness of this moment.

I get confined enough normally, I can't take it when you stay in one place too long! When you fly, it's the closest I get to actually being outside. So, shut up and fly!

Alright, but for the record, it's because I need to get to work.

I flew up to the airbase, the wind lapping in my face. Flying is always a good feeling, and I don't know why I'm suddenly focusing on it. I could just be enjoying life more, I don't know. I never enjoyed life like this back home, I've gotta say that.

I reached the airbase and walked (trotted maybe? I don't care, I'll use walk.) inside. I found the chief talking to Caloo. That stallion seems to be getting around out here. I wonder how Derpy and Dinky is doing, I'll have to ask when if I start working with him.

"Ah, Tybalt. Just the stallion that I wanted to see again." The chief walked up to me.

"Yes chief?"

"I wanted you to know that we have a little situation."

"How little? Like, little for a pony or little for a dragon?"

"Thankfully, the former."

"Thank Celestia."

"Yes. It's not really bad, more so as it has to be done. We don't know why, but black clouds have appeared over Fluttershy's home. Like before, her cold blooded animals need the warmth."

"Don't worry chief, I'll get right on it!"

"Hold on there, even you can't do it by yourself. I'm sending Caloo and Rainbow Dash with you."

"Well then, where is Dashie?"

"Right in the other room, she's been waiting for you. I'm just surprised as you, I don't know why she's started waking up so early."

"Me neither."

"Well then, Caloo has already gone into the other room, they're both just waiting for you now."

I entered the other room to find Caloo talked excitedly with Dashie.

"-nd that's when he- SHUT UP HERE HE COMES."

"Oh, **snicker** , hey Ty!"

"Heeeeeey.... Dashie. What's so funny?"

"Oh... nothing, just something Caloo just told me!" She was trying to just not laugh.

"Caloo?" I glared at him. He gave me a sheepish smile and hid behind Dashie.

"It was nothing, I swear!" Sure. It it has Dashie laughing as much as she is, it HAD to be big.

"Come on you two. Stop laughing, we have to get to Fluttershy's house."

"We know, he told us first!"

"I probably would have been done before you both stopped laughing, though."


All three of us flew out of the air base, straight for Shy's house. Everything seemed fine, just another day. We were going to clear the clouds and be back in time for dinner.

"Hey Ty?"

"Yes Dashie?"

"Can you come over to my cloud house tomorrow?"

"Any particular reason as to why?"

"Not really, I just wanted you to visit."

"Sure, if I don't have anything important tomorrow, I'll visit."

"Great! I'll see you then."

"All right..." I flew to Caloo.

"Any reason why she wants me to visit all of a sudden? She's my friend, so I'm not complaining, but still."

"Hehe.... no reason at all, Tybalt."

"You know something."

"Maybe. Hehe, don't worry about it."

"Tell me."

"You'll find out later."


"It would spoil the surprise."

I stopped on a dime. I hovered in the air with my hooves out in front of me.


"Fine. I'll just say.... you can thank me later."


"Ha... you'll see soon enough...."

"That better not mean what I think it means."

"Depends, what do you think it means?"

"Oh, I have a suspicion." Hopefully, it isn't anything sexual. I swear to Celestia, if it is....

If it is, then I'll have to thank Caloo.

I won't let you control me, Bolt.

Not yet, anyway. One day though... one day.

If you ever get a body, it better not look anything like mine.

Hopefully it will, I want a taste of Twi.

Do you want to get mindfucked?

....I'm good.

You two fight a lot.

Eh, you get use to it. Bolt is just natually mean. I sort of control him a lot.

You know what would happen if you didn't though, right?

I think I have an idea.

Yeah, the only thing I need is your body and a golden necklace saying 'SWAG' and I'll have all of the mares.

Dude, we have a mare who reads our minds now, you better keep your thought under control. I don't think that she would think twice before 'low blowing' you. In fact, I hope she does, you should never reproduce.

If I become sterile, that means that I can't get a mare preggo, that means I can have them all! Y'know, gotta catch them all!

You're too shallow.

And you love too much.

I hate to interupt you two, but it seems that Fluttershy's house is coming up...

Oh! Thanks Runner.


After my little inner dispute, we arrived at Shy's house. The black clouds weren't that hard to handle, it was just because of how..... many there were! The chief was right when he said that I couldn't have handled this on my own.


3 hours later. We're finally done with all of the clouds. There was way too many to count, not to mention that there were 3 layers between Shy's house and the forest. Ah yes, the forest. I remember when I first came here. The first pony I met was Fluttershy, so at first I was most comfortable around her. Strange how quickly things can change. I feel like I've already been here a few years, not just a few weeks.

"Tybalt?" Shy flew up to the cloud that I was relaxing on. It was a normal, pure white one. Damn, I can't believe how comfortable these things are. I was on my back, resting my head on my front hooves while crossing my back hooves, one over the other. The hoof on top was swinging up and down.

"Yes, Shy?"

"Would you mind if I layed on the cloud with you?"

"Not at all, go ahead."

"T-thanks." She settled on the cloud.

"Anything you wanted to tell me?" It's not often that she starts a convesation just to talk.

"Nothing that big... It's just that all of my animals are fed and Angel is taking a nap, so I just wanted to talk to somepony..."

"Oh." I could be wrong about the 'just talking' thing.

"Hey Shy?"

"Yes Tybalt?"

"Would you mind if I asked you something about Twi and Dashie?"


"Thanks. Feel free to not answer, but I just wanted to know; why did they both 'like' me? I'm nothing special, not to mention that I'm nearly the complete opposite of Dashie, and that Spike told me that Twi was never interested in a stallion before."

"Well, you're not totally different from Rainbow, in fact, you're relaxing in one of her favorite positions right now!" She started to giggle.

"I am? Oh well."

"See? You two are more alike than you think."

"Hey, did it just get darker?"

"What do you mean?"

I looked up to see a cloud above us. It wasn't a white cloud, it was actually a black like soot from a fireplace. It was just a single cloud though. I heard a SPROING and saw a bolt of lightning come out of the cloud.


"What the hell?" How am I still conscious? That bolt should have knocked me out or killed me! It seems when you control the weather, Lightning doesn't hurt as much. I say 'as much' because it hurt like BUCK.

"Tybalt! Are you okay???"

"Yeah... I think I am. For now, anyway."

"Oh thank goodness."

"But, what was that?"

"Look out below dweebs!" Where do I know that voice from?

"Gilda!" Shy reared back. I remember Gilda now. Just a big bully, like Cloud Chaser and his goons.

She landed right on me. What does this bucking girl eat? Oh.... right. Ignore that comment.

"Um.... I don't mean to be rude... but you're sort of on my friend. Please get off of him... if that's alright with you...."

"Who, this dweeb?" She ponyhandled me three feet into the air. I was glaring her down and had a vicious snarl on my face.

"Shy? Just give me the word...."

"Oh? This dweeb is on a nickname basis with you? That's just low."

"D-don't be so quick to judge him... He saved Rainbow's life...."

"WHAT? Dash must have gotten seriously soft on me."

"It was three stallions. They ganged up on her and I saved Dashie."

"You're on a nickname basis with her too? What is going on in Ponyville? Did all of the dweeb 6 fall for you or something?"

"Only two. That I know of anyway."

"Oh yeah? Who?"

"First off, Dashie. She actually came on to me pretty 'fiercely', if you get my meaning."

"She raped you? THAT IS HILARIOUS! Maybe she isn't so soft as I thought she was."

"She nearly raped me. I managed to get away and now we're friends."

"So, you're saying that you're tough, little pony?"

"Not to brag, but yes."


Not happening.

Well why the fuck not?

I'm never going to let you loose unsupervised.

Come o-


Aww, you're no fun.

But at least I care.

So? Let me at her!

"Hey! What are you doing? Talking to yourself? I didn't know Dash liked psycotic ponies.

"Well, maybe that's why Dashie is friends with you."

BURN. I didn't know that you could make a funny!


"Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

"Oh, so he thinks he's so tough? You can't even break out of my grip."

"You wanted me to break out?"

"Why else am I holding you?"

"Then you better hold on tight."


I twisted my body around, rolling in her claws. They dug in, piercing skin, but it wasn't anything major. I also bucked forward with my legs and flared my wings. The pressure was too much for her claws to handle, so she dropped me. I went as high as I could and dropped straight down.

"Hey! What are you doing??" She got scared, her eyes went wide open. I dropped straight down... and brought my hoof right next to her face.

"Next time I won't miss. Now get out of here before I change my mind."

"Fine. But for the record, it's because I need to go, not because you beat me. This isn't over, dweeb!"

She opened her wings and flew as high and fast as she could.

"Thanks, Tybalt."

"Any time Shy. You know that you can call me Ty, right?"

"Oh... Thanks Ty."


Just then Dashie flew down from a nearby cloud.

"Woah! Was that bucking Gilda?"

"Yeah, nothing to worry about. The worst she did was strike me with lightning."

"Oh my gosh! Are you alright?"

"Yeah. My head hurts though."

"Do you need to see a doctor?"

"Less than likely."

"Are you sure?" She was worrying too much.

"Yes. I just want to get home, that lightning hurt."

"Let's go to my house. With the direction of the wind, we're closer to it. Shy, do you want to come?"

"Sure... I just want to know if Tybalt is okay..."

"Let's go; my cloud house is right up here."

All three of us flew up to Dashie's cloud house. It was a very short flight, it was just hard because of the wind.

"Come on Ty, you need to lay down on the couch."

"Thanks. You don't need to do this, you know, right?"

"Yeah. Too bad that I want to. Get on the couch."

Hehe, double meaning right there.

Quiet Bolt. I don't think she would try that, especially with Shy here.


You're sick.

And you're weak.

"Come on Ty, get on the couch.."


"All right. Thanks Dashie."

"No problem. You know you're welcome here, right?"

"Yeah. Thanks."

I layed down on the couch slowly with a hoof on my head, trying to ward off this massive headache. Shy and Dashie were both clearly worried at my current state. I always hate when I make them worry.

"Are you sure that you're alright?"

"Yes Shy. Thanks."

"Is there anything I can get you Ty? I can get something out of the kitchen!"

"Thanks Dashie. You don't need to worry about me so much.... See? I can already sit up!"

"Are you sure? Well, I'm at least going to get you an ice pack."

"Oh... thanks."

"No problem!"

What they didn't know was I had to make an extreme effort just to sit up. It was worth it if it made the girls feel better though. Wait, how does an ice pack help agaisnt a lightning strike?

"Here you go Ty!" Dashie handed me a large ice pack.

"Thanks again."

"Any time! Just ask if you need / want anything."

"Actually.... I want to get home soon. It's already starting to get dark and I don't want to keep Twi waiting."

"Oh... I can understand that. I don't think that you can fly home alone though."

"You're probably right. Shy, Dashie; can you fly home with me?"

"Sure... if you want to." "Heck yes!" Shy and Dashie said, respectively.

"Thanks. Let's go, it's getting dark fast."

Dashie, Shy, and me flew off of the cloud. I can't believe how hard this was! The lightning sure did a number on me, and thanks to the wind, my headache is coming out full blast. You know, when you're going fast and the wind is LOUD when it goes past your ears? Yeah....

I made sure not to show any discomfort though. I didn't want them to worry anymore than they already were.

Shy flew up to me. If she caught up to me, I must have really been going slow.

"Tybalt? Are you sure you're alright? Not to be mean.... but you're not going as fast as you normally do..."

"I'm.... fine Shy.... I'm sure that.... I can make it.... home." I had to pause every couple words. I had to force every flap of my wings.


I started falling. My wings locked up from the exertion. I closed my eyes as I felt the falling feeling in my stomach. I wonder that if I puked now, would I hit the ground before the vomit did?

I faintly heard Dashie's voice. As if it was far away, yet it was near.

"Ty! Come on, flap! Flap!""

There was no way that they could reach me in time. I was a mere 50 feet from the ground. Everything was in slow motion.

Just then, a mere 10 feet, I felt a purple bubble surrounding me....


"Wake up! Please.... wake up...."

We just moved Ty into the library. What happened to make him like this? I saw him falling, and I caught him. Thank Celestia I was at the right place at the right time.

"Rainbow! Fluttershy! What happened?" Both of the girls had came in by now.

Ironically, Fluttershy was the first one to speak.

"Well, Twilight.... We sort of ran into Gilda again...."

"WHAT? How did Gilda do THIS to him??"

"She... sort of struck him with lightning."

"Oh no, this is bad..." I've been struck by lightning before, and so has Rainbow.... even Spike!. It should NOT have hurt him this much!

"Hurry! I have to stabilize him! There isn't any time to bring him to a doctor!"

I wrapped my magic around him, stabilizing his heartbeat and breathing.

Fluttershy, Rainbow; please, get the other girls!"

"A-alright..." "Can do, boss!" (I think that you can tell who said what.)

Rainbow and Fluttershy left, leaving me to Spike coming from the stairs with a look of worry on his face.

"Hey Tw- Whoa! What happened to him? Is he alright?"

"I.... I don't know Spike."

"What? What happened to him!?"

"Fluttershy told me that they ran into Gilda and she struck Ty with lightning."

"That's it?"


"But... You've been struck by lightning! And so have I! How is he hurt that much by it?"

"That's what I'm worried about. It must have something to do with his being human. I'll have to ask John if humans are suseptible to lightning."

"Wait.... He's a human too? Why doesn't anypony tell me anything?" He crossed his arms, a look of annoyance on his face.

"No time Spike, "Twilight said, trying to change the subject. "I have to concentrate on him."

"Hmmph. Fine."


"Ty! You're awake!"

"Ugh... where am I?"

"You're in the library! You passed out while flying!"

"Was I really that out of it?"


"Well... I have no idea what happened. The last thing I remember is passing out."

"Well, you just woke up! You've only been out for a few minutes surprisingly.... What has me worried is about your reaction to the lightning."

"My reaction? IT HURT LIKE BUCK."

"Exactly. The problem is just that I've been struck by lightning! So has Rainbow and even Spike! It didn't hurt us THIS badly though! All I had was a headache, and you passed out!"

"I don't know why."


Yeah Bolt? I'm not in the mood for it right now.

You should know why the lightning hurt. It's because your human.

What does that matter?

It's because humans are hurt by eletricity the last time I heard. So in short, you got your flank handed to you by mother nature. Ironic really, because you should be able to control the weather.

Quiet. It felt like pure energy was sent through me. It HURT.

Ya big baby.

Do you want to feel lightning?

I'm good.

Then shut up.

"Twi, should I make sure the other girls know that I'm alright?"

"Don't worry. Spike will handle it."

"WHAT?" Spike suddenly said.

"Rainbow and Fluttershy already went out to warn the girls. I need you to reassure them that Ty is alright. Also, you should spend the night at Rarity's; I need to make sure that Ty will be all right over night."

Spike perked up at the Rarity bit. "Sure! I mean... sure."

He walked out of the door (Speed walking, I may add.) leaving just me and Twi in the library. She kept her magic on me, making sure that I was alright (I presume.).

"Can you give me any more details on what happened? About the lightning I mean. What did it feel like?" She levitated a scroll and quill to her side.

"Well... it felt like.... energy going through me." I had my hoof to my head, trying to remember the pain. The EXTREME PAIN.

"Yes..... energy..... got it!" She dotted her quill on the scroll to emphasize her point.

"What? Is anything wrong?"

"Oh nothing, I will just have to send this to the princess. The best part is that you seem to be recovering remarkably. If one of the toughest ponies I knew was hurt like that, he would have needed at least a week to recover! You seem to have recovered already! It's... mythical to say the least."

"It's probably because I had the best unicorn in the world tending to me."

"Aww, sweet."

"I try."

"Are you hungry? I know that your not one hundred percent yet, so I could make us both something."

"Actually, I'm feeling fine."

"Wait... you said that lightning felt like energy?"

"Yes, why?"

"That's probably why you 'feel' fine."

"I'm not following you."

"ENERGY. As in what your body uses?"

"Wha- Oh! I get it!" I can be so slow at times.

I'll say.

Oh don't start on me Bolt.



"If anything, you just need to get to sleep."


"With all of the energy your showing, it's likely that your energy levels will probably crash sooner or later."

'Humph. Fine."

Twi led me up the stairs (Making sure to keep an eye on me) into our bedroom. It seems like an eternity since I've been here, I have no idea why though.

Shit! I just remembered! The necklace! I wonder, if he's who he says that he is...

"Yes my child?"


"Yes. You called me, did you not?"

"Yes! Wait... aren't you afraid about Twi seeing you?"

"No need. Look to her."

"Wh- oh!" Twi was frozen in place! In mid walk! That's some impressive magic right there.

"Care to explain?"

"I can control time. As in, I can stop it at will."

"Oh. I should NOT get on your bad side."

"That would be best. Now, what did you call me here for?"

"You can control pretty much everything, right?"

"Nearly. Why, what is it that you need?"

"One thing.... can you let Dashie and Shy know that I'm alright? I don't need them to worry unneededly."

"Isn't your friend Spike on that job?"

"Probably. Celestia knows that he'll probably go to Rarity's and forget about it."

"Ahh yes, what I have seen of his personality, I can see why you would think that. Very well; it shall be done."

"Thanks again."

"Remember, whenever you need me, just call."

"Can do."

With that, he disapeared in a cloud of black smoke. I continued looking at that spot until I heard Twi call me.

"Ty! Are you coming?"

"Huh? Oh, right! Sorry!"

"No worries. What were you doing?

"Oh... nothing."

She just shrugged her shoulders and started walking to the bed. The lied down, and I did too.


Honestly Bolt? Do you always have to talk?

Hey hey, calm down. I haven't done anything.... yet.

I swear to Celestia, one day I will put a gag on you.


There's no reasoning with you, is there?

Mmm..... not really.

Then I'll just ignore you.

Then I can talk shit to you all day long and you won't do anything about it. EITHER WAY I WIN!

"Ty? Are you sure that you're alright?" She must have noticed my inner argument.

"Yeah... just thinking. I can't get to sleep either."

"Are you still feeling wide awake?"

"Yeah, why- Oofmmmm....." She quieted me with a kiss to the lips.


"What! You said that you still had a lot of energy..." She trailed off as she moved her hoof down south.

"Come on Twi, you know I'm not in the mood for this!"

"You said that you had pent up energy so...."


"Ty! Something told me that you're alri-" She spotted 'us'.

"Oh. Well, this is awkward." I said.

"I'll say...." Dashie said, blushing furiously. I mean, her face was PURPLE. She wasn't holding her breath, either.

"So.... uh, Dashie.... what were you saying?"

"Well..... something told me that you were alright, so I came to check up on you..." She could hardly hide her blush, but she was looking away from me anyway.

"Why aren't you looking at me?"

"Well.... if I did, then I would see 'you in all of your glory'."

Uh oh.




"Celestia damn it.... Twi, can I get a blanket please?"

"Uh.... sure, here you go?" She levitated a blanket around me. Only then did Dashie look at me.

"Well then Ty.... So yeah, something told me that you were alright, so I came to check up on you."

"Thank you for caring."

"A-anytime...." She was actually starting to enjoy this. She was just trying not to laugh.

"Anything else?"

"Not really... Well, see you tomorrow at work!"

"Yeah, see you..."

She flew out as quickly as she could.

"So... Ty?"

"Can I please just go to bed? That whole ordeal took it's toll on me."

"Aww, fine."

I slowly climbed into bed with Twi again. I was finally able to sleep, but I will still traumatized at what just happened.


Serious time guys. I was thinking... should I cancel this story and work on my other fiction? More often than not, I hate writing clop, so this other story is more action / adventure based. It would be another SiE (soldier in Equestria) story like this one, except the human would stay human, and he would bring in a friend. Also, it's in the time of muskets. So, it's up to you guys, either I work on this AND the other fiction, or I drop this one and focus my efforts on my other one. Wherever this goes, cheers!

Chapter 21- A debt to pay part 1

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Just another pony- Chapter 21- A debt to pay.

AUTHORS NOTE (IMPORTANT): This chapter is my take on the story 'A debt to pay' by the user DarkJester. Go check out his profile here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/DarkJester He is a fantastic writer! DarkJester has given me full permission to use HIS story. Again, this is DarkJester's story, just my take on it. You can read his story 'A debt to pay' HERE (Warning: NSFW)

HOLY BUCK, last night was AWKWARD.

Your telling me! AHAHAHAHA, sucks to be you!

Do you really have to rub it in?

Why yes. Yes I do.


“Huh? Oh, good morning Twi.”

“Last night was...”

“Please don't talk about it.”


“So.... what's on the schedule for today?”

“Well, you're supposed to be at work...... half an hour ago.”

“WHAT! I thought that I made my own hours!”

“There is still a quota that you have to fill. To meet that quota today, you were supposed to be at work half an hour ago.”

“BUCK! I got to go! See you tonight, love you!” I quickly dashed out of the library.

“I.... love you too?” She was confused at how fast I left.

I flew as quickly as I could to the cloud base. I flew past a lot of pegasi on my way to. I never noticed how many other weather ponies there were. Well, I can't control the weather by myself, can I?

I dashed into the cloud base, quickly spotting the chief.

“Chief! Sorry I'm late, I slept i-”

“No time Tybalt, I have an urgent matter.”

“Oh no.... what happened?”

“You know Miss Dash.”


“You also know that she's been coming in early ever since you arrived.”

“Yes? Where are you going with this?”

“Well.... she hasn't come in yet.”

“What? Maybe she's just tired is all!”

“That's what I thought too, until her pink friend came to me.”

“Wh- PINKIE?” I saw Pinkie in the corner.

“Yes sir ree bob! I got my infamous twitchy tail! I knew that it had something to do with Dashie!”

“That's not what I'm talking about.... how did you get up here?”

“Hot air balloon.” She motioned outside, where to my surprise, hang a hot air balloon.... I will never understand Pinkie.

“Wha-? HOW ARE YOU ON THE CLOUD? I thought only Pegasus could!”

“Silly! I'm not ON the cloud! I'm on this cloud couch!”

“Wha... I'm not even going to ask. Easier and faster to just believe you.”

“What was that?”


“I got my twitchy tail and floppy ears! That means that Dashie is in trouble!”

“I will never understand how that Pinkie sense of yours works.”

“Neither will I!”

“...So, Dashie is in trouble?”

“I'm actually not sure. Twitchy tail and floppy ears either mean Dashie is in trouble, or that it's raining frogs. I sort of lost it in translation.” She seemed completely oblivious to what she's saying!

“Do you even hear yourself talking?”

“Eh, I fade in and out.”


“So yeah! Now, I'm off to sugarcube corner! Have a nice day!” She said as she hopped into her hot air balloon. Seriously, what?

Like I said, Pinkie fucks physics.

“See Tybalt? She told me that Miss Dash is in trouble. Therefore I am giving you the day off. Don't disappoint me; believe it or not, she's one of my hardest workers.”

“I can imagine.”

Just then I saw Caloo coming up to me with Derpy at his side.

“Did I hear that Rainbow is in trouble?”


“Can I help?”

“Sorry, but if Dashie's in trouble then I have to help her.”

“Please! I'll do anyth-”

“WHAT IF IT'S DANGEROUS?” My sudden outburst caused him to stop in mid sentence.


“What if it's dangerous! You have a marefriend and a daughter to look after. If you die, that is a family lost. If I die, boo hoo, life goes on.”

“You can't possible mean that last part!”

“I do. I don't care what happens to me, all I know is that one of my friends is in trouble.”

“Then let me help!”

“Can't. I wouldn't let one of my friends get hurt for me. Also, like I said before, you have a family.”

Derpy turned to Caloo.

“He has a poi-”

“ARE YOU TAKING HIS SIDE?” This time it was Caloo yelling.

“What? No!”

“Then why won't you let me help him!?”

I stepped in. “Don't talk to her like that; it's my fault. I'll just go now. Besides, we're making a scene. Goodbye Caloo.”

He could only glare at me as I flew out of the airbase with about 10 pairs of eyes aimed at me.

I flew over Ponyville, scanning over the entire landscape. I saw all of the familiar places; the farm, sugar cube corner, the cottage, the library, the boutique, and the cloud house. Since Dashie is in trouble, that rules out the cloud house. Since Pinkie warned me, that rules out sugar cube corner. I decided to visit the farm first.

I flew over the apple trees straight up to the door. I saw an orange mare with a hat wave at me.

“Mornin' Tybalt! What brings ya to the farm?”

“I have just a question. Have you seen Dashie lately?”

“Hmm, Actually, Ah saw her yesterday. Why? Is somethin' tha matter?”

“I'm not sure. May I speak to John?”

“Well, iffn' he's up to it.”

“Thanks, I really appreciate it. Where is he?”

“Just workin' in the farm with Big Mac. Just go over that way” She gestured into her forest of apple trees. “And ya should find them.”

“All right, thanks Apple Jack.”


I walked through the trees to where Apple Jack told me to go. Sure enough, I found John and Big Macintosh harvesting apples.

John saw me and walked over.

“Good morning Tybalt. What brings you to the farm today?”

“I wanted to ask you a question.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Have you seen Dashie today?”

“Hmm. Sorry, but I haven't. Why, is something wrong?”

“I'm not sure. That's why I'm going around asking everypony.”

“Jeez. Well, tell me if anything happens.”

“Can do. Say hello to Big Macintosh for me please.”

“Sure. See you around!”

“See you.”

Next: The cottage. I flew over Ponyville towards the Everfree forest. The cottage slowly came into focus as I flew closer to it. I landed on the steps leading up to the cottage. I knocked on the door, which was accompanied by a shuffling of hooves.

The door opened with Shy behind it.

“Oh- hello Tybalt.”

“Hello Shy. Would you mind if I asked you a question?”

“No. Please, come in.” she opened her door wide and gestured for me to come in.

We both sat down on the couch.

“So, what's happening?”

“I wanted to know if you've seen Dashie today.”

“Rainbow? What, is she in trouble? Oh, I hope she's okay.”

“Don't worry, I'll make sure that she's alright. Did you see her anytime today or yesterday though?”

“Sorry, but I haven't seen her.”

“Do you have any idea where she could be?”

“Sorry again, but I don't know! She isn't the kind of pony to leave somewhere without telling her friends!”

Then I should hurry up and find out where she is. “Thank you Shy. I'll be sure to find her.”

“Thank you Tybalt!”

“She's my friend, so I won't stop at finding her. Have a nice day Shy.”

“Thank you, you too Tybalt.”

Two places left: The library and the boutique. By Celestia, if she's in Ponyville, I will find her.

I flew as quickly as I could to the library. Twi was inside with Spike sorting out the books.... again.

“Ty? What are you doing back so early?” Twi said as I entered.

“No time. Have you seen Dashie lately?”

“Not since last night, why?”

Spike spoke. “Why? What happened last night?”

Twi said, “I'll tell you when you're older, Spike.”

“Again with the 'when you're older' thing!”

“You'll understand when we tell you.”

“Twi. Back to the point, do you have an idea where Dashie could have gone?”

“'Could have gone'? Why, is she okay?”

“I'm not sure. Pinkie had one of her sense episodes. She said that it either means that Dashie is in trouble- or it's raining frogs. And I don't see any clouds.”

“Well that's Pinkie for you.”

“I thought so. So, any ideas?”

“Have you already asked the girls?”

“Yes. All except for Rarity.”

“Strange. Rainbow isn't the type of pony that leaves without telling her friends.”

“Weird. Shy said nearly the exact same thing.”

“This may be serious. Do you need my help?”

“Sorry, but no. I know that you're capable, but I couldn't stand it if you got hurt on my part.”

“As if it would be alright if you got hurt?”

“Mostly, I've only been here for a few weeks, while you've been here for years.”

“Even so, you getting hurt is no small matter.”

“It is for me. Mortal pain only lasts for so long.”


“N-nothing. If I'm lucky, you'll never understand that.”

“Just tell me that you'll get Rainbow back safely.”

“I will try my best.”

“Thank you... I guess.”

If Rarity doesn't know where Dashie is at, I'll have to literally check everywhere in Ponyville. I said I would, and I will if I have to.

I left the library, launching myself towards Rarity's. The boutique quickly came into view. I knocked on the door three times. On the third knock, I heard a voice from inside.

“Just a minute!” I heard Rarity say in a worried tone. What is she up to now?

“Ye- Oh, hello there Darling!” She said as she opened up the door.

“Hello there Rarity.”

“Ha, is there anything that I can help you with?” She was slightly trembling and sweating, two things that she deemed was 'unlady like'.

“Yes, have you seen Dashie?”

“What? NO!” She was yelling now.

“Uh, excuse me?”

“Uh, I mean, no! I haven't! Why, is something wrong?”

“Maybe.... Pinkie told me that she might be in trouble.”

“That's ridiculous darling! She can quite well handle herself!” That's pretty much the opposite of what everypony else said.

“Are you sure about that?”

“Yes! Rainbow is a tough pony!” She had a MASSIVE devious smile on her.

“Can I come in?”


“I said, can I come in.”

“Uh.... sure, darling! Just please stay away from the upstairs room; I'm making all of the girls Grand Galloping Gala dresses!” Yes, Twi told me that the Grand Galloping Gala was going to be soon.

“All right... I guess.” I slowly walked in. Something was definitely 'up' here. I looked through the main floor of the house. Everything seemed in order, so I slowly (while listening for anything) walked out. When I was outside the door I said:

“All right Rarity... Everything seems allri-”

Then I faintly heard it.

“Mmmhmm!” From the house.


“.....NO ONE SEES THE WIZARD!” She screamed as she slammed the door in my face and locked it.

“Open this door!” I yelled.


“You have till the count of three!” I braced myself against the ground.

“ONE!” I stretched my legs.

“TWO!” I flared my wings.

“THREE.” I launched myself towards the door, my shoulder out in front of me.

The door shattered in a barrage of splinters.


“H-hiding w-who d-d-darling?” She was stuttering and cowering. She was clearly scared out of her mind.

I walked up to her. She shrank away from me.

“You know damn well who I'm talking about.”

Then it hit me.

“Upstairs!” It was obvious! She wasn't making dresses, she was hiding Dashie!

“Tybalt! Don't! You WILL regret it!”

“And why the hell would I?”

I launched myself upstairs, crashing directly into the door of Rarity's room.

….What I saw made me stop dead in my tracks.

Filthy Rich. The pony Dashie had told me about. That Celestia damned rich pony. Always got what he wanted. It seemed that was true here, he got what he wanted....

….He got Dashie.

She was bound and gagged while being mounted from behind.

“Mmhm!” She saw me. And so did Filthy.

“What in the fuck do you think you're doing to her?”

“And who might you be?” The sick fucking bastard! He kept thrusting into her while talking to me! Why I haven't killed this guy already is beyond me.

“I'm the person who you'll see when you go to your grave. Get off of her. Now.” I was saying though clenched teeth.

“And why the hell should I-”

His speech was cut short. I flared my wings and launched myself straight at him. I turned around in midair and my hind hooves connected with his muzzle.

Then I heard Dashie mutter something that sounded like 'Yeah! Kick his flank!'

My little flank – kicking session was cut short. The next thing that I saw was a crystal white bubble surrounding me.

“Now now Tybalt, I can't have you messing up my 'deal'.” Rarity.

“What..... bucking..... deal......” I could hardly talk with her magic restraining me.

“Well, you see.... Rainbow here left me in the desert. IN the time that time that I spent making it back to Ponyville, I missed an appointment. An important appointment. One with Filthy Rich and the tuxedo that I was making him for the Grand Galloping Gala. He is one of my best clients, and as you can see, I couldn't afford to lose him. Since this was Rainbow's fault, I set up a little.... deal.”

“As in.... He get's Dashie's virginity.... and you get him as a customer.”

“See! You get it! You MUST see why I did this!”

“Do you really hate her..... that much?”

“What do you mean, darling?”

“How can you call yourself.... her friend after this.”

“If she is petty enough to break our friendship because of this, then I can't stop her. She must remember that this is HER fault though. If she had come back for me, none of this would have happened!”

“How can you.... call yourself.... the element of generosity?”

“Do you think this choice was easy for me?”

“It seems so, considering the scene in front of me.”

“What? How dare you....”

“How dare I? HOW DARE I? You're the one prostituting your friend!”

She was fuming at this point.

“Inconsiderate..... Brute!” She had a rag with what I presumed was either some sort of poison or chloroform. She slowly walked to me and applied it to my muzzle, not taking any care to be gentle.

The world started fading to black.

…..or was it?

Chapter 22- His plan.

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Just another Pony chapter 22- His plan.

Author's note: I'm sorry to all of you who were dissatisfied by the previous chapter. I assure you though, everything will go back to normal (or as normal as it gets.). That's all that I'm giving right now though. You will see what happens when it happens.

Ha! You thought I passed out? Not likely. In the army, they teach us to be resistant to most anesthetics!

“Miss Rarity....”

“I am so sorry Mister Rich! I didn't plan on this happening! He always was such a bother.”

“No worries Rarity. I just want to get this over with.”

“Are you sure that you're fine?”

“I assure you.”


“Be a darling Rainbow, and be quiet. My client and I are still discussing over what to do with you now that Tybalt knows of this little.... predicament.”

“It IS bad that he knows... but that should not stop us. We had a deal, and I hold you to it.”

“Yes, mister Rich. Now, what to do with you, Tybalt...”

I felt myself being lifted up by magic again. I was being carried through the house and felt myself land in a chair. I felt the tell tale sign of metal against my joints. She was chaining me to this chair! I need to find my way out of here.

“Heeeeeeeeeres TYBALT!” I screamed as I launched my way out of the chair.

“Wha- Ah!” She squealed as I knocked her over in my race up the stairs.

“I WILL BUCKING END YOU.” I said as I smashed the upstairs door open... again.

“You again?”

“Yeah! You ready to die?”

I dashed towards the pony, my shoulder connecting to his muzzle.

“Ah!” He yelped as he reached a hoof to his face and stood up on his hind legs. He was bleeding, furiously.

I turned around and released another blow to his midsection.

“How does it feel? Huh? Can't hear you!” I said, punctuating every sentence with another blow.

He finally fell down, letting me ungag Dashie.

“Mmphm.... Tybalt! What was that?”

“I gave him payback.”

“What about Rarity?”

“She's still downstairs. So we probably don't have much time.”

Dashie seemed terrified at what I had done to Filthy Rich.

I untied her, and she immediately got up and stretched her wings. She seemed disgusted with herself.

“Are you okay?”

“Let's just get out of here.”

“Fine.” I said, not without spitting on Filthy Rich's unconscious body first.

How could this happen? It's as if I'm in a dream. The Equestria I know isn't like this. Rarity would never do this!

And yet it's happening. It feels so real. It seems like a dream.... yet it feels like real life. How? Hell, I don't know. Anyway, I led Dashie out of there as quickly as I could.

“Are you sure that you're fine?”

“No. I just want to get out of here.”

“What about Rarity and Filthy?

“We'll deal with them later. I just want to get this stench off of me.”

We flew up to her cloud house. She immediately went inside to the shower.

I withdrew my skull necklace back out.

“Yes, my child?”

“I have something to ask you.”


“Why is this happening?”

“Why do you think?”

“No. I mean, why? I thought I knew Rarity; she would never do this to her friend! Why did this happen?!”

“Who's to say anything happened at all?”


“I mean what I said. Who's to say what happened, happened at all?”

“I- I don't understand.”

“Remember. I control anything and everything that happens. Except if you directly intervene, which you did.”

“I'm still not getting it.”

“I control everything. Including time and what happens.”

“So... you can change the past?”

“Only if you think that I can.”

“Do you always have to speak in riddles?”

“If I didn't, then the secrets of time would be easily given away. Here; come with me. I must show you something.”

“But... what about Dashie?”

“I promise that your friend Rainbow Dash will be alright.”


“You must believe me. No more harm will come to her today. Come with me.”


Chad made a portal, which we both entered. The cloud house changed into a familiar sight; the hallway.

“I need to show you something.”

“What is it?”

“Go through here and all shall be explained about your 'friend' Rarity.”

I entered the door named 'The Rock of Greed.'

The hallway disappeared into a path on a mountain. I was floating like a ghost. I was probably watching a memory. But the question is: who's memory is this?

“Where are you taking me, horn?”

That sounded like Rarity! Only... higher pitched.

Then I saw a filly Rarity being dragged by her horn. She looked just like Rarity, only smaller and with a lack of a cutie mark.

She had a bored look on her face. Her horn must have been dragging her for a while. I followed her up the mountain, to the peak. She ran right into a rock.

“...Ow! You brought me all the way out here for a ROCK? A dumb rock?”

She continued shouting at the rock for another hour.

Then the rock split open.

A faint, raspy, and harsh voice rose out of the rock.


“Huh? Is somepony there? How do you know my name?”


“What? Who are you?”

“Look into the rock.”

“Why the rock?”

“Just look.”

“Why- Ooh! Gems! These would look perfect on the dresses for my play!”

“Yes. They're yours.”

“Really?! Just like that?”

“Yes.... on one condition.”

“What is it?”

“You must do something for me. See, Rarity, I am hunting a pony.”

“Alright? What does it have to do with me?”

A faint picture rose out of the rock.

“Who is that?”

“This stallion... he has taken everything from me. I need retribution.”


“Never mind that. You will meet him one day. Lure him in. Attack those that he loves.”

“That's terrible! I would never do that!”

“Think about it. All the gems you want! Not to mention I will grant you the ability to make dresses like no other.”

“ALL the gems I want?”


“I don't know....”

She was transfixed at the pony in front of her. It seemed to be male. The mane was a mix of teal and green, while his coat was a brownish colour. His eyes were of a lighter brown.

“What did he do again?”

“He took everything from me. You will meet him one day. I want you to take everything from him. Make him feel what I have felt.”

“I still don't know... I mean, hurt another pony? Who could do such a thing?”

“All of the gems that you want....”

Rarity looked at the gems. They all sparkled with an unmatched brilliance. They were beautiful! It was as if the gems of Celestia herself were in her hands! All she had to do was ruin one pony's life. What's one pony compared to all of the beautiful gems in the world! And all of these gems will be hers!

“I must have them....”

“That a girl! His name is Tybalt.”

“May I ask your name?”

“My real name I can not tell you. But you may call me..... Boris.”

“That's a great name and all... but...”

“Go ahead, take the gems.”

“All of them?”

“All of them.”


Just then, Rarity heard a massive explosion, followed by a rainbow shockwave. The first thing she saw is that she got her cutie mark!

“Enjoy.....hahahaha!” The omnious voice faded away as Rarity picked up the gems with her magic.

I was stunned!

“Boris? It seems that he's more than I thought. What the hell? I served guard duty with him. How did I take everything away from him! I don't remember anything about that!

The world faded again and I found myself back in the hallway.

“See what I meant, Tybalt?”


“Yes. He is one of the few that resist my power. It happened long ago, where he broke off from the mortal world.”


“Yes. He was most definitely not what you thought he was. All that time he spent with you... he's been plotting your death. You may not remember it, but you ruined him. Took everything that he loved away from him.”


“This entire day was a joke.”


“Today, in your realm. It was all a trick.”

“What do you mean, 'a trick'?”

“Exactly what you think it means. It never happened.”

“Never happened?”

“Yes. You were half conscious of that fact too. You saw how out of character your friend Rarity was. You have some resistance to his power. You also sensed him getting desperate. He knows that killing you will be no easy task.”

“All of this... to kill me?”

“Yes. 'Boris' is hell bent on killing you. I will tell you why, but this is not the time nor place for it. The Rarity scene with the rock DID happen though.”

“It did? Can I ask you a favor then?”


“Can I make a few 'changes' to that scene?”

“Go ahead.”




“What have you 'done', my child?” Chad was watching over the newly constructed door.

“I changed the scene!” What used to be 'the rock of greed' is now 'the rock of generosity'.

“Very clever.”

“Thank you.”

“You will do well.”

“You think so?”

“Yes. You would not be here if you didn't.”

“Thanks... I guess.”

“It is your time to go.”


“You beat his nightmare. It is time for you to go back to reality. One warning though...”


“I must tell you something about Gilda.”


“She is a servant of-” He was cut short by a falling feeling in my stomach.

“I am sorry, my child, but time is running short.”

“Wait!” I screamed as I fell.

Total blackness.


Hmm. I wonder how Tybalt changed that door. He seemed to do a good job, as it seems seamless as to time herself.

I opened the new 'the rock of generosity' door...

I found myself on the mountain that I knew all too well.

“Where are you taking me, horn?” Rarity.

She went up the same mountain path. She crashed into the same massive rock. But, instead of opening, it stayed put.

“A ROCK? A dumb rock? You brought me all the way out here for a rock?”

Just then, a massive explosion followed by a rainbow shockwave blew over the land.

The rock opened, revealing hundreds of beautiful gems.

“Gems! These will look marvelous on my play dresses! Oh, everypony will love them! Ooh! This one is particularly beautiful!” She said as she held up a particular red gem. “I will give this one to my teacher! I hope that she will love it!” She gathered all of the gems using her magic.

She took the gems graciously. Instead of winning them through greed, now she will share them with everyone. She is now the true element of generosity. I applaud you, Tybalt. I'm glad that at least some minds that escape my power are good ones.

I regret, as one day I will have to tell him of his unnatural bond with John. They are more alike then either of them know....


“Please.... wake up Ty.... please.... wake up....”

I opened my eyes, to a hospital room?


Chapter 23- Back to reality.

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Just another pony- Chapter 23- Back to reality.

“Please.... wake up Ty..... Please.....”

I slowly opened my eyes, to a hospital bed?


“He's awake!” Her eyes widened as she hugged me tight.

“Ugh... how long was I out?”

“21 hours! I never left your side!”

“Really? Thanks Twi. What knocked me out?”

“You don't remember? That lightning that Gilda hit you with! It had a lot of abnormal effects!”

“Wait.. the lightning knocked me out? But I woke up! After just a few minutes!”

“Is that what you remember?”


Just then, the rest of the girls and Spike walked into the room.

Shy walked up to me.

“Oh, I was so worried! When you started falling....”

“Well I'm fine now.”

Apple Jack walked up to me, “Ah was worried too when RD told me that you taken that fall.”

“Wait.... I actually hit the ground?”

“Ah'm not surprised that you don't remember. You hit pretty hard. Ah'm surprised that ya don't remember less.”

I remember Twi catching me.... must have been another trick.

Then Rarity came up to me.

“Thank Celestia you're alright darl-”

Then she saw my eyes narrowed at her.


I quickly blinked and shook my head, making sure my eyes were normal.

“Sorry Rarity.”

“Are you alright?”

“Yes. It was just a dream.... just a dream...” I trailed off.

“What was just a dream?”

“Please. Just leave it. Wait! Is Dashie alright?”

“Right here! Why wouldn't I be? YOU were the one that was hit by lightning.”

“Ugh, nothing.” I have to remember, it was just a dream.

Twi started speaking again, “Ty, just a reminder. There will probably be a party waiting for you at the library.”

“What? Why?”

“You know Pinkie Pie, she looks for a reason to throw a party every day.”

Just then I saw a pink earth pony bounce towards me.

“Yep! Anything to make a friend smile! You looked really hurt, and we can't have that!”

“Uh, Pinkie?”

“Yes, Twilight?”

“Please just meet us at the library.”

“Okie dokie lokie!” She said as she bounced off. Seriously, where does she get her energy from?

“Come on Ty, you can catch up with the rest of the girls after we check you out of the hospital after a few tests.”


The gate keeper, watcher of all, was sitting in his throne. The throne of time. With two 'entities' in front of him.

“I have watched over you ever since you came to be. One of you has been doing good so far. The other one, I don't know what to do with.”

“And what in the hell does that mean?”

“Your questions will be answered soon, Thunder Bolt.”

“And why the hell am I here?”

“I will answer your questions. As you know, Tybalt is in serious danger.”

“Yeah, and?”

“You know how much you distract him, I presume?”


“We can not have that.” He said as she shook his head.

“And why not?”

“You are full of questions. If you must know, Tybalt will need all of his strength for these next few weeks. I can not allow him any distractions.”

“So? What are you going to do with me?”

“Why don't we find out?”

The gate keeper waved his staff, opening a teal portal to an unknown land.

“Step through this portal until I contact you.”

“And why should I?”

“Must we do this the hard way?”

“Fine. I'll go.” The stallion got up from his chair, walking through the portal. He was soon out of sight, just like the portal.

“Now for you, Thunder Runner.”

“What are you going to do with me?” She asked.

“I.... am not sure. It seems that everything that Tybalt makes resists my power also. That means that one day he will have a son. The stars have foreseen it. That son will either be the savior or the breaker of the gates. I know that you are the embodiment of his good traits, while your friend Thunder Bolt is the embodiment of bad. I regret to tell you that I can not allow Thunder Bolt to return to Tybalt for the time being.”

“And where does that leave me?”

“Good can not exist without bad. I regret, but you must leave for the time being.”


“You need not worry. You will have a choice. You may either go to a world, or stay here with me.”

“I..... will choose to stay with you.” She said apprehensively.

“That is your choice?”


“Then come with me. Your host is in immediate danger.”

“What? By 'host', I presume that you mean Tybalt?”

“None other.”

The two walked through the generously garnished hall, coming to a stop at a door.

“What does this door have to do with Tybalt?”

“Step in, and you will see.

The door was entitled 'The tables have turned'.

She cautiously stepped in, where the massive hall changed to a French town. She was floating, like a ghost. She saw the date on a massive belltower: 1220 AD. This was long before the Tybalt that we know today.

Then the fires started.

Fires started around the entire town, there were screams of guards, men, women, and children scattered around.

The city was being attacked.

She went to the gate, where she saw a British army. At the spearhead, she saw someone who looked very familiar; Tybalt. Except an ancestor.

“Men! Charge!” She heard, as the general Tybalt thrusted his sword into an enemy. General Tybalt (We'll just call him Tybalt for now) jumped over a pile of bodies, raising his sword high.

He slashed through another enemy before charging into a house that was lit ablaze.


“So, Ty, what was it like being knocked out?” Twi was asking me.

“I... I don't want to talk about it, Twi.”

“Why not?”

“I just... Don't. Please, just respect that.”

“Alright, Sorry.”

“No, I'm sorry for acting like that.”

“You have every right.”

“I'm still sorry.” I'm surprised that Bolt hasn't said anything, although I'm not complaining.

“Get ready Ty; we're getting near the library.”

“Fine. I actually could use a party right about now, something to lift my spirits.”

When we opened the door, we heard a group:


Then we heard, “Surprise! Oh shoot, I missed it again!”

“That's Pinkie for you.” I heard somepony say.

“Come on everypony! Let's party!” Pinkie said as she grabbed a microphone.

“Shake your groove thangs!”

I don't know what a 'groove thang' is, and I hope to Celestia it doesn't shake.

Just then, in the middle of the party, arose a blinding light. I had to shield my eyes from it. The light disappeared just as quickly as it came, except it left behind an alicorn.

“Princess!” I heard Twi say, as she bowed to the ground.

Everyone in the room bowed to the princess. Almost immediately she came up to me.


“Y-yes, Celestia?”

“Please, come with me. You too, Twilight.”

“Y-yes, princess!”

Twi and I followed the Princess into the middle of the room, where I felt a burning white light surround me. A second (or what felt like an hour) of the burning sensation, we landed in the Canterlot castle.

“Sorry Tybalt, I forgot to warn you that teleporting can be painful to a non – magic user.”

“Thanks.” I said as I blew out a tiny fire on my hoof.

“Come with me Tybalt, I have an urgent message for you.”

“From who?”

“I have no idea. There is no signature.”

“What?” I was getting worried.

“Yes. The letter is in the royal bedrooms.” She told us as she led us behind the castle walls.

“Wow.....” I said as I admired the garnished sleeping quarters. There were golden paintings of the sun and Celestia herself. Not to mention the massive bed in the center. It had golden supports (which in retrospect would be bad, considering how relatively weak gold is.), hopefully they're just gilded gold.

“Here we go...” Celestia said as she handed a scroll to me using her magic.

I opened the scroll and started reading (to myself):

“Dear Tybalt:

You must listen to me. I could not tell you this in person. He may be listening. Hear me out: Your life may be in danger as we speak. He could take the form of anyone. The only beings that you can trust there is Celestia and Luna, for they are immune to his power. You may not even fully trust Twilight Sparkle right now, as it may have her. I will tell you when the matter has been dealt with.

One last thing! Never trust Any, and I mean ANY guar-”

The letter was cut short by a bloody hand on the paper, making the rest unreadable.

“This does not bode well.” I said as I sat down the scroll.

“I know.” Celestia said to me.

“We should go Ty...” Twi said.

I can't trust her though. I may only trust Celestia and Luna. They know that I am one of the few that resist's the gate keeper's power.

“No, Twi. Go back to Ponyville without me.”

“But I can't!”

“Just go!” I said, as my patience was wearing thin.

“...” She seemed stunned at my outburst.

“Fine. I'll see you at home.” She said as a purple bubble appeared around her and she disappeared.


“Yes, Celestia?”

“Why didn't you go with her?”

“You know what the letter said.”

“I am afraid so.”

“You and Luna are the only ones that I can trust.”

“Yes. We are three of the few beings that resist the gate keeper's influence.”

“Then I must ask: Can I stay here, just for one night?”

She paused for a second, as if thinking.

“Of course you may. I will have the guest room prepared for you.”

“Thank you. Do you have a blacksmith that I can talk to? I want to invest in a weapon.”

“Yes we do. He is in the barracks.”

“Thank you Celestia.... Uh, where is the barracks again?”


Tybalt charged into the burning house, sword raised. What he found surprised him.

A family. One man, one woman, and children. The man was standing in front of them, hold his sword high.

“If you want them, you'll have to go over my dead body!” He shouted a challenge.

“Heh, works for me!” Tybalt says, as he charges at the man. He made a downwards slash, to which the man parried skillfully. The man returned with another blow. This one clipped Tybalt's left arm, making it bleed.

They were locked in a one on one. When one man attacked, the other one parried. They both had unmatched skill... until they met each other.

Tybalt kept pressing his attack, slowly driving this man back. Flames were dancing all around them.

“What? Getting tired? What's going to happen to your family when you go down? Huh?” Tybalt said as he struck a glancing thrust to the man's abdomen, narrowly missing his lung.

Even so, all of the man's air rushed out of him, leaving him gasping for air.

But he still wasn't going down.

“I will fight for my family! I will die here or I will kill here!”

“Let's make it the former!” He punctuated the sentence with attacking another time, to which the bleeding man parried.

The sound of metal striking metal filled the house, making the family cower.

Tybalt struck the man's right arm, causing the man to drop his sword.

Then he heard the man's wife call out, “Boris! NO!”

“I hope that you said your prayers to your family!” Tybalt said, as he lobbed off the head of 'Boris'.

Tybalt walked up to the family, his sword still dripping the blood of his foe. He raised his sword to the woman, ready to bring it down....

But he couldn't.

He couldn't bring himself to do it. He may have lost his innocence long ago, but he still wasn't this evil. To strike down a defenseless woman and her children... he couldn't bring himself to do it.

He lowered his sword and slowly left the house. The last thing he heard what one of the children running up to the father, sobbing.

As he walked out, he saw saw some of his men walking towards him.

“Captain Tybalt, sir! What should we do with this house?”

Tybalt took one last glance at the house before saying...

“Burn it to the ground.”

“Yes sir!” One of the soldiers said as they lit a torch and through it through the only unburned window. Within minutes, the house was breaking apart. No one heard the screams with in, as the only thing that mattered was the battle.

Thunder Runner couldn't believe what she just saw. Tybalt's ancestor....

She saw something rise from the ashes of the burned house. It was a transparent man. The one that she saw struck down. It appeared to be talking to something.

As she went closer, she saw that he was talking to the doom bringer himself- the devil.

“Retribution. He must not be forgiven!” She heard him yelling.

“Slaughtered. Slaughtered! My entire family! I must have retribution! He must die! No, everything must be taken from him. Make him feel what I felt; hopelessness. Die, Die!” He screamed.

The devil spoke in an extremely deep and raspy voice.

“If you want revenge... sign here. He will fall. All I need is your soul. You will become more powerful than anyone has ever imagined.”

“Powerful enough to kill him?”

“And everything that he loves.”

Boris took the contract without hesitation. He immediately signed it, to where the devil laughed and returned to the underworld. He took Boris with him.

The world started fading away. Thunder Runner found herself back at the door.

“Do you see now?”

“But... that wasn't Tybalt!”

“The devil didn't tell him that. You are correct, that isn't the Tybalt that we know today; but he is part of his bloodline. Boris wanted retribution for his family, by ruining a being called Tybalt. What he didn't know was that he is ruining an innocent’s life. The devil is keeping that fact from him, letting him feed on his hatred. His malice. I may be the gate keeper, but I'm no angel from the power above.

He does have two people on his side though. Neither of them knows it too. One of them, you have already met. The other has yet to unmask himself.”

“Do you know who these two are?”

“Not quite. I know their stories, but I don't know who they are now.”

“That's confusing.”

“Time always is. Time is running short though. Soon, the true evil will unmask himself, and in Tybalt's time of need, his second ally will appear.”


I walked through the castle, and thanks to Celestia's directions, I made it to the barrack's blacksmith.

“Good afternoon sir.” I said as I entered the sweltering forge.

“Greetings. How may I be of assistance?”

“I have a question. What do ponies use for self defense as a weapon?”

“Well... unicorns use magical crossbows, but all the other ponies use these things called 'Spike hooves.'” Well then, that's a self explanatory name.

“So, what exactly are they?”

“They are an instinct moderated weapon. They are attached to your hooves, and they are enchanted to where they only come out when you want them to, and they stay in when you want them to. One warning though, they're bonded to you, so once it's yours, it's yours.”

“That will work. What is your name, anyway?”

“My name is Sturm Brightblade.” The unicorn said.

“Well, Sturm Brightblade, I would like to order a pair of 'Spike Hooves'."

“Good on ya. I just need the measurements of your hooves, and I should have them ready by tomorrow.”

“Damn, unicorn magic is fast.”

“You're telling me.”

He took the measurements of my hooves and got to work.

“Before you start, how much are these?”

“120 bits.”

“A fair price. I'll have the bits by the time you get done.”


I walked back through the castle (I had to ask another guard for directions) and finally found myself in the guest bedroom. For a guest bedroom, it was fantastic! There were marvelous paintings of the sun and moon, with gold representing Celestia and the sun, with sapphire representing Luna and the moon. I climbed into the (incredibly) spacious bed. Even with all of these luxuries, it still took me a while to get to sleep. The events of today played around in my mind, exploring all possibilities.

Author's note: Sorry for the 'bad Tybalt' scene. I just had to find a way for Boris to want revenge. I will try to focus a little more on action now that we got events in motion. Cheers!

Chapter 24- Testing out the merchandise

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Just another Pony chapter 24- Testing out the merchandise

I woke up rather forcefully from the bed. The last thing I remember is ordering from that black smith, so I will have to go pick my weapons up. I'll have to stop by Ponyville to get some of my bits first, though. That shouldn't be as much of a problem as time consuming.

Celestia walked into my room, quickly guessing that I didn't have a good night's sleep.

“I presume that you did not sleep well?”

“Correct. How did you know?”

“It's easy to see. Especially considering all that you've been through in such a short time. My student is very easily found by adventure.”



“I have a question.”

“Ask it and I will answer within my power.”

“All right. I haven't heard from either of my other personalities ever since I woke up from that fall.”

“It may be just a side effect.”

“I'm not sure, is there anyway that you can go inside my mind and check them?”

“As a matter of fact, I believe I can.” She said while putting a hoof to her chin in thought.

“Come with me, Tybalt.” She instructed.

I followed her into her royal study. That place is huge!

She levitated a book out from the bookshelf and set it on the pedestal.

“Come over here please.” She instructed me.

I moved to the point that she indicated. She lowered her horn onto my head, and both of us started glowing. I felt her magic move through my mind... and I found myself in a hallway that had many labeled doors.

“Here we are.” She said.

“Where are we, exactly?”

“Oh, just your mind?”

“This is what my mind looks like?”

“Hopefully not; this is just your representation of your mind.”


“Yes. As you might have guessed, these doors are all labeled. The labels show what memory is inside.”

Weird. I remember going here when I changed Rarity's rock encounter. Or, at least a place similar to here.

She started walking to the doors and reading the labels. She stopped at one particular one and beckoned me over.

“Is this door the door that contains your previous life?” She said, pointing at a door that said 'Earth'.

“Yes, why?”

“May I open it?”


“Is something wrong?”

“No, nothing. If you want to open it, then I can't stop you. Just a warning; it is very bloody and you will see a lot of death.”

With that statement she hesitated before carefully opening the door. I was expecting what came through. My entire life on Earth flashed before my eyes, and it did so to Celestia too.

Within another full minute, we both appeared back into the hallway. Celestia seemed a tad bit disturbed from the encounter.

“That was... very interesting.”

“We should go.”

“Go? But we haven't checked to see if the other two are here!”

“Can we please just go; I'll just find them later.”

“Alright.” She said.

Her horn glowed, expelling us from my mind and setting us back into the study. When we both looked we saw Princess Luna watching us.”

“Sister? Is thou busy?”

“Not at all. I just finished.”

“Dare we ask what thou was doing?”

“Just helping my friend here.”

“Ah yes, thou is well known to us. Tybalt, I believe thou's name is.”

“You are correct.”

“Both Tia and Twilight has told us much about thou. We hope that we can meet thou more in depth later. Tia, we hath just received an urgent message from Twilight. We need Thou to come with us.” She left, beckoning for Celestia to follow her.

Before she left, I told Celestia of my plan, “Celestia?”

“Yes Tybalt?”

“I will need to go back to Ponyville to get some of my bits, because I ordered some weapons here.”

“How much were they?”

“120 bits, wh-”

I was cut off by a bag appearing in my face.


“This is from your account in Ponyville. 120 bits.”

“Oh, thanks.”

“Anytime. Please take care.”

“I will. You take care too.”

Celestia went with Luna, and I started my walk to the blacksmith again.


“Spike?” Twilight called out.

“Yes?” Spike appeared over the edge of his bed, yawning loudly.

“Have you seen Ty?”

“Not since you two left, why?”

“No reason. It's just that he didn't come back to Ponyville with me and now it's morning! I'm starting to wonder where he is now.”

“Don't worry Twi, he can handle himself.”

“I know that! I'm just starting to get worried is all. He hasn't come back from Canterlot, so he might be doing something to the Princess. I just hope that he will be able to come home soon, it's a bit dull in Ponyville sometimes.”

“Boy, don't I know that.” Spike rolled his eyes.

“This may be serious Spike!”

“Come on! This is Tybalt and the Princess you're talking about! If those two team up, not even Discord can beat them! You're just being overly paranoid.”

“I hope so Spike.”

“Like I said, you don't need to worry! He'll probably be back today, if not, just send a letter to the princess.”

“You're right Spike. Thanks.” Even with Spike's reassurances, Twilight was still unable to find solace in the fact that Tybalt is protected by the finest guards available. She was right to worry. What she didn't know though, was that an extra terrestrial power was hunting him...


The gate keeper was walking through his hall of memories. He remembered all of the details without even having to enter each door. He looked over his shoulder, making sure that he was still being followed by the entity that was called 'Thunder Runner'.

“Thunder Runner?”

“Yes, Gate keeper?”

“You know of your position, correct?”


“You are the sworn protector of the light.”

“Yes, I know.”

“And your opposite, the one that you call 'Thunder Bolt' is the advocate of evil.”

“Yes, I know all of this. Why tell me again?”

“Because you must know something about Thunder Bolt and Tybalt.”

“What is it?”

“Tybalt believes that the creation of Thunder Bolt was purely an accident. Thunder Bolt knows that this is not the case. He just used the circumstance of his friend Fluttershy and her 'stare' to infect Tybalt.”

“Infect?” She was getting worried.

“Yes. If left unchecked, he will mentally destroy Tybalt, sending him into a rage, likely killing his loved ones. If this happens, all that Tybalt knows of himself will be gone, so we will have no chance to bring him back. You must prevent this from happening.”

“Why me?”

“You are the complete opposite of Thunder Bolt. That means that only you can balance him out. Beware, though, as you may too come under his power. I'm sorry to put you through this, but Tybalt will make or break the gates. You have the power to control it. Either let him be infected by your twin's evil, or work with Tybalt to keep the light shining in his eyes, as it should in all creatures.”

“I understand.”

“No, you don't. I am sorry, but not even you may understand your situation. Come; I want to reveal to you the secret of the anthropomorphic bipeds that created the machines with the power to break gates.”

This was more than Thunder Runner ever bargained for. When she woke up in that bed, she had no say in it, no opinion. Now, the fate of all of the universes rested in her hands.

The Gate Keeper showed her to a door that was named 'The Lionbanes'. The door itself was boarded up with magic, as if no one should ever enter it again.

“This door is protected by magic that only the Gate Keeper and his superiors can break. I warn you though, this door should not be treated lightly. If in the wrong hands, the enemy could use this door to gain the technology, to gain the machines, to gain the power to control the gates.”

The Gate Keeper touched his staff to the door, and through what looked like extreme effort, the door opened. It revealed a vast and beautiful universe, filled with gassy moons and solid planets. The Star of the universe was visible, and it possibly acted as a sun. It was beautiful as far as space can go. The planet that seemed to be in the center was a brilliant dark blue, as multiple moons orbited it. It was wonderful.

“This universe is called Gamma Orion IV. Off limits to all but the Lionbanes when it existed. The planet before you is the nicknamed 'Blue Planet' as you can probably see. The blue is just the clouds, underneath those clouds though, lie an industrial complex.”

The Gate Keeper stood aside to let the Pegasus entry. When she stepped inside, the vision was whipped to beneath the planet's surface. What she saw astonished her.

There were factories everywhere. There were blue clouds from outside, but inside they were all of a sickly grey. There were massive assembly lines, transporting machine parts to one massive factory. Those machines must be the ones who will soon destroy gates.

The Gate keeper had appeared beside Thunder Runner.

“See? Factories everywhere. This planet is far beyond polluted. If these were humans, they would have died from the pollution long ago. These beings are extremely resistant to most toxins, including the ones that they make themselves. See those assembly lines? That is where they are constructing the ships and robots to take the universe over.”

Suddenly, a furred biped emerged from a factory. Instead of a nose it had a long trunk similar to an elephant. Instead of eyes, there were the collection of eyes similar to a fly's. Instead of legs, they have hooves similar to a pony's. Even the body itself was a sickly green.

“Not a very pretty race.” The Gate Keeper added.

“How did they get like this?”

“Corruption. Believe it or not, this race used to be the perfect embodiment of good. The pollution here hasn't killed them, but they have mutated far beyond original recognition. Before, they had next to no pollution, vast white sky scrapers, Massive civilizations, and most importantly, a working government.”

The Gate Keeper seemed saddened by the turn this race took. He waved his staff and looked away.

“I have watched the memories of this race. It deeply saddens me to see them like this. Even more so to find out that their own creations destroyed them. Evil creatures, they were called.....” The Gate keeper recalled. “Ahh! They were called reapers, yes.”


“Yes. The Lionbanes did not give them those names though. That is just what we have came to know them as. The reapers of light. The embodiment of death.”

“May I ask, what defeated these things?”

“There is no clear answer to that. Some say it was a hero, sent down by a power above. Some say that evil turned upon itself. Some say that they were never actually defeated, they're just waiting to come back alive one day. I am the only person who actually knows.”

“What was it then?”

“A hero. One that not even the power above has seen. Unmatched, and he came out of nowhere.”

“What was it called?”

“He was called Tybalthor.”

“So you mean..."

“Yes. Your Tybalt is the spirit and soul of this hero. He does not know it though, and Thunder Bolt seeks to take advantage of that.”


“Is much worse than we know. Even that I know. There is still much for Tybalt to learn, still much for him to do. His comforting life as he knows now is about to crumble. He will need all of his strength to pass these tests ahead of him. He will also need all of his friends, from his partner Twilight to her mentor Celestia. I will personally have a word with Celestia concerning his duties.”


I found myself at the blacksmith (not without some directions again) and found my newly crafted weapons done. I handed him the bag.

“120 bits. Count them if you will.”

“No need. I know that they are all here. Come with me; I need to fit these to you.”

The blacksmith led me to a room. He levitated my purchase towards my hooves, connecting them with a blinding red light. It felt like all of my nerves in my hooves were being rearranged, making way for the new item.

A few minutes later, the blacksmith stepped back to admire his work.

“There. Those are permanently bonded to you, so don't try and go taking them off.”

I looked down. I saw wto pieces of metal on my hooves, each one resembling the ones on Princess Luna's hooves.

“Go ahead. Think that you want your spikes.”

I did, and sure enough, two 7” blades came out of the hooves. This could be dangerous to me too.

“Do they really need to be this big?”

The blacksmith was gaping.

“What did you do?”

“I don't know! What DID I do?”

“When most ponies get those, they're only a couple inches! Yours are swords!”

“Well, I don't know why!”


“Well, I'm off. I hope to see you again Sturm Brightblade.”

“Anytime. I hope to see you again too.”

I walked back to the castle, eagerly waiting until I get back to Ponyville.


Author's note: Sorry it took so long with this chapter! I got addicted to Tribes: Ascend and am working on three other fics that I haven't posted. Cheers!