> Fallout Equestria: Dividing Factors > by Khakispony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Day Like Any Other > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fallout Equestria: Dividing Factors Chapter 1: A day like any other (It had been five years since the Enclave came down. While things were different in many respects, the wasteland still preyed upon the weak. Because war, war never changes.) As per usual, I was awoken by the sound of the radio. Dj P0n3’s voice wafted from the PipBuck, carefully placed on my nightstand. “Good morning children. Dj P0n3 here, giving you the sweet sounds of Velvet Remedy, to start off your day.” I shut off the alarm, but kept the radio on. Velvet Remedy was always one of my favorite artists. Taking a shower, I contemplated my plans for the day. No doubt, I’d ask to go with a caravan, but dad wasn’t going to let that happen. I’d be put in my usual sniper nest, keeping the town safe. I’d shoot one or two raiders, and call it a day. Coltside was very monotonous like that. Coltside was cleverly built, at least from a tactical point of view. Complete steel structures, placed precariously over a cliff. One way in, one way out. Better, the river below the city allowed a constant supply of water. Sure it would have to be treated, but one Stable dweller was among the founders of the city. With him came the water talisman crucial to our survival. Yep, Coltside was the model of the great post apocalyptic city. Peaceful, efficient and defensible. Also, it was very boring. Finished with my morning routine, I sauntered off outside. The day was bright and sunny. A lot of ponies were out this morning. They traded, talked, and had a good time. I wished I could share their joy. “Hey Pinpoint!” said a voice I was all too familiar with. Brass Knuckles was my best friend, but also the target of my jealousy. He was sent out with the caravans everyday, and he was not afraid to talk about it. “Going to give your dad the usual spiel, I presume?” “Yea, not that I’m expecting a different answer this time.” “Heh, I guess not,” he said, holding back a chuckle. “You know me and some of the boys were playing cards later today. Wanna join in?” “No, I think I’ll pass,” I said. I had two reasons for avoiding playing cards. First was that I’m a terrible card player. If I played, I’d end up losing a months salary. The real reason I denied the offer was the conversations that would undoubtedly arise while playing. The last thing a stir-crazy unicorn needed to hear was tales of adventure and danger. “Okay, well if you change your mind, feel free to come.” “Thanks.” *** *** *** My black mane flowed from the fans in my father’s office. Being the mayor’s son, I was not unfamiliar with the sensation. “Son, are you really going to start this again?” asked my father. He was a stern old man, mane slowly changing to the same shade of gray as his coat. “Yes. Dad I deserve to be out there. I’m the best shot in this town. Everypony knows it. You know it. Why do I have to stay here, when I could be doing more good with the scavenging caravans?” “Because you are the cities best defender Pinpoint. Nopony keeps the raiders at bay like you do. I don’t expect you to understand, but you are in many ways, this cities most valuable asset.” “So back to the nest then?” “Yes,” he said, solemnly. “Son I know your upset, but try to understand. This is what’s best for Coltside.” “I know dad,” I sighed glumly. “I just wish what I want could coincide with what is best for Coltside, one of these days.” With that I left my dad’s office. I knew the real reason he wouldn’t let me go. *** *** *** Mom was always the best caravan guard in Coltside. My dad always said I inherited his speaking skills and good looks, but her attitude and aim. She was renowned for being especially protective of the scavenging caravans. Unfortunately, that over protectiveness proved to be her downfall. I was only ten at the time. It was about time for the caravans to return, when a large commotion started at the main gate. I wasn’t tall enough to see what was going on, but I did see the local medics trying to clear a path. Turns out my mom stumbled into a vat of the taint. A group of raiders apparently cornered them, and she had to wade through it to get them out. She died a few days later. I eventually learned to deal with her death. My dad however, never got over his loss. *** *** *** The nest wasn’t so bad. A great view of the city was complimented with a solid supply of sparkle cola. I tapped Overwatch’s shoulder. Overwatch was the pony in charge of night watch. He was much older than me, but lacked none of the reflexes. “Guess your dad didn’t bite this time,” he said. He tended to be on my side of the issue. Overwatch knew my restlessness was unhealthy. “Nope, but I can’t say I’m surprised,” I grumbled, picking up my hunting rifle. “One of these days he cave Pin, don’t you worry,” said Overwatch placing his rifle on the rack. “Just give him some time.” “I’m trying old man. Anything interesting go on last night?” “Naw. Only activity tonight was a group of scouts.” “Maybe they’ll attack today. “With you at the helm, they would either have to be stupid or hyped up on rage.” “A colt can hope can’t he?” “Heh, guess he can,” the aging stallion chuckled. “Just be sure to leave me some action for the old pony here, okay?” “Will do old-timer. See you tonight.” *** *** *** The day was quiet. Caravans left and went out to get their precious cargo. It was a remarkable testament to city efficiency. Not that I could partake in it of course. Instead I was stuck in the nest, chugging down the occasional sparkle cola, rifle at the ready. When Brass’ caravan sauntered on by, I made a particular effort to avoid talking. It was hours before I saw any activity downrange. I was in the middle of listening a particularly interesting lecture on radiation on the radio, when a bit of movement caught my attention. Peering down my scope, I found a mare, hyped on some drugs, racing toward the city, with a frying pan of all things. Rather than taking the shot I, whipped out the party cannon and took aim. The party cannon was my mom’s old revolver. She said she dug it up in an old ministry building. It was painted bright, neon pink, with party balloons painted on either side. On the barrel the words, “Never leave home without it” were engraved. The gun was powerful, magically enhanced to shoot bullets at extreme speeds. It was also accurate at any distance. The mare dropped almost instantly. Peering down my scope, the large hole in her head came into view. It must have been a new record. I was scratching in a tick onto a board in the nest, when the sound of a pony coming up interrupted me. Pretty Posies always had a crush on me. We dated on and off, for the past couple of years. She was nice enough, but there was one thing that always one thing keeping me from taking the next step in our relationship. She was dull. No other way to put it. There wasn’t anything wrong with that, but I just want a mare a little more...adventurous. “What was that?” she asked inquisicaly. “A raider. Must have been hyped up on drugs. She was charging in with a frying pan.” “Wow, sounds serious,” she joked. “Hey, you never know. That frying pan could have been magically enhanced.” “To do what exactly?” she giggled. “Well, it could dissolve pony flesh with brain altering laser beams.” By now Posies was rolling on the floor with laughter. “Yea, you keep thinking that Pinpoint. I brought your lunch,” she said, placing a tray onto the nests table. It consisted of a daisy sandwich, an apple slice, and a tall glass of water. “Well thank you my fair lady, but I’m afraid I must return to my work. You never know what sort of dangerous thugs lurk these wild wastes.” “Okay, I get it,” she said, kissing me on the cheek. “I love you.” “I love you too,” I said, attempting to sound serious. I wanted to be truthful with her, but I also didn’t want to hurt her. *** *** *** Hours passed before any action came out on the horizon. Raiders scouts lurked in the distance. I monitored their activities closely through my scope. They weren’t doing anything wrong per say, but they seemed to be pointing directly at our defenses, the nest included. I was obligated not to fire. I was fairly certain they didn’t even have weapons on them. Still, it felt wrong not to open fire. More and more caravans came in to the city, precious cargo in tow. I tried to avoid conversation the best I could, but Brass had other plans. “Hey Pinpoint! What’s going on? Any good kills today?” “Unfortunately no. Had one raider try to charge in.” “Mare with the frying pan?” “You guessed it” “Sorry man. If it makes you feel any better, card games still going on, and the offers still good. Me and the boys here would be glad to have you join us.” “I’ll think on it,” I said. I never thought the choice would be made for me. It was getting dark out, when things really got interesting. A fairly large group of raiders appeared on the horizon. They didn’t charge in or do anything threatening. Instead they began assembling a metallic object of sorts. I called down to the guards on the ground. “Hey you see those raider ponies over there?” “Yea I see em,” said the guard down below. “What do you reckon their doing over there?” “I have no clue,” said the guard, peering down a rusty set of binoculars. “Well get the ponies away from the gate. I’ve got a real nasty feeling about this.” The guard did as ordered, shooing away any pony curious enough to attempt to watch. The raiders didn’t do anything wrong, but whatever they were assembling did not look good. I decided to fire off a warning shot. I shot right between one of their feet and called out to them, magically enhancing my voice. “Raiders, please pay attention. My name is Pinpoint and I’m the senior guard pony on duty right now. I’m asking politely, that you stop constructing the device. You may either dismantle it or tell us what it is. Until then, any further construction will be seen as a threat to Coltside.” The raiders appeared to stop what they were doing. Most ran away from the strange device. A few others ducked behind it. I was confused to what they were doing ,when a resounding boom drew my attention. The device shot out a massive fireball, which was now headed to the base of the nest. I turned around in some vain attempt to run away, but before I could even take a step, the rocket struck the base of the tower. “Shit!” I screamed, hooves flailing to find something to hold onto. The tower crumbled, and I fell out the back. Hitting the ground with a particularly painful thud, I blacked out. *** *** *** “When I awoke a found myself trapped in a cage, which was being pulled on a large cart. My blue coat was matted down with sweat, and my black mane was particularly disheveled. One of my forehooves was bent in the wrong direction. Pieces of glass and wood were embedded throughout my body. A band of metal was wrapped around my horn, and after a bit of experimenting, I learned it was keeping me from casting magic. In short, I looked and felt fucked up. My company consisted of several raider ponies, each with their own disgustingly, morbid cutie marks, that put the crosshairs that made up mine to shame. They were busy, talking about what they were going to do when the got back to their home base. One of them was even carrying my hunting rifle and the party cannon. One of them finally noticed I was awake. “Well well, look whose up,” he said with a horrible smirk on his face. He had a gory eyeball as his cutie mark and his coat showed clear signs of drug use. “Here, that should fix your injuries,” he said, tossing in a restoring potion, which I greedily gulped down. The pain in my forehoof was getting unbearable. “Why didn’t you kill me when you had the chance?” I asked, as the healing potion snapped my hoof back into its proper position. “Cause we got orders not to. Our boss wants you alive, though why, I cannot imagine. Don’t bother asking about your pathetic town. Nopony besides you was hurt. They are safe, for now.” “You mean to tell me that you came all this way, just to kidnap the town’s guard pony?” “Hey I don’t make the rules, and if I were you I’d shut up.” His displeasure in talking to me was becoming very apparent. I decided it would be fun to push it a bit further. “Somepony is a little grumpy. Shoot one too many of your friends?” “Shut up asshole,” he snapped back. Clearly I was hitting the right buttons. “Or maybe it was a marefriend. That raider pony I shot today did look awfully horny.” The raider pulled out his pistol and held it menacingly in his teeth. “I’d suggest you shut the fuck up,” he mumbled though his revolver. “Hey I’m just following the prisoner of war’s rulebook. “And what does that say?” he grumbled. “Make your captor's lives as miserable as fucking possible,” I responded smirking. ‘Fuck off,” he said putting his revolver back into his holster. “And FYI you killed three of my friends.” From that point onward, my captors made every attempt to ignore me. Realizing I wasn’t holding their attention, I turned to the PipBuck on my hoof. The inventory was empty as expected, but I could still pick up radio signals. I switched to DJ P0n3’s station. “Good evening children. I hope your evening is going peacefully, because the news says otherwise. Fresh news says that Coltside was attacked by raiders this evening. More strange is that they seem to only wanted one pony. Head of the day guard Pinpoint,was taken with little resistance from the town’s people. The mayor of the city, and the kids dad had this to say.” The radio then switched to a recording of my father. “This unfortunate event has left the town traumatized. I’m contacting anypony who has a fighting chance against these raiders. Please save my son.” Dj P0n3 came back on. “You heard it here first folks. If you catch wind of the kid, please try and help him. Just don’t get yourselves killed in the process. Now here is Sweetie Belle reminding us what really matters in the wasteland...friendship.” I was a little shaken by the news. It wasn’t how Coltside hadn’t come to my aid that bugged me. If the cannon was still operational, I would have insisted they do the same thing. No, my dad’s reaction was what bothered me. I thought he was going to fight for my freedom. I knew he wasn’t just going to let me go out on my own. At least, not without a fight. But when I was getting forcibly taken by ponies, he acted like he had found out his sandwich was rotten. This couldn’t be the same pony, who had prevented me from leaving to protect scavenging caravans. After a few more hours of travel, one of the raiders suggested they make camp for the night. While they set up, I was given a can of pre-war daisies. “Dinner asshole,” said the raider. It was the same one who gave me the health potion earlier. “Why thank you good sir. Now if you would be so kind as to give me the keys to this cell.” “Not a chance asshole,” he grunted, sauntering off to help with the camp. “By the way the names Pinpoint, not asshole!” The raider continued to walk away, but gave an obscene gesture while doing so. *** *** *** After about an hour of work the camp was finally finished. The raiders ate their dinner, and then headed to bed. I, on the other hoof, wasn’t up for sleeping. Instead, I listened to the radio, hoping to hear more news from Coltside. I was in the middle of a song, when a loud buzzing noise behind me stopped me in my tracks. The hovering bot near my cage was not an uncommon sight in the wasteland. They just hovered around aimlessly, blaring their patriotic music wherever they went. This one was different however. It just floated next to me. To be honest, it was a bit creepy. “Can I help you?” I asked the robot. I wasn’t expecting an answer back. “No, but you look like you could use some,” said a voice transmitting through the bot. “Ponies call me the Watcher. I monitor the wasteland from these bots.” “So are you here to rescue me?” I asked the floating pile of scrap. “No,” said the Watcher. “Then why are you watching me? Do you find this entertaining? Am I tonight’s serial thriller for you.” “No,” said the Watcher. “I’m here to tell you something important. You have caught the attention of a lot of ponies.” “I’m pretty sure I have Dj P0n3 to thank for that.” “Actually you’ve had the eyes of ponies on you for a while now. I’m not talking about these thugs either. Believe it or not, the spotlights on you kid.” “Well that’s great. Why don’t you tell these ponies to come help me out? I’m in a bit of a predicament here.” “I’m afraid they’re busy at the moment, but rest assured, they are coming for you.” “Hold up. I thought you just said I was in the spotlight.” “You are. You’re just sharing it with some other ponies. Unfortunately their safety was a higher priority than yours. I don’t think they were expecting you to get kidnapped though.” “So when can I expect the cavalry to come save me?” “Probably a month tops.” “So you got any advice until then?” “First, stay alive. You’re important to the future of Equestria. Second don’t lose sanity. No matter how tempting it may seem, don’t join these thugs in anything they do.” “Wasn’t planning on it,” I said smugly. “Good. I have to go now, but please keep in mind what I said. This wasteland is harsh. The last thing it needs is you on the bad guys side.” “I keep that in mind. Before you go, can you tell me something?” “Yes.” “How is Coltside?” “It’s fine. I can however say, your family and friends aren’t taking it well.” With that, an eruption of static was emitted from the robot. After a while the patriotic music resumed, and the bot wondered off. I sat in my cage, thinking about what the Watcher had said. Before I knew it sleep overtook me. *** *** *** “Hey asshole, get up,” commanded the raider, waking me up. “We’re here.” Here, was in front of a large steel door labeled 69. The door slid open with a sickening creak. A couple more raiders met up with us at the door. “Good to see you didn’t fuck this one up, Pike,” said one of the raiders. “Shut the hell up,” said the raider, who gave me the food. “You’re just jealous Razing didn’t send you to handle this.” “Like I need to earn Razing’s approval. Besides, this maggot here didn’t even put up a fight.” “So! Doesn’t mean it wasn’t difficult to get him.” “Who the fuck are you trying to kid.” I decided now would be a good time to interject. “Ladies, Ladies, you’re both very pretty, but I think we have things to do here.” “Shut the fuck up, asshole,” they said, in unison. One of the raiders that meet us at the door sighed, and stepped forward. “Come along now. If we wait for them to stop, we’ll be here for days.” He opened the cage to let me out, but not before slapping a pair of hoofcuffs on me. “Honestly I think these two fight over everything.” “You don’t seem to mind much,” I said. “When you know these two for as long as I have, you learn to put up with it.” I quickly decided I liked this raider, more than the other two at least. Stable 69 was not in good shape. Everything that should power a stable was absent in this one. I doubted the raiders would scrap such valuable technology. They probably just found the Stable and decided it was a good place to make their home base. Surprisingly, the Stable’s population was huge. Raiders of all shapes, sizes, and ages were littered about the place. There were some colts and fillies that weren’t even old enough to have their cutie marks yet. The most surprising thing however was how well the place ran. In all honesty outside of the foul atmosphere there wasn’t anything objectionable about the place. It was a well-run, efficient society. My tour of the Stable ended at a former dorm. “Now stay in there. The boss will get to ya when she gets to ya,” said the raider, taking of the hoofcuffs. “You mind if I ask you a question?” “What?” “You’re so much different than the other raiders around here. How did a pony like you, end up in a place like this?” “My dad was a raider. I didn’t have much of a choice. Unless of course, I desired a bullet in my skull.” My question satisfied, he walked off, locking the door behind him on the way out. The room was essentially empty. A bed was in one corner, a desk occupied another. On the desk was a brightly lit computer. After waiting on the bed for a good while, I decided the boss wasn’t in any rush to talk with me. Out of boredom I decided to see what was on the computer. It was locked which was predictable, but the password was easy to figure out. The computers files consisted entirely of emails. *** *** *** Day 367- The Overmare finally granted me permission to go to the injector today! Soda and I are finally going to be mothers! I’m so excited. When I told Soda the news she freaked. She is so adorable, when she has one of her fan girl moments. The squeal she made was delightful. I hope our little filly has a good coat. I wonder what we’ll name it. Oh I know. Cherry Pop has a nice ring to it. I know Soda Pop will love it. Day 432- Our foal is so adorable. We got the predicted photos today and all of them are so cute. She will have my eyes. Soda’s not even mad the filly won’t have any of her traits. Instead she’s taking it in strides. Reminds me everyday why she is my partner. Day 505- Our foal is just adorable. Cherry Pop was finally decided as her name. Soda told me, “Cherry Cobbler you always come up with the best names.” She’s just amazing. We had a bit of fun tonight too. Honestly if something were to happen to her I don’t know what I’d do. *** *** *** I had enough reading. I was never a fan of lovie dovie novels, to begin with. The fact that the mares were likely dead now didn’t make me feel anymore comfortable. The most interesting thing I learned, was that the Stable’s social experiment was the all mare , no stallion idea. The Stable’s number was implication enough of that. *** *** *** I sat on the bed, for the remainder of my duration in the room. After what seemed like hours a raider finally showed up. “The boss wants to see you,” he said, with a smirk. “I sort of figured as much. Taking me alive is sort of a dead giveaway.” “Pike was right; you are an asshole.” “I seem to be getting that a lot lately.” The second tour of the Stable was just as hectic as the first. Ponies were scuffling from place to place with purpose. I had expected a bunch of drugged up ponies meandering around every which way. Instead I was still shocked to find a fully functioning society. A society built on thievery and murder, but a society nonetheless. Finally I reached the Overmare’s office. There were several raiders positioned around the desk, including the arguing ponies, and the pony that escorted me to my room. Sitting in the Overmare’s chair, was a mare with a black coat and red mane. She had several punctures in her, a clear sign of drug use. Surprisingly this didn’t seem to impact her in any discernable way. Her cutie mark was of a flaming village. She would honestly be attractive, if I didn’t despise her so much. “Well look who it is,” she said, coyly. “You’re a hard pony to get a hold of.” “Clearly not hard enough,” I retorted. “Clever too. Your list of talents grows by the second.” “I argue the contrary” “Your not unskilled, just unlucky.” “Are we going to spend all this time talking about me or are we going to cut to the chase.” She smirked. “Fine. But I’ll have you know I’m interested in getting you much more personally,” she flirted. I couldn’t believe it. Was she really flirting with me? I remained calm however. “You kidnapped me just to flirt?” She almost burst out laughing. “No, I just consider it a perk.” “So what’s the real reason you dragged me from Coltside?” “You have a talent, and I want it on my team,” she said, being blunt for once. “I could train any foal in the art of sharpshooting, and never meet the same quality. You’ve got a talent my friend, and I want you on my team.” I sighed. I honestly expected more. “First, I’m not your friend. Attacking and kidnapping me sort of ruined that. Second, what are you on? Must be good stuff, if you think I’m going to help you. Rather than respond immediately, Razing pulled out a small tin from the desk. Without thought, she popped a Party-Time Mint-al. “Shit” I thought. I was screwed now. “You know I worked hard to talk with you; harder than you could probably imagine. Do you know how long it took me to find that cannon.” “Not long enough,” I retorted, hoping that I could end the conversation before the Mint-al kicked in. “Really now you’ve got to start having a more positive attitude. We spent a lot of time getting you here. It’s to all of our benefits, if we talk about this.” “I really see no way this benefits me.” “Come now you aren’t looking at the bigger picture here.” Something told me, the Mint-als were the only thing allowing her to see this big picture. “I’ll split the profits with your precious town. In return, all I ask is that you help out a little.” “Thanks, but no thanks” “Look how about this,” she said, clearly getting annoyed. “I’ll have you only protect my men. You don’t even have to fight. Sound better?” “Not really,” I said, Watcher’s words sticking in my mind. “Look I don’t associate with petty thieves. Actually no, that’s an insult to petty thieves. I choose not to associate with scum of Equestria!” “Why you little,” she started before regaining her composure. “Final offer here kid. All you have to do is stay and defend home base. Easy enough, with the perk of not being considered a raider. What do you say?” “Fuck off. If I wanted to join thugs like you, I would have joined earlier. Your just pieces of shit, and this conversation is over.” I began to turn around, when I was slammed to the ground by one of the raiders. My mouth tasted like blood. “Look kid, I’ve tried to be reasonable here. But you, your something else. Just remember you brought this on yourself.” She began walking toward me. I was helpless as she snapped a large metal collar around my neck. “That is a bomb collar, for your information. It blows up on command, or if you get to far from home base. You do what I say, or you’re a corpse. Capiesh?” “Not capiesh. I’d rather die than help thugs like you,” I managed to grit through my teeth. Screw the Watcher’s first rule; I wasn’t helping these ponies, if it killed me. Razing was enraged at this point. “Look you want to fight so hard I’ll make this harder on you. That cannon that brought down your nest. It’s still there. Either you listen, or Coltside goes off the cliff. Got it?” “Dammit,” I thought. Dying I could handle. I wasn’t about to let Coltside be destroyed though. “Fine Bitch. You got me. I’ll help. Just don’t expect me to be happy about it.” ‘Now there’s a good pony. I’ll still let you defend base, if it matters that much to you,” she said, fake friendly personality shining through. I wasn’t about to fall for it. “You’ll find your weapons in your room. I expect you to be up at seven to take over the day shift. Got that?” “Clear as crystal,” I grunted, being lifted off the ground. “Good,” she said genially. “Oh and Pinpoint.” “Yes,” I grunted, being dragged out of the Overmare’s office. “It’s been a pleasure doing business you.” I could hear her laughing, even after the door closed. Footnote: Level up: New perk: Snipers doctrine: Your perception is massive, allowing enemies to glow bright red, when aiming down sights. Pinpoint’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats: Strength:4 Perception:10 Endurance:3 Charisma:7 Intelegince:7 Agility:6 Luck:3