> Absence Makes the Heart Go Horny > by Nostalgia Schmaltz > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Recipe for Adultery > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "There, that should be enough to last you the week." Cup Cake smiled as she placed one last platter of confections on one of four carts by the entrance of their bakery, before looking over towards her husband. "All ready to go, dearest?" Carrot Cake tried to smile back, though his anxiety was getting the best of him. "Heh...I guess I am, honey bun." he stepped up to the mare and gently nuzzled her snout, sighing lightly. "Gonna be really lonely though, without my sweet cupcake." he sighed a bit, gazing into the lovely mare's eyes. The baker couple had been chosen as one of two food suppliers for an upcoming Canterlot airship cruise, which would be lasting seven days and six nights, so Carrot Cake was setting out to attend, leaving Cup Cake and Pinkie at home to run the bakery. "Hmm, yeah...I do suppose it will be a little lonely at night without my scrumptious carrot cake." Cup Cake replied, nuzzling the stallion in return and giving his snout a gentle peck. "Don't worry though, honey...it's just a week, and you'll be making a hefty sum of profits from all of those snobby Canterlot ponies." she giggled a bit as she began to smile again. Chuckling and nodding, Carrot Cake smiled back at her, reaching a hoof up and stroking her neck gently. "Yes, that is true, honey bun...we'll certainly be able to spruce things up around here a good deal, with all of the profits." he nodded once more, turning his gaze towards the four carts full of baked goods. As he did though, his ears perked up from the sounds of heavy hoofsteps and wheels approaching the bakery. "That must be the transport. Let's get these carts out there, dear." The two bakers worked together to pull the four carts outside, approaching the transport, which was comprised of three of Celestia's guards, with a large carriage in tow, made specifically for transporting goods. Once the carts of confections were loaded, Cup Cake went back inside momentarily, coming back out with two heavily-packed saddlebags, filled with supplies and toiletries for her husband, and placing them on his back. "Now you get out there and sell some treats, Carrot Cake!" the chubby mare smiled warmly as she nuzzled his snout gently again, giving his lips a gentle peck. "Show those fancy ponies that not all of the best sweets come from Canterlot!" she giggled, poking her tongue out playfully. Chuckling softly and nodding, Carrot Cake affectionately nuzzled her in return, giving her cheek a soft kiss. "Don't you worry, honey bun. You know our sweets are the best around." he grinned confidently, before stepping up into the front of the carriage. "See you in a week, Cup Cake!" he called out, waving to her as the pegasi at the front began to take off; Cup Cake smiling and waving back at him, watching as the carriage took off into the air and flew off towards the setting sun, heading up to Canterlot. Heading back into the bakery, the mare sighed softly, excited that her husband was getting to go on such a luxurious trip, but at the same time, not really looking forward to a whole week without him. Of course, she loved baking, but there were days when she wished she could just take a nice long trip away from the bakery, especially with her lovely Carrot Cake. The next day went by rather slowly. There was less business than usual, as Sunday was usually the slowest day of the week. It was already midday, and only about a dozen confections had been sold, leaving lots of them still waiting behind the glass at the counter, kept warm by the heat lamps. Cup Cake sighed as she leaned on the counter, glancing at the front door, which was propped open, allowing the circulation of cool air from outside. Of course, being as bored as she was, her thoughts continuously shifted back to her absent husband, imagining what he would be doing at this moment on the airship. "Hm....probably sold quite a few already, judging by the size of those ships." she closed her eyes for a moment, remembering the time she had seen one of those massive transports flying over Ponyville, looking like it could easily fit a hundred ponies on it. "Mrs.Cake! The next batch is done!" A familiar high-pitched voice from the kitchen snapped her out of her daydreaming, her head turning back towards the kitchen as she opened her eyes again. Leaning back onto all four of her hooves, she trotted into the kitchen, seeing the ever-excited Pinkie smiling cutely towards her, pointing towards the oven. "They're done!" Giggling softly, Cup Cake approached the hyperactive mare and lightly patted her back. "Thank you, Pinkie." she softly replied, before grasping the oven door and sliding the tray out, carefully grasping it with her teeth and putting it on top of the oven, glancing at the fresh-baked coffee cakes lined up perfectly across the tray. "Wonderful. I don't think we'll need any more for now, though. Business is a little slow." she spoke as she turned back to Pinkie. "Whatever you say, Mrs.Cake!" Pinkie giggled and saluted the chubby mare, before zipping out of the room, going back upstairs to her own room. Despite seeing it so many times, Cup Cake couldn't help but giggle a bit every time she saw the pink mare dash off like an eager child. She shook her head a bit with a slight grin, before starting to place the freshly-baked cakes onto the cooling rack. The rest of the first day went by somewhat well for her, despite constant thoughts of her husband. With Pinkie helping her take care of baking and cleaning, there wasn't much to worry about after the bakery closed for the night. She retired to her bedroom a bit earlier than usual, glancing inside after opening the door and already finding it rather lonely without the presence of her lovely stallion. After climbing into bed, she glanced to her side, only seeing an empty pillow where her husband usually was. Sighing softly, she closed her eyes and tried to sleep, beginning to dread the upcoming week without her husband. Mostly the fact that she wouldn't be able to get any sexual release for a while. Of course, she did have "toys" for such an occasion, but they couldn't come close the pleasure her husband could provide. A vibrating phallic-shaped piece of plastic had nothing on an actual stallionhood. Just thinking about Carrot Cake's "carrot" sparked small amounts of arousal within her, making her legs feel a little restless. She thought about him alone on that airship without any means of sexual release. She licked her lips as she imagined a week's worth of pent up penile paste waiting for her when her husband returned. Eventually she managed to doze off, having a rather peaceful sleep despite her stressing over her husband's absence. Once morning came, she woke up bright and early as usual, so as to get a good head-start on the day's baking. She grabbed her apron as she left the room and headed towards the kitchen, which was only dimly lit from the sunrise peeking in through the window. "Well...time to make the doughnuts." she thought out loud, before heading over to the counter and preparing the ingredients and utensils necessary for cooking said confections. Only a couple minutes after she began though, Pinkie had come downstairs as well, yawning a bit as she entered the kitchen. "Mnh, hiya Mrs.Cake." the pink mare spoke in a groggy voice, rubbing her eyes gently with one hoof. "Need some help?" she smiled a bit as she approached the counter, glancing over the two big balls of dough resting on cutting boards on the counter. "Oh, if you insist, deary." Cup Cake nodded a bit with a cute smile in return as she raised her front hooves up onto the counter, starting to roll a rolling pin over the dough, flattening it out slowly. "Find the doughnut cutter, will you Pinkie?" she glanced over towards the drawers to her left. "It should be somewhere in there." "You got it!" Pinkie happily replied as she trotted over beside the chubby mare and leaned down, starting to go through the drawers; shaking her rear a bit as she did. "Hmph, where'd it go? I thought it was in here too..." she raised an eyebrow in confusion, still digging through the various tools and gadgets in the drawer. "I'm pretty sure that's where I last put it." Cup Cake couldn't help but stare at the pink mare's rump for a few moments, watching the slightly plump cheeks jiggling slightly with each movement. Closing her eyes and shaking her head though, she returned to her work, rolling out the dough to the required thickness before starting to roll out the other ball of dough. Her pent-up lust was beginning to affect her slightly, still causing her to frequently think of her husband, longing for his companionship, though with Pinkie around to at least keep her company, her thoughts gradually shifted towards the pink mare. While she and Pinkie prepared the doughnuts, her feelings towards the hyperactive pony became much softer and somewhat affectionate. "Wonderful job, Pinkie." Cup Cake smiled happily as she watched Pinkie bring the last batch of doughnuts out of the frying oil and set them down on the cooling rack. "You might be even better at making doughnuts than me!" she giggled a bit, patting Pinkie's mane gently. "Well yeah! Our customers only deserve the best!" Pinkie poked her tongue out and smiled in return, not really paying much mind to the hoof patting her head. "So I make them as best as I can! But I'm not done yet!" she grinned playfully as she zipped over to the refrigerator and quickly pulled out various icings and glazes, before zipping right back to the counter and putting them down there. "Time to make them super duper tasty!" A couple hours later when the bakery finally opened for the day, the two baker mares had made a whole slew of various confections, from cupcakes to doughnuts to brownies and blondies, completely filling up the counters and glass case at the front of the store. "Alrighty, let's get selling, Pinkie!" Cup Cake eagerly called out as she flipped the sign on the front door to "OPEN", before returning to the counter. "Just a second!" Pinkie called out from the kitchen as she worked to get her apron on as well, struggling a bit with it before managing to slip it on properly, pushing the kitchen door open and happily trotting over behind the counter with Cup Cake. "Ready!" she happily replied with a big grin towards the older baker. The day started off somewhat slow just like the previous day, with only a few ponies stopping in to purchase their confections, but by mid-morning when Pinkie was back in the kitchen doing some more baking, Cup Cake was quite surprised when an unexpected customer entered, accompanied by a familiar stallion. Her eyes widened to the sight of a fancy Canterlot stallion, walking alongside Big Macintosh and approaching the counter. His coat was a lustrous lavender color, while his highly-groomed mane and tail were a pristine white, styled in a very fancy way. Accompanying his fancy mane and coat was some fine clothing, consisting of white cuffs around his front hooves, and a tightly-woven cravat around his upper chest. "So, this is the bakery you spoke so highly of..." The lavender stallion spoke, bringing a hoof up and lowering his purple shades, taking a quick glance around the interior. "Old fashioned and rustic. Quite commendable." "W-Welcome..." Cup Cake spoke with a bit of nervousness in her voice, smiling warmly though as she tried to keep her composure in front of the famous stallion. "Who's your friend here, Big Macintosh?" she glanced towards the shorter stallion; remembering him from a few magazines, but having a bit of difficulty recalling his name. "This here's Hoity Toity." The burly red stallion shifted his gaze to his side, grinning down at the fancy stallion. "He's down here from Canterlot for the day, an' I'm showin' him around." he explained, watching as Hoity's lavender cheeks tinted a bit darker. "Heh, yes...just showing me around this little town." Hoity Toity chuckled softly, before glancing over at the glass case full of confections, gazing over each of them as he felt himself salivating a bit already. "Hmm...all of these look quite delicious...I can't decide which to get!" Cup Cake giggled and nodded as she walked over behind the glass case, sliding the back of it open with one hoof. "It happens to a lot of ponies, deary." Rubbing his chin a bit, Hoity Toity narrowed his eyes, before pointing towards a rather sweet-looking coffee cake. "I'll take one of those, madame." he spoke as he fished a couple coins out of his cravat, setting them down on the counter. With a cute smile, Cup Cake picked up the sweet cake and placed it on a little paper plate, before pushing it onto the counter and taking the two golden coins, dropping them in the cash register beside the counter. "Enjoy, sweetie!" she spoke in her usual sweet tone, smiling almost proudly as she watched the Canterlot star pick up the cake and inspect it a bit, before taking a big bite of it. As he chewed though, his ears perked up a bit as the marvelous taste filled his mouth; his eyes also widening a bit behind those purple shades as he stared at the soft cake in his hoof. "Simply...magnificent!" Hoity Toity exclaimed after gulping, smiling up at Cup Cake again and licking a few crumbs from his lips. "I dare say this is even better than Canterlot bakers!" he grinned wide, immediately stuffing the rest of the little confection into his mouth and sighing happily, Big Macintosh chuckling a bit to the sight while Cup Cake only smiled excitedly, happy to know that her baking pleased even a critical stallion like Hoity Toity. "What's goin' on out here Mrs.Cake?" Pinkie curiously poked her head through the double-door from the kitchen, seeing the two stallions and smiling wide, hopping out to the counter next to Cup Cake. "Ooh, fancy customer! I remember you!" "Mmpmf, absolutely delicious." The fancy stallion grinned and licked his lips gently as he finished the confection, looking back at Cup Cake again. "A master of culinary arts, if I do say so myself." his complement only made the mare blush a bit and smile in return. "Oh, it's nothing, deary. Just decades of practice, that's all." Cup Cake giggled softly, adjusting her apron a bit in excitement. "Glad you enjoyed it though, Mr.Hoity!" "Enjoyed it, indeed. My dear, would you be so kind as to make me a dozen of your five finest treats?" Hoity lowered his shades again and grinned toward the mare, admiring the cute blush across her cheeks. "I'll send payment as soon as I get back to Canterlot. I simply must have more of your baking!" "F-Five dozen?" Cup Cake's eyes widened at the stallion's order, shocking her a bit at first, though she quickly smiled again, nodding eagerly. "Of course! I'd be honored to bake for you!" she excitedly spoke, causing Hoity to chuckle a bit at her excitement. "Wonderful. I cannot wait to taste more of your delicious confections, Cup Cake." the fancy colt lifted his shades again and rested them on his snout, before turning back to Big Macintosh. "Come, let us continue our tour, shall we?" he added with a grin, getting the signature "Eeeyup" in return, before both stallions turned and exited the bakery, leaving Cup Cake and Pinkie alone once more. "Ooh, five dozen huh? That's gonna be fun!" Pinkie giggled excitedly as she hopped in place, always enjoying working on large orders of treats. "Yes...five dozen...for one of the most famous ponies in Equestria!" Cup Cake smiled almost as wide as Pinkie, feeling like she could start hopping in place herself from her excitement. "Oh, this is just magnificent!" the mare hugged Pinkie suddenly, easily getting carried away in the excitement. Usually she was alongside her husband for joyous events like this, causing a bit of confusion for her brain. Pinkie didn't think much of it, only smiling in return and hugging the mare back, always happy to share a hug with a friend. Only moments later though, she blinked a bit in confusion as she felt Cup Cake's lips press against her cheek a couple times; not really expecting anything of the sort from the older mare. Cup Cake blushed deeply after she realized what she had done, smiling nervously at Pinkie. "Ah, heh...sorry Pinkie. I got a little carried away..." she blushed deeper and pulled back from the pink filly, quite embarrassed. "It's okay! I don't mind!" Pinkie giggled and poked her tongue out, lightly blushing herself, but her pink coat hid it easily. "I'm gonna get to work on those orders. Can't keep Mr.Toity waiting!" she smiled cutely once more before turning around and trotting back into the kitchen, leaving Cup Cake alone at the front counter once more. Cup Cake sighed softly, rubbing her forehead gently while her blush faded. "Get a hold of yourself, Cup Cake..." she groaned in her mind, leaning on the counter and staring out the front door, watching ponies walk by. "Only...five more days, and you'll have your Carrot Cake again..." Meanwhile in the kitchen, Pinkie thought about the older mare as well, having noticed her behavior over the past couple of days, but she didn't think it was as bad as this. "She misses Mr.Cake that much, huh?" she quietly thought out loud, glancing over towards the double-door to the counter for a moment, before returning to kneading the dough in front of her. A smile slowly crept across her snout though as she got an idea, immediately devising a plan to cheer up the other baker. "Hehe...I'll just have to use the fool-proof PPPP!" she grinned wide, giggling a bit in excitement as she worked. Later that night, after the bakery had closed, Pinkie went off to her room as usual, though from her door, she listened carefully. Once she heard the sound of Cup Cake washing dishes in the kitchen, she immediately got up and quietly tiptoed over towards the old mare's room, carrying two over-stuffed saddlebags on her back. Giggling softly in excitement, she shut the door behind her and began to prepare her "PPPP", as she called it. A good fifteen minutes later, Cup Cake finally finished tidying up around the kitchen and sighed softly, at least finding some joy in the fact that she was one day closer to her husband. After turning the lights off in the kitchen, she slowly ascended the staircase towards the bedrooms; the creaky floorboards easily alerting Pinkie of her approach. When she opened the door though, she shook her head a bit in confusion, seeing a bunch of lit candles spread across her room, giving off a lovely scent of vanilla, though what surprised her more was the fact that her bed had rose petals sprinkled all over it, along with a bright pink box on the nightstand beside it. "What is going on here...?" She thought out loud as she cautiously approached the bed, not hearing the door slowly close behind her; revealing Pinkie, who was hanging on the back of the door, wearing what appeared to be a maroon bathrobe. "Good evening, Mrs.Cake." the pink mare spoke, causing Cup Cake to gasp a bit in surprise, turning around to face her and only looking more confused. "Pinkie! What is all this for?" Cup Cake shook her head a bit, looking confusedly at the pink mare as she approached with a playful smirk, wrapping her arm around the baker mare's shoulder. "Welcome to Pinkie's Positively Pleasurable Pampering! I thought you could use a little stress relief, Mrs.Cake." Pinkie winked playfully as she cuddled up to the cyan mare's side, stroking her hoof down her back a bit. "I can certainly fill the hole your absent husband left...hehe." she giggled softly, only making Cup Cake blush in embarrassment. The idea of doing such lewd things with Pinkie both shocked and interested her at the same time, causing a bit of mixed feelings in her mind. "B-But Pinkie, I'm married!" she protested, though her body was begging for stress relief after several stressful days without her husband to "relieve" her at night. Pinkie only giggled softly again, midclosing her eyes and grinning as she looked into Cup Cake's eyes. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him." she poked her tongue out a bit, closing one eye as she nuzzled the older mare's snout gently. "Now c'mon, I don't want you feeling all stressed-out for the whole week!" “But I’m your friend, employer and landlord!” Cup Cake said, shaking her head a bit. “Aren’t you worried about tainting our relationship?” Pinkie only giggled in response, poking her tongue out a bit before smirking. “Let’s just say I want to have my cupcake and eat it too...” Cup Cake bit her lip gently and closed her eyes while her cheeks flushed a deeper red, torn between feelings of cheating on her husband and being able to have some sexual release during his absence. She would have just used one of her 'toys', but the offer of being able to play with another pony was quite tempting. "What he doesn't know won't hurt him..." she repeated in her mind, before opening her eyes, glancing back into Pinkie's. "You...promise you won't tell him, Pinkie?" "My lips are sealed." Pinkie grinned playfully as she slurped Cup Cake's snout lightly. "Now let's get started, cutie. I wanna get you de-stressed as soon as possible." she giggled softly once more, before breaking away from the mare and slipping out of the bathrobe, tossing it aside. As Cup Cake climbed up onto the bed and brushed some of the rose petals aside, Pinkie opened the little pink box and pulled out a decent-sized vibrator; a few inches bigger than Cup Cake's. "Now...just sit back and relax...Pinkie will take care of you." The pink mare spoke with a light smirk, placing the vibrator on the bed before climbing up next to Cup Cake, who was still blushing as she laid back, resting her head on the pillow. Pinkie decided to start off slowly, sitting beside the plump mare and pressing both of her front hooves onto that soft belly, starting to rub and stroke over it with long, slow motions, causing Cup Cake to sigh happily. "Mmmnh...that feels nice, Pinkie..." Cup Cake closed her eyes and sighed as the soft hooves massaged her chubby belly, gradually stroking lower and lower every few moments. Even just this soft massage was already letting off a bit of stress for her, relaxing her body nicely. "Glad to hear it, Cup Cake." Pinkie smiled in return as she kept rubbing lower, glancing down between the chubby mare's legs at the two rather large udders, widening her eyes a bit in curiosity. "Ooh, your funbags are so big! I’ve never seen them so squeezably-soft before!" she giggled a bit, sliding both of her hooves down and immediately starting to rub and massage the soft mounds, each at least the size of an apple. "Ah, c-careful Pinkie...!" Cup Cake gasped as her soft udders were rubbed and pressed by the two hooves, sending jolts of pleasure through her lower regions from their contents being sloshed around inside. "Be gentle...mnhh...please!" The pink mare only giggled excitedly, enjoying herself quite a bit as she played with the chubby mare's udders. "Hehe, they're so big and jiggly! And...ooh, what's this?" she leaned in a bit closer as she felt moisture against her hooves, rubbing them over the two nipples on the fat udders, only releasing more of the warm fluids. "Ooh, you're even lactating! Wow! I've never seen a mare lactate so quickly!" Cup Cake only groaned in pleasure from all the teasing her sensitive udders and perky nipples were receiving, leaning her head back against the pillow a bit more while her legs instinctively spread out a little wider. "Ohh, Pinkie..." her breathing accelerated a bit from the much-needed pleasure; watching as the pink mare moved between her legs and continued to squeeze at the fat udders. "I wonder what it tastes like?" Pinkie teased with a playful grin, leaning down to get a closer look at the soft mounds while her hooves kept rubbing over them, smearing more of the warm fluids onto them for a couple more moments before she finally opened her mouth and latched her lips around one of the cute nipples. "Mmm...!" she immediately began to suckle firmly, only causing Cup Cake to moan in pleasure, while a nice squirt of milk flowed out into the pink mare's mouth, giving her an adequate taste. "Mmmph!" Pinkie licked her lips eagerly as she pulled back, smiling wide up at Cup Cake. "Oh wow, it tastes so good Mrs.Cake! It's even sweeter than Vanilla-flavored milk!" she giggled a bit, before returning to suckling on the soft teat, eagerly drinking as much of the sweet milk as she could suck out of it. "Ahh...b-be gentle, Pinkie!" The chubby mare was blushing deeply now, both embarrassed and aroused at the same time from having a full-grown mare nursing from her teat. She placed her hoof gently on Pinkie's head and closed her eyes, moaning softly from the light pleasure the excited mare's nursing provided, only helping to moisten her nether lips even further. Pinkie grinned excitedly though as she suckled and suckled, eager to gulp down more of the sweet fluids which flowed freely from the teat. "Mmnh, doing good so far, Pinkie!" she midclosed her eyes and glanced up at Cup Cake again, seeing the pleased expression on her face; her mouth agape with soft panting and moaning. Pinkie then slowly slid her hoof down further, feeling the warmth from the older mare's slit as her hoof rubbed over it, eliciting a gasp of pleasure from Cup Cake. The mare closed her eyes a little tighter and arched her back a bit from the teasing hoof stroking over her moist lower lips, sending more shocks of pleasure through her lower regions. "Nnh, Pinkie...that feels nice..." her hoof gently stroked through Pinkie's mane as she enjoyed the suckling and rubbing, feeling like all of the stress that had built up was just melting away more and more with each passing moment. "Mm...mm...!" Pinkie sighed happily after getting her fill of the baker mare's sweet milk, finally pulling her head back and licking her lips eagerly, smiling up at Cup Cake. "Hehe...that was delicious! You should totally use that in some of your more special baking, Mrs.Cake!" she giggled, before looking down at the sopping-wet slit that her hoof was rubbing, bringing that hoof up and licking at the warm juices that had accumulated on it. "Mmm...I think I've found something even sweeter, though!" she teased with a playful smirk. Taking Cup Cake by surprise, Pinkie suddenly grasped her legs and spread them nice and wide, immediately leaning her head down and burying her snout in the mare's crotch, pressing her lips firmly against Cup Cake's and immediately starting to slurp her tongue firmly along them, giving Cup Cake a sudden boost of pleasure. "Ohh, P-PinkIIEEE!!" Cup Cake cried out loudly from the surge of pleasure, her whole body shuddering as Pinkie's tongue assaulted her nether lips, relentlessly slurping them up and down, stroking over every inch of the soft, pink slit. Her hoof lightly pressed against Pinkie's head as well, as if trying to push her tongue even more firmly against her nethers. "Sweet Celestia...mnh...don't stop, Pinkie!" Pinkie grinned widely to the sound of the mare’s cries and moans, glad to know that she was pleasing the stressed baker. After giving a few more slurps, she gave a firm push with her tongue, penetrating the pink slit and beginning to lap at the soft inner walls, getting a much better taste of Cup Cake’s sweet juices now. “Mmmnh...ooh, she really is sweet...” she sighed happily in her mind, slowly closing her eyes as she enjoyed the sweet carnal juices that steadily trickled forth onto her tongue. Despite the relatively light oral teasing, Cup Cake could already feel an orgasm welling up within her, her breathing accelerating while she lightly gripped the other pillow with her hoof, her legs also gently wrapping around Pinkie’s head, keeping her snout pressed against the warm nether lips. “M-my goodness...you’re so good at this, Pinkie...!” she bit her lip gently, honestly surprised at how well Pinkie was performing, for such a hyperactive and silly pony. The pink pony giggled and pulled her head back for a moment, grinning up at Cup Cake as she licked her lips. "Mm, of course! Only the best for every customer of the PPPP!" she poked her tongue out cutely, before leaning her head back down again. This time however, she pursed her lips around Cup Cake's clitoris, which had swollen slightly from all of the teasing slurps, and began to suckle firmly on it, sending huge shocks of pleasure through the older mare's body. "Ah! Ohh yes! Pinkie!" Cup Cake cried out blissfully and arched her back a little more from yet another surge of pleasure, feeling Pinkie suckling on the little nub as if it were a nipple, while also massaging it with her lips, providing mind-blowing pleasure for the chubby mare. "Don't stop..nhh...I'm gonna cum!" she panted heavily now, pressing her hoof firmly against the back of Pinkie's head as her impending orgasm approached more rapidly now, the pressure in her loins welling up more and more with each firm suckle the pink pony gave. With only a few more suckles and nibbles to her sensitive love button, Cup Cake finally felt her powerful orgasm hit; leaning her head back firmly and groaning out loudly as the pleasure surged through her whole body, causing her eyes to roll back while between her legs, a rush of her juices flowed forth, splashing all over Pinkie's chin and neck and onto the comforter as well, making a good bit of a mess from her strong climax. "Mmm...!" Pinkie only groaned happily in response, sliding her tongue down against the warm slit and lapping up some of the sweet carnal fluids as they gushed forth, her ears twitching lightly in excitement from the wonderful taste of it; much more potent than when she was slurping along the mare's inner walls. After slurping up a good amount of it from her chin, she pulled her head back up again and giggled excitedly, smiling up at Cup Cake once more. "Ooh, it's sweeter than brown sugar!" The chubby mare didn't really pay much attention to Pinkie's words; still coming off of the pleasure-high from the wonderful orgasm she just experienced. With a blissful sigh, she finally opened her eyes once more, looking back down at Pinkie and seeing her grinning wide. "Mmnh, that was...amazing, Pinkie." she smiled a bit in return, still panting a bit while her heart rate slowly decreased back to normal. "Glad to hear it, Mrs.Cake!" Pinkie smiled as she cuddled up with the chubby mare, enjoying the feel of the soft body as she lay atop it. "I didn't want you going through this week all totally stressed out. That's never fun!" she poked her tongue out playfully, still smiling down at Cup Cake. "Mmnh...thank you, deary...I certainly do feel much better after that." Cup Cake giggled in return and gently wrapped her front legs around Pinkie, cuddling her a little closer and giving her snout a soft nuzzle. Out of the corner of her eye though, she spotted the bright red sex toy that Pinkie had removed from the box, now seeing it from a different angle. "Hm...? That's a weird looking vibrator..." Pinkie saw the mare glancing behind her and turned her head as well, noticing the toy that she had brought out as well. "Oh! I almost forgot about that!" she grinned wide, quickly pulling away from the chubby mare and grabbing the red toy, holding it between her hooves. "I was gonna use this, but I guess I got a little carried away!" the pink mare poked her tongue out cutely. "I see...what kind of vibrator is that, though? It looks a little strange." Cup Cake raised an eyebrow as she saw the bottom of the toy, not seeing any kind of switch or button on it, but instead a glossy, sparkly surface. "Well..." Pinkie's cute smile curled into a smirk as she spoke, her gaze shifting towards Cup Cake again. "If you're up for another round of fun, I can show you! It's only the best sex toy in all of Equestria!" she boasted, gently licking the tip of it and giggling a bit. Cup Cake rubbed her chin gently as she thought about it, being rather intrigued by the strange-looking sex toy, especially after Pinkie's claim. "I suppose so...a nice second round couldn't hurt." she grinned playfully in return, before rolling over onto her belly, exposing her huge, plump rear to Pinkie. "Go ahead, deary. Show me what it does." she turned her head to look back at the other mare, eagerly awaiting her next move. "You asked for it!" Pinkie giggled eagerly and continued to smirk as she slurped the tip of the toy a few more times, before bringing it down and pushing it gently into her own moist cunny, sighing in pleasure. Cup Cake blinked a bit in confusion, wondering why Pinkie was seemingly using the vibrator on herself, but once all seven of its inches were inside the pink mare, her question was quickly answered. The glossy, sparkly bottom of the toy began to glow brightly as Pinkie panted a bit, some kind of magic beginning to arise from within the vibrator. With a slight pink flash, Cup Cake gasped as she watched a dark pink shaft protrude from the end of the sex toy, angling itself upward as it elongated and thickened, quickly changing shape as well, taking on the appearance of a stallion cock. In just a few moments, it had grown to at least twelve inches, with a decent girth to match, though it looked like some sort of hologram. "Wh-what is that, Pinkie??" "Mmmnh...I borrowed it from Twilight...you like it?" Pinkie grinned lustfully and brought her hoof down to the magical cock, rubbing up and down its length and sighing from the gentle pleasure; the magical sex toy letting her feel pleasure from the holographic member as if it were real. "I told you it's the best sex toy in Equestria...hehe!" she teased, before reaching forward with both hooves and grasping Cup Cake's very plump flanks, pressing the magical futa cock between the soft cheeks, letting her feel it as well. "Ah, P-Pinkie...!" Cup Cake gasped softly in surprise as she felt the hard shaft press up against her fat rump, being squished nicely between the magnificently soft buttcheeks. "It feels so real...that's some amazing magic!" she blushed in arousal once more to this new revelation; now knowing that she would have a realistic cock to fuck her, instead of just a hoof or a vibrator. "Ooh, and this is some amazing butt you have, Mrs.Cake!" The pink pony giggled and blushed lightly herself, keeping her hooves pressed against the older mare's cutie marks as she began to thrust her hips gently, sliding her magical member back and forth between the wondrously soft buttcheeks. "So plump and soft!" she sighed in bliss, feeling her magic cock throb in pleasure, its stiffness being a stark contrast to the sheer softness of the mare's buttcheeks. Just the feeling of the stiff member rubbing and grinding against her butt was enough to fully arouse the chubby mare once more; her cheeks blushing deeply while her eyes midclosed, soft moans escaping her throat as well. Her marehood was already moistening up again from her growing arousal, giving off the sweet scent of her juices for the futa pony behind her. "Don't tease me, Pinkie...mmnh...show me what you can do with that wonderful toy." Pinkie only smirked eagerly in response, giving Cup Cake's cutie mark a teasing slap with her hoof. "You asked for it, Mrs.Cake!" she made a few more light thrusts between the soft, plump cheeks, before pulling her hips back a bit, aligning the tip of the magic cock with the mare's warm slit and gently prodding against it. "One cream-filled cupcake...coming up!" she teased with a giggle, before leaning forward over Cup Cake's body and pushing her hips forward, gently penetrating her. "Ohh...yes...!" Cup Cake groaned from the penetration, closing her eyes and leaning her head down onto the pillow, while pushing back a bit against Pinkie, helping to slide the twitching magic cock deeper inside her. "Stuff this sweet cupcake, Pinkie..." she moaned in lust, only becoming lustier as the pleasure fueled her arousal. With the tight squeezing from Cup Cake's silky-smooth insides, Pinkie couldn't help but moan happily as well, beginning to gently buck her hips, pushing her cock deeper with each small thrust she made. "Mmnh...you feel so good inside, Mrs.Cake!" she groaned with each thrust, quickly sheathing all twelve inches inside the tight love tunnel before cuddling up to Cup Cake's back, savoring the wonderful feeling of the hot walls squeezing around every inch of her magically-materialized member. At the same time, Cup Cake was enjoying the feeling of being stuffed full, even if the magical cock wasn't as big as her husband's length. She was also amazed at how realistic it felt, experiencing every single twitch and throb it gave against her soft insides. "Ooh, Pinkie...buck me!" she groaned lustfully, grinding her soft rump a bit against Pinkie's crotch, eager to feel the thick shaft pumping in and out of her. The futa mare smirked eagerly in response, quite eager to get to the bucking herself. "Alright, Mrs.Cake...here I come!" she then pressed her hooves down onto the bed next to Cup Cake's, before pulling her hips back and immediately starting off with a few rough thrusts, causing the chubby baker to gasp in pleasure. "Mmnh, how d'ya like that?" Pinkie teased with a playful giggle, panting lightly herself from the pleasurable squeezes Cup Cake's pussy was giving her, thrusting steadily into it as her magical endowment throbbed in pleasure against the soft insides. "Absolutely wonderful...ahh, Pinkie!" Cup Cake moaned blissfully from the steady, slightly rough thrusts into her warm snatch; Pinkie's shaft seeming to slide in and out incredibly smoothly, as if it were coated with grease. The smoothness of each firm thrust only seemed to add to her pleasure, pushing it higher and higher as the eager pink pony gradually accelerated her bucking. She wasn't the only one whose pleasure was rapidly increasing, though. Pinkie's tongue lolled out of her mouth a bit as she panted and groaned softly in pleasure, taking quite a bit of her energy to quickly thrust her shaft so deeply inside Cup Cake, and then pull it almost all the way back out. "Oohh...g-glad to hear it...!" she replied between her panting, feeling her pleasure building up more and more within her from the silky walls squeezing around her magical length. With how hard she was being bucked, Cup Cake could feel her large teats jiggling and swinging back and forth each time, only causing her to blush deeper as she felt milk trickle forth from the two perky nipples, splashing onto the comforter below her. All of the sloshing from her milk only teased her with more pleasure, soaking the magical cock inside her with more of her warm prejuices, while the soft walls squeezed it a little more firmly. "Ohh, sweet Celestia...she's bucking as hard as Carrot Cake!" The eager pink pony really was putting a lot of power behind her thrusts, matching the strength of most stallions even; determined to please Cup Cake as much as possible. As her magical cock throbbed and twitched in pleasure, it secreted small amounts of a warm, sticky substance with the appearance of a unicorn's magic aura, mostly transparent with a glowing outline; globs of it smearing all along the baker's love canal and adding to the heat and moisture. With all the heat and tight squeezing, Pinkie could already feel her orgasm welling up in her loins, biting her lip gently as she tried her best to resist the pleasure, not wanting to cum so soon before Cup Cake. "Mmnhh...s-so good...Mrs.Cake..." she panted blissfully between her thrusts, her own cheeks starting to tint red from the wonderful pleasure, procuring more of the warm "precum" from her magical endowment. "Don't stop, mmnh, Pinkie...keep stuffing your cupcake!" The chubby mare groaned in lust, feeling her own climax rapidly approaching as well, being pushed closer and closer with each deep thrust Pinkie made. Reaching her own hoof back, she began to tease her jiggling teats, pressing and squishing them with her hoof, only causing more of her milk to escape, as well as more pleasure to course through her lower regions from the release. "Stuff her nice and full...oohh..." Grinning lustfully, Pinkie kept up her rough bucking, just as eager for release as Cup Cake was. "Nnh, you got it, Mrs.Cake...one stuffed cupcake, coming up!" she couldn't help but giggle softly, even though her impending orgasm was just moments away now, signaled by the rapid throbbing of her cock. Pressing forward a little bit more firmly, she put even more power into her thrusting, really slamming her crotch against Cup Cake's plump butt, smacking against it so hard that it jiggled quite a bit each time. "Ahh...here comes...the frosting...!!" she cried out loudly, before hitting a strong climax and burying the twelve inches of magic cock inside Cup Cake's pussy; throbbing wildly as it unleashed a torrent of magical "seed" inside her, coating the soft inner walls with it while a good amount of it oozed out around the shaft, splashing onto Pinkie's crotch. Despite Pinkie's orgasm being strong, Cup Cake's only seemed to be even more potent. The magical semen immediately sent surges of tingly pleasure through every inch of her love tunnel, easily pushing her over the edge of her own orgasm. "Oh, yes...YES!" she screamed in pleasure as she came hard, clenching her soft insides like a vice around Pinkie's magical shaft before her own flood of carnal juices soaked it, giving the pink mare's crotch another nice splash of warm fluids. Both mares groaned and panted from their pleasurable orgasms; Pinkie's shaft staying hilted in the hot squeeze of Cup Cake's snatch as she collapsed on top of the chubby mare, sighing blissfully while her afterglow kicked in. "Ooohh, yeah...that was great...hehe..." she smiled and nuzzled at Cup Cake's neck, giving it a couple soft licks as she cuddled up with the other baker. Cup Cake, still basking in the wonderful pleasure of her afterglow, could only sigh and groan happily in response, resting her head on the pillow as she panted softly, still recovering from the powerful orgasm. Turning her head to the side, she smiled back at Pinkie, taking a nice deep breath as she slowly caught her breath. "Mmnh, that was wonderful, Pinkie." she spoke softly, before closing her eyes and resting her head on the pillow again, rather exhausted from all the intense fun. "Hehe...the PPPP never fails to please!" Pinkie giggled and teasingly slurped at Cup Cake's cheek, still cuddling and lightly massaging the chubby mare's sides with her soft hooves, while her member throbbed lightly inside her, still being lightly squeezed by the soft inner walls. “So...same time tomorrow night then, Mrs.Cake?” she teased with a playful grin, slowly pulling her hips back and sliding her magical member out, before reaching back and pulling the toy out of her pussy, causing the ethereal shaft to disappear. “That would be wonderful, deary.” Cup Cake giggled softly as well, turning her head and smiling back at Pinkie, before rolling over onto her back beneath the pink mare, sighing happily. “Mm, perhaps this week won’t be so bad after all..” > Mile High Club > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- (A quick note: This chapter begins the day after Carrot Cake left in the first chapter. Sunday.) (Also, this chapter contains M/M content. Just a warning.) As the sun rose over Canterlot early Sunday morning, Carrot Cake was already preparing for his week-long cruise, making sure all of the baked goods for that day were in their correct positions on the carts. "Ah...that looks about right." he smiled a bit to himself as he glanced over the three carts of confections, laid out perfectly in ways that were not only visually appealing, but would allow for many more to be placed on the carts. With that, he tied the carts together and pulled them out of the kitchen, leaving the private Canterlot hotel and beginning the long walk over to the airship where he would be on for the next week. On the way there, he noticed another baker heading in the same direction, also pulling two carts worth of what appeared to be doughnuts. With a smile, he picked up his pace a bit, catching up to the other stallion. "Hello there, heading to the cruise ship as well?" he came up alongside the unicorn stallion, smiling invitingly before glancing at the towering piles of fried dough behind him. "Bringing a nice load of sweets too, I see!" Grinning back at Carrot Cake, the other stallion nodded. "Yep. I guess I'm not the only baker supplying food for the cruise, then." he chuckled softly, looking back at Carrot Cake's trays as well. "The name's Joe. Donut Joe, to be exact. I think I remember you from that baking competition that was held a while ago. Carrot Cake, was it?" "That's me!" Carrot Cake nodded and turned back towards Joe again, still smiling warmly. "I run a bakery with my wife down in Ponyville. I guess after the Canterlot elite saw the cake we both made, they decided to bring us along on this cruise." "Heh, yeah...being a resident here, I get called upon for this kinda stuff all the time." Joe nodded, looking ahead towards the huge airship out in front of them, still attached to the dock with its crew working to get it prepared for launch. "It'll be nice to have some company, I guess." "Mmhm, I'd imagine it would get lonely being the only baker for a cruise." Carrot Cake chuckled softly, grinning a bit. "Well, see you around then, Donut Joe. I've gotta go and get this stuff set up." he added, before heading off up the dock towards the ship, heading towards the main buffet area, while Joe took off in the direction of the staff housing. "He seemed nice enough...good to know that not all Canterlot ponies are stuck up." he chuckled a bit, glancing up at the clear sky for a moment as he walked along the big ship, already enjoying his trip even though it hadn't truly started yet. Once he arrived at the buffet area, he got right to work on setting up the carts of baked goods, spreading them out along the table in the same way that he had arranged them on the carts; stacked in pyramids or spread around in swirl shapes, giving a bit of design flair to the whole setup. "That should just about do it, I suppose." he sighed contently as he pushed the carts towards the wall behind the table, before glancing at the spread of sweets, spanning across two of the three long tables. With it still being somewhat early in the morning, there was really nopony around except the ship staff and a few early guests. The bulk of the guests didn't start coming aboard until a few hours later, closer to noontime. It was then that his first customer approached: A well-dressed mare with an exquisite manestyle, slowly trotting up to the table and glancing over the delicious goods. "Welcome!" Carrot Cake cheerfully spoke, smiling warmly to the mare, who smiled right back at him. "What would you like?" "I'll have one of these delicious-looking blondies, darling." The mare spoke with quite a high-class accent, typical of a rich, pompous Canterlot pony. "Coming right up." Carrot Cake nodded before grasping one of the small paper plates from the stack on the third table and sliding one of the Blondies onto it before pushing the plate towards the mare. "Enjoy!" "Mm, many thanks." she replied with a grin, biting the edge of the plate and picking it up before turning and leaving with it. As she trotted away though, Carrot Cake's eyes widened slightly as he found himself gazing at the fancy mare's rump; the way it swayed back and forth being almost hypnotic to him. It wasn't as big or plump as Cup Cake's, but the way it moved so fluidly back and forth was more than teasing for the stallion. "Oh, my..." he mumbled softly before turning his head to the side and closing his eyes. "I'm a married stallion, I'm a married stallion..." With more and more ponies boarding the ship, business quickly picked up for Carrot Cake, though just after noon, Donut Joe came in with his doughnuts and began to set them up on the third table. "Good to see you again." Carrot Cake spoke with a warm smile towards the other stallion, before helping him move the plates of dough onto the table. "Mmhm, you too. Already getting a good amount of customers, I see." Joe grinned a bit in return after setting down the last plate of doughnuts, straightening the paper hat atop his head. "Looks like it's gonna be a crowded ride, from what I could see." "Wonderful! Hopefully we'll get a large number of tips on this cruise." Carrot Cake chuckled and grinned playfully, before turning back towards the decent crowd of ponies that had gathered in the buffet hall. As with most other parts of Equestria, the majority of them were mares, most of them very fancily-dressed from being wealthy Canterlot mares. With all of the beautiful mares around, Carrot Cake caught himself staring a few times over the next few hours, unable to resist the allure of these fancy mares. "Nnh...come on, Carrot Cake...you've got your own mare back at home!" he groaned softly as he fought to resist dirty thoughts, though without his wife accompanying him, that was proving rather difficult. By Dinnertime, he finally managed to relax a bit, though said relaxation was short-lived as a certain mare approached the sweets table. "Hello there, cutie." She spoke with a bit of a flirtatious accent, brushing her beautiful golden-yellow mane out from in front of her eyes to reveal a cute smile, while her eyes looked directly into Carrot Cake's. "I'll have a slice of that apple pie, if you don't mind, dear." The combination of the sweet, yet subtly-seductive voice, along with that cute face and wonderful mane was just too much for Carrot Cake. Between his legs, he could feel his stallionhood stirring in its sheath and slowly beginning to slide out, causing him to blush lightly. "Y-yes, as you wish..." he spoke softly as he scooped out one of the pie slices with the special utensil, placing it carefully on one of the plates before pushing it across the table to the mare. "There you a-are, dear." "Mm, thanks, hon." The beautiful mare replied, playfully blowing a kiss to Carrot Cake before taking the plate and heading back to her table. Carrot Cake meanwhile gulped softly, now feeling a raging erection between his legs, twitching against his belly in time with his heartbeat. "Oh Celestia...this is not good..." Carrot Cake bit his lip gently and glanced around the room, making sure nobody was looking at him as he scooted up a bit closer to the table. "Rock hard in a room full of beautiful mares...well, I suppose I don't have to move from behind the table..." With his body hidden behind the tablecloth, it was true that nobody could see him...at least, from the other side of the table. Amongst all of his worrying, he had forgotten about the stallion beside him until just now, when he chuckled audibly, causing Carrot Cake to blush deeply. "Getting a little excited about all of the customers, Carrot Cake?" Joe smirked towards the other baker, clearly seeing the raging erection between his legs. He licked his lips softly as he watched it bob up and down lightly, surprised at how big it was, for such a skinny stallion. "And I thought I was enthusiastic about my baking, heh!" Carrot Cake's cheeks continued to flush red in embarrassment as his gaze shifted towards Joe, seeing the smirk on his face. "I can't help it...there's so many beautiful mares here." "Yeah, I certainly can't blame you." Joe chuckled and nodded, glancing back out at the crowd, though his eyes were not on a mare, but a very well-groomed stallion standing with two mares. "These ponies ain't too bad lookin'." "Well I can't just stand here with this...I need to get rid of it!" Carrot Cake craned his head around and looked between his legs, groaning a bit as his member continued to throb and twitch, eager for release. "Do you think you could cover for me so I can get to the restroom and take care of this?" "Hmm..." Joe looked back at Carrot Cake again, his gaze once more returning to the delicious-looking shaft between his legs. "I don’t think so?" He shook his head gently,  "Every mare in the room would notice your boner as you left. The bathroom isn't an option, but I think I've got a better idea." he smirked as his horn began to glow with magic, only causing Carrot Cake to raise an eyebrow in confusion. "What do you mean? What are you going to- Ah!" Carrot Cake gasped mid-sentence as he felt a pleasurable tingling on his shaft, causing him to shudder. Looking between his legs again, he saw a blue magical aura surrounding his member, causing it to feel as if every inch of it was being caressed by an incredibly soft silk. "Ohh, w-what are you doing?" he bit his lip to stifle his soft moans; the intense tingly pleasure being completely foreign to him. "Helping you get rid of your little problem, Carrot Cake." Joe continued to smirk as he worked his magic on Carrot Cake's shaft, "A hornjob is much more discreet than using your hooves." Carrot Cake kept his gaze fixated on it as it throbbed harder and already began to ooze a drop of precum onto the floor below him. "This is certainly much safer than trying to walk to the other side of the room without anyone seeing it," Joe said. “Nngh, s-stop...!” Carrot Cake groaned from the foreign pleasure in his shaft, blushing from both the pleasure and embarrassment now. He wasn’t particularly fond of the fact that it was another stallion teasing him like this, but the magical pleasure was something he had never felt before, being married to an Earth mare. “I’m..nhh...I’m not g-gay!” Joe only chuckled a bit in response, shaking his head lightly. "Can you really call this gay if I'm not even touching you?" he poked his tongue out a bit, still smirking playfully as he worked his magic along the embarrassed stallion's shaft, feeling it throb harder against the teasing aura. "Besides, it feels good, doesn't it?" "Ahh...it does feel...great." Carrot Cake grunted softly, sitting down behind the table now, hidden from view behind a large pile of cupcakes. "Your magic feels...so good, Donut Joe." he groaned in pleasure as he stared between his legs at his member, which stood straight up from his crotch and throbbed hard, loving all of the magical teasing. His pleasure only built up more and more within him, causing more of his sticky precum to escape. "Heh, always happy to help another baker." Joe licked his lips gently once more as he watched the droplets of pre ooze down Carrot Cake's shaft, wanting so badly to just lean down and slurp them up. As he kept up his magic, he served a couple customers as well, trying to work as fast as possible to get them their orders and get them away quickly, to lessen the chance of Carrot Cake being seen or heard. "Sweet Celestia...mnh...I never knew Unicorn magic could feel this good...!" the skinny stallion closed his eyes as he enjoyed the ever-increasing pleasure, bringing one hoof down to his balls and starting to rub them as well, feeling his orgasm welling up within him after only a few minutes of the magical teasing. "Oh no...I'm gonna make a mess..." he groaned a bit, realizing that he didn't have a condom or a sexual orifice to cum inside; not wanting to make a huge mess of the floor or tablecloth. Panicking a bit, he looked up onto the table and reached for the biggest pastry he saw: one of Joe's Jubmo-sized muffins. "It'll have to do, I suppose!" he panted softly as he felt his pleasure starting to peak, more and more of his pre escaping his rapidly-twitching member now. "Oohh...yes...!" he groaned quietly as he finally climaxed, feeling the surge of pleasure coursing through him as he pushed the big muffin down onto his cock, penetrating the soft confection just as gushes of his seed began to flow, stuffing the muffin full of the thick, sticky fluid. "That's so sexy..." Joe blushed lightly himself as he watched Carrot Cake pump the muffin full of seed, filling it with a few powerful gushes before his orgasm subsided, causing him to collapse on the floor, panting happily. "Heheh...thanks for the cream filling, Carrot Cake." he grinned once more as he slowly stopped the magical teasing to Carrot Cake's shaft, levitating the cum-stuffed muffin off of it as well and setting it aside on the table. "Ahh...th-thanks for helping me out, Joe...that was wonderful!" Carrot Cake smiled in return, lightly blushing again as he sat up, catching his breath after the powerful magic-induced orgasm. "I've...never felt Unicorn magic like that, before..." "Not a problem, Carrot Cake. I'm always willing to help a handsome stallion in need." Joe smirked playfully, reaching a hoof out and helping Carrot Cake up to his feet again, watching as his cheeks flushed a bit deeper red. "Maybe you can return the favor some time." he added with a wink. "Oh, uh...sure...I guess..." Carrot Cake gulped softly and tried to smile. He had enjoyed the other stallion's magical work quite a bit, but still, the idea of doing such things with another stallion still irked him. "Let's uh...finish up selling these, shall we?" he said as he turned back towards the crowd, seeing a couple ponies approaching from the other side of the room, while between his legs, his member finally began to soften and slide back into its sheath. "Of course, stud." Joe chuckled and playfully bumped his hips against Carrot Cake's, before stepping up to his table again, still having a couple trays of donuts remaining. Reaching for the cum-stuffed muffin that he set aside, he carefully picked it up and placed it down beneath an unfolded napkin, before folding the napkin over it, carefully wrapping up the muffin in three napkins before setting it on the cart behind him, licking his lips gently. "I wonder if it will taste like carrots...heh!" The rest of the night went by somewhat slowly, with a bit of awkwardness between the two stallions now, at least from Carrot Cake's perspective. He couldn't stop thinking about how he had been sexually pleasured by another stallion, feeling quite irked by the whole ordeal, but at the same time, a part of him wanted more. To feel that magical aura stroking and teasing every inch of his penis at once. "I can't be gay...can I?" Carrot Cake stared out aimlessly into the crowd, seeing nothing but mares coupled with stallions. "I've been with my wife for so long...how could I feel this way toward another stallion?" he turned his head to the side, watching Donut Joe as he served another couple of donuts before looking back at him, grinning playfully. Carrot Cake blushed a bit and smiled sheepishly in return, then turned his gaze back towards the crowd again. "I don't particularly feel attracted to his looks...hmm...I'll have to talk to him about it, he would know, I suppose." Once the first major event of the cruise started, all of the guests left for the amphitheater where it was being held, leaving the buffet looking like a ghost town. Without saying much to each other, Carrot Cake and Donut Joe packed up what they had left of their food in the kitchen, before heading back to their rooms. Despite it being late at night, Carrot Cake found that he wasn't very tired; being too occupied with thoughts of his sexuality to want to sleep. The baker stallion left his room and headed down the hallway, walking a short distance before stopping at room #502. Every room in that section had been reserved for the cruise staff, so Joe's room wasn't too far. He took a couple deep breaths before raising his hoof and knocking lightly on the door, hearing hoofsteps from inside only moments later. "Well, look who it is." Donut Joe grinned playfully as he opened the door, having seen Carrot Cake through the little peep-hole on his side of the door. "What do you need, Carrot Cake?" "I, um...I just wanted to talk, a bit. If that's alright with you." Carrot Cake smiled sheepishly again, feeling a bit embarrassed talking to the other baker stallion. "Heh, sure, c'mon in." Joe chuckled at the other stallion's apparent shyness, opening the door wider and stepping back to allow him inside. "What do you wanna talk about, then?" "Well..." Carrot Cake gulped softly as he stepped inside, gently closing the door behind him. "I just wanted to talk about...what happened between us tonight. I've felt a little strange, ever since." he looked up towards the other stallion, starting to blush lightly. "Oh, did I use too much magic? Sorry, might'a misfired and hit something else in your body.” Joe rubbed the back of his head a bit, though Carrot Cake shook his head in response. “No, I feel physically fine, it’s just...I’ve been having some strange feelings.” Carrot Cake explained, sitting down on one of the soft chairs next to the little table in the room. “I think...I think I might be gay.” Hearing this, Donut Joe put his hoof to his lips and chuckled a bit, grinning widely now. “Really now? Was I that good?” he laughed a bit, the whole idea of a stallion turning gay because of his “aura-job” sounding just a bit ridiculous to him. “I’ve had stallions enjoy my work before, but I’ve never had a stallion turn gay over it!” “Well, that’s just the thing, Joe, I...well, it’s kinda complicated.” Carrot Cake blushed deeper now, feeling a bit more embarrassed. “Don’t get me wrong, what you did with your magic felt really, really good, but...I’m not sure if I’m really gay or not...” “Is that so...” Joe grinned a bit, walking over to his bed and sitting down on the edge of it. “Well, let me ask you, then...you do love your wife, don’t you, Carrot Cake?” The stallion nodded softly. “Of course I do. We’ve been married for almost ten years now, and I love her more than life itself.” “Hm, alright, alright...” Joe nodded, crossing his front legs a bit over his chest. “Do you love me, though? Surely you’d at least hold some feelings for me, if you really were gay.” “I don’t know...” Carrot Cake shook his head a bit, leaning back in his chair. “I don’t really feel attracted to you in any romantic way, yet...just thinking about what you did to me with your magic makes me feel a little hot inside...my wife is an Earth mare, so I’ve never felt magic like that before.” “Heh, I see.” Joe smirked once more, working his magic and lightly teasing Carrot Cake’s sheath, making him gasp softly from the light jolt of pleasure. “You don’t sound gay to me. Sounds more like you might just be bi-curious, Carrot Cake.” “Bi-curious?” Carrot Cake tilted his head a bit, raising an eyebrow. “I don’t think I’m Bi, either. I mean...I don’t lust after stallions, and, no offense, I don’t find you physically attractive either, nor do I find any other stallion attractive.” “Hmm...I guess you’re just a straight stallion that enjoys gay sex?” Joe chuckled, still smirking playfully towards the other stallion. "I don't blame you. I have been told quite often that my skills with magic are top-notch." Carrot Cake smiled a bit as he nodded, remembering the mind-blowing pleasure that the unicorn magic provided. "It was...really wonderful, Donut Joe. I suppose that is true...I don't really like stallions that much, but that pleasure was amazing." "Mm, like I said...always happy to help a fellow baker." The bigger stallion stood up from his bed and walked up to Carrot Cake, grinning up at him. "Especially such a cute one." he winked, bringing a hoof up and running it under Carrot Cake's chin. "I'd be more than willing to help you out some more if you want, Carrot Cake." "Th-thanks...but I'd feel too guilty, Joe. I promised my wife on our wedding night that she would be the only mare in my life." Carrot Cake blushed again, shuddering softly as the hoof stroked his chin. "You can keep that promise, then." Joe's grin curled into a playful smirk as his hoof stroked down to Carrot Cake's chest. "You never said anything about another stallion in your life, after all." Carrot Cake groaned a bit and shook his head, trying his best not to feel aroused from all the light stroking; his sheath bulging a bit between his legs. "But I don't love you, Donut Joe. At least, not like that. I just like you as a friend." "Then we can be friends with benefits. How does that sound, Carrot Cake?" Joe chuckled and leaned his head up a bit, gently nuzzling Carrot Cake's snout as his horn began to glow once more, focusing his magic aura on the other stallion's sheath, making him gasp softly in pleasure again. "If you don't love me, that's fine. But I'm certainly not going to pass up a chance to have some fun with you, if that's what you want." Gulping softly while his cheeks blushed deeply once more, Carrot Cake looked back into Joe's eyes, a look of lust on the bigger stallion's face. "I...nhh, suppose...a little bit of fun couldn't hurt." he shuddered lightly from the feel of that teasing magic, his member already sliding out and hardening steadily. "This will be our secret, right?" "Mmhm. A promise between bakers." Joe grinned back and nodded, lightly stroking his hoof along Carrot Cake's chest as his magic continued to stroke along that hardening member; his own stallionhood already semi-erect between his legs, eager for a bit of pleasure as well. "Think you can return the favor then, Carrot Cake? You still owe me." he winked before pulling back and going back over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. As the other stallion spread his legs, Carrot Cake finally saw the juicy member between his legs, slowly standing up as it grew and hardened. "I suppose so...what do you want me to do?" he asked as he got up from the chair and cautiously approached the bed, still gazing at Joe's impressive member. "Let's just start off slow, since you're new to this." The big stallion spread his legs a little more, allowing Carrot Cake full access to his goods. "Give it a good rubbing, Carrot Cake." "Alright..." Carrot Cake gulped softly as he moved right up between Joe's legs, sitting down and staring at the halfway-erect shaft. Still blushing in embarrassment, he lifted a hoof and moved it up towards the other stallion's crotch, gently pressing it against the warm member before slowly rubbing it, stroking his hoof up and down the length. "Like this?" "Mm...that's a start...heh..." Joe chuckled at the other stallion's naivety, though in only a few moments of the tender rubbing, he reached a full erection; the thick shaft throbbing lightly against Carrot Cake's hoof. "There we go...ready to move on, then?" Carrot Cake nodded softly in reply, though his hoof continued to slowly stroke the hard member, feeling a bit envious of its size. Joe's stallionhood was roughly the same length as Carrot Cake's, but it seemed to be a good deal thicker, with a much more impressive flare. "Wow...he's awfully thick, isn't he?" he bit his lip gently, the size difference only arousing him further; his own shaft quickly growing fully hard as well, standing up between his legs. "Heh, good. If you think we're going too fast, just feel free to go at your own pace, okay?" Joe smirked lustfully, sighing a bit from the gentle pleasure of that stroking hoof against his length. "Now give it a taste. You can use your mouth or just your tongue, if you want. And I assure you it's delicious." he chuckled a bit and gently patted Carrot Cake's head. "Well, um...I guess I'll just try to do what Cup Cake usually does..." Carrot Cake gulped softly again, gazing at the tip of Joe's member as he slid his hoof down to the base and kept it there. He then leaned forward and opened his mouth, sticking his tongue out and pressing it to the flared tip of Joe's shaft, immediately getting a rush of taste. The flavor was quite foreign, being a strange mix of sweet and salty, tasting quite odd to him. "Mmmnh..." he groaned softly as the taste washed over his tongue, gently dragging the slick muscle all around the flared tip of Joe's shaft, eliciting a few groans from the other baker. Despite tasting strange at first, the unique flavor quickly grew on him, leading to more eager licks and slurps, swirling his tongue all around the tip and first couple of inches now. "Ooh, that's it...awfully eager for someone who says he's not gay." Joe smirked down at Carrot Cake, still gently resting his hoof on the stallion's head as he watched him work the thick shaft with his tongue, teasing Joe with more light pleasure. As he enjoyed himself though, his horn began to glow once more, stroking Carrot Cake's shaft with his magic aura again, causing him to groan and close his eyes from the tingly magic pleasure. "Nnh..! Oohh, my..." Carrot Cake's blush returned as he felt the unicorn's magic teasing his stallionhood again, continuing to slurp and lick at the thick shaft in front of him, soon being rewarded with a sizable drop of precum. As it smeared over his tongue, he got another rush of taste, though instead of something foreign, it tasted just like the stallion's shaft, but much more potent. "Mmnh...oh, Joe...it tastes amazing!" "Heh, told ya." The unicorn chuckled softly before sighing a bit, still smirking down at Carrot Cake, watching his member throb and twitch with the magic aura around it. "My spunk’s sweeter than cream and all-natural, too. Go ahead, stud. Give it a good sucking if you want more of that sweet taste." he winked playfully, before spreading his magic aura further, beginning to stroke and tease the two smooth orbs that hung beneath Carrot Cake's shaft. "Just imagine it's a big, long eclair, heh." "Mmmnh! Of course..." Carrot Cake panted a bit from all the tingly pleasure between his legs, driving his lust and arousal even higher still as his member twitched more, oozing drop after drop of pre down its length. Not wasting any time, he opened his mouth and engulfed the tip of Joe’s shaft, slowly sliding it into his warm mouth while lightly pursing his lips around it, eliciting another pleased groan from the other stallion. “Ahh, that’s it...mmnh...eat that big, cream-filled penile pastry...” Joe closed his eyes from the feeling of those warm lips wrapping around his stallionhood, which only throbbed more in response, releasing more of his warm “cream”. All the while, he kept up his magic work, providing equal pleasure for the other stallion, causing him to groan in pleasure around the thick shaft in his mouth. “Mmmpmh...mmnh....” Carrot Cake panted softly between groans of pleasure, midclosing his eyes as he enjoyed the magical teasing between his legs, steadily pushing his pleasure higher and higher while he slowly bobbed his head up and down, gently sucking on the delicious stallionhood in front of him. “This isn’t so bad...I guess.” "Not bad...ahh, for a first timer." Joe sighed blissfully and opened his eyes again, smirking down at Carrot Cake, watching him steadily bob his head up and down. "Use your tongue too, Carrot Cake...don't just let it hang there." he patted the other stallion's head gently, glancing further down between his legs again, watching that rock-hard stallionhood throb and twitch against the magic aura that engulfed it. And with all of that magical teasing, Carrot Cake's orgasm continued to steadily approach, spurring his lust even further. Following the larger stallion's advice, he began to work his tongue at the shaft as well, slurping firmly along it while he continued to bob his head, pursing his lips a little tighter as well. Almost immediately, he heard Joe groan out loudly, before a large glob of precum splashed out against his tongue, giving him another strong taste of the doughnut baker's thick cream. "Yeah, just like...nnh, that!" Joe grunted and pressed his hoof a little more firmly against Carrot Cake's head, pushing him down a bit further each time it came down. "Keep using your tongue like that...ahh, Carrot Cake!" "Oh, wow...I'm actually doing well!" Carrot Cake grinned a bit from the praise, giving Joe's cock a few more suckles and slurps before pulling his head back and moving his hoof back up, rubbing the thick cock up and down once more. "Heh, I don't know why Cup Cake is so opposed to doing this...sucking a cock is nowhere near as bad as she says it is!" "Glad to hear it, stud." Joe smirked playfully down at Carrot Cake again, still panting softly while his member throbbed eagerly against the other stallion's hoof. "Now get back to it, so that this enormous eclair can release its sweet cream." he chuckled and winked, gently patting Carrot Cake's head while spiking up his magic for just a second, teasing the Earth stallion with a surge of pleasure. "Ahh, of course!" Carrot Cake gasped and shuddered from the teasing magic, before leaning back down and engulfing the “eclair” again. He continued to suckle on it and slurp it with his tongue, eagerly lapping up the warm precum that occasionally flowed forth. With one hoof around Joe's waist, he moved his other hoof down between his legs and began to lightly rub his own stallionhood, adding to the pleasure that the magic was providing him, and smearing his own precum all up and down the stiff length. As Carrot Cake's blowjob resumed, Joe groaned and leaned back onto his front hoof again, continuing to push on the stallion's head with his other hoof, feeling at least half of his length being engulfed each time. "Mmmnh, damn...you're certainly a fast learner, Carrot Cake!" he grunted and grinned lustfully, his eyes midclosing as his pleasure built up more and more; each slurp and suckle to his shaft bringing him a little closer to his imminent orgasm. He wasn't the only one who was close though. Carrot Cake's member twitched harder against his stroking hoof, signaling his own impending climax from all of the tingly magic pleasure; muffled moans of bliss escaping from around his lips as he continued to fellate the large unicorn. "Mmpmh...mmm..!" he groaned and panted a bit around the throbbing shaft, lusting for more of the musky taste, pursing his lips a little tighter around it and bobbing his head even faster with the help of Joe's hoof pushing his head down. "Ooh, sweet Celestia...!" Joe closed his eyes tightly and let out a satisfied moan as Carrot Cake put more effort into the blowjob, only bringing his orgasm closer at a faster rate. He could feel his shaft bumping against the back of the stallion's mouth each time his head pushed down, while at the same time, that slick tongue continued to firmly slurp along the underside, providing an extra jolt of pleasure each time it came up. "Nngh...g-gonna...cum!" Before Joe even said that, Carrot Cake could already feel the stallionhood in his mouth throbbing even harder, releasing copious amounts of precum as well, signaling an imminent climax. Eager to bring his new friend to a powerful climax, he began to bob his head even faster, while pressing his tongue more firmly along the underside, remembering that Cup Cake would do that as well to bring on a potent orgasm. As he doubled his efforts though, he felt his own orgasm about to blow any moment now, making it a bit difficult to focus on his fellatio. With the intense magic aura filling his member with tingly pleasure, he could feel it throb harder against his hoof, oozing loads of sticky pre as well. "Nngh...h-here comes the cream filling!" Joe groaned out loudly, his pleasure finally peaking from Carrot Cake's increased efforts. He pushed his hoof firmly against the back of Carrot Cake's head, forcing his length into the stallion's mouth and making it bump against the back of his throat just as a torrent of steamy stallion seed gushed forth, flooding Carrot Cake's mouth with its sticky warmth. "Mmmpmh!" Carrot Cake's eyes shot open as he felt the river of seed quickly fill his mouth, making his cheeks bulge a bit before he began to instinctively gulp it down, finding the taste much more potent than the tastes of precum that he had gotten. The rush of flavor only helped to push him over the edge of his own orgasm, his eyes closing as the pleasure coursed through his member, which throbbed powerfully and stood straight up from his crotch, gushing off a few ropes of his seed onto the side of the bed and the floor. Donut Joe meanwhile continued to hold his member in Carrot Cake's mouth, giving him a couple more gulps of seed before releasing his head and sliding his spasming erection free, using his magic to jerk and stroke it, milking the last bit of his orgasm out. "Ahhh..." he sighed blissfully as two more gushes of seed splattered Carrot Cake's face, before his orgasm finally died down, leaving him with a very pleasant afterglow. "Mmnnh...and there you have it...one cream-filled, lightly-iced carrot cake..." he smirked playfully down at the other stallion, seeing the sticky mess on his face, as well as the other sticky mess on the side of the bed and floor; his magic aura finally fading from around Carrot Cake's shaft. "Oohh, my..." Carrot Cake still had his eyes closed, especially because of the sticky seed that had splashed his face. He panted softly as his own afterglow kicked in, making him feel a bit lightheaded, though he also felt a particular warmth in his belly, from the big gulps of steamy cum that he had swallowed. "Mmnh...Donut Joe...that tasted magnificent!" he slowly opened his eyes and grinned at the unicorn, licking his lips gently to savor the taste that had filled his mouth. “Heh...glad to hear it, Carrot Cake.” Joe sighed as he reached down and grabbed the lighter stallion by his sides, pulling him up onto the big bed and cuddling him closely. “You had a lot of fun then, I take it?” “Of course...” Carrot Cake smiled in return, cuddling with the other stallion while his cheeks blushed again; still not entirely comfortable with the fact that he was cuddling another stallion like this, but after sucking Joe “enormous eclair”, he was certainly feeling a bit better about it. The two simply lay there in bed, cuddled beside each other in post coital bliss. Soaring through the clouds in an enchanted airship made the troubles of the world seem so distant. "Welcome to the mile high club," Donut Joe softly spoke, giving Carrot Cake’s cheek a soft peck. "I think I'm going to enjoy this cruise," Carrot Cake lightly nuzzled back, > Last Hurrahs > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- And now for the final chapter, I give you some shameless clop. Enjoy! CONTAINS: A bit of inflation As the week went by, both Carrot Cake and Cup Cake found their stress and slight separation anxiety mostly relieved by their respective partners; Pinkie creating a great deal of pleasure with her various toys, while Joe's magical aura did the same for Carrot Cake. It was the final night of the cruise though, and both parties were set for their last night of fun... Down at Sugarcube Corner, Cup Cake was just finishing up the last of her usual closing-time cleaning; Pinkie having already headed upstairs for the night. "One more night, then I'll have my Carrot Cake back again..." she sighed contently, smiling a bit to herself as she turned off the kitchen light, before slowly ascending the staircase towards her bedroom. Opening the door though, she found Pinkie waiting for her as usual; the pink mare grinning eagerly towards her. "Oh, uh, Pinkie dear..." she began, smiling nervously as she approached the bed, though Pinkie hopped right off of it and giggled a bit. "What are we gonna do tonight, huh?" Pinkie smiled wide as she cuddled beside the chubbier mare, leaning gently against her. "I had something really fun I wanted to try out, Mrs.Cake!" Cup Cake sighed softly, her cheeks blushing a bit as the other mare rubbed up against her. "No, Pinkie...I don't really wa--aahh, oh my!" she gasped as she felt Pinkie's tongue teasing her nether lips all of a sudden, slurping over them repeatedly. "Mmm, c'mon, I promise it'll be fun! I'm really sorry about the bubblegum incident last night but I promise this will make up for it!" Pinkie smiled and blushed a bit as well, her neck craned around awkwardly so that her snout could reach the other mare's sex, giving it teasing slurps with her tongue. "Mmmnh...I c-can't...Pinkie!" Cup Cake groaned in reply, her body loving the light teasing, but she knew that she couldn't partake in any such fun tonight. "I don't want to...nnh...I want to be ready for my husband tomorrow." she explained, pulling away from the other mare and glancing back at her. "I don't want to be too exhausted when he comes home...a whole week without sex; he's most certainly going to want a marathon lovemaking session tomorrow night." Pinkie sighed and frowned a bit, trotting over towards the closet and pulling it open, glancing at what she had prepared for the night. Looking at it though, her frown slowly curled into a smirk as she lifted her head and glanced back towards Cup Cake. "Well...I don't know what I'm going to do with these, then." she teased as she reached into the box in the closet and pulled out what appeared to be a massive peppermint stick, though it was molded like a stallion's penis, complete with a flared head and a preputial ring. Cup Cake's eyes widened at this sight, gazing over that naughty-shaped treat that had to be at least two feet in length, with a decent girth to match. "Wh-where did you get that?" she blushed deeper, feeling a surge of arousal between her legs, her warm sex eager to be stuffed with something of that size. "I've never seen a peppermint stick like that before!" "Hehe, that's because I made it myself, silly!" Pinkie giggled, bringing the candy-cock up to her mouth and licking at it a couple times. "And I got some special stuff from Zecora to make them even more fun...but you said that you didn't want to have any fun tonight..." she smirked again, slowly licking along the flared tip of the cock, seeing the embarrassed look on Cup Cake's face and knowing that her plan was working. Cup Cake bit her lip gently as she watched the other mare slurp and lick at the sugary shaft, feeling her nether lips tingle lightly with excitement from the sexual teasing. “Oh...I suppose...but nothing too rough, okay Pinkie? I don’t want to be too tired tomorrow.” she finally spoke before turning and climbing up onto the bed, letting out a content sigh as she laid belly-down on the soft comforter. "Hehe, no mare can resist the temptation of my candy cocks!" Pinkie giggled as she grabbed another from the box before hopping up onto the bed, setting them both down. "Go ahead, Mrs.Cake, have a taste while I prepare you for peppermint penetration!" she winked to the older mare before grabbing one of the candy canes in her mouth and moving down between Cup Cake's legs. "Sure thing, it certainly does look tasty." Cup Cake smiled a bit, though as she glanced at the candy cock in front of her, a light blush crossed her cheeks. Of course, this wasn't the first time she had partaken in naughty fun with sweets, but she hadn't ever played with such large peppermint sticks before. Reaching her hooves forward, she grasped the sugary phallus and brought it closer, gazing at the detail of the flared tip for a moment before opening her mouth and lightly suckling on it. "Mmm..." she sighed as the sweet flavor brushed over her lips and tongue, noticeably sweeter than most peppermint sticks she had tasted. While she sucked and slurped the tip, her hooves instinctively began to rub up and down the length of the hard shaft, treating it as if it were a real stallionhood, more specifically, imagining that it was Carrot Cake's. Meanwhile, Pinkie had gently spread the mare's legs, giving herself access to Cup Cake's two orifices. "Hehe...a little preparation, first." she smirked and licked her lips, holding up her own candy cock and beginning to slurp at the tip of it, getting it nice and moist with her saliva. "Mmm...ooh, these are sweeter than I remember!" she giggled softly after taking it out of her mouth, the flared tip thoroughly soaked with her saliva. "Oh, yes...they certainly are very delicious, Pinkie." Cup Cake smiled as she slid the peppermint shaft out of her mouth, slurping gently over that flared tip now, still imagining that it was her husband's shaft she was licking and stroking. "Glad to hear it! Now for the real fun." Pinkie smirked and brought the slicked peppermint stick down towards Cup Cake’s rear, pressing it between her plump buttcheeks and smearing a bit of sticky sugar against her coat. Feeling the stickiness against her rump, Cup Cake blinked a bit, though she quickly remembered what was obviously going to be done with the phallic treat. "Be gentle, Pinkie." she reminded, before gasping as she felt the sweet shaft push against her tight pucker somewhat roughly, but not too hard. "Ahh...that's it..." the mare moaned softly, though the pushing stopped abruptly with only the flared tip inside her. "Pinkie...? Why'd you stop?" Pinkie giggled again, smirking playfully now as she continued to hold the peppermint stick with both of her hooves. "Hehe, I told you I got some special stuff from Zecora to make these extra fun...now I'm gonna show you what I meant!" she explained, winking before she slurped the other end of the shaft, dragging her tongue over the flat surface a few times before bringing one hoof up and starting to bump it against her end of the shaft. "I don't get it...what are you doing, Pink- ohh, myyyy!" Cup Cake's eyes widened as she suddenly felt a sticky fluid flowing out of the peppermint stick, soaking her anal passage as it flowed into her. "What...nnh...is that?" she panted lightly, glancing back again to see Pinkie bopping her hoof against the end of the sweet shaft in the same manner one would hit the bottom of a jar to get its contents out. "It feels really strange...in fact...I can't really feel much anymore. Is this magic supposed to make me numb?" "You betcha! You're gonna need it, too." Pinkie poked her tongue out again, still smirking as she gave the shaft a few more bops before placing her hoof up against the flat end of it. By now, the magic peppermint goo had numbed Cup Cake's insides completely, though with the magical mixture, it numbed her only to pain. "Get ready for the best anal you'll ever receive!" she teased, before giving a strong push and shoving the candy cock almost all the way inside Cup Cake's tight butt. "Nnnh...!" Cup Cake gasped from the penetration, expecting a world of pain from something that big being forced inside her, but instead, a surge of pleasure coursed through her backside. "Ahh, ohh Celestia...th-that feels wonderful!" she groaned, looking back to see Pinkie still pushing it deeper inside, until she couldn't see it anymore, only a couple inches of it remaining outside of her. That magic creamy liquid inside her only seemed to add to her pleasure as the big shaft rubbed it in, amplifying the numbing effect even further to ensure she wouldn't feel a bit of pain. "Hehe, isn't it? I love these things, they're one of my favorites!" Pinkie giggled excitedly, lowering her own head a bit and starting to gently slurp at her moist cunny, while her hoof worked to push the peppermint penis in and out of Cup Cake's rear. "Mm, they stretch you out nice and good...and stuff you so deep without having to feel sore for the next few days!" She was certainly right, too. Cup Cake panted and groaned blissfully from the feeling of such a deep penetration, even deeper than what her husband could do to her. "Mmnhh, oh yes...it's absolutely wonderful, Pinkie!" she moaned, before returning to slurping and servicing the sweet shaft in front of her, suckling on the flared tip while her hooves rubbed along the length. "Mmmm...I wonder if I could get some sweet cream to come out of this one too?" With a few more suckles and strokes, her question was answered as she tasted an even sweeter peppermint flavor in the form of a thick, syrupy liquid, seeming to ooze forth from the tip of the shaft. "Ooh, mm, that's tasty...perhaps I could use some of this in my recipes...hehe..." she sighed around the cock in her mouth as she kept suckling and slurping at it, closing her eyes as well as she enjoyed the deep stuffing and slow licking she was receiving from Pinkie. "Mmm, you're so tasty Mrs.Cake! Sweeter than those double-icing-stuffed cinnamon rolls you made that one time!" Pinkie grinned eagerly as she kept slurping at the mare's warm nether lips, lapping up the sweet juices that trickled forth, while her hoof movements accelerated a bit, pushing the thick candy cock a little deeper and sliding it back and forth a little faster. At the same time, her other hoof slid down and began to tease the two big teats hanging between Cup Cake's legs, pressing and rubbing over them. Cup Cake's cheeks blushed lightly to the compliments as well as the extra pleasure from her teats, groaning a little louder around the peppermint shaft as she kept suckling on it, beginning to bob her head slowly now as she sucked in a few more inches of its length. She could already feel her orgasm steadily approaching from the triple-pleasure the other mare was providing for her, rewarding Pinkie with more of her sweet carnal juices. Said sweet juices would only spur Pinkie further; her tongue quickly diving inside the warm slit and slurping around at the silky inner walls, eager to taste more of the saccharine liquid. "Mmmpmh...mm!" she sighed and pressed her snout up against the slit, nuzzling against it while her tongue firmly slurped all along those soft walls, pushing Cup Cake's pleasure even higher now; Pinkie's own nethers starting to moisten up from hearing the chubby mare's muffled moans becoming louder and more passionate. Pinkie wasn't the only one getting a lovely taste, though. As Cup Cake continued to eagerly slurp at the tip of the peppermint cock, she found that more and more of the syrupy liquid flowed forth; her tongue working to lap it up just as quickly as it was came out. "Mmnh, oh sweet Celestia..." her eyes rolled back a bit as she felt her orgasm coming on, writhing a bit against Pinkie while the sugary shaft continued to pound her rear so deeply; the magical fluids inside her greatly boosting her pleasure. "Mmnh, hope you're ready, ahh, for a big cream filling!" Pinkie teased after pulling her tongue out of the mare's snatch, panting lightly while her tongue slurped around her lips. Pressing one hoof more firmly against Cup Cake's teats, her other hoof worked to move the candy cock even faster, firmly pounding it into the tight rear. Just as she heard Cup Cake cry out blissfully around the sweet shaft in her mouth, she leaned back down again and eagerly slurped up the sweet cum that gushed forth, savoring the delectable taste. Cup Cake meanwhile twitched and writhed a bit more through her powerful orgasm, pulling the peppermint penis out of her mouth to pant deeply, letting out pleased moans as well. "Ahh...ohh, Pinkie..." she panted, closing her eyes tightly as she felt the thick shaft push deeply inside her and come to a stop, though just moments later, she felt another rush of hot fluids inside her. "Mmmnh...P-Pinkie?" she softly gasped, feeling another, and another, as if the candy cock was 'cumming' inside her, releasing multiple gushes of the same warm fluid that had numbed her insides. "Hehe...mm, I told you to prepare for a cream filling!" Pinkie lifted her head back up and licked her lips, smirking playfully towards the older mare. "A cream-filled cupcake is so much more tastier than a regular one!" she giggled as she brought her other hoof up from the soft teats and pressed them against the little cupcakes on that soft rump, while keeping her other hoof pressed firmly against the peppermint stick that was lodged in Cup Cake's rear. "Oohh...o-oh my!" Cup Cake blushed deeply once more from the new sensations, feeling the creamy liquid gushing all throughout her insides and filling her up, numbing most of her body with tingly pleasure. "A-are you sure this, nnhh, is safe?" she groaned and glanced down at her belly, gasping softly as she noticed it was a bit larger and rounder than usual, and slowly bloating even bigger. "Of course it is, silly! I wouldn't be doing it if it was unsafe!" Pinkie poked her tongue out and giggled again, leaning over a bit and gazing at the mare's gut, watching as it gradually swelled larger and larger; the peppermint cream reaching her stomach and bloating it bigger with each passing moment. "Mmm, looks like you're getting nice and stuffed already." With her midsection getting bigger and heavier, Cup Cake grunted and collapsed gently onto her growing gut, panting lightly from the rush of sensations within her. "Ahh, it feels....so strange..." her cheeks only flushed a deeper shade of red while her belly continued to grow bigger, so large that one would think she was late into pregnancy. "I'm so huge...mmnh...Pinkie!" "I can see that, Mrs.Cake...you look so sexy." Pinkie smirked and licked her lips again as she reached forward and stroked a hoof over Cup Cake's pudgy paunch, feeling the warm cream slosh around within her stomach. "Such a delicious-looking stuffed cupcake, hehe!" Rolling over onto her side now, Cup Cake groaned and stroked a hoof over her gut, feeling it growing heavier and softer with each passing moment; her belly button popping outwards as well from such massive swelling. "Oooh...h-how is this possible...?" Amidst all the pleasure, she couldn't help but feel worried about how huge she was getting, her belly stretching more and more with the help of the magical peppermint cream inside her, finally stopping when it was just about equally sized with the rest of her body, keeping her pinned to the bed from its weight. "Magic." Pinkie replied, snorting a couple times shortly after, before laughing and cuddling against Cup Cake's massive belly. "How d'ya like it, huh? You look really good all big and stuffed like this." she smiled up towards Cup Cake as she cuddled with that giant gut, teasing the older mare with light amounts of pleasure. "Mmnh, it...ah, certainly feels...different..." Cup Cake sighed as she kept stroking over her massive belly, feeling the warm liquids sloshing around inside her, though another thought made her start to worry again. "Uhm, Pinkie darling...how am I going to get all of this out of me?" she gulped softly, not really looking forward to having to spend hours in the bathroom. "Hehe, don't worry Mrs.Cake! It'll dissolve in an hour or two. I tested all of this stuff beforehand!" Pinkie giggled and poked her tongue out playfully again, before leaning down and cuddling against the giant belly in front of her, nuzzling her head against it. "Mmm, all big and soft...you make a great pillow like this!" With a soft sigh, Cup Cake laid her own head back on the pillow near her, enjoying the soft cuddling from Pinkie; the light pleasure from all of it helping to soothe her. "I suppose...mm, we should get some rest then, Pinkie...I want to be nice and rested for Carrot Cake tomorrow." Nodding softly, Pinkie smiled up at the older mare, cuddling a bit closer to her huge gut. "That's okay, Mrs.Cake. This was a really fun week!" she nuzzled firmly into the bloated belly, giggling softly once more. "Ahh...yes, it's been quite a week with you, Pinkie...thank you for helping during this week of my husband's absence." Cup Cake replied as her hoof stroked over Pinkie's cheek and neck, while opening her mouth and yawning softly, feeling quite fatigued from being so thoroughly stuffed with the sweet peppermint cream. "Not a problem, Mrs.Cake! Always happy to help a mare in need." Pinkie poked her tongue out cutely again, before curling up a bit against the soft gut, keeping her head pressed against it as well. With another soft sigh, Cup Cake closed her eyes as well, enjoying the various soft pleasures coming from her belly, only further relaxing her. "Mm, what a week...I never knew Pinkie could be so...kinky." she giggled lightly in her mind, grinning as she placed one hoof on Pinkie's side, holding her close to her massive gut as she slowly drifted off to sleep. Meanwhile, a mile in the sky on the Canterlot cruise ship, Carrot Cake had just finished with his work for the final night of the cruise, and just as he did the previous nights, he visited Donut Joe for some "stress relief". Over the course of the week, the two stallions had gotten together almost every night for a bit of fun, and with tonight being the final night, Carrot Cake wanted to make it one that neither of them would forget. Approaching the other baker's door, he noticed it was just slightly opened, raising his eyebrow for a moment, though he thought that Joe was probably expecting him by now. "Hello?" he called out as he pushed the door open and stepped inside, seeing the baker unicorn levitating his paper hat off and placing it down on the little nightstand beside the bed as he turned and grinned back. "Ah, there you are. Still eager for more, I see?" Joe teased with a smirk, his horn still glowing as his magic aura disappeared from the paper hat, only to reappear between Carrot Cake's legs, teasing his sheath and balls. "Mmnh, o-of course..." Carrot Cake gasped softly from the sudden teases, feeling his sheath bulge already as the skillful magic stroked over it, providing a wonderful feeling of tingly pleasure. "But tonight, I was wondering...if we could do something different?" his cheeks lightly blushed as he closed the door with one of his back legs, before stepping further into the room. "As a sort of...thank-you, for helping me out during the week." "I'm listening." Joe raised an eyebrow to Carrot Cake's inquiry, still grinning playfully as he climbed up onto the bed, sitting down on the edge again as his magic continued to lightly stroke and fondle the other stallion's package; his own sheath beginning to bulge slightly. "Heh...I see he's finally ready to move on to more intimate fun..." his grin curled into a light smirk as he already had a good idea of what the other stallion was going to ask. During the previous nights, the two stallions hadn't gone any further than hoofjobs, blowjobs or magical stroking, leaving only one major thing left to do. “Well...after all you’ve done for me over the week, I figured it’d only be fair to repay you somehow.” Carrot Cake continued as he stepped up to the bed, still lightly blushing in embarrassment. “Would you like to...fuck me?” his voice softened a bit at those last two words, still quite nervous about going through with something like that. Hearing this, Joe chuckled and leaned forward, wrapping a hoof around Carrot Cake’s neck and pulling him closer. “Heheh...and you claim that you’re not gay.” he smirked playfully, watching the Earth stallion’s cheeks flush a deeper red from embarrassment. “This would be your first time then, I’m guessing?” Carrot Cake gulped before he nodded, glancing down slightly to see the unicorn's member sliding forth from its sheath already. "Even if I'm not gay...I at least want to know what it feels like." he added, wincing softly as he felt his own shaft hardening between his legs, spurred on by the teasing magic aura. "Whatever you say, Carrot Cake." Joe smirked as his hoof stroked along the other stallion's body, giving his side a few pats before moving back on the bed. "C'mon up and we'll have some fun, then." he added, getting up to his hooves on top of the bed, giving Carrot Cake a lovely view of the stiffening shaft between his legs, along with his deliciously plump balls. "Alright..." Carrot Cake took a deep breath before climbing up onto the bed with Donut Joe, sitting down beside him right in front of the pillows. "Where do we start then, Joe?" Joe chuckled softly, finding the other stallion's naivety somewhat endearing. "Don't worry, I'll start from the beginning and go nice and slow." he poked his tongue out a bit while he brushed a hoof over Carrot Cake's back, patting it gently. "Now...show me that cute butt of yours, Carrot Cake." he added, his grin curling into a playful smirk. Carrot Cake's cheeks blushed deeply again to his orders, but nodded and slowly repositioned himself, bending his upper body down while raising his rear up, giving the other stallion full access to it. "Like this...?" With the lovely sight of the thin stallion's rump in front of him, Joe licked his lips gently, while his member twitched in arousal, already halfway erect and growing quickly. "Perfect." he answered while he reached his hooves out and grasped Carrot Cake's flanks right over his cutie marks, moving up closer to him. "The first thing you'll want to do before anal sex is apply proper lubrication...you probably already know this, though." he chuckled softly, gazing at Carrot Cake's dangling balls, as well as the tight pucker above them. "Yeah, I do...my wife loves it when we do anal." Carrot Cake chuckled softly, trying not to sound too nervous from the whole situation. "I don't have any lube with me tho-oohh!" his eyes widened as he felt a sudden warm, wet sensation against his backdoor, glancing back to see Joe's snout up against his rump, slurping over the cute pucker. "Aahh...wh-what are you doing...?" Joe sighed happily as he dragged his tongue over Carrot Cake's rear entrance a few more times, before grinning back at him. "I don't have any lube with me, either...but in a pinch, a good deal of saliva mixed with precum is better than nothing." he explained, bringing his right hoof down to his now fully erect shaft and beginning to stroke it up and down, feeling a drop of warm pre escaping already. "No lube...?" Carrot Cake bit his lip gently, not exactly liking the idea of being penetrated without actual lube, though his eyes widened as he felt the tip of Joe's shaft press against his saliva-coated pucker. "W-wait, Joe! I can't do this without lube..." he protested, glancing back at the unicorn, who only chuckled in response. "Heheh, don't worry about it, sexy. At worst, you'll be a little sore in the morning. Trust me. I'll go nice and easy on you." Joe smirked, placing his hooves on Carrot Cake's flanks again and giving them a light squeeze as he rubbed the flared tip of his member against that tight backdoor, trying to smear some of his precum over it. "Of course, since it's your first time, it's gonna hurt a bit at first...no avoiding that, really." With a soft sigh, Carrot Cake turned his head forward again, resting it on the pillow in front of him. "I guess I'm ready, then...go ahead, Joe." he closed his eyes as he prepared for the imminent penetration, though the feeling of that slick flare rubbing against his pucker felt rather nice, causing his own member to throb lightly in arousal. "Mmhm, here it comes, Carrot Cake." Joe licked his lips gently as he squeezed the skinny stallion's flanks a little tighter, having smeared a few drops of pre onto that tight pucker by now, giving him a decent amount of lubrication for entry. He leaned forward slightly and pushed his hips forward as well, firmly pressing that flared tip against Carrot Cake's backdoor, slowly but steadily spreading it open. "Ahh...d-damn he's tight...!" "Ohh..." Carrot Cake groaned while his eyes winced, feeling the pain in his rear as the unicorn's slick shaft forced its way inside him, though as the thick flared tip pushed inside, he cried out from a mix of pain and light pleasure, his member twitching more between his legs. "Oohh...it hurts...nnghh..." he grunted and bit his lip a little harder, though the pain certainly wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. "Heh...sorry about that...I can't help that I'm so big." Joe teased with a lustful smirk, leaning further forward as his member very slowly pushed deeper inside Carrot Cake. At the same time, his horn began to glow, once more enveloping the other stallion's member in a magical aura, beginning to stroke up and down its length, hoping to relieve the pain with a dose of magical pleasure. And relieve the pain, it did, for the most part. Carrot Cake groaned from the decadent mix of pain and pleasure, his stallionhood twitching harder against the magic aura, while his insides clenched firmly around Joe's shaft, which was nearly halfway inside already. "Nnnh, oh yes...that feels n-nice..." he panted, opening his eyes slightly as he felt warm breaths on his neck, the larger unicorn positioned quite dominantly over his body now. "Glad to hear it, nngh, sexy." Joe grinned as he leaned down and gently slurped at Carrot Cake's neck, starting to gently thrust his hips, sliding his member back and forth a couple inches at a time within the stallion's tight rump, loving the tight squeeze it was providing. "Mmnh, tight as a virgin." he teased with a smirk, causing the other stallion to blush cutely again. By now, a few more drops of pre had escaped his shaft, smearing nicely along those tight inner walls, providing a bit more lube to make his thrusting easier. With roughly three-fourths of the throbbing stallionhood inside him, Carrot Cake felt the pain quickly fading away into pleasure as Joe began to slowly buck his hips back and forth. "Ahh...Joe...!" he leaned his head back slightly against Joe's snout, relaxing into the double-pleasure of the gentle thrusts and the magical aura slowly jerking him off. "It feels so good, nnh, inside me!" "There we go, heh...that wasn't so bad, now was it?" Joe smirked playfully, nuzzling at Carrot Cake's neck some more and giving it soft nibbles as he kept up his slow and steady bucking. The moans and gasps coming from the other stallion only served to arouse him even further; his thrusts gradually accelerating over the next few minutes, while his horn glowed more, increasing the potency of the magical stroking. "So this is what it feels like...nngh..." Carrot Cake panted lightly from the ever-increasing pleasure within him, now feeling Joe's hefty balls slapping against him with each thrust, constantly reminding him of what was to come soon. However, if this kept up, he would be the first to erupt. He could feel the tingly magic jerking his stallionhood even faster, while Joe's thrusts gradually became more powerful as well. "Nnh, g-getting close..." he softly grunted, holding the pillow in front of him even tighter. Just moments before his pleasure began to peak though, it came to a sudden halt; his eyes opening again as he felt Joe's shaft leave his stretched rear, and the magical aura fade from around his shaft. "Mmnh...? Joe? Why'd you stop?" he looked confusedly back at the unicorn, still panting lightly from being so close to his orgasm. "I thought a nice change of position was in order. Would certainly make it more comfy for you." Joe grinned as he winked to the other stallion, pulling him back up from his bent-over position as he sat himself up. He then moved up beside Carrot Cake and sat down on the other pillow, leaning back against the large headboard; his erection standing straight up between his legs and throbbing eagerly, quite close to his own orgasm. "C'mon...come and ride it, Carrot Cake." he added with a lustful smirk, patting his lap with one hoof. Carrot Cake blushed softly again as he watched that impressive member throb and twitch, his own doing quite the same between his legs, oozing a single drop of pre down its length. "I suppose...just...let me cum this time?" he chuckled softly and approached the unicorn, raising his front hooves and gently placing them on Joe's shoulders, before carefully positioning himself in the unicorn's lap, lowering his rear and sighing softly as he felt the tip of that twitching member press against his backdoor again. With that lustful smirk still crossing his snout, Joe reached his hooves up and squeezed at Carrot Cake's cutie marks again. "Of course...make sure to give this donut some warm glazing." he teased, before pressing Carrot Cake downwards, penetrating him once again; sliding in much easier this time from all of the lubrication his precum provided, along with the stretching his thick girth did. "Mmmnh...I'll certainly give this sexy carrot cake a nice cream filling, too!" "Nnh...o-of course...!" Carrot Cake groaned happily from the second penetration, feeling quite a bit less painful than the first, and causing his member to twitch eagerly in front of Joe's snout. Instead of feeling a magical aura around it once more, he gasped as he felt the other stallion's tongue slurping over the tip of his length, lapping up a bit of precum from it. "Mmm, delicious..." Joe sighed as he repeatedly slurped over Carrot Cake's member, having to bend forward a bit to reach it. He kept pushing the other stallion down onto his shaft until it was nearly hilted, pushing in a couple inches deeper than before, teasing Carrot Cake with a bit of extra pain, bringing him more of that wonderful pain-pleasure mix. Only moments later though, his hips began to buck upwards, gently bouncing the other stallion up and down on his cock. With soft gasps of pleasure, Carrot Cake held a little more tightly to Joe's shoulders, feeling his body gently bouncing up and down with each buck of the other stallion's hips; pressing down a little onto Joe's shoulders to help move himself up and down as well. "Ahh...this feels much, nnh, better..." he moaned and leaned his head back, once again being pampered with pleasure from two different sources, his tight rear squeezing a bit tighter around the other stallion's cock while his own member throbbed against the warm tongue slurping it, about to erupt any minute now. "It usually, ah, does..." Joe grunted a bit, loving the tight squeezing as he kept bucking upward nice and hard, anxiously awaiting the other stallion's orgasm as he kept dragging his tongue over the throbbing shaft in front of him. "C'mon, Carrot Cake...mmnh...let me taste your glazing..." he teased with a lustful smirk, giving a sudden firm buck, his hips clapping against Carrot Cake's rear as he fully hilted inside it for a split second, sending a jolt of pleasure through the other stallion's body. "Ah! Mmngh, yes...g-gonna cum..." Carrot Cake groaned, blushing once more while his eyes closed from the ever-increasing euphoric feeling building within him; his balls contracting as they began to release their contents. "...Cumming...!" he managed to grunt before leaning his head back and moaning blissfully, his tight rear squeezing like a vice around Joe's shaft while his stallionhood erupted, splurting thick gushes of seed all over Joe's face and upper body. Now blushing a bit as well, Joe closed his eyes and kept slurping at the underside of Carrot Cake's shaft as he felt the hot, sticky fluids splashing him and running down his face. "Mmnh, that's it..." he panted softly in lust from the wonderful feeling of warmth, though his own impending orgasm quickly caught his attention again. His hooves squeezed Carrot Cake's flanks tighter as he bucked even harder now, eager to give the other stallion a heaping helping of seed as well. "Great glazing skills...mmnh...now to return the favor!" Just moments after speaking, he grunted and moaned out loudly, finally hitting his own orgasm and giving a few more hard bucks, before firmly pressing Carrot Cake down, sheathing his entire length inside the squeezing rear. Carrot Cake's eyes opened halfway as he panted in lust, only to join Joe with soft moans as he felt the sticky warmth fill him up, quickly overflowing his tight insides and gushing out around that fat cock, splashing down onto Joe's crotch. "Nngh...oh, sweet Celestia..." Carrot Cake groaned as he leaned forward, half-collapsing on top of Joe's body and laying against him, quite exhausted from the mind-blowing pleasure he had just experienced. "It feels so warm...inside me." he softly moaned, wiggling his hips back and forth a bit, feeling that hot spunk smearing around so deep inside him. "Mmhm...heh...I'm an expert when it comes to cream filling." Joe teased with a playful grin, nuzzling Carrot Cake's neck as he sighed contently, enjoying the warm embrace with the other stallion, feeling the sticky seed on his chest smearing between their bodies now. "I take it you enjoyed your first time then, Carrot Cake?" "Definitely..." Carrot Cake sighed as well, gently stroking his hooves up Joe's sides as he cuddled lightly with him, feeling quite a potent afterglow in the wake of his orgasm. "I guess...heh, I guess I can see why my wife loves it so much?" he chuckled softly, grinning a bit as he lifted his head up, glancing down at the cum-splattered stallion below him. Joe smirked playfully and poked his tongue out a bit, chuckling as well. "Glad to hear it, Carrot Cake." he nuzzled at Carrot Cake's snout, playfully patting his hooves against the other stallion's cutie marks. "Feel free to stop by my shop in Canterlot any time you're in the mood for some stallion fun." he added with a wink, causing Carrot Cake to blush again. "Heh...I'll certainly keep you in mind if I'm ever up in Canterlot again." Carrot Cake smiled a bit, lightly stroking his hooves up to Joe's shoulders again. "Well, thinking of you in a non-homosexual way, that is." he chuckled and stuck his tongue out a bit. "Whatever you say, Carrot Cake. You're the gayest straight stallion that I know." Joe laughed and poked his tongue out in return, playfully smacking his hoof against Carrot Cake's flank. The next day, Carrot Cake took the train back towards Ponyville, accompanied by Donut Joe, who had decided to tag along to meet Cup Cake. By the time they arrived in Ponyville it was early evening, the sun just starting to set on the horizon. Over at Sugarcube Corner, Cup Cake and Pinkie were eagerly awaiting Carrot Cake's arrival, although the shop was closed, as it usually was on Sunday evenings. As the two stallions approached, Pinkie spotted them through the front window, giggling eagerly and zipping over to the door, almost throwing it open. "Hiiiiii Mr.Cake!" she cheerfully called out, getting a smile from both stallions as they walked up to the door. "Well, hello there, Pinkie. Glad to see you again." Carrot Cake chuckled a bit, gently patting Pinkie's shoulder. Glancing past her, he spotted his wife behind the counter, smiling cutely towards him. "And you too, my sweet Cup Cake." he added, walking up to the counter and leaning over it, gently kissing both of her cheeks. "How was the trip, deary?" Cup Cake asked as her cheeks softly blushed, before she turned her head and watched as Carrot Cake walked around the counter and up to her side. "Wonderful, honey bun." the stallion replied, sighing contently as he gently nuzzled his wife again, smiling and gazing into her eyes. "I take it you kept busy with Pinkie here?" The question surprised Cup Cake a bit as it made her immediately think of all the fun she had with Pinkie, but she quickly smiled in return and nodded. "Of course, sweetie. We made some nice sales, too." she answered, trying her best not to look nervous as thoughts of her fun with Pinkie had quickly reminded her that Carrot Cake was most likely going to want some fun as well, though she was still feeling a bit exhausted from the magical inflation Pinkie had given her last night. "Heh, yeah...same here, darling." Carrot Cake nodded, leaning gently against the mare and kissing her snout gently, before yawning a bit, somewhat exhausted from the trip here. "Mm, sorry...a bit tired from the trip, deary..." he softly spoke, nuzzling the mare's neck and closing his eyes. "Oh, that's okay, I'm a bit exhausted too. We were overworked today from a birthday party." Cup Cake lied with an inconspicuous grin, bringing a hoof up and stroking it along Carrot Cake's back. "Do you want to get to bed early then, deary?" "If that's okay with you, Cup Cake." Carrot Cake replied with a soft smile, kissing the mare's neck gently again while both of them mentally sighed, glad that their lover was too tired for sex. "Maybe we can properly introduce each other tomorrow, Joe?" he added, lifting his head and glancing over at the unicorn. "Heh, no problem. I've got some other business to attend to here in Ponyville." Joe chuckled a bit, grinning at the heartwarming sight of the two lovers cuddled like that. Carrot Cake nodded again, glancing over at Pinkie. “Close up shop for the night, Pinkie, will you?” he added, before gently nuzzling at Cup Cake’s cheek and leading her back towards their bedroom, leaving Pinkie and Donut Joe alone in the front of the store. “Hehe, got it!” Pinkie smiled and nodded eagerly, though after the two lovers left, she turned her gaze towards the stallion and smirked a bit. “How was he, Joe?” “Oh, he was real nice, Pinkie. Been a while since I’ve had so much fun with a cute stallion.” Joe chuckled and smirked playfully back at her. “And how was Cup Cake? Carrot Cake said she can get real kinky sometimes.” “She was great! I got to test out all sorts of kinky magic stuff with her! Now I’ll have more fun toys to play with when bronies ship me with my friends!” Pinkie giggled excitedly, hopping up and down in place. “Heh, you’re nuts, Pinkie.” Joe grinned and poked his tongue out a bit at the mare’s antics, reaching a hoof up and gently patting her bouncing head. “Thanks for settin’ me up with Carrot Cake, though. Most fun I’ve had on a cruise in a while.” “No problem, Joe! I knew Carrot Cake was into stallions, and he needed to finally have some fun with one!” Pinkie poked her tongue out in return, giggling cutely again. “Now, about my payment...” “Yeah, yeah, I’ll be at the motel at nine.” Joe smirked and rubbed his hoof through the mare’s poofy mane again. “Feel free to bring along some of those toys, too.” LE END