> Saga of Nimiri > by DaffyDuck > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prelude > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Big Macintosh was at a loss. Ever since he was old enough to buck apples his days had been filled with the day-to-day operations of Sweet Apple Acres. He didn’t make decisions, mind you, but as long as there were apples to buck, barns to fix or land to till he knew what tomorrow would bring. That is until the last few years when the decisions of his little sister, Applejack, really began to pay off and she was finally able to bring in some extra hoofpower and suddenly Mac found himself with something he had never had before: free time. He stood overlooking the west orchard and watched the somewhat clumsy, but eager help doing his job. AJ had told Big Mac in no uncertain terms to take a week off after she had caught him trailing the hired hoofs and “helping out.” He wasn’t used to having nothing to do. He had no hobbies. Never dated and only had a few friends and most of them were really Applejack’s friends anyway. After a few more minutes his mounting frustration at not being allowed to work led him to his room. Basically it was just that, a room. It was at this moment he really wished there was some filly out there for him. He hadn't been this frustrated since Twilight Sparkle had come to Ponyville and suddenly Applejacks friends were a constant presence at Sweet Apple Acres. Mac didn't go out of his way to look, but a steady supply of attractive, tail-swishing fillies was enough to cause him some “frustration.” Hi lowest moment came when Granny Smith had caught him clopping off after a particularly sweaty visit from Rainbow Dash that had her and AJ running madly around the farm in some sort of test of athleticism. She didn't say anything to him, but did linger a few moments longer than necessary and muttered something about reminding her of his Grand-colt. He wandered downstairs and watched his youngest sister, Applebloom, and her two friends doing something with paper mache. No doubt part of their endless pursuit of their cutie marks. He did have a problem. Even their tail swishing was bothering him. He left the little ones and followed Applejack’s voice to the kitchen. She was working with Pinkie Pie on some new recipe. The hyperactive pink filly grated Mac’s nerves most of the time and today was no exception. He did his best to ignore her. “AJ, I’m ah going away for a bit.” Applejack didn't look up from the bubbling puddle of beige goo that might have otherwise become cupcakes if not for Pinkie’s short attention span. “Uh-huh. Be back in time for supper.” “Nope,” he said with a brief shake of his head. “I’ll be gone for a spell longer, few days maybe.” He didn't wait for a response as the sudden, rapid expansion of goo would be keeping his sister busy for a while. Back in his room, Mac thought about what to pack for the journey he had only decided to take a few minutes ago. After a few moments he realized he didn't own much beyond his yoke and simply left the house heading to the Everfree Forest. He hoped he would find what he was looking for at the home of the most unusual pony he knew: Zecora. Zecora’s hut smelled funny. Not bad, just funny. She had plants and herbs he had never even heard of before. He wasn't sure what he was expecting, he had only really met the zebra a few times and spoken to her even less. Mac heard Zecora’s distinctive voice humming away in the large garden behind her hut. He gave a wide berth to the big blue flowers his sister had called poison joke. He had no urge to see what it would find funniest to do to him. He found Zecora tending to some sort of large vine patch that he swore was moving. Her snout nuzzled through the dirt obviously looking for something. He honestly couldn't have cared less what she was after because his gaze was locked on the thick lips peeking out from under her raised tail. He nearly jumped out of his skin when she spoke without looking up. “Brother Mac comes seeking me, but cannot take his eyes from what he sees.” She snorted away the dirt and turned her head to gaze back at him with a smile. “Ee…. Ah… I’m sorry, Miss Zecora… I…” Big Mac wasn't much of a speaker normally, but now he was at a total loss for words and yet for all of his embarrassment he still couldn't look away. “Do not apologize. I am flattered I so please your eyes.” She finally turned to face him and noted the disappointment in his eyes. “Brother Mac did not come to stare, but rather hoping his future to declare.” “I ah don’t know where I belong anymore.” He said before he even knew he was going to speak. It was the first time he even realized exactly what was bothering him. He had a place at Sweet Apple Acres, but it didn't need him anymore. Not like it did before. Big Macintosh didn't know who he was supposed to be anymore and that fact scared him. Zecora smiled and stepped closer until she was nose to nose with the large red stallion. She was skinnier than most Phillies and her stripes were always somewhat hypnotic to Mac and he had never been this close to her. Again he was acting before thinking and tilted head to inhale deeply of her mane and to his surprise she smelled strongly of cinnamon. Zecora averted her eyes. “I am not used to such attention. May I ask why such affection?” Mac only nibbled her neck and continued breathing in her scent. “Br… brother Mac… once begun there is no turning back. “I know.” Macintosh had no idea why he had never before seen Zecora the way he was seeing her now. It wasn't just the long look he had taken of her feminine jewel. No. There was something new and now that he was free to think of what he wanted for a change, he knew he wanted this zebra. “Brother Mac, I do not give my body lightly. I would have you keep me nightly. If you your stllionhood you bury deep, will you promise my heart to keep?” Macintosh didn't need to think and offered the only answer that felt right: “Eeyup.” Now he knew what had been missing and now he knew why of all of Equestria he had chosen to come here. Somewhere along the line he had fallen for this striped, rhyming filly. And now was his chance to take her. He moved behind her and realized she had begun to shiver as he pressed his muzzle into her tail which she flicked upward. He saw her lips quivering and every bit as beautiful as they had been minutes ago only now they were noticeably wet. He pressed his mouth to her lips and pressed his tongue inside. Almost immediately she began to wink and her clit slid back and forth under his tongue. Mac had never been with a mare before, but he was driven and needed to taste her. He drove his tongue in as deeply as he could, careful not to scrape anything with his teeth; the constant flicking of the engorged clit against his tongue was driving him mad. Zecora shuddered and Mac’s mouth was assaulted with a torrent of her warm juices. He pulled his head back quickly, afraid he had done something wrong. Zecora simply giggled and swished her tail to the side giving Mac a view of her quivering, dripping wet pussy. Mac’s fear was beaten out by his instincts and he climbed on the much smaller Zebra. His front hooves never left the ground and he was able to simply step over her. His engorged cock pressed against her dripping vulva, and before either could consider their size difference, slipped inside. Mac shuddered at the amazing warmth and velvety softness that enveloped the tip of his cock. He pressed deeper into her vice grip until he met with resistance. He wasn't the only virgin here. Zecora dug her front hooves into the ground and nodded. A quick flexing of muscle, tearing of flesh and neither would ever be virgins again. Mac stood over the shuddering zebra, licking gently at her neck. “I’m sorry it hurt. I never meant to hurt you.” “There is no hurt, dear one. It was needed and now is done.” Mac pulled out, his flared tip tugging at her lips until finally popping free. He stepped back to again tenderly lick her winking opening tasting a faint trace of blood. “Such a gentle lover, but I can't help wonder: why choose me and not another? I do not wish to be a blunder.” Mac positioned himself to enter her again, this time ever so slowly pushing his thick shaft into her and wishing he could see her lips stretched around his shaft. He nibbled her ear affectionately, wanting to express his feelings, but unable to find the words. When he felt his balls finally pressed against her he whispered “Close your eyes and feel our hearts beating.” He could feel her steady rhythm along his tightly squeezed shaft and he knew she could feel his heart beating in his chest which was pressed against her back. He felt a stream of her warm juices running down his shaft until it began to drop from his balls. They stayed like that, eyes closed, hearts pounding while Mac slowly slid in and out of his lover. Mac felt himself building to release and for an instant their hearts seemed to stop as his seed erupted deep inside of Zecora. He felt Zecora shudder below him and the sensation of her orgasm pushed him over an edge he never knew existed and another wave of his seed filled her until it dripped freely from her warm folds and puddled below them. After a few moments he helped her lay down, being careful to keep buried inside of her. “I’m not much for words, but I love you Zecora. Suppose I have for some time now.” Zecora nuzzled Mac’s chin affectionately. “I came to ponyville to seek my fate, but I did not know that meant a mate. I could not be more filled with joy to be so full of a lovely farmer boy.” Mac chuckled and the movement sent a jolt along his still throbbing shaft. “Do you always have to rhyme when you talk?” Zecora laughed and shook her head. “No, but it is fun.” She rubbed her belly slowly. “Her name will be Nimiri.” Like much of this afternoon this didn't surprise Mac like it should have. “ Don't I get a say?” “No.” --The beginning. > Prelude - Rarity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --This takes place at the same time as Part 1 of the Saga of Nimiri— Rarity was broken. That was the only explanation Spike had for what she was now. Ever since half of her closest friends vanished on that day the formerly particular and vain pony had become a hollow shell of herself. Spike intervened and kept her business from failing by combining Fluttershy’s “freaky” knowledge of sewing and urge to keep busy with Rarity’s huge catalog of designs he was able to keep Rarity’s dream alive even when she was only a shadow. Spike’s time was split between working with the diamond dogs to provide the shop with more gems than ever and caring for Rarity herself. She wouldn't let anyone except Spike into her room and very rarely went outside anymore. Spike would spend his first hour of everyday styling her mane and tail. It had taken him a month to learn how to do it right, but she looked exactly as she used to now save for the sadness in her eyes. She blamed herself for what had happened even though nobody else did. Rarity had convinced herself that somehow she had failed her friends and Celestia at the critical moment and that was why she was the only unicorn there that day that wasn't gone now. “Hold me, Spike. Please help me forget for a while.” This is what she would ask him every night and at first it was a dream come true, but eventually he realized he was a crutch for her and not a lover. If Rarity needed a crutch, he would be there for her. He slid into bed behind her glad of every inch he had grown that now his body was as long as hers. He wrapped his arms around her and for the next hour kissed along her mane and reminded her how beautiful she still was and always would be to him. His claws scratched gently through her soft coat pausing to gently pinch a nipple. Rarity hissed like she always did when he did this and the young dragon couldn't help but smirk at how easily he could play her body now. “ Don't tease, Spike. Not tonight.” Spike nodded, gripped her rear leg and in one quick motion he had rolled her on her back and positioned himself behind her. Her tail was trapped under his butt and he had a hind leg in either hand so that her treasures were displayed before him. He traced a claw around her puckered anus and waited for the wink that always followed and sure enough her clit began popping in and out with a quiet sucking sound only Spike’s hearing could hear. The pinkish/purple nub of flesh always stirred something deep inside of Spike and he felt his cock slide out from between his cloaca. It had grown every bit as much as the rest of him and was nearly as thick as his forearm. He was in no hurry to end the evening and instead wetted two fingers with his spit before slipping them inside the tight, dark-purple ring of her ass. He watched the puckered flesh push in and out with each of his thrusts. Right on cue the winking of her clit was joined by a bubbly liquid that dribbled down to her ass. Spike pushed his fingers all the way into her and let the liquid slowly pool in his palm. It took time, but Spike was patient and before he knew it her ass was dripping with the collected juices of her pussy. It was time for Spike to make his move as he positioned the dripping end of his cock at the shiny ring and he pushed inside. He savored every inch of his flesh slowly burying itself into her ass until he was pressed tight against her. Rarity made quiet little whimpering noises and watched every move Spike made as he had his way with her body. She winced as his massive length of dragon meat was pushed into her ass. Sweet Celestia it felt good. Spike caressed her sides as she shuddered and twitched. He knew better than to talk to her now. Experience had taught him that nothing he could say at this moment would not end in tears from Rarity, instead he just slowly slid in and out of her tight, squeezing ass. Her muscles contracted and tried their best to push the intruder from her body, but all they did was enhance the pleasure of every moment he was inside of her. Dragon orgasms were intense and long affairs and Spike was no exception. He began to spurt his seed inside his equine lover and within moments it was spilling out onto the bed. His cock twitched and jumped for nearly twenty minutes before Spike was able to think of anything beyond the overpowering need to fill every inch of Rarity with his hot seed. By this time the bed and a large portion of Rarity’s hind flanks were coated with dragon seed. Rarity’s eyes were rolled back and her tongue lolled from the side of her mouth. Spike pulled out and admired his work. Her ass was stretched open and dripping a steady stream of frothy white cum while her eager pussy winked furiously. The young dragon buried his snout into the purple lips, shoving his tongue deep inside the hot, wet tunnel. He snaked his tongue around her clit and sucked it between his razor sharp teeth. With the utmost care he rolled it between them with only enough pressure to drive the mare insane with pleasure. He didn't let up for a moment, alternating between pushing his tongue as deep as possible into her and nibbling her clit. Rarity writhed in agony and her body begged for release and Spike relented and climbed on top of her and shoved his cock deep into her slit. Rarity came instantly, screaming loudly. Spike held her close, letting himself slip out. He would not allow himself to cum in her mare slit. That he would save for the day she finally became Rarity again. For now he held her close. “Thank you, Spike. I know how much you love me and someday I may forgive myself and love you back.” “I know, Rarity, I know. Sleep now. I won't let go until you wake.” This was how Spike ended every day. His dream had come true, but it was broken. Somehow, someday he would fix it. > Prelude - Luna > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --This takes place at the time of part 1— Luna was annoyed. She had hoped her agents would have returned a week ago, but as of yet there was no sign of their whereabouts. She would not have the fates of any more ponies on her conscious. No, there were enough failures she had already built up that required atonement. Her duties now required her constant attention and so she was forced to use agents in her place, but she did not do so lightly and the possibility of correcting her greatest failure was too tempting to resist. She had sent two of her best fliers on a purely surveillance mission to Stalliongrad and now they were overdue and likely not coming back. She would need to be more careful from here out. Her opponent was crafty and every pony Luna lost made them all the stronger. She shook her head to break her train of thought. She needed to rest now. She had a few more hours before she would need to raise the sun. How did her sister do this all by herself for a thousand years? After only one Luna was ready to explode. At least at night she was able to be alone for some time, but she wasn't always alone. She needed to feel like a mare every once in awhile and she had no problems using her army of palace guards for that purpose, they were eager enough and always entertaining, they were not really very satisfying. So she had decided some time ago to make the perfect lover and to that end she duplicated herself. Not an exact duplicate, mind you, Equinox was a stallion and lacked most of Luna’s magical abilities. He spent most of his time on a small island populated with the most fascinating tribe of gryphons and would only teleport to Canterlot when Luna needed him. Most ponies would find this arrangement a bit strange, but a thousand years alone on the moon can change your outlook on a lot of things. She closed her eyes and called out to him and the gentle tug on her heart told her he had heard and was coming. He stepped from the shadows and Luna had the same though as always “am I that beautiful?” He was her mirror image in every way except one large, already dangling stallion cock and his smile took away every care that had been crushing her moments before. She didn't love this altered copy of herself, she wasn't that far gone, but she did look forward to every moment they had together like she would a lover. They tapped their horns and a spiral of darkness formed around them before their lips met and tongues collided in an intimate dance. He tasted so good and she never wanted to break this kiss, but she knew there was so much more to come and he time was short. She pulled back from him with a mutual whimper. “Lady Luna is hurried tonight,” he said in an odd male-tinted version of her own voice. “Yes, my sweeter half, I am. Dawn is always approaching and I must see to it until my sister is found.” She circled him slowly, taking every inch of his all-too feminine body. “Raise your tail, sweetness.” He complied presenting his puckered black ass and below that the twin midnight black orbs that Luna so desired to taste. Her tongue snaked out from between her lips and every so gently pressed against one of Equinox’s balls, pushing it forward and pulling back to watch it swing for a moment. She giggled softly. “How do you get used to walking with those?” “The same way you get used to having that lovely slit on display day in an out. You just do.” Luna sucked the same orb into her mouth, rolling it around gently with her tongue and savoring the salty taste before letting it out with a pop. She traced her tongue from the very bottom of his now wet sphere to the wrinkled ring of his anus. She toyed with the opening for a moment, tracing her way around and teasing the hole before lowering her head again and lining her horn up with it. Cool inky black fluid formed around the length of her horn and lubricated the shaft as she pressed it into him. She wiggled it around inside of the stallion a moment, “perhaps you need your own stallion companion?” Equinox moaned, careful not to move too much with the pointed horn inside of him. “The guards you provided are enough, but nothing can replace you, love.” Luna winced. He had said it again. Love was not supposed to be a part of this arrangement. And besides, he seemed more interested in stallion meat than hers anyway, probably some byproduct of the gender change. She pulled her horn out in annoyance, making sure to give more than a scrape on its way out. Equinox yelped, but said nothing, he knew better. “Dawn is coming, let’s not waste any more time.” She turned away from him and raised her tail. This was a mistake. He was a mistake, but she needed him. Curse him, she needed his touch more than she had any reason to. Equinox sighed and hoped onto her back eliciting a small grunt from Luna. The thick mushroom-shaped head of his cock pressed against her lips and ever so slowly parted them and sliding into her tight, pink channel. They fit together perfectly and he stretched her out, but not quite enough to be painful and bottomed out at exactly the right spot. He didn't need to work to make her feel absolute pleasure, his just did it. The balls she had just been playing with were now playing with her winking clit. Each time it pushed out between her lips was a wet kiss to the twin orbs that would soon provide the seed she needed inside of her. He began to piston in and out of the princess quickly reducing her to a whimpering mass beneath him. His thighs drove into her over and over each time with a loud slap of flesh on flesh and Luna’s cries of pleasure grew louder and louder. Her body was very near the point of no return and he knew it and with one last powerful thrust he exploded into her with jet after jet of thick cum. Luna’s orgasm exploded in a flood of pleasure and screams as she was filled to the brim with sticky cum. Equinox simply teleported away without even bothering to pull out and Luna gasped at the sudden emptiness. She fell to the ground and wept. How had she let this happen? How many more would yet pay for her mistakes? Celestia was alive and she would find her. She would find her and confess her sins and accept the punishment. “Celestia, you have to be alive. You have to be.” > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nimiri glared at her aunt. She was sitting in the middle of the market learning how to run the apple stand. Give them the apples take their money. Seemed easy enough, but the older orange mare had a whole laundry list of customer service tips and rules that would make ruling Equestria simple in comparison. “I don't want to sell apples,” she mumbled to nobody in particular. “What’s that sugarcube?” Applejack said looking away from her most recent customer. She smiled when she saw the look on her niece’s face. “Listen, I know it’s been hard for you since… well, you know, but your daddy has been doing his best for you. I know Sweet Apple Acres isn't what you want, but it can be a real good home if you give it a chance.” Nimiri managed a smile. “Thank you, aunt AJ. I appreciate you giving me a home and trying so hard, but I feel like I'm missing something, something important.” Applejack kissed her niece on the forehead. “Sugarcube, don't let anyone stop you from your destiny, least of all me.” She mussed the young philly’s mane with a grin, “Right now your destiny is to get back home to see if your daddy needs help getting’ ready with the cider.” Nimiri smiled and turned toward home. She still had a hard time thinking of Sweet Apple Acres as home, but ever since her mother vanished he dad just couldn't stand being in their old home in the Everfree Forest. It was also difficult to remember that a lot of ponies were taken on that day when so many stood up to fight the nameless darkness. Princess Luna now brought the night and day as her older sister had done for a thousand years. Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash even her favorite “aunt” Derpy Hooves… all gone in an instant and all painful memories, but none more so than her mother. Her knowledge of nature and the spiritual gave the others the opening to cast out the darkness. She was a hero and she was gone. Now she was left with her dad, Big Macintosh, who was never good with words, but with the loss of Zecora had almost none left. She did have a few friends and life wasn't all bad. She had done a lot of healing in the last year and she had even found some things to be happy about. Speaking of things to be happy about, she saw Ginger Gold. The bright yellow-gold mare was bucking out in the west field and Nimiri had completely frozen in place staring. Her coat was matted slightly with sweat and her muscles rippled with each powerful kick against the tree. “She’s cute.” Nimiri launched straight into the air with a yip and landed square on her rump. Nimiri’s mind spun trying to find any excuse possible for her vacant staring. “Uhm… dad… I thought I saw some parasprites.” “It’s okay, kiddo, I understand.” Mac turned to face Ginger Gold who was pretending not to notice anything happening. “Ginger! Please teach my daughter how to work the cider press.” Mac prodded at his stunned daughter with his muzzle to get her back on her feet. “Be good,” and with a wink he was off to the barn. Ginger trotted over to Nimiri. “Hi there, Ginger Gold, and you must be Nimiri. Miss Applejack talks about you all the time. Guess you get to learn the cider press today.” Her smile was infectious and it was all Nimiri could do to not stumble over her feet as she followed her to the cider mill. For the next hour the two made awkward chit chat about any topic they could think of and when the sun began to set Nimiri looked down at her hooves trying muster the courage to ask the golden mare on a date. When she looked up she was met with a kiss. “Tomorrow night, meet me for the feast day fireworks?” Nimiri could only manage a nod and watched with bewilderment as Ginger left. Nimiri couldn't believe how well that had gone. She had never had a great deal of self-confidence, sure she knew she was kind of pretty and some ever found her stripes somewhat alluring, but her confidence usually crumbled quickly. Yet here she had somehow managed to keep talking with this golden mare that had been haunting her dreams for weeks. Sweet Celestia! She had even gotten a kiss! How did that happen? Her torrent of thoughts and emotion kept her from noticing the light was rapidly dimming all around her. She looked around in a panic when blackness swallowed her whole. She was in the sky flying over Equestria. This must be how it felt for pegasi to fly. If she wasn't so busy being terrified this might have been the most amazing moment in her life. She tried to figure out where she was… that must be Manehattan, but now she was over water. She seemed to be picking up speed, but there was so much water. Land. She was over land again and snow, it was covered in snow. Stalliongrad, it had to be. She approached a tower larger than any she had ever seen, but she wasn't slowing and then, just before impact, darkness again and a whisper in a familiar voice “please help us.” She awoke sometime later when the darkness was pulled away and the blinding light of the sun rushed in. “Over here! I found her!” It was Apple Bloom. Nimiri realized she hurt like a barn had fallen on her and as the moments passed it became clear that is exactly what had happened. She was still only vaguely aware of what was going on as she was hauled from the rubble by her father. “Wha… what happened, daddy?” She asked, sprawled across her Mac’s back as he carried her back to the house. “You went missin’ last night and then the cider mill blew up. Nim, it was a sonic rainboom. How did you do that?” Mac didn't get an answer. His little mare was unconscious again, snoring softly into his ear. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nimiri woke up just in time for lunch. She felt strangely great for someone that had a cider mill fall on her a few hours earlier. She wandered downstairs and found the family gathered around the table eating and stepped up to an unclaimed salad bowl. She filled the bowl and poured a large glass of milk before she realized everyone was staring at her. “What?” It was Applejack that finally spoke up. “Sugar cube, the doctor said you would be out for a few more hours and would feel like… well like a barn fell on you. You look like you're ready to run to Canterlot and back. What happened last night?” Suddenly not hungry, Nimiri pushed her bowl away. “I’m not sure I know how to tell you. It sounds crazy.” She sipped at her milk without looking up at anyone. “I said goodnight to Ginger Gold and everything went all black. I think I flew to Stalliongrad and heard… something…” She trailed off into silence. “I've had a turn with magic a time or two, so I believe what you're saying. What did you hear?” Nimiri looked up and right back down, her stomach twisting into knots. “I heard… I heard mother. She asked for help.” Big Mac’s reaction surprised her. He simply left the room and for some reason this made Nimiri begin to cry. She tried to hide her tears by locking her eyes on the floor. “I uh… I have a date tonight. I’m going to town to get some… stuff for that.” She fled the room as quickly as she could without running. She couldn’t handle the questioning looks. She flew out the front door and directly into her father. It was like running headlong into a wall. “We’re not done with this,” was all he had to say and he turned to the orchards and left. It took some time, but Nimiri was able to put the events of last night out of her mind to focus on the events of the coming evening. All of Ponyville was getting ready for Feastday and there were visitors from out of town everywhere. She was looking into the windows of Rarity’s Boutique when the dull grey pony walked into her. Nimiri went down, twisting her leg painfully. “Omigosh! I’m so sorry! Are you all right?” The pony tried to help her up but only succeeded in twisting her leg more, drawing tears from Nimiri. How many times was she going to fall down and cry today? “Get off her, you nitwit!” Nimiri was too occupied with the shooting pain in her leg to notice Ginger Gold arrive. She kicked the grey pony square in the chest, sending him into the street with a thud. “Be more careful or next time you’ll get worse!” Ginger scooped up Nimiri and got her to her feet. “Are you alright?” Nimiri was horrified. “It was an accident. He was trying to help me up. You didn’t need to kick him.” “He was hurting you,” Ginger replied curtly. Nimiri started to say she was fine, but as soon as she put weight on her front right leg, she nearly crumpled again and yelped in pain. Ginger tried to catch her, but Nimiri glared. “I think our date is off.” Nimiri pushed passed the now distraught looking Ginger and walked very gingerly to the still down grey. He was whimpering and clutching his chest. “I’m sorry… didn’t mean to…” Nimiri nudged at him with her nose and when he looked up gave him her warmest smile. “Can you stand up?” He nodded slowly and tried to unfold the tangled heap of his legs. Nimiri helped with a nudge here and there until he was finally on all four hooves again. “I’m sorry she kicked you. What’s your name?” She was giving him her very best smile, but he was still acting as though another kick was imminent. “It’s… it’s uhm… Sandy. Sandy Shore.” “I’m Nimiri, very nice to meet you.” It was at this moment Ginger ran off looking devastated. Sandy seemed to relax a bit and finally looked Nimiri in the eyes. “I don’t seem to have a date anymore tonight. Would you go to the fireworks with me, Sandy? I’ll bring pie.” She said in a slight singsong, hoping the colt would accept her peace offering. Stunned, the grey could only stare at her. Nimiri lifted a hoof to his chin and nodded his head for him. “Great! I’ll be right here at 7.” Nimiri watched him leave. So since last night she had gotten a date with the philly of her dreams, had a barn fall on her, imagined her dead mother talking to her, realized the pony of her dreams was awful, fell down twice and already gotten a date with someone else. “Quite the day you’re having, Nim.” Nimiri arrived with two still warm apple pies in her bags and stood outside of Rarity’s boutique more nervous that she really should have been. As recently as this morning she had thought she didn’t like colts and here she was hoping one she barely knew would show up for a date he had never really agreed to. “Maybe you did hit your head last night,” she said with a deep sigh. “Do you talk to yourself a lot?” Nimiri had a sudden urge to hide. “Not too often. No more than nine or ten times a day really.” Sandy smiled and Nim was surprised at how cute he was. It was almost like he wasn’t the same pony she had seen in a heap earlier today. “I brought the promised pies. Why don’t we find a nice spot for the fireworks?” The rest of the night past with joking, enjoyable conversation and delicious food it was, to Nimiri’s astonishment, the best night she’d had in years. When the fireworks began she found herself staring at Sandy hoping the night would just keep going. The Canterlot unicorns had outdone themselves with the show this year and the night sky was filled with blast after blast of colorful explosions. She took a deep breath and dove in for a kiss just as a huge blast lit the night sky. Sandy went wide eyed at the shock of the kiss coupled with the extremely loud explosion and in that moment, his eyes changed. Nimiri pushed him away. “You! You’re a… a changeling!” Sandy slumped and nodded. He shifted before her eyes becoming something she had been warned numerous times to never trust and for the first time since the night her mother died, Nimiri was afraid. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nimiri backed away slowly and the changeling that had been Sandy simply stood still looking defeated. “What do you want? Why are you here?” She asked still backing away. The changeling sighed and finally looked back at her. “My name is Outcast. At least that’s what I was named when I was born. I’m… different from other changelings. Defective they said. So I was raised until I could fend for myself and exiled from my people. I don't want anything from anyone.” He looked down at his hooves again. “Go ahead and turn me in. I won't run.” Nimiri stopped and took a step forward, tilting her head slightly. “How do I know you're not lying?” Nimiri had always been different than the other ponies in Ponyville and even though most were always kind to her she was always very aware of how different she was with her stripes serving as a constant and unavoidable reminder. She wanted to believe his story, but that was part of what made changelings so dangerous: they excelled at lies. “You don’t, but I’m also not going to do anything to you or anyone for that matter.” His mane was hanging in front of his eyes, a short and tidy sheet of purple and blue hiding what were some of the saddest eyes Nimiri had ever see. There were no lies in him. How she knew that she had no idea, but it was something her mother had been able to do. “A gift I have to hear the false from the true. I gift I have also passed onto you.” She remembered her mother saying those words, but she never thought much of them. “I believe you. Now change back into Sandy before someone else sees you.” It was the changeling’s turn for shock and with a slight nod he shimmered and changed back to the pony Nimiri had met earlier that day. The two sat on their blanket in silence until the fireworks stopped and then after the night had descended on them like a blanket. Once the valley had emptied and there were no more ponies to be seen they began to talk again. Outcast told her of his upbringing and eventual banishment and how he had found Ponyville and lived there in secret for the past several years. Nimiri told him about her childhood and the day of darkness when her mother was taken from her and before either of them knew it the sun was creeping over the horizon. “I should get home. My dad’s gonna be really mad about this.” Nimiri said edging away from the warmth of Outcast. She didn't realize she had gotten quite so close. “Can… can I see your face again? Before I go?” Outcast shifted back to his real form and stole a kiss from Nimiri before launching into the sky and vanishing. She stared at the sky for a while longer and began thinking of what punishment he dad would surely be inflicting on her for being gone all night. She slowly opened the front door of home, wincing at the creak she had never noticed until right now, and when her eyes reopened she was not home. She was also not in Sweet Apple Acres. She was hoof deep in snow standing before an impossibly tall tower. The next sound stole the breath from her lungs and froze her heart. “It has been some time, my daughter. I have brought you hear across time, land and water.” Nimiri was paralyzed by both fear and magic she was unable to see who or what was speaking, but she knew. “M… mom?” She weakly said with tears streaming down her cheeks. “Yes, it is your mother. And not her alone, I am another. If you come to seek me out, all you know with end without a doubt.” As she spoke a darkness crept into her voice that sent shivers down Nimiri’s spine. There was a malice that Zecora could never possess and she could sense the truth of her words. Another voice crept into Nimiri’s ear. “She can’t hear me, but I must be quick. Zecora can still be saved if you move quickly. Come soon and save us all.” “Aunt Twilight?” The words formed before her brain could stop them. “Again she must interfere and for this will pay most dear. If you do not heed my warning, then for all Equestria there will be no morning.” Icy blackness swallowed Nimiri, suffocating her with its vice grip. Nimiri was screaming in a heap on the front porch when Applejack found her and it took hours to get her to stop shivering in fear and most of the day after that before she could form words. “I… I have to go save her.” > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Nimiri was sitting in the east grove when her father found her. She took a last bite of her sixth apple, this last vision had left her starving for some reason. "Hey, dad." "I can't letcha go, sugar-stripes. I know what you wanna do and I promised your mama I wouldn't letcha." Big Macintosh was obviously torn between his need to protect his daughter and his desire to see his wife again. "Do... do you know where she is?" Nimiri nodded. "Yeah, I do. She's in Staliongrad in a tower and there's something else. I think she's under control by somepony else." She took another bite and tossed the apple core aside. "And dad... I talked to her." "I'm going with you. Me an Spike an Rarity." Big Mac was showing far more emotion than he ever would have with anypony other than his wife or daughter when he began to cry. "You gotta promise me: if I say run an hide, you do it. I ain't gonna lose you too." Nimiri nodded again. "Why are we bringing Spike and Rarity? Spike is a dragon, so I get that, but Aunt Rarity hasn't gone outside in months." "Cause Spike won't go without her and she's the best magic left in Ponyville." "I'm bringing two ponies with us too. We might need them." Nimiri wasn't used to telling her dad something instead of asking, but she knew she needed to bring Ginger Gold and Outcast, just not why. She also had no idea how she would convince either to come. Big Mac snorted. "Gettin' cold, gonna rain. We'll leave tomorrow on the train." He nuzzled his little girl gently. "Let's go get your mama back." Nimiri found herself in Ponyville later that afternoon, wandering the market. She found Ginger Gold sipping some sort of frosty drink and staring off into the distance. Nimiri moved closer. "Hey, I uhm, I'm not sure why I got so upset yesterday." And truthfully she really didn't. Sure Ginger had been unnecessarily harsh, but Nimiri had overreacted too. She had gotten angrier than she should have. Ginger sighed and pushed her mug away. "I don't know why I got so mad either. I just couldn't help myself." She looked up at Nimiri hesitantly. "Can you forgive me?" Everything that had made Nimiri fall for this golden mare came rushing back all at once. She knew she was kind and funny and generous, but what if there was something that made them react the way they did and she couldn't help it. That wouldn't be the oddest thing that happened in the last few days, so Nimiri found herself kissing another pony and horribly confused. "I forgive you and I need to ask a favor. A big one." "Is this about the tower? The purple unicorn said I need to go with you. She said it was important, but honestly, she scared the hay out of me." Ginger was shivering now and it was now that Nimiri noticed how tired she looked. Apparently she wasn't the only one having bad dreams. "When are we going?" "Meet at Sweet Apple Acres tonight, we go tomorrow. You don't have to, you know." She wanted nothing more than to run off with Ginger and hide from it all and she wasn't sure she wouldn't have if she said the word. Ginger just kissed her cheek and winked as she trotted off. Nimiri stared dreamily at the shapely mare as she walked off and completely missed the otherwise dull grey stallion settling in at her table. He took a sip from Ginger's drink. "Don't know how ponies drink this stuff. I understand. It's okay I won't bother you again, but will you keep my secret?" Nimiri was looking at the other half of her newfound confusion: the changeling she had fallen for a little too quickly. "Of course I will, Sandy. Do you have time for a story?" So Nimiri unloaded everything that had happened in the last two days: asking out Ginger, how angry she had gotten, the sonic rainboom, her mother and everything. They spent the next hour and a half talking. Talking about the visions, favorite foods and every other topic they could think of. Nimiri was telling the story of the time her father had caught her kissing her first crush when Sandy/Outcast leaned in and kissed Nimiri mid-sentence. When he pulled away Nimiri dreamily spoke "come with me." She didn't realize he would have no idea what she meant, she was too lost in the moment. "Of course." They kissed again briefly and Nimiri barely remembered to tell him to meet at the farm tonight. For the second time today she found herself staring at a pony trotting away from her. She found herself looking forward to saving her mother as it seemed easier than dealing with the situation she found herself in right now.