> Sweet, Loving Melodies > by Sargethekat84 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter One > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter One Celestia's sun was setting just as Applejack was coming home from a busy day in Ponyville. There were crystal ponies everywhere, they were scattered all over Ponyville to meet the Elements of Harmony. They were just normal tourists. Applejack sold all of her Apples to the crystal ponies. She was flooded with bits, and so was the same at Sugar Cube Corner. Applejack's throat was sore from trying to talk over everyone just to talk to one pony to sell ONE apple. But, business is business in the Apple Family. On her way home she heard a familiar ' whoosh' sound from up above. She knew who it was right away. Her crush, Rainbow Dash. Applejack waved a hoof to signal the pegasus, but it was too late. " LOOK OUT!!" Suddenly feeling the air get knocked out of her, Applejack opened her eyes to see those warm, magenta eyes staring at her, " Sorry A.J, I was trying out a new trick.. And I got kinda carried away, sorry.." Rainbow felt just as awkward as Applejack was, they both were blushing. After a few struggles and swears they finally untangled themselves and got out of the cart that Applejack was hauling. " Hey Rainbow, after ah put this cart away, I'll meet ya up at the old Oak in the West Field, unless you have something planned..." The cyan blue pegasus shook her head," I don't have anything planned, so.. Sure!" In a heartbeat she was gone, racing towards the west field. Applejack smiled and shook her head. ~***~***~ Applejack caught up to Rainbow Dash, who for a very active pegasus, was flying slow. " Huh.. Ah never thought I could beat The Fastest Flyer in Equestria" the farmer pony teased, waking up a dozed off Rainbow, " Huh.. Oh! How did you-" The pegasus suddenly ran right into the old Oak tree. Applejack laughed. ~ Once getting settled Applejack spoke, " Rainbow, I have something to tell ya" she paused to catch her breath, " Ah love you" " You ate a lock?" Rainbow was dumbfounded by Applejack's mumbling. " No! Ah said ah LOVE YOU!" Rainbow stared at her blankly. Applejack sighed. Rainbow sat closer to Applejack," One more time" That's it! Applejack then leaned in and kissed Rainbow on the lips. At first shocked pulsed through The cyan blue pegasus's body turned into a lovingly bliss. She closed her eyes. Applejack then slowly pulled away, letting the momentum last for a couple more heartbeats, " Ah love you Rainbow" she stated firmly, but her face was a bright pink blush. Rainbow stared at her, then smiled," I love you to, I've actually had a crush on you for a while.." Dash rubbed the back of her neck, embaressed . Applejack smiled," Ditto, sugarcube" Rainbow Dash leaned in and nuzzled her marefriend's neck. Applejack chuckled softly and pulled in close by her, as they both watched the moon rise. ---- Pinkie Pie closed Sugar Cube Corner. " Whew! What a busy day!" She wiped her brow with her hoof as she stood outside of the restaurant, letting the cool breeze cool her down from the warm Kitchen, where she had been working all day. But, the hyper Pie was not yet ready to go to sleep, The only pony she knew that stayed up this late was one Pegasus. Rainbow Dash. ---- Applejack and Rainbow Dash smiled at each other softly. Slowly, they drew in for a soft kiss... ---- Pinkie Pie was already at Rainbow's house, jumping up and down, " Daaashie!" After calling her name around 20 times, she thought of another place the pegasus would be. " Oh! She might be at Sweet Apple Acres! Dashie always loves night-time snacks!" The party pony quickly made her way to Applejack's home. After a super quick search, she found hoof prints, " Aha! She went to the west field!" So, the pink pony ,are her way to the west field. But, little did she know there were 2 sets of hoof prints... Finally, Pinkie got to her destination. Little did anyone know. Pinkie and Rainbow were together, but they separated, just to meet new ponies of course. I'm sure Dash was just joking, I'm so delightful and fun, why would anyone want to dump me? Pinkie found the rainbow- maned pegasus. Hr cyan blue fur was shining like the ocean in the night- sky. And suddenly orange appeared. Wait, who's that? Pinkie pie gasped as the orange earth pony kissed Rainbow. Applejck?! The pink earth pony's eyes started to brim with tears. " No..." As she watched the two kiss,She thought she was about to die right there.. ~ Rainbow Dash's ears perked as she heard someone say her name. Applejack probably Heard it too as she stood up. " Hello?" Rainbow called out, she looked over a one certain apple tree that had some pink fur behind it. " H-how could you Dashie?" Pinkie Pie stepped out, her blue eyes were brimming with tears and her mane was straight and flat, her fur looked darker too. " Pinkie.. Remember? I said I was going to see other ponies.. And.." The shocked pegasus looked over at Applejack. Her eyes wide. " I though we were going to be together! You.. Cold hearted jerk! You played on me!" Rainbow, who was in utter shock gasped at her, " No, I'm not! " she calmed herself as she slowly walked over to Pinkie, " Pinks.. I'm sorry.-" " Stay AWAY from me! You liar! You've lied about everything you've ever said to me! I thought you were different.." Pinkie Pie choked, stepping back from the rainbow maned pegasus. Applejack looked at the depressed pink pony," Pinkie, I'm so sorry,ah didn't know-" she was cut off by a cry. " And YOU Applejack! Your the one who took her away from me! Don't expect to EVER be my friend again! Stay AWAY!" Pinkie Pie ran inbetween the two and raced off, away from that horrible place. She didn't care where she was going, just far, far away. I thought you were my special some pony... Rainbow Dash.... ~***~***~ Rainbow Dash stood there, a lone tear fell off of Rainbow's cheeks. She slowly slumped to the ground. Applejack quickly ran over to her and put her hoof on Rainbow. " Im s-sorry A* cough* Applejack.. I-I'm a horrible-" " No, your not," Applejack brought her into a tight embrace," I love you.." Once Rainbow fell asleep, Applejack got herself into a comfortable position by Rainbow. What have ah done..