> Who is Rajulio? > by RAJULIO > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The first day (Part 1/3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Waking up in my new abode, I slowly open my eyes and look around my new home. I thought to myself This truly will be a new start. Looking around the small room I was renting I saw the inanimate love of my life; my guitar. Picking it up, I played a friendly tune consisting of mostly high chords. This must have awoken my roommate as the door opened and he walked inside. Not even a knock? He was a blue unicorn with a bongo set cutie mark. He went by the name 'DK' and had a black mane and tail, but it was obvious he spent more time grooming his tail rather than his mane. After finally playing the last chord to my song I realized he was there and put up my guitar. But I wasn't as embarrassed as I would've been, it seems he enjoyed it being a music enthusiast as myself. "Sorry to barge in just heard you where up and thought I would tell you there was breakfast waiting for you in the kitchen." He says smiling at me. "Thank you, DK was it?" I replied a bit embarrassed I had not fully remembered the colts name. "Yes, it was DK." He replied, "Oh and if i were you I'd go wash up. I've decided I'm going to give you a full tour of Ponyville so you can get familiar with the town, and it's people. But like i said I'd wash up, I don't think you want to go out looking like THAT." At first I was a bit insulted, But looking in the mirror I realize it was appropriate for him to tell me this. Luckily DK was a friendly pony, any other pony would have just screamed and left the room at the sight of me. "Oh shit..." I whispered "I look like Discord threw up on my face..." "Well it's not that bad" the blue pony said trying to comfort me, "Just go take a long hot shower, we're in no rush." When he left I quickly headed straight towards the bathroom, into the shower. After sitting in the shower about twenty minutes I finally wash my mane, tail, and coat. Which took a good... Five to seven minutes. I never understood why people thought so well in the shower. Looking at the now foggy mirror I decided to brush my teeth while waiting for it to clear up. After I was done the mirror was almost cleared up, so instead of waiting, I just wiped the mirror with a towel. Looking back at me was a stallion with brown eyes, belonging to a purple pegasus, who had a black and red mane, and a shaggy long tail. I inspected my cutie mark, a rainbow pick with the symbols IV on it. The question popped up in my head, the same question that always popped in my head when I saw this symbol. What, in Celestia's name does it mean? After drying off my coat, and grooming my mane and tail, I went to the dining room to see a breakfast of Soarin' Os. Wow. I thought to myself. Breakfast fit for a king. I was still thankful as I poured milk into the bowl and began eating. I inspected the box, seeing an old friend on it. Oh Soarin', how you got into the Wonderbolts only Celestia knows... Maybe not even Celestia. After finishing my meal, I went outside. I was greeted by DK, and a very bright sun. "Hello! We are now beginning our tour of Ponyville!" DK said in an overly ecstatic voice,"Next stop, the library!" Taking only a few hoofsteps, DK stops and says "This is our place of knowledge and books, the library! Now we are going inside to meet the special mare who runs it." As we went inside we saw a mare behind the counter by a purple unicorn, who greeted us with no delay. "Hello my name is Twilight Sparkle, how may I-" Turning around and seeing the apparently familiar face of DK, she said in an excited voice "Oh, hi DK. Checking out more sheet music?" Sheet music... In a library... I was going to enjoy living in this town, especially living so close to the library. "No Twilight" DK responded in a friendly voice "I was just showing my new friend around the town, introducing him to everypony." "Oh sorry i didn't even notice you" Twilight said looking at the colt who had the same color coat. She offered me a hoof and said, "My name is Twilight Sparkle and I'm in charge of this library, I am also the star pupil of Princess Celestia." Shaking hands with the mare, I soon soak in what has been said. "Wait a minute, you know the princess?" Twilight replies in a more serious voice "Yes, I am also a wielder of the element of Harmony, Magic." Again, baffled by this information, I shook her hoof and bowed my head "I had no idea that that pony was you miss Sparkle... (I almost laughed, realizing people who used surnames called her miss Sparkle)! Thank you for saving Equestria from an eternity of darkness, and from that crazy draconequus Discord" "Don't thank me, I'm only doing my job" She says in a sweet and cheery voice. "Alright we should get going. Nice seeing you Twilight. I'll see you tonight!" DK says as they exit the library. "Wow" DK says as soon as we exit the library "Smart, pretty, humble..." "Sounds like someone has a crush" I say teasingly to my love struck friend. "No i don... Okay maybe a little bit..." "AWWWW" I said laughing a bit. "Why not ask her on a date?" I suggest. "NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" DK says embarrassed "We've been friends since the first day of magic kindergarden... It would be weird..." "You never know unless you give it a shot" I tell him as i pat him on the back. "I guess so" DK replies, "Next stop, the Carousel boutique" Not even half way there we were stopped as somepony crashed into us. "SORRY" being the only word heard before we were flung to the ground. Recovering quickly, I got up and search for my friend. I find him next to me, wobbling a bit, but overall he is okay. I look around and find the pony who had bumped into us. Covered with mail, the mare who had bumped into us picked her head up and looked at me and said "I'm so sorry!" but as she looked me in the eyes I realize that one of her eyes was drifting slightly to the left. I felt bad for this Golden eyed, grey mare and told her that it was okay. "it's no problem, It didn't hurt that bad right DK?" I said as my friend stumbled around like a new born foal learning to walk. DK, who had recovered by then, said "Yes, it's fine Derpy." Derpy? I thought to myself. What an adorable name. The mare named Derpy replied with a nod and said, "Thank you DK... And you to um..." Extending a hoof I say "Rajulio." "What a neat name" she says smiling. "Thank you, Derpy was it?" I'm not doing to good with names today... She sighs, "Well that's my nick name... My real name is Ditzy Doo..." "Oh I'm sorry Ditzy...." Accidentally thinking out loud, I whisper "But Derpy is such a cute name." Blushing slightly she says in a stammering, quick voice, "You can call me Derpy if you want to though..." realizing I had said this out loud, all I could do was give her a quick nod. I then turn to my friend, who had a wide ominous smile on his face DK, still wearing this ominous smile and looking at me says "Well Rajulio here is living with me now, and we're having a welcoming party later this afternoon, would you like to come Ditzy?" She answers almost immediately "Sure i'd love to" She them picks up her mail and flys off quickly. "AWWW" DK says in the teasing tone you had used earlier. "What?" I say a bit annoyed, "Derpy is a pretty cute name..." DK smiles and walks towards the boutique, which is now in sight. "Also, what about this party you mentioned to Derpy?" I ask ending the silence Man how I hate silence... It feels like... Sounds like... death... "OHH that. Well when i told my friend someone new was coming she insisted she hosted a party at my place. So hence forth there will be a party tonight." I haven't been to a party in two years... And the last one i had been to had been a total disaster. I couldn't talk to over half the mares who attended for a month out of embarrassment. "well that sounds good, I guess..." "It will be, trust me." Having reached the boutique DK stops and says "This is the Carousel boutique!" Walking inside we are greeted by a pure white unicorn, With a beautiful mane, and tail. Her magic blue aura enveloping a needle and thread that were working on a dress on mannequin. "Hello DK!" she says immediately, having a bit of an accent I was not quite familiar with. "The ensemble you wanted for your bands 'rock and roll' show is not quite finished, I've been very busy with the Galloping Gala coming up, and need a bit more time." ' Sensing her distress, DK reassured her and says "Don't worry Rarity, our first show is in a couple months, there's no need to rush." "Tell that to your band mates, who come in everyday and pester me about the project." she replies in an annoying tone. I don't really like this mares attitude... Something about it... "Don't worry i'll make sure they stop bothering you." DK says smiling at the mare I could only guess was named 'Rarity', "Anyways Rarity, the reason I'm here is because I want you to meet my friend Rajulio." She directs her attention to me, noting my unique mane and asking "Who did those highlights in your main?" "Oh, they aren't highlights. They're natural." I reply, smiling. I was not praised for my mane very often, which I did my best to take care of. Almost astonished at this, the white unicorn replies in that annoying tone, again "It is simply stunning, Not many ponies have highlights like that!" DK interrupts her and says "This is Rarity as you heard. She is the owner of this here establishment, and is the holder of the element of harmony; Generosity." I quickly bow, to show my new found respect for the pony, She was the element of generosity, she couldn't be that bad right? and blurt out "Thank you Rarity, for saving us from an eternity of night, and saving us from Discord" Giggling and obviously flattered she shook my hand and says "Oh why thank you. it was the least i could do." Her sentence was almost interrupted by a loud rumble. DK smiled and said "Man am i hungry, well Rarity we have to go sorry for the short visit!" Waving and smiling, also a bit relieved they were leaving, the white mare smiles and waves. "It was no problem my dear, come back later and check on my progress!" Leaving the building, I decided to ask "Where are we going for lunch?" "Sugarcube Corner" DK says quickly with a gleam in his eyes, "they have the best sweets in all of Equestria." "I haven't ever heard that before..." I say in a sarcastic voice. "WELL IT'S TRUE! You'll see when you get there." He replies in a confident voice. Upon arrival we are quickly greeted by a Pink mare, with a mane and tail indescribable, but cute none the less. "Hello DK, want your usual?" "Yes, please Pinkie" he said almost drooling. "Okie dokie!" She replies smiling very, very widely "What about your friend? Not being familiar with the menu, and being astonished at the smile on her face that stretched from one end to the other, I make a quick decision. Hopefully I wouldn't regret it "I guess I'll have what he's having?" "EXCELLENT CHOICE" DK exclaimed. "Okay, I'll be right back." The pink mare, addressed as Pinkie said. As she leaves DK pauses and says "That was Pinkie Pie, who helps the Cakes run this shop. She holds the element of laughter." "Do all of the holders of harmony live here??" I ask, but already know the answer. DK pauses and says in a nonchalant voice "Yeah. And today i'm going to introduce you to everyone of them" I remember that there are six elements. I've met three so that leaves three more mares... And whoever else DK decided to introduce me to. "My, this will be a long, and tiring day..." > The first day (Part 2/3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The pink mare, identified as Pinkie Pie came back and gave us our treats. "Here you go DK. Your usual, a chocolate chocolate minty grape strawberry blueberry cupcake!" What did she just say? There's no way that that exists... I was surprised and bit disgusted when she set the cupcake in front of me. I'll be damned... I inspected the food in front of me for a while trying to decide whether or not to eat the oddly colored cupcake. "It's so good, try it" DK says, with a mouth full of cupcake. Pinkie smiling says "I promise you it tastes amazing! I thought what you are probably thinking but the Cakes can turn almost anything into a pastry or cupcake!" I give it one last good sniff, the aroma confusing my senses.Taking one bite I immediately down the whole thing in one bite. This is the most delicious thing I had ever tasted! At first it was sweet from the double chocolate, then it was minty, then the berries that where inside gave it a natural taste. Seeing I was more than satisfied, DK and Pinkie smile at me. "I told you," DK says in a confident voice, "Sugarcube corner has the best sweets in all of Equestria" "I guess your right... Tell the Cakes they now have another regular added to their list!" I say, missing the best cupcake I had ever eaten. "Okie dokie!" Pinkie Pie says, "OH and that one was on me, welcome to Ponyville Rajulio!" "How did you know my name?" I asked a bit bewildered. "Oh, this is the friend I told you about earlier! She's the one hosting the party tonight" DK says as Pinkie starts to bounce up and down. "It'll be a blast, there will be music, dancing, and laughter!" Pinkie says still bouncing up and down. "That sounds great!" I said, with a bit of doubt. Last party I went to I had gotten drunk off my plot and... Well best not to recall the event... Luckily I can now hold my whiskey... Well... Sort of. "See you there" Pinkie says, bouncing away to the counter. what an energetic pony "NEXT STOP APPLE ACRES" DK shouts as we exit, almost everyone looking at us as we had not fully exited yet. Almost half way there we are stopped again. This time by DK who sees a few friends next to the town hall. He runs over to the group and motions me over to the group. "Hi DK" a minty green, golden eyed unicorn says. "Hi Lyra, what're you all up to?" DK replies to the group of four. "Oh nothing just reminiscing about the party Pinkie held last week." A blue eyed beige earth pony says. DK thinking a second, says "Ohhh you mean the one at Rasta Clouds house?" What kind of name is Rasta Cloud? "Yeah, with the party favors we had to throw away. I can't believe he almost got us in trouble by giving that to us. That crazy colt" A rainbow maned pegasus said. Now THAT is a bad ass mane... And it matches my guitar strap. "Well he did have a nice garden, and some pretty exotic animals" A pink maned yellow mare said in a very very very small voice." "Yeah, it's a mystery where he gets them from... Anyways, guys meet my friend Rajulio! He's going to start living with me, and he's the one Pinkie is throwing the party for tonight!" "Hello Rajulio, welcome to Ponyville" The pony identified as Lyra says smiling. "Hi Rajulio, you've probably heard of the amazing Rainbow Dash, best young flier right?" The rainbow maned pony said. "Um... No..." You say thinking back and regretting you did. "WHAT!! How could you not? You are a pegasus, right?" She asks a bit annoyed. "Yeah, but I don't really stay to tuned in to sports. I'm more tuned in to music" you reply, chuckling to yourself about the pun you had made, that only you had understood. "Well then, what about the element of harmony, Loyalty?" she says puffing up her chest. "OH OF COURSE!" I start shaking her hoof and decide to skip the whole thank you speech I had been giving to the other ponies. "And this is my buddy, Fluttershy" she says pointing points to the pink maned pegasus who scoots back as you put out your hoof to shake hers. "Sorry, she doesn't like meeting new people. But she'll warm up to you, she is the element of Kindness after all." Two element holders in one shot!! And it was only 2:00 PM! Maybe this wouldn't be such a long day after all. "Oh well then pleased to meet you Fluttershy!" I say moving my hand and just smiling. "Don't forget me!" The beige mare says "My name is Bon Bon! Me and Lyra are roommates" "Nice to meet you Bon Bon!" I say almost laughing at her adorable name. "Well we better head out, see you guys at the party tonight!" DK says as we start to head towards apple acres. "So why didn't you tell me there were so many cute mares in Ponyville?" I asked, ending the silence that again started to kill me. "Sweet Celestia, more crushes?" DK says with a smile on his face. "Well they aren't crushes really. Just... observations." I reply in a defending tone. "What exactly where you observing there my friend" DK replies with a devilish voice. But before I could defend myself he quickly stops and says "Here we are at apple acres! Home of the Apple family!" Finally a familiar name! You had met an Apple before named Braeburn. He told me he had many cousins, this must be one of them. Or three of them!! We are quickly greeted by an Orange mare, with golden hair, and a HUGE red stallion with a little yellowish little filly on his back. "Well hiya there DK" the orange mare says. "Hey Applejack! I see you and Big Mac, and Applebloom are excited to meet the new colt in town." "Well you know how much Applejack loves showing the hospitality of the Apples to other ponies." The big red stallion said, which was probably the one referred to as 'Big Mac', in a slow and deep voice. "WELL WELCOME TO PONYVILLE" Applejack and the other little filly says in unison. "My name is Applebloom, and I am a cutie mark crusader!" The little filly says. "A cutie mark what?" I say, never hearing this term before. "Trust me, you'll find out who they are" Big Mac says in a dry voice. "Would you like to come in for some cider?" Applejack offers with a smile. "No thanks Applejack. You and your cider," DK says smiling "Well this is the last of the element of harmony wielders, Honesty." "Yes sir! I am the most trustworthy pony in Equestria." Applejack replies crossing her legs. My type of pony. I absolutely hate liars. "Well we better get going, see you at the party tonight! Bring some cider!" DK says as they wave good-bye. After seeing all of the sights in ponyville I went to lay down on my bed. It was 6:00 PM, three hours until the party. Before drifting asleep I heard a knock on the front door. Startled, I go to find a light red pegasus, with a green mane and tail, and yellow eyes. "Hello, my name is Rasta Could" He says, with a very familiar scent on his breath. > The first day (Part 3/3) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rasta Cloud? I heard that name earlier... The pegasus named 'Rasta Cloud' spoke in a mellow tone "I can tell you are uneasy, stressed, tensed. Do you seek relief?" "Um... Sure?" I replied, not sure at all where he was going. "Ha ha that's the spirit," He said, with a blank smile, "There is a forest near here, misunderstood by the people of this land. In it you will find a Zebras hut. Go inside of it, and tell her Rasta sent you." Without muttering another word, he left flying off gracefully. "There are some odd ponies here in ponyville..." I said to myself walking towards, what I hoped was there forest Rasta Cloud had referenced to. Something about it was odd and ominous, even though it wasn't even dark out yet. But I was reassured as I saw a brown colt waltz right in, like nothing was wrong. "Hey wait!" I shouted, hoping he knew where this hut would be. "Sorry far to busy for that at the moment." He said keeping a brisk pace, but having a slightly worried tone. I decided to let him be, but follow him. He seemed stressed, and was probably looking for the same zebra i was looking for to be 'relieved'. Realizing how sexual this sounded, I laughed. There's no way Rasta would've been referencing me to a mistress. My thoughts interrupted by a loud and obnoxious noise. I decided to run towards it. Being flashed by a bright white light I stumbled around, trying to regain sight. Though I was in luck, as I regained my vision I saw it; the hut Rasta had referred to. Knocking on the door I was greeted by a Zebra. "Um hello," I said "I was sent here by a friend named Rasta Cloud. He said you could help me relieve my stress." "So you came here to relax? Lucky for you I won't charge a tax." She said motioning to a cushion on which I sat. She began to grind some mysterious herbs. She leaned my head back and told me to "Let your mind wonder, toss your life asunder." Oh shit... Instead of what my perverted mind thought would happen, I was surprised as a familiar aroma reached my nose. As the aroma rose to the roof of the hut, my stress started to go with it. Dosing of a bit and having dreams that I would be shunned for, I woke up to find the zebra across from me meditating. Not being disturbed from that state, I left so I wouldn't be late to my party. Arriving at my home an hour before the party I was glad to still be feeling stress free. Usually a massage would've given him relief for the while it lasted. But the aromatherapy the zebra had given him had long lasting effects. Feeling very inspired at the moment I got my guitar and started to play a slow, and low tune. Losing myself in the moment I awake to the sound of knocking. I go and open the door and see a white unicorn with an eighth note as a cutie mark and a blue mane, with cyan highlights. "Hey, my name is Vinyl Scratch" the unicorn says under purple shades "I'm the music for the party." "Oh well come inside, I think Pinkie will be here in a couple minutes," I tell her not actually sure where the mare was. "Alright, can you help me set up?" she says as a light blue aura wraps around a cart with 4 huge speakers. "Sure" I say wheeling a cart with a turn table on it. After helping her she begins to ask me about myself over a drink of cider. "So what brought you to ponyville?" She asks taking a sip of the cold beverage. "I just needed to get the buck out of my hometown. To many bad memories..." I say wishing the cider was hard cider. "Oh I see... Well what is your special talent? Your cutie mark is a bit confusing..." "Pretty much music. My cutie mark is a pick which you'd figure means guitar, but I'm also good with the bass, drums, and I'm a pretty good singer if I do say so myself." I say with a very confident voice. "Riiight," she says sarcastically, "mind playing me a little something?" "Well I um... Honestly haven't played in front of very many people before... I usually do my best alone and just jamming..." "So you have stage fright? How cute ha ha, well maybe I can sit in on one of these jamming sessions of yours. Just listen, you won't even know I'm there." she says smiling. Is she... Flirting with... Me?? No no no... Maybe the mares here are friendly. I thought, I had already been invited into three mares house that day, and was asked to 'bang' by a strange grey pegasus who flew off as soon as I said no. "I guess it couldn't be to bad..." I reply, "I guess it'd help with the stage fright as well..." "Sounds good, we'll have to talk about plans some other time, hi Pinkie Pie" She says looking past me. "Hey Vinyl, are you ready for the party?" Pinkie says bouncing up and down. "Of course I am! Well see you after the show Rajulio!" She replies leaving to go to her setup. About thirty minutes later the party started, and the house was full of almost all of the occupants of ponyville. It was like Pinkie knew all of the ponies in Ponyville. "Hey man, enjoying the party?" DK says with a taking a sip of a drink with a light blue aura around it. "Yeah, these ponies know how to party" I reply stating the obvious. Literally everypony was enjoying the party, either drinking, playing games, dancing, or just rocking out to the amazing music Vinyl was playing. "A toast?" DK says floating a shot of whiskey my way. "To?" "To good friends and being happily drunk!" He says as we tap our shots together and down it in one shot. Thank you college for pretty much training me to handle whiskey. After about two more shots and some casual drinks the party ends with me totally shitfaced, and just passing out on my bed. Well that's how it ended for me anyway.