> My little Sparkle > by Derpy Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1:Sparkle > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked down the street to get my mail when i got my mail I never noticed on my way there there was a small cardboard box I looked at the box thinking that it was somebodies mail but when I saw that there was no tape I thought something must be inside it. So i decided to open it and right at that moment when I looked inside my heart exploded it was twilight sparkle she was sleeping then she woke up I looked at her she looked cold so I graved her and took her to my house. I opened my door and i put her on my carpet and i went to get something to eat I graved a apple and a small carrot for twilight I look back p all over my carpet i gave her the carrot and i ate the apple when I was done with the apple i looked at her she was trying to eat the carrot and finally she finshed it. I graved her i put her on the coach i sat with her she looked pretty cold so i graved 1 of my old scarfs and gave it to her I wraped it around her she looked so cute with it on I stared at her for a few minutes and then i turned on the TV iron man was on i watch it for a few minutes then i noticed it was bed time for twilight so i took her up stairs and i put her in my bed and she feel asleep . > Chapter 2:cute as bunny > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day i woke up and i saw that twilight was still asleep so i got out of bed graved her and took her down stairs. She woke up and looked at me with those big eyes of hers i gave her a carrot after she ate the carrot she looked board so i gave her a book called the knight of lordus wall she was reading i watched TV after a little bit i looked at twilight i relized right then she probaly didnt know how to read but when i looked she was reading! I got off the coach and got some lucky charms and ate them and when i said are you ok over there to twilight she said "daddy im ok" her first words so went over to her and gave her like 7 more books then i went outside and did some yard work for 2 hours. After i went inside and saw that twilight made herself a little house out of the books i gave her i asked "what are you doing" she said "now the monsters cant get me wall i read!" i thought that it was cute so i said "ok" then i noticed it was 6:00 o,clock so i graved some carrots and gave them to her she ate them and i watched some TV again and after awhile i looked at the clock it was 8 so i said bed time and i graved her and took her up stairs and put her on my bed she brang a book with her wall i was sleeping she was reading and she probaly fell asleep. > Chapter 3:teenage years > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight didnt have a birthday so i decided to make the day i found her her brithday she was turning 13 today so i made a cake and made a cool book party after that i left her a note that said come down stairs i was reddy for her to come down. After a while she did then i jumped out and yelled happy birth day! after i yelled that it scared her so she kicked me right through the window all around my i was bleeding did she really just kick me i went back inside and graved a white big bandage i put it around my eye she said she was sorry and started to cry but i i said its ok ill be fine she wiped her tears and started to read the books i gave her for her brithday. I went up stairs to get some other presants i got her i took them down stairs and gave them to her and right then it hit me why dont i take her to the park so i told her we were going to the park she looked happy she took 3 books with her so i went out side and guess what was waiting for twilight at the door the goverment! They took her and put her in there van so what did i do i graved me skate board and tryed to catch up i was really close till they turned the corner i kept trying to keep up i could her crying DADDY!!! they turned again i kept trying to grave the van finelly i graved hold of it i opened it up and i said"twilight JUMP!" she jumped into my hands then there was a building i crashed into it i had to get back up i saw twilight crying i picked her up again and we went home. When we got there i gave her some of her birthday cake and i showed her a book that i made full of pictures of us she looked happy i smiled and said you will always be my little sparkle she blushed i gave her a hug i looked at the clock it was 8 o,clock so i said bedtime we went up stairs i tucked her in and gave her a kiss on her forehead and said goodnight then i got in bed and we went to sleep. > Chapter 4: back to Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was twilights 16th birthday so i had to get ready i got her 30 books and a big cake i waited for her she came down and i sayed happy birthday she looked really happy she opened all her presants and smiled we had some cake togather she started to read 1 of the books i got her. Thats when a portal opened on the wall i looked in and saw applejack ,rainbow dash,rareity,fluttershy and pinkie pie and princess celeastia rainbow dash ran up to me and said "never stell are friend again"and hit me i went flying into a window twilight ran to me crying and then celeastia said"twilight sparkle you need to come with us" twilight had to go i was sad inside and i gave her a huge and gave her the book of pictures and all the other books they all went but they forgot to close the portal. So i jumped in The End? > Twilights first cristmas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tomorow was Twilights first christmas so i had to get ready.I bought some gifts and some cookie mix and some other stuff that i needed.I got home to see twilight reading on the coach I asked her if she wanted to help me make cookies she said yes so i got out the mix, choclate chips and other stuff we need she pored in the water i put in the eggs she pored in the mix and the choclate chips i mixed them and put them in the hoven.After a bit I took out the cookies I let her have 1 and we put them on the plate after that I graved the milk pored it in a cup and put it next to the cookies. it was 8 so I told twilight to go to bed and she did and i had 2 hours to wraped the gifts so I did.Soon i was done and I hug the stockings after that i went to bed.The next morening I graved twilight and took her down stairs she smiled and ran to the gifts she opened them she looked so happy I took down the stocking she crawled in she was in there and she looked cute.After she opened all the gifts i gave her a big hug.