> A Crush on My Best Friend > by Glitter Brush > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Sapphire's Birthday Sleepover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful morning, the sun was shining, the birds were chirping. It was very peaceful. Like usually, I, Glitter Brush, a unicorn pony, was hanging out with my friend. I had blue hair, a pearl white coat, and the talent of doing art. I enjoyed hanging out with my best bud, Harmony Wing, a Pegasus. Harmony Wing had the same color coat as Fluttershy, but had luscious brown hair and ocean blue eyes. Her talent was playing piano. The best friends walk home from school together bringing another pony named Flare Ball, an earth pony. She had wavy blue hair, turquoise coat, and ice blue eyes, and the talent of playing soccer. She also enjoyed playing lacrosse and piano too. The friends were getting ready to go to a sleepover at another friend's house, Sapphire Flute, another Pegasus. Sapphire had a blue coat, much like Rainbow Dash's, magenta eyes, and emerald red hair. Her talent, like in her name, is playing the flute. She had invited 2 more friends as well that go by these names: Sparkle Paint, an earth pony, and Lilac Lacrosse, a unicorn. Sparkle Paint was a light pink earth pony with eyes the color of a brownie as well as her hair, her talent was art, much like my talent. Lilac had an powder blue coat, shamrock green eyes, and school bus yellow hair. I was ready, I had packed my stuff for the birthday sleepover, and ran outside to get on her Razor scooter. The one thing she had not realized was she had forgot the gift for Sapphire Flute. She was on her way to get Harmony when she remembered she went to play with Sparkle. The longer she took on the scooter, the shorter her breath had gotten, since she was carrying a 5 pound sleeping bag on her scooter. For about 10 minutes, I was riding on my way to Sparkle's house when I forgot where to go. But then I remembered where to go in like 2 minutes. When I got there, I rang the bell, nopony answered. I rang it again, still nopony answered. I got a little mad and rang it a million times, but then I got bored of ringing the front doorbell so I went to the back, Sparkle finally answered. Like I said, I was mad, and I chased her downstairs to where Harmony was. Sparkle ran around the room as I chased her, then I started hitting Harmony with my sleeping bag, but not too hard. "You guys! Don't you know it's already 5:30? We're supposed to be there RIGHT NOW!" I rumbled. We were galloping out the door, finding Fluttershy at Sparkle's door holding a bag of a few bits. We ignore Fluttershy and trot to Sapphire's house. It was already 6:15 when we got there. Sapphire disappointed, welcomed us fashionably late ponies. We gathered to sing, dance, and hang out. After the long day of mud masks, bouncing on the bouncy house (with small injuries), we calm down to go to sleep. Tucking myself into bed on the tiny couch, I lay there, cold and lonely. I think of fun thoughts that me and Harmony had, such as right now. I snuggle up next to Harmony, she didn't notice. I smiled with happiness and joy as I realized, what was this feeling I was having? Will it stay? Nopony knew except me. I knew it was that feeling, the feeling of love. I felt a little awkward cuddling with my PFF since we were both mares. I blushed a little as I got off of her just in time for her to wake up. I was a little scared she might have felt my cuddle. She didn't. The other mares got up as well, having a good sleep except me. We all spent the last few minutes having breakfast and hanging out. When we all left, I had the feeling but much stronger. Looking up her name, I had realized my feeling meant something. > Chicken Alfredo > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day, it was school. "Ugh, it had to be Monday!" I exclaimed as I got out of my bed. Like always, I would get dressed (ponies don't normally wear clothes), eat breakfast, fix my mane and tail, pack my backpack, and I was out the door faster than a Wonderbolt. When I was ready, the feeling had shown again, but became much more stronger than the day before. I was worried. I walked to Flare's house like usual, but in a worried way. "Will I be able to keep my secret? I have to tell someone. I would tell Sapphire, eh. I think Flare would be a trustworthy pony, she is the most honest pony I know. She's also on the A honor roll." I thought as I rang the doorbell of Flare's brick house. Flare opens the door, greets me, and lets me in. I want to talk to Flare but I would rather wait then tell her my crush on Harmony now. Harmony's yellow hoof pushes the doorbell, Flare does the same as she does for me. I was shivering in my cold hooves as Harmony's soft yellow coat shows up. I wanted to react but it might've not gone so well. Harmony smiles and says, "Hi Glitter!" I waved my white hoof at her and smiled clumsily in response to her greeting. I was trembling a little as I looked at her. I finally noticed some reasons why I liked her. It was her blue eyes that waved like the waves of an ocean, the divine brown hair that is perfectly brushed and put in a ponytail, her soft vanilla coat, and her beautiful voice when she sings. When I thought of those reasons, I was shocked at what I had just thought. "I can't believe I just thought about that! Stupid!" I thought as I facehoofed myself. My ears perked up in time for Harmony to turn around to look at me. "I'm so sorry for keeping you guys later than we're supposed to!" Flare yelled from upstairs. "It's alright Flare!" me and Harmony replied in unison. Facehoofing myself again, Harmony laughed, "Jinx, you owe me a soda, knock on wood!" Harmony knocks on Flare's wooden black table with her hoof. In my head, I thought, "She has a cute laugh!" I stuck my hoof in my muzzle. Flare gallops down the stairs with her backpack, "Ok, let's go!" We walked out of the door as Flare waves goodbye to her mother. We were on our way to school. I thought, "I just can't wait till recess! I need somepony to know my secret!" I was eager to explain to Flare about my little crush on Harmony. I smiled nervously as Harmony and Flare continued their conversation. In just a few minutes, we arrived. We found 2 of our best friends (one of them is across the street): Sparkle and Sapphire. Sparkle and Sapphire were currently talking to Pinkie Pie and Derpy Hooves. Sapphire's head turned to us. "Hey everypony!" Sapphire said. We all wave back at Sapphire as she smiles with glee. The doors of the school were opened by a midnight blue stallion yelling out, "Time to come in!" Ponies in all grades 5, 6, 7, and 8 rush to the door, eager to get this school day over with. For once, I actually had my homework done in all classes. I whipped through the core classes: Math, Science, and Social Studies. Next was ELA (English Language Arts). This class was two periods long. TWO. PERIODS. After two long hours of class, the ponies trot out the door, famished from not eating anything since snack (unless you didn't bring one, breakfast). I open my locker, looking at Flare. I encouraged myself to tell her. "You can do this Glitter, you can do this." This thought was repeating in my head. Then, I looked at Harmony, getting the super-excited feeling. Twilight Sparkle walked up to my locker and asked, "Hey, Glitter? Do you want to come up to the library with me?" I replied, "Sorry, I have to..." I paused, trying to think up an excuse to not go to the library. My idea sprang out, "Sorry, I forgot my homework and I have to go in for recess." I just lied to the purple pony's face. "That's alright Glitter. Maybe tomorrow?" Twilight said as she shrugged and walked off to eat lunch. I gallop to lunch as well. My stomach growls as I wait in the line, waiting for my chicken alfredo. Most lunches here I don't really like, such as the pizza. Finally, I use my hoof to push the numbers on the keypad, and the lunch lady thanks me. I turn around to notice that Harmony was about 4 ponies away from me. She always buys the super-size for any pasta that the school serves. I was a little worried since I always sit next to her at lunch with my other friends. I walk over to the table, enjoying my alfredo. Then Harmony sits down, and devours her lunch faster than a piranha. I wasn't as shocked as the first time I saw her eat her lunch. But then I remembered what I liked about her, I blushed as she ate her lunch. She didn't notice me, oh good Celestia. My plate was empty after Harmony had just ordered a bowl of more chicken alfredo. I was a little astounded. "She hasn't eaten that much chicken alfredo before." I thought. I asked Flare, "Hey, can we talk at recess?" Flare responded, "Sure." Harmony asked, "Why is that?" I bit my bottom lip as Harmony asked me that question. "Um, I'm having a small problem on... homework! And I want to work it out with Flare." I responded. A lavender pegasus blows her whistle to catch the attention of all the fillies, "Hey! 5 minutes left!" After those 5 minutes of thinking about Harmony. I trot the hallways to find Flare. "So what's the problem?" Flare asked. I responded, "Flare, I'm having feelings for somepony." > Working It Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Sure, I'll help you." Flare replied with a smile. The turquoise mare and I walk out the door finding a private spot where the principal won't notice us. Flare points her blue hoof and says, "That seems like a good spot." It was surrounded by fences, it had a bucket of salt that melts ice, and a pathway to someplace in the school. She started the conversation, "So what seems to be the problem?" "I... I... I get this super-excited feeling around Harmony. I think I have feelings for her" I told her. Flare nods with a puzzled look. The two ponies talk to each other about Glitter's "crush on Harmony" problem. "It just seems really odd, since we're both mares" I said. The school bell rings, mares and stallions of ages 10-11 gallop out the door, getting to their special classes. "We'll come here again tomorrow" Flare tells me. My face is a worried face. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship. After school, I gallop home, trying to figure out how to fix this until Flare texts me on my marePhone. Glitter reads, "Hey, do you want to come over and do homework with me and Starstruck?" I text her back, "Ok, I have to ask first." I get a little excited as I invite Harmony over with me. "Flare won't mind, it's only one more pony after all." I thought. I gallop out the door, levitating my penguin purse (my favorite animal) over my shoulder, and I trot. Lifting each hoof off the ground to gallop , I think about Harmony. When I was lost in thought, I almost ran into a pegasus. The pony puts a stop to her flying and I make a left turn. Wiping my forehead with my hoof, I exhaled, "I should be more careful next time. Phew!" I continue galloping on the concrete sidewalk, I was lost in thought again but this time, I actually knew where I was going. My gallop turns into a trot to walk up the hill to Harmony's house, I push my white hoof on her doorbell. Harmony opens the door and says, "Hey Glitter, what do you need?" "Do you want to come over to Flare's house with me? We can do our homework there" I ask her. Harmony nods in agreement and tells me she'll be there in a few minutes. I ride to Flare's house, which is about a few houses from Harmony's. I push the brake on my scooter with my left hind leg, appearing in front of Flare's house. I once again, ring the doorbell. Flare opens the door and greets me, "Come on in!" I walk in the house, levitating my backpack with my horn, surrounded by a light blue aura. I find Starstruck, a Pegasus with a neon green coat, a neon orange mane and tail, and neon pink eyes. She was sitting in Flare's kitchen, eating a bag of Fillitos (much likeFritos) and watching EFV (Equestria's Funniest Videos). She waves her bright hoof at me, "Hey Glitter!" I wave my hoof back, finding myself watching EFV. Then a mare with a brown-haired ponytail appears at the door, this time I open the door, trying not to blush. I look at Harmony very closely. "She's really dressed today, perfect for..." I pause my thought as I shake my head. "Hey Harmony!" Starstruck greets her. Harmony waves her hoof back and smiles. I look at Harmony and facehoof myself. Flare pushes the brakes on my train of thought and asks me, "Are you sure you're going to be ok?" I respond to her, "I'm fine Flare, but thanks for asking." The four fillies walk to the room next to the living room. The zipper on my backpack magically moves, surrounded by my unicorn magic. I levitate the binder into my lap while Harmony physically takes out her binder. Her binder had lots of small puppies on the front. Mine had my 6 best friends on it. We start to focus on our homework until Starstruck plays the piano, badly. I cover my ears with my hooves, getting rid of the annoying sounds Starstruck was playing. Flare puts on some music on her Applebuck Laptop, it was My Little Pony music. Flare gets up from doing her homework, dragging me to the kitchen. "Glitter, are you sure you'll be okay?" Flare asks. I push my hoof away from hers and responded, "I'm fine Flare!" I'm a little stubborn if that's a negative word to describe me. I walk back to the room where Harmony and Starstruck were in. For a few times, me and Flare did the "get out of the room and into the kitchen" thing. "Are you... hiding something Flare?" Starstruck asks. I bite my bottom lip, a little afraid of what Flare would say. "You two have been walking into the kitchen for a while now" Harmony said. My hoof shakes in fear, but I stand up. "We're not. We're just planning something and we..." I pause my sentence, afraid of what I might blurt out. Flare finishes it off, "It's a special birthday party for... Sparkle, since her birthday is tomorrow." The two ponies continue their homework, well, except for Starstruck. The doorbell rings. "Who else could it be now?" Flare asking while walking over and opening the door. Her turquoise hoof pulls the handle, looking through the door was a rainbow-maned pegasus. "Uh. Hey, Flare. I was just wondering, did you bring home the Social Studies book? I left mine at school and my computer is acting up. Flare turns around, finding a levitating book fly to her. Flare thanks me, "Thanks" I salute my hoof to Flare, proud to do anything for her. Flare puts the book in her mouth, not trying to drop it because of its heavy weight. Rainbow Dash grabs the book and closes the door. Starstruck was still playing the piano. She looks at her watch. "Oh, I have to go! Bye guys!" The rest of us wave our hooves at Starstruck. I smile with a creepy look, a little happy that she left. We get back to work when Flare was about to leave the room. I cry out, "Flare! Don't leave me here alone!" This sentence sounded better in my head. I put my hoof in my mouth, I was feeling a little stupid for saying that in front of Harmony when only Flare was supposed to hear it. "Hey!" Harmony yells out. I didn't want her to get more mad than she already was. So we went back to work, then all of a sudden, Harmony's watch goes off. We wave our hooves to Flare, thanking her for letting us do our homework at her house (even know we didn't finish it). As I walked home, I noticed many thoughts in my head getting all jumbled up. Most of them were about Harmony, some of them were other problems, such as grades and enemies. I gallop home, but since I've packed on some weight, I ran a little slower than usual. I'm not the type of pony that likes to trot often. Finally seeing the plate of my last name, my trot slows down into a walk. I open the door, as always, Eva is there to greet me. > Hooves Touch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I open the door, Eva is there to greet me. Eva is a griffon, she was hatched as an egg using my unicorn magic. She has a grey coat that is similar to Derpy's, pastel blue eyes, a spiky pattern around her eyes, and 3 long feathers poking out of her soft white head. A familiar voice flies out of the griffon's beak, "Hey! I haven't seen you since this morning! Where have you been?" She was always excited when anypony arrived at the door, especially the mailmare. Eva had the voice of a blue pegasus with a rainbow mane. I figure you know who that is. I respond to her question, "Um, where I always go. School." The grey-coated griffon walks away, her lion like tail swishing back and forth. I walk up the stairs to my messy room to do the rest of the homework (that I didn't finish). After 2 hours of studying, writing, and honey buns, I turn off the lights, turn on my TV, turn on the fan, and then I get in bed. I squirm out of my blanket, turning on my marePhone. I write my secret in it. I have feelings for someone, one of my best friends. That "someone" is Harmony Wing. I lied about my crush to my friends. My true crush is Harmony! I'm really worried that our friendship will die if I tell her. She probably won't feel the same way about me. It just seems really awkward that I like her, since we're both mares. I had to tell my secret to somepony, so I told one of my most honest friends my DEEP DARK secret, Flare Ball. She said I should calm down and wait till it dies down. But I'm not sure I'll make it. Maybe Flare is right. I should wait. But then again, I've been getting super excited around Harmony a lot. I don't normally get these kinds of feelings. But it made me feel better when I told Flare. She was comfortable enough to tell me a secret as well. Flare also said it was just my moods changing. These feelings started the day after the sleepover at Sapphire's house. I slept on the couch next to her, which was really small, I cuddled up next to her and hugged her for a few seconds. But I got up in time for her to wake up. I shouldn't tell her my secret yet. Would it be better if I didn't tell her, or would it be better to tell her now so I can get over it I rub my head in confusion and pain, but then I continue typing. For one thing, I shouldn't tell Starstruck Tape because she is such a loudmouth. I'm not saying she's mean it's just that. That. "Oh!" I groan. This is so hard to explain! I was really quiet today because I was afraid I might've blurt out the secret. To tell you why I "like like" her- The doorknob to my room turns slowly. In the door is the little griffon, "Aren't you supposed to be asleep? You have school tomorrow!" I groan as I turn my head to my pillow and fall asleep. Wake up, get dressed, eat, pack, walk out the door. Simple as that. I walk to Flare's house again, a little more worried than yesterday. The usual routine goes on and on. Let's skip to a few minutes after my last class. ** I walked out of the locker room, changed into my original clothes, I find Starstruck yelling at Flare, "YOU'RE NOT GOING TO THE SOCIAL?!?!?!?! BUT IT'S GOING TO BE AWESOME!" Then she walks away. I look at her, a little shocked at her yelling. I walk upstairs to go to Homework Club when the announcer announces this, "Attention, attention! No homework club today! I repeat, no homework club today!" I get filled with disgrace when she announces it. I walk outside the door on the 1st floor to outside. But to my perplexity, Harmony nor Flare were outside. I walk to the stairs and down to the door, it's locked. But then Sapphire walks out, I ask her, "Hey, have you seen Harmony or Flare?" She responds, "They're at their lockers." I wave my hoof at her, she waves back. I walk inside finding Flare and Harmony like Sapphire said. I get the super excited feeling with a few sound effects. Finally, they all leave their lockers and we walk upstairs to outside. Then we walk home, well, not me. Harmony invites me to her house to do some science homework. I bring my backpack, and my penguin purse that holds my marePhone and earphones. We sit down, she pats her hoof on the couch, a signal that she wants me to sit. NEXT. TO. HER. I sit down, filled with glee. I resist making the sound effects like I did in ELA today. After we finished science homework (we were stuck on a question), we texted our friends Flare and Kasia, and each other. I got a little aggressive because Starstruck texted this: Screw you too, Glitter!. But then I calmed down. after we skipped the last question on science, we went up to Harmony's room. It was a little messy. It also had a bunk bed. She invited me to go on the bunk bed with her (which wasn't very wide). Then we were playing on our marePhone/marePod until I decided to go lay next to her. She was playing on hers, so her hoof was up and her arm was down. Mine was too, but then after a little while, our hooves met each other and grasped on to one another. I was filled love, joy, and glee when she did that. I texted Flare back telling her: Hooves. Touching. Help!. We text back and forth when we do this, but then we got bored. Harmony wanted to learn to make a story and I taught her. But then she saw the picture for my story (this story), which she isn't supposed to see because she will F-R-E-A-K. But good thing she didn't see the title! Phew! I wipe my hoof on my forehead, a little glad she didn't see the title. I texted Flare that she saw the picture, she got a little angry at me for doing that. Stupid! I facehoof myself, Harmony didn't see me. But then I had to go home, I waved my hoof at her, she waved back. I was filled with happiness and wonder. "Oh, I hope we do that again!" I magically teleport off to home. > The Best Social Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After school, we went to what was announced in the auditorium, the "social". I was getting ready to go until Harmony texted me, "Flare and I are leaving now so if you can come, start heading up to school." I was now worried since they had already left, because that text was sent about 2 minutes ago. Using my unicorn magic, I levitated my sports jersey, putting it on me, I ran out the door. I stop and cast the spell for temporary wings. I fly for about 5 minutes to school, but then I get tired of flying and carrying 92 pounds, so I walk the rest of the way. I finally get there, finding Flare and Harmony. We go inside the tall door. The admission was 5 bits, I brought 10 bits, extra for the food. When we got in, many mares and stallions were dancing, talking, having fun. One of the best parts was that everything at the concession stand was 1 bit! We ate, we danced, we had fun. I got 2nd place in a hula hoop competition and I won a free snack for the cafeteria. Everypony was chanting, "Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!" But one of my favorite parts was hanging out with my crush/my best friend, Harmony Wing. Even know we were doing the chicken dance, I got the chance to hold her hoof! Eeeeek! After we left, we decided to have a sleepover, but the day after. "Good night, everypony!" We all waved our hooves in goodbyes.