> The Computer Age of Equestria > by thunderbird791 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 The Computer Age Begins > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thunderbird the flesh colored unicorn with a blond mane and strangely colored blue horn was trotting home from school today he learned about cutie marks, because his class was taking growth and talent a class where they learn about growing up and getting their cutie marks. As he was trotting along he saw some business men with a weird machine. He took closer look and saw it was his father trying to sell a new machine he was working on called a "Computer" he was spending much time on this machine and finnaly was in the last few stages of development. When Thunderbird saw his dad he galloped towards him cheerfully with his blond mane flowing slightly behind him. When his dad caught glimpse of him he said "Well hello son fancy meeting you here... Oh wait this your route to go home right! I almost forgot." You see Thunderbird's father was a great inventor but he forgets a lot of things. "HI DAD!" Thunderbird said gleefully. "Did you finally finish the compuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuter thingy?" "OH YEAH I DID SON! When I am done here it will be mass produced and we will be rich also I will get a computer just for you. Here have a loli while I finish up with Filthy Rich." The stallion then used his magic to try to levitate something of his flank. "What? It was in my pants... Oh yeah ponies do not wear pants... well just sit tight and I will walk you home the rest of the way soon and get you a loli." "Okay Mr Gayben back to my proposal lets say I get 10 percent of profit if I mass produce these." Offered Mr Rich. "DEAL! Now how long until they are on the shelves and also how much will they be?" Gayben, Thunderbird's father replyed and then asked. "They shall hit the shelves by the end of the month, and they will be about 100-400 bits each. Also the Gigantic Earth Pony Keyboard will be 25 bits and the Pegasus/Unicorn keyboard shall be 15 bits." Filthy replied. "Okay filthy looks like we are now business partners! Hoof shake?" Gayben said with joy as they shook each others' hoof. They share goodbyes and filthy took the computer and then Gayben turned to Thunderbird and said. "Come along son lets go home now." Then after he said that they started their trot home. The month went by and Thunderbird was learning a lot about computers. Also he made a few friends at school. RoboBob a green unicorn with a turquoise mane and also Apple-bloom, Sweetie Belle and, Scootalo a group of young mares that just want their cutie mark.The day the computers hit shelf's Equestria was starting to change and also Thunderbird and his friends where developing a little thing on them... > Chapter 2 Meet the new kids > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 year passed in-between the creation of computers and now… during this year many things have happened such as the creation of many websites like foal tube, also Gayben, Thunderbird’s dad taught Thunderbird everything he knows about computers and how to program them and also thunderbird has passed that knowledge onto his friends Apple Bloom, Robo Bob, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. The year was coming to a close and then they had a brilliant idea! They would create a game on the computer, a game that was on the computer a… a VIDEO GAME! It would be like a tabletop role-play game they play called Unicorns & Dragons… One year from the computers hitting shelves... Thunderbird woke up and got dressed in his normal red shirt and put his school saddle bags next to his bed along with everything he needs for school then he galloped downstairs to get some breakfast of Cinnamon, Brown sugar oatmeal and an apple along with a glass of milk to wash it down. This was his favorite breakfast and he ate it or something like it every morning before he went to play on his computer. "Om Nom Nom!" Thunderbird said as he chewed in delight. After he ate his lunch he went back upstairs to his room so he can work on his masterpiece his friends and him were making. The one they worked on after every school day "The Pony scrolls" While he worked on the game every morning he did other things like go on the internet which was some program every computer had that let you do thing with ponies all around Equestria and he especially like a site called "Foal Tube" where ponies everywhere posted and watching funny, cool and sometimes weird videos, Thunderbird and his friends shared an account on this website called Ponymax studios where they posted information and development logs about their game, Their videos where very popular with many likes and comments of mares and colts saying that when they are done or need help testing it to have them help. Because of all this support his team decided that when they get done with enough for it to be playable for at least 1-2 hours they would post a playable version on the internet so they can find more of the problems within it. Today he was finishing up on the beginning where it teaches the ponies who play it how to play, also when school is over his friends and him will all come over and play it. Everypony will get a turn to do the whole tutorial then they will continue development. A little while later his dad Gayben came upstairs and said "Thunderbird the school carriage is almost here go hurry to your carriage stop! Oh and by! Love you! See you after school!" "By Dad! Oh and thanks for reminding me!" Thunder said as he got on his blue plaid coat and green saddle bags with white eyes and black fluffy ears. After he got everything on he trotted downstairs and outside and then a few blocks over to where Robo Bob, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and two new ponies where.Robo Bob was a Neon Green unicorn with a turquoise mane and he was talking to the two new ponies one had a Rainbow Mane strangely and had a Orange coat with color matching wings, the other was palish with a brownish mane and was an earth pony male. Applebloom a really light yellow mare with a reddish mane and a pinkish bow, she was hanging around with the others but having a mini side conversation with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Scootaloo was an Orange Pegasus with light purple mane, and Sweetie Belle was a white unicorn mare with a pinkish, purplish mane. "Sup guys! I finished the tutorial on The Pony Scrolls" Thunderbird said with a shout after we was a feet yards away from all the other ponies. Robo Bob then Replied "Oh hi bro! Meet Vinyl Octav and Cloud Bash! Vinyl Octav here is the son of Octavia and Vinyl Scratch the the most famous musicians in all of Equestria! Also Cloud Bash is the woOOOOOOOonderful daughter of Rainbow Dash and Soarin the two FASTEST flyer in the world AND Rainbow Dash is an Element Of Harmony and saved Equestria with her friends on a many occasions! Cloud Bash is super freaking amazing!" "Oh I am not that amazing! I am just a run of the mill Pegasus unlike you and your friend you two are making innovations! I just punch clouds like ponies have been doing for what seems like eternity." Cloud Bash Replied. "Well nice to meet you Cloud Bash and Vinyl Octav! I would love to continue this talk but the carriage is here. Do you two wanna come over to my house and see our game we have been making?" Thunderbird said. "Sure!" Vinyl and Cloud Bash replied. "Okay well see you after school!" Thunder replied.