> Cloudsdale Weather Factory Explosion > by fimfictionfan17 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Story > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- On the anniversary of Rainbow Dash’s death Princess Sparkle goes through a box of Dash’s belongings consisting of several items. Along with other things there was a picture of them together on the first day they met, a bundle of letters Dash had written to her and a tattered old book labeled Daring Doo. She glances at the picture of them together shedding a single tear and then puts it away. She leaves the cards in the box knowing reading them would only make her cry more and instead picks up the book. She remembers the day she gave Dash this book in the hospital many years ago when Dash broke her wing performing a stunt. A smirk comes across her face remembering how much Dash persisted that she would not read the book but ending in Dash causing a scene just to finish the story. Twilight opens up the front cover of the dusty book only to find a note written by Dash around a year ago titled To My True Love Twi. Shocked by the title of the note she started reading it: Just a couple weeks ago I heard the wonderful news that you were now a Princess and will have internal life. I am very proud of you and you worked very hard for this and deserve internal life more than anypony in the world to spread your joy and knowledge all over Equestria. You have sacrificed much of your fillyhood for this but I believe it is finally paying off. You may or may not have known this but I secretly love you more than anything in the world ever since I saw you the first day we met. I would love to spend my life with you but I just can’t. This may sound confusing but I do not want you to fall in love like I did with you. I know that one day I will die and I don’t want to leave you alone and heartbroken. I want you to know I am doing this for you and I will always love you no matter what happens” As Twilight started crying she noticed the note was dated just a few days before Rainbow Dash’s accident at the cloud factory ending her life early. She didn’t know Dash loved her and secretly she loved Dash the same way. The way dash could put a smile on anyponys face and cared so deeply for everyone even more than herself. Not to mention how she looked, that beautiful sleek blue hair, deep dark eyes, beautiful rainbow colored mane so unique to her and not to mention her perfect cutie mark on those gorgeous hind quarters. Quickly she stopped thinking about Dash’s looks and started to get back on track. She could just not stop thinking if she could see Dash one more time and tell her how she felt everything would be better but it wasn’t possible, her magic was not powerful enough. She has tried it before on the day of Dash’s funeral and nothing happened. Then Twilight started to think maybe it is possible there has to be a spell for her to see Dash once again but she knew she could not do it on her own and needed help. Magical help, but looking at the clock she noticed it was too late to do anything tonight and she needed some rest, knowing tomorrow was going to be a big day to try and convince Rarity to help. The next morning Twilight felt the sun peering through the window warming her back and waking her up. She looked at the clock noticing it was already Ten Thirty and she had overslept. It wasn’t her fault though she just didn’t want to wake up from her dream having it feel so real. She dreamed that it was a year ago, the day Dash had died. The exact day Twilight was planning to pronounce her love to Dash. It was just minutes before Dash would leave for work at the cloud factory. She called dash over to the library saying she needed to talk to her. Only this time it was different, instead of chickening out like Twilight did in real life she told Dash how she really felt about her. Being caught off guard Dash asked her if this was true. Twilight proclaimed yes this was the truth, Dash then told Twilight she felt the same way. They both stared romantically into each other eyes. Without saying a word they reached in for a kiss. Next thing they know twilight playfully pushes dash onto her bed exposing her backside. Twilight jumps on to Dash and starts to bite onto Dash’s ear so delicately making both of their Marehoods wet. Twilight then starts to move down Dash’s chest stopping at random spots licking her ever so delicately. When she makes it down to Dash’s marehood Dash proclaims to her I love you. Twilight says let me show how much I love you sticking her muzzle into Dash’s marehood. With her tongue she starts to lick dash’s marehood tasting her sweet marejuice for the first time. Twilight starts to pick up speed faster and faster. All of the sudden they both hear a loud explosion stopping Twilight in her tracks. Spike runs in panicked not catching what is happening with the two yelling gibberish. Twilight tells him to slow down and talk clearly. After slowing down Spike tells them the Cloud Factory just exploded. All three of them starts to run towards the door. Twilight stops Spike and tells him to stay there you may not want to see this as it may be ugly. With little argument Spike agrees. Twilight was right, When they made it there the ambulances and fire department were just arriving to pick up the badly charred bodies and put out the remaining fires the explosion has stared, Stopping one of the medics Dash asks what happened, the medic says “One of the thunder clouds had accidently been covered in acid. Melting the machine causing it to malfunction and explode and not one pony working at the Cloud Factory survived.” On the way back to Twilights house to check on Spike, Dash stops Twilight. He tells her she just saved her life. If Twilight hadn’t stopped Dash to tell her she loved her she would have been among one of the dead. After that Twilight woke up. She wanted to have Dash alive like in her dreams but she never thought of it like that. Was she partly to blame for Dash’s death? If she wasn’t so scared could she have stopped her from going to work? This only motivated her more to find a way to bring Dash back to life and ask her. A few minutes later she was out the door on her way to Rarity’s house. Before making it to Rarity’s house she gets stopped by Apple Jack. Wondering about why Twilight was in such a hurry so she asks her. Twilight says can’t talk right now need to make it to Rarity’s. I think I have a way to bring Dash back to life. Apple Jacks jaw then drops open. She then stops Twilight reminding her she tried that before and it didn’t work. “There is no reason we should bring up the past” Apple Jack exclaims. “Rainbow Dash is gone and there is nothing we can do about it.” Furiously Twilight starts flapping her wings and takes off part yelling part crying at Apple Jack saying “yes there is”. So distracted from the meeting with Apple Jack she nearly crashes into Rarity’s house, Hearing the ruckus of Twilights near crash Rarity trots outside up to Twilight. She gives Twilight a kiss and asks “what’s wrong love?” Twilight reply’s saying we need to talk. The only thing going through Rarity’s mind is that Twilight the mare of her dreams is going to break up with her jumping to a conclusion. They both enter Rarity’s house. Rarity invites Twilight to sit down and she accepts, Twilight then explains that she needs Rarity’s help bringing Dash back to life leaving out the details that Twilight wants Dash back alive to pronounce her love to her. Rarity replies “that is crazy talk remember what happened last time.” Twilight nods her head remembering what happened. Twilight then tells her “this is different we now have the power of love in our hooves” almost spilling the secret. “What love?” Rarity asks. Saving the secret she says “the love between us.” Clearly being a lie because the only reason why Twilight was dating Rarity was for her body and the sex. Rarity reaches towards Twilight and gives her a kiss saying “I will help if this means so much to you.” Twilight reply’s saying “thank you and yes it does.” “First things first we need to find that spell on bringing ponies back to life. I believe it is under Unusual Spells By John Horse.” They both agree and start off towards Twilights house. When Twilight and Rarity enters the house it wakes up Spike from his afternoon nap. Being Spike he begins to flirt with Rarity. Being the jealous type of pony Twilight yells at Spike “back off she’s mine.” Scaring Spike, he almost falls over. “Rarity tells Twilight that wasn’t nice” and Twilight says “he had it coming.” She calls Spike over asking him to help find the book Unusual Spells By John Horse. Spike asks why do you need it? Being edgy Twilight snaps at him “That’s none of your business.” Rarity shocked tells Twilight “This is not like you, rushing will not solve anything.” Twilight apologizes to both saying “Sorry I just want to see Dash so bad I kind of lost track who I am.” Both Rarity and Spike accepts the apology from Twilight. A few minutes later Spike finds the book and brings it to Twilight, “Well here it is Unusual Spells By John Horse” Let’s see what the spell says: Everlasting Life Directions read this spell with a Unicorn of your same power over the grave site. If your love is strong enough the spell will bring the one you want alive once again this time giving them everlasting life. Side note- This spell will also make the loved one look just like they did before they passed. They will also not remember dying and you will need to explain to them what is happening. Life is short for us all to make it long we need magic and friendship, Bond them together and we have life. “Sounds simple enough I can’t believe I missed the part about having a Unicorn with the same powers as you. Are you ready Rarity” Twilight asked. Rarity replied “Let’s wait until tomorrow it is getting dark outside, you mind if I crash with you tonight and maybe we can practice working together eyeing the bed in the corner.” Twilight agreed thinking some sex could relieve some of her stress tonight, Rarity then asks Spike “I think it’s time for your bedtime after all a big strong dragon like you needs your sleep.” Twilight couldn’t help giggle at this as Rarity shut the door locking it tight. Rarity then walks over to Twilight giving her a big kiss saying “I love you Twilight.” Twilight reply’s “I love you too Rainbow I mean Rarity” catching herself once again. She was relieved when Rarity didn’t catch it. They both get up on the bed and Rarity asked Twilight “Can we use my favorite position tonight? Please” Twilight agreed because she didn’t mind it either. As always Rarity was on bottom because Twilight was too Closter phobic to be on bottom. Twilight positioned her marehood in front of Rarity’s face as Rarity guided her marehood in front of Twilight’s face. “Shall we begin” Rarity asked. “We shall” Twilight replied. In sync Twilight and Rarity began licking at the same time. As always Twilight would spill her juice marejuice first being less experienced. Feeling embarrassed Twilight would then speed up licking Rarity’s marehood so she wouldn’t look so inexperienced. Seconds later Rarity would spill her marejuice soaking Twilights face. This seemed to be the most favorite part for both of them. Then they would both lick up the mess, make out and then go to bed. Every time they would have sex it would be the same thing over and over again. Rarity loved Twilight so much she was just happy to be with her no matter how lousy the sex was. Twilight on the other hand being a virgin before she met Rarity thought it was the best sex ever. Most of the time Twilight didn’t think of Rarity during sex thou but pictured being with Rainbow Dash instead. She even had been caught before saying oh Dash over and over again during sex but always made up an excuse. Rarity had a small idea but never put two and two together. The next morning they both woke up bright and early ready to get started with the spell. They took a long shower together and practiced reciting the spell before heading out the door towards the Pony Hill Cemetery. The cemetery was on the South East outskirts of Pony Ville about a twenty minute walk from Twilights house. During the entire walk they didn’t say a thing to each other but thought about the same thing, actually being able to see their friend Rainbow Dash again. When they made it to the cemetery they went right to work finding Dash’s gravesite since they haven’t been back there in over a year now. When they found it they removed the weeds from the gravesite and started reading the spell together focusing only on the spell: Life is short for us all to make it long we need magic and friendship, Bond them together and we have life. They stood there for minutes and nothing happened and tried it again Life is short for us all to make it long we need magic and friendship, Bond them together and we have life. And again Life is short for us all to make it long we need magic and friendship, Bond them together and we have life. And once again Life is short for us all to make it long we need magic and friendship, Bond them together and we have life. Nothing happened, that is when they heard yelling. It was Apple Jack with Pinky Pie and Fluttershy. They had on their heads the elements of harmony. They trotted over to Twilight and Rarity. Apple Jack said “I think you may need a little help to pull this spell off.” Apple Jack then hands Rarity her Element, Twilight her element and puts Rainbow Dash’s element on her gravesite. “Of course you’re a genius” Twilight shouted, “why didn’t I think of that?” Apple Jack replies “That’s what friends are for helping each other solve problems, Now who’s ready?” They all cheered I am and then started to read the spell one more time Life is short for us all The ground started shaking and Twilight yelled keep going its working To make it long we need magic and Friendship, The Elements on their head started lighting up Bond them together and we have life Finally the elements of the five friends sent off a blinding light strait onto Rainbow Dash’s Element Out of nowhere the ground opened and Rainbow Dash appeared screaming and flapping her wings as like she was trying to escaoe. They all trotted up to Rainbow Dash saying how much they missed her. Rainbow stopped screaming and flapping her wings dazed looking around trying to figure out what happened since the last thing she remembered was a big explosion and trying to escape they blast.. After a long walk home they had most of the details explained to Rainbow Dash of what happened. Over the next couple month’s everypony including Rainbow Dash was getting used to everything again. Many were surprised about how Rainbow Dash is now alive after being dead for over a year now including Princess Celestia who visited Pony Ville to see it for herself after not believing the letter Twilight wrote her. Even Celestia didn’t believe the magic of friendship was that strong. One day after Rainbow Dash was settling into life again Twilight invited Dash over to visit her house for a sleepover. When Dash arrived at Twi’s house it didn’t feel like a normal sleepover. There seemed to be more of a romance in the air. Twilight spotted Dash and called her over to her bed. Dash happened to spot a box containing some of her personal possessions when Dash noticed the Daring Doo book and she remembered the letter she was writing before she died. Dash started thinking what if she found the letter and that is when Twi started talking. “I was going through of your personal belongings when I found this letter.” She pulls the letter out of a dresser next to her bed and hands it to Dash. Dash starts speaking “Twi I am sorry for that letter I don’t want it to hurt our friendship I know you love Rarity and if we could just forget about it?” Shhhhh Twi said before Dash could say another word. “It’s ok, remember the morning before the accident when I invited you to my house?” “Yeah” Dash replied “There was a reason, I was going to ask you to go on a date with you but I just couldn’t you are too out of my league” “Really, you are not just saying that are you? “No, I would never do that Dash I love you too, Rarity is just somepony I started dating because I couldn’t be with you” “and If I would of never found that letter I would never have had enough motivation to bring you back to life.” “Twi I love you too and I would love more than anything in the world to be with you forever but one day I will die again and leave you alone,” “I just cant be with you” Twilight laughed, “Didn’t anypony tell you?” “Tell me what” replied Dash confused at what was happening “That spell not only brought you back to life again but it gave you never ending life just like I have” “Really, that’s great now we can be together; well only if you want to be” “Of course I want to be with you Dash I love you, I just need to tell Rarity it is over with her and I” “That is going to be tough, I know she loves you, Want me to come with you” “No, I can handle this on my own I know she will understand” “I will be right back” On her walk to Rarity’s home she couldn’t help but feel happy and sad at the same time. On one hoof her best marefriend was alive once again and admitted to loving her but on the other hoof she used Rarity, an innocent mares emotions for sex and manipulated her for her magic. Something she would have never done before Dash’s death, but it almost drove her insane. When she arrived to Rarity’s house Twilight she just stood in front of the door trying to figure out what to say. There were so many thoughts going through her head. Should she leave before rarity noticed her to avoid conflict and figure out a better way to break up with her or should she trot right up to rarity and tell her it’s over risking breaking rarity’s feelings and their friendship for that sake. But before Twilight could make a decision fate decided for her. Rarity opens up her door to find twilight on her front steps. “Hey Twilight how are you doing” asks Rarity “I’m doing fine Rarity, can I come in” “Sure Twilight come on in” As Twilight enters Rarity gives her a kiss and Twilight can’t help but feel a little bit turned on by the kiss. Rarity guides Twilight to her bed to sit down. They sit down and Twilight starts to tell Rarity what she needs to “Rarity I know it has been a long time but” Rarity interrupts her mid-sentence with a kiss. Twilight shutters as her lips meets Rarity’s cool lips, Rarity then says “That felt good didn’t it and I know something that could feel better if you want to” smiling lovingly at Twilight. Twilight feeling her marehood getting wet couldn’t help but to reply “Yes” but remembering why she was breaking up with Rarity quickly changed her answer to no and then I don’t know. Rarity stopped Twilight from saying one more thing and asked her strait out “What’s wrong you are acting so strange Twilight, you can tell me anything you want to.” Not being able to take the pressure any more Twilight blurts out “I’m breaking up with you for Rainbow Dash.” Rarity eyes starts to water up, “but everything was going so good I thought, when did you start to have feelings for Rainbow Dash?” Twilight couldn’t but help tell the truth since she has lied to Rarity so much and felt so bad about it. “Forever, I always loved Dash even when she died. I used you for sex and magic and I feel terrible about it.” Rarity replies “I’m just lost for words how could you do that to me?” “Rarity, I was lost and confused. I felt like I needed to be with somepony and you were the right pony for the job. I never meant to hurt you and I do love you, but as a friend who helped me get through the roughest time in my life. Can you ever forgive a foolish pony like me?” “Of course I can Twilight; I understand what you were going through.” “You did” Twilight asked confused “Yes I did, the truth is that I didn’t know what to do when Dash died either she was like my sister. We did everything together and I sort of used you to feel the hole in my heart.” She added “If anypony should be saying sorry it is me.” “I can forgive you Rarity if you forgive me Twilight.” “Of course I will” Rarity replied giving Twilight a big hug. “Now if you excuse me Rarity I have some important business to attend to at my house with Rainbow Dash” Giving a big grin to Rarity. “Go and have some fun Twilight I need to catch up on a few orders for The Grand Galloping Gala, I will be fine here”. Twilight said her goodbyes and headed off towards her house humming a joyful note. Twilight was blissfully unaware of Rarity crying in the background. When Twilight made it home Dash was eagerly waiting for the news on what happened. “So how did it go Twi, will Rarity be ok?” “It went better than I suspected, Rarity is going to be fine. Rarity said she was ok with seeing us together,” “Well that’s good news Twi I didn’t want to lose a good friend like Rarity” “Yeah me too I don’t know what I would do without her being here.” Seeing the slight luster in Twi’s eyes Dash changed the subject quickly. “So what do you want to do next?” Eying Twi’s bed. “I think I can think of something” Twi replied. Without warning Dash reached in for a kiss, Twilight didn’t complain as she felt Dash’s soft lips on hers, Slowly Dash started moving down with her lips towards Twi’s wetting marehood. Twilight couldn’t help but moan as Dash got nearer and nearer. All of a sudden Twilight let out a little wimper. Feeling her friends muzzle and then tongue touch her marehood. It was better than Twilight could have ever imagined. Dash then started to pick up speed licking Twilights marehood faster and faster until Twilight couldn’t hold it any longer. Soaking Dash’s muzzle with her juices. “That was perfect” Rainbow Dash exclaimed “Do me now.” Twilight replied panting heavily “With pleasure.” Rainbow preparing for the fun she was about to have flipped herself over on her backside. Twilight just stood there for a minute just looking at the beautiful mare practically begging for sex. She couldn’t help but feel proud with herself. Hearing Dash hollering “do me now I need it” broke Twilights train of thoughts, She trotted up to dash’s backside and started to begin. She could feel the heat coming from Dash’s marehood just now noticing Dash was in heat making it all but better. She always loved when Rarity was in heat the sex always seemed to be better and more passionate. Knowing Dash couldn’t wait no longer she stuck her tongue straight in making Dash moan loudly. Twilight started to pick up speed faster and faster while massaging Dash’s cutie mark with her hoof. Then she stopped wanting to try something different. Dash just a few seconds from Cumming started to ask Twilight why she had stopped. But before she could finish the sentence she felt Twi’s horn go straight into her marehood, They both let out a squeal. Rainbow Dash feeling the horns magic in her marehood and Twilight having her horn massaged by her friends delicate folds, They both wanted this feeling never to end but it did when Rainbow Dash climaxed. Soaking Twilights horn and head with her mare juices, Twilight couldn’t help but lick up her mare friends juices. After they both had climaxed they just layed there on the floor for what seemed to be several hours. Twilight told Dash they probably should get to the bed just in case Spike would come home early from his sleepover with Applejack Twilight arranged yesterday. Dash agreed and they went to Twi’s bed, Twilight cuddled up with Rainbow Dash and they both fell asleep. Replaying the events of the night in their head.