> Judge and Jury > by Tearsintheshadows > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blake had spent his whole life in worlds he did not belong to. He was a Judge, which was a fancy way of saying ‘neutral angel’. It was not an honorable role as it meant that Hell did not want you and Heaven would not accept you, but at least you had a role. When Heaven and Hell could not reach an agreement about what to do with a world, a Judge was called in. The Judge would then travel the world, cover at least 70 percent of the populated areas and then make the call on whether it would be protected by Heaven or destroyed by Hell. Blake had only been a Judge for 20 years, not very long in terms of angels and demons, but he was the only mortal to be given the title. He had a moral code he lived by that was set around protecting others, but his hatred for the guilty was what stopped him from entering Heaven. He had not been offered the title; it was forced upon him. This gave Blake a hatred of those in authority. This hatred stayed inside of him, but revealed itself in a different way. Instead of corrupting Blake like it normally would, the hatred seemed to protect him. When he was angry the hatred would escape from him like an aura, but it would wrap around him, granting him additional protect from weapons. What was unusual is that when he slept, the hatred would hover over him and attack anything that got too close. Blake cast his judgment on the last world he had been on as guilty and watched as the planet was handed over to Hell to do as they wished. The angels glared angrily at Blake while a demon walked up and hugged him. The demon looked up at Blake and froze when he noticed the ivory doors that appeared behind Blake. “Don’t ever touch me.” Blake replied angrily and the demon immediately backed off. He walked over to the Neutral Grounds to get his next assignment and was joined by a kind angel named Yuki, “What is it now Yuki?” “Um…can you answer a question for me? After this question?” Yuki added as Blake opened his mouth to reply. “Getting faster Yuki. Blake smiled, “What is it?” “Why did you view that world as guilty?” Yuki replied. “Am I just naïve, I watched everything that happened, but I do not agree with what you did.” “Of course not,” Blake shrugged. “I went against what your side wanted.” Yuki shook her head. “You need to take a vacation.” “Not a chance.” Blake replied. “And if it is really that important, think about how they viewed their offspring.” Yuki giggled, “Still got a soft spot for the children?” Yuki pat him on the back and was rewarded with a warning glare. “Sorry.” Yuki hovered around Blake the whole time he was looking through the papers. Yuki even looked at one and showed it to Blake. Blake looked at her and for the first time in his life, smiled. This world had a vast array of mythical wildlife and also contained, dragons, gryphons, magic, and still managed to have a peaceful existence. “Sounds fun, besides being peaceful. What’s the catch?” “No catch, just the fact that this is a world you have been to when you were in training.” Yuki replied. “What is that look for?” Yuki nervously asked as Blake stared at her. Blake only sighed, “Fine, I’ll go back, I wonder if Tia and Little Luna ever patched things up between them.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So populated. I wonder who won the war. I hope we did. This would be awkward if her older sister did.” Blake asked as he looked around the massive and heavily populated city. “It has been awhile since I was here.” He looked around at his home world, and the fact that this place had been nothing but decimation. Now it seemed to be the capital. He walked through the town, glad to be back on his home world, even if everyone else was a pastel colored equine. He checked the clawed glove that replaced his hand and made sure that the systems were still in order. Everything seemed to be in order so he strode to the palace gates and asked to speak to the princess. The guards, eyeing the strange visitor in black armor, looked at each other nervously. “Wait here.” One guard said and began trotting as fast as his hooves could carry him. Blake sat down on the dirt and began detaching the claw. The other guard reared back when he pulled it off his arm, revealing no hand underneath it at all. Blake rolled his eyes and muttered to himself about how queasy guards were now. “The princesses will see you now.” Blake stood and shoved the claw back onto his arm, where it made a hissing sound as it reconnected to his arm. Blake, thinking he was let in because Luna had been victorious, had a smile on his face. It vanished when he saw Celestia on the throne. Celestia stared for a second before calling for all available guards. Blake looked at the guards, in a thousand years they still wore the same armor and used the same weapons. “Aww,” Blake put his hands over his heart mockingly, “You remember me!” “I remember you as well.” A familiar voice spoke and Blake fell to a knee instantly. “Like a big reunion, only slightly more awkward.” Princess Luna walked out with a yawn. “I guess this is what you wanted to show me? I could’ve slept through this.” “It is an honor to see you well, but what happened? You said diplomacy was impossible.” Blake asked, head still towards the ground. “That was during a dark point in my life. The war is over, I am reconciled with my sister, and there is no need to attack the guards. Though I am glad you did not tear your way through here. Why did you come back?” “Remember that angel that had two blades he used to attack?” Blake asked, afraid of the reaction he was about to get. “I took his job.” “So you are here to decide whether or not our world is destroyed?” Celestia asked and Blake nodded. Celestia grew worried. “And what chance do we have?” “So far, you may be the only world I judge to survive. It would be better if I could access your minds and catch up on the last 1000 years, but I know you two have probably done a lot of stuff in that time.” “I was on my moon during that time.” “You sat for 1000 years?” Blake joked and was rewarded with a personal lesson on how far an alicorn can throw a living creature. “Impressive range.” Blake rose to his feet and lifted his clawed hand. Luna floated a few inches off the ground. “Just lucky this thing absorbs most magic.” “You finished the claw?” Luna asked. “I wish,” Blake replied. “I have years to go before I can use this properly. My old teacher just gave me a metallic cover for it and a power source, told me to find the rest myself. What it lacks in power it makes up for with the ability to both block and scan most magic. I could tune it to yours but I trust you remember our oath?” “I was hoping you would forget about that. I really don’t want to do it.” “So, where am I staying?” Blake asked. “Is my bunk still open?” Luna blinked. She pointed out that he was supposed to judge the planet, yet he was going to stay in one spot. “Would you prefer I judged first before getting to know everything?” Luna shook her head. Blake tried to hide his smile. For a goddess in equine form, she still managed to be cute in her own way. That night, Blake lay on the ground in the garden and stared up at the night sky. He had been unable to convince Celestia and Luna to give him a place to sleep indoors, but it did not matter, whoever was in charge of taking care of the garden did a good job. Besides, he was able to watch the night guards train as he propped himself up against a tree. The night guards did not seem as afraid of him as the day guards did, but it was still obvious that history had made him out to be an uncontrollable killer. One brave, or foolish, night guard mare walked over and gently bowed. “A few friends and I were wondering if you truly are Crimson Caress.” “Is that the name Celestia gave me?” Blake asked. “I suppose that I am then. Now that you are done wondering, tell me something. Did you draw the short straw?” “I sent her.” A muscular night guard with cold eyes replied. “If you are Crimson Caress, I would like to spar with you, see what a soldier was like that long ago.” “I wouldn’t want to hurt you.” Blake playfully smiled. “What’s your name?” “Sunshine Smiles.” Blake blinked, “I know, are you going to do it?” “Sure, but what fighting technique do you want to see? I used my fists and a darker form of magic that probably has been banned by now.” “Let’s start with close range.” Sunshine replied. On her balcony, Luna watched as Blake fought with Sunshine. She wondered if Blake’s fighting had changed in any way. She hoped he would not use his dark magic; Luna doubted Sunshine would be able to survive it. When Sunshine asked to demonstrate close range, she sighed in relief. She found herself being drawn into the battle as Blake fought with his claw and deflected Sunshine’s own attacks. She knew Blake was holding back because every time Sunshine pushed him back, Blake would push him further. After a few minutes, she saw something that gave back horrible memories. Blake’s other hand began twitching, a warning sign that he was getting too much enjoyment out of the battle. Blake called the glove a Destroyer and explained that its purpose was not what it appeared. While it definitely was sharp enough to cause major damage, it was more for the sake of stopping Blake from going too far. Blake had built the claw to replace one of the conduits that his inborn magic. Unfortunately, those ‘conduits’ were also called hands. Blake’s solution to this problem was simple; he raised a sword in his left hand, and brought it down on his right. “Problem…solved.” Blake panted as the claw was placed on the bloody stump. The claw let out a hissing sound as it connected to where his hand had been. He moved his new fingers and smiled. “Albeit painful, I think that was a success.” Blake looked at Luna, who was looking at the severed hand still on the table. Blake gently brushed it into a waste bin. “I was expecting that to hurt more.” As if on cue, a large hissing sound came from where the claw met his arm as the magic in the glove began attaching it as if it were a proper limb. Blake looked at Luna, who was now looking more than a little sick. “If you think that’s bad you should see what the skin looks like now.” Luna did not even have the energy to yell; she crawled over to an array of cushions and decided it was a good place to faint. “Good night, my queen.” Blake spoke gently and looked at his claw. “I just hope this thing works.” Apparently it did, because when Blake put his claw on his hand, the twitching rapidly stopped. “You alright?” Sunshine asked. “You have demonstrated enough that we definitely need to become stronger.” “Just a family affliction. Nothing serious, though I will take you up on that offer.” Blake sat down and took off his claw. Sunshine simply looked at the skin; it was horribly scarred, as if someone had just folded the skin over a much more grievous wound. The mare that had asked his name walked over and sat next to him. She seemed curious about the claw and the way it worked. Blake, deciding to have a little bit of fun, cast a small spell to make the claw respond to his thoughts. Once the spell was active, the claw jumped onto the mare and began crawling all over her. Blake told her it was important not to scare it and the mare stood perfectly still. “Get it off! Get it off! Get it off!” The mare whined and Blake began laughing, “This isn’t funny!” Blake reached his stump to the claw, which harmlessly jumped back and reattached. “It was under your control the whole time?” She yelled and slapped Blake, who thought about it for a second before nodded. “Couldn’t help myself. What’s your name?” “Nocturne.” She replied. “Did you really chop off your own hoof and exchange it with that?” Blake nodded and began to detach it again. Once it was off, he showed Nocturne the skin on his arm. “Why would you do that?” “For the same reason I became a judge, I need the strength.” Blake tapped a nearby tree with bare hand and then tossed the claw at the same tree, the claw stuck deep into the tree and Blake had to have Nocturne help him retrieve. “I am just curious why you aren’t wearing any magic dampening armor.” “According to legends, you were the only one with magic resistant armor.” Nocturne replied. She looked at the claw and tapped the top of it. “Why is it so hollow?” She asked, gently tapping on it again. The claw jumped and she squeaked before staring at Blake angrily. “It wasn’t my fault.” He replied. He looked at Nocturne. “Why the interest in this thing anyways? I’m not going to make another one.” Nocturne smiled and put her clawed hoof guards on her front hooves. “Not as deadly as mine though.” “Are two done over there? Nocturne, stop trying to get out of the drills. Blake, you joining us?” Sunshine added. Blake stood up and smiled, “Top of the mountain. No flying.” Blake pointed to his back. “Force of habit.” Blake was actually glad that he was not the first one up the mountain. It meant he still had room to improve. When he reached the mountain, he turned around to see a great view of Canterlot, plus a miniscule village in the distance. As of right now, it reminded Blake that he should probably have started his travels by now. Wanting to stay in Canterlot could potentially lead to bias on his part when it came to Judging. “Not a bad time.” Sunshine replied as the rest of the recruits showed up. “What the hay are you?” the later recruits asked Blake. “You should be saying that to the ones that beat me.” Blake pointed to the ponies that had beaten him and were apparently close to passing out. Blake looked at Sunshine, who was lying on the grass enjoying the view. “Why are we up here?” He asked and Sunshine pointed to a cave behind him. “You sleep in here?” “Bat wings should have been a decent indication.” A soldier said, too tired to be polite. “You can head back down if you want, this was just basic training. If you really feel up to it, check with Meadowlark at the bottom of the mountain. He might have some-’ The soldier stopped as he saw Blake rush down the mountain. “How does he have the energy?” Meadowlark saw the human come rushing down the mountain and felt happy that he would have a chance to spar with him. He had watched him spar with his brother and was chomping at the bit for a chance to do it himself. He trained Luna’s personal guards, but did not let it go to his head. Maybe he would not need Nocturne’s report after all. Blake stopped at the back of the formation, apologizing for the interruption and asking if he could sit in. “Actually you can do more. About face!” The group of 20 night guards looked at him. “Meet your 21 sparring partners.” Meadowlark smiled and led the charge. Blake was shocked to be attacked so suddenly, but he didn’t mind, he came here to help the army and if pummeling them to oblivion was helping, then he would be happy to oblige. As soon as he heard himself thinking of essentially beating every guard to a pulp he tried to stop but they would not lay off him long enough to back down. ‘What the hell is all the movement about?’ A voice echoed in Blake’s mind, ‘Are you getting your butt kicked?’ I’m fine, just go back to sleep, one Dark Howl should take care of this. ‘You have two minutes.’ Blake stopped trying to resist the magic and instead focused it into his chest, where it came out of his mouth with a loud scream that tossed night guards into the air and uprooted trees. He fell to a knee and swore when he just realized, he just sent a bunch of bats into the night sky. ‘And time. Scoot over.’ “Guys, you may be in serious trouble.” Blake replied as his arm began to tremble. The guards laughed, thinking it was a taunt but stopped when he drew the claymore and slammed it into the ground. The ground cracked and Blake’s voice was now much darker and echoed off nothing. “If you don’t come down here, I’ll just start throwing things.” He threw the claymore at Meadowlark, who moved to the side just to discover that the blade followed his path. “Did I mention that blade won’t leave anyone alone until it tastes blood?” Meadowlark ordered the guard to attack while he kept the blade occupied. “Not that easy! Fate, return.” The claymore turned and flew back to Blake, Blake drove the blade into the cracks and an explosion sent heated rocks into the air, knocking many guards out of the air. The guards briefly retreated until the rocks settled and charged Blake again, who began aiming the sword at vital organs. It was obvious that this was what Blake was warning them about. Meadowlark made it back and blindly charged Blake, turning just as Blake slashed at where his wings had been. From behind him, the night guard attacked while Meadowlark led other in a frontal assault. Blake blocked Meadowlark’s assault but took the brunt of the attack from the behind. The night guard surrounded Blake as he rolled over and began to laugh. “You okay?” “I’ve haven’t been brought down in years. I like this group. I have to repay you for this.” “Talk to Luna about joining, I would be honored to have you with the Night Guard.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “You just arrived here yesterday and you already want to join the army, what about your position of Judge?” “‘A Judge must first find a non-hostile area to use as a base of operations. The area may be as tiny as a house or may extend an entire country if prior permission is given by the leader of said country.’” Blake replied, “It is right out of the rule book. All I have to do is make Canterlot want me here, or get your permission and this place becomes my home. It is entirely your call.” “If you promise me that Celestia is put on equal ground with me, I will.” Her majesty replied. “Very well, I can do that.” Blake bowed. “So I am guessing I won’t get an answer until tomorrow morning, after you and Celestia talk?” Luna nodded, “Alright, I’m heading to the caves.” Before Blake could leave, he found himself wrapped in Luna’s magic. He was turned around and sat down, rather firmly, on the floor. He was ordered to stand guard outside of Celestia’s room while she slept, since the guards had not had a break and both seemed tired. He would be joined by another of the Luna’s personal guard in a few minutes. Blake nodded and turned to leave before being turned towards a hall and told it was the third door. Blake rubbed the back of his neck and went to relieve one of the two officers. Two white stallions with blue manes and gold armor looked at him and readied spears. Blake simply stared at them with a ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ look. When he told them he was going to relieve one of them, both looked at each other and then readied their spears again. Blake shrugged and simply waited for one of them to move, pointing out that what they were doing was distracting them from what could be happening if this had been a scheme. “Hi guys!” A friendly voice piped from the hallway. The two guards pointed at Blake and Nocturne nodded, “Yeah, he works with the princesses.” The two guards apologized and walked past Blake as if nothing had happened. “For a new recruit, you sure did land an important role.” Blake said, suspicious on why a recruit was guarding one of the two leaders. “I am training to be a guard. Everyone does this at one point in their career.” Nocturne replied. “So…have any interesting stories to share, like the main reason you chopped off your own hand and replaced it with a claw?” Blake replied coldly, “I always thought story time was for children.” “Pretend I am a filly then.” Nocturne replied. “Not all of us are awake at night.” An annoyed voice came from indoors. “My apologies,” Blake replied and looked at Nocturne, who was still staring at the claw as if it was some sort of legendary artifact. “Look, I’ll tell you in the morning.” He whispered, not wanting to be kicked from his first task as a guard. Nocturne smiled, “If you just be quiet for the night.” I like to talk. Nocturne subconsciously whined. She ran through her mission, which was to ascertain whether Blake was likely to be a threat to Equestria. If he was, she either had to find a way to control him, or a way to get rid of him. Nocturne wanted Blake to stay, but she already knew that her mission took precedence over her fan girlish glee that he was the legendary Crimson Caress. I still cannot believe that he turned down every mare that asked him out, even Princess Luna. She slowly looked over at him and back at the wall when his head turned. Blake turned to look down the hall and noticed Nocturne’s head turn away. He shook his head, even if she was looking at him with any sort of interest, Blake knew his place. He slowly muttered one of his forbidden spells to call Night Terror, a small, innocent looking child who destroyed happiness through dreams, and devoured the victim’s mind, leaving them empty husks or psychotic shells. Thankfully, Night Terror did not have a visible body except to the one who summoned her. Blake was shocked for a moment when she showed up as a pitch-black unicorn mare with a white screaming face on her flank. Blake stifled a chuckle at how adorable such a powerful spirit could look (if he overlooked the screaming face on her flank). “You are on patrol. Check the palace grounds for intruders. Feel free to gather information today, but you are going to be putting on very long hours.” Night Terror nodded and suddenly jumped on top of Nocturne, who looked at Blake. Nocturne had to have some sort of a sixth sense to feel Night Terror on her. Night Terror was slowly absorbed into her mind and Nocturne began rubbing her head. “You okay?” Nocturne was about to say something but just nodded. Nocturne felt a chill up her spine, whatever had brushed against her had also decided to sit on her back for a few seconds. Her parents had doubted her abilities, but many assumed that her cutie mark, a full moon hidden behind clouds meant that she was destined to be a night guard, but she thought it was about her ability to see things no one else did, like a ripple in the air in front of Blake. Last time that had happened was when her caves had become haunted by something that caused everyone who got too close to be shredded. She felt herself get tired and shook her head. This was starting to get strange, she was a bat pony for pony’s sake, she should not be tired at night. She let out a yawn and Blake looked at her. “Are you sure you are okay?” Nocturne nodded. Blake nodded and leaned against the wall. “If you start seeing things, let me know.” Nocturne nodded and Blake looked down both halls again. “Night Terror.” Blake added in a whisper, “Check the room for intruders, there should only be a white alicorn in there and maybe a midnight blue one.” Nocturne turned to him and felt whatever had brushed against her leave. A few seconds later both tore through the door as they heard a scream that did not belong to either princess. Nocturne ran in and Blake walked in as if nothing was wrong. A stallion wearing a cloak and carrying a knife was on the ground, thrashing and screaming. Princess Celestia, needless to say, woke up with a start and demanded to know what the problem was. Blake pointed to the victim of Night Terror’s hunger and suppressed an inward smile. She was the favorite of the spirits of darkness. Blake walked over to the would-be assassin, placed a pillow over his mouth, and rolled him over. “There, you should be able to sleep now." The screams were now severely muffled. “What did you do?” Celestia asked. “I did nothing. You should ask what happened.” “So there was another person with us outside?” Nocturne asked and Blake looked impressed. “What was her name?” “Night Terror, three guesses as to what she causes.” Blake replied and tapped the still moaning pony. “Try to eat quietly, Celestia wants to sleep.” “Sorry,” A small voice, like one expected from a filly, came out of the corpse. “Can’t you just move him to a cell?” Nocturne asked and Blake smiled evilly. News of Night Terror spread like wildfire, many of the night guards avoided Blake, while the others only talked to him when he spoke first. They could have handled if he had tried physically attacking them, but the fact that he could attack them apparently through the walls meant that they were not even safe in their own barracks as long as he was walking around. After a few days of having only Nocturne to talk to, Blake decided put in a request for a transfer. Obviously, he had no place here. Luna asked worriedly where he would go, even going so far as to place him as her personal guard. Blake thought about it, but refused, “If there is anything I can do to keep you here in Canterlot, let me know.” “I really shouldn’t have unleashed Night Terror without first gaining some trust.” Blake replied. “I'll be gone in the morning." > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blake was called before both Celestia and Luna to eat breakfast (dinner for Luna), and Blake obliged, even though he knew they were going to ask him to stay. To his surprise however, Meadowlark and Nocturne were with them, both looking very tired. Blake sighed, the two people he had considered friends: Meadowlark because he was fun to fight, and Nocturne for not running away from him. Nocturne looked to Luna, who simply smiled at the unspoken request for sleep. “Can you guess what the conversation will be?” Celestia smiled, the only one in the room that did not want to be somewhere else. “There is no one here who wants me to stay. Even you were afraid of me, and I saved your life. Maybe next time I will let them through?” Blake took his seat. “Why are Luna, Meadowlark, and Nocturne here?” “They insisted on being here.” Celestia replied, “At least Meadowlark and Nocturne did. Luna just showed up.” “I still want you to join the Night Guard.” Luna cut in, glaring angrily at Celestia, “Please Blake, I-we don’t want you to leave.” “What about your soldiers?” Blake asked, spearing a pancake with a fork. “They seemed pretty content to ignore my existence. It is only a step away from being actually gone.” “I want you to stay.” Nocturne spoke up. “You are fun to talk to and have many great stories.” “And you still need a base of operations.” Meadowlark added. Blake ate the pancake without saying a word, but he was honestly considering staying if they would have him, but another part of him, the judge, told him he needed to get started anyways. He looked at their faces and, after only getting a decent read on Nocturne’s face, muttered for Night Terror to delve, harmlessly, into their minds and find out how many wanted him gone. “What was that, Blake?” Celestia asked. “Nothing, I was just trying to figure out why you of all people want me to stay.” “Luna seems happier with you here. Having someone she knows from-" Celestia jumped when Blake slammed his hand on the table. “Why do you want me to stay?” Blake asked. Celestia opened her mouth then turned away. “You don’t, do you?” Celestia shook her head. “Thank you for the honesty.” Blake looked to Luna, who told him, and Night Terror confirmed, that she had always respected the zeal he pursued his goals with. Meadowlark admitted to being afraid of the ability but, as long as Blake used his abilities for Equestria, it made no difference. Nocturne agreed with Meadowlark but added that she had grown up with stories of the Claw of the Night, his nickname when working with Nightmare Moon. Blake did not doubt her and therefore called Night Terror back. “Fine, I’ll stay, but I want to be able to go into town.” “I suppose I can’t deny you that.” “And an escort,” Blake asked. Celestia raised an eyebrow, “unless you are authorizing my version of self-defense.” It had been years since Celestia had walked around Canterlot, even longer when she did it as a regular unicorn. She only did this when she needed a break from living in the palace. The only problem was that she had to keep her eyes on Blake. “Thank you for letting me tour the city, milady.” Blake bowed, admitting to himself that he did not know her name in this form. “Solaris will be fine.” “Very well.” Blake walked around with ‘Solaris’, ignoring, but not forgetting the looks of disgust he was getting from the citizens. Solaris told him that many unicorns in Canterlot had a swelled opinion of themselves. Blake just mentioned that it would go in his report. Solaris sighed. Blake noticed a white unicorn with blue hair and a mark with three crowns looking over at him with what seemed to be pure curiosity. “Who is that? He doesn’t seem to be disgusted with the mere look of me.” “Oh his name is Fancy Pants. And before you laugh at his name, he is one of the most respectable citizens of Canterlot.” Blake looked at Solaris, who waved at the unicorn. “You should go meet him. I’ll come with you so he doesn’t scare you.” Solaris smiled. As they approached the unicorn, Blake felt a strong chill in the air. Night Terror’s way of saying something was wrong. He clenched his fist, activating the core on the claw. It was ready for combat as soon as he designated a target. Blake introduced himself with a bow and pulled out a seat for Solaris, who nodded her thanks and sat down. Blake simply listened as Fancy Pants and Solaris began to talk about politics and how Equestria as being run. Blake refrained from smiling, couldn’t she just read a newspaper to figure that out? When Blake felt an icy wind blow, he stood and began looking around. He calmly walked next to Solaris and whispered an apology as he pushed her out of her chair. Fancy Pants stood up, shocked by the rudeness, until he realized a crossbow bolt stuck in the table. “Must be getting old.” Blake replied. “I should have been able to catch that.” “You could have told me to duck.” Celestia replied as she stood back up. She looked around, realizing that her disguise was gone. “And now everyone knows. I’ll need a new disguise now.” “If it makes you feel better I could shoot another crossbow at you.” Blake offered. “Thank you.” Celestia replied. Blake looked into the distance. “What are you waiting for?” A gray pegasus wearing a color-changing cloak flew towards them sloppily, as if he did not know how to fly properly. He carried an empty crossbow and collapsed next to Celestia. “Is this your doing?” “Nope, I don’t know who this one was.” Blake looked at the blank eyes that stared back at him. “Perhaps we should head back, I’ll take him to the dungeons.” Celestia nodded and began to walk back. “Sorry about the disguise. I’m sure you can find another.” Blake walked Celestia back to the palace as he was led to the dungeon to turn in the criminal. “Now that she is gone, what is your name?” “Me or the body’s?” The pegasus asked. “The body belongs to a pegasus named Skill Shot, ironically enough. My name is Umbra, the darkest part of Shadow. Thought I would bring a peace offering. Might I speak with Luna?” “Why ask me?” “So you don’t cut me to pieces. A thousand years ago I possessed a princess and made her lead an army against her sister." > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blake’s report with Luna largely contained Luna scolding Blake for accepting Umbra as an ally. Blake, momentarily forgetting who he was talking to, pointed out that Luna’s jealousy was what had attracted Umbra in the first place. Luna glared angrily at Blake, who apologized and kneeled. Luna sighed, “You are right, however.” She lowered her head. Blake smiled and rose to his feet. “So, have you decided what you are going to do about your position as a judge?” “I should probably get around to that, but I just missed you so much.” Blake replied and Luna blushed. “Do you have time for a walk around the palace grounds?” Luna nodded so fast that Blake was worried about her neck. “Umbra, it is time to prove yourself.” Blake said to his new spirit as Luna walked happily to the door. “Find out who keeps trying to assassinate Celestia, and make sure you take out as many as you can.” Blake could hear the smile in Umbra’s voice. “Night Terror, grab any information you can out of them. Anything that lets me know what the purpose is of the assassination.” “All I know so far is that Celestia is merely a means to the end.” Night Terror replied, “I have no proof besides that pegasus’ memories.” Blake nodded. “Hurry up!” Luna whined, “I haven’t had time to talk to you outside of a formal season.” To Luna, the garden seemed so much more beautiful with someone to share it with. Blake’s mind seemed to be somewhere else and Luna could not help but pout. “So why did you really invite me out here, letting the spirits out to play?” “They make great scouts. But it is the opposite,” Blake replied, “I sent them on a mission to make sure they don’t interfere. Umbra is hunting for assassins and Night Terror is interrogation. Why, did you want them here?” Blake asked, knowing that Luna did not want them near her. “I am surprised the assassin knew about Celestia’s alternate form. I thought that was supposed to be a secret.” Luna nodded. “And how easy they were to catch…almost like they just wanted to distract not injure. I think I should pair you with one of them.” Luna shook her head. “Fine, then I suggest you get someone who is willing to spend all their time watching you, and no, I will not do it.” Luna shut her mouth and pouted. “In about a week’s time, I am going to receive a package containing my orders and what my teacher believes I need to complete them.” Blake fell to a knee as a spear lodged itself into his back shoulder. He turned, spear still in his shoulder to where it was supposed to be and barely dodged a second one. “Protect the princess!” Meadowlark yelled from behind the palace as he took a small group to pursue the assassin. The rest surrounded the princess while one with a medic’s cap walked over to Blake, who was trying to pull the spear out. The spear, thankfully, was crudely made and was therefore easy to remove, but the true danger of the spear was the fact that had been dipped in poison. Blake tried to stand but his legs refused to respond to his body’s commands. A few of the night guards near Luna seemed concerned, but a few grabbed weapons and charged Blake. The other night guards stood near Luna and made sure that she was alright, despite her orders to help Blake. “Get Luna out of here!” Blake yelled. The night guard nodded and began to push Luna away. Only one night guard stayed behind to help the paralyzed Blake, and that was Nocturne, who struck with her hooves, expertly hitting pressure points. Meadowlark and his elite came back and those that attacked Blake scattered. “Well, I guess we know who the main target was, but why me?” “No idea.” Meadowlark shook his head, “But if you feel like revenge.” “Not really.” Blake stood and began checking himself for injuries. “That could have ended poorly.” He pat his armor and completely ignored the bleeding wounds. Luna nudged his arm and he winced, “Was there a reason for that?” “You are bleeding.” Luna replied. “Am I now?” Blake looked at his claw and flipped it palm up. A holographic image of his body showed multiple areas in a red light. “I am damaged, but I will be fine. Shouldn’t we be trying to figure out why I was targeted to begin with?” “Probably because of your proximity to the princess.” “That would be likely.” Nocturne replied, “many ponies are already worried about you just as you are, the fact that the princess seems to talk to you more than anypony else makes a lot of them think you are going to try to marry up.” Blake laughed and then noticed a slightly hurt look from Luna. “You should save those feelings for someone worthy. Don’t forget, I am a soldier first, and besides judges can’t have significant others anyway. Causes bias.” Luna sighed, even in the beginning, he only cared about his duty. “What next, they are after you, Blake.” Blake sighed, he would have to leave if he wanted to keep the princess safe. He looked at Nocturne. “If they want me, they know where to find me, unless the guest quarters changed spots.” Blake stood back up, his legs were wobbly, but he seemed able to walk. “I wonder what that poison was…it worked well.” He looked at the spear, “Not enough poison left on it. Tell me Luna, is the Crystal Empire still around?” “Going there may not be a good idea, they were in stasis for a millennium, so they probably remember you as a demon.” Luna replied. “What is with Celestia and 1000 year punishments?” Blake shook his head. “Why do you need to go to the Crystal Empire?” “It may be a thousand years later, but I know one of my old friends who is still alive.” Blake smiled. “I just need a few supplies. Train ticket, food for the trip, and a big bag of assorted candy.” > chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Blake was surprised how much talking one pony could do. Luna had insisted that someone go with him and Blake chose the only soldier he knew that was not busy. Blake was now doubting whether or not it was a good idea to have invited Nocturne. She still pestered him for stories of the war, but her pleading for stories was better than the looks of disgust and fear he was getting. He leaned back into his chair and was about to drift off when he heard Nocturne ask, “What were you before a soldier?” “I was nothing.” Blake stated plainly. Nocturne was both confused and happy, she had finally gotten him to answer one of her questions, but he gave the most vague answer available. “What do you mean nothing?” “Next stop, Crystal Empire!” The conductor yelled and Blake sat up. “If you want to know, wait until after we see my friend. Oh, and I am counting on you to follow my orders when we go to see her.” The Crystal Empire looked just as it did when he was here last. He just wondered about Bella’s mental state. She did not get out very often, and he wondered what stasis did to her. She always had a strange reaction to magic. He disembarked and immediately the station cleared out as a pink alicorn walked up. “You didn’t have to do this, whoever you are.” Blake rubbed his temples, “I am just here to pick someone up and then I will leave.” “When the news leaked that you were coming, most of the Crystal Ponies hid in their houses.” The pink alicorn replied. “My name is Mi Amore Cadenza, but just call me Cadence.” She bowed and Blake bowed in response. “You are the infamous Crimson Caress?” Blake nodded. “And you are?” Cadence asked Nocturne, who nervously introduced herself. “Why are you here?” “She’s here with me.” Blake replied and Cadence nodded. “Now if you don’t mind where are your dungeons?” Even the dungeons were made out of crystals, but Blake was more amazed at the fact that they were able to place crystal near Bella without having them vanish for her experiments. Blake counted five cells and, finding the sixth one empty, smiled. “It is always empty because someone complains of an insane voice coming from the walls.” Blake nodded and walked up to the rear wall of the cell. He ran his claw along the crystals, making a very loud sound as the metal grinded against the crystals. He repeated it, growing faster each time. “Would you stop that?” An irritated voice came from the cell. Blake ran his claw down the wall and smiled. Nocturne walked up to the wall and Blake motioned for her to do the same. “There are two of you now? Only one person would do that without ceasing.” Blake began pounding on the wall and Nocturne delivered powerful kicks to the wall. The wall vanished and Blake smiled at the human woman with jet-black hair and a long lab coat that glared angrily at him. “Hi Blake.” She replied with a sigh. “Hi, Bella.” Blake replied. “Nocturne helped.” Bella glared at Nocturne, who simply stared back at Bella without flinching. “So, anything interesting happen while I was gone?” “The King came back, but I couldn’t grab a sample before he got himself blown up!” Bella whimpered. “I missed the chance of a lifetime.” She seemed on the edge of tears. “I don’t suppose you have any new materials do you?” Blake shook his head but handed her the large bag of candies. “Oh, yummy.” Bella ripped open the bag and began snacking. “You have time to come in and see if I made anything interesting?” “It can’t take too long,” Blake replied. “I am not that welcome here.” “Then can I come with you? This place is boring.” Nocturne, much to Blake’s content, sat with Bella and asked for the same stories she had asked Blake for. The only thing Bella did not want to answer was the same question Blake had refused to answer, what was Blake before he was a soldier. Nocturne shouted for someone to give her an answer and Blake rolled his eyes. Could it be any more obvious that he did not want to talk about the past? He called Nocturne over and told her not to bother people. He was nothing before he was a soldier, and that was all she was getting. “Why are you even so interested in me to begin with? If you need to report something to your superiors just ask me and I will answer.” Nocturne lowered her head and asked if Equestria had anything to worry about. First Night Terror, who caused horrible dreams, Umbra, who was responsible for Luna’s transformation, and now Bella, who spent all her time alone. “I’m harmless unless you interrupt an experiment.” Bella replied from two seats away. “Which means if the door is shut, and you aren’t bringing food, don’t make a sound.” Bella looked out the window. “Define threat, anyone in Equestria can be a threat. Those two assassins were threats. Someone who doesn’t like the way Canterlot is run is a potential threat.” “Um…” Nocturne lowered her head. “I just need to know if we need to be worried about you and your apparent love of dark spirits.” “I’m actually a human.” Bella replied. “I miss my lab already.” Blake introduced Bella as the one who was in charge of almost everything he had when he arrived to offer his services to Luna. As always, Celestia did not like the idea and Luna did. Blake assured Celestia that Bella always treated as she was treated. Celestia sighed and looked at Luna, “Can’t think for yourself?” Blake muttered and Bella slammed her foot onto his. Blake winced and Celestia smiled. “Oh, now you like her.” Blake turned to Luna. “I have a request,” Luna nodded, “Who gave Nocturne the order to find out if I was a threat?” Luna lowered her head and Blake glared at her, “At first, it was just another part of her training, but after finding out that you had Night Terror with you, I was worried that you may follow my path. When you got Umbra, I prepared for you to attack me.” “So you don’t trust me?” Blake replied, sounding very hurt. “I trust you,” Luna replied, “I was just worried. I have to watch over my subjects. I want to know that you won’t attack them.” “I won’t unless provoked. You know that.” Blake responded with his teeth clenched. It would have been different if it had been anyone else who had ordered it, but Luna trusted him to protect her, but not enough to let him alone. “Did you even want me to protect you or did you just want me to be easily supervised?” Luna did not like what the solution to this was but she had to pull the ‘I still outrank you card’, “Silence!” Blake only glared angrily at her. “Did you forget your place? You are a soldier, new to this era of peace. I had to make sure that you could survive in a peaceful era.” Blake thought about it and nodded. “I am glad you-” “Bella, we are leaving.” Blake replied with an icy glare at Luna. “Don’t expect my aid anytime soon.” “You have mine.” Bella replied with a friendly smile, “Just give Blake some time to dislodge the stick and he’ll be fine.” “I’m right here you know.” Blake growled at Bella, who simply pulled out a dagger and smiled. “Give me some time to cool off.” Luna nodded and watched as Blake walked quickly out the door. “Why is he afraid of the dagger when he has that massive sword?” Luna asked. “Because he is not allowed to use that sword, only the Host is.” “Who?” “The person whose body Blake stole.”