After another failed attempt to ask Rarity out on a date, Spike finds a ruby which, supposedly, gives Dragons great power and courage. Of course, he eats it. But will his newfound courage become a blessing or a curse when things take an unexpected turn and old enemies return with more power?
That was a great read. I'm interested to see what Twilight will do when she finds out. Definetly tracking.
You captured Spike's character really well, I can't wait to see what happens next.
Keep going.
Annndddd track.
Chapter 3 is up. Sorry for taking so long but I am completely new to these love scenes. I guess this is sort of a challenge to me too.
same. pretty good so far dont want to spoil anything but i feel someone has a "bone" to pick
spike is such a playaaaaaaa!!!!!!!
chaosslayer........would you mind to make the stories longer? i would appreciate that alot!
238612 THIS IS THE FIRST LOVE CHAPTER YOU EVER MADE wow for a beginner you are pretty awesome at it
239563 Truly... I don't know. I'm writing off the top of my head, meaning I have the general structure all worked out and I'm just typing up how I see it in my mind. I can try to write more per chapter but I ain't promising anything.
240130 Well thanks a lot... I really try not to make them sound too cheesy or anything but not to cliché and boring at the same time... hope I'm doing good for now
242920 well of coarse you are doing good for now
>> dont try to hard, you'll lose ur swag
242920 your awesome stories are awesome don't worry about it
Well, what do you know? I didn't manage to write an awful lot more today, but it sure feels like I've updated early.
So yeah... chapter 4 is up. Don't worry, this ain't the end of the perfect date chapters. It's a little insight into some thoughts and mind visions of other ponies (and a dragon)
I don't get what the problem is? Spike ate a gem that made him finally grow a set, and know he's better: assertive, brave and helpful. I don't see any of that as a bad thing. Oh and the story is really good by the way.
Peace Out.
Moar please! :D Track'd for interest!
Great chapter. Dying to find out what's wrong with Spike. DYING
. Good stuff.
Chapter 5 is up. Nuff said. I think.
Hohohooo~ Spike you rascal you!

Can't wait for the next chapter!
loopholes made for a reson

Pinkie is just Spinning around, covered in flour, nothing out of the ordinary, One more thing...
You spin me right round! I just HAD to make that reference!
I like that part about Dragons cowering under fear of their mothers. I just picture a giant dragon with a name like Murderkill Von Bloodfist, and his mom is this tiny wrinkled up old dragon, "How, come you never call?!?!!!" and he's all scared shitless.
This fic is fantastic.
peace Out.
I think I might've pushed in some Comedy into that new Chapter... lol. Then again, Comedy is normal with all of the Mane 6 so...
I really want to see Spike jump out and attack the dogs Liam Neeson style.
Maybe you can use my favorite line from Rambo 3:
The colonel "It's not me you have to worry about, it's Rambo."
The evil russian dude "What is he god?"
The colonel "No, God would have mercy, he won't."
Idea: They take the girls into the deeper into cave once the spike appears. The Master interrogates Rarity.
"Spike is gonna mangle you ruffians."
"What is he a god?"
"No, The princesses would show mercy, Spikey Wikey will not." All of a sudden the ground start shaking as Spike tears through iron bars and sounds of the blood curdling screams of Diamond Dog infantry being taken out.
Don't forget that Spike's flame got weaker, so I won't really use that reference in the next chapter. Maybe sometime later. Or not at all. I don't have a clue what could happen with the rest of the story.
300039 I got here from your story lol
329775 y u no comment on my story?!?
What was that - 10 days? I've been working on 7th chapter for 10 days? I've been kinda out of muse for the last few days, so pardon the possible momentary decrease in quality. I have a one-chapter side-project going on as well, hope you'll be interested enough to check it out once I'm done. But Heart's Flame comes first.
Super Saiyan Spike.
421630 Indeed
I like this.
Sounds like a DBZ fight.
thrashed it in his mouth
Do you mean crushed?
Maybe I was supposed to mean that... No, I meant it in the way that he quickly shoved it into his mouth. Might actually change that...
free 2000 dollar choclate and being praised as a hero? Gimme dat rubay!!!
242920 this cant end well
Beep beep. You sure about that?
Shippers. Shippers everywhere.
The redundant Department of Redundancy Department strikes again.
I know Spike is small and all but he is definitely too big to inconspicuously fit in any bag but the largest camping backpack. Also, there's the noticable wight of his that could tip them off.
The Paradox Brothers!
Fuuuuuuu... sion. HAAAAAAAAA!
Spike used Flare Blitz!
A critical hit!
It's super effective!
430529 Dat profile pic tho.


Is this story forgotten about?