• Published 16th Apr 2013
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In the Prism Universe of the 23rd Century the New Ponies take on the Final Frontier...

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Chapter Eight- Goodbyes



We spent a day saying goodbye to Alicorne Keep and all its dear, eccentric inhabitants. The morning we left for Starfleet I got a hug from Amber Rose I that registered even through all my Augmented anatomy. There were proud, sad, happy tears in the Old Soldier’s eyes as he made the formal farewell in the Great Hall.

“Nah then! Ah’ve got t’ admit that ye Lassies have given me the bonniest n’ saddest time o’ me life so far. Be good t’ each other n’ hurry back home. Don’ be a-doin’ anythin more foolish than situation calls for an’ fer th’ sake o’ Celestia be careful! Dinna try fer any medals, jus’ come back all of a piece both o’ ye or ye’ll find that neither o’ ye are too big fer spankin’! D’ye hear? ….Ah, bugger it! Gi’ me a hug, me Fillies! Ah love ye, aye, we all do. Ah’ll keep a candle a-burnin’ fer each o’ ye in t’ window till ye come home. Celestia n’ Luna both keep ye an’ yer bonnie ship! Good bye, ma Dears!” He turned away and we exchanged hugs and well wishes with what seemed an endless line of relatives and Staff before climbing into the waiting chariot driven by a solemn Cedar.

As we drove past we saw, in the bay window of the Library, two thick, white candles already lit. Behind them, Amber Rose stood with one hoof behind his back. He waved silently with his pipe as we drove away…

We both lost it and cried in each other’s arms until we got to the Transport.

“Hey!” I sniffled, trying to cheer my new bride up. “We’ll be all right, Sunny. Hermes is a great ship. Even better now she’s been refitted! …’Sides, I’d rather fight the Romulans again than piss him off!” I hooked a thumb toward the Keep and mustered the best smile I could.

“Oh, aye! It’s just such a wrench t’ be goin’ ‘tis all. Ah haven’t ever been headin’ so far away from Home before! Ah’ve never been beyond Hospital Ship at Alpha Centauri much less beyond th’ Frontier.” She snuggled into my arms and drew one of my arms across her like a blanket. “Ah’m jus’ bein’ a silly Pony. Pay me no mind, Love. …Ah’m glad Daddy dinna see me go off a-blubberin’ like a foal.”

“Well, he won’t be blubbering when we get back, now won’t he?” I gave her a cuddle. “After all, the War’s over and it’s not like there’s anybody shooting at us anymore! Don’t let the Entertainment Networks fool you. Life on a Starship is 99.999% sheer boredom and routine!”

“Aye, well, let’s hope yon .001% dinna make up for it!” She dabbled the corners of her lovely eyes and settled against me. “Anyroad, it’ll be fun meetin’ all your ‘old shipmates’. “

“In a year’s time they’ll be your ‘old shipmates’, too. Still, there aren’t that many of them left onboard anyway. Captain Caper, Mary, Jerry-Rig the Chief Engineer, a hoof-full of Petty Officers and Boson’s Mates… that’s about all that’s left now that Starfleet’s decommissioned so many ships.” I shrugged. “What with the refit and all it’s going to be a brand-new ship. We’ll be writing a brand-new chapter in Starfleet History!

Sunny gave me a kiss. “Listen t’ ye! Ye’re fair excited at th’ prospect. Well…” She hugged my arm and snuggled closer. “I’m happy just t’ be wi’ ye. Let History write itself!”

Author's Note:

By far and away the most concise chapter in the story! We're THIS close to getting into space, promise!

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