• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen September 9th


Time to make some good horse words. (Patreon)


Gaming is one brilliant hobby. You can take on the character of anyone you wish, and play through their lives. Many game genres are out there, but it was one game, one in particular, that caught the attention of the world. And like all games, it had it die-hards. Playing the game, beating the competition, and owning the field were their goals!
Until they won, and received their grand prize...

This story is cancelled. It may be rewritten in the future, but the chances of that happening are extremely slim.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 20 )

Quicksear did all the work, don't lie. :trollestia:

2742273 Im sorry, who are you?:twilightsmile:

Also, he did write most of this chapter, simply because he had the best ideas for the beginning of the story.:derpytongue2:

Edit: Thanks for the watch! : D

Comment posted by TwizzleDragon deleted Jun 18th, 2013

Downvotes, why downvotes? People never say why downvotes. -_-

2745259 I know, right? We as authors dont improve unless we get told why the story is apparently bad.

I have gotten grilled over why I have down voted something in the past. I don't generally do it anymore, especially since I will screen a chapter before actually reading it, or if there is a massive amount of errors in the summary. I feel that if a writer is not willing to correct their grammar and spelling, then I am not willing to read there work.

Reason for the response: I am slightly tired and clicking on profile names and reading comments.

Secretly I was ravens owner! :pinkiecrazy:

Raven McLeod are you stalking me? :applejackunsure: Macleod is my real last name :pinkiegasp:

3088452 -peers through your window-


2745259 No more downvotes.....


Good shit i like this!

Me likey. Keep it coming.

I just lost whats going on few times in this story xD now add another few

Comment posted by Quicksear deleted Sep 14th, 2013

These two are truly masters of whatever combat craft they dabble in.

3182506 Street fighting for the win.:raritywink:

Comment posted by dargondarkfire deleted Mar 20th, 2014

3294835 Well...I'm just gonna say the Changeling situation is a little more complicated than that. Okay, a lot...I think I'll leave the rest to your imagination, but you'll see :derpytongue2:

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