• Member Since 10th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Feb 1st, 2016

the silver-maned pony

[Insert 'doing a 180 on my life after MLP' story here]


First Featured: 05-10-14 (It was glorious!)
I got the idea from playing Rockstar's Bully and listening to 20% cooler.

Rainbow Dash, a disgruntled teenager, is forced to enroll in Manticore Academy, the toughest school in Equestria. The moment she sets foot on campus, she is targeted by the different cliques of the school. Rainbow Dash must show everypony that she in no pushover, and maybe make some friends along the way.

Even though this story is humanized, it still has unicorns, pegasus, earth ponies, griffons, ect. It also uses words like anypony, sompony, ect. Look at the cover art for a basis on how the characters look like.

I do not own Bully or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

It should be noted that there will be chapters that are focused on a Slice of Life theme. This is mainly done for I could try to make a deeper story than just characters beating each other up for no apparent reason.

I think it's pretty obvious by now that I didn't make the cover image. It was made by this person: http://inuhoshi-to-darkpen.deviantart.com/

Chapters (22)
Comments ( 512 )

I love this story. Now that I think of it, I'm never in any cliques. I'm just in a lot of them. I have connections, I guess.:rainbowdetermined2:

Glad you like the story.:pinkiehappy: I hope I don't disappoint.

*reading description*
That awkward moment when you don't know what cliques means, and have to look it up on an online dictionary. You like using words people don't know and are forced to look up!? Well ill give you a word to look up, anomalous. I hope you suffer like I did! :pinkiecrazy: *sigh* Okay I over reacted. I like the idea for the story, keep it up.

Please make more of these! It is so cool!:yay:

I like your inspiration. Did you mean Ken Ashcorp's 20 percent cooler song?

*Has no clue about anything to do with "Bully"* Hmm! The only decent characters thus far seem to be Dashie and Scootaloo.

... Intrigued about possible future enemies, alliances, etc. I enjoy humanized fics when they're done right and this looks VERY promising. Also, I KNEW the wonderbolts were completely useless...

For some reason, I have a strange fealing that Dashie and Applejack're gonna forge an unbreakable alliance, try to outdo each other in everything or become mortal enemies. Damnit, this is too bloody good! Usually wait a few chapters before giving thumbs up, but who cares:derpytongue2:?

Split Ink's question, "Did you mean Ken Ashcorp's 20 percent cooler song?"
My answer: Yep:eeyup:

I played the game before, so if i am correct Applejack is the leader of the greasers so if i remember correctly the leader of the greasers hated jimmy.:pinkiehappy: so AJ and Dashie are probably going to hate each other or become friends who knows. but i wonder since Jimmy had a love interest in the game who's going to be Dashie's love interest?

Dash is like the female version of Jimmy how could i not have seen that while playing the game?:rainbowlaugh: I like how you made Scoots petey and Lightning Dust gary. Twilight is a nerd, no surprise there. Applejack a greaser? wow didn't see that one coming. Rarity is the annoying prep once again not surprised. so who are Fluttershy and Pinkie?:applejackunsure:

Fluttershy and Pinkie will appear eventually, pinkie earlier than Fluttershy

well this is decent, and since there is basically no plot line in "bully" , as far as i remember, you could experiment and make your own unique plot whit this thing.

[Posting before reading] Lolz I can TOTALLY see Rainbow's encounters that's like in Bully into a plot such as this XD!!! ( nice job on the thought!)

I gotta say, I don't normally like crossovers but this is something else.:yay:

I'm loving this story so far, but I'm confused. Are they ponies are gijinkas/humans?

The ponies are humanized, but still retain their horns, wings, or superhuman( or superpony) strength. So I guess it would be gijinkas

If you still need clarification, just look at the cover art. It will be the basis of how all the characters will look like.

I never thought that a crossover like this could work,

Kudos to you good sir and or madam:pinkiehappy:

I enjoyed the first two chapters but a crossover with this much variation can either be very good or very bad.
Try not to include the side mission sub plots simply for the hell of it, try and have some kind of purpose to the errand if you intend to write a chapter on a side mission.
What I am trying to say is that it would be unwise to have a chapter called "The nerds hangout" and the chapter consisted of RD playing the video game to get the comic book basement if it would never be used again. If you do have a chapter like this try and include some kind of implement for the plot of the story.
I will be reading your future chapters with great interest.

Thanks for the advice. This is my very first crossover, so I really appreciate the feedback :twilightsmile:

I never thought if see the day to see a bully crossover the best game I've ever played.

Now this chapter I like a lot! :pinkiehappy:
You have gone your own way a bit here and I love it, its nice to see a crossover that is not afraid to put in their own things rather than take down the subject of the crossover word for word.
This chapter has defiantly made me more interested in this fic as a whole and look forward to the next chapter.

Pfft, Faust is God in this universe. Genius.:derpytongue2:

Awesome chapter, btw.

I really love how you did Dash's feelings towards bullying, unlike the game, I felt that Jimmy was more keen on money instead of actually helping.

Overall, I LOVE THIS!:heart:

I love the game Bully, even though I don't own it, so I love this story.:ajsmug:

Quick question: don't you think Babs would've been better in the role of Jimmy? I'm not trying to offend you or anything and I respect your decisions, I'm just curious as to why you didn't pick her.

As for the fights, you do make them interesting and I want to add a suggestion to them. Try to have Rainbow pull bullying moves on them like pulling their ears, pulling them into a headlock and then she spits on her hand and rubs it all over her victim's face, give them a wedgie and then kick them in the tush, making them hit themselves, slapping them in the face, that sort of thing.

Anyway, I'm loving you story, and I hope to see more.

I'm glad you like the story:twilightsmile:

I chose Rainbow Dash as Jimmy Hopkins because I wanted one of the mane6 to be the protagonist. And the only character that seems to mirror Jimmy was Rainbow. Babs could have been Jimmy, but I just felt more comfortable writing about characters I already know about. There is also the whole age thing.

I don't know if I will make Dash do bully moves because she is against bullying. If she starts bullying, it would go against her nature. Although, I could say the bully moves were done to Rainbow Dash. That might work.

Well, maybe you could put something among the lines of giving them a taste of their own medicine, to show the bullies what their victims go through and how much it hurts, I guess...

Dash should strangle a bully, to make an example to the rest, after being able to blackmail them so that they won't rat her out:pinkiehappy:.

Sorry for the lack of updates. :twilightsheepish:
Most of my time has been going to writing a script for school. I should have a new chapter by the end of the week, but please don't hold me on that.

i dont normally read human based stories but this one is amazing! nice work! :yay:

Indeed. Imma fave this. Even though I have... what, 550? unread chapters.
I like too many stories.:twilightblush::twilightblush::twilightsmile:

So half of the mane six have met. I wonder what part two will hold? :moustache:

So we've met Dash as the new kid, Twilight as the nerd leader, Rarity most likely the preps leader, AJ most likely the greaser leader, and Pinkie as a cheerleader I believe. So how will you introduce Fluttershy? Will you make it as them knowing each other from before, like the show?

And I see you've put in the bullying moves in the story, when Rainbow pushed Berry in the waste basket. What else will you put in I wonder?:trixieshiftright:

Anyway, you did a good interpretation of the election, which isn't something easy to do, since you have to differentiate it from the game a bit instead of just shooting people. Nice work.:twilightsmile::pinkiesmile:

I know who and where they are. ::rainbowlaugh: I'm just wondering when RD will meet them officially.

Ah, so we finally meet Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie scattered brain really? It's bad enough she's a cheerleader now she's a ditz:facehoof: now tell me this isn't a jab at how the show makes her. I can see twi being a total nerd but not pinkie as a ditzy cheerleader I just find that insulting to her character sorry its how I see it:rainbowwild:

Oh, oh! I got a word! Masticate!
Best. Word. Ever!

To Twilight in the story, Pinkie seems like a scatter brain.
In reality, Pinkie is focused on what is going on, but just tries to go at it the most fun/sillies way possible, which is why most of the students like her.

I was wondering when you would add more of the mane six. I so saw Applejack was put in there as a leader but that's all. Grown! More main six please.:twilightsmile:

Love it! MOAR please. I can't wait!:pinkiehappy:

:twilightsmile: really really awesome story :twilightsmile:
:pinkiehappy: more soon please :pinkiehappy:

Next chapter is when it happens. This ought to be good.:moustache:

I'm thinking fluttershy would be a townie and I can't wait til next arc.

Yay! So this means Dash and Gilda will be allies for the allout war against LD later!!

Nice Dash and Gilda fight in this chapter. And I have to say, Lightning Dust's characterization was superb in here.

So next chapter, we'll be seeing the preps and their boxing in action. I can hardly wait!:pinkiehappy:

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