• Member Since 13th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2021


An online test told me I had met myself once but that we're not very close.


The tradition of sky mining stretches back to the pre-unification days of history. In ages past the ultra-light metal was used to clad mighty pegasai warriors. These days it's used more for weather machines, blenders, and other such modern applications. Still, even with safety innovations, the harsh conditions of the mesosphere are dangers best left to professionals.

For generations the mesosphere has attracted every shade of pony: the ones just looking for a rush, the ones looking to make their fortune, and those seeking to burn out up where the stars tear themselves apart.

One group, stationed in a dusty office in Ponyville, harvests the local skies while trying to balance their lives and team cohesion.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 6 )

This is very interesting, and I'm going to keep watching it. Is this inspired by something along the linse of 'Gold rush' or 'Gold divers'?

I don't know what either of those are, if that helps :derpyderp1:

Well, I know what the actual gold rush was; prospectors, claim jumping, battered stetsons, suspenders and all that. But if those are shows or pieces of writing I'm just not familiar with them. :applejackconfused:

No, this is just a dramady sorta thing I'm cobbling together. I hope you continue to enjoy it! :twilightsmile:

Comment posted by MalWinters deleted Apr 3rd, 2013

Addendum(s): :trollestia:

If you have an opinion on the bumper thing feel free to share it.:scootangel:

No, the bumpers aren't denotations of cutie marks (though one is close), for instance Cloudchaser's mark is a shooting star (as noted the predominant one she's shown with per the wikia, not that it's been mentioned in story yet as it hasn't been a topic that's come up in dialogue yet but still). Even still, the bumpers should be pretty obvious as to which of the cast they're referring to.:moustache:

Anyhoo, probably time to allow the Unisom to kick in and get back to working on chapter 3 tomorrow. Should be up in a day or two I'd expect.:eeyup:

Comment posted by MalWinters deleted Apr 3rd, 2013

How does this have no comments?!

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