• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 26th, 2015



When Rainbow Dash begins making up horror stories about a mysterious creature known as the Slender Mare, she dares Twilight to disprove her silly bedtime stories. Twilight takes her up on it - to her own demise.

Chapters (5)
Comments ( 17 )

Wow! I cannot believe that you would use a reference to Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest for the title of this fanfic. That is just so awesome.

Looove Slendy stories. I may have to make a group.

2328447, 2327963 - Yeah, I was gonna call this story Twilight vs the Slender Mare, but then I was like, "No, what's the nerdiest title I could call this story?" And thus, What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse. It's also a death-metal song, also named after Castlevania 2.

2329142 If you make a group, feel free to add my story as your first addition.

2329336 Yeah, I never really liked the game since I had to play it for like 2 days to finally beat it.

DAMNIT, PINKIE! I wanted to see an epic fight between Slender Mare and the ponies!:applecry:

2343530 Be careful what you wish for! :raritywink:

What a horrible night to have a curse....


Beware the false Shepard!

And for you music nerds- er, I mean, fellow metalheads out there, I actually made a PMV of the death-metal song of the same name which alludes to Castlevania 2.

2368738 Love that whole album.

Okay, this is really starting to bug me :twilightoops:
You're calling it the 'Slender Mare but you're also referring to it as him.So please either change the name to something that doesn't infer female or refer to it as either female or genderless.

Good story otherwise, I'm enjoying it. Especially the fact that each chapter isn't substantially long. :derpytongue2:

Twilight's brother is dead?:pinkiegasp::fluttercry:

* Silence * ...
I really need a haircut...

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