• Published 27th Mar 2013
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Spike the Knight - vadram

Spikes fears the day Twilight will leave to fight for Equestria and never return.

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Chapter 46 Morning Imamu

Morning Imamu

Imamu awoke a couple of hours before sunrise, just like he did on any given day, and followed his morning routine.

First he went to his ‘office’ a hollowed out part above the tunnel that lead to the main cave. The room was bathed in moonlight, which entered from the four large windowless windows that made up almost two thirds of the chambers walls. A snap of his fingers made a bright green flame appear above his index finger providing a little more light. While small for him, the flame could engulf a filly or a colt, even a baby dragon.

With the extra light one could see the contents of the room much clearer, although there wasn’t much to see. The walls and ceiling, just like everything else, had crystals sticking out of them, but were otherwise smooth to the touch, so was the floor.

A wooden desk was the only piece of actual furniture in sight, it was huge since it had to accommodate such a massive creature. On it a few object lay, a few wax sealed scrolls with a spiral mark embedded on the wax, a stack of old yellow black sheets of paper, a decorated skull filled with a black liquid, a few dagger shape metallic shards were neatly aligned next to the liquid. All of them had a cut in the middle ending with a series of holes, some were slightly bent, showing signs of use. At one end, the one with the cut, they were covered in black, while at the other there was a dark red. Other than that only two objects were on the table, a white ivory candle covered in floral designs, and a wooden bowl.

Imamu placed his index finger above the ivory candle and the green flame jumped from his finger towards the candle. After sitting down and crossing his legs he pulled the bowl in front of him, took a scroll and placed it in the bowl. Using the candle he lit up the scroll. As the scroll burned he placed the candle back to its place on the table. The scroll burned completely, no ash remained, its smoke rose up in the air and Imamu, with a deep breath, took it all in.

“Hmm.” Was all that he said after the smoke had time to settle in his lungs.

Moving the bowl away he licked his middle finger and used it to pick up a piece of paper from the pile. His eyes glowed as he levitated one of the metallic dagger blades in an upward position, before placing his index finger above it and pressing down, until the it was halfway in. With the dagger blade now in his finger, he dipped it in the black liquid next to it and used it as a metallic quill, writing a reply. With the message now written, he used his nimble fingers to fold the four corners of the paper inwards until they meet at the center, a little saliva placed upon his middle finger again sealed it. Carefully picking it up he placed it over the green flame that was now emanating from the ivory candle and it burned, it’s ashes formed a small cloud that raced outside and did not seem to care about where the wind was blowing from.

“One down, eight to go.” He said after a brief count of the remaining scrolls.

One by one he ‘read’ them, thought about the best course of action, and sent his reply. When it was all done he removed the dagger blade from his finger and carefully placed it next to the others, then he blew out the candle careful not to blow away the pieces of paper and exited his office.

Downstairs, so to speak since there were no actual stairs, he returned to the large room. Just like before he made a fist and hit the wall. The giant crystals began to glow, and he jumped on them, then from them he descended to the lower levels of the cave. From a cold room he got a few ingredients and went to a nearby table to make breakfast for the three of them. After finishing cooking and plating he picked up the table with the food still on top of it and jumped up grabbing the ledge with his free hand. From there he pulled himself up and placed the table down before going to wake the other two up.

A gentle tap from one of Imamu’s toes caused the pod Spike was in to be knocked over spewing forth its precious cargo.

Bonus image author unknown.

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