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The Bunny Suit

The Bunny Suit

And Other Silly Stories

By Wragnaroq

The image of Big Mac in the bunny suit comes from here. I don't know who made it, so if you made it, and you're reading this, thanks.

Story the First:

The Bunny Suit

Big Macintosh stared at his reflection in the mirror, certain that he had never felt, or looked, more pitiable. He groaned in exasperation for the ninth time.

"MAAAC! Git yer keister out 'ere!" Granny Smith's voice called from outside.

"A'right, Ah'm comin'!" Big Mac shouted back. As he left his room, he looked at his reflection one last time.

He hated wearing the bunny suit. But if he didn't do it, who would help Granny Smith with the vital, super-important task of singing to the water? With Applejack at the market, and Applebloom in school, the duty fell to him to dig out the old green bunny suit and throw his pride into the waste basket. The old thing didn't even fit anymore. He was slightly worried that if he moved too much, it might just split.

'On th' bright side,' he thought to himself as he opened the front door, 'There's no chance of anypony seein' OH BUCK ME.'

Big Mac felt like slamming the door shut and hiding in the deepest, darkest part of the house. He didn't want her to see him like this.

Fluttershy, his marefriend of three months.

Big Mac slammed a hoof into his face as he remembered why Fluttershy was there. She had said that she'd be coming by the farm to pick up some carrots for her animals, but he'd completely forgotten about it. And now she was going to see him wearing a faded green bunny suit, hopping over watering pails and singing to them for some inane reason.

Miraculously, she had her back to the door, and hadn't heard him yet, since she was having a conversation with Granny Smith, who was also wearing a bunny suit. Big Mac took a step backwards, plotting his escape. As long as...

"Well, looky who done decided t' show up!" Granny chided as she noticed Big Mac.

...As long as Granny Smith didn't notice him. Curses.

"What took ya so long? Tryin' t' make yerself look all purty fer yer marefriend?" Granny said. Fluttershy turned around, finally noticing Big Macintosh.

With a fwup, her wings unfolded.

"Ah... Ah... um..." Big Mac stammered, his face almost glowing pink. Maybe if he moved quickly, he could make it to the Everfree Forest and hide out there for a few weeks. It was preferable to the current situation, that was for sure.

"Y' came jus' in time, young lady! Big Macintosh an' Ah was jus' about t' sing t' the water!" Granny Smith said to Fluttershy. Fluttershy did not respond, being too busy staring at Big Macintosh.

Big Macintosh wearing a green bunny suit that was stretched taut over his muscular body.

"...Haaaah," Was the only sound out of Fluttershy's mouth.

"Don't worry yer purty lil' head none 'bout th' time. Singin' t' th' water don't take too long! Ya can watch yer coltfriend participate in th' fine art o' humblin' 'imself, and then he can get y' those carrots y' wanted! Easy as pie!" Granny Smith said. She hopped off towards the barn, her hips making ominous creaking sounds as she went. "Git along, Mac! We got us some singin' to do!"

"Please don't laugh," Big Mac said to Fluttershy as he hopped past her. Fluttershy's eyes followed him, trained specifically on a certain part of his body.

"...Haaaaah," She breathed.

'Celestia, if y' are truly a kind ruler,' Big Mac thought to himself as he hopped over another watering can. 'Please let me die.'

"Ah can't hear y', Mac! Sing from th' belly!" Granny Smith advised. Big Mac almost cried as he started singing along with Granny Smith a bit louder. He could feel Fluttershy's eyes on him.

Thankfully for him, he was blissfully unaware of what was going through her mind at the moment.

In Fluttershy's world, nothing mattered. She couldn't remember why she had come to Sweet Apple Acres, she couldn't remember where she lived, she couldn't remember her own name.

All that mattered was dat flank.

She didn't know why she was staring so intently. She'd seen his flank before. It was a very nice flank, in her opinion. But for some reason, looking at it now, clad in green cloth so tight against his body that she could see his powerful thigh muscles moving, she couldn't look away.

Her blood was boiling, and Big Macintosh Apple was the cause.

After a few more minutes of (in Fluttershy's mind, sensual) hopping, Granny Smith stopped abruptly, nearly making Big Mac crash into her. "Looks like we're gonna have ta cut this short, Mac! It's two o' clock, an' Ah've got an appointment with th' bathroom!" She announced. "Help th' lil' lady get some carrots, then water th' gardens fer me, wouldja?"

"As long as Ah don't have t' sing while doin' it," Big Mac said. Granny Smith ignored him, already hopping back to the house. When she was gone, Big Mac sat down, letting out a sigh of relief.

"Sorry y' had t' see that, hun," He told his marefriend. She nodded absently.

"It's no problem," She said, still staring at his hindquarters. "No problem at all."

"Good," Big Mac said, standing up. "Ah think there's some carrots in th' barn, if ya don't mind waitin'."

"It's no problem," Fluttershy repeated. "Lead the way."

And so they walked into the barn, Fluttershy being mesmerized by the swishing of Mac's tail.

"Lessee, Ah think they're in 'ere," Big Mac said, cracking open a crate in the back of the barn and sticking his head in. "Potatoes, some peppers..."

As he continued listing off the things in the crate, he didn't hear the sound of the barn door being closed, or the heavy objects moving across the dirt floor, accompanied by Fluttershy grunting with effort.

"...Found 'em," Big Macintosh finally announced, pulling a bag of raw carrots out of the crate. Then he noticed the large pile of crates sitting in front of the barn door.

"What in..."

Even if he had noticed the yellow and pink blur headed straight at him, he wouldn't have had the time to react. In an instant, he was knocked onto his back, losing his hold on the bag of carrots and landing in a large pile of unbaled hay. Fluttershy had him pressed down, her eyes filled with an almost feral desire and her wings standing straight up off her back. She was growling at him like a timberwolf.

"...Fluttershy? What's gotten int'..."

"TAKE ME NOW," She ordered, and then forced her tongue down Big Macintosh's throat.

Things went from there.

Applejack knocked forcefully on the door of the barn. "Mac! Ya in there?" She called out. There was no response from inside the barn. Applejack tried to push the door open, but it seemed to be blocked from the inside.

"Now what in th' name o' Celestia?" She said to herself. "MAC! If yer in there, come on out! Granny ain't seen ya since this afternoon, an' she's gettin' worried! It's almost dinnertime!"

There was the sound of a pile of crates being pushed away, and the barn door swung inward, to reveal literally the last pony Applejack had expected.

"Fluttershy? What th' hay were ya doin' in th' barn?" She asked. Fluttershy, with a content smile, tired-looking eyes, pieces of straw in her mane, and a bag of carrots, didn't hear the question. She skipped past Applejack, humming idly to herself. Without saying a word, she took off into the night sky, not once looking back. Applejack watched her go for a minute, before hearing a soft groan from inside the barn. She turned to look at the source of it, and her jaw nearly unhinged as the sight made her put two and two together.

It was Big Macintosh, lying in a pile of straw, a single stalk hanging lazily out of his mouth and a vacant grin on his face as he looked up at the ceiling. He was also wearing what remained of a green bunny suit, torn up almost beyond recognition. The only part of the suit that had escaped damage was the hood and floppy ears, but otherwise, it looked like Big Mac had been attacked by a wild animal.

"...Mac?" Applejack asked, not willing to set hoof in the barn.

"Eeyup?" Big Mac responded without a care in the world.

"Did you two jus'..."


"Wearin' th'..."


"Do Ah want t'..."


There was silence.

"Hows 'bout we never talk 'bout this again."



A/N: I got the idea for this story when I saw some pictures of Big Mac wearing the bunny suit from 'Family Appreciation Day', and I thought to myself, 'Huh. This is probably Fluttershy's fetish.'

And that is how this monstrosity was born.

This silly, comedic monstrosity.

And I know that Fluttershy is more than a little bit OOC. It's for comedic purposes.

P.S.: I feel dirty.