To Glory
Chapter II
Real World
“Please Celestia!” Luna begged, legs in manacles, seal on her horn. “This is wrong you know it is!” Celestia looked down on her sister with mocking, yet sad eyes.
“I’m sorry my sister.” she said. “But it is for your own good.” Luna was shoved into a white van, with armoured plating, and barred windows. “Some time in there will be good for you. Everything will turn out fine, you’ll see!”
Luna fought, eyes teaming with tears. “No, Tia! Please! Noooooooooooo!”
Pain flooded into our head as it launched up, gasping. Memories of the nightmare still rang strong. We scrunched our eyes shut, reliving the nightmare, no, memory. We still remembered the day that Celestia had forced us into the Asylum. Ironically, it had been a rather bright day, unfitting of the horrors which had occurred. Our head fell back upon the cloud-soft pillow and we- hold on. Those were not the pillows that were in our cell in the Asylum. We didn't even have pillows. But then- Memories of the previous night flooded our mind: The cake, the dragon, the burning scientists, the dragon. Our eyes snapped open. We were lying in a bed, with soft pillows, and a tray next to us. The ceiling several feet above us, and was carved with intricate, yet seemingly meaningless lines: circles, slashes, and other odd shapes.
How did we get here? We wondered, trying to sit up again. Pain rushed to our head, and our vision blurred. We gasped again, and fell back painfully onto the soft pillows. Our wings ached, and we seemed completely devoid of energy. There has a slight buzzing to our left, followed by a swift poke in the side. Wincing, we glanced to our left... and caught ourselves staring directly into the slitted eyes of Changeling. It excreted a high pitched buzzing sound from its mouth, seemingly trying to create some kind of vocalization. A spell of some sort? We were not going to allow ourselves to find out. Ignoring the pain in our forelegs, we delivered a swift kick to its mouth, sending it flying. It crashed into a cabinet a few feet away, which sat next to a large, bronze doorway, so large it almost touched the ceiling.
Desperate to escape before it recovered, we forced ourselves from the eternally comfortable bed, trying to make it to the door. We took a few unsteady steps, and did a quick survey of the landscape around us. Our eyes widened as we attempted to stem what we were seeing. We seemed to be in a Changeling infirmary ward. There were dozens of the Lunar damned things, flitting around, and laying in the stark sheeted beds. We stumbled backwards as a few of the jet black and green creatures noted us. It also emitted a high pitched buzzing, then began moving upon us, three of his kind behind him. We took another step back, only to fall, our legs too weak to support our weight. We attempted to bring up a shield to protect us, no avail. We were too drained, and were only able to produce a small flutter of sparks. Still, the changelings halted, spooked slightly. We decided to bluff as we struggled to our hooves.
“We warn thou!” we said threateningly, “We will decimate thy if you take another step towards us!” The changeling put on a mask of confusion. It made more buzzing sounds in an attempt to communicate. We growled in response, and backed up to the large doors behind us. The changeling, obviously ignoring our bluff, advanced closer, the lead changeling still emitting buzzing sounds. Our flank pressed against the cold metal doors, and oddly comforting, yet distracting feeling, odd to feel in the current situation. We lowered our horn, entire body aching in pain. “S-stay back!” I said, as they moved closer. “Stay back! Stay ba-”
Suddenly, we were volleyed forwards as the doors were flung open. The Changelings scattered as we were thrown into their midsts, pain racking our body as our jaw collided into the marble floor. Scrambling around, we attempted to get a good view of our attacker. “Who dares assault our Royal flank!?” we roared, then broke off as we stared, once again, into slitted eyes. But these ones were not of a changeling. They were a mesmerizing golden color. They froze us where we lay, as they regarded us with mild curiosity and... amusement.
We shook our mind free, as to fully take into view the creature. It was the dragon from the previous night. But now that we were able to take into view it’s size and shape, we noticed it was considerably smaller than any regular sized dragon. Puny in comparison; it was only bigger than Celestia by a few feet, maybe less. Twin horns sat atop a furry white head, and excessively large wings, folded flat at it’s side. It regarded us with half a smile upon a toothed mouth, and a large snout.
We attempted to stand again, but we fell back upon our haunches. The dragon, of all things snickered at us. Rage burned in our chest. “Silence!” We hissed furiously, “Inform us of where we are dragon, lest you feel our wrath!” the threat was hollow, and carried no weight behind it, but were able to get into a defensive crouch, horn raised and pointed towards the dragon’s neck. The dragon didn't seem frightened in the least, however, it’s eyes still flecked with amusement.
“And what, pray tell, are we doing in a hostile medical facility?’ we asked angrily, well aware of the Changelings beginning to stand behind us. The dragon tilted his head, regarding us once again, with those mesmerizing, familiar, eyes.
“You are having your wounds attended to.” he said slowly, as if speaking to a child. He may as well have. We were utterly perplexed. Changelings did not heal wounds. Especially not ours. Why were they healing us, one of their enemies. We asked the dragon, slightly more politely, the question as such.
“Because,” the dragon responded, “They were ordered too.” Well that tells us nothing. This dragon was being as vague as possible. He chuckled again. “Don’t worry, you are in no danger. These Changelings are just here to tend to your wounds. You’ve been out cold for about a week.”
Now that, we found interesting. Out for seven days. We felt like it had been longer. Almost as if for years. We had relived our imprisonment in our mind, the torching pain, unquenchable. We shivered lightly, once again reminiscing our escape. One horrible detail stuck out from the rest. “We kissed thou!” We said in a horrified voice. How on earth could we have allowed do such an insane act of... insanity!? Between our mind reeling with horror, and the obvious explosions of what could only be Changeling laughter, we missed the dragons response.
By the time our mind had gotten a hold of reality once more, the dragon was looking at us expectantly. “What?” We asked, our voice still dripping with annoyance.
“Would you like a tour, Princess Luna?” He repeated politely. We narrowed our eyes, taking in his offer. But really, what was there to take in? Well, we suppose it seems odd this dragon seems so at ease around us, like he is familiar with us, and it is indeed rather odd he is not deterred by the Changelings... we spun around, to find the Changelings regarding us with mild curiosity. It was odd, creepy, and completely silent. Staying here with these... things? Or taking a tour with a dragon? We turned back to the white creature before us.
“We accept.” We said guardedly. “However, we wish to know our location, and what thou name is.”
“My name,” the large dragon said, turning towards the door, “Is Judgment.” placing his large paws on the large bronze door, she shoved them open. “And this,” he said, stepping aside, “Is the Hive.”
At first we saw nothing. It was just a large expanse of white, fluffy, fog. But as if on command, the fog surged towards us, whipping around the infirmary ward, and out back windows that we had not noticed before. Our jaw dropped at what we saw.
There were two large masts, like a ship. Changelings milled about the deck, cleaning pitch black marble planks, and ordering others around. There was a bow, and another large mast protruded from the front of the vessel. We were, in fact, on a enormous ship. Enourmous was an understatement. The bow of the ship was at least a mile and a half before us. The ship was immense. We glanced at where the water should have been, and we felt ourselves growing faint. There was no water. Instead, hundreds of feet below us spanned mountains, deserts, and lakes. We were flying. If our jaw could have opened any further, it would be on the floor of the deck. Clouds buffed the front the behemoth airship, causing it to rock as if it truly was surging over the tide.
We turned to the dragon once more. “This... this is the Changeling Hive?” our voice was a meer squeak.
The dragon nodded. “This is an old Solar Empire Airship that was captured about six months ago at the battle of Blackrock,” We stared at him with a blank face. We had never heard of any “Blackrock,” nor of any “Solar Empire.”
“What is the, ‘Solar Empire,’ and what is, ‘Blackrock?” we asked curiously. The Judgment dragon seemed to enjoy blinking, as he did it again. the realization dawned on his face.
“Ah yes. You were in the Asylum for pretty much the entire war!” Our eyes widened. There was a war? While we were imprisoned there was an entire war?
“Explain what has happened during our imprisonment!” we demanded, stopping our hoof down from dramatic effect. The dragon chuckled again, making the angry fire in our chest grow larger.
“Very well,” said Judgment, “follow me.” He led us down a small flight of stairs, and began explaining what had happened in our absence.
“After you were locked in the Asylum, Celestia began to create things.” he said, taking us below deck. “The first thing she did was make guns, and weapons, available to the general public, with age restrictions of course.” We passed a changeling fiddling with a long, rifle like weapon, that had been taken apart. It appeared to cleaning it. The Changeling looked up and watched us as we trotted by with the large white dragon.
“The next thing Celestia did,” he said, “Was create the first airship. The Solar Wind. It was quite a bit smaller then this ship, which just so happened to be the second ship ever made, the Sun’s Wrath. The first was for commercial use, but this ship... this was a warship.” He took us to another room, or rather, a hall. It stretched the entire length of the ship, and was full of enormous cannons. They were silver things, and looked very.... Advanced. They all looked the same: an enormous barrel, with an odd light pulsing down it. They hummed with power as we neared one, and read the side. Super Dreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max. We noted a large, orange, tip on the end, and sectionals, like it was supposed to extend out when needed.
“Ah yes.” Judgment said, admiring the cannons. “The most powerful cannons available right now. They can punch a hole in just about everything,” his expression grew dark. “About a month after your imprisonment, Celestia made treaties with just about every surrounding nation: The Gryphons, the Dragons, the Thestrals, even the Zebras. Together,The allied nations became the Solar Empire. However, When she extended a hand of friendship to the Changeling race, Queen Chrysalis politely declined, asking to be left alone.”
We looked up startled. “We were of the opinion that the Changeling Queen had been killed during her failed invasion of Canterlot!” We exclaimed. “Thou now tells us that she had lived?”
Judgment nodded. “Chrysalis had been injured, but it is very hard to kill an Alicorn, and almost impossible to kill on who’s also a Changeling.” Our mind reeled at this. Up till now, we had always viewed Chrysalis as a rather powerful Changeling, but this dragon was referring to her as an Alicorn? It made little sense to us, but we motioned for the Dragon to carry on.
“Anyways,” Judgment continued, “After Being denied a treaty with the Changelings, Celestia mounted her two Airships with cannons and Soldiers, and sent off to destroy the Changeling home at Blackrock, just on the outskirts of the Everfree forest. The battle raged for over three months, and the casualties were heavy on both sides. Eventually, Chrysalis decided it was time to abandon their home. She took the survivors of the Hive, and infiltrated this ship, the Sun’s Wrath. It didn't take long for her to have complete control over the ship. Then she shielded it and fled. The Solar Empire considered this a victory. Blackrock is now one of the most secure prisons in all of Equestria.”
We frowned at this, searching our brain for memories of our studies. “Wait a moment.” We said, grabbing ahold of the memory triumphantly. “Blackrock is on the opposite side of the Everfree forest? We that is the territory of the Wildcats! It’s not Equestria!” We smiled triumphantly, but our small victory was short lived.
“Not anymore. After defeating the Changelings, and Taking Blackrock, the Solar Empire set out to conquer more territory. They erased the Wildcats from the face of the earth. The Wildcat race is no more. Not a single one remains living.” Our jaw collided with the floor again.
“Under Celestia’s rule, Equestria’s territory grew ten times its size, becoming the Solar Empire. Princess Celestia assigned her student, Princess Twilight Sparkle, as the head of Arcane Science, creating some of the most powerful weapons, and inventions Equestria has ever seen.”
We now entered a room full of different weapons. Odd glowing sabers lay on odd shelves. Shotguns, rifles, swords, weapons looking they came from some videos games, even one we recognized as a Binary Rifle from a game called, “Halo,” that we used to play before our imprisonment was there. “This is the Changeling’s arsenal of weaponry.” The dragon informed us as we began to mill around, admiring the weapons. “These weapons are very good, but to the Solar Empire, these are old fashioned weapons. The technology They used is way more advanced.
We turned back to him. “So basically, while we were imprisoned in our unholy prison, Equestria was... evolving?”
Judgment thought for a minute before answering. “I suppose thats actually a rather kind way of putting it.” he admitted. “Planes, Helicopters, and other things have come into existence.”
Judgment led us from the hall of amazing weapons to a jet black door, with an odd emblem on it.
Judgment turned to us. “Through this door, is the one who organized, and worked very hard to orchestrate your escape, Princess Luna.” he said. “And she is usually short on temper. Don't make her mad.” He knocked on the door.
“Yes, come in Judgment, I know it’s you.” came an annoyed voice. The voice sounded odd, and layered, like two different voices were speaking slightly off pitch to each other. Our ears twitched, as we recognized the voice. However, once again, we could not place it.
We stood aside as Judgment pulled the door open. Inside was a dim room, illumination coming only from the dozens of computer screens that were plastered about the opposite wall. In the middle of the room was a tall chair on wheels. It spun around to face us. Our eyes widened in surprise. In the chair was a creature that looked like a pony with a twisted unicorn horn, a pair of tattered insectoid wings, and probably stood as tall as our sister. Unlike a pony however, it had a sharp pair of fangs and dark green eyes with elongated oval pupils. it’s mane was a teal color, and was peppered with holes. The odd creature wore a small, black crown tipped with blue orbs. The legs,and tail were full of holes and her limbs and torso were very slender.
The creature smiled slyly at our horrified expression. “Hello Princess Luna,” Queen Chrysalis said in her echoing voice, “Long time, no see.”
Well jeez, I was wondering whether this story would update again. Still, nice to know that it is.
God, I am horrible about reading updates when they come out. It was a nice update. Now then, I have so many questions and the only way for them to be answered is if you continue onward my good author and write fanfiction (pretty pretty please with a Luna shaped cake).
I soooooo wanna drop everything and write the next chapter, buh other stories must be updated first unfortunately. TILL NEXT TIME!
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