• Published 5th Mar 2013
  • 1,916 Views, 116 Comments

Spitfires Mission: Babysitting at HQ - cantil

When Spitfire invites Rainbow Dash to the Wonderbolts HQ, what is supposed to be paying a crash bill, turns into much more wild events of this Friday night.

  • ...

The Ambush from the Dark


"What is that! What was that sound!" Rainbow asked with a look of horror on her face.

"Calm down, it's just the clock." Spitfire relaxingly assured Rainbow.

"Why did it decide to go off now and not before?" Rainbow asked.

"Because it's now 12:00 midnight.... hey Rainbow." Spitfire started causing Rainbow Dash to look questioningly.
"Don't get scared because of them. It's gonna be fun." Spitfire finished.

"Oh ok, it's not like the water slide wasn't obvious at all!" Rainbow stated.

"Ok, ok. Maybe it might be a little, you know, nerve breaking but you just have to stay calm because we are in this togeth-" Spitfire was cut off.

*Black. Pure. Black.*

"WHAT THE F---" Spitfire yelled.

"SPITFIRE!" Rainbow gasped at the sudden outburst of colorful language. Rainbow then took in what just happened.

"NO, NO. Get ahold of yourself soldier!" Spitfire commanded. "This is just the beginning. We have to find out where the boys are before they get any funny ideas!" Spitfire terrifyingly thought out loud.

"Ok let's first find the door." Rainbow suggested.


"Woah there Rainbow, you don't want to be paying for another wall, now do you?" Spitfire blurted.

"If I could see where your face is right now, I would maw it like a bear!" Rainbow remarked making Spitfire jump backwards into a wall.

"Ok, ok. Sorry, but it was right there. I had to say it! I couldn't stop myself!" Spitfire explained.

"Your apology has been noted. Let's just find this door." Rainbow once again suggested.


"FOUND IT!" Spitfire yelled.

Good thing was that they found the door. Bad thing was.... The hallway was PITCH BLACK, and to make it even creepier the 'exit' sign at the end of the hall made a faint glow from where they were standing.

"Are there any flashlights in here?" Rainbow asked.

"Yes, the flashlights are in Thunder's office." Spitfire replied

"Great! Lets go get them!" Rainbow said

"Yea it's not that easy. There are four floors. We are on the second floor and Thunder's office is on the fourth floor. The fourth floor is where the classrooms are, just because we are flyers doesn't mean we don't have to learn. Anyways that's where the training equipment, classrooms, and cafeteria are. The third floor is where the meeting room, the lounge and the exercise room are. The second floor has our rooms. The stallions side is down the hall by the staircase and the mares side is where we are. It's like this for more "territorial" reasons. And the first floor is the lobby and where we fill out paperwork and where the door to our outdoor training grounds are." Spitfire explained

"Ok then. So we go through the next floor and get the flashlights... That sounds easy." Rainbow questioningly stated.

"Well the hard part is that the stairs we have to use are by the stallions side." Spitfire told

"Okay...." Rainbow replied confusingly

"Ok this is easier. We are stuck in a four story building with stallions who have sick minds and will no doubtingly give us a hard time. Oh yea, and its pitch black in here." Spitfire stated

"Ohhh... Well lets get started then." Rainbow managed to squeeze out.

And there these two brave ponies went cautiously walking through the halls of Wonderbolts HQ, not knowing that somepony was certainly listening to every word that was spoken.

Author's Note:

Sorry for such a loooong time. I got tied up in schoolwork and raising my grades.
Anyways..... NEW CHAPTERRR!