• Member Since 13th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Tuesday


The following tale...is true. And by true, I mean false. It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth? The answer is no.



Written for "Thirty-Minute Pony Stories".

In which a hectic day leaves Applejack with a new perspective on what it means to be Rarity.

EDIT: Now with a wonderful Reading by Obabscribbler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KNbgQOJAvfU

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 38 )


Bet you that episode wasn't the first time Rarity's cutie mark's been on Applejack's thigh....

2186747 X3; Oh myyyyyyyyy... /takei

It would be interesting to see a series of stories like this.


So touching. What a great, yet simple idea for a story. Bravo, sir. :ajsmug:

I really do love Rarity. Even her fans tend to underestimate just how much real effort she goes through, even after they specifically devote like 3 different episodes to just that issue. The point that she shines the brightest on is that every time she is generous, the idea of being SEEN as being generous is not even remotely on her radar. For something that she takes so much pride in, she's almost excessive in her humility of being generous.

A nice little 'missing scene'.

I wonder if any of the others had a epiphany about what their friends' lives are like? I can see Pinkie being even more determined to make Applejack take time off and Rainbow being a lot more appreciative of what Fluttershy does on a daily basis.

Indeed it would be, though I don't think I'm going to be the one to make that happen. Still, you're right; I think getting to explore the after-effects the girls would experience from the Cutie Mark swapping is rich territory.

Well thank you very kindly. Happy to hear you liked it so much. ^_^

Yeah, I think a lot of fans tend to sell Rarity short; her admittedly-diva-esque behavior tends to throw them off. Which is part of where I got the idea for this story; I wanted to show that, in point of fact, she and the more-obviously hardworking Applejack actually aren't so different after all.

Thanks. ^_^ And yeah, I imagine all the girls would experience something like this; it's just that this particular thread was the one that grabbed my interest the most.

As a fellow TMPer, this is most lovely. Great work!

2254239 Thank you very much. :D

Great lil story, kinda begging for a follow up though.

3027903 heh...perhaps. I think it stands up well enough on its own, but I definitely get what you mean. Glad you liked, in any case. ^_^

Really enjoyed that mate, good work.
Always love me a bit of Rarijack interaction :twilightsmile:

3227678 Me too. ;3. Thanks. ^_^

3294092 Oh hooray! I'm honored to hear it. :D

Not bad at all. Especially considering this was done for a 30-minute challenge. That's more than I can write in that time.:ajsleepy:

Will say, though, were it not for the 30-minute restriction, I would have said this story had a setup for a much longer and in-depth heart-to-heart between the two. After all, and this might just be me, if something was able to keep Applejack up at night, it would probably take more than a couple of sentences to address it. I felt that in a scene that had plenty of potential, there's not a lot of content.
But yeah, like I said, you did well considering your restriction.

There's also one part where the formatting's off (missing horizontal space between two paragraphs).

3395523 Eh...quality over quantity, and skill over speed, I say; as you yourself point out, it's not as if I exactly wrote the world's most completed version of this story in the 30 minutes I had, y'know?

In any case, thank you for the insights. I agree, I think a fuller story could be fleshed out of this, and that what we see here is probably only one step in a larger shift in the relationship and understanding between the two characters. I'm glad I was at least able to strike that vein of interest, and appreciate your thoughtful commentary on my work. ^_^

I hope you don't mind, but I liked this fic so much I have put together an audio version on YouTube.

3956406 Mind? Goodness no, I'm flattered. :D And such a nice reading it was, too! I'm so happy you liked the story so much, and thank you VERY much for this lovely little treat. :D

Interesting tale. Decidedly interesting. And is in character for both of them. Makes me wonder how Rarity would feel towards the lazy looking and brash Rainbow Dash and her weather work.

4199353 Yeah, the aftermath of "Magical Mystery Cure" is a geniune point of interest in general for me. Glad you liked this particular facet of it. ^w^

4200937 Indeed I have. ^_^ Quite good, too; insightful and emotional. Thanks for reminding me of it. :D


The only regret I have about it is the lack of showing Diamond AJ restoring her bond with Applebloom in the second chapter.

4201093 I'm half and half on that. On the one hand, it does stick out to me that AJ's is the only story to end so sadly, but at the same time it's hard not to feel like that sad resolution is, fittingly, the most honest one given what the story's set up thus far, to me.

very nice little bit of fic.

heard scribbler's reading.

good job, to you for the fic and scribbler for her reading of it

5264869 Agreed. And thank you. ^_^

Well this was kinda sweet I guess

6449045 Thanks, I think? X3

What the fuck, I only noticed when you replied to me but my OC is kinda similar to Applebloom. LOLZ

6450610 Well alright then. 83

Nice little exchange between Applejack and Rarity. It complements nicely Friendship is Applejack, where the others get to learn how hard it is to be a certain farmer!


Wow, I remember that story from a while back. The comparison's appreciated, for sure. Thank you. ^_^

I've noticed you haven't posted anything recently. Can I ask why?


A lot of reasons, most of which can be boiled down to "Life got busier" combined with the fact that I have a lot of other fandoms beyond this one toward which I put my creative energy. I do hope I'll have some stuff to show here before too long, though.

Well, I look forward to any new material you'll publish.


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