Now with pictures.
Good news everyone, you've just purchased a SWEETIE BOT unit of your very own.
The SWEETIE BOT units are the perfect companion for users of all ages, but to ensure maxim fun levels please follow the advice in his Manual, failure to do so may result in the end of the world, you have been warned.
WARNING: This unit believes that she is a real pony, under no circumstances should she be informed otherwise, seriously don't, I warning you, just DON'T.
Name: She responds to Sweetie Belle or 'Best Sister'.
Age:Error Robots do not age, but she thinks that she is the same age as our APPLEBLOOM units, don't inform her otherwise.
Place of Manufacture: Unkown, but she believes that she is from Ponyville.
Height: Same Height as our APPLE BLOOM units.
Weight:For an Robot you would expect her to be heavy, no? Well no because she is actualy quite light.
Length: Quite short but she is a filly.
Eye colour: Why are you asking this, just look at her. May change when in Destroyer of worlds mode.
Your SWEETIE BOT unit comes with the following accessories:
One (1) Huggable sweater.
One (1) Clothes line to dry said sweater.
Two (2) Rolls of dumb Fabric.
One (1) Tub of Ice cream.
One (1) Pot of tacky Jelly.
And if you have the APPLE BLOOM and SCOOTALOO units:
One (1) Cutie mark acquisition program.
Your SWEETIE BOT unit is capable of doing the following:
Comforting Saddness: Your SWEETIE BELLE unit is capable of improving anyones mood by about 52% percent, so come on in, it doesn't matter what happened; Partner left you?, Sibling hates you? Unable to watch MLP FIM? Well just let SWEETIE BOT know and she'll be sure to set phasers to hug.
Bored?, Loney?,Feel like giving up due to the fact you can't get on FIMFICTION?
We just activate Adventure mode and prepare for the most exicting day of you life.
See that toaster? Now it's a dancing frog, see that upturned basket? It's now a gaint hat. (Not as good as our RARITY unit version.)
What to have that pesky person removed? Or maybe you just feel evil? Then input the following code :*Codes cost extra. Once activated your SWEETIE BOT unit will become an unstoppable killing machine, that will not rest untill your opponents are a smouldering pile of ash.
Caution in Destroyer of worlds mode the unit may self active this function.
Removal of your SWEETIE BOT from it's packaging.
The SWEETIE BOT unit is usually one of our kinder models, providing you don't mention, you know what.
So to ensure that you don't become mounted above your own fireplace, please follow the methords below.
1. Place the tub of Ice cream on the floor and open it, upon hearing his your SWEETIE BOT unit will burst out of the packaging and procced to start eating the said Ice cream. Whatever you do, DO NOT eat the Ice cream before you have had a chance to ask her, as she will promptly beat you to death with your own arm.
2. Drop the pot of tacky jelly, this will cause her to jump out of her packaging and grab the jelly before it hits the floor, she will then procced to stare at you angrily, it is recommended not to provoke her futher as she may enter Destroyer of worlds mode.
3.If you have bought either the APPLE BLOOM or SCOOTALOO units then place them outside the box and shout: "The Snooty, Snarky Evaders." If done correctly then she should climb out of her box and begin playing with the other units.
We do not recomend this if you do not have the APPLE BLOOM or SCOOTALOO units and are not response able for any damaged caused by doing so.
After unpacking your SWEETIE BOT unit you can reprogram her into any of the following modes:
Loving (Default)
Helpful (Default)
Cutie Mark Acquirers
Destroyer of worlds (Locked)
Your SWEETIE BOT unit comes in both Loving and Helpful modes, in these modes she will attempt to assist you with anything that you need doing and constantly remind you that she 'loves you' (we would like to piont out that our robots are incapable of feeling true love.) and generally to improve your day. However if you are to ignore her affection then she may enter Rejected mode, were upon she will at first try to please you with gifts, but if this fails then she will enter a state of depression and start crying and start self punishment, it is advised that you stop this by hugging her, as this may damage your unit.
Cutie Mark Acquirers mode is activated by allowing your SWEETIE BOT unit to play with a APPLE BLOOM or SCOOTALOO unit, in this mode they will attempt to discover what there special talents are, 99.99% of the time his will end with low to mid range destruction of the near by area and them been covered by a large amount of tree sap.(Tree sap not included.) While in Cutie Mark Acquirers mode, your unit may also enter Joyfull mode, in this mode she will prance about and start to sign about random events that occur in her immediate vicinity. As well as been with a friend, this mode can also be achieved by been nice to her, or if that fails providing her with a large amount of icecream. Both of these modes will counter act the Rejected mode.
Philosophising mode can be brought about through the showing or telling as depressing events, eg: recent death in the family or a near by bus crash. This wil cause your SWEETIE BOT unit to start to lament over the futility of life and try to explain the meaning of life. (*Note your unit cannot figure out the meaning of life.) In this mode she will continue to give out philosophy to all that will listen, but the unit can be returned to default by following the instructions for Joyfull mode.
Your SWEETIE BOT unit's Destroyer of worlds mode has been locked due to the fact that it will end all known life.
We will not inform you have to start this mode, instead we will inform you how not to start it.
1. Do not anger her if you used methord 2 to get her out of her packaging.
2. Do not inform her that she is a robot, as this will cause her to see all other life as unworthy and start Destroyer of worlds mode.
3. Under no circumstances ever eat her icecream.
If you unit does enter this mode then contact use and we wil do our best to subdue to threat to all known life that you have unleashed, although we do not promise success.
Relationships with Other Units
APPLE BLOOM: Fellow Snooty, Snarky Evader, this unit is the primary friend of your SWEETIE BOT unit and they will always act nice togethor.
Scootaloo: The other memeber of the Snooty, Snarky Evaders, SCOOTALOO is regaurded highly by this unit despite the fact that her ideas have a 87.34% chance of failure.
RARITY: Your SWEETIE BOT unit believes her self to be the sister of the RARITY unit and will treat her accordingly, though they may not always see eye to eye, they will make up eventually.
Your unit is coated in a top secret coating that will prevent her from getting dirty.
Your unit requires no rest, though she may go to stand by mode when she isn't needed.
Power supply
Your unit is powered by a small nuclear fusion reactor that will keep her going for over 9000 years.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why is my SWEETIE BOT unit just sat there blinking at me?
A. Is any music been played, if so turn it off, this should solve the problem.
Q. Why is unit trying to kill me?
A. Sigh you ate her icecream didn't you?
Problem: Instead of a SWEETIE BOT unit, I recieved a calculator with a smile drawn on.
Solution: You seemed to have recieved a baby version of our SWEETIE BOT unit, please contact our main office to request a refund or exchange for a proper model.
Problem: My unit went to play with the APPLEBLOOM and SCOOTALOO units and during their play date they accessed my FIM fiction acount and now they keep looking at me with a glint in thier eye's.
Solution: They probaly read some Gridmark/Mature fics, in either case you should probaly find a safe place to hide, help is on the way.
Problem: My unit will not exit her packaging, I've tried all the methords and none work, what do I do?
Solution: Have you tried getting the APPLE BLOOM and SCOOTALOO units to eat the ice cream while you drop the tacky jelly?
End Notes:
Please take good care of your new found friend for life.
Credit for original idea goes to Timpeni.
Oh god yes.
My reaction before reading:

My reaction after reading:
Yes. Thank you for this.
Sweetie Bot, the ultimate woobie: destroyer of worlds!
Is she a good racer though? See, these are the questions you have to ask.
Hahahahaha. Excellent. I loved the "Can't get onFIMfiction" gag. Nice. Shades and monocles all around for that one.
Several small spelling errors. No issue. Just letting you know
other than that. pree' good 
Over 900 years, nice.
Fun levels will be at maximum efficiency.
THE FUN HAS BEEN 654 x 532 / 54 = 54%
I liked it very nice sir :3
hehe scootabot
If I buy say... 50 Sweetie Bell units and set them all to Philosophical mode will they eventually uncover the meaning of life?
"The Snooty, Snarky Evaders."
I lol'd at the grimdark/mature fanfiction, haha
I want mine to come with a mustache...do you have any of those?
What kind of moustache?
Freindship is witchcraft.
Probaly not.
LOL I Watched Friendship is witchcraft yesterday and now this goes up LOOOOL
I want one
Awesome :D I wanna code though
mine read one of my clop fics and keeps looking at me eith what looks like, i think lust... should i embrace this, or try and reset the unit? with how well made it is, i kinda want to embrace...
Um, it is ruining my home.. help..
Make it happen.
My Unit Just Made A Portal Gun And Is Yelling At Me To Start Testing. I Might Of Used It To Download Portal 3.OK I Did

Manual fic = win

How much extra?
(Not as good as our RARITY unit version.)If my Rarity unit makes a hat, will my Sweetie belle unit show me or not bother to tell me?
Thank you! Now I have instructions!
(I need an APPLE BLOOM and SCOOTALOO unit though)