• Published 23rd Feb 2013
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The Doctor Whooves Chronicles Episode 1: Derpy - Doctor Perseus

Following an accident with the TARDIS, the Doctor finds himself in a strange universe with a new body that he didn't gain from regeneration. Meanwhile, a pegasus named Derpy is unaware that her life is about to change forever.

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Chapter 4: Stolen

Gaia, 0 C.E.

The Doctor listened closely as Derpy and Isaac each took turns recounting the events of what led to the fight that was occurring at that moment. Isaac did most of the talking, as Derpy was still pretending to have slight memory loss for...some reason. The Doctor assumed that she was going through the whole "acting stupid in order to not give away too much about the future" bit.

"Interesting," said the Doctor. On the outside was he was keeping cool but on the inside he was exploding with excitement. A world where the path of the sun and the Moon are controlled by magic expelled by a pair of alicorns?! Truly fascinating! Dare I say, fantastic! he thought. The Doctor didn't realize that he had a large smile on his face but he quickly shook it away when he realized that Derpy and Isaac were staring at him oddly. When they were finished talking the Doctor proceeded to scratch his chin with his hoof. "Very interesting indeed."

"Your companion believes that Celestia should use the Elements of Harmony against her sister," said Isaac. "I have to say that I humbly disagree."

"Elements of Harmony?"

"They're incredibly powerful magical artifacts," Derpy replied.

"I say, are you regaining your memories?" Isaac asked. Derpy nodded awkwardly.

"Yes. They're coming back faster now." Derpy's eyes began to invert and the Doctor tilted his head. He'd met creatures with wandering eyes before but this was just insane!

"Incredibly powerful magical artifacts, you say?" asked the Doctor.

"Yes. There's six of them: honesty, kindness, loyalty, laughter, generosity and...and...hmm...I can't remember the sixth one for some reason," Isaac replied.

Magic, Derpy mouthed to the Doctor. The Doctor nodded as he turned back to Isaac.

"I'm sure it'll come back to you. Why are you so against Celestia using them?" he asked. Isaac looked between the Doctor and Derpy with an odd expression.

"You two haven't been apart from your abodes for very long, have you?" asked Isaac.

"Derpy use to know a lot about this, but her mental loss has caused her to forget some of the details, obviously. On the other hand-er-hoof, I've been away for a long while. Never been good with keeping up to date with current events."

"I don't believe I was even able to catch your name, sir."

"I'm the Doctor."

"The Doctor? Is there any-"

"If it makes you feel better then just call me Dr. Smith."

"As you wish, Dr. Smith. It is a pleasure to finally be acquainted with you. I am Sir Isaac Longhair."

"Fitting name, I might add."

"Thank you. Same to you."

"Thank you. Now let's get back on track. Why should Celestia not use the Elements?"

"Using them would most likely not result in a good ending for Princess Luna. Discord was turned to stone when he went up against the Elements. I fear to think what would happen to Luna."

"Do you think there's a way to save her?"

"There must be. She is just confused. Envy has clouded her heart from what is truly important: the welfare of this country, this world, its citizens, and her own sister. The old Princess Luna resides somewhere behind the mask that is Nightmare Moon. Of that I am certain." The Doctor turned back to the Derpy. Derpy shook her head. The Doctor was beginning to place a few of the pieces together. Luna would be saved, but this wasn't the time. Luna had to fall as Nightmare Moon on this day, and Celestia had to use the Elements against her.

"Excuse me, Isaac, but may I talk with Derpy in private for a moment?"

"Certainly." The Doctor nodded to Isaac before walking Derpy over to a corner of the room.

Derpy made sure to keep her voice down to a whisper as she talked to the Doctor.

"She has to use the Elements! She's going to use the Elements!" Derpy stated.

"Tell me, what's going to happen to Luna?" asked the Doctor.

"Banished to the Moon for a thousand years."

"Yikes. Talk about a time out."


"I assume that she's back home with her sister and is living well by your time?"

"Yes. She returned on the 1000th anniversary of her banishment. She was then defeated and returned to normal by six mares who represented the Elements of Harmony."

"How interesting. I do hope to meet these mares one day."

"Doesn't everypony?" Derpy rolled her eyes. The Doctor was silent for a moment. "Doctor, when are we going to go back? There's nothing for us to do here."

"Maybe and maybe not. If there's one thing I've learned in my travels, it's that I hardly travel anywhere without a reason, whether I know said reason or something else does."

"Are you talking about fate?"

"The universe is an odd thing, Ms. Derpy."

"It's Hooves, by the way. Derpy Hooves."

"Well, Ms. Hooves, the universe is an incredibly strange place. Even though yours is entirely different from my own, I am certain that there are several similarities between the two." Derpy could hear explosions in the distance. Nightmare Moon was returning.

"I think I want to go home, Doctor."

"Don't we all? Though some of us are lucky enough to have homes to go back to."

"Where's your home, Doctor?" The Doctor was silent again. He brushed the question off and began walking towards the exit of the room.

"Come, Ms. Hooves. I say that we have quite an upward trek ahead of us before we return to the TARDIS." Derpy nodded before turning back to Isaac. She approached him and shook his hoof.

"It was nice to meet you."

"But where are you going?" Isaac asked. Derpy turned to the Doctor and then back to Isaac.

"Home, I hope," she replied.

"But it is too dangerous to leave on hoof now." Derpy smiled.

"You can't get to my home on hoof. Only through time." And with that, Derpy turned away from Isaac and followed the Doctor through the door.

"Could you have been more obvious about where you were from?!" the Doctor scolded as he and Derpy made their way up the stairs. The castle was beginning to shake around them. Surprisingly, they didn't come across Captain Iroh or any of his guards on their way up to the ground floor.

"Sorry," Derpy said as her eyes began to invert. The Doctor looked into Derpy's golden eyes and smiled. Something about the gray pegasus just made him happy. He had no idea why, or maybe he did. That familiar fire was building up inside him. A fire that he hadn't felt it a long time. The castle suddenly shook again and pieces of debris began falling from the ceiling above.

"Come on! Move those hooves, Ms. Hooves!" The Doctor broke into a run with Derpy right behind him. The floor began to vibrate like the strings of a guitar and the walls began to sway like leaves in an autumn breeze. Needless to say, this wasn't a very fun experience for the Time Lord-turned-pony or the pegasus. They eventually found themselves in a hallway that was located on the ground floor of the castle. The floor was cracked, there were holes in the walls, and the ceiling was partially caved in. The Doctor could just make out glimpses of Celestia fighting a powerful, dark blue figure in the sky above. "Careful. We need to get back to the TARDIS without being spotted by either the fighting Princesses or the guards."

"Good plan. How are we going to do that?"

"Run like mad!" The Doctor grabbed onto one of Derpy's hooves and pulled her through a nearby hole in the wall. The Doctor grunted as his hooves hit the ash-covered ground with a loud thump. The Doctor was glad that he had gotten used to walking and running as a pony quickly for this was definitely a time that he needed to do some serious running. He also chuckled at the fact that he was holding onto Derpy's hoof with his own hoof. "I'm grabbing things with my hooves! It's impossible and yet...I'm doing it!"

"This is no time to be smiling, Doctor!"

"Aw! There's always a time to smile!" At that moment, a large ball of magical energy smashed into the ground just a few feet in front of the Doctor and Derpy. An explosion of dust, ash, and rock shot up into the air around the two ponies. "On second thought, maybe you are right, Ms. Hooves." He tightened his grip on Derpy's hoof and pulled her off in another direction. The air felt hot against his coat and the burning earth singed his hooves. It made him wish with all his might that he'd be able to get himself and Derpy back to the TARDIS in one piece. Then he saw it: that blessed blue box. "There we are! Allons-y!"

"Doctor! Look out!" Derpy came to a stop and so did the Doctor. The Doctor looked up in horror as a large, dark blue alicorn landed on top of the TARDIS. Derpy gulped. "Nightmare Moon!"

Nightmare Moon took a huge whiff of air and looked down at the blue box under her hooves with a lustful glare.

"I sense...such power! Such untapped energy! Yes! The energies within this box shall help me defeat my blasted sister!" laughed Nightmare Moon as she used her magic to levitate the TARDIS.

"Hey! Put that down! That isn't yours!" Derpy snapped as she ran forward. Nightmare Moon looked at Derpy and Derpy froze. The Doctor placed himself in between Derpy and Nightmare Moon.

"Respect your princess, pegasus! Everything that is touching Equestrian soil belongs to me!"

"Well, technically, you're levitating my TARDIS in the air, and thus it isn't touching Equestrian soil. I guess it belongs to me now," quipped the Doctor with a sly grin. Nightmare Moon's eyes glowed bright white. The Doctor pushed Derpy out of the way as a magical blast came down and nearly reduced them to ashes. The Doctor watched as Nightmare Moon proceeded to fly off into the distance, the TARDIS floating alongside her. "Great. An all-powerful alicorn princess of the night has just stolen my time/space traveling box. This day just keeps getting better."