• Member Since 19th Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen May 7th, 2022


I am a lover of (pony) fiction, games, art, sugar, spice and everything nice. I also enjoy talking to people, so if you have something to say, let me hear it!


Most Ponies think that Pinkie Pie's pet Aligator Gummy is just a clumsy and goofy pet. But he shall prove them wrong when one day a serious accident happens and Gummy and his friends are the only one's who could save the day. Will they reach Canterlot in time to prevent the day from being ruined?

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 21 )

I most likely missed a bunch of small errors... I'll go back through when I've had more the -3.14 hours of sleep. Also a break in college work. That would help as well.

I shall also read it when said free time becomes available... If ever. Haha.

~Skeeter The Lurker

This concept...
I like it.

A few grammatical errors, and it was a little rushed in some parts, but otherwise, I really like it.

Rushed? Why? Where? ^^
Yeah that grammar is still in the works.. I have a problems with capitalletters I know. What else? Tell me and I will fix the flaws.
Finding a proofreader that doesn't change half the stories content was quite hard. I still look for a decent lector for my next project.

However I am looking forward for any feedback.


Not surprised I missed a few. I WAS dead tired when I did so. What'd I miss?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Am I the only one that's happy that Angel is nowhere to be seen?


Haha I knew that this question would show up sooner or later. I passed on Angel cause:
A) I don't like him as shown in the show. I don't like him being a demandipants and bosses Fluttershy around.
B) He wouldn't deliver any meaningful content to the story. While all the other pets have their moment I could not think of a situation where he might be useful.
C) My Coverart looks better without him.

:unsuresweetie: I don't want to hurt you in any way, but your sentences are simple, sometimes redundant, and don't seem to flow together very well.

Angel would have just burned the ticket in front of Gummy

did you spell Soaring on porpose?


You mean the G at the end or his appearance in general?

If in general, yes I brought him in as a gag and for the spelling.. well obviously you just found a grammar mistake. I am fixing this right away. But if that is the only thing one can complain about, I am quite relieved, since I thought there were several more. :scootangel:

This was awesome.


Thank you my friend. :trollestia:

It could be better if I had someone to check and fix the grammar, though :scootangel:

4105366 I know a few grammar nazi's.... I am about par here.

I kind of enjoy Gummy being a smart alligator instead of an imbecile.


Yeah, there are several comics and animations showing him as a spy only acting stupid or a genius and so on. I kind of got inspired by them, I guess. While I imagined him not being that smart, he isn't an idiot either. In my mind, he has an average intellect, since he is quite young after all. He only seem silly or dumb because of Twilight's presence.... well at least in this story :scootangel:

4823529 What are the names of these comics.

Err... now you got me. I can't really point to one in particular. There were several pictures and comic on EQD or Deviant Art. However, like I said, I always imagined Gummy as a smart guy and not as the :derpytongue2: he is presented in the Show. Everything he does, or doesn't do is because of a certain reason most simply don't know.

EDIT: After some Googling I found some of them:



4825661 Those names were helpful and I don't think of Derpy as stupid but as a lovable, clumsy, and relatable mare. That is the reason that my fellow bronies and I enjoy this character and made her so popular.
I would like you to check out, if you have not already seen this, Doctor Whooves and Assistant
I'm so sorry about this outbirst, but I just got out out of a flame war with a guy who called me gay for enjoying AppleDash shipping.

Oh no good sir, don't get me wrong. I didn't use the icon as a placeholder for the pony itself, I used it as a placeholder for "Derpy" which is a slang word for something (or rather someone) silly and/or stupid (even before that pony got named that way). I was just too lazy to write that out plus, I like the Icon so .. again my text had no reference to the pony whatsoever.

Yes I do know about the Doctor Whooves Audio play.

You probably heard that plenty of times, but if someone flames you just ignore it. The more you try to explain yourself or your logic, the more you will get trolled. There are quite a lot of people on the internet, who just enjoys dissing other people and who do not want to be lectured about their statements, even though they are false and your point of view is the right one.
Just ignore them, every word you write to defend yourself or argue with them is wasted. I know it is tempting to respond, yet useless. Block those people and move on instead of wasting your time and energy to be angry about it. There are quite a few people who will silently agree with what you claimed before.

In my case, i think it is very possible that AJ is into mares, since she never showed the slightest interest in any male at all. However, I am tired of all those lesbian stuff, regardless the characters, since there is so much art and (bad) stories about it... But hey that is only my opinion.

Whether you are into females, males or chemical plants... it doesn't matter to me at all. Whatever you do in your "bedroom" ain't my business and should only concern those people involved. I know a few gay people and all of them are nice and fun to hang around with. Only today I partied with a female couple and a gay man (without his other half) and it was awesome. I wouldn't think less about them just because they have other preferences than me. So whatever you prefer is neither non of my business nor do i really care.

But I think this matter has gotten a bit out of hand :scootangel:

I agree, thanks.:pinkiesmile:
Awesome OC by the way.

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