• Member Since 11th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2023



Light-years from home and unable to return Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, and Spike struggle to make a new life for themselves in the Third Imperium. Given a used Far Trader as compensation for their "abduction" they travel from star to star trying to get by. Will they pay off the multi-megacred mortgage they inherited from the ship's previous owners? Will they ever make it past the IISS's interdiction and make it back to Equestria?
FYI based on the roleplaying game Traveller. 

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 12 )

Oooh, Traveller and MLP together. This is good, though the Droyne are more reptile-like than insectoid.

( Also, First! )

It could be more interesting if you hadn't told storyline in description:duck:

What I should have done was waited until I had the first chapter finished before uploading. That's really all the description gives away, the prologue and chapter one.

You might be surprised what I have in mind for the next six or so.

Please dear sir. i know it would be total mess but can ponies come to space station 13?
Storyline- http://autisticpowers.info/ss13/wiki/Storyline

2318088 i'll keep an eye on it.

Btw i think of the world we live in if we go to space will be the new wild west for us humans, i think of space like an ocaenh of water but it's all for the takeing.

I think EVE online got what we can get in our furture like that.

If i was bron in that timeline i be sure of one thing my star ship will be big yes, but it be one junk ass ship at best that have junk star fighters and that stuff becasue in my eyes junk is gold. Most likey i'll have mineing ship on board

2318088 Oh i almost forgot i have a feel that they will get home becasue like all computer system no OS is perfact.

You realize it's been five months since I gave this fic any thought. I put it on hold for schoolwork and when summer started I had a new idea for a fanfic. At this point I don't know if I can come back to "Free Trade" (I suck at coming up with names), if at all I'll probably restart it from scratch.

3106895 ok.

You know i won't be surpus if we do our life this way if we go space born

3106895 btw heres a ship the may give them a work for that they can buy one day to make there life easyer to there gola of going back home


What they've currently got is more like this:
This is a crossover with Traveller you know.

3118781 ya but the ship i show would make there life alot easier for them to lived.

yes i know but hey theres alot of sci if games out there that are some in a way

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