• Member Since 9th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen Sunday


This is a site about Ponies..... Why is it so awesome?


Spike tries to write his feelings for Rarity on paper in order to better express himself before Thunderlane steals her away forever.

A Hearts and Hooves Day one-shot Sparity. I hope you all have a great H&H Day!

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

I hate the bejebus out of this holiday, but this was a nice story.

Edit: Not gonna say it, but its mine. Suck it.

Poor Thunderlane... he was being a huge douche though.

Good little story, I liked it a lot! :pinkiehappy:

Commence read.

Well good for Spike.

Twilight was rather helpful. :pinkiecrazy: :rainbowlaugh:

“Oh right, ponies don’t use toilets…
“What’s a toilet?”


Besides, I thought you liked Big Macintosh.”
“Heh, yeah right,” giggled the unicorn. “Everypony knows he’s gay for Caramel.”

What are you doing?

“Of course, ever since you ran by me seven years ago my loins haven’t stopped aching for you,”


“That’s like saying Timberwolves work for the government. The very idea is just… silly.”

Okay, I laughed. There, you win.

it took him 7 years and twilights help? Dude is a lost cause. On the plus side he is about to get some and old enough to do it. GET SOME!!!!!

A nice story overall. Though part of me really wants to see a chapter where Rarity and Spike get it on!

Also a chapter on Twilight having fun with Thunderlane would be awesome.

Night-time, the time of the day that is night.


After Twi's speech, I don't know if I would trust her love advice.

Happy ending, yay!

This made me feel not so bad about having to be not with my special somepony on Heart's and Hooves day. So thank you. This was wonderful.:eeyup:

it's like... a H&H day trollfic!

2120669 It was more a psychotic, sex crazed Twilight that made me feel sorry for the bugger. Oh well. Hope he enjoys the fractures on his pelvis! :pinkiehappy:

I wanna see life scarred Thunderlane!

Hahaha!!:rainbowlaugh: Oh poor Thunderlane:fluttercry:... Not:trollestia:!! Got what you deserve... To be raped by Twilight?:twilightsmile: Umm... Okay. Well this was a nice Sparity, very touching. But I can't help but feel that Rarity should have been the one to say it. I don't know conforming that its the man that must always say it just seems outdated to me. Oh perfect example Twilight admited love first and Thnuderlane was raped. See nonconformist:eeyup:.
Oh wanted to leave off on Thunderlane is raped... BY TWILIGHT!!:moustache:

Why the hay would she wait for seven freakin' years for Spike to tell her? Was there a curse on her or something? All that time they could have been making love to each other wasted because Rarity was convinced it should be the male who confesses first. Well, 'bout time.

Still, I enjoyed it.

my super special awesome somepony!

Yu Gi Oh Abridged :rainbowlaugh:

2122281 But it's Rarity, she is an old-fashioned mare, except for fashion.

Rairty is old fashioned I'll give you that, but just once I wish she would come out and say it. It would be a welcomed twist.

2122865 Would be interesting, but on the verge of OOC.

Would it? I mean take the canterlot wedding, she tackled three mares to the side to get the bouquet I would imagine after a while she would come out and say it herself. 7 years I bet she was close to the breaking point, especially with Thunderlane(raped by Twillight) getting all up in her space.

2122887 Close to the breaking point, yes. I doubt that she would break tradition though. And getting the bouquet is considered an honor, an honor that she wanted.

Hmm, it seems we have reached an impass. How about this, it does not have to be Rarity, but just once I would like for the girl to confess first, and admit, it if someone wanted to, they could make it work. The level of believability rest solely on the greatness of the author but they could make it work.

Sometimes the simplest words are the ones we have the most trouble with.:raritywink:

Nice one-shot celebrating Hearts and Hooves day.:twilightsmile:

Nice little story. Have a like!

As for Rarity waiting for Spike tofinally admit his feelings, I'd say it was less about male/female but more about Spike graduating from boy to MAN.

Oh, Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh! :pinkiehappy:

Such a nice and funny story. I kind of think she'd wait so long, but 7 years for him to wait I don't know, at least this way you avoid the "he's a kid" stupid comments xDD
you made me laugh with this one :rainbowlaugh:

Wonder how Twilight's doing with Thunderlane? Get it 'doing'?

Oh my... Poor thunderlane. I liked the fic short and sweet, but it appeared to have no plot or convincing conflict or one at all

I lovely piece of work like always.


... Sorry. But Thunderlane's behavior threw me way off...

I liked that "Beauty and her Beast" reference!

“That’s like saying Timberwolves work for the government.

I see what you did there.

The moral of this story is that Twilight is a rapest

Sweet simple "Love it!" :heart: Poor Thunderlame :twilightsheepish:
I could read the terror in his eyes & when his inner virgen came out as Twi dragged him off.

Halp me !, Halp me ! She's gone postal !:twilightblush:

A FlimFlamBros Sparity fic I haven't read before? Well, about to fix that.

Just read it, and was not disappointed! Thunderlane was really out of character, but I think it fits the over-the-top theme of this story. Twilight was absolutely hilarious, and Spike was the good old sarcastic bastard he's always been. Really brilliant story, liked.

Even if i hate word or speaking of rape in story, i have the feeling Twilight and Thunderlane just make love for hours and make a great couple

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