Celestia and Luna play a simple game of Truth or Dare with Cadence, Chrysalis, and Discord. When Luna is dared to threaten the destruction of the universe, things go haywire. And, of course, it was all Luna's fault.
A take on Humans Acting Villainously: Celestia has won, humanity and all they were has been consumed. But uneasy rests the tyrant's crown. The Newfoals remember things that go bump in the night, and now even Celestia must fear them.
The Crystal Prep Shadowbolts have come to visit Equestria, in what is possibly some of the worst decision making possible on the part of Discord. Hopefully, most of Equestria is still standing when they're done.
One of Princess Celestia's earliest foes had broken free from his prison, and is out to rain a little... Chaos and a little glass of water, please? A 'My Little Mages' retelling of 'The Return of Harmony'
I'm still laughing. Keep it up.
twas shite.