Time and time again have the scales tipped and the natural balance in the land is shifted. But for the past few instances, it has tipped to the same side. When the scales tip the other way, who will heed the call? Who will step up and restore the balance before it's too late?
Hmm.. Not quite entirely sure where this is going, but it does seem to be going somewhere interesting.
There are a decent amount of grammer/spelling mistakes scattered throughout here and there, but not enough to make me dislike the work to subtract from it, but enough for me to mention it though. Gonna keep my eye on this, keep it up.
you sir now have a like and fav

great chapter
i like it, its a good cover
This story is good and requires nothing more.
great chapter
lol that was a good chapter
good chapter
Need more!
good chapter
lol great chapter
Wasn't gonna comment till I finished all current chapters...
But Psych is going to be the hardest to reach, and Pinkie's his opposite isn't she?
Glad I finally got around to reading this.
So to clarify:
Fluttershy & kindness/ Ash & cruelty
AJ & honesty/ Iron & deceit
Dash & loyalty/ Scar & betrayal
Rarity & generosity/ Blues & greed
Pinkie & laughter/ Psych & fear (?) - he scares me the most of them all. Even Ash shows remorse.
Twilight & magic/ Solstice & ?
Equinox & balance
I like this idea of opposites of the Elements to keep balance. It also makes sense that the girls balance out the boys (though Flutters and Pinkie have their work cut out for them.)
From a writing perspective, some of your earlier chapters have typos throughout, but nothing overly glaring. Maybe if you try reading the chaps out loud before you publish them you'll be able to catch more of them ;)
2601721 You're right with everything so far except for the part about Psych. If you recall chapter 3:
"I'm Grief, sorrow, pain, everything anypony would hate in their lives."-Psych
Thanks for the review and for the tip. I'm sure it'll help me the the future.
I knew i didn't have psych right >.<

You need to write MOAR,
And fast.
Probably should have figured his sooner.
Anyways, I believe that Solstice is going to be recieving some 'whoopass' after this >.<
Oh Solstice, you Stupid Rockheaded Unicorn! just think about what you did! You'll be lucky you don't get you or your brothers pounded into pony dust!! urgh, boys
anyways, it's not like I'm trying to hold out on the boys having happy endings anyways...
Shit is constantly hitting the fan.


Somehow I don't think the un-named ponies are on girls or boys sides.
Sounds like the incarnation of Cruelty has a few issues.
I have absolutly no idea what to say.
Poor colt. He must have been rather young when the last time light 'attacked'. I highly doubt that Shy's friends will ever let her see him again.
(And OMG! The brothers and the Elements need to sit down and have a tit-for-tat Q&A session before shit's unrepairable.)
Damnit Psych >.<
Wow just wow i thought psych was just a sadistic ass
and now you drop this huge load if character development on me this whole time i thought he was something like pain or fear doubt or even shame but now you go and tell me he is grief the feeling of loss and sadness
great now i have sympathy for a psycopath well its not the first time and i doubt it will be the last well allons y cant wait for the next chapter
Applejack! Applejack! APPLEJAAAACK!
Hooves/hands/other sort of limb up, who got the reference?
That was a good MGS reference. In other news FUCK YOU PSYCH! Oh man I hope Pinkie shows up. I'd say she'd be to Psych what Flutters was to Ash.
*heaves a great sigh*
I was really holding out that he wouldn't blow a potential happy ending for at least one of his brothers >.<
His powers, how do they work? If they influence the targets mind then they shouldn't be dodgeable. But they are. And physical objects affect them too… but… what… huh? It makes absolutly no sense!
2934256Think of it like this when he uses his powers his eyes glow so ergo his powers are based on visual contact if your a Naruto fan its like the sharingan illusion if you don't look at the eyes you don't fall under the illusion and it needs to be solid eye contact nothing in the way so no boxes forcefields or sunglasses even and im pretty sure it doesn't work with a mirror but i have no way to be sure another good comparison would be medusa if you don't look directly at her eyes you don't turn to stone
2937520 Eye contact isn't necessary. When Psych used his powers on Rarity, he was looking at her, but his powers had also affected several other ponies including Caramel, Raindrops and Colgate at the same time. Psych wasn't looking at them (he didn't even notice in the first place that they were being affected.) nor was he looking at the crowd the spy was watching from.
Objects, either physical or magical, do block his powers, but what you need isn't just eye protection. Sunglasses won't be enough to stop him.
2938213noted i will keep that in mind in the future
Faust-damnit boys! Get your so-called brother and (idk) throw him in the Canterlot Catacombs or something before he gets the rest of you all killed!!!!
Ignore the rant above, it's pretty much along the lines of what I said last time >.<
I'll be interested in seeing if there ends up being anything redeeming about Psych in the end.
Psych, you are now on the List. You are at the TOP of the List. Was I really like that? Please tell me I wasn't like that. He needs some serious attitude adjustment.
i've got nothin to add
He realizes the whole "blinding death light" thing is caused by imbalance, right? Between light and dark? Well, let's do a quick anal-y-cyst here. The Elements of Harmony. Twilight, Magic of Friendship, accepts she's near-psychotic at times. Pinkie, Element of Laughter, has considered and more than likely accepted she's annoying. AJ, Honesty, accepts she's stubborn, Rainbow accepts she's lazy, even Rarity accepts she's greedy, which is the exact opposite of her Element. Notice a trend?
They all accept what's good AND bad about them, and Light is flooding the place.
Elements of Garglesplarsh (it ain't Discord, cause Solstice is the Magic of Discord), on the other hand, have 4 colts who deny they have a dark side and 2 who bathe in it like a Khorne demon bathes in blood. At least one of them feels bad about it. And because of that, there's no darkness to, I dunno, eat the excess light?They're clogging the dark-drain with their emotional-baggage-hair clumps and it's gross. The rest of the universe needs to use that thing too, guys. It's like taking a dump in the chocolate tube of a Reeces factory so now it's all just peanut butter.
It's like he lined up an entire tank brigade and individually trained each an every man in them JUST so he could shoot himself in the foothoof and blow it off. He's like a master at being awful at being in control. Cannot wait to see him get dick-punched once it really hits him he's just the ILLUSION of Grief and he pisses off someone who's got more than smoke and mirrors.
I'm going to find a way to go to the version of THIS Equestria where humans are immune to magic and slap him stupid. Really? Covering faults with friendship? What are you, a one-off G.I. Joe PSA villain? It should be obvious, PAINFULLY OBVIOUS, to both of them that isn't true. You don't sweep what's wrong with your friends under the rug, you accept that they have that problem and you care about them ANYWAY, or if you're good enough friends, try to help them with that problem. Honestly? I'm a little ashamed of both of them. Psych for REALLY believing that, because why else would you DISOWN YOUR FAMILY, and post-Discord Twilight for falling for that again. Your friends have your back, how many Eldritch Abominations do you need to turn to stone with them for that to sink in? Call up Slenderman if you need another, that Slender craze is dying down and I'm sure he doesn't have anything else to do.
I wish I was Pinkie so I could point out that HE isn't going to win either.
Yes, every time a pony, or person, is happy, they are almost certainly going to be sad again. But you know what, then they are ALMOST CERTAINLY going to be happy again, even after YOU (Psych) die. Neither one of you (Pinkie or Psych) or your opposing forces (Laughter and Grief) can POSSIBLY win this war for two reasons.
One cannot exist without the other, it just CAN'T.
If you're happy all the time, then you're from the Giver and what you're experiencing isn't happiness, it's a muted, dull approximation of satisfaction.
If you grieve all the time, then at some point you'll run out of things to grieve over. A stage of GRIEF is acceptance. If you don't eventually accept that it'll get better, then you aren't grieving because you have to remove yourself from the entire grief process to avoid accepting it, so you'll just end up with the emotional equivalent of a permanent tummy-ache because you can never cut through that really crushing grief you feel before it gets better.
2: YOU AREN'T IN A WAR. Just because Night and Day do not exist in the same place at the same time does not mean they try to out do each other at every opportunity. They allow time to naturally flow, giving each of them their time. Same with emotions.
It seems, in this world, that trying to force that kind of imbalance has a natural disaster that comes with it. So HOW, exactly, is he so sure that if Equestria was a Crapsack rather than a Utopia that there wouldn't be flaring darkquakes? He obviously doesn't want that, hard to make people suffer if they don't FETHIN' EXIST, ain't it? Anyway, this IS a good story, and it's BECAUSE this guy is so dense. He seems so OP in earlier chapters, but finding these holes in his cracked demented logic is really bringing him down. Of course, I can't wait for his comeuppance to SHOU KEN his jaw so hard his head spins.
Why must all the authors release their story's at night? Come on guys/girls i need sleep but you keep stealing it also yay new chapter bring on the awesome
Keep m coming pal I'm still loving this story
Also one mistake i found was in the conversation between rarity and twilight you forgot the stay
You have a mighty story here. I think you should definatly have more likes.
Braille? Don't you mean… Braylle?
I believe solstice would be science. Usually magic is disproved or cancelled out with a scientific explanation or alternative.
it's supost to be big right?