What happened in that place where a young mare used to live for thousand years? How did she spent the time in a land of grey rocks?
Luna starts a mental journal, day by day, in order to keep her sanity against the loneliness. Sadly, that doesn't work and she completely loses her mind. Being alone for a long time is far too much for her.
Soon she begin to live weird and nosense adventures with her new non-existent friends, living in a magical land where nothing has a sense.
But her insanity is not as simple as it may look...
This is the long journal of a princess who wanted everything, but in the end didn't get nothing.
Notes: this fanfic contains a lot of nosense scenes, but it's not made to be exclusively random. Everything happens for a reason. Hope you'll enjoy it ^_^
And, remember, this was originally in italian, so if you find errors, please report them...
Original language: Italian Translated by TeoWolf82
The title, written in italian, is a sort of joke. In italian "Luna" means "Moon", so the title is translatable with both "Journal of the Moon" and "Luna's Journal".
Original link: here
This is a very interesting plot and you mannaged to entertain.
Well done to you both.
And good job with the translations! I think (And I'm a novice.) that you've done a fine job with this.
2068836 Oh, thank you so much
I understand it's just part of the translation carry over, but the description reads: "However, her mind doesn't last long against the loneliness and slowly she gets mad and lose herself in her own imaginary world."
It should be "However, her mind doesn't last long against the loneliness and slowly she goes mad and loses herself in her own imaginary world."
2069004 thanks for reporting ^_^
I like this idea, and I like the loneliness your story shows, especially the grey of the moon and the few sounds to keep Luna company. The English could be improved in a number of places, but it would take a long time to make a list. I didn't mind reading it as it was.
Thank you for sharing your story!
This is a really great story I like how she gives sounds their own personality
almost 2 years have gone by 998 years to go...... poor luna
2098114 And it's even sadder to know that she has another 988 to go
2098240 She'll have a lot of stuff to do
We will be glad if you give us a hint about what can be changed and translated in a better way!
Fixed some errors in the 2nd chapter.
E mettiamoci a leggere di nuovo traduzioni, dai!
Che magari stavolta รจ ben fatta (ho letto alcune fic tradotte (non da te) e sinceramente...
2235214 se vuoi ti linko l'originale in italiano XD
Non sarebbe una cattiva idea...
Yeah there are defiantly errors there, but I keep remembering "Hey this was originally in Italian so give the guy some slack" The story is understandable at least.
I really love this story. Detailing the 1,000 years Luna spent on the moon was genus. I'm starting to hate Celestia now
2355905 there are also a lot of jokes and a specific choosing of the word in the original version, so it's really hard to translate (chapter 4 will be very hard).
However thanks for the feedback, it mean a lot to me.
This is great! Technically she was bound into the moon. Hence the reason her face was on it (which disappeared after she returned). So a thousand years to everyone else was probably more like a second for her. Plus, even if there was insanity, remember that she was Nightmare at the time, so I doubt Luna received the mental lashing, Nightmare Moon did.
Of course, that doesn't make Celestia any less of a troll. After all, if the Elements could so easy save Luna and Celestia used the Elements to seal her. She could have used the Elements to free Luna from Nightmare Moon.
Of course, I could be grasping for breaks because I feel sorry for her. Celestia, you bitch!
3089387 There's an explanation for what exactly happened before the banishment, answers in the next chapters (the italian version is currently at chapter 9, but the translation slowed down).
You'll soon see how the story becomes more and more complicated and...
Are you sure that everything Luna is experiencing now isn't just a dream she had while she was bounded into the moon?
"Are you sure that everything Luna is experiencing now isn't just a dream she had while she was bounded into the moon?"
Oh my...
This is great and hilarious! I look forward to reading the rest!
Oh, god, how long is this hiatus?
Guys, i'm sorry, but i had very BIG problems with family and the translator.
This is an awsome and halirous story