Now that Discord has successfully been reformed, it has given him another chance to get closer to the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. Old flames will rekindle as these two take the journey to the altar. Along this journey, Discord may just have to learn that to love another means to make compromises at times. Is he finally ready to put his old ways to rest once and for all so he can be with the love of his immortal life, or will temptation to wreak chaos consume him before he has a chance to say 'I do'?
Not bad! Could use with maaaaybe a bit more slowing down/description at the beginning (a lot of 'she's) but overall pretty well-done.
Only thing I had a bit of an issue with....
Personally, the wedding kind of threw me for a loop.
So they loved each other.
He turns evil.
Discord gets imprisoned for 1000 years.
He gets released, wrecks havoc all over the place.
Turned to stone AGAIN. (after being EVIL)
Released, and reformed.
Doesn't give the romance much of a chance to develop, which was what I was expecting, since he'd be back for the first time in 1000 years.
Just my two cents. I am happy to see a reformed-discord story
Well hi there! I honestly wasn't expecting feedback, so thank you first of all.
If it's any consolation, I'll be revisiting how they initially got together and fell back in love in a flashback of sorts, spanning over a chapter or two perhaps, and rest assured that part of him that's chaotic and could possibly revive his evil nature will play a part in it all. It's something that should most definitely be addressed. 
That is something I suppose I overlooked. I guess I was ultimately too excited to jump right into the plot of the wedding and what comes after, but that's no excuse I know.
And hey thanks for checking this out! I'm just happy to know it's being read.
2050969 Looks like that first reply wasn't posted properly. Sorry!
Hmm, I must admit, while I love this story, it does kind of feel like something is missing. Maybe add a bit of backstory as to how Celestia and Discord suddenly got to this point later in the story?
Other than that, yeah, I look forward to more.
Seems enjoyable.

As has been said before, I was hoping for a little more information about Discord's past with Celestia, but I guess we'll hear about that later. Can't wait to read more! More specifically can't wait to read about Discord's visit to Fluttershy!
I really like this so far, especially how you write Discord. :D
So far this is very cool. I like where its going and there seems potential for some Flutterdash (which would then mean both OTPs are in one story
I like how in character everypony feels so far, even with the romance between the two. Luna's continuing reacitons toward the pair is also great
and I can see her unwillingly assisting her sister the whole way.
I find it funny how Celestia and Discord have gotten together so quickly. This is going to be interesting...
A nice, sweet start. Through I would like to know how long after Discord's release this has been, as it is a little jarring to jump straight to the wedding preperations.
Pwease, sir, can I haz moar?