• Member Since 10th Dec, 2012
  • offline last seen Aug 17th, 2018

Fire Angel


Jonathon has been living peacefully in Equestria for a few years now. But then the man who cursed him returns. Will Jonathon fight him, or will he release his curse and live a normal life.

Chapters (13)
Comments ( 192 )

yay now I don't have to kill him! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

Now Dragonball P. Srsly add comedy tag ;p

FINE! I'll add your comedy tag.

How'd I get over there?
I Dunno

It's pinkie. Question answered.:ajbemused:

2008395 If you hurt him, and I'll get my tools *gets out large butchers knife*

Hey everypony! I'm starting to run low on good ideas. Hence why some of my stories haven't been updated. If you have any ideas, shoot me a PM or write in the comment section that you have an idea, and I'll get the stories making again.

Thanks. Pinkie scares me.:fluttershyouch:

2019019you are welcome, but I'm the result of Pinkie getting caught and sent to death
for the Cupcakes crimes. I'm working towards redemption, so anywhere I can help, just
give me a shout:pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

hello my friend. Ideas you need? than we are in business. and I brought a friend. OH TIA!
Tia: hello. I'm Celestia. Demon Pie and I would like to help with your situation. Hello Vega.

try this: Shadow is the one who gave Jon his curse in disguise. Or have something happen
that makes him choose: his life? Or Chrysalis's?

I'll look into it. And Celestia, I would watch out. Right now, you in some big trouble.:ajbemused:

Awww thanks. If you need ideas, you know where to find me.

The demon returns and corrupts Chrysalis and turns her against Jon.
Celestia bravely sacrifices her life when the demon tries to kill Luna.

there ya go! more ideas from your favorite demon: ME!

welp, you could:applejackunsure: . . . add Derpy to the mix or something, maybe:rainbowderp:? just suggesting:moustache: . . .

Thanks. If you have anymore ideas, send them in PMs so there aren't any spoilers.

by celestia man:trollestia:, you are adding everything that pops into your brain to the story, arent ya:raritywink:? this could no longer get more epic:applejackconfused: . . . it only gets more awesomely epic:trollestia:.

Well, you can thank Demon pie for the ideas. He's been a big help. If you have ideas, send me a PM and I'll get back to you.

Amazing. Simply amazing.

Thank you for the great chapter. Honestly, you are the first to like my ideas:twilightblush:

Well, I'm not the only one.
Chrysalis: I simply love the ideas you have been giving us. I hope you have some more for us.

2161763 Nights: Oh, he'll have ideas. After he spends the day with me. *coos*
H-Help! Nightmare Moon's goin- *vanishes as Nights teleports us away*
Pinkie: he'll be fine

*sighs* Chrysalis?
Chrysalis: *teleports you back* You alright.

Bravo! Good chapter! and ideas have come.

2182416 I have 2 involving Sky: a happy and an evil. which one do you want?

Probably the former. I don't think Midnight wants his OC to look bad. And he's a friend, so I dont want to piss him off.

2182454 than I guess Chrysie found that special somepony, no?

Hmm.... I like it. But I'll have to ask Midnight about it first. after all, it is his OC.

LunarPrince369 I am loving the stories but please make the chapthers longer.

I can't really. If I make them too long, it will take me longer to get them out. If you want them longer, I'm sorry. I can't do that unless you want to wait longer for the chapters.

What about his lil' sis and Bro remember they have his powers as well.

I might do that later on, but this is mainly focusing on Jonathon, Chrysalis, and Luna.

GRAZIE! that was an awesome chapter! and no, I'm not saying that cause my OC made it into the chapter, that is part of the reason, but because he was written out perfectly. thank you!

WHY DID JON HAVE TO LOSE HIS POWERS WHY-Y-Y-Y-Y!!!!!! :raritydespair::raritydespair::raritydespair:

He hasn't. It will be explained in the next chapter.

HAHAHA wow lunarprince this story is epic although luna being sad makes me sad (sadface) what was that mike? nothing Luna

Awwww the daw is huge in this chap. i would never cry WHAT thats such a lie woona what did you just call me ummmm nothing WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT CALLING ME THAT!(starts crying) damnit luna im sorry (hugs her) (looks at me with tear soaked eyes for a moment) your so gullible WHAT! HAHAHAHA

Comment posted by mikethealicorn deleted Mar 7th, 2013

HAHA this is epic.....wait I've said that before.....anyways it wouldn't be a comment from me with my companion luna now would it. Luna? im not your "companion" im only here because you helped me in that forest ouch luna......that hurt aww im sorry are you going to cry yes (sob) stop crying no (sob sob) (makes the most adorable face ever) pwetty pwease DIABETES!!!!! (Falls over)

yay! That was awesome! I especially love how Draco figured out his feelings.:pinkiehappy:

Pretty good story, but might I recommend slowing down a bit? You are kinda rushing the storyline along a bit and it is making it short, dry, and not very interesting. I hope that you heed this advice. I will be watching to see how this plays out:twilightsmile:

Ive heeded that advice from so many people now. Just, let me figure out how I'm going to do that.

2248046 Alright man, I don't mean to be a dick or tell you how to write your story, I'm just trying to help you make it get better ratings and help you become more recognized.
Good luck!:rainbowdetermined2:



Yes! This just screams greatness!

wow a sequel to a sequel who knew?!:rainbowlaugh:

2266082 What? Prince and I have too many ideas for just one story. Besides, Draco hasn't had much to bring to the table yet, but he will, and when he does, it will be badass.

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