• Member Since 28th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Just a dude who writes mainly clop with some action and some GrimDark on the side. Also, If you don’t like futa, you may have a bad time here :P ;)

Comments ( 108 )
Comment posted by Pinkamena777 deleted Jan 23rd, 2013

Oooh boy... This got me all hot and bothered. More.

Anthropomorphism = Furfaggotry. Furfaggotry is not needed.

Hmm. My previous comment is getting dislikes.:pinkiehappy:


2027360 u are 1 ****ing cheeky kunt mate i swear i am goin 2 wreck u i swear on my mums life and i no u are scared lil bitch gettin your mates to send me messages saying dont meet up coz u r sum big bastard with muscles lol ****in sad mate really sad jus shows what a scared lil gay boy u are and whats all this crap ur mates sendin me about sum bodybuildin website that 1 of your faverite places to look at men u lil ****in gay boy fone me if u got da balls cheeky prick see if u can step up lil queer


Not the angry aussie! NOT THE ANGRY AUSSIE!!!!:raritycry:

2027595 You better believe it

2027360 Furfags 4 lief

Furfaggotry is ruining this fandom. Anthro ponies are not the ponies we love, they're twisted abominations. Just like fluffy ponies. :twilightsmile:


Humanized 4 lyfe. Anthro is an unfair middleground, at least with humanized you have to take your downvote lumps like a man. :raritydespair:

Edit: Though I upvoted this because it's important to be polite.

Humanized = kind of ok, although I don't really see the point of humanizing a pony character. I mean, cute little ponies are what we're here for, right?
Pony = ok.
Anthro = not ok.
You see, anthro ponies are no longer ponies we know and love. They're a new, completely different creatures and have nothing to do with MLP ponies. In my opinion any anthro story is an off-topic on this website. I'm just sayin'.


Eh, as a Humanized writer I can see the point of human fics. Like, dark fics staring pony's just always come across as so silly to me, even the ones that are supposed to be fantastic like Fallout Equestria, simply because of the fact the protagonists are cute ponies. Having them human makes them more empathetic and relatable, in my view. (and it makes shipping a little less weird to read about.)

But to each his own, I suppose.

technically the ponies in MLP G4 are anthro. They do human things and move their limbs like a human, ignoring the real-life limitations of a pony. They just have hooves instead of hands and feet and walk on all fours.


just have hooves instead of hands and feet and walk on all fours.

And therefore, they're not anthropomorphic! :rainbowlaugh:

you're a silly goose. I actually read somewhere that the ponies were anthropomorphized since MLP Tales (G1.5), I believe. Though in Tales they did a hell of a lot more human stuff than the G4 ponies did.

And I read that people milk chickens in Moscow. G4 ponies do not have any human features. As you mentioned, they don't have hands and feet, walk on all fours, etc. Even if they are anthropomorphic (which they aren't) why did you point out that your characters are anthropomorphic? In the description, I mean.

At one point you say that your characters are anthropomorphic, and then you say that the original characters are anthropomorphic too. If that's the case, what's the difference? WE DON'T AGREE WITH MYSELF!!! :raritycry:

... You're confusing. show me

You wrote:

technically the ponies in MLP G4 are anthro.

But in your description you said:

Anthropomorphic versions of MLP characters

What was the point of doing that, if in your opinion the MLP characters are already anthropomorphic? You have anthropomorphic versions of anthropomorphic characters now?

because the G4s aren't considered to be anthro. So, I wrote that keeping the majority of the fans in mind.

Bah. You're boring, you know that? Anyways, your like-to-dislike ratio isn't that great. I'm gonna go have fun in someone else's comets. :pinkiehappy:

want more...:applejackconfused:
where did these stories come from .where can I get the comic from :pinkiehappy:

They're all from my mind as well as my RP buddies'. Though one of them may actually make comics for these. Not sure yet.

To Sabban: his ratio for this story alone is better than any of your ratios so :rainbowwild:
To Pinkamena666: this is an epic clopfic and I look forward to reading more chapter. For the first chapeter, I will give you :moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache::moustache: out of a possible 5

Sabban is a troll... but he amused me so I'll let him get away with it :pinkiehappy::pinkiecrazy:

A solid chapter to kick this off.

Sounds like Twilight has been writing Fanfiction herself - a rape fantasy at that.
You naughty girl, Twily :twilightsmile:

2029458 It's a rather well-known copy pasta


WAIT! Is this a real comic??:rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh:

2031611Dammit. Where'd you get the pic then?

2028470Ugh........GO AWAY! PLEASE!! MY BRAIN CELLS ARE DYING JUST READING YOUR COMMENTS! You've made your point, so just fuck off.:ajbemused::ajbemused:

The Twilight reading a book pic I got from Google. The text I added myself.

2031662Wow, really? Good job mate!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I love it, too bad it's not a comic.

2029465 Yeah,i like TO!!!!!!!!!!!!!.......................................................................................................................................................
.....................................................PARTY HARD!!!

I have never seen a clopfic as crazy as this >-< I swear, Brian(From Banned from Equestria Daily :3) would just go nuts.(I'm stuck in his Steam group, y'know. I just won't leave):yay:

'Tis a good thing right?

Do you actually know Brian who made that game?

No, but I always watch his livestreams when the Steam event comes up.(Epic French accent!)

No, it's not. The cover is made to only LOOK like one.

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