• Member Since 18th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 27th, 2023


Dunno. I write shit.Simple as that. Okay? Okai. crackheads unite


On hiatus, but I'm back in the fandom and plan to continue writing soon!
Lost and afraid, a strange figure wandered the streets, avoiding getting near people as she walked and drawing strange looks from many of those people passing by. She finally took refuge in an abandoned building, sitting in the corner, her knees pressed up against her chest, confused, trying to figure out what had happened. She was a strange sight indeed, a greyish-pink dress, a darker faded pink hair color, and big liquid blue eyes that showed her fear all on their own.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 12 )

So far, I like this. In terms of grammar, there aren't enough errors for it to be anything more than normal (although you may want to touch up the second paragraph of chapter 1), and the story doesn't fall flat anywhere.
A.K.A It's good.
Punky-ish Pinkamina? I can dig it.
Also, I'm getting a feeling that you, the author, are Allen Ross in a spiritual sense. If even only a small reference point for the character itself.
At any rate, keep up the good work. I'd like to see more of this.

Yeah it's kind of an exaggeration of me, give or take the fact that he's good looking.
I just found out there was a guy named Allen Ross who was murdered.
I was like.
Bitch why you gotta go an ruin my characters name.

Will read later, can't now though.

No computer during the week.

I'm lucky I'm on now...

Eagerly awaiting more :scootangel:

Oh, poor Pinkie Pie, here in our horendous world.:pinkiesad2::raritydespair::applecry:

Was it like a tattoo, or did she find a pink marker, or was it written on the shirt? I's confused.:rainbowhuh:

Just think of it like that Glitter glue stuff that they use on Tshirts.
She used that kind of thing of the back of the boxers.

Oh, okay, disregad my comment on chapter 2.


The first few days were a bit awkward for them both, she was still nervous and having trouble finding the words to say at times, and he still trying to figure out what it was about her that felt so strange. But as the days passed, they grew closer, and she began to smile more than frown, her grasp on words growing more solid, and her fearful attitude subsiding. In about a week’s time, they’d grown closer through their own separation from the outside world.

That paragraph... Like, you just told me in a few sentences something I was looking forward to reading over the course of multiple chapters. You just jumped so far ahead in their relationship... Romance isn't about two characters having a relationship; it's about two characters building a relationship.

Also, a minor complaint: you said that pink arrow was on the back of her shirt, even though I sort of got the feeling that you meant it to be, like, a tattoo. And you didn't say where "Pinkamena" was. Maybe being a big Memento fan is just making this give me that amnesiac-has-information-as-tattoos vibe.

There's still a lot of relationship to build.
I only skipped a week ahead.
And as for the rest, yeah.
I'm still rather, to be blunt, inexperienced still. So I'm learning.

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