• Member Since 8th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Feb 22nd, 2017

Midnight Sprint


The girls face old threats and new methods of madness, when a strange force pulls a new friend into their land. In a startling crossover, the Captain of the Starship Enterprise finds himself trying to adjust to a VERY different culture, while the residents of Ponyville try to understand his presence. When his presence coincides with a dangerous sign in Canterlot, Twilight and the Captain both begin to put the pieces together, and come to a realization. With little more than suspicion to go on, they seek their friends, and attempt to remedy the situation, despite strange obstacles and hidden information. While the Captain and his new friends struggle to confront their old enemy, he also seeks to find a way back to his ship. With his new friends, he may learn more than just a way home.

I started this fanfiction a while back, and long before I knew about the new "Keep Calm and Flutter On" episode; so keep in mind that this is to take place before the events of that episode.

Chapters (15)
Comments ( 53 )

Hope any readers enjoy this work of mine. Hope you all like it! :twilightblush: If you're interested in ST/MLP crossover, don't forget to check out the group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/1191/star-trek-ponies.

I like it so far. Keep it up:ajsmug:


Thanks so much! I really appreciate that!

I would've thought that Lyra would be the first one to approach the human.

Yeah I can the word "discord" never meaning the same thing again to Twilight... I know for a fact that I can never look at it the same way.

I can just see Discord hiding out in the background laughing his ass off while Picard explains who Q is with those descriptions... Such as chaotic and spreading discord. Hehehehehehe....

HAH!!!! I knew I was the only one to imagine any of the mane 6 humanized in a Starship Enterprise uniform except with THEIR color instead of the standard ones.

Lyra used butt in action!
It was super effective!:rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:
Leave it to Lyra to pop up in a humanization spell.


Right? lol I originally didn't intend to use Lyra, but after a little bit I was like, "Ya know what, let's do this."

And yeah, I mean, it makes sense to me to have them in the uniforms like that. If they got transformed by something/someone like that, it would probably make them still be them, just in a human body! :moustache:

1943109 I freaking love Lyra and her strangeness!! :rainbowlaugh:
Truthfully I have always wanted to see what were to happen if the roles were reversed and the mane six got not only humanized by Discord, but also got transported to the bridge with those said uniforms and just to see the crews reaction of them.

This is getting better and better. This should be lovely. =3
Keep going! :pinkiehappy:

Another of these. With humanization added for chaotic effect.
Decently written to boot.
I approve, fav, track and follow.

Am I gonna be the only one who finds Lyra's presence in this story very humorous? Seriously!!! But now I have to wonder to myself... Anyone else notice that Pinkie Pie is taking being turned human exceptionally well?

They always sought a method of subduing and stopping their adversaries, rather than inflicting any harm if possible.

...So how painful is it to be turned to stone?

“If Discord finds her and Dash before we do, who knows what’ll happen!”

How about the same thing he has been doing to all of you?


Well, Discord didn't seem to be hurt by the stone, aside from being stuck, so in regards to the Elements effecting him, probably not painful at all. Probably just freezing.
And lol. You never know if or when Discord will step things up. :derpytongue2:

Does this mean Q is Discord in this story? I'm liking the story, though I'm not sure about that idea; Discord's too evil to be Q...

2308422 I guess we'll have to wait and see! Knowing both Q and Discord, anything's possible. :twilightsheepish:

2314539 I don't know. I don't think that the Q continuum would have let him free if he was Discord. Chaos is one thing, evil entirely another one.

nice to see you've updated! :pinkiehappy:

Yep! Haven't forgotten! Life's been a little weird lately, but I plan to keep this going until it's done. :raritywink:

Discord isn't Q after all, or a member of the continuum. Which make's the question. What are Discord's origins? How does he have all this power?

turn you into a llama

Or maybe turn him into a flea, and put the flea in a box, and mail the box back to himself, and then smash the box with a hammer?:derpyderp2:

Oh, dis is going to be good. Surprised Q let him remain in the human body though.

Lyra, you sneaky sneaky Unicorn you.

Well, this is Pinkie Pie we're talking about.

Good job Discord and Q, you broke time and space.

I like how the chess pieces are ponies and the other chess pieces are villains.

That's pretty damn clever.

2921797 But that'll cost a fortune in postage.

Video games? I wonder what he has in mind? Pokemon, Left 4 Dead... maybe Star Trek Online?

Star Trek Online.
Still hoping they get de Lancie to reprise his role as Q for that in the future.

Star Trek Online PLEASE?! >=3

3329624 I started with a different game I had been toying with using. At first I was a little wary about using Star Trek Online, but your suggestion for it (on top of a couple other people wanting it) gave me some inspiration. I don't know if I'll be able to fit in Star Trek Online in this fiction (which is already starting to get kinda long-ish, depending on what length you like your fanfictions). But I have a good idea I'd like to explore.

Not sure if STO could work anyways seeing how the only time you face another player is in PvP, and I think most people were suggesting that for...well, the obvious reasons.

Keep up the good work.

3779776 Yeah. One of my main concerns with having one of their games be STO, is that at that point it's almost just a straight up ST/MLP crossover. I think that ultimately, other games are better suited, but I still have an idea (that's not involving STO, but still Trek relevant) that I might just try out in a separate fiction.


If you're putting them in Video Games, they should totally go into GTA V.

Comment posted by Minevera deleted Aug 23rd, 2014

Headcanon is that Discord and Q are the same person; he's just majorly screwing with everyone.

It doesn't make sense, true, but what's the fun in making sense?

Aw shit, Wyndiego, the Windigo Equuimon.

Comment posted by Minevera deleted Dec 5th, 2014

4983950 Well Discord is based of Q just more choatic.

Well look what the cat dragged back to life. Nice to see this one being updated again.

2308422 Q could be posing as Discord, or Discord could be posing as Q, or they could both be two different Q.

No they shouldn't be cool with vampire fruit bats! That was just the writer not doing enough research.

Domesticated apples grow though human made means not from other animals. All those bats do is destroy AJ's produce.

I like this fic but it's tricky to comprehend what is written.

7223287 It had cohesion, but as I kept writing it just became too jumbled in my head, which made it hectic to attempt to put into writing. Granted the nature of two (essentially) chaotic entities clashing lends to poor cohesion, it didn't help my writing.

I've been in serious debate about just scrapping this story and discontinuing it.

Your link is broken :(

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