• Member Since 5th Aug, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 23rd, 2024



We all know the world didn’t end in 2012. But what if something did happen, something that would change the world forever… something involving ponies.
the equestrian year is 1012 and the stars are aligned so that the princesses can visit a civilization they haven't seen in over four and a half thousand years

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 18 )

Heck, i'm in, Where do I sign up? This is a disaster I can get behind. :twilightsmile:
(Might need a prereader to kill off the last typos. "...The captain of the royal guard manages to studier “Barricade?”... Study her? stutter?)

1885080 yes i do need a proofreader and i did wright have (hafe? how the heck do you spell it?) of this on new years eve, finished at 8:30

Ahh I see. Half was written in a hurry to get it out before Midnight. :raritywink: I might try a hoof at prereading the next part if you dont mind (how does that work here? use the message feature?

Typos and all that aside, this sounds like it might be fun. I think I'll hang around for this.

1887639 wait, half is spelled H A L F? i did not know that, you'd edit for me? seriously? this one i'm not going to be working on but i have a few others that i'm putting more time into

also is far as i'm aware you use PM to trade G-Doc accounts

So Equestria got teleported piece-wise all over the world, and every human turned into a pony. That's quite a fluff up.

Just. have. them. go. to. new york city. and paris. and united states and canada. ALL OVER THE WORLD FOR THE BEST STORY, PLEASE CONTINUE!

1888244 1885080 6157918
thanks for the encouragement but for the foreseeable futcher i will be working on other things and stories

Logarithmic power increase.... that'll happen

So, quickly at first, but then increasing very slowly, yet with no theoretical maximum limit?

more of exponentiating an exponent a linearly increasing amount of times
totally not accurate ex:
1 unit of magic power grants 1 cubic meter of effect
2 units of magic power =2^2 m3 =4 m3
3=3^3^3=27 m3
4=4^4^4^4 = 3.403x10^38th m3
5= way too much m8

GM Headcannon: magic normaly works liniarly [1 unit of magic can levitate 1 kg, 2=2...] but Luna's stars and chalk circals :derpyderp1: it up + the spell has a minimum requirement to activate...



n^n is uhm, second order tetration, which increases a lot faster than exponential, which is just O(e^n), and lot faster than the logarithm.

second order tetration? is that what that's called?
anyway it increases fast :twilightoops::rainbowderp::derpytongue2::rainbowhuh:

yeah, like... some fixed number raised to a power is exponentiation. 2^n, 3^n, 4^n, etc. It's more faster than multiplication like n*n instead of 2*n, n*n*n instead of 3*n, n*n*n*n instead of 4*n, etc. So tetration is to exponentiation, what exponentiation is to multiplication.
1+1+...a times => a
n+n+...a times => a*n
n*n*n*...a times => a^n
n^n^n^n...a times => a^^n (tetration)

Interestingly the factorial increases faster than exponentiation, but slower than tetration. Eh, maybe not interestingly.

incidentally, "buteic" => "boutique"

Blame the French.

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