Harry Potter, in a fit of despair after his friends leave him on the hunt for horcruxes, is discovered by Nightmare moon who promises to give him a favor in return for serving her forever more. He accepts this offers.
Original idea by Darkened Paradise. Used with his knowledge. rest of the story is mine, first chapter is his with some small alterations.
Cover art is made with general Zoi's pony maker and will be what Harry currently looks like in the story.
OK i normal hate hero turns vilan story's but this is good
It will be interesting to see where this will go.
1884901 thank you.
'Nuff said.
The only thing I could suggest is to increase the spacing between new paragraphs, for example This:
“What magic is this?” Voldemort hissed, feeling fear for the first time in many years.
“I am the Avatar of the Eternal Night Queen,” the creature that had been Harry Potter said, its voice sounding like a distortion between male and female. “This is the magic that will be your doom!”
Before anyone had a chance to react, the self-proclaimed avatar spread its wings, lightning crackling between the metal pieces as they lightly touched each other, and dashed forward. The Death Eaters, in a panic, tried to cast Killing Curses, but to no avail. The creature just raised one of its arms, forming a knight shield bearing a full moon. The spells did nothing but bounce of its majestic exterior, ricocheting them back to their casters, killing them instantly. One of the spells bounced onto Nagini, killing her instantly.
Becomes this:
“What magic is this?” Voldemort hissed, feeling fear for the first time in many years.
“I am the Avatar of the Eternal Night Queen,” the creature that had been Harry Potter said, its voice sounding like a distortion between male and female. “This is the magic that will be your doom!”
Before anyone had a chance to react, the self-proclaimed avatar spread its wings, lightning crackling between the metal pieces as they lightly touched each other, and dashed forward. The Death Eaters, in a panic, tried to cast Killing Curses, but to no avail. The creature just raised one of its arms, forming a knight shield bearing a full moon. The spells did nothing but bounce of its majestic exterior, ricocheting them back to their casters, killing them instantly. One of the spells bounced onto Nagini, killing her instantly
This looks like it has some potential. I'll follow and see where it goes.
1886151 Is it better?
Just posting to tell you guys that the 2nd chapter in being written, but I'm not sure when it will be ready.
On that note, Does any one want to help me find a cover art for the story and/or proof read it.
1887283>>1886151>>1885401>>1884970>>1884931>>1884901 Anyone here know how to Write Applejack's accent.
1888514 try watchin some applejack episodes if that does not help read some applejack fan fics and if that does not help drink an applejack
1888857 I'm just not sure on how to actually type the words really. I'm fairly confident on how she should sound.
1889119 watch larry the cable guy.why?
1889229 I'll figure something out.
Great choice of image. Road to eldorado.
1889307 thank you oh have you tried talking in a southern acsent whiel wrighting here lines?
1889352 No I cant say I have.
Don't. Just mention that she has it. Applejack's Accent isn't that heavy anyway.
1889701 I'll just do that than and let you guys imagine her accent.
Much better. Good work.
wait? d d did you just killed harry? i dont know whether to be glad or mad that hes dead? so all be boght!
canterlock engage!
you freed harry from nightmere moons control
1899935 Did I really free harry, did i.
Also is it worth it it use google docs to upload these chapters?
1899975 i dont know? oh umm do you mind if i do a video revue of this?
1900025 Video revue?
1900076 yah know free publisaty for your fic?
1900125 sure why not.
1900168 thank you i will link you the video when its done
You have to capitalize Harry...
great chapter. one gripe thoe. there are unicorns in the harry potter univerce other than that woundafull
1939666 Where?
1939669 Please clarify.
In most places, actually.
Most of the times you use Harry, it's not capitalized.
1939735 Really? I thought I had fixed that problem. let me take a look.
1939735 It should be fixed now.
THIS IS an Swesoem Story [
Can I get in on this? The idea did come from me originally after all.
...well, after reading this, I kinda have an idea where you're going...but you're execution is WAY off.
Grammar and spelling errors are the primary focal point of what's bringing this down (for me anyways). If you want, I'll beta it for you and help it along.
In the first book, there are Unicorns in the Forbidden Forest.
1944399 don't worry you are already mentions in the video as the origanl creator of the story
1944417 oh do you know where i can find a nightmere moon laugh sound clip?
1944414 yes I need a Beta. Do it please. Also pm where you think the story is going.
(Joke) Alt. Title: Harry Plodder, Blight Of Bufoons
2009356 Why?
Amazing fic, only problem is that chapters are too short, i prefer around 2000 words
hope it helped!
2009511 Chapters aren't very difficult to write actually. I am just a horrible procastinator which is why they are so short. I just put it off until a day and write a chapter.
You got the name of the family that made the Hallows wrong. It's Perevil, not Peverril.
2031158 actually is Peverell.
Could you tell me where it is in the chapter so I can fix it.
2031158 I got it right.