Cheerilee has invited a very special guest to read stories to her class. Unfortunately, she apparently didn't know who that guest speaker was...
I was born in a place called Cockermouth. That's all you need to know.
Cheerilee has invited a very special guest to read stories to her class. Unfortunately, she apparently didn't know who that guest speaker was...
Oh my giddy aunt
Um, that story was... interesting.
hello there i have a group called villains of Equestria i would love for your to join and with your permission i would like to add your story to one of the folders
Discord as the Fonz? My life is now complete.
1863284 Go for it.
1863335 thank you
Yes this is a good horsie fic :3
Somepony needs to send a copy of the book that discord was reading to princess Celestia.
Classic Discord XD Ruining fairy tales, not a big shocker.
King Sombero: Crystal Slaves! *everyone is bound except for Chrysarella
And some people wonder why i laugh so hard XD
I thought it was just the Fonz, Human Fonz. Discord called him a Draconequis, Either as a trick or just because he's a fanboy. But what you said might be right instead.
1863751 how? they are on a floating rock in the void.(minecraft?)
1865061 Anything is possible in the land of my little pony.
That was a wonderful day!!! Why did you not mention the stalking Doctor?
whats the next story discord will parody
1888858 Snow White and the Seven Diamond Dogs is the next chapter. I almost had it done but I decided to rewrite it because my phrasing and my grammar are terrible. I mean I'm glad you guys still enjoyed this, but fuck I need to work on editing better.
1889730 no worries it sounds awsome
1889730 and aries543 asked in the most angelic voice anyone ever heared : please write another chapter, i'd love it so very much!
Oh goddammit, I was going to can this story, but y'all apparently liked it enough to want me to continue. Well, I've got finals this week so probably no next chapter until this weekend or some other time. Either way, I guess I should probably buckle down and start writing again.
I died laughin'.
Is this story dead? It's one of the best out there, please continue!
Please write more mr. Author!