• Member Since 27th Apr, 2012
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Spartan-Guy 88


One day, Rarity asks Twilight for assistance in finding a Special Somepony. Twilight is more than happy to oblige her friend...

...except for the fact that Twilight secretly has a crush on her. Hilarity and awkwardness soon follows.

My first FiM story. Don't be too harsh.

Set before the events of Magical Mystery Cure

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 76 )
Comment posted by ronaaaaaaaldooooo deleted Dec 27th, 2012

Great story so far!
both Rarity and Twilight appears to be in character, and, not only this, its well-written to be taken with a good flow (but don't take that too heavily from me, i'm not a writter of any sort and i have no ideia how to write a good story :derpytongue2:)
... but i just don't understand why Twilight would just scream out of Anger/sadness, this doesn't seem twilight-ey...just sayin, but then again, don't take that too heavily from me!
Looking forward for the next chapter

I like it. Kudos mi amigo. I'm crap at the Twirity from Twilight's end, but this is my favorite ship, so you have my support. Peace out, Sam :eeyup:

"create some graphs and charts to narrow the research" LOL THATS SO TWILIGHT :twilightblush:

keep it up mate:pinkiecrazy:


Because from the description of the story and from Spike's line about Twilight telling Rarity that she's got a crush on her... Twilight basically chickened out on telling her. :twilightoops:

That will be further explained in the next chapter.

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Thank you so much for mentioning that. When drafting this story I did take Spike into account, and like I said, the reason he's okay with Twilight having a crush on Rarity will be explained. Thanks for your input.

There's plenty of ships out there that I'm in support of (both the massive amount of fan-made ones and the sadly minimal canon ones), but it's still fantastic that there's a fellow Raritwi fan out there.

Yup, wouldn't be Twilight without some of her research-y moments. :twilightblush:

Are you KIDDING ME?!? I am sick and tired of people talking about this freaking Lyra loving humans thing. It's one thing if it just comes up once in a rare while, but lately EVERYONE just seems to feel the need to add it, even at times when it is in no way relevant to the plot. It's driving me nuts! I was really enjoying the story until you jumped on the freaking bandwagon with the stupid Lyra thing.
What I want to see is a fic where Lyra sees a human and runs away in terror, yelling "what is that thing?" Once again, it wouldn't be the whole fic of course, but just a tiny cameo to go against the rumors.

it is just a single line, just ignore it.

1881244 i was thinking about writing a fanfic and NOT having lyra love humans

Well I'm sorry to hear that you're not a fan of the "Lyra Obsessed With Humans" meme. And I respect your opinion.

But I just want you to know that it was only one or two lines in this chapter, something that has a VERY LITTLE effect to the overall main storyline. And if I ever do decide to have Lyra appear once again in the story, I assure you, that the meme about Lyra that I happen to find quite humorous won't detract from the main story. So I urge you to reconsider your decision to not give this story a chance. If you still don't want to read it, that's your choice too, but that's not going to stop me from writing it.

Now have a mustache and and nice day to go with it.


I did finish the story, you can be assured of that; I said those things like the Lyra loving humans are things that make me think about giving up reading the fic, but they rarely actually do drive me away. Other things that have that effect on me (especially because they're so dang overused) are:
1) The idea that Dr. Whooves is a time lord. For one thing, I've never seen Dr. Who, so when they make all these dang references it just feels like they're taunting me.
2) The idea that Derpy is a mailmare. She has never been shown delivering mail, but 3 other ponies in Ponyville have; how many postal workers could a town the size of Ponyville possibly need? She was seen working with what was either a moving or package delivery company, not a mail truck.
3) The idea that Scootaloo is an orphan. It has never been confirmed; just because we haven't been shown her parents or house yet doesn't mean they don't exist, it's just because they've never been relevant to any episode.
4) The idea that Applejack's parents are dead. Again, it's not confirmed canon, and even the whole thing with the 2 shooting stars at the Apple Family Reunion doesn't prove anything; that's just the fandom's interpretation of a scene.
5) The idea that not only is Scootaloo flightless, but that she will never be able to fly because she has some kind of wing defect. Rainbow Dash explained that baby Pegasi get random surges of wing power once their wings start developing, and that's why Pound Cake is able to fly despite just being a foal. Scootaloo isn't a foal anymore, so she's beyond that point, but she's still not yet to the point where she can actually control her flight.

1. I'll be honest, I've never seen Doctor Who before either. But I kinda want to now though. And not just because it'll help me write any scenes in future stories with him in it (He won't appear in this one though), but also because it looks like a fun show.

2. I'll admit, I don't know where the idea of Derpy Hooves being a mail mare came from. I do plan on Derpy appearing in this story however, still haven't finalized where or how yet. Or if I'll mention the fanon mail mare thing.

3 and 4. I agree that Scootaloo being an orphan hasn't been proven yet. In fact my head canon is that she does have parents that have yet to be seen. As for Applejack's parents, I personally like to believe that they're deceased; but I did like how they addressed that in the show, by not mentioning it directly because it would be too dark for the target audience.

5. Well we haven't seen Scootaloo as a foal yet(?), but hey, she's now got Rainbow Dash taking the filly under her wing so... who knows.


Another one I forgot to add: The idea that Derpy is addicted to muffins. She said the word one time, while she was looking at a bunch of free muffins. It's not eve like it was a random out of context statement; it was perfectly appropriate to the context of the scene.

THIS. This is amazing.

Loving the Simpsons reference, nicely done. :twilightsmile:

its almost like Rarity wears nothing at all!
Nothing at all!
Nothing at all!

Ehh, just kidding, but she REALLY does wear nothing at all...
anyway, Keep up the good work!

Actuially, it was Colgate/Minuette who said it if you look/listen realllllllly carefully.
Assuming it's the same scene I'm thinking of:moustache:

Badass!! Good first chapter :) On to the second one :moustache:

GOOOOOOD STUFFF!!! :raritywink:


That makes the Derpy situation even more retarded. That means she never said muffins at all, and yet people think she's addicted to them.

Something I forgot to mention:

The inner monologues of Twilight Sparkle are inspired by Nail residing in Piccolo's head in Dragonball Z Abridged. I love that series.

I await the next chapter. Soon. Don't keep me waiting. :ajbemused:

needs more derpy but still great :D

I laughed way too hard because of the ending :rainbowlaugh:

Nice work mate, keep it up!

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Thanks for the support!

Be sure to keep your muffins ready... :raritywink:

Maybe there isn't any valid proof on much of the memes that have spawned from the show. But in my opinion, I don't see that it's a bad thing. To me, it adds depth to writing or drawing the characters we love to do stuff with.

This is gonna get funny. Must wait for update.

My guesses for Twilight's interview: Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash.

Just finished the first chapter, and it looks like we're off to a fun start. I do agree, though, with the comments about unnecessarily including fanon things. Still, it's just one line, so it's really not a big deal.
However, I do feel the need to say that Applejack's parents being dead IS confirmed canon. Just look at interviews with Lauren Faust and the show's staff, particularly about why those two shooting stars are there.

My guesses for the guys: Time Turner, Noteworthy, Caramel, and Braeburn
My guesses for the girls: Golden Harvest, Berry Punch, Zecora, and Trixie.

What, no one is suspecting Lyra?

'Stupid sexy Rarity' has now been added to my list of catchphrases.

DERPY oh and fatboi1000 his...name...is... DOCTOR HOOVES

Ah Derpy, how we love you. :rainbowlaugh:

I get the feeling Rarity knows. It's not like Twilight's body language is incredibly hard to read ya know. No guesses here amigo, I like the surprise. Keep it up please. Peace out, Sam :eeyup:

Prediction: At least one of the interviewees assume Twilight is conducting this study for herself and ask her out.

I've already got plans for the three of them I'm afraid. But good guesses!

You've got one out of the four correct for both the guys and the girls.

I love well written RariLight shipping stories, :raritystarry: and this one so far from just reading the first chapter, fits into my top 5 stories of RariLight romance.
Loving the subtle funny approach, and excellent realism displayed in the first chapter.

Ohh boy onward to the 2nd woot! bro-hoof*:raritywink:

What a great story so far(well written too thought I need to make that apparent idk)

anyhow, I love the plot lines steady progression, and im very impressed with the authors ability to really add hilarious notions and situations within the story. cant tell you how many times I burst out from sheer hilarity. :raritywink:

haha great job so far More More! :raritystarry:

Great funny end to the chapter! This gets a fave and a thumbs up from me. Now to keep reading. Twi's final line is a total winner :twilightsmile::raritywink:

Several times I burst out laughing. This fic would have to be one of the funniest things I've read in a while. Things are certainly coming along strongly, but Twilight is no closer to getting her Rarity than before.

However if this conflicts with the Flutterdash ship then I'm out of here (and not coming back) and there has already been a hint that you will do so. Sorry. Doesn't matter how great the story is.

....sadly, cause this is such a great comedy tale so far.

a cliffhanger?! this is THE. WORST.POSSIBLE. THING!! TT_TT
nah, it was a good cliff hanger. I especially liked the reference to slender, and if you decided to do a little bonus chapter with shining armor freaking the buck out over it, i'm sure it would be hilarious.
as for big mac, you seem to have his personality down, although the show doesn't give us much to work with, does it?
the writing is pretty good, not too many errors. over all, this is an enjoyable read, and I look forward to future chapters.


Arnold Shwarzenegger!

Dr. Whooves: Friend-Zoned.

It's going to be interesting to hear Snowflake's responses to questions.

plot twist: He was Derpy's prom date :derpyderp1::pinkiehappy:


...Wow, I never thought of that. Thanks!
:raritywink: :twilightsheepish:

Wow that really would be a serious plot twist haha. I saw your post about it and I think I was on the floor in shock at that thought! lol :twilightsmile:

YEEEEEAH!! Horse Power arrived :pinkiehappy:

You win. Here take all my bits!! Too bucking hilarious, both the 4th wall gag with Pinkie (again) and then Snowflake!!!! :rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowlaugh:

Apple Bloom? Well well well.

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