Going to the dentist should be a relatively simply affair for Derpy. It should contain things like dental floss, mirrors, drills, and all around general well-being of the oral cavity. It should not contain a whole lot of words, particular if those kinds of words aren't the most appropriate things to be saying when you've got your hooves in another one's mouth.
Special thanks to Setokaiva for proofreading. Turns out that is as half important as I thought it would be.
Not bad! You seem to have a grasp on the English language, which some writers on this site do not have. Also, it was well written, so I'm going to give you an upvote. Keep going
Oh, goodly. Doctor Derplove Or How I learned to stop worrying and love the balefire bomb.
Did Minuettes lecture just sound like something from, like the 13th century?
When Minuette mentioned the "Once a month, for a week, mares loose important body fluids and go a little crazy." I was like
and when I read the last sentance, I was like:

good story.