• Member Since 20th Jan, 2012
  • offline last seen 16 minutes ago

That One Guy

henlo fronds


Roseluck hasn't had much luck finding even a single changeling to romance.

The Detector had blown up on itself on its first test run.
The Bipedal-Changeling-Tracker-Bot kept trying to smash down her neighbor's door.
The Change-Fume had the unfortunate side effect of having a quarter of Ponyville write horrible love poems to her.
And, of course, one couldn't simply forget the Occulus.

But now, the Changeling-Finder is armed with Truth Dust and the resolve to succeed - Changelings, beware: when she gets her hooves on you, the hugs will never cease.

(Inspired by their positioning in the character selection window :D)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 40 )

This fic sounds EXTREMELY silly. Will read when I am actually awake in the morning. I'm nor like some people who will deprive themselves of sleep just to read a fic

Poor Splinter. He had no idea that it was Rape o'clock in the evening when he went to his friends house.

that was beautiful, fav'ed, liked, and followed . :pinkiehappy:

... Wat... did I just read? Is this FROM something, or going to be continued from, or... Was this just a totally random one-shot?

Totally random one-shot written in all of 5 hours of typing :derpytongue2:
I'm so proud of it:rainbowkiss:

I guess Splinter didn't notice that the train he got on didn't have any brakes.

You know, for someone who writes heaps, I SUCK at criticism.

But here.

You use the word 'definetly' once or twice. It should be definitely.

There. I criticized.

Sentinel wasn't there enough for me to gauge, but you got Raindrop pretty well! :twilightsmile:

A silly story, and the ending made me giggle. Happy apocalypse comment!

Ponies with Changeling Fetishes.

Humor and actual other things, Ooooohyesss.

I like this, I liiiike this.

After reading, the weird contraptions on the title page start making sense... Hilarious sense.

(Inspired by their positioning in the character selection window :D)

Now that's a place where I never imagined to find someone inspiration. As it looks though, inspiration really can come from the most unexpected of places. :twilightsmile:

How'd I miss this? :rainbowlaugh:

Quite possibly the most unique source of inspiration for a story I've seen yet.

Indeed, you totally can't deny the look that she's giving [Generic Changeling Icon] ~ clearly this was a match that was inevitable.
(Really though, I just wanted to write a fic with an obsessive pony, and Roseluck was the first one who came to mind :D (which is why I didn't mention her fanon background at all!)

AH! You! Writer of the Leech things! Of which I made a refrence in here!(Granted super-vague, Leech was one of the photographers in there, and Trilby sounds like Trixie in the land of sneezing, right?)
Suddenly all of my heroes on this site are commenting on my fics, so much joy :pinkiehappy:


Now that WAS a subtle reference, didn't pick that up the first time around. Thanks! :pinkiehappy:

Hero? Crikey, I feel like I should be wearing my underpants outside my trousers. :raritystarry:


I'm speechless...Roseluck is now my favorite BG pony.

*facepalms and groans* Oh gawwwddd. That picture sucked me in.

(Inspired by their positioning in the character selection window :D)

Hey, ships have sailed for weirder reasons.

... Like Bon Bon's phobia, but with actual rationale.

Is that a Mendacity reference I spy? If so, kudos.

Enjoyably silly story with an enjoyably silly inspiration. Amazing where ideas can come from, ain't it?

AHA! I knew, eventually, someone would find that and point it out :3 (For the record, it is :D)
... Though I think my story is now devoid of unfound refrences O_o! Clearly, I must write something like this in the immediate soon-time!

"... And thats how you two were made."

That has to be one of the best endings I have ever read, have a:moustache:

Somehow I missed this one.

So many changelings! Mendacity, Affliction of the Heart, Smoke and Mirrors, My Little Changeling (One of them, at least)... I missed the Leech reference, that was pretty subtle. Probably missed a few others, but the only one I know I'm not getting is the pen-pal one. Well, maybe Shade and Winter, I suppose.

Cute story :twilightsmile:

(Also, yeah, the gadgets in the description make even more sense having read the story!)

Agreed! I had to stare at it for a moment to make sure i wasn't seeing things.:rainbowhuh:
After that I lost it. :rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

Haha. This was so ridiculously awesome.

This is ridiculous and silly and I love it.

I love this. I love it so much.

Doctor Convene E. Yent

Best doctor name ever.

"Actually, if Raindrop was right, we may just be practicing medicine!"

YES! Someone got it :D
Though I think the story has run out of secrets now :c

2105067 Really? Awesome! Four years of TF2 hasn't been a complete waste, then. :pinkiecrazy:

Sorry, did I find the last one? :fluttercry:


Sorry, did I find the last one?

I think so, but... I don't even know anymore O_o

This is terrible. I shouldn't have laughed. I really shouldn't have upvoted. I'm not even going to get into the favorite.

But, like all my stories, the badness is what makes it so good :D


Welp, thought it was time to give this another read :rainbowlaugh:

"Doctor Convene E. Yent has done it once again!"
You know, given pony names, that was totally unnecessary. "Doctor Convenient" would've worked just fine :rainbowwild:

> calling for it's only important resident.
> to continue it's swinging momentum
> ungodly amounts of it's characteristic hormone.
"its", in all three cases

Blast, infernal grammar! I thought I had mastered you after I learned to tell 'then' from 'than'! It seems as though this new grammatical concept champion is stronger :< (I'll get to those ASAP, though I'm glad my lack of a pre-reader didn't affect the story too negatively :D)

Also, thanks! Made my day just like that ~ IT'S great to know that my stories are still puttering along :P

Master me? Hah! :derpytongue2:
I posted this nice blog on the subject of Self-Editing, Stealth Mountains and Regicide. Unless you master all of those, not a chance :rainbowwild:

(I'm aware this was probably directed at the concept of grammar. I don't care! :coolphoto:)

(Side note: do not actually try to master regicide. srsly. Gets you into trouble.)

"Yeah, it is pretty late, I should be getting-"
"Time for sex."
"Exactly, home!" He confirmed. About half a second later, he heard what she said.
"Wait wait wait what?"
Roseluck grinned from ear to ear.
Slam. Click. Click. Went the door behind Splinter.
Another passenger added to the rape train. Poor guy.:fluttercry::ajsleepy::facehoof:

The big, bad, scary changeling got owned AND whipped.

Didn't see that coming.

3435481 I'm pretty sure it was the changeling who locked the door...

Hahaha, that was entertaining to say the least. I loved that ending even though it was almost predictable. Though really, I was hoping it'd turn out he wasn't a changeling and they'd still go on a date.

I guess there must be a reason for Roseluck to be known to chase changelings, but i never got it?

Bonbon is an agent and Lyra crazy for humans and....... at this point i tilt

(Inspired by their positioning in the character selection window :D)

What character selection window are you talking about?

im confused as well

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