• Published 6th Sep 2011
  • 19,650 Views, 537 Comments

Substitute Harmony - blayzekohime

Pinkie's friends disappear and Pinkie must find others to try to help her defeat their ponynappers.

  • ...


Helios stood at the top of his tower, peering out the window at the bright, blue sky, then down towards the crowd still filling the Canterlot’s main square. The Celebration had continued late into the evening, both of the victory of the new heroes and of the arrival of Selene, his sister.

He had refused to attend himself, even though he could have done so either as Prince Blueblood or himself. Helios had never been ‘himself’ outside of this room for countless years, and had come to the conclusion that it was best to just be the villain that was defeated and then mysteriously fell off the map.

The door to his room opened, and he turned slowly to see who it was. A sigh escaped his mouth, then he turned back towards the window as if not willing to look upon the new arrival. It was Selene, who moved slowly into the room, her ethereal mane even more lustrous now that she had a chance to rest after her ordeal. Leaving the door slightly ajar, she paused directly beside him.

“Brother?” she finally spoke, her voice quiet and unsure.

“I know.” Helios responded. “I know now that you wouldn’t have helped me even had I succeeded, and I know you’re probably deeply ashamed of me for trying to trade our sister’s life for yours, but,” he paused a moment, and sighed, “I still saved you, and that’s one part of my insanity that I can’t look back on with regret.”

“I am disappointed that things turned out badly, but if I forgave Luna for what she did in her madness, so you have to know that I forgive you, brother,” Selene walked up to stand beside her brother, looking over at him. When he did not respond, she leaned over to nuzzle his cheek slightly.

“I will never forgive myself,” Helios leaned away as if ashamed to accept the gesture.

“Well then,” Selene pondered, then smiled again, “Then I will never forgive you for not forgiving yourself. Fair?”

Helios found himself chuckling; he had trouble staying serious for very long, and turned his own head to nuzzle back at his sister’s ear, “Fair enough. I’ll try my hoof at forgiving myself, when I get around to it.”

“Well just remember I still love you and… well you know,” Selene sighed, blushed slightly, then looked out the window. “Maybe we can watch from here, I think they are going to have fireworks later, the bomb pony apparently had a large stash of them.”

“That sounds… nice and distracting,” was the best answer Helios could give.

Their moment of reunion was shattered when the door was kicked open, causing them both to look back towards it. Rarity walked in, holding her head high, pausing at the door as she looked at the two.

“Ah yes there you are, ‘Prince Blueblood’.” Rarity spoke. “I need to have a brief word with you.” She spoke to Selene, “I hope you don’t mind, darling.”

“Oh no,” Selene looked awkward, “Go right ahead.”

“A word? With me?” Helios turned about, raising an eyebrow, but faced Rarity and took a few steps forward.

“Oh it’s very personal dear,” Rarity walked up to him, then waved a hoof as if to motion for him to lower his head, “Could you lean down so that I can whisper it to you?”

Helios blinked, then slowly leaned down. Several times Rarity motioned again, until finally his head was barely an inch from her own.

And with that, Rarity’s hoof flew up and smacked Helios hard across the face with an audible crack.

“How DARE you!” Rarity’s demeanor suddenly changed, “If you aren’t ready to be with a mare that’s one thing, but you should tell her that you aren’t able to have a relationship, not drag her along like a brute and embarrass her in front of an entire gala! And don’t even PRETEND you weren’t having fun doing so either! I could see it in your eyes earlier, you selfish… selfish… OH I want to say so many unladylike things right now!”

Helios was stunned for a few moments that somepony actually hit him; it had been a while since that had last happened. He then just raised his head, chuckling good-naturedly. Even Selene looked slightly amused, giggling from behind him, but then blushing at having done so.

“Oh don’t be like that,” Helios smirked at Rarity, “You had every bit as much fun when you slung cake all over me and I fell into that statue. ‘Stupid hall needed renovating anyway.”

Rarity hmph’ed, but a moment later sighed, “Well yes, I do admit that was… rather amusing in hindsight.” She managed to smile, taking a deep breath, “I apologize Princess Selene, I just needed to get that out of my system.” She was not going to apologize to Helios, clearly.

“Oh it’s… I’m not mad,” Selene spoke quietly, “But I really think maybe… you should forgive him, too.”

Helios shrugged, “Look, I’ll make it up to you. Next time you’re in Canterlot I’ll treat you properly and take you to… something. I don’t know, we’ll see what is happening.”

“Hmph.” Rarity repeated, then turned to go. “We’ll see, ‘Prince Blueblood’.”

Helios took a deep breath, and started to turn back to Selene as Rarity was leaving, “Well at least now we got-“

“Hi!” a very loud voice came from the door now, making Helios cringe.

Helios turned back around, managing to grin for the newcomers . Into the door flew Ditzy, nearly falling over as she landed in the middle of the floor. Behind her, somewhat more composed, strolled Gilda, looking very self-conscious for some reason. That reason became apparent shortly afterwards as a little gray unicorn with a blond mane and tail could be seen curled up and sleeping on her back where Ditzy had so often lain.

“Hi Mister Helium! I’ve been looking all over for you; I wanted you to meet my little muffin, Dinky!” she waved excitedly towards the filly on Gilda’s back, “A guard is looking for my other little muffin, so I’m sure she’ll be here soon too!”

“You… brought your daughter to meet me?” Helios looked baffled. “That’s… probably not the first thing I would have done in your place. I suppose that’s… very special though.”

“She’s beautiful, miss.” Selene smiled, walking up as well this time, then leaning over to admire the little one, which caused Gilda to look even more self-conscious.

“Thanks! I’m glad somepony brought her to the palace when I was missing, ‘cause now we can-“ Ditzy fell silent, ears perked and standing deathly still as if picking something up. After a few moments, she gasped as if in sheer joy.

“Uh, Ditz’?” Gilda seemed worried, “’You okay girl?”

“Miss?” Selene seemed worried as well.

Even Helios looked slightly spooked, moving to wave a hoof in front of her.

What none of them heard, but what Ditzy had apparently picked up, was a strange sound, a kind of cyclic, wheezing, groaning that sounded vaguely mechanical. So focused on Ditzy, none of the others in the room spotted the tall, blue box that appeared in one corner of the room, fading in and out before solidifying. It was about twice as tall as a pony, and wide enough for a large alicorn to pass through its doors, but did not seem large enough for one to actually fit inside.

Despite this, the doors burst open, suddenly drawing the attention of all those in the room. Out of the door rushed a brown earth pony with spiky, darker brown hair, looking less styled and more as if his tail and mane just assumed those shapes of their own accord. On his flank was the cutie mark of a golden hourglass, and around his neck was a stylish brown tie with a white collar. His blue eyes focused directly on Helios.

“Ha!” the colt yelled, with a notable Trottingham accent, “I’ve got you now Helios! I’m not sure what you’re planning yet, but I’m here to stop you!”

“Doctor!” Ditzy practically squealed, “You found me!”

“Oh for the love of Faust!” Helios was less amused, “You again? What did I do this time? Step on the wrong butterfly and accidentally destroy the future?”

“Is this… a friend of yours, brother?” Selene’s eyes had grown a few sizes larger.

“Don’t ask,” Gilda spoke to Selene as an aside as she face-clawed, “It’s best that way.”

Ditzy bounced over, hugging against the brown earth pony, “Doctor I thought you’d never come back for me!”

“Stand back, Derpy! This could get messy!” the Doctor pushed Ditzy behind him, apparently with the intention of protecting her. He then pulled a long, silver tool with a blue light at its end out of thin air and aimed it at Helios, who simply looked annoyed when said tool took to buzzing at him.

“No Doctor, you don’t understand!” Ditzy hugged against the Doctor again, “We already beat him up and made him good. We revealed his evil plan and everything, but he’s not evil now he’s nice, so let’s be nice to him too!”

“Yeah, ‘fraid you’re a bit late ‘Doctor’.” Gilda smirked in amusement.

“What?” the Doctor paused, then looked upset, “Oh for all the… I have a bloody TIME MACHINE. How can I be late again?” He threw the buzzing tool onto the floor, which snapped back out of sight and into hammerspace. After a moment more spent looking cross, he suddenly blinked, “Wait, you helped defeat him?”

“Yes, yes,” Helios sounded annoyed, “Her brilliant plan foiled me when she reversed the whatsit, I’m rather tired of telling this story.”

“Reversed the polarity!” Ditzy smiled, hopping in place a few times and flapping her wings, “Trixie did it, but it was my idea!”

“You… reversed the polarity?” the Doctor looked at Ditzy, a tear in his eyes, much like a proud parent realizing that their child has grown up.

“I’m here I’m here!” another pony stumbled out of the blue box, screeching to a halt as she eyed the room. “Mommy!” the word was apparently aimed at Ditzy.

This caused most others in the room to look dumbfounded, as this pony was clearly Ditzy’s own age. She was a unicorn, just like little Dinky, but with far brighter colors. She sported a pink coat and a mane and tail that were layered in various shades of purple, the lighter of the two shades matching her eyes. On her flank were three beautiful-looking white diamonds.

“Sparkler!” Ditzy hopped over to hug the new unicorn, “You got your cutie mark! And you got… big? Since I last saw you a few days ago?”

“Oh good,” Helios rolled his eyes, “More repeat names; because it’s not confusing enough for me already.”

“Exactly how late are you?” Gilda peered at the Doctor with one eye.

“Fairly late?” the Doctor nervously moved a hoof to adjust his tie, then seemed vaguely defensive. “Look, at first I went to Derpy’s house and found Sparkler alone there so I thought I’d take care of her for a few days while I looked for Helios. But then I got distracted! Time is not the boss of me!”

“Come on Gilda!” Ditzy bounced over towards Gilda now, clearly excited, her wings flapping hard enough that she was hovering even as she tried to tug Gilda towards the strange, blue box.

“Wait, what are we doing?” Gilda went wide-eyed, “Come on Ditz’, we won’t all fit in that thing!”

The Doctor rolled his eyes, “Oh fine! You win, you can come back aboard; but don’t think this means I’m going soft!” With that, he turned back to walk into the box himself, followed shortly by a smiling Sparkler.

Gilda was dragged reluctantly in afterwards by Ditzy, Dinky still on the griffon’s back. She glanced back briefly at Helios and Selene, almost seeming to wonder if staying with them would be safer. A moment later however, the door slammed shut, and the blue box disappeared into nothing, making the same sound as it had when it arrived.

“I’m going to take that griffon’s advice, and not ask,” was all that Selene could think to say.

“If I ever see that guy again it will be too soon,” Helios shivered, as if remembering something truly disturbing. “Well it doesn’t matter, at least now we can talk and-”

“Greetings your Highnesses,” Trixie’s voice came from the door.

Helios sighed, sitting his bottom down and seeming to accept his fate, “Yes, though I’m not rightly sure if we’re Highnesses or not at this point.”

“Oh no need to call me that,” smiled Selene, “I’m likely going to be quietly spending time with my own studies, but it is nice to see you again. I… owe you and your friends a great deal.”

“It was the least the Great and Powerful Trixie could do,” Trixie grinned widely. She may have learned many lessons about friendship, but that did not mean she was not going to eat up the praise. “Actually, Trixie came to hold His Majesty to his promise.”

“Promise of what?” Helios quirked one ear, then flattened it, “Oh. The… teach you better magic thing.” He sighed, then gave a shrug, “Sure, we’ll do that, I mean I don’t have much else to do other than take a student. Just one caveat… please shut my door as you leave.”

Trixie seemed satisfied with this, pausing to give a formal bow, then turning and walking out with her head held high, the door shutting firmly behind her.

“There,” Helios grunted as the door glowed with his magic, “That door is not opening again tonight if I have to-“

As if on cue, there was a loud crash as if somepony had slammed into the wall outside of the window. The form backed up, then flew properly into the window, rubbing her nose with both forehooves. It was Surprise. From the looks of it, she was covered in glow sticks and was wielding what looked like a cricket bat. Fortunately, when she slammed it against Helios’ head it was revealed to be a harmless nerf bat.

“Um, SURPRISE!” Surprise grinned maniacally, “Do you like my new bat? Hay! Why aren’t you out partying?”

“Because,” Helios gritted his teeth slightly before bringing his face back into a smile, “I am trying to spend time with my long lost sister, now why don’t you go um… I don’t know, eat some glow sticks or something.”

“I’m not sure you should be telling her that,” Selene spoke quietly, somewhat concerned that Surprise might take his order seriously.

“I already did!” Surprise’s answer foiled Helios’ jest and confirmed Selene’s fears. “Hay Master Helios! Did you know there’s a statue of a villain in the garden that is really a villain turned to stone? It’s freaky looking!”

“I am aware,” Helios rolled his eyes, “It’s being moved before the night is over; I’m finally getting my say in something it seems.”

“Yep!” Surprise nodded, “Ponies seem to stay away from it, like it’s really scary!” Surprise obviously thought the statue of Discord looked quite silly herself. “Well except for one pony! There was a cute little foal with a silly propeller hat and a screw and a ball for a cutie mark hanging around it. She ran away when I surprised her though!”

“You should probably watch that,” Helios poked the nerf bat with a hoof, “It may not hurt, but that doesn’t mean you can’t startle somepony into hurting themselves.” He sighed, “Now, if you don’t mind…”

“Oh sure!” Surprise smiled, “I’m gonna go find Vinyl and see if she has more glow-snacks, bye!”

“That’s very nice.” Helios place a hoof on Surprise’s nose, pushing the still hovering pony back out of the window, his magic closing it behind her.


Most of the other guests had cleared out, and now the three Pie sisters had found a nice spot in the private, gated gardens to sit together. They all sat at the base of a beautiful willow tree, beautiful red and gold lilies cushioning their laying spots and providing ‘snacks’ as they talked together.

“So yeah,” Blinkie grinned widely, “Apparently all my offenses are wiped clean; I’m cleared for work.”

“Indeed,” Inkie added, “And Prince Blueblood pulled some strings to get me and Blinkie the job I applied for months back.”

“That’s great,” smiled Pinkie. “Everything worked out great! Wow I can’t wait to get home either, but you two better visit more often.”

“Certainly,” Inkie smiled in return, “I think this has been an experience we all needed, in the end.”

“Yeah,” Blinkie smirked, “Just promise more explosions on our next visit.”

“Trixie is happy to see her minions enjoying themselves,” Trixie approached the three from the nearby path, apparently having been looking for them, causing them all to look towards her. “Trixie will be studying under his Majesty, but hopes to visit the Mad Bomber and the Poker Face; especially the Mad Bomber, we shall have business to discuss.”

“Oh, sure,” Blinkie grinned, “I used up most of my fireworks at the party, but I can make more.”

“Oh yes, we will do that business as well,” Trixie smirked, “But the Great and Powerful Trixie was referring to… private business with the Mad Bomber.” And with that, she gave a wink before turning slowly to head off.

“Well. That was enlightening,” Inkie commented.

“You go girl!” Pinkie grinned, but then paused, “Hay wait! Why isn’t anypony shipping me?! What gives?”


Days had passed since that celebration.

“Yay…” Fluttershy spoke with the most adorable of voices, though she was clearly trying to sound enthusiastic.

“Way to go…” Posey, standing right next to her, followed up with her own less than impressive cheering.

Both of their eyes were turned upwards to the sky, watching a streak of rainbow and second streak of fire slam into a cloud shortly before the forms of Rainbow Dash and Firefly landed in front of them.

“Ha! ‘Beat you again!” Rainbow Dash grinned widely, flexing her wings up, “You ‘got a long way to go, flamer!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Firefly grunted, clearly exhausted, probably somewhat moreso than her opponent “I still beat you on the obstacle round. I’ll slam you on both next time!”

“Are you two going to have to go so soon? I was going to show Posey my pets and things and… well but if you have to go, that’s okay too.” Fluttershy shifted one of her fore-hooves against the ground shyly.

“Oh I’ll stay for a bit longer,” Posey smiled gently, seeming thankful that they let her stay here at all, “I wanted to see the flower ponies in town about their gardens, too.”

“I should get back pretty soon,” Firefly said, “I’m supposed to be clearin’ the clouds over New Dream Valley.”

“Ah, really? Well don’t be a stranger!” Rainbow waved to Firefly, “Yeah Applejack wanted to see me too, so I’ll head off that way. See ya Fluttershy, Posey!”

With that, Rainbow Dash streaked into the sky. She saw Firefly head off in the corner of her eye, then glanced back again to see Fluttershy and Posey moving slowly in the direction of Fluttershy’s home. This sure was a change from only days earlier. It had not been easy for Rainbow to be so forgiving, but she knew what it was like to not be herself, and after learning that the off-worlders had been effectively Discord-ed by Helios’ techniques, she had managed to forgive them.

She landed on the ground at Sweet Apple Acres, a few dozen feet from the two Applejacks, and strolled over towards them. The duo were standing at a tree, the Equestrian AJ trying to explain to the other how to buck a tree properly.

“Nah that ain’t it Applesauce,” which Applejack had apparently taken to calling her off-worlder look-alike, “Ya can’t just rattle tha tree; ya gotta really put yer hind legs into it. Slam it low, but high enough above the base ta get a good shake.”

“Right, got it!” the other stated, then promptly attempted to kick the tree again, missing and falling flat on her face.

“Oh for… let’s try… oh hay Rainbow.” Applejack noticed Dash approaching, giving her a nod.

“Oh, hello,” ‘Applesauce’ seemed a bit more self-conscious about meeting another of the ponies.

“Yeah, you wanted to see me?” Rainbow Dash chuckled, “I hope you don’t want me to help teach how to kick trees!”

“Nah,” Applejack waved a hoof, “Anyway, Applesauce is leaving soon fer her own home, ah was just hopin’ ta give ‘er some pointers for when she gets back. Givin’ ‘er some apple seeds ta start her own orchard with.”

Rainbow Dash chuckled, “Hay whatever floats your boat. And you needed me for?”

Applejack continued, “Oh right, well tha barn me and her had that tussle in is sorta on its last legs, so ah was thankin’ ‘bout tearin’ it down and rebuilding it. Could ya stop by tomorrow and help with that?”

“Now that’s work I could get into!” Rainbow Dash grinned.


“This is all very good information,” Twilight Wish smiled at Twilight Sparkle, settling the last of the books that she was borrowing into her saddlebag. They were both standing outside the door to Sparkle’s treehouse library, Wish preparing to leave.

“Oh it’s the least I can do,” Sparkle smiled in return, “Don’t worry about it. After all, if we can put our heads together and actually duplicate the Elements, we’ll have a backup set, and you never know when that will come in handy.”

“Indeed I… I just thank you for forgiving us, Miss Sparkle.” Wish leaned forward, then gave her a friendly hug.

“Oh goodness, it’s nothing really,” Sparkle answered, patting Wish on the back before tugging away, “And I mean that. Trust me, we’ve had a… similar thing happen to us. I know it’s not fun.”

“Well… I appreciate it all the same.” Wish smiled again, “Let’s just hope we never need the second set.”

“You never know,” smiled Twilight Sparkle.

Comments ( 63 )

I just have to say I'm both mystified and amused by the whole Derpy/Doctor ship. When did that get started? I'm pretty sure it was going on long before Hearts and Hooves day.

But wait. If Gilda and Ditzy went off in the TARDIS, are they still members of the Elements? :derpyderp2:

pinkie you get shipped plenty, give trixie and your sister a turn.

318316 upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/7/74/Rose_Tyler.jpg/220px-Rose_Tyler.jpg derpyhoovesnews.com/albums/albums/userpics/10001/derpy_hooves.png
Derpy has a superficial resemblance to Rose Tyler, an assistant to the the tenth doctor. since doctor whooves is most often shown in his tenth doctor variant, the ship became quite easy to make

Excellent epilogue. It managed to tie up a bunch of things (like Rarity's reaction to Blueblood's reveal) while remaining quite amusing. I look forward to any one shots you set in this universe.
Reversing the polarity- it always fixes everything, except when it's part of the problem.
Also, Pinky, you're not geting shipped here because most of the people you're usually shipped with were kidnapped all story.


But given that he IS the Doctor, some times it's friend-shipping, rather than relation-shipping After all, the Doctor's pretty good at avoiding romantic entanglements that last more than an episode- yes I know there are some exceptions, but given how many years Doctor Who(oves) has been on, they're pretty few.

Rarity is still ticked at Helios over the GGG incident: Check.

"Time is not the boss of me!": Check.

G. P. Trixie checking up on her future teacher: Check.

Discord being put into a High Security Facility: Check.

G. P. Trixie and Blinkie getting it ON offscreen: :rainbowwild:

This story finally coming to an end: :raritydespair::applecry::fluttercry::pinkiesad2::raritycry:

318316 It's not necessarily a 'ship' at this point. I'm honestly on the edge about whether to make it that, usually the Doctor is very clueless when his companions like him. Jealous suspicions from Gilda might be fun though.

318318 Whatever we can do, Trixie can do better, including being shipped. :trixieshiftright:

318333 Rose and the 10th Doctor did 'like' each other, but it was just a ship-tease as they never got together. (Well okay, not counting the hybrid clone of the 10th, which she ended up running off with at some point.)

318421 Well I think everypony ships well with Pinkie, so maybe I couldn't decide which one :pinkiehappy:

319106 Don't think it wasn't tempting to have them get it on onscreen, but I decided to not ruin my rating over one scene. Maybe later in a short one :trixieshiftright:

And now for the ... sequel? You've raised the possibility of more Elements, so ... double Harmony? Duplicate Harmony? Heck, I say go all out with Triple Harmony and have the Mane 6, Substitute 6, and G1 6! You're one of the best at ramping the absurdity up to 11 and then successfully rolling with it! Notes for the future: I'd love to read about Helios' upcoming date with Rarity.

Thank you so much for Substitute Harmony. What a blast!


This story is done, or is it? Haahaaahaaa. But great story Blayzekohime and I just got to say one more thing please don't have a clop fic with Pinkie in it pleeeeeaaaaaassssseeeee :scootangel:.

“Well… I appreciate it all the same.” Wish smiled again, “Let’s just hope we never need the second set.”

And with that, future disaster was guaranteed! :pinkiehappy:

Also, I noted the mention of Screwball hanging aroung Discord's statue... DUN DUN DUUUUUUUN!!! :pinkiegasp:

Wow great story and a lot for a sexual to happen first screwball has been hanging around discord possibly feeding him chaos energy not to mention the energy from the alicorn fight. Then surprise was close to him too thats like the embodiment of chaos there. It would be pretty east seeing screwball somehow hyjacking the transport that discord will be in. The two twilights trying to make a second set of elements could also go wrong and make a set that make the elements of disharmony turning then mane 6 discorded except pinkie and team P.A.R.T.Y. we also heard in earlier chapters that derpy and the rest had more adventures as the elements so im calling a sequal. Lol. :twistnerd:

WHOOT! Love'd the story, read it from beginning to end and loved every chapter of it. Keep goin and stay golden^^

Okay, first time reading this story. Didn't like the premise at first, but since Antipodes, Project: Horizons, and Ponies Make War haven't updated recently, figured I'd give it a shot.


Thank you.

>Helios's Date with Rarity
Honestly, I think the author was explaining how Rarity could stand to be in the presence of Blueblood when she christened the airship during Sweet and Elite.

320350 "Triple Harmony" is actually a title I considered, but then I ralized that that would be a loooot of characters, and my head was swimming in scenes where I needed two groups in the scene at once already. Also we'd need a spare laughter, though that probably wouldn't be too hard to get.

Af for a story with Rarity and Blueblood, I thought about it, and it could be rather humorous if she intentionally made him jump through hoops to attone or embarassed him in front of Fancypants, but I'd have to put some thought into that.

320408 No promises, but she doesn't seem to have been shipped with anypony yet :pinkiesad2: Look how sad it made her!
Anyway, I'll put fair warning on those stories so you're welcome to skip them; I'll never put plot vital to the story in a clop segement.

320675 If the Doctor was there, he would have scolded her for saying that. And yay Screwball!
Except it's rather sad when you think about it, as she was effectively visiting her father's 'grave' when a pegasus flew up and hit her on the head with a nerf bat. :applecry:

321188 I certainly left room for a sequal, though my present idea might need a bit of setup.

321670 Glad you liked it :pinkiehappy:

322211 The premise by itself does sound sorta off, I agree; it was hard to give it a premise that would be both interesting and not give away later developments. Also the story was a lot simpler in the first draft, but it morphed a lot since then.

322634 Yeah I was trying to put some stuff in there that would tie into season 2 episodes. I'm just thrilled that the whole thing survived all of season two without any serious contradictions with canon.

LOVE IT! sad that the story has come to an end, but i'm glad you left it open for new possibilities. I'm especially liking the trixie/inkie ship. gotta love those unique ships. on top of that the characters in your story are spot on, even the ones like the pie sisters which didn't get any screen time on the show. honestly they were probably my favorite of the bunch. keep up the good work; i'll definitely be reading your future stories!

323988 But Discord's not dead! He's only 'mostly' dead! Which means he's a little alive. So all we have to do is get a chocolate-coated miracle pill from Miracle Max, and the arbiter of chaos will be right as chocolate rain again! :pinkiecrazy:

325194 I've had a surprising number of people comment on the Trixie/Blinkie ship positively actually. It was originally meant as sorta a joke cause they both love explosions :pinkiecrazy: I'll have to think of some way to write a story about them.

325196 Inconceivable!

325284 You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. :twilightsmile:

Its finally over...worth the ride and heres hoping for more :heart: and from me and all of us who enjoyed this awesome story Thank you :twilightsmile:

(just created account so i dont know how too comment on ch 16) I really love the story and all but there is jusst one thing thats bugging me...WHAT THE HAY IS A GROUNDING!:trixieshiftleft: still loved the story

325933 Yay you're welcome. :pinkiehappy:

325963 I wasn't sure what to put that would be both hilariously mean but not make their parents look like monsters, so I left it intentionally vague :pinkiecrazy:

326025 I hope you do, since I think the further I went the better I did.

I wanted Trixie to be shipped with Helios. But from the way he was trying to be alone with his sister I take it that his heart already belongs to her.

Sweet wounded Celestia, that was brilliant.

I want more fanart to go with this!

So I finally saw that this was complete a few days ago, and just finished this novella you have written.

:pinkiegasp:Holy crap dude, holy crap! :pinkiegasp:

I was skeptical with all the violence at first, but damn you did this right. I loved way too much to list it all but Gilda being the sarcastic voice of reason and Ditzy being her weird barrel rolling ninja, Doctor's companion self. Oh, and the Trixie/Blinkie ship, that seemed to come out of nowhere but I approve.

So how 'close' are Selene and Helios anyway?:trollestia:

333983 I'm sure there will still be regular eyebrow waggles from Trixie and nervous expressions by Helios during their lessons.

334228 I want more too! It was hard to get comissions though, surprisingly so since, ya know, I was offering moneh. :rainbowhuh:

334444 Derp? :derpytongue2:

336823 Yeah I also think Gilda will work well with Doctor Whooves in the same way Captain Jack worked with Doctor Who. Gilda can be the one that the Doctor always has to scold for trying to solve their problems through violence.
And yes, Trixie and Blinkie will be... explosive? :trixieshiftright:
And Helios and Selene are... fairly close?


I mean, wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more.

And thus, Haku finishes another Awesome story if epicness. It was really good, great even.:trixieshiftright:

But that little ending leaves but one question: Sequel?

Great work! I personally enjoyed it ^^

338845 :rainbowkiss:

343971 Maybe? I have ideas floating around, but writing these is hard :pinkiecrazy:

355680 :pinkiehappy:

Just awesome !!!!!!!!!
Love it
Please please PLEASE write more :3

Finally got around to finishing reading this, and I really liked it. It was entertaining, and I liked the characterizations. My only problem was that it didn't seem to flow very well. After most of the chapters being slow world building and setting up the situation (Basically all the scenes outside of Equestria), the last few chapters seem to almost stumble over themselves with how fast things go. I also felt that Trixie's response to the test seemed to come out of the blue, though I suppose that's an inevitable part of making chapters public as they are written: Can't go back to add proper foreshadowing for something that needs to happen (Or I just missed the foreshadowing).

Still, the only reason these problems come to mind is because the rest of the story made me care enough that they bugged me. I especially loved how Helios was a nice villain, and that this even came back to bite the heroes in the rear, it's not often you see villains with a perfectly reasonable rationalization for their goals.

i am so happy that rainbow dash didn't die :D

361125 I'm working on some shorter stuff, will maybe do some longer stuff later. :derpytongue2:

372301 I think in the future I'm either going to write shorter things, or write a rough draft of the entire thing before I start publishing chapters, then publish as I do the final edit instead of as I write. In this case, I did try to indicate that Trixie was softening up, but with her even when she softens up she tries to act in a way to deny it. :trixieshiftright:
And yes, the end hurried up mostly because I knew where I was going and was trying to get there without too much more delay, whereas at the beginning I sort of had a different ending in mind (that wasn't as good). In the future maybe I'll avoid that by writing the whole rough draft first.

375431 Pinkie Pie came out of my monitor and threatened to do horrible things to me if I killed off her friend. :pinkiecrazy::rainbowhuh:

380608 Yeah Cadence, I thought about if I should have mentioned them, but decided I should probably wait to see what happens with her first.

it was a great story ...but a star will be taken off for dr who refernerces that were unnecessary:twilightangry2:

320350 I'm kinda questioning about how the substitute 6 and mane 6 will work... considering that Pinkie Pie is part of both of 'em...

And adventure fic featuring Pinkie Pie and a mismatched group of minor characters? Why did I put off reading this for so long? :pinkiegasp:

I've spent a good chunk of the last three days reading this story, and I just wanted to say that I loved every second of it. The villain in particular I felt was really well done, and the revelation about his identity in the canon timeline was one of the bigger shocks I've received from a fanfic. It all got a little confusing at times, but screwing with time and space tends to do that to a story, so my only real criticism was that one spelling error on the previous chapter.

You're magic has really grown powerful

Should be your. Other than that, great fic. The references and jokes had me laughing, the occasional darkness was a nice touch and the 'Substitute Six' were all fun to read about (Blinkie in particular :twilightsheepish:).

437583 Actually those aren't unneccessary, as they are direct lead in's to both a story in the works as well as the direct sequal. There are a few things that were intentionally put in as lead-ins.

454129 Well they'd need another laughter to do two at once, though that's not the only way it could go.

454137 :pinkiecrazy:

469087 Thanks. Try as I might, I can't find what chapter that mistake is in to fix it. Which one is that again?

476439 It's on chapter 15, Twilight says it to Trixe at some point.

I read the final four chapters in one sitting and… and WOW! :rainbowderp: Nice job! :pinkiehappy: I was totally not understanding Blueblood's actions even when it was becoming quite obvious (when he said it was under his influence). This tied up impressively well. It was also really satisfying to see the trials that Luna set up for the substitutes because their previous self-assignment of the elements was rather unconvincing; it all makes sense now.

There were quite a few times in the first half of the story that Pinkie Pie felt really out of character, I felt like Ditzy being way more random than herself wasn't appropriate at all. Now I'm not sure if she was already discorded (or whatever is the appropriate term in this 'verse) back then. I'll probably come back later and re-read some of the earlier chapters to clear that out.

Again, great work! :coolphoto:

Just read the whole thing. I was kind of sad that Pinkie stopped being a main character or rather THE main character. I was hoping you would explore Pinkie trying to pull a group together directly because that is a really interesting concept but you did something that worked fine so I can't complain too much. More Ditzy/Gilda? :pinkiehappy:

I am puzzled as to why you decided to put so much humor in this fiction, it completely kills the tension created by more dreadful moments, and makes me feel indifferent to the fate of the characters. I especially dislike parts with the “heroes”, who are just a bunch of jerks cracking jokes at every possible occasion… but… regardless, everything else was very solid, I am glad I have stumbled upon this fiction, it was fun to read. Thanks blayzekohime.

834557 I have no idea?
833224 The idea is that they started out as jerks, but then learned to work together and softened up as they learned to respect each other. Think 'the Avengers', but with more ponies and less trying to outright kill each other.

And yes, it did have a bit of humor in it, but even the most serious of stories usually have some. Perhaps it could have done with a different balance, but I did want to stay within the spirit of the show, which is serious mixed with humor.
Honestly I'm not sure how I would not do humor in a sequal. If I go for Discord, there's just no way to do that and not have some silly stuff in it. If I go for Doctor Whooves, I'd try to write it in the same spirit as Doctor Who, and though it gets a lot darker than MLP, it still has humor in every episode and never really takes itself seriously.

Furthermore, I don't like making flawless characters. A group of characters that works together perfectly with no flaws seems boring to me. This is one reason G3 MLP sucked and G4 MLP is awesome. G4 characters all have serious psychological issues that actively get in their way :pinkiecrazy:

742460 I am guilty of loosing focus on Pinkie yes, sorry about that. The follow up Doctor Whooves story would have more DItzy/Gilda.

680970 I'm glad you like it. I'm curious as to exactly how Pinkie Pie felt out of character, if you'd like to elaborate on that. Ditzy unfortunately just doesn't have a lot of canon to base on.

584413 Eeee possibly? :derpyderp2: Glad you liked it though :moustache:

565203 She got better :pinkiehappy:

1000157 That much about Derpy not having canon unfortunately is true. But what happened in a few of the earlier fight scenes that featured both Pinkie and Derpy was that Derpy was the random one with seldom-witting Jedi powers (something that's normally reserved for Pinkie) and Pinkie was all semi-depressed with some issue with her sisters. I wouldn't have a problem with either of the scenarios separately, but when it's put together, I'm all "huh, wait, who's supposed to be the wacky one again?"

Wonderful story! It's in my personal Top 3 favourite MLP fanfics now.

A few grammatical errors, though:

Ch. 8
Thanks to foals who overheard Selene and I arguing about whether she should go

It should be "Selene and me" since it's Object, not Subject (see here, for example).

Ch. 15
Civilians, please do not fear, we shall not harm thee!

It should be "harm you" since it's plural (civilians). Thou is not just "archaic you", it's "archaic singular you", while "archaic plural you" is still you (it can also be ye if it's Subject).

Thee and thy kin are most welcome in Equestria!

It should be "Thou and thy kin" since it's Subject.

Hnnnnnngh, this was just about one of my favorite stories yet, this was just amazing, bravo for doing such an amazing job. A couple chapters back, I kinda was intrigued by the possibility of a derpy/gilda ship, but I'm not quite sure what to think now. Anyway, Bravissimo, good job, I look forward to any other stories from you.

1003470 Looking back, I should have written more of the story from a third person limited perspective of Pinkie (at least when she was present) to keep her in the spotlight. I'm tempted to do a run through with corrections again, but that would take away from other projects.
1230141 I made those corrections. Yeah, I butchered the middle English parts.
1416645 Thanks :p I hope to write a follow up to this one that may explore Gilda and Derpy, amongst other things, then will probably concentrate on something new.

1672643 Honestly I don't think much of the writing style here and it's improved so much as to be indistinguishable. It needs redone, but I haven't found the time and may not. Still, people loved the wrap-up on this story for some reason. Who knows!

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