• Member Since 8th May, 2012
  • offline last seen May 3rd, 2013


blah blah blah blah


BASED ON THE GAME (well, sort of)

Twilight was assigned to do a test on SCP-173 with 2 other Class-Ds. But the facility power massively fails, killing the 2 Class-Ds and leaving Twilight alone. She must face the SCPs, MTF Task Force, and the Site Guards. Some of the SCPs were used to help Twilight herself (e.g. SCP-914) and escape. But Euclid and Keter-class SCPs would stop at nothing to get Twilight. Can she escape the containment breach?

Chapters (7)
Comments ( 23 )

Why is Twilight D-Class?

1858102 Um, because maybe she's smart? I'm might make a new one where Pinkie is Class D 'cause she's recruited from prison. (Because, Cupcakes, that's why)

1858691 D-Class aren't smart. I don't think you know where D-class come from. FYI, they come from anywhere they can without anyone noticing.


The 'D' in D-Class stands for Disposable. Criminals, Murderers, Homeless people, demoted personnel.

D-Class personnel vary depending on test. I believe in this test the researchers decided on either abducted people and/or ones on death row.

If you fail to comply to the instructions you are given, you will be terminated.
We're authorized to shoot any disobedient test subjects so don't try anything stupid

Why must they always be terminated? there's a freakin wiki that gives information on almost 1000 scp's, and i've looked through more than half. no one showed up at my door with a gun yet. so why are test subjects themselves terminated.

and i dont wanna hear from anyone, "oh well that doesn't matter cause SCP probably isn't real anyway so it would be a waste of time." cause i'm not gonna take that half-assed answer. i don't care if SCP is real or just some retarded guys' nightmares put on the internet, all I want to know is why the test subjects are always terminated whether they cooperate or not.

so is this the ending to the game

where you still die even though you try to escape

really weird


This is one of the three endings. Let me know if you want to know about them so I don't spoil it for you if you don't want me to.

1865859 It's not real. No shit. But D-Class are terminated at the end of the month, no matter what. I never understood why. It seemed like a waster to me.

1865859 The "We will release you at the end of the month." was a lie to get Class-D personnel to cooperate with them. Obviously, if they don't terminate the Class-Ds and let 'em go, they'd do crime again. Class Ds are also murderers, rapists and serial killers.

The few soldiers in the tunnel..... It's the Chaos Insurgency! WHY DO THEY HAVE TO KILL TWILIGHT SPARKLE?! :raritydespair::raritycry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch:

2175070 They didn't. According to the ending (SPOILER ALERT), D-9341 gets sent away.

So you wrote three alternate endings that basically ended the same, with twilight dead. I'm now having bad flash backs to Mass Effect 3

2296163 Two endings have the same events
Gate A END 1 (If not contained SCP-106): SCP-106 will appear, get shot by the H.I.D Turret, D-9341 runs downs stairs and enters a tunnel, sees three black figures, and get sent away.
Gate A END 2 (If contained SCP-106): The guards proceed to try and kill D-9341, goes down stairs (if you survive), blah blah, tunnels, three figures, sent away.

2414464 Well yeah I get that, I'm saying would it have been so hard to write a happier ending or an ending where the rest of the story mattered. It's like Twilight went through the whole thing, survived these horrors and then got caught at a locked door.


The SCP Foundation is a really secret fundation.
Class-D Personnel are Murders, Rapists and criminals like that.
And, if they manage to get out of the SCP, they will tell everybody about the SCP!!
Class-D Personnel are like Guinea pigs, just a life to waste.

1865859 If you blink around 173 with the door open it can escape. It won't if you keep your eyes on it one way or another. There's this one groups of statues with a soul imprisoned in each, covered in nails, one nail came out and five scientists died. These are fucking serious things they are dealing with, and everything is a need-to-know basis. On top of that there must be some nut job out there who wants to undo all the work the Foundation has done, perhaps by sending in spies and sabators/sabotages/whatever. All test subjects must know this is indeed live or death, and if they mess something up they will be the first to die.

This looks interesting~ :D
Nicely done.

I know of all the endings. There are currently 4.

Ending 1-Gate A(If D-9341 did not recontain SCP-106):
D-9341 leaves the elevator and SCP-106 emerges from the ground, but pays no attention to D-9341. MTF units, attack choppers, and a turret shoots at 106. 106 retreats to it's pocket dimension.

If D-9341 has not made his escape, everyone will focus their attention on D-9341. If D-9341 escapes, the Chaos Insurgency appears at the end of the tunnel. Stating that D-9341's information learned will aid them in taking down the Foundation, they will extract him. After that, it's unknown.

Ending 2-Gate A(If D-9341 recontained 106.)
When D-9341 leaves the elevator, everything will be quiet. When he reaches the line of the sight, an MTF unit will spot him. However, he will not shoot. Instead, he will say "Stop right there!" and then, he will say "Class-D has been found."

Later, an audio log of a scientist will play:
"Testing log 01. Subject ██████, has been shown to be extremely lucky and able to predict the most unpredictable of situations. Request pending on whether to give subject SCP Classification."

So yeah, D-9341 is now SCP-2176.

Ending 3-Gate B(If D-9341 did not disable the warheads.)
D-9341 exits the tunnel and is spotted by an attack chopper. The chopper fires, but D-9341 escapes. He runs down the walkway to the control room.

SCP-682 escapes at Gate B. He destroys a helicopter. After that, it is announced that they are detonating the warheads in 90 seconds. In 90 seconds, the facility blows up. An audio log is heard of an MTF unit responding, but is interrupted, by SCP-682. This proves that SCP-682 was not destroyed by the blast.

Ending 4-Gate B(If D-9341 disabled the warheads.)

D-9341 escapes the tunnel and the attack chopper. He runs down the walkway. Detonation announcement, and then it is announced that the warheads were unable to detonate, and that capturing SCP-682 is now the objective. Two MTF units will come out of the door to recontain 682. They will spot D-9341 and they will terminate him.

when SCP 106 is not contained the guards kill ya

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